halfcoordinated, I'll put you on your_name_here's admin shift from midnight to 3am on Monday (so, tonight), is that okay? Also, both halfcoordinated and ZenicReverie, which roles specifically can you fill?
halfcoordinated, I'll put you on your_name_here's admin shift from midnight to 3am on Monday (so, tonight), is that okay? Also, both halfcoordinated and ZenicReverie, which roles specifically can you fill?
Missed orientation, so whatever I can pick up quickly. What're the current needs?
You can do any of the roles you want, ZenicReverie. There's donation station (admin), donation reading (host), and the tech station. Note that all of the shifts are filled up, so you'll be a backup.
Also, for whichever roles you'd like to help out with, we'll have you watch the orientations (which we filmed) and read the google doc before starting.
I was originally supposed to arrive yesterday, but due to flight cancellations the earliest I can make it in is Tuesday at this point. Shouldn't matter in regards to my volunteer slots as I'm not scheduled until Friday/Saturday, but figured I should update.
I viewed the google doc/orientation video online. Should I still track you down when I arrive or is that sufficient?
Do please check in with me when you arrive, just so I know that you're here. As for the orientation, you don't need to watch it again, but check out the google doc again before you start your shift. It should be up on the donation stations.
Updated the schedule links in the first post, and I will be printing both versions out. Again, you can find it by the donation station, or by finding me.
Just as a heads up, I'm recovering from a cold I got at MAGFest, but I will hopefully be back to normal by the time I arrive tomorrow, if not by when I am scheduled to admin/host. I'm listed under my real name (Bill Flint) and my times are as follows: