1. About This FAQ describes how monster meat transformations work in The Final Fantasy Legend. While this document was put together by Ryan "Poxnor" Vogt, all of the hard work was done by s/p and towerreversed.org. I felt that the meat transformation table compiled by s/p was more easily readable, but that the one on towerreversed.org was more accurate. I combined the two documents into one. This is version 1.0 of this document. Subsequent versions may correct anything from typos to transition errors. The most recent version of this document can be found on speeddemosarchive.org, in the forums under Final Fantasy Legend. ----- 2. How to Use Each monster has both a meat level and a target level. E.g., the entry for Ogre, (7:6), shows that it has a meat level of 7 and a target level of 6. To determine a transformation, find the group of the meat being eaten and the group of the monster eating it. Use the table at the bottom to discover the result group (where "-" results in "nothing happened"). Next, determine the result level = max(meat level of monster eating, meat level of meat eaten). Find the maximal target level that is less than or equal to the result level in the target group. That is the monster into which you will transform. As an example, say an Ogre eats a Ghoul. Orge is family A and Ghoul is family F, so the result family is family L. Ogre has a meat level of 7 and Ghoul has a meat level of 2, so the result level is max(7, 2) = 7. So the result will be the monster in family L with the maximal target level less than or equal to 7: Buruburu (which has a target level of exactly 7). A few things to note: once you are a level C or D monster, you will never go lower than level C or D. Once you are a level E monster (accomplished by eating a Fiend2 meat), you will stay a level E monster. ----- 3. The Tables A: goblin (0:0) B: skeleton (0:0) C: albatros (0:0) D: redbull (0:0) oni (1:1) red bone (3:2) eagle (5:4) rhino (3:2) ogre (7:6) dokuro (9:8) thunder (9:8) triceras (7:6) giant (A:9) warrior (B:A) cocatris (B:A) behemoth (9:8) titan (D:C) boneking (D:C) rock (D:C) baku (C:B) susano-o (E:E) lich (E:E) phoenix (E:E) ganesha (E:E) E: slime (1:0) F: zombie (0:0) G: lizard (0:0) H: wererat (0:0) jelly (7:6) ghoul (2:1) p-frog (1:1) werewolf (3:2) tororo (9:8) mou-jya (8:7) gecko (2:2) catwoman (5:4) gummy (B:A) wight (B:A) dinosaur (A:9) minotaur (A:9) pudding (D:C) ghast (D:C) salamand (C:B) rakshasa (C:B) hi-slime (E:E) revnant (E:E) basilisk (E:E) anubis (E:E) I: wolf (1:0) J: clipper (0:0) K: fly (0:0) L: o-bake (1:0) jaguar (3:2) beetle (6:5) drgonfly (2:1) phantom (2:1) sabercat (6:5) ant lion (7:7) hornet (4:3) buruburu (8:7) snowcat (9:8) atom ant (8:8) mosquito (5:5) wraith (B:A) blackcat (C:B) scorpion (C:B) cicada (C:B) spector (D:C) fenswolf (E:E) scarab (E:E) mantis (E:E) ghost (E:E) M: gargoyle (2:0) N: worm (1:0) P: snake (1:0) Q: condor (2:0) imp (6:5) p-worm (6:5) serpent (4:3) raven (4:3) demon (A:9) crawler (7:7) anaconda (6:5) harpy (6:5) demolord (B:B) lavaworm (9:8) hydra (9:8) ten-gu (9:8) demoking (D:C) sandworm (C:B) ko-run (C:B) garuda (C:B) athtalot (E:E) gigaworm (E:E) jorgandr (E:E) nike (E:E) R: barracud (1:0) S: big eye (3:0) T: octopus (3:0) U: shrimp (3:0) piranha (2:1) gazer (6:5) clam (5:4) atomcrab (4:3) shark (5:4) seeker (8:7) amoeba (7:6) crab (7:6) gunfish (8:7) watcher (B:A) ammonite (9:8) ice crab (8:8) elec eel (C:B) evil eye (D:C) squid (C:B) kingcrab (C:B) leviathn (E:E) beholder (E:E) kraken (E:E) dagon (E:E) V: cactus (3:0) W: griffin (3:0) X: woodman (4:0) Y: medusa (4:0) p-flower (4:3) mantcore (5:4) clayman (7:6) siren (5:4) garlic (6:5) chimera (8:7) stoneman (8:8) lamia (A:9) thorn (8:7) nue (A:9) ironman (B:A) naga (B:B) f-flower (C:B) sphinx (D:C) fireman (D:C) scylla (D:C) darkrose (E:E) ki-rin (E:E) mazin (E:E) lilith (E:E) Z: dragon 1 (6:0) dragon 2 (7:6) Sei-Ryu: (5:-) dragon 3 (9:8) Su-Zaku: (C:-) dragon 4 (B:A) Fiends2: (E:-) dragon 5 (D:C) tiamat (E:E) Eater AHI BFL CWZ DG ES JKU MQ NPY R TV X Meat A - G B C H L M D - S Y B C - G A F - J H K P U C G A - - D J L N P M Q D H K E - B G - C I A P E - L J F - C P R J N V F L - H B G A E K N R I G B C A - J H - I D U W H - D K - L F I A B G N I - F P H E R G L - C A J K B D G C - N P - E S K F H C J - - D E A Q M L E - F K A B C J H D G M Q J N L P I - B F - C N J R I E K P A - R F T P N E L R - D F - G H X Q I P R M N E - F C - K R A N - D I K Q G - T B S R Q U P - M H - T J E T M U Q I R N K S E - F U D I S N T - B M Q K - V T M W U Q S R U L - J W P S - Q T V V T U I - X U - T Y S W Y Q V L - Y W V X S U T X - M B - Z V W - T Y Q U X S Y D FS1 X T M V W Z S Z Y X L FS2 Y Y Z X V X S W Z V Z FS3 Z X Y W Z Y T V X Z R FS1 = {Gen-Bu2} FS2 = {Sei-Ryu, Sei-Ryu2, Byak-Ko2} FS3 = {Su-Zaku, Su-Zaku2} Gen-Bu and Byak-Ko do not yield meat.