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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Any %) (Single Segment) (ntscj) (snes)

Verifier Responses
Quote from ChristosOwen:
First off, I know first hand how difficult this game is to speedrun effectively and the time achieved really is great - congratulations to Addeheed on sub 1:27! It's a really solid accomplishment and he should be proud. It's also a huge improvement on the currently published run. With that said, the skills of the top runners of this game are very, very high and as such so are the expectations that come alongside that. There are other active runners who have better times than this run - yet that should not take away from this run itself, as if other runners do not want to submit their runs to SDA then that is their perogative. Therefore I will try my best to remain purely objective in my comments to follow, which will critique this heavily based on current known strategies.





Stuck on wall
Boomerang frame rule leading to guard knockback
Rat knockback

Overall: Decent

Eastern Palace




Octoroks pretty rough on way to dungeon
Slow boomguard outside on staircase
Didn't pickup heart when by entrance switch - opted for 2 slower pots? Also only 1 was essential for quick boss key
Skeleton knockback
Wasted arrow

Overall: Decent

Desert Palace


Didn't try for swordspin superspeed which is a healthy 3 second loss
Lanmolas': Early 4 cycle with bomb strat is less than ideal (2 being optimal) although with the RNG received the control was decent. Still, a healthy loss here.


Not the best Popo luck in second half of dungeon (RNG)
Could have used pauses as buffers more effectively (in particular in pre-boss room)
Eyegore damage

Overall: Disappointing the swordspin superspeed was neglected and an "okay" boss fight. Clean dungeon and good control otherwise.

Tower of Hera


Again no attempt at swordspin superspeed, which in this area is a large timeloss. Didn't even try on 2nd ladder which is disappointing.


Stopped dash before fake flippers early unecessarily
Unlucky boulder RNG
Missed 2nd quick warp and no insta-ledge jump
Bad positioning with lobby boomdash which caused the dash to be unoptimal
No tile room boomdash
Slowest method of bomb jumping, yet safest so understandable
Had to correct alignment of a few dashes

Overall: Solid Moldorm. Generally a good dungeon but some slower strats opted for in a few places. A few very minor execution errors. Again, disappointing the swordspin superspeed wasn't even attempted though!

Agahnim's Tower


Very rough red guard room


Loses swordbeams which causes slower strategies later in the dungeon
No "grass" strats on Agahnim (knocking him into centre of room to statistically reduce warptimes)
Not 0BB but hey I'll take 1BB any day!


A shame about the red guard room otherwise was a solid period of play. Some minor errors but nothing to be concerned with. 1BB is more than good enough to continue, with 3 being average.

Palace of Darkness




No swordspin superspeed leaving Pyramid, but not a huge deal in this area
A few extra pause buffers for the double Hammer jump but was still very good and double jump is sexy!
Good but not great Helmasaur - smart to wait before 17th hit but got a little unlucky with movements and had to reposition


One of the best PoD's I've seen, really solid start to the Dark World!

Thieve's Town


Blind was a mess


Extra knockback when opening Thieve's
Silly slimes
Slowish conveyer room


Hellway god dash was sexy as was the whole dungeon - real shame the boss was a mess though!

Skull Woods




Pulled bomb a little late
Failed T1 dash equalling a BONK
Clutch pit fall
Menu error
Slower bomb jump method yet safer so understandable
Messed up skeleton-spike but recovered well


A decent dungeon and Mothula cooperated relatively well which is always nice. Clean segment!

Ice Palace




Slower strats in Ice 02
Could have placed bombs earlier in B1
Almost perfect pokedash spins on Kholdstare


A really solid Ice, bomb jump into hammer dash was swag in particular.

Swamp Palace


This door is locked - you need a key to continue!! Brain fail


Missed 2nd quick warp
Slower strats in gauntlet
Damn floodgate switches
Hammerdash but meh no big deal
Slower post Hookshot strats
Those pesky waterboatman


No 0 cycle Aarghus what the hell is this? I joke, it was a solid boss. Probably the weakest dungeon so far though sadly, an ugly mistake forgetting the key

Misery Mire




First ladder climb
Wizzrobe room could have been better
Jelly key fumble
Some minor slower than optimal strats in a couple of rooms
Missed the 0 lightning's


A few sloppy minor mistakes but nothing too noteworthy here. Move along.

Turtle Rock


Chain chomps? Hello?
Missed canedash hence the switch fiasco


Didn't try for quick warp on Turtle
Should have picked up bomb here as will need it in Ganon's Tower and this is the fastest one to get
Menu/hook fail
Hesitation picking up magic refill
Didn't need extra arrows/life


Trinexx was great, sadly the dungeon wasn't. Worst dungeon yet with some healthy time loss. Brahminblockblast in chomp room would have prevented the entire catastrophe so it's a shame he didn't try it in the absence of sword beams. Execution errors starting to become more apparent at this point.

Ganon's Tower


Sloppy overall due to lots of small things, but not any one thing in particular.


Could have used hook slightly more effectively in a couple of places
Lost time on bomb pickup choice before Armos
Slower Ice Armos strat
Eyegore/spike room
Lost time on bridge
Gauntlet 03 a little rough but decent gauntlets overall
Missed the one cycle on Lanmolas' sadly
Unlucky fork guard
Didn't need extra hearts!!
No 2 hit Moldy
4 wave Agahnim 2


Culmination of lots of execution errors meant this was a sloppy GT


Unlucky with 4th hit in 3rd phase as was a fair amount of warps
Extra menu due to no initial Fire Rod strat to execute torch glitch
Missed initial spin and then next spin
Not a great 4th phase as a couple of missed spins sadly, although he was smart with his timing after the initial few misses and the fight improved from there


I've watched the run and critiqued it heavily. Whilst there are some noteable mistakes with somewhat heavy timelosses, the level of play throughout remains high until Turtle Rock onwards pretty much. I'd love it if Addeheed decided to invest more time practicing in the later parts of the game and improved upon his run as he is more than capable. Nevertheless, this is a solid run and I can't find any grounds to reject this to be honest, especially when compared to the current published runs. Highlights for me are the first few Dark World dungeons as the quality of play is very high.

Accept and congratulations again to Addeheed on a beast time!

Quote from Skarsnik:
From a alttp speedrunner perspective this run isn't perfect, some mistakes, boss fight that can be better. but if I want nearly perfection I will watch the WR run or a TAS run. It's still a very very good run

If the targetted audience is just people that enjoy good speedruns, this run is very good, everything is smooth (execpt the key mistake in swamp), it's a very good representation of a alttp speedrun (rng trolling you included). For me this run have his place on SDA


I get the same video issues, but only in my browser plugin (VLC on Chrome).  But after I downloaded the file and watched it (again in VLC) the video was excellent.  There was a bit of background static/interference kind of thing going on, though it was only really bad when a dialogue box came up.  I'll give the A/V a pass here, though it would be nice if something could be done about the noise.  No cheating detected either.

A previous verifier already pointed everything out in the Light World, and I think the Dark World maintains the same quality - not impeccable, but still really good overall.  The ugliest parts were a couple places in the Swamp Palace, the Chain Chomp room in Turtle Rock (this one was especially bad), a couple of the rooms in Ganon's Castle where you have to kill enemies to proceed, and perhaps one or two others that just slipped my mind.  A couple boss fights were noticeable suboptimal too, especially Ganon.  In spite of some of those errors, especially the Chain Chomp room, I can't justify rejecting this run on its own merits.

As for any debate about whether this run should be accepted even though there are better legit console times out there, I say only this: I will happily accept one of those runs should they be submitted.  Until then, this run is good enough.  Accept

Quote from 26pt2:
Video and audio quality are decent. No cheating detected. Overally, some minor issues are noticeable even to a general audience. Although there are few instances where faster, riskier strategies are not featured, this submission is a strong showcase of a high quality aLttP run.

Sorry for the delay.  Holiday and everything.  I won't delay any further.  I definitely ACCEPT.  Many of the new starts are eye popping.  This is a much needed revision for the SDA ALttP page, given how much progress has been made.  Great stuff!

Decision: Accept

Congratulations to 'adde'!
we will miss you fondly wak
Hi I'm Kryssstal
Quote from cyghfer:
we will miss you fondly wak

yeah like christosowen said i definately need to improve my end-game, in which i lose some time comparing to some players.
thanks to the verifiers :^)

also the A/V part with some static, not sure what causes it, but this was recorded with easycap and s-video.

wak will be missed..