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A race between Simpol and JN would be epic.  Put it this way, most Zelda II categories are 1. Pro_JN 2. Simpol or 1. Simpol 2. Pro_JN.  And the only category not held by either of them is Any% No OOB where Arctic's SDA run is still the record.
I'm seeing a lot of games turned down because they are too obscure.  Is there room on the bonus stream for obscure games?  Seems that the bonus stream dies down a bit and might be a good place to showcase some of the runs we don't usually get to see at marathons.  I understand obscure games don't do well for viewers/donations, I'm just wondering what the effect of some of them on bonus stream would be.
Bonus stream is generally anything goes on a first-come first-serve basis.
Magical. Flying. Bathtub
Quote from honorableJay:
4. Batman Arkham Asylum [Estimate 2h30m for easy, 2h50m for hard] - Since Robosparkle put this game up, I'm down for a race. In fact, I am willing to buy him a copy of the PC edition just so we're on even grounds. I'm adding some extra time to the estimates due to setups and marathon luck during the Nightmare scenes.

Yay! We'll have to go to the game thread to discuss version differences at some point as I can't remember what I'd need to do differently.  Also I have an i5 laptop without a graphics card, so may need to work something out around the PC I use at the event if this gets in.

Quote from mikwuyma:
Batman: Arkham Asylum is better to run. I'll add it to the list for now. Does this game have some shortcuts like City?

It does have shortcuts, but they aren't as obviously glitchy like City, which is why I insisted on City last year.  Asylum is a lot more technical and looks more impressive during normal gameplay (which it is since you don't have nearly as much in the way of cheap OHKO attacks to abuse).  Also before you ask Jay's estimate is 20 mins higher than mine because I was accounting for an Xbox setup, whereas he's accounting for a PC race setup.  I'd say we're roughly even on skill atm (just wait until Jan though... Wink )
Update on E.T.: Christian Keilback told me he would be willing to lend a modded Atari for AGDQ, which would mean the tech issues would be no tougher than an NES.

And DrHoofington is also considering *donating* a modded Atari, which would not only solve that, but we could also put it up as a donation reward.
Quote from ShadowWraith:
Bonus stream is generally anything goes on a first-come first-serve basis.

Thanks Shadow, I wasn't super familiar with the logistics of the bonus.
so pro u don't even know
Quote from mikwuyma:
Ninja Gaiden pacifist: Maybe? We'll talk about it sometime.

I will ask Dxtr if we can start getting some NG pacifist races going so you can have some data to go off of.
Quote from mikwuyma:
firedragon764: I feel like if we wanted this game in a marathon, we'd want a skips run because he game isn't terribly fast or anything, so the skips would make it more entertaining.

I'd be open to doing a "skips" run of MK64 at AGDQ. Conservative ime estimate would be 35:00-40:00. I also have the fastest skips run at the moment at 32:11.77 (real time):

Twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/dntn31

Trying to think about donation incentives: The first thing that comes to mind is donations to determine character between Toad, Yoshi or Peach.
Edit history:
Countdown42: 2013-08-19 01:46:57 pm
Countdown42: 2013-08-19 01:45:37 pm
UA keep me in mind if you need another MURPH/Coolmatty for setting up, I'm qualified to touch expensive audio equipment

also this is totally not a double post about a game suggestion <_<
oh god how did I get here I can't forum

My twitch page is http://www.twitch.tv/Six_String_

1. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (PC) [Estimate 1:15:00] - This game is cool. Speed running is cool. Combine the two and you get quality entertainment. I'm still learning the run, but luckily, the rest is just optimization.
Stream : http://www.twitch.tv/meow_mixups

Only suggestion I have is...

Deus Ex Single Segment [50:00], although I think I can get close to the current segmented WR.

I've figured out a consistent way to clone glitch, and with a bit more studying on it, I may have level 4 legs from the moment I can install them.  There's some other minor route tweaks and improvements to the existing segmented run I'd like to include as well, but mostly nobody's done SS Deus Ex.
I'm new on this site, but I've been in the community for quite some time and I'm really happy that a marathon is happening in my area.

Here is the list of games I run and the estimates for them.

Mega Man Network Transmission 1:30:00
Minecraft (any console but prefer Xbox) 2:00:00
Kirby Squeak Squad 100% 2:00:00 any% 1:00:00

Even if you can't find time to let me run, I would like to go anyway if you would let me.
Edit history:
itsPersonnal: 2013-08-19 05:03:09 pm
itsPersonnal: 2013-08-19 04:56:10 pm
itsPersonnal: 2013-08-19 04:56:01 pm
itsPersonnal: 2013-08-19 04:48:43 pm
This is itsPersonnal (http://www.twitch.tv/itspersonnaltoo), here's what I offer for AGDQ 2014:

1. Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (Any%) [Estimate 1:35:00] - This game is a fast paced game with plenty of tricks, glitches, clips, little optimizations, etc. And it seems like a big childhood game for many.
Here is a trick video, I hope it will show that rejecting a game solely based on it being a Spongebob one is silly:
Claimh Happy
You don't need to pitch games for bonus stream
Hi guys,

twitch channel: twitch.tv/5upamayne

Games I'm offering , I'll guarantee to go as much YOLO as possible!:

1. Pokemon Fire Red Round 2 (EST 4:45:00): Arguably the best pokemon category where you need to defeat the elite four twice but inorder to beat it the second time you need 60 pokems. Great for donation incentives and is an amazing watch.

2. Pokemon Crystal Glitchless Any% (EST 3:50:00): The goal is to beat all 16 gyms and Red in the final battle. I've done Gold in the MegaMarathon before (which I have WR in) and was extremely pleased with the results but believe Crystal would be more entertaining (mainly because its faster).

3. Pokemon Yellow Glitchless Any% (EST 2:45:00): Supposedly the hardest pokemon game to complete in single segment, the amount of things that could go wrong are more than just a handful. Very entertaining run which I get the best feedback on with my stream.

Thanks for the consideration. BTW I will be going hard 100% either way in Pokemon Fire Red Round and Crystal in September and you can look at my previous runs for skill confirmation <3.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Page 14, just replying to the game requests. Tongue


Portal 1: Yeah I know you've practiced hard at this game and a race could be really cool. Added.

Portal 2: We'll have to sort out who does the co-op run later, but for now you're added.

Rocket: Already rejected this earlier.

Omegasins: This might be an underrated platformer, but licensed games generally don't do well, with certain exceptions like Batman.


Metal Warriors: Really good game with some glitches, but it's mostly forgotten today. No.

Zero the Kamikaze Squrrel: It's fast-paced, but it's obscure and not well-known. It also doesn't strike me as an awful game. No.

Kendo Rage: Yeah this could easily fit in WTF Japan or AwfulGDQ. Added.

Suikoden II: As you said, already declined.

Legend of Mana: I feel that Secret of Mana is the stronger Mana game, so I'm going to decline this one.

Paradox Karl:

I'll just cover your latter two points.

0 star: Ouch, that doesn't look marathon safe at all. I'll have to reconsider.

SM64DS: Yes, playing SM64 on a d-pad sounds bad, but the game doesn't look awful/weird or off-beat in any way. The game is still Mario 64, just a bad version of the game.

Gerfuggery/Jorf: I'm putting your name on the schedule as Jorf. If you'd prefer Gerfuggery, then just speak up.

Kid Icarus: Hmmm, this game does have some new tricks and Kid Icarus did go through a revival. At the very least it's worth considering, adding it to the list.

Chameleon Twist 2: Like the first game, too obscure.

A Boy and his Blob: I don't feel like this is a great race game. We'd either want someone to explain what the hell is going on, or just laugh at the nuttiness.

Octodad: I think we should save the hype for when Dadliest Catch is out.

Indiana Jones: Already rejected, but in case if you didn't see it. Indy games haven't caught on like Star Wars games have in the commnity, and if we're gonna go with something lucasarts, I'd say Star Wars.


Jett Rocket: I don't really know this game, maybe show a video? Wiiware games in general don't seem to be too popular though.

Red Steel 2: The Red Steel games aren't really highly-regarded games. I also haven't seen much reception for these games in the speedrunning community.

Xenoblade Chronicles: Yeah it seems like this game is at least a cult-classic, like some of the other later Wii RPGs, but I don't think the fanbase is as strong as Mario RPG games, SoM, or Chrono Trigger.

FFXIII-2: Again, FFXIII games have very mixed love/hate reactions, and there's not a lot of donation incentives going on with the games.


Fusion: I'd say it's a bit too soon for Fusion again. I think 1% should make a reappearance sometime, but not now.

Metroid Zero Mission: Definitely good as a backup in case Dragondarch can't make it or low% proves too marathon unsafe. I think 100% is too long as a bonus game/category.

saintmillion: I already rejected JSR. If we're gonna try a game, then it should be the sequel IMO.


1. Terranigma is a great game, but I'm not convinced it's a great watch. It probably has cult popularity (despite being import-only for US gamers), but there's a ton of forced grinding in this game and it's quite long.

2. Yeah Evermore is definitely fun to watch, but at the same time what would be different from the SGDQ run? Also, Metasigma brought the hype

3. Mega Man Unlimited is a very good fangame, but we already have a ton of Mega Man and I'd rather focus on the official games.

wexcelsior: I'm not really convinced that Wii U games have caught on in popularity yet. We also have a really strong Mario lineup right now and I'm not entirely convinced this game is as strong as the current games in the lineup.

Tigger77: Well you're no longer the record holder, but I have faith you'll practice it or tell me if you can't. Putting you on the list for now.


Super Mario Kart: This is definitely a faster-paced Mario Kart game, and you are the best. Putting it on the list, but I'm bumping the estimate up to 40 minutes to account for setup and mistakes.


Super Metroid: You're in. We'll have to figure out who is racing closer to the event because pulling off a 4-way race is not feasible.

Alien Soldier: Put you on the list, but I'm not convinced this is a great race game because of how much RNG there is with the bosses. Also original MD cartridge is not cheap. Shocked

Shinobi 3: Definitely a fun game, but it didn't get a great reaction when I played it at AGDQ 2012. It's a pretty good speedrun game, but it's not as well-remembered as Ninja Gaiden. Sad Also, like you said, there's a fair amount of auto-scrollers.

Revenge of Shinobi: I like this game, but it's very slow-paced and not terribly marathon safe (though you can play conservatively with Ikazuchi). Also, bosses alone aren't enough to carry something for a WTF Japan block. The entire game has to be WTF.

About your schedule, I'll take that into consideration when scheduling games. I assume that means you can only make it for the earlier days of the marathon?


Q.U.B.E.: I watched this run and it was definitely hype SwiftRage. The game itself doesn't seem terribly exciting though, a bit like a portal clone but without all the crazy skips.

Quantum Conundrum: I don't know how this game would work as a race, but I'll put you down for now.

iTTLE Dew: Too obscure, sorry.
Balls jerky
Wouldn't be an AGDQ games thread if Mike didn't reject my offering of Alex Kidd in Miracle World (SMS). 20:00 plus a donation choice of whether Alex eats a rice ball or hamburger between stages! (using the cart or built in version of the SMS 2) Haven't streamed in like 2 years, but who cares? This is just formalities.
Haters gonna hate
Quote from dballin:
Wouldn't be an AGDQ games thread if Mike didn't reject my offering of Alex Kidd in Miracle World (SMS). 20:00 plus a donation choice of whether Alex eats a rice ball or hamburger between stages! (using the cart or built in version of the SMS 2) Haven't streamed in like 2 years, but who cares? This is just formalities.

My name is Breakdown, and I approve this game suggestion.  Mike's still gonna cut it, but a guy can hope.
My feelings on The Demon Rush

LoZ: A race is worth considering, added it to the list.

Gyruss: It's pretty obscure and if we tried a shmup for a marathon I think it should be something danmaku like Cave or Touhou (and that's a stretch).

Monopoly: Maybe as a bonus game? Could be pretty funny. Putting it in the bonus games section.

NES Open: Golf has never been the most exciting sport and I don't think playing a video game of it would change.

Mario Kart Wii: It looks like people would rather do a serious run.

stri_: I'll consider Glover for a race, since I think it could be a good watch as a race. Also Heeheex2 gave you the okay.

Danshow: Power Rangers SNES is a fun game but not exactly standout material either. No.

Immafatguy: DuckTales Remastered is the game that's getting the attention, and I think that's the game we should focus on.


Batman Returns: This game is indeed awful and does not overstay its welcome. Added.

Golden Axe: This is a pretty short and funny game, and could fit well with DDSoM. Adding it to the list.

Vampire: We'll have to figure this one out.

Batman: AA: Honestly, I'm wary of having a race this long. It could maybe work for one or two games, but the problem with longer races is a bigger chance of it being a blowout. I'd rather go with the better player on this game.

CarNage64: Already rejected FFVII.

Golden: Driar is really obscure and hasn't really generated a lot of hype in the speedrun community like Streemerz (nor does it have the movement/tricks). No.

InternetExplorer6: The highlight video was good, but I wasn't sure if it was representative of the game, so I decided to watch your 1-lap melon run that you have in your highlights. There was some cool risky stuff in it, like how you handled the lava near the end of the second level, but in the end there's a lot of running around collecting melons, and it's not a terribly exciting watch (though it is a better watch than any%). I consulted with some people, one who played the game as a kid, and another person who didn't know the game, and they both agreed with me.

just_defend: What's your PB? Josh has set the bar really high, and he crushed the CV games last year. I need to know you are serious about this game before considering putting it on the list.

GearlessRobot: Mother 3 definitely has a cult following ont he basis of being a Mother game, but at the same time I don't think this one has quite the following Earthbound has since it's JP-only, and we have a good rpg lineup already.


Ducktales remastered: AGain, we'll have to figure out who actually runs this in a couple of weeks to a month.

Skylanders: No, way too long for a later Spyro game, which seem to be the less popular ones.

Mega Man X4: Sneaky already has this covered and he's one of the best at the game.


Brave Fencer Musashi: Is this a cult-classic? Probably, but it's also like you said, a very straight forward run and not a lot of tricks. Good game, but I'm not convinced it's a good watch. Going with no.

Threads of Fate: Too obscure.

Gunstar Heroes: already rejected this and that is a super high estimate for normal difficulty.


Cocoron: Watched a bit of this game and I think this game could be wtf japan block material. It's a quirky and weird game that doesn't overstay its welcome.

Kirby: Eh this game is fun to do at times, but it's also not a super stand-out game.

Harvest Moon: Hah.

gamercal: After some consideration and watching some of the Touhou runs, I think it's best that we actually go with the proper Touhou game, Double Spoiler, and see how reactions to that are. We've played some of the more well-known fan-games already so why not try out the real thing? In other words, no to your games.


Portal 2: I think Co-op is the best choice for this game. We'll have to sort out exactly who plays later.

DK64: As a bonus game race could work, but I'm not really seeing it work otherwise.

Portal: We'll have to see who is the best, because there's no way we're going to set up a 3-way PC race, that's just too much hassle.

Pootrain: I'll have to see how you compare to Striker.

Slade: This is worth considering since the all bosses run did well at SGDQ this year, and the all skips run is pretty crazy.

OrangePledge: What's your PB? I'm not 100% sure about having Jak as a race, tbh.
Edit history:
Sh0rtCircuit: 2013-08-20 10:40:38 pm
Sh0rtCircuit: 2013-08-20 10:38:26 pm
Sh0rtCircuit: 2013-08-19 08:56:11 pm
Quote from mikwuyma:
Brave Fencer Musashi: Is this a cult-classic? Probably, but it's also like you said, a very straight forward run and not a lot of tricks. Good game, but I'm not convinced it's a good watch. Going with no.

Most of the tricks are fairly recent, with more hopefully to come. I will agree that it probably isn't a great watch, but for those that haven't seen it before, the latter half may be...fairly exciting. Regardless, I tried. Thanks for the consideration. Cheesy

EDIT: You know what, I'm going to ask for a reconsideration on this. It's a unique game with some amazing music. Despite not having a lot of things to exploit, there are still some impressive sections as the game likes to mix up the play style, from heavy Action-Adventure to heavy platforming. My PB is currently 3:19:50 RTA, which is drastically lower than the current SDA run by Deadsticks. Nixing the Mother Minku%, the estimated time would be 3:30:00.

Don't forget to DANCE OR DIE!!!
Dogi the wallcrusher
I would be up for some DANCE OR DIE in the marathon
so wondering since all 3 ideas was shot down and i understand 2 of them but wondering if i lower the time for skylanders could it have a chance since i know it can be shortened?
Quote from Wallcrusher:
I would be up for some DANCE OR DIE in the marathon

I like this guy already. Dance that chick to death.
Edit history:
TenShots: 2013-08-19 08:51:26 pm
TenShots: 2013-08-19 08:48:51 pm
TenShots: 2013-08-19 08:47:40 pm
TenShots: 2013-08-19 08:47:18 pm
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/tenshotstv

I Wanna Be The Guy (Glitchless) [Estimate 40:00]
PB/Record [28:54] - http://www.twitch.tv/tenshotstv/c/2564772

I'm still unsure as to whether or not I can make it out to AGDQ. Posting here since there is a possibility. If I can't, we still have Yagamoth there!
Immafatguy: DuckTales Remastered is the game that's getting the attention, and I think that's the game we should focus on.

Just thought it would be cool to see the old and the new. Not even sure if I can make it out there just yet, just throwing the idea out.
