Quote from Cool Matty:
If we ever do get a place with a stage, then we'll do that. But it's just physically impossible to do the layout you guys want with the size we're at.
Why don't we have the couch up front and center and go a few rows back and with the projects on the left and the right.
So there would be about four rows behind the couch that let's say have 8 columns of chairs. And then after that, have about 20-30 columns of ~20 rows (or whatever remains) of chairs behind that. Have two aisles which separate a left, middle, and right section. Surely there is a setup that can work to have an audience behind the runners instead of just saying it's not possible. For some reason, it really made the event seem like it had extremely low attendance on the feed. And when I went to SGDQ this past summer, it really felt like I wasn't even in the same room as them.