*About poison glitch This glitch is when party member or enemy fainted by poison, the message "(xxx is dameged yy by poison, zzz fainted.)" is appeared. Normally it should be xxx=zzz but zzz is the your character who moved at last. note :xxx stands for enemy name, yyy is the amount of damage. note2 : I don't know all of the actual battle message, needs to be fixed those.(including following texts.) *Special case Final move doesn't need to target at all, some strange will be happened. The cases of defend, counter and do nothing(? this happen in certain situation.) (This clause seems just mean about strange text.) *What happen with this glitch The things what happen are almost determined by the available turns (Player+NPC+enemies) at starting battle. And it seems to be affected by the number of enemies and the order of moving. **Incleased the charcter by Multiply is counted in next turn but not in present turn.(decreased by defeating is too?) turns display or what happened 5 nothing 6 shift texts lower by half of a line 7 a part of graphic from something 8 shift texts upper by half of a line(perhaps lower by a few limes) 9 entering boss(See below) 10 trash box(?) 11 waiting for inputting 12 empty(if graphic is displayed, perhaps it's out of message window.) 13 clear display 14 nothing(perhaps another words) 15 clear display(+slewing?) 16 0 high-order bit(See below) 17 wait(?) 18 clear display 19 nothing(perhaps NPC is disppeared) 20 nothing 21 shift texts lower by half of a few lines and a part of graphic 22 selecting yes or no with glitched cursor 23 space? 24 lower a few lines and perhaps freeze(?) 25 wait and after faint enemy or player, the game freeze 26 upper 1.5 lines 27 nothing 28 "Power" 29 5 15(I can't imagine those indicate what they are) 30 0 GP 31 name(?) 32 no message in upper sreen 33~ END and etc... Other things can be happened at high rate. ***Entering boss Appearing boss is determined by first moving group(e.g. 5 enemies group is 5, player party is 1) number 1 Arsenal 2 Minion 3 Odin 4 Venus 5 Sho-Gun Boss battle starts with glitched. If you win this, "fainted xxx"(or else) is appeared and happen any of following petterns. (in the situlation of boss species or field?) 1, Sometimes stelitchepping with white screen(You can take a control no longer) 2, Message window won't be dissapeared and freeze 3, Changing back screen periodically -> warp to Valhalla ->If you select yes, remarch boss after winning and warp to right field. ***0 high-order bit This glitch seems to set high-end bit of 8bits to 0. Those things will be happened with this glitch. *Changing character graphic(species) in this battle. -some monster species can't be changed. -glitch some transformation with meat. e.g. Nymph -> SlimeGod Virus -> Salamand *Glitched the character name haviliy This happen in this battle, name change depends on an original name. And some following glitch happen sometimes. e.g. -you can select BGM in battle. -freeze -forced characters order to change(equip order isn't changed though) *subtraction HP by 128 if HP mod 256 is more than 128. *Ability or empty are changed to item e.g. -(empty) -> Seven Sword -Dissolve -> Bronze Shield -Fire -> Gold Armor -Cure -> Gold Shield -Blitz -> Temptat -Flare -> Bazooka Also, the enemy's status is changed. Occasionally, the opposite item change happen. *release infinite number of item(infinite -> 126) *Various glitches with continuity battles --Glitched character keeps to use same moving etc... Occasionally, changing characters order or changing character(multiply+disappear) <--- This happens when using Inn with monster? will happen. *Possible useful poison glitch -You can fight with final boss without NPCs(Is it not useful?) -You can get numerous Seven Swords -You can strengthen non-infinite punch, kick etc... -You can make over 60 thousands robot HP. -You can change O-Pa/Po into Laser Sword. -You can strengthen Esper's defence power. -You can remove/repossess Esper ability. -You can make item.(Change monster, esper to item -> repossess ability(transform=change species?) -> roop) -You can make high level monster early.(e.g. you can get lv11 monster in World 1 but you have to win the battle with gliched situation)