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The Dork Knight himself.
That's weird, I've been running Win7 64 for a while now and I haven't had any problems like that. The only program to go apeshit on me is Vampire Bloodlines (but that game is notoriously buggy anyway).
[+--oo] In control since '86
Hew, LeWo.  TRM here!  Haven't been around the SPF much for a few months, but I just popped in and saw you're still kicking around there and posting in the dailies.  Glad to see you're still running...  and even happier that you're still trying to submit your Druid run!  It's been too long, my man!

Concerning Hell Ancients, I'm fairly certain you'll have dropped points into Fire Blast?  I made a quick write-up of my Trapper that I made about a year ago, and remembered that I included a screenshot of how I'd trapped the LI ancient behind a pillar.  He remained stationary, and I ended up with the easiest Ancients victory I've ever had.

Am I right that 1.13 didn't increase the chance for runes to drop, but that the rune quality has increased?  Regardless, if you're looking for an awesome rune drop that's still feasible, consider looking for a Lem for Treachery.  The IAS is incredible for a Trapper, and the CtC Fade makes searching for resists nearly a moot point.  ...I assume you'll be using CoS quite liberally, but Fade can make the tense moments a little less scary.

Again, glad you're still at it!  I may be back at the SPF soon since FastE and I are doing MP games, but until I see you next...  Good luck, LeWo!!
pierdole zdejmuje kominiare
Doesn't fade override burst of speed though?
Yes, it does. Treachery would also take away my 25 FR/w from stealth. I'm not so sure about that one. If survivability is a big enough issue, I may very well have to switch. Although, survivability is for chumps when you're segmented Smiley

As for the status of this run: I have a few projects going on at once, so my schedule for working on it is... when I get to work on it. It may be a while before you see an update, especially after the disheartening sound fail on the looooong amulet manipulation.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Treachery is much better for melee, thanks to venom and 45%IAS. I dont think external IAS increase the speed when laying traps. Just weapon IAS increase the speed
Yeah, it wouldn't affect trap laying speed. I meant switch to fade. Also, there's a bug you can use while wielding two claws which, instead of averaging the WSMs, subtracts them. It's a PITA to explain, but it's all in the order in which you equip them. I'll try to scrounge for a link.
Edit history:
leovinus: 2010-10-06 08:08:48 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
That would be really nice if it works. Still, if you are too slow for the death sentry 2 extra points in fire blast give it an extra shot.
Lv15 fade would be really nice in hell though, so it will be a tough decision between it and BoS.
Edit history:
kwinse: 2010-10-06 11:11:00 am
I don't know how accurate it is, but the Things you SHOULD know about Diablo 2 sticky over on the blizzard forums says that IAS on your gear affects trap laying speed:
52. What decides the Assassin's Trap laying speed?

The trap laying speed of Assassins is decided like most attack speeds. That means it is affected by things like gear-based increased attack speed (IAS) and the weapon speed modifier (abbreviated WSM, also often called "base weapon speed").
The weapon speed calculator can calculate your trap laying speed.

The Faster Cast Rate modifier (FCR) has no effect on trap laying speed. When Assassins emphasise FCR, it is usually to speed up their casting of Mind Blast, which is affected by the Faster Cast Rate modifier.

The calculator that it links agrees...
[+--oo] In control since '86
Quote from kwinse:
I don't know how accurate it is, but the Things you SHOULD know about Diablo 2 sticky over on the blizzard forums says that IAS on your gear affects trap laying speed:
52. What decides the Assassin's Trap laying speed?

The trap laying speed of Assassins is decided like most attack speeds. That means it is affected by things like gear-based increased attack speed (IAS) and the weapon speed modifier (abbreviated WSM, also often called "base weapon speed").
The weapon speed calculator can calculate your trap laying speed.

The Faster Cast Rate modifier (FCR) has no effect on trap laying speed. When Assassins emphasise FCR, it is usually to speed up their casting of Mind Blast, which is affected by the Faster Cast Rate modifier.

The calculator that it links agrees...

I would have made a similar argument and then searched for a different source to back up my claim, but yeah, I would have sworn that the trapper I made before my last computer switch was greatly affected by the 45%IAS.

However, since Fade overwrites BoS and the armor takes the place of Stealth's FRW (I hadn't seen a gear list nor had I watched any vids, so my bad)...  it's likely faster keeping BoS on as much as possible.  I suppose the survivability with resists would have to weighed against the breakpoints for all sources of IAS/FRW you plan on having by the time you reach Hell.  I'd venture a guess that the 45%IAS from Treachery won't make more than a frame of difference per cast if you've already got a decent level of BoS and a 20 or 30IAS claw. 

I'll say that Stealth is likely more useful while traversing from quest to quest, but it's conceivable that having Treachery around for the tough, high HP monsters would be beneficial.  FRW means nothing against the Ancients, minion waves, or act bosses.  Gaining two skill levels and having high resists sounds nice in theory. 

But then you have to consider where you'll get that Lem.  I'd guess you've already got a rune in mind for NM Hellforge manipulation, so the idea of actually FINDING a Lem doesn't sound like a fun segment to have to do potentially thousands of times... 
NM Hellforge is currently open.

Treachery, if it does work (I'll test), will be the ultimate armor for big fights. When I'm not using it, it shall go on the merc. Nice suggestion, TRM.
Lem can be manipulated from the countess in hell, too. 1,2% chance, that's possible.
0,1% chance to get a Lem from the high council in nightmare... and I don't think you want to manipulate the council in hell to drop something, the fire/lightning immune boss will be difficult enough ;).

A better weaponspeed-calc with less bugs is here: OIAS helps.
Is the /players x command banned in speed runs? I would probably save lots of time getting loads more xp per kill in some early leveling segment to use it.
Quote from ????:
Is the /players x command banned in speed runs? I would probably save lots of time getting loads more xp per kill in some early leveling segment to use it.

The Dork Knight himself.
It would be an interesting concept for a casual/concept run though.