I guess I could think up a few rare occations where this could be usable. Narrow hallways where you need a fiend to jump to a certain place. If you need the fiend out of the way, or something like that. Just make it jump for you then kill yourself and it will go thru you, and make room for the next guy.
It is of course forbidden to kill and respawn since this would create alot of route possibillities in interconnecting levels.
In a perfect (my?) world coop would be configured in such a way that the level didn't end until the last guy exited. But it's ok the way it is I guess...It's not like there's a heck of competition on coop runs. It's like Optic and Evan or Pif and Luc fall in the door after a heavy boozin session in town, and improve some demo with 3 minutes =)
Edit (again): Don't get me wrong: I appreciate good coops, and I'm often impressed by alot of coopruns. The skills of the players of course, but most of all the awesome coordination and cool tricks. I'm just saying that not many do coops. Like me...buhuu :-[
Unless of course someone like, oh...I don't know, Berg would invite me down there for a week-end of free booze and women, in which case I might be tempted to come over and make some kickass coops
heh kay... I'm not sure about having a raving mad norwegian over what's your connection like then? I can definately host games...though I'm very short for time at the moment (which is why you're not seeing many demos from me at the moment).
I'd probably have 200 ms ping to you Orbs, and something like 100 ms to Berg, so that rules me out as anything other than a supportive runner.
But I haven't had much time left for Quake lately either. Recently got a number of new games (Far Cry, Sacred, UT2004 etc), plus I've been playing some Warcraft 3. Just waiting for WoW right now. When that game ships, I'm not even gonna go to work =)
Just waiting for WoW right now. When that game ships, I'm not even gonna go to work =)
I'm afraid I will end up like this too, with the slight difference that I don't even have a job!! But nevertheless, this game will be the cause for many nights without sleep....
Are you member of a WoW guild btw? I need someone to play with
I dont think i'll ever try WoW .. why .. blizzard games can be tooo addictive, i went hard in warcraft2, harder in diablo and D2 has had me going on and off for 3 years. and i avoided starcraft ... sigh
also apparenlty you'd have to pay a monthly fee?? and fuck that for a joke. I'm sure it would be a great game though .. I think Blizzard are the gaming equivalent of world class drug dealers.