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Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, the third game in the series, was developed by 2015 (a company) and released in 2002 (a year). This game achieved tremendous popularity in no small part by shamelessly ripping off Saving Private Ryan. The main character soldier du jour in this game is Lt. Mike Powell, who later went on to set the world record in the long jump in Tokyo. As Wikipedia comprehensively notes: "Allied Assault met with universal critical acclaim. Critics praised the graphics, audio, gameplay, and the multiplayer. It didn't receive much criticism."


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1:15:39 by Carsten Janssen, done in 64 segments.

Author's comments in English:

I'd like to thank Ballsofnow, Tuna-cz, and Lamah for pointing out some useful tricks.
And thanks to nate for encoding my run.

Author's comments in German:

Ich danke Ballsofnow, Tuna-cz, and Lamah für einige sehr hilfreiche Tricks.
Und danke an nate, dass er meinen Speedrun enkodiert hat.

0:02:25 by Carsten Janssen, done in 6 segments.

Author's comments in English:

The tricks I used here are pretty tricky, that's why I did it in six segments. I have to wait at the tower until the obstacle in the north goes down. Even if I walk on the hedge it would be in my way. Jumping onto that hedge is very tricky. It's the same trick that I used in the level "Diverting the Enemy" in mission 4. Once I'm on the hedge I can walk to the end of the level. But I have to stop at the machine gun or the red door at the end of the level won't open.

Author's comments in German:

Die Tricks die ich hier verwende sind ziemlich schwer, daher die sechs Segmente. Ich muss am Turm warten bis das Hindernis im Norden runter geht. Das Hindernis würde mir den Weg versperren, auch wenn ich auf der Hecke laufe. Der Sprung auf die Hecke ist ziemlich schwer. Es handelt sich dabei um denselben Trick wie im Level "Diverting the Enemy" in Mission 4. Von der Hecke aus kann ich bin ans Ende des Level laufen, muss aber ans Maschinengewehr, da die rote Tür am Levelende sich sonst nicht öffnen würde.

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