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IrregularJinny: 2013-08-18 11:59:09 am
IrregularJinny: 2013-08-18 11:58:21 am
Infinite Combo
I just hope I can get one game for this marathon that isn't a race :x but oh well.

My Twitch Page: http://TWITCH.TV/IRREGULARJINNY (Yes I made the switch so PEOPLE can find me)

1. Mega Man X3 (Mega Man X Collection PS2)

The True Low% (EST: 35min) Current WR Holder is Me. (WR:25:43)
I've already shown Uyama this and sort of made this category known, and seeing as I know Zewing is coming,
my hope is that this might pitch in as a extra X3 run like OOT last AGDQ, thats my only hope I guess for this run
if People want to see how X3 gets destroyed.
(if I dont get in on anything else, this thing is the dream to be. and the only game I wanna run really bad for agdq.)
Previous WR Video if anyone is interested. Knowing EVERYTIHNG kills you its still a fun game, but i have no idea how the response is for this game
since its fairly newbreed

2. Mega Man X

100%  EST: 40/45min? (PB:37:56)
race? Caleb? Zewing?

3.Mega Man X2

Any% EST:45min (38:42)
I guess for the sake for a race?
Hello. I have some more classic megaman to offer. My stream is http://www.twitch.tv/checkers3469/

Mega Man 3 any% (NES) [Estimate: 45:00] It might not be the flashiest Mega Man game but it is one of the most well-regarded ones and has some hard tricks that look impressive when pulled off. My PB is 35:59, average runs around 37:00-37:30.

Mega Man 4 any% (NES) [Estimate: 50:00] My personal favorite, this is a fun run because of all the balloon tricks. My PB, 38:20 is up for verification on SDA right now. An average run is around 40 mins.
Edit history:
MC Gamer: 2013-08-17 11:28:36 pm
MC Gamer: 2013-08-17 04:06:34 pm
Sometimes fast.
Stream Page: http://twitch.tv/SuperMCGamer

1. Zelda's Adventure [Estimate 2:00:00] - An amazing candidate for Awful Games Done Quick. Run could be as fast as 1:20:00. Really fun, rare and hilarious game I have been running for almost a year now. I can give some excellent commentary to this game.

2. Yoshi's Island [Estimate 1:50:00] - High technical game, showing off the full new route with warps. Probably something more for bonus stream, because we need to see Trihex's 100% much more than this.

Contact me if you need any proof of practice, or anything of the sort. Thank you.

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (Special Edition) - Co-Op Classic with neskamikaze
Think Tony Hawk 1, 2, and 3 but with 2 people covering all that ground. Very fast. I almost want to say All Goals is the only proper way to run it because any% would be over so quickly.
Estimate: 0:12:00

DuckTales: Remastered
Like a lot of others, I'm offering this one. Totally fine with playing on Expert despite the risk since it has some very useful death warps in a couple levels.
Estimate: 0:45:00

Dishonored (PC): The short range teleport ability, Blink, makes Dishonored runs extremely fast paced, visually interesting, and allows for the ability to clip through almost every wall in the game. I hold WR in every category but Any%, FearfulFerret has that by 8s.

*Any% [50:00] A fairly straightforward category. Probably the least interesting but it's short and displays the quickest way through every mission.
*100% [1:50:00] My favorite category, this shows of every secret as well as every gorgeous area in Dishonored. It is even more fast paced than Any% and has quite a few more OOB and wall clipping glitches.
*Non-Lethal/Ghost [1:10:00] The most difficult and also probably the most impressive category. No less fast paced than Any%, and with a few more glitches, this category is, I think, the best suited to AGDQ

FEZ (PC): An extremely charming 2D/3D puzzle platformer with great art and music. A game-breaking long-jump trick allows platforming sections and entire puzzles to be skipped. A relaxed but quite entertaining speedrun.

*Any% Clockless [40:00] The most run category due to controversy over the clock-tower. A very short and sweet run showing which 32 cubes are the fastest.
*209.4% [1:55:00] The 100% category with a cool name due to the interesting way % is tracked in FEZ. This run has the most glitches and long-jump exploits by far and shows off the entirety of this wonderful game.
Edit history:
dxtr: 2013-08-17 03:54:59 pm
dxtr: 2013-08-17 03:54:56 pm

1. Batman
Estimate: 20min

2. Ninja Gaiden Any%
Estimate: 20min

3. Ninja Gaiden Pacifist% Race vs. Sinister1 [Donation Incenitive]
Estimate: 30min

Hopefully I can persuade Arcus to attend and make it a race. That would be something, but if not, im doing this solo.
But i shouldnt say never. Im willnig to make it a race on both of the games. (Funkdoc, Sinister, Cyghfer, Duckfist)
Edit history:
Blood Thunder: 2013-08-18 04:59:51 am
Blood Thunder: 2013-08-18 04:04:56 am
Blood Thunder: 2013-08-18 04:03:24 am
Blood Thunder: 2013-08-18 03:44:44 am

1. BioShock - Any% - [Estimate 1:00:00] - A pretty popular game series, with some very big skips and tons of technical aspects that make for an interesting watch. I've run this game for a few different charity marathons and there has always been a positive reaction. (I hold the WR for this game)

2. BioShock 2 - Any% - [Estimate 1:50:00] - This game focuses more on optimizing the route/fights rather than on a few big skips. I'm actively trying to improve this time and should see the time come down quiet a bit before the marathon. Recently been working on/finding ways to skip the parts where you have to stand around at the end of levels. (I hold the WR for this game)

3. BioShock infinite - Any% - [Estimate 2:25:00] - Relatively new game with a large fan base. Some very big skips and quite a bit of deathwarping. This is another game I'm actively trying to work on to bring down the time.

4. Quantum Conundrum- Any% - [Estimate 1:00:00] - Very fast puzzle game with tons of skips and tricks. Has a very similar feel to portal but very different puzzle/game mechanics that allows for tons of abused physics. Very fast paced after the short intro and I've run this for a few charity streams and had pretty good reactions for a game that not too many people know about. Since It's a bit more unknown than most games, here's my wr run for any need reference: http://www.twitch.tv/bl00d_thunder/c/2627273

-All Collectibles. [Adds another 5-10 minutes on the run] Have to collect 24 different items throughout the game, changing the routing for certain rooms and adding in a part of the game that otherwise gets skipped [And a deathwarp]
(I hold the WR for this game, both categories)

5. Kairo - Any% -[Estimate 30:00] - An indie puzzle game that has very very fast paced movements. This game is relatively new in terms of speedrunning but the small community that have picked it up are continuing to find new mechanics/skips/optimizations. (I hold the WR for this game)  Another bit more unkown game, so another video reference: http://www.twitch.tv/bl00d_thunder/c/2740615

As far as I know, none of these games have every been in a GDQ marathon before. All times have a pretty decent sized buffer for setup since they're on PC.
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Ryxos: 2013-08-17 03:38:14 pm
Twitch page: http://www.twitch.tv/ryxos

1. Paper Mario Sticker Star [Any% Estimate - 4:30:00]

Has a few interesting tricks but is mostly optimization and execution. People seem to generally enjoy watching the run and it certainly stirs up conversation for the chat. Could easily be put into AwfulGDQ.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening [Any% No S+Q Estimate - 1:50:00]

An amazing game that I feel needs a lot more love. There are definitely people better off to do this run than myself, but I would love to see it in a GDQ. Can do donation incentives for filename.

My name is MorKs and this is the game I want to present at AGDQ2014

Donkey Kong Country 3 (any%) [Estimate : 1 hour] :
I have the best video proof existing for this category and I know this from the bottom of my heart. The donations incentives would be : File Name, glitches show after and a themed gift/creation.

It's been a long time since DKC3 was in a marathon and I think it would be cool to have the entire trilogy this time! Smiley

Also, shoutouts to my friend Pappy who is probably the best Conker's Bad Fur Day active speedrunner! Hope he makes it! Smiley
Sorry for the twitch link, here it is : http://www.twitch.tv/MorKsQC
My Twitch Stream is http://www.twitch.tv/bl00dybizkitz
I stream pretty often as well.

My few offers for AGDQ 2013:

1. Kingdom Hearts II any% [estimate 4:35:00] - Both SpikeVegeta and I have been pushing this game hard recently and the hype has continued to grow. Me and Spike have also talked about racing this at AGDQ, and the chat blows up every time we mention it, so a race between me and Spike would probably yield the best results. We also run 2 different routes, so it might be cool to see how the different routes stack up against each other when they're shown side by side. Donation Incentives - Disney singalong Duet with me and Spike? Cheesy

2. Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream, Drop, Distance any% [estimate 3:30:00] - One of the newer KH installments, so fans might be more familiar with it. I already own all the equipment necessary to run the game, so less technical hassle. It's also a bit faster than other games in the series, my PB beats the final boss at 3:06:08. The flow motion mechanic makes for very fast and fluid movement, and the gameplay is very similar to KH BBS if that gives you an idea.
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/denderend

1. Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii, any%, race vs. Spikevegeta) [estimate 1h50m]

ESA meets GDQ. My run for ESA13 was very well received. DKCR is an attractive and
fast paced game. A race between me and Spikevegeta will be very exciting since we are
nearly equal in skill now, and when AGDQ starts, it could be a real nailbiter.
Edit history:
Joka: 2013-08-18 01:14:58 am
Joka: 2013-08-17 04:37:35 pm
Joka: 2013-08-17 04:08:47 pm
Joka: 2013-08-17 04:03:40 pm
Joka: 2013-08-17 04:03:04 pm
Joka: 2013-08-17 03:57:40 pm
Joka: 2013-08-17 03:54:57 pm
Joka: 2013-08-17 03:53:14 pm
Joka: 2013-08-17 03:52:54 pm
Joka: 2013-08-17 03:52:08 pm
Personal text
Might as well offer some games.
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/jokaah

Little Nemo: The Dream Master (NES) EST: 30 min - Wonderful Capcom game with awesome music, art and platforming. May or may not include zips. I have the current record for this.
Mega Man 10 (Wii), Bass/Proto Man EST: 40 min - Something I've been working on lately. I know MM10 has been in pretty much every *GDQ so far, but people might enjoy Bass or Proto Man. Donation war?
Darkwing Duck (NES) EST: 20 min - Classic disney game. I have the current record.
Rockman 7 Famicom (PC) EST: 50 min - 8-bit version of Mega Man 7. Pretty fun game and differs a bit from MM7 (no quick kills, all bosses available from start, no intro stage, etc..). I don't have high hopes for this one actually making it in.. but I love playing it Tongue
Mega Man 5 (NES) EST: 50 min - I did this at ESA, it went pretty OK. It's definitely a game I wouldn't mind putting more time into. Go go, classic Mega Man block?
Edit history:
spikevegeta: 2013-08-17 08:19:22 pm
spikevegeta: 2013-08-17 08:19:13 pm
spikevegeta: 2013-08-17 08:18:34 pm
spikevegeta: 2013-08-17 06:36:19 pm
spikevegeta: 2013-08-17 03:57:41 pm
spikevegeta: 2013-08-17 03:56:59 pm
spikevegeta: 2013-08-17 03:56:47 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/spikevegeta

1. Kingdom Hearts 2 (Estimate: 4:35:00)
-I'm bringing in over 1000 viewers on twitch when I'm making attempts.
-Combat has changed SOOOOO much in the past year with the KH speed running community blowing up
-Race Vs. BB would be hype, Guaranteed to be close.
-7 Disney Songs to be donated for that BB and I could sing during the Auto-Scroller Gummi Missions.
-$10,000 Donation Incentive for a blind Sephiroth Fight.(I would do it solo)

2.Donkey Kong Country Returns(any% Race Vs. Partystar) (Estimate: 1:50)
Pretty much what Partystar just posted. It's his only game, and he said he would like to race me. I understand the game has been done a lot lately, but a race for it is SOOOO much better, and our skill level is and PB's are VERY close now. I understand if it might have to take a break though.

Also to note, I won't be getting to AGDQ until the night of the 9th, so any games that I might get would have to be scheduled for then. Figured I would let you know since that would shorten the window I could run games, leaving me with the 10th and 11th.
My stream page: http://www.twitch.tv/vortale

I play too many DOS and Windows games. Here's what I'd like to offer:

Jazz Jackrabbit 1 (0:40:00): This is the main 6 episode experience, so none of the expansion episodes that came with the CD (though we could do donations for them). A fairly safe game to run as you can jump to any of the 6 episodes if something goes wrong, but it shouldn't.

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (0:30:00): With the secret files, there could be donation incentives for the 3 characters to play as, as each one has a unique run due to their unique skills, or lack thereof. There are also a lot of nice skips and tricks that aren't in the current SDA run.

Hexen (0:45:00): A nice Doom engine title. Although the game could be done in about half an hour, there are a couple of dangerous strats that could add between 5 seconds to 5 minutes to a run. Possible donation incentives for which of the 3 classes I play as.

Doom (0:40:00): I imagine there are a lot of people who may want to run this game already, but I enjoy running Doom and it's one of those classics that get a lot of hype, and it goes hand in hand with Hexen. If no-one else can run it, I'd gladly step in.

Jill Of The Jungle (0:10:00): Only the 1st Episode, but I think that's more than enough. The sound effects alone make this game amazing and worth the viewing time. It's another DOS classic that people seemed to love playing back in the day.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
My stream page: http://www.twitch.tv/rudyxx

1. Haunting Ground (1:35:00) This game's constant fear of being chased leaves viewers on the edge of their seats. I always have a few people say at the end of my runs, "That was really intense". I always try to hype up the idea that I'm probably going to die at any moment, but I've been speedrunning the game for over 5 years so unless I'm using YOLO strats, it's actually a very marathon safe game. I don't have a whole lot of followers on Twitch, but this is what I've earned most of them from playing. Donation insentives could be for costumes.

2. Radiata Stories (Human Path) (6:15:00) Since I don't always play the entire thing at once, I typically don't stream this. But when I do, for the first few days afterwords I'll get a dozen or so messages from people asking when I'm going to stream it again. This game seems to be very popular with the French crowd, so it might be worth it since the French restream seems to be a hit. It's also a very entertaining run to watch despite being an RPG. All of the characters are very interactive in their dialog and the game is really silly so seeing it play as you mash through the text often creates some funnier looking scenes. Possible that donations could go for a girl for the date scene, but that would add another 30 minutes to the time.

3. Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure (3:00:00) This game always seems to pull people from the woodwork that really love this game. I'm not really sure how to sell this game other than if I get selected to play it at AGDQ, I'll be cosplaying as Cornet for the run. Which could make for some crazy shenanigans. If Zastbat wants to run this game, I'm ok with that, but I probably would be a lot less willing to cosplay. Also donations for sing-a-longs.

4. Megaman Legends (1:15:00) (if JMC is there and wants to run this game, I'm ok with that) This game has a few interesting clips and skips that always suprise people that are familiar with the game. Currently I only know the Easy mode route, but would be willing to learn the Hard or Normal mode routes. Hard mode however is not exactly marathon safe and I would have to add another 10 or 15 minutes or so to the time just to be safe.
Edit history:
andrewg: 2013-08-17 04:32:23 pm
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/andrewg1990

Super Mario Bros. (Any%) [10:00]
This is a short run that I think many people have enjoyed having in the marathon.

Super Mario Bros. (Warpless) [30:00]
This run is done using Fire Mario. It is relatively short and makes for an entertaining run.
Dogi the wallcrusher
Hello, I don't stream too much but here's my page - http://www.twitch.tv/wallcrusher

1. The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang (J) [Estimate 1:30:00] - A cute little Japanese children's rpg with really nice music. My runs tend to be in the 1:15:00 range. Could possibly come up with donation incentives and I have spare boxed copy as a prize. Pretty laid back and I have some grinding sessions that can be used for donation reading.
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chessjerk: 2013-08-18 12:57:12 pm
My stream: http://www.twitch.tv/chessjerksda

One game to offer: Final Fantasy Tactics (4:30:00). Having practiced RTA's for a few months on my stream shows me that I was wrong to offer this game before I actually attempted running this single segment, since the route is different and (thanks to theclaude) many improvements have been found over my current segmented run on SDA. My current best time is 4:19:54 with much improvement yet to be made with more practice as I attempt to beat claude's world record of 4:08:12.
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tjp7154: 2013-08-17 04:36:29 pm

1. Super Mario Bros.:  The Lost Levels.  This is the Super Nintendo version of the original Famicom Super Mario Bros. 2 sequel that
      was included in Super Mario All-Stars, called the "Lost Levels".  It is notoriously tougher than the original game. 

Here are some options:

              A. All Levels (Time estimate: 50 min.).  I've consistently gotten 45 min. or less every time I've practiced it. 
                  This includes the special levels, which are even HARDER than the normal levels.

              B. All Levels, up to 8-4 (Time estimate: 30 min.).  Same thing as option (A), but without the special levels

              C. With Warps (Time estimate: 16 min.)  An even shorter version; uses warps, goes up to D-4.  Optionally, it can
                  even be shortened to end at 8-4 instead of D-4 (Time estimate: 10 min.)

                Donation war:  For every category, there could be a donation war to choose which player I play with:  Mario or Luigi.  Luigi
                                          jumps higher, but is harder to control.

EDIT: Also worth considering is:  if andrewg can come, we can race one of the shorter categories...
Edit history:
Saint Connor: 2013-08-17 05:18:45 pm
My Stream Page: http://www.twitch.tv/saintconnor

Blasto Any % (00:45:00) - It seems a lot of people are intimidated by this game because of its "randomness", but I want to show that it's not as random as people like to think, especially when it comes to the clip glitches and the final boss fight. There are a lot of death abuse strats and some minor safe strats as well, but all in all it's pretty straight forward. The flood glitch that affects stages 4-7 I think is very entertaining and people would get a kick out of it. Hopefully I can get more interest in the game as well as get some new people into it as I feel it is very "noob friendly". Also, a donation incentive could be the Any % Warp Route that I've been working on a bit that can be seen here (would be about 20 min to complete this).
Edit history:
Whatsoup: 2013-08-17 04:25:51 pm
Whatsoup: 2013-08-17 04:25:29 pm
just terrible
Hi everyone!

My stream page: http://www.twitch.tv/whatsoup

Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie (2:15:00) : A game I picked up out of boredom that turned out to be a seriously hype speedgame. I currently have the record at 1:55:02 (video: http://www.twitch.tv/whatsoup/c/2730209). The game encourages lots of commentary, particularly at the end where several cool sequence breaks are located.
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/spudlyman

1. Spyro 2 - 40 Orb (1:05) This game is definitely my favorite speedgame. 40 Orb is like the "Get the intended Boss Door requirement" category. It is the best Spyro 2 'marathon run' because routing is flexible - any hard tricks can be skipped on the spot if the are goin' poorly, with minimal time loss. My buddy Totozigemm also offered this category, and if anyone gets it I'd rather it be him. A race would also be really awesome (our races are generally very close) but I understand the unlikelihood of that.

2. Crash 3 - Any% (1:05) This is the game I will be picking up shortly as another 'main' speedgame. I don't plan on having much difficulty getting to a much higher level than I am atm with this game. It's a fast paced game with constant movement tricks, Any% is quick, it was a staple for the PS1, and it has a fun spattering of 'goofy' levels. Shoudn't be a scary run for marathons, getting checkpoints minimizes most potential time loss.
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mikwuyma: 2013-08-18 03:57:48 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I realized I forgot to respond to Carc's games. Basically, I feel that having RE4 offered is a stronger offer in terms of entertainment and what viewers like than the RE games you offered, even though you'd be running them knife-only.

Page 3 stuff:

General_Beatrix: I love MGR. The question is whether new game+ is more entertaining for the glitches, or new game hard is better for having actual combat.


Metroid Prime - Prime is always nice. Smiley

SMB1 and 2 - Hmmmm, maybe as a bid war?

Pikmin 3 - This game is quite new and might be worth trying, I'll put it on the list for now.


1-3. I think the best way to handle this is have a race as a bonus game during this AGDQ. I'll put it in there for now.

4. I've heard this game has a lot of speedrunning tricks, but the big problem is that overall reactions to the game are pretty meh, and it doesn't have a large audience.


1. I don't think this game is held in high regard, especially compared to most of the classic games.

2. I put you down as a possibility for a race or solo run.

3. I've heard this is a great game, but I don't think DSiware games have a big audience in general.

4. It looks like Kuribon offered this game.

5. There's some fast-paced stuff in this game, but not a particularly strong offering in the X series, especiallly considering what other people are offering/are going to offer.

ZFG: I'll consider all dungeons along with bingo for OoT.

Nightsky: Yeah not really sold.

Caracarn: I know I've been considering the FF bid war, but I don't think it's a great idea in the end because it conflicts with the other incentives FF games have (character names for one).

FFX: Like you said, it's very long and doesn't have a lot of donation incentives. I know it's a well-liked FF game, but with all of the CG cutscenes and lack of donation incentives it could backfire and drag on.

FFVII: I'm aware this game is popular among ff fans (even if it's love/hate), but I prefer to rotate rpgs every 2 and a half-3 years so we don't reuse them too much.

FFVIII: What I said to FFgamer86, and what I mentioned about FFVIII

CriminallyVulgar: I think Spiderman got a decent reaction at SGDQ, but it doesn't strike me as a game with a ton of appeal for AGDQ.

TheFearowofTime: Still figuring out what to do with Monkey Ball. But you could definitely cover the SMB2 part of the bid war if that's the way I go.

Simpleflips:  No, the speedrunning fanbase doesn't directly intersect with the sci-fi/fantasy fanbase, and I don't feel like this is a strong game with a big audience among speedrun watchers.

keeta: I'll add this for now as part of the 3d Zelda group

Tetsuo9999: I'm sure SB3 is a good game, but it's not a series that's really caught on in the west.

Already told iongravirei no on Super House of Dead Ninjas.

PillsOfDeath: I don't feel like Okami needs to be done again so soon. There are cool tricks, but it doesn't look like the faster route is radically different.


Rondo of Blood is cool and a well-regarded CV game. I'll add it.

Socket: I'd have to watch a video to consider it for awfulgdq.


1. Mr. Driller games have some cult popularity, it might be worth trying this, adding for now.

2. I don't feel too strongly about this category one way or another, maybe if bingo/all dungeons falls through.

3. Bingo, again, depends on who comes and whether we decide on bingo or not.

4. I'd have to see how your time stacks up to cfox and the others if we have this as a bonus game.


Turok 2: No, there's definitely stronger FPSes being offered already.

Minecraft: I'll add this for now. I think this could be interesting considering how big minecraft is, but it also has potential to backfire because it has nothing that's in a normal game of minecraft.


SMG2: Sounds good. It would be cool if this game could get proper rep.

GX: Well apparently CGN did offer in a future page, so yeah.


1. I'll consider it. This game is popular and that video is pretty funny, but I haven't really seen a speedurn of the game. I will tell you that we won't be able to capture everyone's screen if this makes the final cut, two at most. That and we'll need to know the setup wayyyyyyyyyy in advance if we don't want to take a million hours like l4d2 setup did.

2. hahahah yes plz.

3. Eh I feel like if we try to fit in short games it should be something stronger, more well-known, or goofier.


Yes to X2 and X3.

Sonic Riders strikes me as a side game that didn't do so hot, or is terribly exciting, especially compared to the f-zero games that are being offered.

Star Fox Adventures: No, the game has some shortcuts and glitches, but it's too long for a game that has mixed reactions.

Secret of the Stars: AwfulGDQ stuff is generally an hour or shorter because we don't the games to wear out their welcome.


1. Very yes.

2. I'm not really sold on this game compared to the other mario rpg stuff. I feel like the console games are stronger offerings than the super star saga games.

3. In general not a fan of FG speedruns for a marathon. Beating of the AI is generally not very exciting.


1. I'll consider this along with the 4-player run.

2. Maybe as a potential bonus game? Probably not though.

3. Video? never heard or seen this game before.


No, I know MMBN games have their audience, but not as big as some other rpgs such as square enix games and the mario rpgs.


1. Glitched run yes, it's really funny. Maybe even as a bonus game?

2. Video? I don't know what this game is like.

3. No, too long, especially for such an obscure game.

4. Antichamber might be worth trying because it's very trippy and has a lot of shortcuts.


1. I think ani offered this for the last AGDQ, but he couldn't come. Definitely worth considering, putting it on the list.

2. Already rejected this earlier when nmaster64 suggested it.
Edit history:
smasher32: 2013-08-18 01:26:34 pm
smasher32: 2013-08-18 09:36:11 am
smasher32: 2013-08-18 09:31:06 am
smasher32: 2013-08-18 09:30:32 am
smasher32: 2013-08-18 07:54:38 am
smasher32: 2013-08-17 04:32:06 pm
I thought I posted this earlier, but I can't find my post. If this is a double post, I'll remove it.

Stream: http://twitch.tv/smasher32

1) Banjo Kazooie any% (N64, est: 1:50:00) - The 69 Jiggy Any%, created by me, is a relatively new category only being seriously run as of April 2013. An optimal route requires a low health maintenance, insane luck with the infamous Furnace Fun, and a frame/position perfect trick near the end of the game. Since BK any% is a new, unknown category, it would be great to give this a little more attention. As a donation incentive, Bottles Puzzles could also be included, which only takes about 10 minutes to finish.

And...that's the only game I got!

Edit: Stivitybobo just told me he posted to run 100%. If you can only pick one BK category, please choose him as he is much more suited to run the game than me. Besides, I'd rather commentate his run.