-after duplicating gold needle and echo herbs or whatever, always keep elixer and arctic/antarctic wind in your top two slots so that you can dupe them whenever you need to -after sealed cave switch to 3 red mages and 1 thief -try to steal every fight to get more stuff to sell, even if you don't get to steal anything it's fine -after molten cave switch to 2 of your red mages and your thief to scholars, keep last red mage for teleport and whatever other white/black magic spells you need/want to cast. you need to keep your white mage until atleast after you mini yourself in castle hein -after molten cave your set up should look like this (mine looked like this) scholar 1 - book of light x2, scholar hat, scholar robe scholar 2 - book of fire x2, leather cap, scholar robe scholar 3 - book of ice x2, leather cap, mage robe red mage - ice shield x2, ice helm and ice armor (from dwarven cavern armor shop) you get the 1 scholar hat and robe from the treasure trove, another scholar robe from castle argus, the mage robe from gulgan gulch, and the leather caps from the beginning of the game -note, you can also dupe ottershrooms after getting one from the dwarven treasure trove if you want to run all scholars, you will do more damage with all scholars since all of them will have the passive support ability 'item lore' which makes all the items used do double damage. this means that your arctic winds should be doing around 2k damage on very weak targets, and around 1k on neutral targets -the shuriken in gysahl isn't in the northernmost house, it's in the magic key shop to the northeast top of the town. go into the magic key shop and turn to the right, there is a secret passage that takes you behind the counter, behind the counter there is a chest, in that chest is the shuriken