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NXRunner: 2012-01-23 10:03:59 pm
NXRunner: 2012-01-23 02:35:02 am
Novice Speedrunner
I realize that this is kind of nitpicky, and I don't know much about encoding and such so forgive me if this is misinformed, but why are some of the videos so insanely laggy? TMNTIV has TONS of sections (especially in the first ten minutes) where the sound will keep going but the video will stop for four or five seconds, and then you might get a chain of two or three of these. Is this due to a glitch in the recording process? CGDQ and AGDQ1 never had this problem, but starting with SGDQ and now this marathon videos often end up with worse lag in them than the original stream had. It hasn't been a complaint-worthy issue until now, but TMNTIV is nigh unwatchable due to the huge freezes in video feed, which sucks because from what I heard in chat after the fact it was a good run.

Is there any way to fix this? What changed in the way that the video footage was recorded that ended up recording any lag on your guys end as well? I know only a few videos are up, so I can't judge the whole batch yet, but I'm hoping some of the higher profile run videos won't run into this issue, since the stop-and-go makes it more common to miss tricks or fights, and it becomes difficult to enjoy the speedrun.

Edit: I've discovered that this was an issue with Quicktime adding in the strange lag (which it hasn't done before). The file runs fine in VLC. Sorry for the false alarm!
I don't have that issue at all. All the runs so far have been smooth for me.
Oops, forgot to add: The SGDQ videos were choppy in places because the DVD recorders weren't setup right for the first half or so. They had to use the recordings from JTV, if I remember right, which is why there was an issue.
Most of the runs (sans some of the PC games, Amazing Mirror,  and a couple of the races) should have high quality footage (from dvd recorders or otherwise) overlaid on top of the xsplit recordings, so if it's skipping at all it's likely a problem on your end, sorry.
Let me put it another way: If it has the game audio track available ("Game Audio on Track 2") and it's skipping, 99% chance it's on your end.
Novice Speedrunner
Quote from UA:
Let me put it another way: If it has the game audio track available ("Game Audio on Track 2") and it's skipping, 99% chance it's on your end.

I tested it in a few different players and found that Quicktime, which never had an issue with the files before, was indeed adding in the lag. When I ran it through VLC there was none at all.

Sorry for the misunderstanding folks!
Not a walrus
It might be worth investigating if other people are having issues playing the files back in quicktime. I'll check it on my work machine tomorrow.
Edit history:
SMK: 2012-01-24 07:56:18 am
Now working on Blast Corps, Mirror's Edge and Halo Reach.
wouldn't surprise me at all that slower windows machines can't keep up playing stuff in quicktime.
We seem to be missing the first 6 minutes of the mirror's edge race:

2012-01-06_144043305.1.avi contains the first bit of set-up, and then 2012-01-06_154101946.1.avi starts at 6:30ish into the race.

Is it just not on the site, or is the footage lost?
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UraniumAnchor: 2012-01-24 11:55:19 am
Not a walrus
I can check the xsplit recordings when I get home. Is the HQ gameplay footage still there?

Also, playing TMNT4_HQ worked fine here, but this work machine is also a quad-core i5, so maybe Quicktime just has issues on slower machines.

Vanquish should be up in an hour or so, my upload bandwidth at home is pretty blarg.
Is it just me or is there a visual glitch in Psychonauts HQ, right after the statid? It disappears before they leave the game's title screen, but still...

I didn't see any other errors, but I wasn't watching super attentively.
SEGA Junkie
Yeah, I went back and checked that a few times to make sure it wasn't just my player - it definitely is the video. Of course it's only like ten seconds (and no gameplay) so it doesn't really matter.

What was more amusing was the game stream appearing from underneath the overlay in the NG3 run. Tongue
Not a walrus
I'm not entirely sure what's causing that glitch at the start of psychonauts, but it seems to be even in the raw .flv when I play it directly so I don't think I can do anything about it. It just needs to find a keyframe, I guess.
Iha paska
Synced a bunch more up to Super punchout, Trio the punch seems to be still lacking the second stream (recognizable by the swapmagic splash appearing during the boot).
again, up to date list at:
Tomorrow will tell what will be the next batch of games for me.
Edit history:
SMK: 2012-01-24 03:03:58 pm
Quote from UraniumAnchor:
I can check the xsplit recordings when I get home. Is the HQ gameplay footage still there?

You mean the dvd recordings?  If so, yes, those are both intact.  Also, Mirror's edge is the hardest game ever to find sync points for.  Everything looks exactly the same!
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2012-01-24 07:54:45 pm
UraniumAnchor: 2012-01-24 07:54:14 pm
UraniumAnchor: 2012-01-24 07:16:43 pm
Not a walrus
There's a missing xsplit file for Mirror's Edge, I'll be uploading it shortly.

Edit: Hmm, there's no audio track on it for some reason... for some reason I'm remembering that I had to restart the stream because people were complaining about a lack of audio, does anybody remember this for sure?

Edit x2: It's uploaded now as 2012-01-06_153318944.1.avi, since the sync copy doesn't need the audio track anyway. I'll see if I can verify that it was broadcast without audio.
Balls jerky
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2012-01-24 08:37:35 pm
Not a walrus
Alright then, thanks dballin.

Edit: Ugh, Vanquish has completely fucked up audio sync, I'm going to have to look into this.
Novice Speedrunner
My computer is a five month old Macbook Pro running Mac OS X 7.0, so it's not a slow computer by far.

I've been testing other videos to see if is was just a Quicktime issue, but thus far only the SGDQ and AGDQ2 videos have a bad reaction to it, while CGDQ and AGDQ1 work like a charm.

Using VLC anyways in the meantime, which is fine, and the TMNTIV run is indeed good (SCROLLLLLLIIIIING).
Not a walrus
Well, SGDQ and AGDQ2 were encoded differently so it'd be nice to figure out why it's doing that, but nate would probably have to take a look at my workflow to really offer any thoughts.

In other news, a fixed Shinobi III run is available (no more stupid bobbing) and Vanquish is reencoding after what I hope is a sync fix. Should be able to start the upload when I wake up. Bed time.
Blast Corps:

xsplit : 2012-01-06_122356000.1.avi
dvd    : 24 Blast Corps.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
166203            60            'P' in 'PEACHES' is selected
186806            41265        First 'explosion' of black building with J-Bomb inside in Ebony Coast
205473            78600        Promotion to 'Expert Destroyer' (words just appear on screen)
225334            118324        Last character of 'You've got all it takes' etc...

Mirror's Edge (ddaanniieell) part 1:

xsplit: 2012-01-06_144043305.1.avi
dvd  : R5 Mirror's Edge.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
93076            13123        Sudden cut from demo

Mirror's Edge (ddaanniieell) part 2:

xsplit: 2012-01-06_153318944.1.avi
dvd  : R5 Mirror's Edge.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
2556              18968        Selects new game from the menu 
26393            42805        Last frame of this clip

Mirror's Edge (ddaanniieell) part 3:

xsplit: 2012-01-06_154101946.1.avi
dvd  : R5 Mirror's Edge.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
234              44324        City Fire?
25975            95806        Door to fist action (@21:04)
50274            144411        punching open another door (@34:34)
75752            195362        First frame of pole slide (@48:44)
99970            243793        Open revolving door (@1:02:12)
120117            284093        First full screen of credits (@1:13:14)
129583            303019        Last visible frame before it switches to Cody's screen
-- There's no more after this since the stream switches to just cody partway through the credits

Mirror's Edge (Cody) part 1:

xsplit: 2012-01-06_144043305.1.avi
dvd  : 25 Mirrors Edge.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
93960            3721          A distinct frame before the xsplit cutoff (no idea if you need this, there's a gap in the xsplit after this, and a gap in dvd footage before this...)

Mirror's Edge (Cody) part 2:

xsplit: 2012-01-06_153318944.1.avi
dvd  : 25 Mirrors Edge.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
2056              7299          Selects 'New Game'
26393            31637        Last frame of this clip

Mirror's Edge (Cody) part 3:

xsplit: 2012-01-06_154101946.1.avi
dvd  : 25 Mirrors Edge.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
1                32690        Start of the xsplit video (distint due to a hand animation)
26613            85911        Smash-cut within a cutscene
50671            134028        Hitting the emergency door override @ 38:48
73715            180120        Opening the red door @ 47:36
100639            233967        Hitting orange elevator button @ 1:02:35
129002            290690        Initial Explosion Frame of final cutscene

Halo Reach part 1 (part 1):

xsplit: 2012-01-06_154101946.1.avi
dvd  : 26 Halo Reach Pt1.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
139610            3390          First menu selection
142594            9364          Last frame of xsplit part

(There is a ~10 second gap in xsplit here)

Halo Reach part 1 (part 2):

xsplit: 2012-01-06_170031034.avi
dvd  : 26 Halo Reach Pt1.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
214              10480        UI blip for 'Locate distress beacon' appears
26240            62534        Exits scope (@15:13)
49735            109525        Level name departs from UI (no idea what level, @26:17)
77787            165636        Text to enter revenant (@43:53)
104569            219197        First frame of the first checkpoint of the space section (@58:46)
129683            269426        Start of the really hard level
158910            327880        Start of the level after the hard level
182088            374236        Start of the helicopter level (@1:41:53)
208106            426280        Enter warthog at end of first part of dvd footage

Halo Reach part 2:

xsplit: 2012-01-06_170031034.avi
dvd  : 26 Halo Reach Pt2.avi

xsplit      -    dvd    -    Description
210147            3365          'Fly by Night' text dissapears from screen (@1:57:29)
241410            65893        'Press X to pilot falcon' (2nd time in this level (@2:14:52))
266511            116095        'LatchKey' dissapears from the screen
305395            193869        'Hold X to open door' (@2:50:27)
345856            274790        Lens flare on last shot (@3:12:57)

Now working on SMB, SMB, SMW, and SMB3
Not a walrus
When you do super meat boy, if you could treat the switchover to widescreen as a separate segment, that would make things a bit easier for me.
Not a walrus
Good news: I think I have DVD stitching working, so runs that span multiple DVDs should be encodeable now. Yoshi's Island will be the first test.

More good news: I think I have XSplit stitching working too, so runs that are fragmented on xsplit should also work. Deus Ex will be the first test.

Some bad news: First off, I think the other side of Trio the Punch is lost, because nobody can find the footage anywhere. Somewhat related is that I have yet to get races with two sets of HQ footage working, but I think I'm close.

Some other good news: I have about 1MByte/sec up from my office connection, so uploads during the day should be relatively speedy. Vanquish IQ still took two and a half hours, though.
Not a walrus
If anybody else wants to help out, anything not marked as 'verified', if you could download them and make sure they keep audio sync all the way through (on both tracks, if they exist), I'd appreciate it.