Macho Pattern Tests About: Just to explain a couple things about these notes. Any time you see (Hx) or (Lx) means that I guessed wrong and the letter before the "x" was the correct guess. Any time you see a (~) means I completed a full chain on Macho. Numbers that are shown as (2, etc) are subsequent tries from the same reset. Soft Resets: R1: Lx R2: LHLHLLHLHHx R3: LHLLx R4: LLx (2): HHx (3): HLx (4): LLLHLx (5): Hx (6): Lx (7): HHLLLLx (8): Hx (9): HHx R5: Hx (2): HLx (3): HLx (4): Hx (5): Lx (6): LLLx (7): HLx (8): LLx (9): Hx Hard Resets: (Power off, then on) R1: LHLLx (2): Lx (3): HHx (4): Hx (5): Lx (6): HHHLHLx (7): HHx (8): LLLLx (9): Lx (10): LHHx R2: LLLx (2): LLx (3): LLLLHx (4): Hx (5): Lx (6): HHHx (7): Lx (8): LLHHHHHHHLx (9): Hx (10): LLLLHLHHHH~ R3: LHLLLx (2): Lx (3): Lx (4): Hx (5): Hx (6): Hx (7): HHHHHx (8): LLx (9): LLLx (10): HLx