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The time has come.  Alex has held it for three months now, and it was next on my list.

So - from ALL the videos I've seen, I compiled this:

A Link to the Past Fastest Route

Madzombie’s Run:
1. On way back from getting Zelda, in room with two Green Soldiers, go right, don’t go down to the stairs.
2. On Armos, get close to the first one, then move UP and then LEFT.
3. Use alternate exit path on Lost Woods (watch his video)
4. Use alternate entrance path in woods west of Hyrule Castle (watch his video)
5. In Hyrule Castle, small ledge dark room, go UP at start.
6. In Ice Palace – in room with spinning fire and skulls, use Hookshot across.
7. Use Cane of Somaria in room before crossing to Trinexx

100% run tricks:
1. When exiting from Sahasrahla’s hut – once south of the Armos Knights, go LEFT, then DOWN.
2. Hookshot in Level 6 allows you to skip over hole in Cane of Somaria room.
3. In Skull Woods, go up earlier to the entrance past that hole.
4. Bomb jump across the holes to chest.
5. Try using arrows on Lanmolas.
6. Try using spin attack + sword on Mothula.
7. In Turtle Rock, ram the wall before the room with a chest key, rolling spikes, and crystal switch (before stairs to huge bottomless room).
8. Use Hookshot to be invincible.
9. In room in Ganon’s Tower where you last use Cane of Somaria, go to BOTTOM part and lift skull – key there.

1. Desert area - I know that you can dash STRAIGHT LEFT when you enter, then STRAIGHT UP. As for exiting, you can go STRAIGHT DOWN, then STRAIGHT RIGHT. All in dashes.
2. You can stand on the switch in the room 4 rooms before the Eastern Palace boss without killing the green guys, just walk to where the switch is and it'll activate, without you getting hurt.
3. Before getting to the Eastern Palace you can walk into the armos statue that blocks your path, get hurt, and walk through him while flashing from the damage. Saves the time taken to kill him.
4. In the Mountain Tower, turn the switch in the first room of floor 3 blue. This allows you to get through the next room slightly faster. The only downside is you block of the heart pots before Moldorm.
5. Faster route through the forest into Skull Woods, involving less distance and pegasus boots charges.
6. In Skull Woods you can take a shorter route through the room with the holes and the star switches by crossing diagonally across the top right gap after activating the first switch.
7. When you get the Big Key in Turtle Rock, instead of going down afterwards, go up and go back through the room on the left. It may not seem like it, but it saves around 6-8 seconds compared to going to the right room.
8. Pick up a key under a pot in the 2nd downstairs room of Ganon's tower. A 2 second detour that saves you having to kill 2 helmasaurs near the end of the dungeon. Also, if you have spare Silver Arrows, they can kill the Llanmolas in 1 hit each.
9. Skip the Blue Mail and Mirror Shield
10. Do Swamp Ruins before Misery Mire
11. Plant Bombs earlier and toss
12. You know the room in Turtle Rock with the moving platform and the 4 torches that need to be lit? It's about 10 seconds faster to go up at the start, light all 4 torches, then hookshot to one of the torches. You fall into the hole, reappear at the entrance and don't have to go around the whole track.
13. I kill Mothula mainly with the sword. This means I don't have to worry as much about magic towards the end of Skull Woods, so I kill most of the gibdos with the fire rod. If the fight goes well I can kill mothula before the fight starts to get nasty, as it takes about 4 hits. This works more often for me than the fire rod method, as I've only had one failure in the last 8 runs, and it brings my total time savings in Skull Woods up to around 40 seconds on a good run.
14. In the room in the Ice Palace where the 5 penguins jump towards you, I find it saves a few seconds to kill them with a spin attack. Even if you miss one and have to go after it, it takes less time than switching to Ether and casting it.
15. When fighting the Goriyas, either FIRE arrows and HOLD DIRECTION as you fire, or swing sword fast and HOLD direction.  You can move them!


Same as everyone else.

Palace of Darkness
Thieve's Town
Skull Woods
Swamp Ruins
Misery Mire
Ice Palace
Turtle Rock
Ganon's Tower

Um...I think that's all.
Ben Goldberg
With your route and tricks, what do you think the optimal time is?
Optimal?  Like what should one get if this was done flawlessly?  1:35 probably.

I'm expecting 1:39...but I have hopes it will be in the 1:38 range.

Edit: By Flawlessly - I mean no Save State/Slow Down/Frame abuse tricks - like the levitation bug or the walk across holes trick or the fast walk trick.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
If I remember correctly, in Darren's save state run he does a trick in the ice palace where he gets around some orange blocks by walking on the edge of the ground so the blue blocks would be down and he could fall in a hole.  How much time does this route save, and is it doable in an original console run?
It's not possible in a run not using a slower frame rate tool.  It involved using the Walk Across Gaps Trick, which is alternating pressing the "A" button every other frame or something, which is not possible...even for (insert plural name of a racial gaming god group here).
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I thought I remembered it looking like he was walking on the edge like you can do when you're about to fall off and you're walking towards the ground.  I guess I'll need to watch that movie again and refresh my memory.
It looks like that, but trust me - you can't do it on a console.  Darren abused the emulator's funcions to pull that off.
With a bit of experimenting I have realised that Darren's Misery Mire route (slightly ammended) is faster than the one I currently use, even on console. Follow his route up to the Big Chest (remember to hit the blue switch) then go straight up through 2 rooms and follow your normal route from there. The only change later on is that you have to hit a red switch with the cane of somaria. It saves approximately 15 seconds and means you only have to do that room with the Wizrobes once.
A Crab
You probably already know this, as you're the king of all things Zelda, but I noticed in a previous run you never used any properites of the sword charging:  IE you can start charging the sword and kill the red mimics with arrows while the sword is charged, and they won't shoot at you.  Also (even though you said you'd skip the mirror shield and it's the only place the trick looks useful) you can charge up and block fire on your right side, while moving any direction you want.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I just watched it again and now I see that he definitely used the hovering trick there since he was walking slower than normal.
Here's a trick: It is noticably faster to keep using the Fire Rod on Kholdstare, even after you've melted the ice off of him. Three quick shots will kill a cloud, and you can just slam the Fire Rod as fast as you can because the delay between hits is shorter than with the sword.
While that's doable on a 100% run it's no use for pure speed, because you don't pick up the 1/2 magic and defrosting the ice around kholdstare uses a full magic bar. Green potions and bottles are far too big a detour to be worthwhile.
Who needs sleep?
Are you planning on a SS run?
Ben Goldberg
Who doesn't for A Link to the Past.
Single Segment.
Gee, I'm pretty sure there's always a little mp left over after you melt the ice... Even that should be useful.
I'm addicted to games
There is not. It uses exactly all of it if you dont have the 1/2 upgrade.
If you do it on the SNES version, you have no magic unless you got the upgrade.
I got 1:40:11 last night.  My Agahnim battle was about 35 seconds longer than Madzombie's thanks to him giving me 4 "spread beam" tosses after the first normal energy ball, then it alternated from but it in perspective, I got 5 Lightning Zaps from Agahnim before I beat him.

I also had some areas where I hadn't practically done some of the maneuvers and wasn't comfortable with them - namely Turtle Rock Mirror Skip where I have to dodge a laser walking on top of of a narrow path.  I fell twice.  I also messed up the bomb boost on Skull Woods twice.  My 2nd Agahnim battle was also long.

I used everything said in this thread and in my notes.  I think if I get better Agahnim breaks, and don't mess up on these two things, I can get a 1:38 time.
It's reassuring to hear that I'm not the only one who Agahnim hates  :P. Nearly sub 1:40! Are you coping fine without the Blue Mail, or are you still picking it up? Nerves always got to me in the latter part of the game, so I just didn't have the confidence to skip it.

I will be working on my 100% run again this week. Not having a capture card of my own makes it quite awkward to record, as I have to use my brother's PC when he's out of the house. Until someone else challenges you you'll be safe with the LttP record for quite a while. I don't plan on doing more speedruns of it this year once I've done my 100% run, and this new run you're doing may be out of my reach anyway.
Talk to the Hand
Question: I presume you need the Hookshot at some point in either Misery Mire OR the Ice Palace? Because I was thinking that doing the dungeons in such an order that would allow you to get the Golden Sword as soon as possible may work to your advantage. Of course, you're the expert at the game, so I presume you've thought about that already...just throwing it out there.
You need the hookshot for the Ice Palace.  You also need the Fire Rod for the Ice Palace.  You also need the Titan's Mitt to enter. Level's 2/3/4 must be done to beat Level 5 on a non-save-state/slow down run.  You also must beat Level 1 before anything.

So - You have to beat level's 1/2/3/4 before Level 5.  You can beat Misery Mire after Level 1/4 if you want, like in my 1:45 run.

So...Gold Sword early is only for save-state/slow down runs.

I am going to practice all week since I will be house-sitting starting tonight through next Sunday.  I won't have access to a capture card, but I should be able to practice enough so when I return, I can try to nail this sucker.  So I can get onto Ocarina of Time...
and this new run you're doing may be out of my reach anyway.

surely your saying this is just a by-product of being burned out at the game or something? cause I couldn't believe that for a second.
Heh thanks, but there is no denying that TSA is more dedicated than I am. He put 200+ attempts into his last LttP run, compared to around 40 for mine. Currently it's a case of who has the best route, but once the best route has been established it becomes a pure skill/luck contest. At that stage  I can see TSA putting out times I simply cannot beat, as I am neither the risk taking nor uber-patient type.
In the end most runs come down to who has the patience and dedication.  This is why many purists believe speed runs, in the end, aren't competitive in nature...they're just personal feats.  Purists will always cite multiplayer as the ultimate judge of skill - with FPS/Fighters/Racers/RTS/MMORPG games being the venues to determine the best.

I'm inclined to agree.  My skill does not translate into "versus" games.  In fact, I'm quite bad at all versus modes, except for Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures.