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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Would it be faster to get the ice rod and use it on the lanmolas?
Would it be faster to get the ice rod and use it on the lanmolas?

I'd seriously doubt that.
I don't know which route is considered the fastest at the moment, but I'm sure the Icerod is quite off it at that point.
If there isn't a way to skip getting the flute, grabbing the rod afterwards should be a lot faster as you can fly just in front of the entrance.

I'd seriously doubt that.
I don't know which route is considered the fastest at the moment, but I'm sure the Icerod is quite off it at that point.
If there isn't a way to skip getting the flute, grabbing the rod afterwards should be a lot faster as you can fly just in front of the entrance.

You definitely can't skip the flute as long as you have to go to Misery Mire.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hey im fairly new at speed runs... i recently got into them when i beat a link to the past in 2 days (whoa omg so fast i know) but recently i hav been doing a 100% speed run (not icluding upgrading bomb and arrow quantities... i dont think that is prt of the 100% run) anyways i do the 100% in about 2 and a half hours... a sub 1:40 speed run sounds do interesting... especially skipping some stuff that isnt necessary.... i know this isprlly the wrong place to post this... but reading most of your ideas i do them on my speed run... i have a fast run but ill need to beat the game a dozen or so more times before i can crack a 1:40
LttP runs are currently at a stalemate because Rodrigo has his 1:36 run and TSA has allegedly done a similar time, yet neither person is willing to submit their run. Currently any run above 1:36 will potentially be a complete waste of time as it could be superceded immediately.
Insert text here later
LttP runs are currently at a stalemate because Rodrigo has his 1:36 run and TSA has allegedly done a similar time, yet neither person is willing to submit their run. Currently any run above 1:36 will potentially be a complete waste of time as it could be superceded immediately.

Although, it could make people actually submit their runs, thus serving a very useful purpose for the community Smiley
I've contemplated this for a while, I reckon with some effort I could get 1:38ish based on my current knowledge. However, it would take a major time investment, time which I currently don't have, so I'd be tempted to settle for a slower (but still SDA time beating) run.  It would probably piss off the SDA staff if I threw out a half-arsed, slightly faster run just to get someone else to post their faster one (doubling the effort needed up update the site), which brings me back to the main dillema: should I do a good run and risk it being instantly beaten or do I do a relatively flawed run and see what happens? Or do I just do no run?
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Hi Madzombie!

No, we would certainly not get pissed off. We just want to see good runs and runs have even been put up (such as Radix for Circle of the Moon, Nate for Sonic 2) with the express goal of being a target to get beaten. Not to say that I really agree with this last bit, but if Sir VG can submit the same category of Actraiser 13 times to the site, I think you wouldn't be remiss to send just one "superfluous" improvement, especially if it is the best you can do.

Besides in this case, Rodrigo and TSA don't exist any more when it comes to SDA, so I don't think they will submit to beat a 1:38 anyway.
That's good to hear, as I said I have less time than I used to so I can't promise anything but it would be nice to see some action on the LttP front. I'll need to get back into practice though so I'll keep the idea on the backburner and maybe give it some serious thought over Easter. I'd basically be following the current route with some small modifications (fixed Misery Mire route for example) and just generally aim for things to go more smoothly. The big question is whether the current dungeon order is fastest or if leaving Skull Woods until after Misery Mire is better.
Hi! I realize this is an extreme long shot, but @Madzombie if you happen to see this, I'd love to chat with you about your ALttP accomplishments. Feel free to respond here or DM me on Discord (name foxlisk, DMs open) if you're open to it.