I saw snomans reddit thread yesterday so I decided to try some runs and it is really fun! Just got a PB of 17:54 Planning on joining the sub-17 club soon.
Also, is there a 100% WR for this game?
EDIT: 17:35 after losing 17 seconds on my PB in the first world EDIT2: 17:10! We're getting there
Got it! The first bossfight was pretty bad and world 3 was average. Next goal is sub 16:50. If only I could figure out a way to do the level 1 skip consistently, I have never actually managed to do the skip as a whole... By the way, how do you guys get your stream/vids like that? Mine is really ugly right now as you can see in the video =\
Wow great job! Crazy how fast you got that! I'm still working on the level skips, they're tricky. How are you doing it consistently?
As for the video, you're using monitor capture instead of window capture. I use window capture (if you play the game in windowed mode, which it looks like you did), then add other window captures for the time splits and a camera if you want one. OBS has different options for what you need.
Thanks! And my stream looks much better now. Just got the level 1 skip for the first time as a whole but I failed, as always, on the first boss. As for the level 2 skip, the timing on that is not that strict compared to the level 1 skip. Just spend some time jumping between the platforms and you'll get the hang of it really quickly.
The first 30 seconds of the internet are at the end of this broadcast: http://www.twitch.tv/bappell/c/5347175 because my internet died between the 30s and 2 minute mark. I messed up at 7:10 just before the level 2 skip. Otherwise nearly flawless except for missing the level 1 skip. Really happy right now
Got WR! But I know it won't be for long, it's takeable with optimization. Super proud regardless though couldn't have done it without Kozzii and the skips he found, thanks man! Here's to someone taking it back soon
Dat sick run. I'm especially impressed at the end of 3, since the conflicting rhythms of the expanding blocks and static shifters throws me constantly unless I metronome it.
I would totally love to see a clean video of this submitted to SDA.
Grats again snomaN. I actual re-timed it at 16:38.12 (0.08s faster), in case that ends up mattering.
I've started a leaderboard on speedrun.com here, if you guys want to use that to keep better track. I think if you make an account, you can claim a time as your own and update it yourself after that.
Seems the #1 and #2 both show the WR run on speedrun.com. Thanks for putting that up on the site though! Great job with it.
I got asked to do a run of this game for a marathon hosted by The Fast Force http://www.thefastforce.com/page/schedule so I'm going to start this game up again after a year of not playing. Going to try and get the WR back! :p
Hey everyone, I recently decided to join the 140 speedrun community, or at least the handful of people. I was fascinated with this game, since it was released and I thought about speedrunning it, while I was working on normally beating the mirror stages. My current pb is - to my own surprise - about 17:14, however in some idiocy I must have deleted my recorded file. But I will keep practicing and post some of my runs here, hopefully.
Just in case, some of you don't know already: There is a tiny tolerance when roling down edges; you can still jump for a fracture of a second while in mid air. I feel that this makes the first level-1 skip a bit easier, at least to me.
Edit: I'm not used to recording yet. Just showing you guys my now recorded pb which had some great moments, but also some brainfarts in it. I guess it happens when you practice, heh. Also, my future videos will have a better quality and confirmability.
I just found out a minor time saver (about 0.6 seconds, but every little bit counts!) thatt I haven't seen in another run before. Thought, I'd share it with you guys, in case anybody still runs this game.
Nice find! I'm not actually sure anyone is actively running it besides you. Please do continue posting new tricks or PBs, though. I'm probably not the only one still interested in seeing it ran.
Thanks. I'm afraid, it's very hard to find any more tricks in this game, but you never know. I suspected a possible skip in level 1 at the blue/beige part; you can do a tricky jump over one of the obstacles, but it's not early enough to catch a the next jump a full cycle earlier. Another scene where I was looking for a skip is the blue/yellow part of level 2. The devs wrote, you can manipulate the gravity pulling you upwards by jumping beforehand and getting a downward momentum, but as of yet I haven't gotten through the part with the hole in the ceiling.
Anyway, this is my newest run. It's not my actual pb (again) - that one wasn't recorded properly and only the audio in that file survived - and it features some pretty embarrassing moments in levels 1 and 2. Level 3, however went pretty well.
So, yeah. Not sub17 again, but at least with a timer now.
grats on the """pb""". if you aren't opposed to making an account, you can claim your spot on the leaderboard. I've been updating it with peoples' times, but that would make things easier.
as for new tricks, I agree. then again, a lot of time savers have been found since I assumed a deathless run would be "perfect"
Phew, just had a phenomenal run! Messed up twice a little bit, but deathless nevertheless! Video is coming soon, I have third world internet here. I'm wondering however, even at splits, where there's nothing more required than to press right and which I did pretty perfectly, sometimes I see a +0.2 or much more, like a +1.2, which I can't explain. Surely, I am not always pressing the 'next split'-button the same nanosecond every time, but a difference that huge; also I would assume that this difference will be made up in future sections, but nope. How is that even possible? Has it something to do with the processor being under heavy load or something? When I had my failed video recording attempt, I noticed that certain sections of the game, e.g. beginning of level 3 will take considerably longer than usual.
nice time! for the random 0.2s fluctuations, I'll check the video, but it may be the issue I mentioned a year ago:
Quote from jymotion:
The other issue we encountered is that the time it takes for the orb to enter it's destination can vary by a quarter of a second as well. We're working on figuring out if that is random or if it can be manipulated. The game is getting optimized to a point where this could matter.
I did a real quick test back then and measured how long it took between your character reaching its destination and the orb reaching its destination: 23 frames - 0.38 seconds 18 frames - 0.29 seconds 09 frames - 0.14 seconds 16 frames - 0.24 seconds
You should be able to see a difference here: Slow, Fast
Ah yes, I read a bit about that when I flew over this thread, but haven't gone in depth about it. I begin to assume that it has to do at which specific time of a beat in the intro music you press the a button/spacebar...
Anyway, video is up:
Edit: Whoa, I just did some testing and I am very surprised about the results. So a few times when I started the game, I started button mashing on A, so the game would start as soon as possible. Everytime I did that, the orb went into it's destination very fast. Then I let the music play for one and a half bars a few times (I pressed the button in bar two at 'two AND', to be precice (I learned speedrunning this game with bars and beats of a measure to be honest )); then the time the orb took to be activated was noticably longer. Tried it with both internal soundcard as well as audio interface as primary sound device. What made me think was this statement of the developer: http://steamcommunity.com/app/242820/discussions/0/41973821336630278/
140 does the slightly risky thing of controlling the gameplay elements from the audio thread, which is probably what causes the bug on rare systems.
Not sure if my little testing was just coincidence, but it makes too much sense in my head.
Edit2: It was my birthday yesterday, so I gave myself a belated present by beating my PB yet again. This run went very well, EXCEPT for the infamous level 2 skip, that I messed up due to wrong positioning of my avatar. Another thing I found out was, that you don't have to mash the button during the title screen; just holding it down as soon as the "140" logo arrives is enough. This plus only moving to the right, jumping only to get the level 1 orb, always worked for a "quick" activation of the first level.
I tested a few other things while uploading the video and found strats to reduce a few more fractures of a second when it is relevant, i.e. before orb activations. So I estimate to save about 7 more seconds, compared to this run.
Also, I think the 'always a longer time in the splits'-problem up there was a problem by me: I had WSplit set up to show the best run by using the best splits only. Of course the best splits were those being flawless plus triggered a little too late plus ended a little too early. As such only these splits were used and they messed up my timer. Now I compare to my PB and it shouldn't happen anymore. I'll keep you updated on my pb's.
Edit3: This might be too random to make a double post bump, so I'll just make a quick edit here. I, don't have a new PB to show, but I'm on track; don't have much time to practice atm. However, I did some testing regarding the orb-activation time. What I found out was, at least on my computer, under the same circumstances, the activation time will stay the same.
i.e., as described above, when I don't let the title screen come up at all, by pressing the button and holding it down, then immediately move to the right, catch the first orb and activate it, the activation time will be minimal. If I wait a few seconds before starting, it will be slower. Then, the very first orb in level 1: When I jump REALLY early to catch it - I touch it from beyond, to be precise - the activation time is minimal. I I jump into it from the side, it will take longer. Tested this in different resolutions, with or without OBS running, always the same result.
Now, I just checked on my MacBook Pro, if the results are the same and GUESS WHAT, they aren't. In fact, many parts of the game play totally different, I was surprised. It could be because of a different resolution/OS/processor/whatever that this game runs slightly different. All in all, it felt like movement was a tiny bit faster; fourth orb in level 1 for example: I have the habit to catch it by jumping on beat "two AND" before it jumps up to me. I always caught it right in time. Now, however, I jumped right over it, a few times in a row.
This leads me to thinking, that many parameters of this game are determined by your processor. I'm not 100% sure about this, though. However, I tried switching between the onboard sound card and my external audio device on my Windows machine, and couldn't notice any difference. As the processor in my pc is quite old, unfortunately, that would explain, why I often have the "longer" loading time.
I just got it. I'm still pretty pumped up and I am surprised at how well my nerves held together at the end, but there it is:
My 140 WR (as of 01.05.2015 at least).
I practiced playing with keyboard as opposed to using the controller for multiple reasons and it went rather well very soon. One problem ist, that you can't rebind the controller keys and can only move using the left control stick. I am comfortable with that, however sometimes movement requires very precice positioning and the threshhold for the stick is a bit too vague at times. I used to switch to keyboard on the fly at this scenes, but that proved to be rather annoying. Also, I figured out, that it DID make a difference, if I switch from external audio interface to the integrated soundcard - at least it strongly felt like it, couldn't directly tell what; I think the jump/gravity mechanic depends a bit on it or something.
Could have saved a few frames shortly before the level 2 boss and maybe during the beginning of level 3, but I was playing safe to not mess up the otherwise pretty perfect run. Also, I got a "quick activation" of the orb rather often, which was nice. I haven't figured out exactly how it works, but it seems to be that arriving at the activation groudn only a few frames earlier are enough to activate the orb about 20 frames faster. I don't know, if I continue to run this game now. Maybe a mirrored or a 100% run could be aimed for, but it's not very fun without any competition. I am strongly thinking about blindfolded, though...
Also, if anybody is interested, these are the notes I made for learning to speedrun this game:
So, here's a huge THANK YOU to everyone who contributed on optimizing this game, especially Kozzii, who found amazing skips, I didn't think were possible while I was looking for them myself. So, regarding the leaderborad, can I send you the raw video, jymotion, so you time it correctly? I want to get rid of that "approximate timing" comment. As mentioned earlier, I don't have a strong internet connection here, so streaming was out of the question. I recorded my videos with OBS as an mp4.
Well, yes, I know, this is no phenomenal new OoT any% run or anything, so I'm exaggerating a bit here. Nevertheless, this means a lot to me!
I'm surprised you've had to use an analogue stick up to this point. I'm pretty sure I used the dpad on my PS3 controller back when I played. And your speculation about hardware affecting the run is inconvenient, if true, but I doubt there's any way to normalize it.
Going frame-by-frame through the Youtube video and using the WSplit on stream, the time looked correct, but feel free to send me the raw video (PM or jymotion5@gmail.com) and I'll give it another check to be sure. This game has gotten optimized to a point where it very well could matter.
Hey guys, brand spanking new speedrunner here after seeing AGDQ 2016. I've chosen 140 as my first because I love it just as much as you guys do! Already made contact with Zet on YouTube and he was very gracious and helpful. Thanks and hope to get involved too.