Found some new shortcuts for Afraid of Monsters DC ending 1. I think I'm gonna do this in some segments but don't be surprised about my bad bunnyhopping skills.
Found some new shortcuts for Afraid of Monsters DC ending 1. I think I'm gonna do this in some segments but don't be surprised about my bad bunnyhopping skills.
You're planning to make a speedrun of whole AoMDC? If so, good luck!
From the moment you first gain control (after the first intro cutszene) till the end of the garage level (I think it was the garage level) my time is now 3:20. You might add a second or so to each segment since I'm not very aquainted to this saving/loading/recording thing. Also I'm doing this on easy, I'm not using my reward weapon (wich totally owns) and I still didn't pick up a shooting weapon.
Oh my god, I didn't thought there were so many shortcuts in AOM:DC. Here are my first seven levels in seven segments and roughly seven minutes (on easy difficulty). By the way, I don't have internet at home, so I played at HL version wich leads to some graphical bugs.
I'm posting a video once I've finished the run. I'm at 1ridingcar at the moment. After that, I'm in the Markland Forest. I wonder how much shortcuts I will find there (I still know a few).
That actually differ from different releases (and regions). For example, my CD has version It makes sense that would be the first version to ever be released.
Speedrun info: This speedrun was recorded in total 6 different segments, with Won Opposing Force v1.1.0.6. The time is 04:49 minutes long, starting at the time when I can move the player to the end of the video.
At the map bs_mesa1, I found out that if you cross a certain trigger at the top of the mountain, the map will exit after some seconds. So at 02:19, I do a nade boost up there as fast as possible, cross the trigger, and then jumping down again and prevents fall damage by landing at the edge at the rock. The trick saves countless of minutes.
At next map, bs_mesa2, you see me preventing another fall damage at 04:02, just like I did the previous map. It doesn't really save any time to jump down there, the reason I jump down there is to save my ass from the alien grunts which comes later.
Cool run dude, I enjoyed it. If you'd like me to post it on youtube just say the word.
I just watched it and I can only say excellent run! Very speedy and innovative solutions to bypassing a lot of the mod, and the hyperactivity in down time moments amused me greatly (backwards hopping, nv toggling, etc)!
This is a rerun of the Half-Life mod "Sweet Half-life" made by Zhouy and Dark_Devil (rayv3x) at the final time 25:03. It was recorded with 34 segments on normal skill.
00:06: Zhouy skips the stairs and gets down faster by jumping straight down. He prevents most of falldamage by landing on the light. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:01 minute(s)
00:46: Zhouy pushes the scientist closer to the scripted_sequences so the scientists triggers the garg scene earlier. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:0½ minute(s)
01:11: Zhouy pushes Einstein backwards so he gets longer away from the garg. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:0½ minute(s)
1:51: Zhouy pushes Einstein closer the the door so he can open it faster. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:01 minute(s)
03:33: Dark_Devil gains speed from the cursive wall and keeps his speed all way to the ladder. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:03 minute(s)
03:43: Dark_Devil prevents the door to close by blocking it. He don't need to open the door after the invisible wall disappeared. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:02 minute(s)
03:59: Dark_Devil gets an insane boost by the pushable crate. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:10 minute(s)
04:02: Dark_Devil skips the ladder and gets down faster by jumping straight down. He prevents falldamage by grapping onto the ladder at the bottom. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:02 minute(s)
04:30: After an npc is killed, you can still stand on them for a short time. Zhouy kills the alien slave, and then gets over fence with boost of the alien slave, activates the button, and gets back to the fence without loosing his speed. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:03 minute(s)
06:05: Dark_Devil gets over the tank without having to wait until the tank explodes. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:40 minute(s)
06:15: Dark_Devil gets up on the pushable crate with help of the cursive wall. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:05 minute(s)
07:40: Zhouy uses 2 buttons at the same time so the elevator doors remains open, which makes it able for him to reach the secret gauss gun. APPROX SAVETIME: -
08:00 Dark_Devil gets boost from gauss to slide up the railings and keep the speed. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:03 minute(s)
08:02 Dark_Devil shoots the window making him able to immediately jump out off the cabin after activating the button. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:20 minute(s)
08:39: Dark_Devil gets outside the tram and shoots 2 AR grenades to destroy the apache faster which activates the changelevel trigger. APPROX SAVETIME: 1:20 minute(s)
09:20: Dark_Devil gets boost from gauss and uses the edge as ramp to get over the fence. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:40 minute(s)
09:28: Dark_Devil gets boost from gauss and uses the edge as ramp to get up to the button. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:25 minute(s)
10:02: Zhouy makes a nade boost to get up to the vent faster. The gravity trigger there prevents him from falling down again. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:50 minute(s)
10:46 Dark_Devil reaches the time-trigger for the next fight scene and gains enough speed to jump through the door before it closes. This way he is able to collect the rest of the items lying around in the tunnels. Also hes able to finish the map faster as he can gauss boost straight to the end and doesn't have to kill all the marines first and get out of the room. APPROX SAVETIME: 1:00 minute(s)
11:06 Dark_Devil throws grenade to activate the cube immediately after its spawn. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:02 minute(s)
13:20 Gonarch got certain waypoints and can only be hurt everytime he reaches a waypoint, shooting him between the waypoints is absolutely pointless as he won't take any damage. APPROX SAVETIME: -
16:48 Dark_Devil shoots RPG before corner to directly steer it onto the terminal as soon as possible to open the door faster. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:04 minute(s)
17:41 Dark_Devil jumps off the elevator to reach the exit earlier. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:05 minute(s)
18:09 Dark_Devil gets boost from gauss and uses the cursive edge as ramp to get up to the higher stage. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:20 minute(s)
24:41 Zhouy blocks the Ufo door by immediately activating the teleport trigger. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:01 minute(s)
24:43 Zhouy activates the Ufo button through the pillar. APPROX SAVETIME: 0:01 minute(s)
This is a rerun of the Half-Life mod "Sweet Half-life" made by Zhouy and Dark_Devil (rayv3x) at the final time 25:03. It was recorded with 34 segments on normal skill.
Just finished watching it. Very good job guys! Seemed to be a quite good mod for speedrunning. But what a weird mod, the "2001" part was surprising to say the least! Again, well done!
I know their forum (registered there a year ago or so) but unfortunately they don't seem to work on the runs anymore. You think I should ask them if they dropped their projects or not?