[2015-05-11 16:17:32] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-11 21:59:56] lol [2015-05-11 22:10:39] What? No moderatorship? Something is incredibly wrong here. [2015-05-11 22:15:38] cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-11 22:53:19] hello everyone [2015-05-11 22:53:37] are the times on the spreadsheet EST or MST [2015-05-11 22:55:04] It says MDT doesn't it? [2015-05-11 22:57:14] starts Noon MDT tomorrow [2015-05-11 22:57:25] 2pm EST [2015-05-11 22:57:37] thanks guys [2015-05-11 22:57:46] I needed to know so I can host [2015-05-11 23:02:35] no problem, everyone here is real busy. lot of stuff to do tonight [2015-05-11 23:10:27] RPGLB HYPE [2015-05-11 23:18:35] ^ [2015-05-11 23:26:12] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-11 23:26:12] RPG Limit Break 2015, a new RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness, starts May 12! Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-11 23:34:45] How is everyone? [2015-05-11 23:44:16] hihi [2015-05-11 23:53:11] Hihi~ [2015-05-11 23:53:26] /me pets @Flankitty [2015-05-12 00:01:17] evening [2015-05-12 00:01:21] =^-^= [2015-05-12 01:39:33] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 03:24:20] hey flankitty [2015-05-12 03:24:57] hi fellly [2015-05-12 03:28:50] hii ffgamer [2015-05-12 03:33:29] how you doing [2015-05-12 03:34:25] Just saw Romscout break SotN over his knee in front of Igarashi. So that was pretty damn cool. [2015-05-12 03:45:59] I'm ok, been working on class assignments before the marathon [2015-05-12 03:46:53] finished one on GMO safety, 2 more for the night [2015-05-12 03:58:16] nice have fun [2015-05-12 03:59:03] yoooo [2015-05-12 04:00:50] I'm ready [2015-05-12 04:13:55] HALLO [2015-05-12 04:15:06] Hype [2015-05-12 04:15:41] Duckfist is wrong folks, doesn't start for another 14 hours [2015-05-12 04:16:03] well it does say 12pm [2015-05-12 04:16:14] in the title bar. [2015-05-12 04:16:18] 14 hours aint nothin [2015-05-12 04:16:23] Which is in 14 hours :P [2015-05-12 04:18:45] another 14 hours? [2015-05-12 04:20:34] i heard this was starting in 2 hours [2015-05-12 04:30:12] drat [2015-05-12 04:30:19] looks like I gotta wait then .-. [2015-05-12 04:31:22] is there a reason claude isnt running FFT? [2015-05-12 04:33:34] is claude even there? [2015-05-12 04:34:21] no [2015-05-12 04:34:24] thats why im wondering [2015-05-12 04:35:06] has the stream started yet? [2015-05-12 04:37:26] it starts in 14 hours [2015-05-12 05:52:04] super psyched! [2015-05-12 08:17:40] I see how it is, Dana and Everhate get moderatorhood, but I don't. [2015-05-12 09:29:19] I was offered it but I haven't repled yet offically [2015-05-12 09:29:29] I don't know :/ [2015-05-12 10:33:49] not started? [2015-05-12 10:45:13] rpgJerkBird Hype rpgJerkBird Hype rpgJerkBird Hype rpgJerkBird Hype rpgJerkBird Hype rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 10:54:34] I will start in 6 hours D: At least the first game [2015-05-12 10:55:16] it* [2015-05-12 10:59:32] unbased mods [2015-05-12 11:25:26] It's Coming [2015-05-12 11:33:38] Believe the Hype, not the Demon [2015-05-12 11:45:19] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 11:45:32] good luck have fun on marathon! [2015-05-12 11:54:02] WEEE [2015-05-12 12:19:36] z_z [2015-05-12 12:53:10] batleon subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 12:53:10] batleon subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 13:14:20] o boy [2015-05-12 13:14:26] i'm ready for some rpg [2015-05-12 13:15:17] you and me both brother [2015-05-12 13:20:19] my body is ready [2015-05-12 13:20:38] Oh... my body... [2015-05-12 13:21:33] =O [2015-05-12 13:21:40] My body has never been more ready. also i hear that a few of the guys from Those Odd Gamers are there [2015-05-12 13:22:08] I'm so excited for this. I'm gonna be longing to be there since I won't be around until Wednesday T_T [2015-05-12 13:22:21] Can't wait to see everyone =3 [2015-05-12 13:23:11] Wish I could go to something like this. [2015-05-12 13:23:42] I wish I could go again. >_> [2015-05-12 13:23:44] HYPE. i enjoy the urns, not brave enough to urn myself [2015-05-12 13:23:51] Hopefully it'll be visitor available next year. I think they were surprised with how many people wanted to come and just watch [2015-05-12 13:24:03] lovingnek, it's not incredibly hard [2015-05-12 13:24:08] If I can do it, you can do it [2015-05-12 13:24:15] but I am a bit nervous for my run on Friday T_T [2015-05-12 13:24:33] First time doing a marathon, gettin' the butterflies pretty bad [2015-05-12 13:24:38] Oh yeah! Intermittently present mod hype! [2015-05-12 13:24:41] you'll be fine [2015-05-12 13:24:42] Good luck Enker [2015-05-12 13:24:58] MOD HYPE [2015-05-12 13:25:37] I was the same at C4L last year Enker; made some pretty big mistakes, but if you show off some cool stuff, and show a good knowledge of your speedgame, people will love it. \o/ [2015-05-12 13:25:54] Also, find vulajin, he's cool. spudApproves [2015-05-12 13:25:56] man Bloodstained is gonna be Iga's masterpiece [2015-05-12 13:25:59] I'm hoping I can, Potato =O [2015-05-12 13:26:03] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 13:26:03] Oh I'm gonna find EVERYONE [2015-05-12 13:26:10] people screw up all the time, it's just as much fun seeing how the tricks can go *wrong* as seeing them go right [2015-05-12 13:26:15] No one is safe from not being seen by me [2015-05-12 13:26:25] Vulajin chilled me out a bit before my run, he's a super-cool dude. cirThree [2015-05-12 13:26:33] If its like my first run experience, it goes fine, couch backs you up, and the chat will be talking about Pokemon or Street Fighter. [2015-05-12 13:26:35] Ya, I think with how we have it though, it's pretty safe [2015-05-12 13:26:48] Luckily my run is a co-op with cha0s, who is a beast [2015-05-12 13:27:10] heh [2015-05-12 13:27:22] also I like how it hasn't even started and there's already been at least one donation for trainplx [2015-05-12 13:28:02] People have been foaming at the mouth to donate stuff [2015-05-12 13:28:03] It's great [2015-05-12 13:30:14] disappointed to not see metaflex on the tracker though :v gonna have to get in early and make the demand [2015-05-12 13:32:53] well, I was gonna go to bed but since the marathon starts in a few hours I guess I'll have a coffee and do some university work :v [2015-05-12 13:34:35] rpgLevelUp [2015-05-12 13:35:29] OK, gotta run some errands and such. Play nice kiddies, I'll be back later for vicarious eating of Swedish Fish. [2015-05-12 13:38:48] Greetings people. When will it start? [2015-05-12 13:41:00] It will start in about 4 hours [2015-05-12 13:41:36] ok thanks. I know it's in the headline but I'm CET. wasn't sure. thanks man [2015-05-12 13:42:34] No worries [2015-05-12 13:42:42] you mean CEST since its summer [2015-05-12 13:42:47] CEST is MDT +8 [2015-05-12 13:43:25] You're right [2015-05-12 13:43:28] my bad [2015-05-12 13:43:30] I was beating Terranigma 5 min. ago. I'm so ready for this marathon!!! [2015-05-12 13:43:32] np [2015-05-12 13:44:51] | am ready and willing... the mind? Not so much [2015-05-12 13:44:51] If you like what you're seeing, please support the commentators by following their personal Twitch channels: http://www.twitch.tv/LeaveTheCoffee | http://www.twitch.tv/TheOOT | http://www.twitch.tv/Mariobutch | http://www.twitch.tv/Rolynn [2015-05-12 13:45:33] lol the moobot commands are still up from the relay [2015-05-12 13:55:25] moobot pls [2015-05-12 14:07:18] Anyone here for denHype? [2015-05-12 14:08:38] i am :) [2015-05-12 14:11:53] Took off the rest of the week from work, gonna glue myself in front of this monitor, and watch it all. [2015-05-12 14:13:34] Pog [2015-05-12 14:14:55] That's hardcore Runefactor. [2015-05-12 14:32:35] HYPE TRAIN COMING INTO THE STATION [2015-05-12 14:32:47] choo choo? [2015-05-12 14:32:53] it's going to take 3h30 for that train to arrive O_o [2015-05-12 14:32:56] that's one slow train Kappa [2015-05-12 14:33:22] gonna run up to the BMV real quick to take my permit test >< be back before it starts I hope [2015-05-12 14:47:00] gotta favorite tweets :^) [2015-05-12 14:47:43] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ Suplex ! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 14:51:24] The Hype train is slow so we can build up some massive momentum [2015-05-12 14:53:26] RPG Marathon Strats [2015-05-12 14:54:32] There ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on. [2015-05-12 14:54:53] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 14:55:46] I don't care how early I am. I am HYYYYPED as hell [2015-05-12 14:56:21] Jazz! [2015-05-12 14:56:27] DANA~ [2015-05-12 14:56:31] :) [2015-05-12 14:57:35] rpgGoodTaste confirmed available [2015-05-12 14:58:18] qttMakoto [2015-05-12 14:58:47] hi Freddeh, PX. [2015-05-12 14:59:00] spiritWink DAMNIT [2015-05-12 14:59:10] What? [2015-05-12 14:59:26] Hello all. Just making sure I go to the right place. I just found out about this last night. [2015-05-12 14:59:36] you're in the place! [2015-05-12 14:59:42] HAIPU [2015-05-12 14:59:48] Haipu-chan agrees [2015-05-12 14:59:50] denHype [2015-05-12 14:59:53] kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype [2015-05-12 14:59:54] kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype [2015-05-12 14:59:55] kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype [2015-05-12 14:59:57] kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype [2015-05-12 14:59:58] kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype [2015-05-12 15:00:00] Thanks! [2015-05-12 15:00:10] this is the Rock Paper Gun marathon [2015-05-12 15:00:10] Guys I think Kirbymastah's hyped [2015-05-12 15:00:18] "Keep spam to a minimum." Kappa [2015-05-12 15:00:24] Yeah, he's here dying in FE Kappa [2015-05-12 15:00:34] i'm totally not practicing FE right in front of px Kappa [2015-05-12 15:00:40] Starts at 2 PM in my timezone, so I've 3 hours to kill. I'll probably show up early [2015-05-12 15:00:55] Go watch the last broadcast :P [2015-05-12 15:01:14] and I'm totally not sitting 4 feet behind Kirbymastah while he practices FE right in front of PX. [2015-05-12 15:01:32] totally not sitting here watching kirbymastah practice fe [2015-05-12 15:01:40] #lastminutepractice [2015-05-12 15:02:04] And I'm totally not sitting... at home, eating stew [2015-05-12 15:02:06] ;_; [2015-05-12 15:02:09] and im sittin next to nitrodon watching kirbymastah practice fe in front of px [2015-05-12 15:02:16] Kirby o / [2015-05-12 15:02:26] Gonna get new WR at a marathon? : P [2015-05-12 15:02:56] every time twitch cuts off my emojis I get sad [2015-05-12 15:03:11] if i get a WR with battle saves and safety strats, that would be something Kappa [2015-05-12 15:03:24] it would make you legendary [2015-05-12 15:03:43] TriHard [2015-05-12 15:03:58] Come on whats the chance you'll get flared [2015-05-12 15:04:04] Safety saves are overrated [2015-05-12 15:04:09] ^ [2015-05-12 15:04:15] Hi guys [2015-05-12 15:04:45] Safety is overrated [2015-05-12 15:05:04] Livein' life on the virtual edge [2015-05-12 15:05:17] THIS IS A SPEEDRUN NOT A ... saverun? [2015-05-12 15:05:21] Someone give me a good word [2015-05-12 15:05:29] saferun [2015-05-12 15:05:32] inb4 everyone will be named Yuna Kappa [2015-05-12 15:05:54] THIS IS A SPEEDRUN NOT A SAFERUN [2015-05-12 15:06:02] only casuals save [2015-05-12 15:06:06] do you want to be casual [2015-05-12 15:06:18] I've never heard of RPGLimitBreak before. Does it basically work like ADGQ? [2015-05-12 15:06:26] basically [2015-05-12 15:06:35] Alright, mercy kill first run of marathon [2015-05-12 15:06:37] Off to a good start [2015-05-12 15:06:43] I've never been able to catch one live before [2015-05-12 15:07:01] Cool. They're always better live [2015-05-12 15:07:07] Well this one will be lots of fun [2015-05-12 15:07:08] super psyched! =D [2015-05-12 15:07:11] So many good people in this [2015-05-12 15:07:19] Psh you can still totally make it under estimate if you get flared... and cheat. But everyone knows speedrunning is just cheaterunning [2015-05-12 15:07:20] This is the first one. It's like AGDQ but only with RPGs [2015-05-12 15:07:24] We're alll psyched to the max [2015-05-12 15:07:39] Oh sweet.No wonder I've never heard of it haha [2015-05-12 15:07:41] Hello everyone =) [2015-05-12 15:07:50] Yo Mika [2015-05-12 15:08:03] cerFlan mik [2015-05-12 15:08:12] So, Kirby just decided to end turn instead of end battle [2015-05-12 15:08:14] They did do Crystals 4 Life which was very similar [2015-05-12 15:08:17] cerHype [2015-05-12 15:08:18] And lost 90s [2015-05-12 15:08:18] cerHype cerHype [2015-05-12 15:08:22] cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-12 15:08:24] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-12 15:08:25] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-12 15:08:25] hi Mikalia [2015-05-12 15:08:27] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-12 15:08:30] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-12 15:08:31] Hello Freddeh rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 15:08:36] I'm gonna split until this baby starts up. I have to go look at cars. [2015-05-12 15:08:39] Crystals 4 Life? Is there another one they are planning? [2015-05-12 15:08:42] Hello Nitrodon rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 15:08:44] No [2015-05-12 15:09:01] Tell kirby he's a scrubby brush! [2015-05-12 15:09:06] denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE denHype spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 15:09:06] A... healbrush [2015-05-12 15:09:17] Thats right he's a thing that wastes time with animations! [2015-05-12 15:09:19] all those weees o.o [2015-05-12 15:09:26] ugh I have no hype emotes because my sub ran out :( [2015-05-12 15:09:27] this has basically replaced crystals 4 life [2015-05-12 15:09:45] cerHype [2015-05-12 15:09:45] Ok gotcha [2015-05-12 15:09:51] pxt are you running something too [2015-05-12 15:10:08] cerHype [2015-05-12 15:10:17] cerHype [2015-05-12 15:10:18] Seeing a distressing lack of Giga Gaia emotes [2015-05-12 15:10:21] Thanks...I'm newer to Twitch in general, so I ask a lot of questions in streams haha [2015-05-12 15:10:34] sorry MLSTRM =( [2015-05-12 15:10:46] asking questions is good [2015-05-12 15:10:52] I could just spam FrankerZ [2015-05-12 15:10:54] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 15:10:56] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 15:11:10] Just remember to read the FAQ on streams before asking questions! [2015-05-12 15:11:15] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 15:11:20] rpgWhat rpgWhat rpgWhat [2015-05-12 15:11:44] There you go Jazaaboo [2015-05-12 15:11:50] rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 15:11:57] Is Vulajin there? Tell him I believe in him no matter what [2015-05-12 15:11:58] tmrWave [2015-05-12 15:12:06] I'm running FE10 right after Kirby, it's bad end% [2015-05-12 15:12:06] I believe in everyone!! [2015-05-12 15:12:07] the wave the fishies came on [2015-05-12 15:12:13] I don't see an FAQ here [2015-05-12 15:12:18] Oh! You mean in general [2015-05-12 15:12:21] Excellent. Thank you d(^_^)b [2015-05-12 15:12:22] Involves turning off the console and leaving [2015-05-12 15:12:23] Ok will do [2015-05-12 15:12:34] I bought rpgGoodTaste for this occasion [2015-05-12 15:12:43] hes around prutte, busy busy [2015-05-12 15:12:44] more swedish rpgGoodTaste? [2015-05-12 15:12:53] early viewers Kreygasm / [2015-05-12 15:13:06] He is a busy man with a lot on his plate [2015-05-12 15:13:14] Sounds like Vulajin [2015-05-12 15:13:15] rpgWhat / [2015-05-12 15:13:48] I should totally get some rpgGoodTaste for tomorrow [2015-05-12 15:14:03] hey guys [2015-05-12 15:14:10] rpgWhat [2015-05-12 15:14:13] Mikalia, Osey says hi [2015-05-12 15:14:22] o lol bad end% [2015-05-12 15:14:23] =D Hello osey!! [2015-05-12 15:14:32] heyo [2015-05-12 15:14:33] No, doing co-op Xilia [2015-05-12 15:14:39] Plz donate for Milla% ;_; [2015-05-12 15:14:42] denRin [2015-05-12 15:14:44] /me gives osey a virtual hug. [2015-05-12 15:15:04] START SHOW ALREADY GAH elaGoose [2015-05-12 15:15:08] OSEYHYPE [2015-05-12 15:15:08] =o [2015-05-12 15:15:20] someone say to Meta from Shiwa btw o/ [2015-05-12 15:15:30] Sure, I'll just ask puwexil to give me the stream key Keepo [2015-05-12 15:15:33] I want the Milla% [2015-05-12 15:16:34] Meta there now? [2015-05-12 15:16:44] <3 [2015-05-12 15:16:49] Dunno, some people are still rolling in [2015-05-12 15:16:56] people are still waking up [2015-05-12 15:17:14] hi baffan, kirby \ cerKupo [2015-05-12 15:17:14] Please support the FF13 runners by following their personal Twitch channels: http://www.twitch.tv/MLSTRM | http://www.twitch.tv/Tiornys | http://www.twitch.tv/mrzwanzig [2015-05-12 15:17:15] Where's the schedule, by the way? [2015-05-12 15:17:21] rpglimitbreak.com [2015-05-12 15:17:25] Is osey drinking his coffee Nitrodon? XD [2015-05-12 15:17:29] KirbymastaH HYPE [2015-05-12 15:17:36] I had no idea there was a website =O [2015-05-12 15:17:42] yup [2015-05-12 15:17:45] Arctice /o [2015-05-12 15:17:45] scroll down [2015-05-12 15:17:46] He drank his coffee. [2015-05-12 15:17:46] Me either ENker until this morning [2015-05-12 15:17:53] schedule: http://bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 15:18:02] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 15:18:04] I'm on a website =o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 [2015-05-12 15:18:13] Perfect! Yay! [2015-05-12 15:18:19] Please save Ilyana [2015-05-12 15:18:21] RpgWhoa [2015-05-12 15:18:31] If I save Ilyana [2015-05-12 15:18:34] I mean, rpgWhat [2015-05-12 15:18:42] That means Astrid has to live too, and we can't have that [2015-05-12 15:18:56] There are SHIRTS too?!! http://theyetee.com/RPGLimitBreak [2015-05-12 15:18:57] everyone, be sure to donate to kill the ladies [2015-05-12 15:19:00] FrankerZ b [2015-05-12 15:19:02] I've always wondered where they held the ADGQ livestreams. And do only speedrunners go, or can others join in and watch? [2015-05-12 15:19:08] See, we should have just had a bid war for which one to save Kappa [2015-05-12 15:19:26] I'm watching some oldies in another tab [2015-05-12 15:19:30] you can go to watch [2015-05-12 15:19:39] I've been at 2 [2015-05-12 15:19:40] Now hosting RPGLimitBreak [2015-05-12 15:19:40] Yes there are shirts through Yetee. Every $3 goes to NAMI [2015-05-12 15:20:00] I'm still hosting RPGLimitBreak from the FF13 relay. [2015-05-12 15:20:09] well that works out then :P [2015-05-12 15:20:12] mlstrm cerHype [2015-05-12 15:20:15] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-12 15:20:21] hey Kirby! [2015-05-12 15:20:24] hi MLSTRM [2015-05-12 15:20:26] gl on your run <3 [2015-05-12 15:20:26] hi kirby [2015-05-12 15:20:32] Who's playing alvin for Xillia? [2015-05-12 15:20:35] Could anyone who's there ask puwexil (or anyone in charge really haha) if a VERY last-minute prize is okay? Sorry I never sent one earlier but it's time to set things right! [2015-05-12 15:20:36] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 15:20:37] kirby is hype pieFu [2015-05-12 15:20:37] thanks <3 [2015-05-12 15:20:39] i spot a gwimpage OpieOP [2015-05-12 15:20:51] hi JerkBird [2015-05-12 15:20:54] oh goodness, shirts. [2015-05-12 15:21:07] my bank account says nope for those things. one day. [2015-05-12 15:21:18] ^^ [2015-05-12 15:21:19] calebFlexL rpgJerkBird rpgLevelup today will be a good day, wake up and my free relic on FFRK is Rinoa's Valkyrie... This is a good omen [2015-05-12 15:21:45] Jazaaboo, puwexil says yes [2015-05-12 15:21:45] Me denRin [2015-05-12 15:22:00] If you want to see me play Alvin more, vote Milla [2015-05-12 15:22:10] alex, thats nice me likey [2015-05-12 15:22:11] Wish I found my Wild ARMS Art Book earlier, would have put it up as a prize D: [2015-05-12 15:22:22] Wild arms <3 [2015-05-12 15:22:23] I want to see the Jude route OpieOP [2015-05-12 15:22:27] No OpieOP [2015-05-12 15:22:29] Oh man, Wild ARMS [2015-05-12 15:22:29] yolo [2015-05-12 15:22:33] Thanks Nitrodon! [2015-05-12 15:22:37] been a LONG time since Iplayed those [2015-05-12 15:22:39] Because only one of us have played Jude's route [2015-05-12 15:22:40] I'll get a pic ASAP [2015-05-12 15:22:42] guess i'll replace Terra with Rinoa since I don't have a single decent weapon for her -_- [2015-05-12 15:22:48] o boy [2015-05-12 15:22:56] Kappa [2015-05-12 15:23:01] gwimpage, how much do you love CatBag? [2015-05-12 15:23:03] KaRappa [2015-05-12 15:23:13] CatBag? [2015-05-12 15:23:20] CatBag [2015-05-12 15:23:20] CatBag CatBag [2015-05-12 15:23:20] CatBag CatBag CatBag [2015-05-12 15:23:20] CatBag CatBag CatBag CatBag [2015-05-12 15:23:20] CatBag CatBag CatBag [2015-05-12 15:23:20] CatBag CatBag [2015-05-12 15:23:20] CatBag [2015-05-12 15:23:20] Wild arms is like too many childhood memories [2015-05-12 15:23:30] Aela FrankerZ/ [2015-05-12 15:23:30] Wild ARMS is ok [2015-05-12 15:23:34] I've played it a couple times [2015-05-12 15:23:57] Majinken! Majinken! Majinken! Majinken! If only we had the JP version [2015-05-12 15:24:01] With superior cheaper DLC [2015-05-12 15:24:08] And bundled DLC Kappa [2015-05-12 15:24:17] deIlluminati [2015-05-12 15:24:19] deIlluminati deIlluminati deIlluminati [2015-05-12 15:24:20] FrankerZ / [2015-05-12 15:24:23] I had flashbacks of JPN Lloyd [2015-05-12 15:24:25] Look at how many people are here already! [2015-05-12 15:24:33] ^ a few [2015-05-12 15:24:34] Majinken was the best thing ever [2015-05-12 15:24:37] :P [2015-05-12 15:24:49] Gwimpage <3 [2015-05-12 15:24:58] qttMakoto [2015-05-12 15:25:00] just to double check, time zones are annoying. this is starting in like 1.5 hours? [2015-05-12 15:25:06] 2.5 hours [2015-05-12 15:25:06] 2.5 hours [2015-05-12 15:25:06] Baffan FrankerZ / <3 [2015-05-12 15:25:08] btw you can find out info on runs, prizes, bids, and donation incentives here: https://hosted.gamesdonequick.com/external/1 [2015-05-12 15:25:10] 2.5 for me [2015-05-12 15:25:25] and thats why im bad at timezones :) darn daylight savings [2015-05-12 15:25:27] Gwimpage you know how to talk with my Symphonia feels <3 [2015-05-12 15:26:04] Oh wait...it is 1.5 for me haha [2015-05-12 15:26:06] I think [2015-05-12 15:26:12] Gwim! o / [2015-05-12 15:26:38] 2.5 hours? SwiftRage got work [2015-05-12 15:26:54] @Magic_sword_makoto That doesn't make any sense. That's not how time works [2015-05-12 15:27:20] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 15:27:22] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 15:27:23] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 15:27:24] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 15:27:25] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 15:27:25] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 15:27:27] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 15:27:28] 2.5 for us here, so be sure to tell us how FE is going before Kirbymastah starts. [2015-05-12 15:27:40] OMG BichBat incentive rpgWhat [2015-05-12 15:27:54] oh wait it is 2.5 [2015-05-12 15:28:53] I hope I can ruin my sleep schedule in time for Xillia OpieOP [2015-05-12 15:28:54] bichOPERA is an incentive, right? [2015-05-12 15:29:00] Be sure to take a look at the awesome prizes RPGLB has to offer: https://hosted.gamesdonequick.com/external/prizes/1 rpgWhat [2015-05-12 15:29:47] Everybody Opera [2015-05-12 15:29:59] Don't worry Gwimpage, we're all ruining out sleep schedule [2015-05-12 15:30:07] bichOpera or Everybody Opera Kreygasm [2015-05-12 15:30:22] !rpglb [2015-05-12 15:30:22] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-12 15:30:23] Oh baby, I can bid for Jude's story already [2015-05-12 15:30:38] 12:00 MDT = 2pm [2015-05-12 15:30:41] ok 2.5 [2015-05-12 15:30:42] Wild ARMS Soundtrack up for grabs [2015-05-12 15:30:44] Already a train suplex donation... [2015-05-12 15:30:52] They may find that pilfered after Friday =P [2015-05-12 15:30:54] I was looking at my clock wrong :( [2015-05-12 15:31:29] ho many hours difference between MDT and GMT? [2015-05-12 15:31:43] you mean BST? since its summer? [2015-05-12 15:31:46] GMT-6 [2015-05-12 15:31:57] Because daylight savings [2015-05-12 15:32:01] hey don't look at me for the silly name changes you use over in the states on time zone thingies [2015-05-12 15:32:02] Or GMT-7? [2015-05-12 15:32:10] lunaraia: [2015-05-12 15:32:16] you're the one asking about GMT lmao [2015-05-12 15:32:26] MDT is GMT-6, BST-7 [2015-05-12 15:32:31] MST is GMT-7 [2015-05-12 15:32:40] both countries are in summer time [2015-05-12 15:32:41] GMT stays GMT in the winter too T_T [2015-05-12 15:32:54] gmt is only in the winter [2015-05-12 15:32:58] its BST in the summer [2015-05-12 15:33:03] really? [2015-05-12 15:33:07] yes [2015-05-12 15:33:12] I honestly didn't know that o_o [2015-05-12 15:33:13] i spot a vulajin [2015-05-12 15:33:16] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Summer_Time [2015-05-12 15:33:22] GMT stays GMT, but places like England go on BST. [2015-05-12 15:33:47] so i was reading the donation incentives. blind folded mystc quest sounds like a good way to spice up that run :) [2015-05-12 15:33:50] I live in Norway so I jsut add 1 hour to GMT so it's eaasier to ask about that :P [2015-05-12 15:34:12] Lunaraia do you not get summer time? [2015-05-12 15:34:21] we do [2015-05-12 15:34:30] so you're not always +1 from GMT then [2015-05-12 15:34:31] but we don't have a time zone name for it [2015-05-12 15:34:36] in the summer you'll be +2 from GMT [2015-05-12 15:34:37] it's just daylight savings or it's not [2015-05-12 15:35:19] I suppose so [2015-05-12 15:36:07] You live in Norway? Are you in a Black Metal band? Or like a Bubble Pop Band? [2015-05-12 15:36:26] so why the rest of the world have to go and change the time zone names are something I really have issues wrapping my brain around and no I don't play metal [2015-05-12 15:36:42] and i hate pop music [2015-05-12 15:36:53] Then do you really LIVE in Norway? Kappa [2015-05-12 15:36:53] whenever you concede to live by MERICAN standards [2015-05-12 15:37:06] lunaraia, i always get confused with timezones too [2015-05-12 15:37:43] glad I am not alone cantiel [2015-05-12 15:37:44] Oh yeah, the RPGLimitBreak grand prize poster is signed by all of the attendees [2015-05-12 15:37:57] That is sweet [2015-05-12 15:38:05] ok to reformulate my queston from earlier, how many hours until things starts [2015-05-12 15:38:14] Oh I have to SIGN something now? [2015-05-12 15:38:17] This is too much work [2015-05-12 15:38:18] i have a short appointment 10 mins before 1, can yall delay the start 30 mins? elaCry [2015-05-12 15:38:19] =P [2015-05-12 15:38:26] That's during the whole event right? [2015-05-12 15:38:52] Falexxx1 you haven't heard? they cancelled it [2015-05-12 15:39:02] oh good, i wont miss anything [2015-05-12 15:39:23] no nothing at all Keepo [2015-05-12 15:39:37] Mods? Can I post a link to a countdown timer? [2015-05-12 15:39:43] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 15:39:55] wooooooo [2015-05-12 15:39:56] Vulajin knows Franky I see [2015-05-12 15:40:04] Falexxx1: done. [2015-05-12 15:40:12] (not actually) [2015-05-12 15:40:31] woo [2015-05-12 15:40:33] Franky is a cool dude [2015-05-12 15:40:38] for the signed banner [2015-05-12 15:40:42] do I sign with my REAL name? [2015-05-12 15:40:51] yes [2015-05-12 15:40:54] obviously [2015-05-12 15:41:03] not a signature otherwise [2015-05-12 15:41:12] now is it? [2015-05-12 15:41:26] brb gonna work on an "Enker" signature [2015-05-12 15:41:58] :S [2015-05-12 15:42:00] Dude, Kirbymastah leaves RIGHT before I get there [2015-05-12 15:42:03] Mods? @Vulajin? Can I post a link to a countdown timer? [2015-05-12 15:42:11] Will probably be like the one person I don't meet [2015-05-12 15:42:40] Optinihilist go for it [2015-05-12 15:42:43] http://tinyurl.com/RPGLBTimer [2015-05-12 15:43:02] 2 hours and 15 minutes, got it [2015-05-12 15:43:06] thanks [2015-05-12 15:43:09] :) [2015-05-12 15:43:17] I'm so happy that solves the problem [2015-05-12 15:43:22] We need a food timer [2015-05-12 15:43:35] A food timer? [2015-05-12 15:43:43] need a swedish fish counter [2015-05-12 15:43:49] Plz [2015-05-12 15:43:51] Time till someone goes and gets Bagels? [2015-05-12 15:43:57] That's already going higher as we speak [2015-05-12 15:44:24] yuck keeper of the lake for roulette ;_; [2015-05-12 15:44:30] lololol [2015-05-12 15:44:38] WHM? [2015-05-12 15:44:51] lolDrg [2015-05-12 15:45:01] enjoy your 0 dps healer [2015-05-12 15:45:32] tank died on second pull [2015-05-12 15:45:34] least concern [2015-05-12 15:45:44] oh BTW the food for this years RPG Limitbreak are Chilli peppers with Tabasco and Wasabi Dipping and curry on the side [2015-05-12 15:46:07] /me mouth waters at @Lunaraia's joke [2015-05-12 15:46:20] O.o [2015-05-12 15:46:28] sounds good [2015-05-12 15:46:32] I like [2015-05-12 15:46:37] 'em spicy! [2015-05-12 15:47:21] I saw a video bout some dudes eating hotwings (chicken wings in some kind of REALLY spicy thingy) and it looked like it phyically hurt them to eat after a while [2015-05-12 15:47:21] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-12 15:49:06] There is 1 game series I am a bit sad to not see in this years line-up , absolutely no Wizardry games [2015-05-12 15:49:10] main problem with keeper is... it isn't cute tonberry rescure mission elaCry [2015-05-12 15:49:22] lunaraia: basically none of them are run though is the thing :( [2015-05-12 15:49:37] you CAN speedrun some of them [2015-05-12 15:49:43] yeah for sure [2015-05-12 15:49:46] but people don't lol [2015-05-12 15:49:58] I know T_T [2015-05-12 15:50:12] one of my fav games of all time are Wizardry for PS2 [2015-05-12 15:50:16] excitement caraHug [2015-05-12 15:50:16] great game [2015-05-12 15:50:42] Chelney1 2 hours until you can let that exitement out for real [2015-05-12 15:50:48] :( [2015-05-12 15:51:16] Lunaraia which wizardry? because I'm pretty sure only 7 was on PS1, and none on PS2 [2015-05-12 15:51:22] comfy [2015-05-12 15:51:31] PS2 has Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land [2015-05-12 15:51:38] it's a really good game [2015-05-12 15:51:51] think ive sunk better part of 800 hours into it [2015-05-12 15:52:23] ohhhh it was a spinoff [2015-05-12 15:52:24] cool [2015-05-12 15:52:43] Someuser will not get timed out for 3 minutes [2015-05-12 15:52:51] MLS you should check it out [2015-05-12 15:52:57] it's actually pretty damn good [2015-05-12 15:53:02] eh I don't have a playstation [2015-05-12 15:53:10] and I have like 8 other games on the go already lol [2015-05-12 15:53:19] *whispers* "Emulator" [2015-05-12 15:53:22] slowly working my way through wizardry 8 [2015-05-12 15:53:25] meh emu sucks [2015-05-12 15:53:36] works completely fine for that game [2015-05-12 15:53:44] Preach! [2015-05-12 15:53:52] my PS2 bit the dust so I started to use an emulator to run my games [2015-05-12 15:54:06] cuss I can't afford another [2015-05-12 15:54:15] not that anyone sells PS2's anymore either [2015-05-12 15:54:49] if you want MLSTRM I can link you to a Let's Play of it [2015-05-12 15:54:52] I may still have my PS2. Buy me a ticket to Norway and let me stay at your house and it's yours [2015-05-12 15:54:54] so you can see [2015-05-12 15:55:07] I'm already looking at stuff about it dw :p [2015-05-12 15:55:12] Opti I hardæy have enough money for food the rest of the month [2015-05-12 15:55:14] aint happenin [2015-05-12 15:55:24] :D [2015-05-12 15:55:41] The game actually have a ton of interesting mechanics that I like [2015-05-12 15:57:15] not to mention having a REALLY good soundtrack [2015-05-12 15:58:21] ..... aaaaand chat died [2015-05-12 15:58:25] It would also be American which would really suck for your old PS2 games [2015-05-12 15:58:36] yep [2015-05-12 16:00:44] what really sucks is that there where 2 Wizardry games made for PS2, but only 1 of them made it out of japan, the 2nd game which aperantly was even better, did not [2015-05-12 16:01:17] makesm e wish I knew how to read japanese [2015-05-12 16:02:44] !schedule [2015-05-12 16:02:44] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 16:05:58] you guys should stream just setting up chairs and stuff elaSaur you already have an audience [2015-05-12 16:06:59] ^ [2015-05-12 16:07:46] Swedish Fish Cam [2015-05-12 16:07:46] Sounds like a good donation incentive [2015-05-12 16:08:26] Anyone see the Rabite hat prize? It's so cute. [2015-05-12 16:08:28] RPGLimitBreak Opening Cutscene [2015-05-12 16:08:52] cant wait for mystic quest [2015-05-12 16:08:53] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 16:08:58] Opening Cutscene is Rickroll [2015-05-12 16:09:15] Robo Roll* [2015-05-12 16:09:26] what up gangstas o 3o [2015-05-12 16:09:38] This audience is pretty serious, let's be honest [2015-05-12 16:11:34] I will be off for a bit see ya'll later :) [2015-05-12 16:11:53] Don't know how I'm gonna get any work done with this going on [2015-05-12 16:12:12] GOOD NEWS! It doesn't start for 2 hours [2015-05-12 16:12:15] time to message bomb forums about diss hurr marathan goin on o 3o [2015-05-12 16:12:26] You have 2 hours to get a weeks worth of work done. Good luck [2015-05-12 16:12:50] 1 hour 47 min, actually [2015-05-12 16:13:15] rpgLevelup rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 16:13:40] so whose ready? [2015-05-12 16:13:49] Are you there already, HS? [2015-05-12 16:13:50] elaPablo rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 16:13:59] is this syarting soon? [2015-05-12 16:14:04] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 16:14:09] 2h soul [2015-05-12 16:14:11] yes enker [2015-05-12 16:14:15] cool [2015-05-12 16:14:17] See you tomorrow =D [2015-05-12 16:14:23] 2pm est start [2015-05-12 16:14:29] BibleThump [2015-05-12 16:14:33] too bad I'll be asleep during it. [2015-05-12 16:14:47] damn 2 hrs... i hate timezones Kappa [2015-05-12 16:14:57] Have a link to a countdown so that you can know how long relative to you!http://tinyurl.com/RPGLBTimer [2015-05-12 16:14:57] No links allowed (optinihilist) (warning) [2015-05-12 16:14:57] <optinihilist has been timed out> [2015-05-12 16:15:11] get ready for #ThisHasNeverHappenBefore OneHand [2015-05-12 16:15:15] Damnit moobot I got premission [2015-05-12 16:15:19] Moobooted [2015-05-12 16:15:24] moobot wasn't turned on before [2015-05-12 16:15:26] h/o [2015-05-12 16:15:26] Welcome back Moobot [2015-05-12 16:15:34] http://tinyurl.com/RPGLBTimer countdown timer link [2015-05-12 16:15:40] Thanks man [2015-05-12 16:15:51] Sub 2 hour HYPE [2015-05-12 16:16:07] Oh snap, my sub ran out. Will have to fix that later. [2015-05-12 16:16:39] RIP Practice, food time [2015-05-12 16:16:40] you fix it now Dansgame Keepo [2015-05-12 16:17:38] Getting hungry ^^ think I'll afk for a bit to get food [2015-05-12 16:17:38] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-12 16:20:41] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 16:20:47] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 16:21:02] hey gwimpage demFesCat [2015-05-12 16:21:09] crap i forgot i'm not on my account [2015-05-12 16:21:12] BibleThump [2015-05-12 16:21:23] hey vulajin demMai [2015-05-12 16:21:32] you mean kirbymastah Kappa [2015-05-12 16:21:47] ew impersonation [2015-05-12 16:21:54] CatBag [2015-05-12 16:21:55] should be banned from the marathon [2015-05-12 16:22:06] well til kirbymastah has a alternative account [2015-05-12 16:22:15] Vulajin, say hi to Osey and tell him to get ready for adventures of Sir Doof [2015-05-12 16:22:21] A:p [2015-05-12 16:23:23] hyyyyype!!! [2015-05-12 16:24:29] i enjoy rpg [2015-05-12 16:25:16] Then you're in the right place. [2015-05-12 16:25:46] FFgamer86 just subscribed! [2015-05-12 16:25:46] FFgamer86 just subscribed! [2015-05-12 16:26:02] :o [2015-05-12 16:26:27] morning all [2015-05-12 16:26:38] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 16:26:49] Morning FF [2015-05-12 16:27:26] sub hype! [2015-05-12 16:27:44] Ligeag just subscribed! [2015-05-12 16:27:44] Ligeag just subscribed! [2015-05-12 16:27:46] hub sype! [2015-05-12 16:28:08] 12 PM MDT is in how many hours? [2015-05-12 16:28:16] 1.5 [2015-05-12 16:28:17] 1h 30min [2015-05-12 16:28:17] 1 hour 30 minutes [2015-05-12 16:28:26] awesome man [2015-05-12 16:28:52] You lifted? [2015-05-12 16:29:41] Yay Ligeag have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 16:29:47] mikalia <3 [2015-05-12 16:30:02] Hello Jeannot <3 [2015-05-12 16:30:40] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 16:31:46] there is also a quakenet chat, at #rpglimitbreak :) [2015-05-12 16:31:54] feel free to drop in [2015-05-12 16:32:46] Gamer, haven't heard from you in a bit. [2015-05-12 16:33:37] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 16:33:57] Hello Gangrel =_ [2015-05-12 16:33:59] =) [2015-05-12 16:34:09] hey mikalia [2015-05-12 16:35:22] hey doctor speedy [2015-05-12 16:35:26] been real busy [2015-05-12 16:35:32] were eating breakfast right now [2015-05-12 16:35:43] aah yeah good folks, in less than 90 minutes we're about to witness the power of game knowledge [2015-05-12 16:35:43] heya ffgamer how you been [2015-05-12 16:37:39] quakenet pls [2015-05-12 16:37:58] ben good [2015-05-12 16:38:00] been [2015-05-12 16:38:06] theres a schedule time zone adapted? [2015-05-12 16:38:18] it might be in MDT [2015-05-12 16:38:18] gamer <3 [2015-05-12 16:38:33] Hey jeannot!! [2015-05-12 16:38:41] how are you doing? :) [2015-05-12 16:38:47] good eating breakfast [2015-05-12 16:38:51] ^^ [2015-05-12 16:38:58] nearly dinner time here :D [2015-05-12 16:39:07] i already ordered my pizzas^^ [2015-05-12 16:39:20] There is a French restream for those who speaks la langue de Molière [2015-05-12 16:39:30] we went to pizza last night, all you can eat [2015-05-12 16:39:34] 22 of us lol [2015-05-12 16:39:35] i prefer to be here, Kawaimat :p [2015-05-12 16:39:36] sweet Jeannot =D [2015-05-12 16:39:44] lol [2015-05-12 16:39:46] lol gamer^^ food pron [2015-05-12 16:39:52] that is aawesome ffgamer [2015-05-12 16:39:53] magic <3 [2015-05-12 16:39:59] heya jeano [2015-05-12 16:40:27] did a practice run this morning of MQ with blindfolded section and got a 2:22 total [2015-05-12 16:40:32] so pretty good [2015-05-12 16:40:36] nice :) [2015-05-12 16:40:38] nice [2015-05-12 16:41:00] and did not die to opening battle lol [2015-05-12 16:41:06] woot [2015-05-12 16:41:29] apparently I won't be joining the quakenet chat since it asks you to pong back an ascii cookie and even if I enter it immediately it decides I've taken too long :v [2015-05-12 16:41:37] andnothingofvaluewaslost.jpeg [2015-05-12 16:43:12] I probably wont be in quakenet chat much since at the moment we can't have too many from same ip in the chat or it would ban you from it. [2015-05-12 16:44:42] I know people in #RPG will be talking about the event [2015-05-12 16:46:24] also got #finalfantasy in sda chat too [2015-05-12 16:46:33] channel* [2015-05-12 16:49:35] so who is hyped for the 3-13 archer?!?!?! [2015-05-12 16:49:35] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 16:49:38] Gerrick1 just subscribed! [2015-05-12 16:49:38] Gerrick1 just subscribed! [2015-05-12 16:49:51] gg gerrick [2015-05-12 16:49:54] yay Gerrick have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 16:49:57] kirbyHype SUB HYPE kirbyHype [2015-05-12 16:50:02] I've been busy the last several months. Finished my masters. Looking into going out of state for work. [2015-05-12 16:50:09] FrankerZ? [2015-05-12 16:50:17] I just wanted to get hat in before I donate later [2015-05-12 16:50:18] Radiant Dawn can go *** itself, I've lost way too much of my life to that game >_> looking forward to seeing Kirby bend it over [2015-05-12 16:53:59] God luck om run Kirbymastah [2015-05-12 16:56:20] \ rpgJerkBird / [2015-05-12 16:56:27] HYPE [2015-05-12 16:57:02] Hey guys [2015-05-12 16:57:10] 3 minutes??? [2015-05-12 16:57:21] 3 minutes????? [2015-05-12 16:57:35] The wait is intensifying! [2015-05-12 16:57:54] good luck Kirbymastah !!!! [2015-05-12 16:58:04] 1 hour left [2015-05-12 16:58:16] Hello Everyone! Glad I was able to be home for the start! :) How is everyone in chat?? [2015-05-12 16:58:29] Patiently waiting [2015-05-12 16:58:40] /me begins gnawing off foot [2015-05-12 16:58:53] <0xwas> ✘╹◡╹✘ [2015-05-12 16:59:03] ✘╹◡╹✘ [2015-05-12 16:59:07] 0xwas <3 [2015-05-12 16:59:12] ✘╹◡╹✘ [2015-05-12 16:59:19] ✘╹◡╹✘ [2015-05-12 16:59:41] ✘╹o╹✘ [2015-05-12 16:59:54] ✘╹O╹✘ [2015-05-12 17:00:26] ✘╹◡╹✘ [2015-05-12 17:01:17] ✘╹◡╹✘ [2015-05-12 17:01:26] ✘╹◡╹✘ [2015-05-12 17:01:37] ヾ(。◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)ノ [2015-05-12 17:01:44] awesome username @ForOhForError [2015-05-12 17:02:27] We need flexes [2015-05-12 17:02:42] ✘╹◡╹✘ [2015-05-12 17:02:50] ✘╹◡╹✘ [2015-05-12 17:02:54] ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็(ಠ益ಠส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ [2015-05-12 17:03:04] Uberflex [2015-05-12 17:03:17] i enjoy donger [2015-05-12 17:03:52] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:03:57] What's MDT in real people time zones? D: [2015-05-12 17:04:17] lol [2015-05-12 17:04:20] 1800UTC/GMT [2015-05-12 17:04:24] GMT -6 [2015-05-12 17:04:27] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:04:30] ~(’ω’)~ [2015-05-12 17:04:34] Mountain time [2015-05-12 17:04:39] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:04:40] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:04:45] Ah, gotcha :3 thanks [2015-05-12 17:05:11] \[T]/ {one hour left!) [2015-05-12 17:05:12] We @ GermenchRestream are rdy to roll anytime :D [2015-05-12 17:05:16] 11:05am [2015-05-12 17:05:19] beware of Elena, she is really the wings of Valmar [2015-05-12 17:05:22] Nice! [2015-05-12 17:05:24] ok brb. Food strats ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:05:26] RyuTech, any French restream? [2015-05-12 17:05:38] the show starts in 54 minutes [2015-05-12 17:05:48] BibleThump [2015-05-12 17:05:57] I might miss the start [2015-05-12 17:06:38] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:06:44] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:06:45] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:06:47] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:06:48] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:06:50] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:06:51] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:06:52] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:06:57] everyone FLEX [2015-05-12 17:06:58] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:07:05] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:07:06] ᕦ(demFesCat)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:07:11] ᕦ(kottKatt)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:07:15] what does monkey faces have to do with flexing? [2015-05-12 17:07:15] ᕦ(spazOut)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:07:20] Hello everyone HeyGuys [2015-05-12 17:07:25] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:07:34] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:07:35] ᕙ(° Д°)/ [2015-05-12 17:07:51] hoyas Policeman [2015-05-12 17:08:01] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 17:08:06] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 17:08:07] ahoy Lunar [2015-05-12 17:08:12] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:08:15] heya bich! [2015-05-12 17:08:24] The french have come! [2015-05-12 17:08:25] Sup [2015-05-12 17:08:32] no spamming kirbymastah :) [2015-05-12 17:08:32] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 17:08:42] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 17:08:45] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 17:08:49] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 17:08:52] Kreygasm Kreygasm [2015-05-12 17:08:58] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 17:09:00] chipCookie [2015-05-12 17:09:03] @RPGLIMITBREAK_FR you are the french re-stream yes? [2015-05-12 17:09:07] hey french resrim [2015-05-12 17:09:21] Vive le fraincais! [2015-05-12 17:09:29] Join the Datk Side, and get a free chipCookie [2015-05-12 17:09:37] ᕦ( rpgWhat )ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:09:46] Vive le Francais! [2015-05-12 17:09:59] aaah la France, liberté, egalité et fraternité [2015-05-12 17:10:03] 50 minutes [2015-05-12 17:10:06] hehe [2015-05-12 17:10:14] Yes cursegamer [2015-05-12 17:10:20] 50 minutes? I'm going home [2015-05-12 17:10:22] we certainly are ! [2015-05-12 17:10:24] That's too long [2015-05-12 17:10:30] Bonus stream early plz [2015-05-12 17:10:32] .... deIlluminati [2015-05-12 17:10:33] deIlluminati deIlluminati [2015-05-12 17:10:44] Kappa [2015-05-12 17:10:55] Btw #RPGLB2015FR > #RPGLB2015 rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 17:11:02] ^ [2015-05-12 17:11:16] rpgWhat [2015-05-12 17:11:24] JENJA BibleThump [2015-05-12 17:11:33] BICH BibleThump [2015-05-12 17:11:39] I'm in a strange place BibleThump [2015-05-12 17:11:54] cynicalArchmage [2015-05-12 17:11:54] BUT WHY BibleThump [2015-05-12 17:11:57] It'll be over soon bixh [2015-05-12 17:11:59] bich [2015-05-12 17:12:31] bichMarathon Kreygasm [2015-05-12 17:13:05] jenja <3 [2015-05-12 17:13:07] bich <3 [2015-05-12 17:13:20] hype [2015-05-12 17:13:25] Hey jeanno [2015-05-12 17:13:25] Everyone loves everyone in this chat, its so nice [2015-05-12 17:13:46] I only like french, sorry rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 17:14:02] i heard there are some RPGs here [2015-05-12 17:14:08] I see rpgs [2015-05-12 17:14:20] I wish Golden Sun were in the schedule, but only like two people run it. [2015-05-12 17:14:36] This RPG is called "Offline", there is a really deep story to this one. [2015-05-12 17:14:45] I don't want to spoil it though [2015-05-12 17:14:51] show starts in 46 minutes [2015-05-12 17:14:53] called game over screen [2015-05-12 17:14:56] you probably haven't head of it [2015-05-12 17:14:56] ;) [2015-05-12 17:14:57] It's about a universe without form, a giant void [2015-05-12 17:15:10] if you're hyped for this marathon, make sure to flex!!! [2015-05-12 17:15:17] but what [2015-05-12 17:15:19] ᕙ(° Д°)/ [2015-05-12 17:15:19] how does i flex [2015-05-12 17:15:23] I'm making sure to FrankerZ [2015-05-12 17:15:30] Vulajin teach me how to flex [2015-05-12 17:15:31] mechajeff subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 17:15:31] mechajeff subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 17:15:35] No flexing, I'm just HeyGuys ing [2015-05-12 17:15:38] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:15:38] im off till the show starts [2015-05-12 17:15:39] ᕙ wiz35 / [2015-05-12 17:15:40] later [2015-05-12 17:15:51] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 17:15:52] ᕦ wiz35 ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:15:52] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:16:06] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:16:12] Piano Flex Allowed? ♩♫♪♬ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ♩♫♪♬ [2015-05-12 17:16:17] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:16:27] all flexing is allowed ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:16:30] ᕦPovertyFlexᕤ [2015-05-12 17:16:31] calebFlexL wiz35 calebFlexR [2015-05-12 17:16:38] rpgJerkBird rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 17:16:52] Vulajin somehow talking and typing :o [2015-05-12 17:17:08] ᕦcerKupoᕤ [2015-05-12 17:17:08] Hype! [2015-05-12 17:17:08] Said the man in the same room [2015-05-12 17:17:21] james <3 [2015-05-12 17:17:25] vulajin <3 [2015-05-12 17:17:33] (this is kirby btw) [2015-05-12 17:17:35] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:17:38] kirby <3 [2015-05-12 17:17:42] jean <3 [2015-05-12 17:17:46] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 17:17:50] i dont care, i love everyone KappaHD [2015-05-12 17:17:53] heyas [2015-05-12 17:18:02] ♩♫♪♬ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ♩♫♪♬ [2015-05-12 17:18:05] prutte #cerHype [2015-05-12 17:18:11] oh i forgot vulajin's also a cereth sub cerFlan [2015-05-12 17:18:15] hope the pizza gave you guys enough energy for the marathon :D [2015-05-12 17:18:16] rip in pieces [2015-05-12 17:18:20] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:18:33] Vulajin cerFancy [2015-05-12 17:18:38] cerFancy [2015-05-12 17:18:40] we had chocolate chip pancakes today [2015-05-12 17:18:47] D: [2015-05-12 17:19:01] deerCup [2015-05-12 17:19:18] bonjour Jeannot [2015-05-12 17:19:36] bonjour nitrodon <3 [2015-05-12 17:19:36] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-12 17:19:45] gotta go into town ;_; [2015-05-12 17:19:51] remember, a late start is a best start! [2015-05-12 17:20:20] no starting late! [2015-05-12 17:20:20] we might start on time...if donation incentive is met [2015-05-12 17:20:58] rpgLevelUp [2015-05-12 17:21:02] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 17:21:34] There's a FFT incentive to kill Boko!?!?! BibleThump [2015-05-12 17:21:48] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 17:22:36] Almost 40 minutes early hyyyyype [2015-05-12 17:22:36] calebFlexL wiz35 calebFlexR [2015-05-12 17:22:37] Good music starts in a few at the french crew [2015-05-12 17:22:43] remember speedrunners, with great speed comes great responsibility because speed kills [2015-05-12 17:22:57] Oh man, voice acting for The Demon Rush *must* happen [2015-05-12 17:23:08] speed is chearing because glitches and skipping enjoyment robble robble [2015-05-12 17:23:10] whom would be doing the VAthough? [2015-05-12 17:23:15] is spikevegeta there? o 3o [2015-05-12 17:23:42] spike not here yet [2015-05-12 17:23:45] spikevegeta is not here yet [2015-05-12 17:23:51] you used "whom" so you must be great at speaking english [2015-05-12 17:23:56] will he be there in time for The Demon Rush? o3o [2015-05-12 17:24:15] Maybe. I'm not sure I used it properly though, actually. So I might actually be a dirty poseur. [2015-05-12 17:24:18] I think he gets here in like 2 hours [2015-05-12 17:24:21] It's funny because he use "whom" incorrectly Kappa [2015-05-12 17:24:25] Keepo [2015-05-12 17:24:32] Ohai [2015-05-12 17:24:32] Yeah I figured. Keepo [2015-05-12 17:24:42] oh really? Well it impressed me anyways [2015-05-12 17:24:45] @DiosGX "Whom" is used as the object of the sentence. "Who" is for the subject. [2015-05-12 17:24:53] spike was in goos's chat at like 3 am last night [2015-05-12 17:25:06] i hope he didn't over sleep [2015-05-12 17:25:09] Instixic just subscribed! [2015-05-12 17:25:09] Instixic just subscribed! [2015-05-12 17:25:23] Which is all moot since "whom" is no longer English in most English-speaking countries [2015-05-12 17:25:37] nor is moot [2015-05-12 17:25:42] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 17:25:43] :-p [2015-05-12 17:25:46] "whom" is somewhat archaic nowadays, which is unfortunate [2015-05-12 17:26:31] for whom the bell tolls by metallica [2015-05-12 17:26:38] used whom dudes [2015-05-12 17:26:47] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 17:27:13] use who if you can replace it with he [2015-05-12 17:27:20] use whom if you can replace it with him [2015-05-12 17:27:45] You know what, Merriam-Websters added "crunk" and "ginormous" to their dictionaries a while back. [2015-05-12 17:27:49] @FFgamer86 What if I'm talking about a girl? Kappa [2015-05-12 17:28:02] WHENS POKEMON [2015-05-12 17:28:03] What is and what is not valid English has been thrown into the vortex. [2015-05-12 17:28:03] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:28:09] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:28:29] @Swordofaeons use she and her then [2015-05-12 17:28:58] Language evolves as long as there are people speaking it. Nothing to be done about that. [2015-05-12 17:29:07] lot of donation incentives to donate for guys [2015-05-12 17:29:24] some coming up soon with Fire Emblem and Diablo 3 [2015-05-12 17:29:46] It's too early for discussions on linguistics ResidentSleeper [2015-05-12 17:29:48] my money is already saved for one incentive^^ [2015-05-12 17:30:10] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:30:41] sbzyManleee [2015-05-12 17:30:59] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 17:31:01] when should be live? [2015-05-12 17:31:10] in 30 minutes [2015-05-12 17:31:11] "Secret Area (with Metasigma)" this is probably less lewd than I'm imagining, but I still WAONT it [2015-05-12 17:31:16] In 40 minutes [2015-05-12 17:31:26] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 17:31:26] is Fire Emblem a any%-run? [2015-05-12 17:31:29] k lirikH [2015-05-12 17:31:35] ヾ(。◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)ノ [2015-05-12 17:31:46] Easy Mode w/ Transfers [2015-05-12 17:31:54] ∠(° Д°)/∠(° Д°)/∠(° Д°)/∠(° Д°)/∠(° Д°)/ [2015-05-12 17:32:26] calebFlexL wiz35 calebFlexR [2015-05-12 17:32:32] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 17:32:58] French restream hype ! [2015-05-12 17:33:00] RUMMEL [2015-05-12 17:33:23] RUMMEL [2015-05-12 17:33:34] Rabble? [2015-05-12 17:33:38] You guys are going to be more energy then Crystals4Life right? [2015-05-12 17:33:38] Do you guys have a plan to make sure Metasigma gets enough sleep this year? That boy'll run himself into the ground without supervision [2015-05-12 17:33:44] RUMMEL = Hype in German [2015-05-12 17:33:51] Germench Restream Hype!! [2015-05-12 17:34:30] woo [2015-05-12 17:34:39] Baguette for win Kreygasm [2015-05-12 17:35:16] GERMENCH for the Win! (German + French) [2015-05-12 17:35:17] ~(’ω’)~ [2015-05-12 17:35:23] RUMMEL [2015-05-12 17:36:23] 24 minutes [2015-05-12 17:36:26] Germench Kreygasm [2015-05-12 17:36:32] until all of our heroes show up on screen [2015-05-12 17:36:38] GERMENCH BAGUETTe! [2015-05-12 17:37:27] is there a prize list or anything like that up yet [2015-05-12 17:37:38] there is, stefanta [2015-05-12 17:37:39] gimme a sec [2015-05-12 17:37:52] https://hosted.gamesdonequick.com/external/prizes/1 [2015-05-12 17:37:52] <enkerblues has been timed out> [2015-05-12 17:37:52] No links allowed (enkerblues) (warning) [2015-05-12 17:38:00] rekt [2015-05-12 17:38:07] marathon starts 22 min from now? [2015-05-12 17:38:14] thanks sorry enker [2015-05-12 17:38:16] Well go to rpglimitbreak dot com [2015-05-12 17:38:16] <enkerblues has been timed out> [2015-05-12 17:38:17] Goddamnit Moobot! He was trying to be a bro! [2015-05-12 17:38:20] rpgJerkBird rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 17:38:24] check the rpglimitbreak web page stefanta [2015-05-12 17:38:30] there you can find it [2015-05-12 17:38:40] moobot is the real final boss of RPG Limit Break [2015-05-12 17:38:42] It's okay Enker. We spazLove you anyway. [2015-05-12 17:38:53] rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 17:38:57] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 17:39:41] STOP THE MADNESS START THE HYPE [2015-05-12 17:39:48] Frankerz? [2015-05-12 17:39:55] FrankerZ? * [2015-05-12 17:39:57] CorgiDerp [2015-05-12 17:40:08] nice emote, idiot [2015-05-12 17:40:30] ty sir [2015-05-12 17:40:37] rpgLevelup spiritFatty [2015-05-12 17:40:38] i meant my misspelling [2015-05-12 17:40:49] spiritSample [2015-05-12 17:41:03] /me test test [2015-05-12 17:41:05] Taste my refreshment Keepo [2015-05-12 17:41:41] go restream fr he have good song :p [2015-05-12 17:41:50] d [2015-05-12 17:41:52] holy *** Radiant Dawn PogChamp [2015-05-12 17:41:55] Am I unbanned? [2015-05-12 17:41:57] oh baby [2015-05-12 17:42:04] Germench is online! [2015-05-12 17:42:12] Does this ban me from the actual event too? [2015-05-12 17:42:21] it's a time out. not a ban. >> [2015-05-12 17:42:28] Yep, no refund either. RIP Enker. [2015-05-12 17:42:32] D" [2015-05-12 17:42:56] spaace <3 [2015-05-12 17:42:59] hey wells :) [2015-05-12 17:43:02] hello enker :) [2015-05-12 17:43:04] hey jeanno =O [2015-05-12 17:43:21] hello hello [2015-05-12 17:43:36] Hey everyone [2015-05-12 17:43:47] Hello! sbzyManleee [2015-05-12 17:43:51] hrrrm, why is there a soccer ball as a prize for FF6?... [2015-05-12 17:43:51] firsrt [2015-05-12 17:44:05] land blitzball? [2015-05-12 17:44:13] land blitzball Kreygasm [2015-05-12 17:44:16] I thought it was "Field Blitzball" [2015-05-12 17:44:16] i know it doesnt start for 15min but is it live? the v ideo wont load for me [2015-05-12 17:44:17] Good luck streamers and crew!!!!!!!!!♥♥ [2015-05-12 17:44:18] good evening everyone :D rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 17:44:24] signed by bich Kreygasm [2015-05-12 17:44:25] just watched Game of Thrones and hyped for some Fire Emblem [2015-05-12 17:44:30] Sososo ready for some RPG speed running. Come on stream! [2015-05-12 17:44:35] ANCHOR!!!!!!!! [2015-05-12 17:44:42] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 17:44:53] hello jeannot spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 17:45:01] calebFlexL wiz35 calebFlexR [2015-05-12 17:45:20] Ice Blitzball? [2015-05-12 17:45:31] TEPEEM [2015-05-12 17:45:48] this is a such a party already [2015-05-12 17:45:55] dude, party ready [2015-05-12 17:46:05] T - 15 minutes [2015-05-12 17:46:06] dldarklink subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 17:46:06] dldarklink subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 17:46:06] It's always a party with you around Enker [2015-05-12 17:46:09] It's a better party than Cid/Tifa/Cloud [2015-05-12 17:46:12] thank you for your patience [2015-05-12 17:46:17] You got that right, Gerrick [2015-05-12 17:46:35] hey everyone [2015-05-12 17:46:40] yo tiuh [2015-05-12 17:47:09] yo TPM, you ready for Andy/Enker magic on Wednesday? [2015-05-12 17:47:28] happysquid89 subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 17:47:28] happysquid89 subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 17:47:29] oh wow there are a lot of people in here [2015-05-12 17:47:30] Hype? [2015-05-12 17:47:32] HYPE [2015-05-12 17:47:32] Are we live? my phone does offline.... [2015-05-12 17:47:37] !happy [2015-05-12 17:47:40] we are offline [2015-05-12 17:47:43] squid :D [2015-05-12 17:47:43] Hype [2015-05-12 17:47:52] くコ:彡 [2015-05-12 17:47:53] not live yet [2015-05-12 17:47:59] hey guys cerFlan [2015-05-12 17:48:11] O F F L I N E B O Y S [2015-05-12 17:48:16] oh yeah, mountain time is a thing [2015-05-12 17:48:21] hey squid =D [2015-05-12 17:48:48] Servus Happy :D [2015-05-12 17:48:49] are you hyped or are you hyped? spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 17:49:02] happy squid, padre squid [2015-05-12 17:49:17] !schedule [2015-05-12 17:49:17] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 17:49:17] hyped? you mean HYPED :D [2015-05-12 17:49:31] Hyped? You mean RUMMEL [2015-05-12 17:49:37] RUMMEL [2015-05-12 17:49:37] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-12 17:49:48] There's a Quakenet link set up for it, right? [2015-05-12 17:49:49] heya happysquid [2015-05-12 17:49:57] If this doesn't start immediately at 12 [2015-05-12 17:50:00] Happy Birthday oô [2015-05-12 17:50:01] I say we burn the place down [2015-05-12 17:50:02] NAMI is here [2015-05-12 17:50:08] Good evening everyone [2015-05-12 17:50:12] yo Yaga [2015-05-12 17:50:14] hey Yaga [2015-05-12 17:50:16] introducing her to the crew [2015-05-12 17:50:20] Hey FFG, Yagamoth, Magicfreak :D [2015-05-12 17:50:26] Diablo 3 is on 360? I am so excited to hear why! [2015-05-12 17:50:28] Agh, i will be missing so much of the first day because of class [2015-05-12 17:50:37] hey ered [2015-05-12 17:50:41] lol [2015-05-12 17:50:51] there's a good reason for it OptiNihilist [2015-05-12 17:50:53] Opt it's because of the fact it's not updated there [2015-05-12 17:51:03] also a few others [2015-05-12 17:51:03] 360 = vanilla [2015-05-12 17:51:08] @Dldarklink I better there is [2015-05-12 17:51:09] Enker, who's all there atm? [2015-05-12 17:51:15] I bet* [2015-05-12 17:51:16] Not me T_T [2015-05-12 17:51:21] DLDarklink it's called Classic [2015-05-12 17:51:21] What's the # For RPGLB's Quakenet? :) [2015-05-12 17:51:23] ..I read that as Vanille at first. Thanks Vanille. [2015-05-12 17:51:24] Or are you not at Essentia's place... ;>_> oh okay [2015-05-12 17:51:25] I'm there tomorrow, Friday and Saturday [2015-05-12 17:51:32] hold on to your seats, my limit is about to break [2015-05-12 17:51:36] i stand corrected [2015-05-12 17:51:39] I'm at work like 30 minutes away from the event [2015-05-12 17:51:42] I can feel the power [2015-05-12 17:51:49] its a great run to see [2015-05-12 17:51:51] I'm six hours away, go me [2015-05-12 17:51:53] hype! [2015-05-12 17:51:59] about 26 people here right now [2015-05-12 17:52:02] #RPGLimitBreak i believe Eredin. That's what the RPGLB website shows. [2015-05-12 17:52:07] im gonna hate what ever runs theres going to be tomorrow cause ill miss a few of them cause of DnD [2015-05-12 17:52:18] skip DnD [2015-05-12 17:52:25] lol [2015-05-12 17:52:25] ^ [2015-05-12 17:52:30] skip DnD [2015-05-12 17:52:35] watch Earthbound [2015-05-12 17:52:35] No one simply skips DnD [2015-05-12 17:52:45] What edition of D&D are you playing? [2015-05-12 17:52:48] Thanks Overlordbossk :D [2015-05-12 17:52:51] 1st [2015-05-12 17:52:53] pretend that your DnD character is REALLY in to watching RPG Speedruns [2015-05-12 17:52:54] Edition [2015-05-12 17:52:54] You're welcome :) [2015-05-12 17:53:04] watch on your phone while playing DnD [2015-05-12 17:53:12] i would but i loose exp and my druid needs exp to catch up on since i missed like a month of gameplay [2015-05-12 17:53:27] turn your DnD session into w "Watch RPGLB" experience with your friends. [2015-05-12 17:53:37] okay my character makes a spirit connection with another realm and watches rpglimitbreak. i rolled a 20. [2015-05-12 17:53:42] ... -_- @Magicfreak500 what edition of D&D are you playing? [2015-05-12 17:54:12] I'm playing pathfinder this weekend so this will be over by then, [2015-05-12 17:54:14] 5th edition since its wizards of the coasts adventure league thing [2015-05-12 17:54:19] I play 2nd Edition [2015-05-12 17:54:19] Wear an apple watch under an eye-patch so you can watch with nobody knowing [2015-05-12 17:54:20] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 17:54:32] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 17:54:34] lol [2015-05-12 17:54:40] @Magicfreak500 It's cool dude, skip "D&D" [2015-05-12 17:55:20] Minamiyothegreat, the test to make a spiritual connection are a check vs Wisdom, due to rolling a 20 you recieved a critical failure [2015-05-12 17:55:24] but i need to keep a warlock and 2 fighters in check [2015-05-12 17:55:37] all my DnD books are from 1987-1996 [2015-05-12 17:55:37] Isn't a natural 20 a crit success? [2015-05-12 17:55:38] I know that feeling. [2015-05-12 17:55:48] slain not vs status checs [2015-05-12 17:55:50] Not in ADnD [2015-05-12 17:55:52] WARLOCK?! Skip this abomination! Skip it and burn your character! [2015-05-12 17:55:55] I had a party of newbies thinking they could take on ANYTHING. [2015-05-12 17:55:56] #SkipDnD [2015-05-12 17:55:58] What's the worst they can do, blow up the world? [2015-05-12 17:55:59] you need to roll bellow the stat or fail [2015-05-12 17:56:02] gl to all the runners [2015-05-12 17:56:22] I'm back =) [2015-05-12 17:56:23] But thats only in a few systems lunaraia [2015-05-12 17:56:28] for instance if you have 18 Wistom a check vs wisdom would succeed on 18 or lower [2015-05-12 17:56:34] Hi when does this sweet event start? [2015-05-12 17:56:37] lets see warlock pissed off 2 dwarfs got us into a bar fight um what else should i mention [2015-05-12 17:56:39] 4 min [2015-05-12 17:56:47] hi mikalia :) [2015-05-12 17:56:48] hey Mikalia [2015-05-12 17:56:54] Hello =) [2015-05-12 17:56:56] I sense a distinct lack of rpgGoodTaste in this chat :D [2015-05-12 17:56:58] Nice, thank you. [2015-05-12 17:57:02] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 17:57:03] My campaign had a Minotaur friend accidently burning down a bar. [2015-05-12 17:57:05] Actually, rolling under a stat is not in any core rulebook ever [2015-05-12 17:57:05] Mikalia remember me? [2015-05-12 17:57:06] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 17:57:06] hype // [2015-05-12 17:57:11] Your group sounds like me, magicfreak500. We seemed to destroy an inn every session. [2015-05-12 17:57:16] mine, not me* [2015-05-12 17:57:18] lol [2015-05-12 17:57:19] #hype Keepo// [2015-05-12 17:57:26] It hasn't gone live yt why issn;t it lve oh my god why isn't live OH MY GOD WHY [2015-05-12 17:57:34] Optinihilist, who said I where following the Core rules ;P [2015-05-12 17:57:36] hey it's my squidbro cephalopadre cerHype [2015-05-12 17:57:36] I hope KirbyMastah Chan notices me [2015-05-12 17:57:37] optin it was in second edition [2015-05-12 17:57:42] Mikalia are you still reading Last Game? :) [2015-05-12 17:57:50] Houserules FTW [2015-05-12 17:57:55] My guess for peak viewers is 1000000000000 [2015-05-12 17:57:58] I do vaguely >.< [2015-05-12 17:58:02] That doesn't matter then [2015-05-12 17:58:05] nah Kappa [2015-05-12 17:58:09] 1000 is easy [2015-05-12 17:58:09] Ya I am still reading Last Game [2015-05-12 17:58:10] @Hobbitbilboman get your rulebook, and look it up. It ain't in there. [2015-05-12 17:58:16] I'm saying 2,400 [2015-05-12 17:58:17] TWO MINUTES [2015-05-12 17:58:20] 10k [2015-05-12 17:58:21] they try to blame me for things but hey i saved their butts by rooting people in place and also destroyed a potion that would have made us fight 3 skeletons we already fought also im there only chance of a healer [2015-05-12 17:58:22] CorgiDerp [2015-05-12 17:58:22] Bring it [2015-05-12 17:58:28] 2 MINUTES HOIP [2015-05-12 17:58:28] ResidentSleeper [2015-05-12 17:58:29] HYPE!!!! [2015-05-12 17:58:29] Kappa [2015-05-12 17:58:32] im looking at it [2015-05-12 17:58:33] is fire emblem an any%-run? [2015-05-12 17:58:41] Mikalia you got the Last Game tip from me last year :) [2015-05-12 17:58:42] kirby don't forget to do secret message [2015-05-12 17:58:42] rpgWhat rpgWhat rpgWhat rpgWhat rpgWhat rpgWhat [2015-05-12 17:58:49] cerHype squid school @HappySquid89 [2015-05-12 17:58:49] HOIPE [2015-05-12 17:58:50] who's ready to go fast [2015-05-12 17:58:56] How many more hours, till the hype begins? [2015-05-12 17:59:04] I'm ready for that new WR on Chrono Trigger [2015-05-12 17:59:08] 1 min dutch [2015-05-12 17:59:09] Guys, what is "speedrunning"? I'm confused [2015-05-12 17:59:16] running fast, duh [2015-05-12 17:59:16] 1/60 hours [2015-05-12 17:59:16] It's cheating [2015-05-12 17:59:18] :P [2015-05-12 17:59:19] oh ^^ [2015-05-12 17:59:23] is radiant dawn the game people hated at agdq [2015-05-12 17:59:25] We're still getting ready [2015-05-12 17:59:31] Oh okay! [2015-05-12 17:59:40] so what are the shirts that yeti made for rpglb [2015-05-12 17:59:40] Heya PXTfD! [2015-05-12 17:59:41] Ready or not, the stream starts in 30 seconds! MAKE IT HAPPEN [2015-05-12 17:59:45] people hated radiant dawn at agdq? [2015-05-12 17:59:48] Good luck! [2015-05-12 17:59:57] 15 SECONDS [2015-05-12 17:59:58] @Superaliceinwonderland I hope not. It was my favorite run from the event [2015-05-12 17:59:59] It was " ResidentSleeper " [2015-05-12 17:59:59] strim or rito [2015-05-12 18:00:00] leave it to speedrunners to procrastinate Kappa [2015-05-12 18:00:06] ^ [2015-05-12 18:00:08] Come on guys, begin, I wanna make lunch [2015-05-12 18:00:09] LET IT BEGIN [2015-05-12 18:00:09] YOU'RE LATE [2015-05-12 18:00:10] It was at graveyard [2015-05-12 18:00:12] So close to starting [2015-05-12 18:00:17] Time to rito [2015-05-12 18:00:18] its 2PM and still offline, RIOT [2015-05-12 18:00:20] the runner didnt give commentary that was good/it was graveyard [2015-05-12 18:00:21] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:00:23] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:00:25] Stream is late, RIP RPGLimit Break [2015-05-12 18:00:26] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:00:32] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:00:35] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:00:35] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 18:00:36] RESET [2015-05-12 18:00:41] How amateur! Late stream! /s [2015-05-12 18:00:43] remember, it's not a charity speedrun event without being fashionably late [2015-05-12 18:00:44] Better luck next year guys [2015-05-12 18:00:46] Streams are ALWAYS late :p [2015-05-12 18:00:47] good luck next year [2015-05-12 18:00:53] IT's 12!!!! [2015-05-12 18:00:53] I'm going to donate $200, but every minute the stream is late I'll deduct $10 [2015-05-12 18:00:53] Why would the runner to provide any commentary the couch provided all the commentary on that run [2015-05-12 18:00:54] kirby tweeted 10 more minutes at 1:53, so they should be starting in like 2 minutes about? [2015-05-12 18:00:56] See you all in 2016! [2015-05-12 18:00:56] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:00:56] RING THE BELLS [2015-05-12 18:00:59] Lets do this! ヽ(。_°)ノ [2015-05-12 18:01:01] rpgtimelimitbreak Kappa [2015-05-12 18:01:03] Live from PJSalt Lake City [2015-05-12 18:01:07] ish [2015-05-12 18:01:14] FrankerZ we're starting soon [2015-05-12 18:01:16] FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ [2015-05-12 18:01:16] It's not on [2015-05-12 18:01:18] BURN IT DOWN [2015-05-12 18:01:18] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 18:01:20] Pack it up, people. This one was a flop /s [2015-05-12 18:01:23] WHERE'S BLUEGRASS [2015-05-12 18:01:24] BURN IT DOWN [2015-05-12 18:01:24] demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-12 18:01:24] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ]' [2015-05-12 18:01:24] kirby play fe [2015-05-12 18:01:25] riot [2015-05-12 18:01:27] ANCHOR DID YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS [2015-05-12 18:01:29] GL Kirby CatBag [2015-05-12 18:01:30] demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-12 18:01:30] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:01:32] LilZ [2015-05-12 18:01:33] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:01:34] slackMuh sbzyReky [2015-05-12 18:01:35] good luck Kirby! i believe in you! [2015-05-12 18:01:38] demFesCat [2015-05-12 18:01:38] Wait a marathon that doesn't start on time? [2015-05-12 18:01:38] WHAT IS THIS?! [2015-05-12 18:01:39] KIRBYMASTAH SENPAI KUN KAWAII DESU NEEEEEEEEEEEE [2015-05-12 18:01:40] wtf is that kitty emote ROFL [2015-05-12 18:01:46] I BELIEVE IN YOU KIRBY [2015-05-12 18:01:51] Batleon hype [2015-05-12 18:01:51] CatBag ? [2015-05-12 18:01:53] let's go Kirby :) [2015-05-12 18:01:54] that cat looks drunk [2015-05-12 18:01:54] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:01:58] KIRBYMASTAH BREAK THE BOTTLE ON THIS *** [2015-05-12 18:02:01] NoCash! How was Vegas? [2015-05-12 18:02:03] CatBag CatBag CatBag CatBag CatBag [2015-05-12 18:02:06] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:02:09] Super fun! [2015-05-12 18:02:10] What's up NoCash [2015-05-12 18:02:11] FrankerZ FRANKER BALL Z FrankerZ [2015-05-12 18:02:13] Beyond the Schedule Kappa [2015-05-12 18:02:20] FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ [2015-05-12 18:02:20] LilZ [2015-05-12 18:02:21] I'm enjoying this orange desktop right now [2015-05-12 18:02:24] spazOut [2015-05-12 18:02:25] Hey yo policeman [2015-05-12 18:02:26] ALRIGHT TIME FOR DIABLO 3 THANKS KIRBYMASTAH [2015-05-12 18:02:28] Welp shows over go home folks Keepo [2015-05-12 18:02:32] PUWEXIL I know you can read this, You better beat the WR this time or I won't forget how hard you spammed my YT inbox Kappa [2015-05-12 18:02:35] but i am home [2015-05-12 18:02:45] lol [2015-05-12 18:02:46] This is ESSENTIAly a disaster [2015-05-12 18:02:48] :3 [2015-05-12 18:02:48] Looks like it's canceled, welp bye guys Kappa [2015-05-12 18:02:57] alice u *** [2015-05-12 18:02:59] lol [2015-05-12 18:03:02] :( [2015-05-12 18:03:05] postponed for another month [2015-05-12 18:03:05] house burned to the ground due to the runs being TOO HOT [2015-05-12 18:03:06] LOL [2015-05-12 18:03:06] boooooo puns :) [2015-05-12 18:03:10] Dom please CatBag [2015-05-12 18:03:10] This is why I love chat. [2015-05-12 18:03:10] I look forward to next years RPGLimitBreak! [2015-05-12 18:03:16] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:03:16] <3 [2015-05-12 18:03:18] sup cab [2015-05-12 18:03:21] An RPGLimitBreak appeared! [2015-05-12 18:03:21] demFesCat [2015-05-12 18:03:22] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:03:22] Who is currently behind @Rpglimitbreak [2015-05-12 18:03:22] hey chelney :> [2015-05-12 18:03:22] why streamer? [2015-05-12 18:03:23] Damn RPGJerkbirds [2015-05-12 18:03:26] ALRIGHT TIME FOR THE FINALE GUYS THIS WAS A FUN STREAM [2015-05-12 18:03:26] hey dom [2015-05-12 18:03:27] Love you @Rpglimitbreak [2015-05-12 18:03:30] I believe in our heroes [2015-05-12 18:03:30] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:03:32] Trolling me while I try to doge them [2015-05-12 18:03:32] Your Late strimer D: [2015-05-12 18:03:34] Was a great marathone speedran it so fast it's already over [2015-05-12 18:03:36] Our heroes need us to believe right now [2015-05-12 18:03:38] @Rpglimitbreak <3 [2015-05-12 18:03:39] panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket [2015-05-12 18:03:41] WE'RE LIVE!... not [2015-05-12 18:03:43] hey chelney :) [2015-05-12 18:03:44] Birds are jerks. [2015-05-12 18:03:44] KirbymastaH make me a pizza [2015-05-12 18:03:44] This is guaranteed the best, most comfy chat on twitch all year [2015-05-12 18:03:47] No doubt [2015-05-12 18:03:47] EssentiaFour <3 [2015-05-12 18:03:47] JERK BIRD!! @\(_/@ [2015-05-12 18:03:48] ohnFiddle [2015-05-12 18:03:50] Close your eyes and send them your MP [2015-05-12 18:03:51] 3 minutes late, such professionalism Kappa [2015-05-12 18:03:51] RPGLimitBreak is the hero we need, maybe not the hero we deserve [2015-05-12 18:03:52] hey thatidiotuhate :) [2015-05-12 18:03:54] This wouldn't be a marathon if we were on time. [2015-05-12 18:03:54] KIrbyMASTAH [2015-05-12 18:03:55] kottKatt? [2015-05-12 18:03:56] hey Jean [2015-05-12 18:03:56] RPG HYPE!!!!!!! [2015-05-12 18:03:57] at least stream your slow setup to quiet down the riot [2015-05-12 18:04:00] demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-12 18:04:00] Demon Chocobo took over RPGLimitBreak D= [2015-05-12 18:04:01] i blame everhate [2015-05-12 18:04:03] rpgJerkBird / [2015-05-12 18:04:04] I'm still enjoying this orange desktop [2015-05-12 18:04:05] agdq wasn't on time [2015-05-12 18:04:06] There's no riot lol [2015-05-12 18:04:07] kottKatt [2015-05-12 18:04:08] Kappa? [2015-05-12 18:04:08] everhate <3 [2015-05-12 18:04:08] hey Everhate [2015-05-12 18:04:09] !blame [2015-05-12 18:04:09] I also blame Everhate [2015-05-12 18:04:10] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:04:10] I BLAME THIS ON FIRE EMBLEM RNG [2015-05-12 18:04:11] Im sure this will be a nice mature older stream audience [2015-05-12 18:04:13] Don't change it [2015-05-12 18:04:13] This better be broadcast in 4K [2015-05-12 18:04:18] Everhate! [2015-05-12 18:04:18] lol [2015-05-12 18:04:19] OSkomodo [2015-05-12 18:04:19] Fire is so hot [2015-05-12 18:04:21] Essentia, raise your hand if you can see this [2015-05-12 18:04:24] strim or rito [2015-05-12 18:04:24] Mikalia, your prizes look awesome w3 [2015-05-12 18:04:26] #BlameEverhate [2015-05-12 18:04:26] 4k broadcast or riot! [2015-05-12 18:04:27] you're meant to save time at the start then lose it all because of that one frame trick right near the end damnit! [2015-05-12 18:04:28] i forgot the start time [2015-05-12 18:04:28] mormons shut down RPG limit break :o [2015-05-12 18:04:28] Does anyone know if diablo3 is back up for the 2nd run? [2015-05-12 18:04:28] I'm back [2015-05-12 18:04:34] bowie <3 [2015-05-12 18:04:35] I CAN SEE THE STREAM IT'S ALL GRAY [2015-05-12 18:04:39] HERE IT IS [2015-05-12 18:04:39] LIVE [2015-05-12 18:04:39] Hey bowie [2015-05-12 18:04:42] Ooooh it's HEWRE [2015-05-12 18:04:44] Its happening!!! [2015-05-12 18:04:44] altaBag altaBag altaBag altaBag altaBag [2015-05-12 18:04:44] WE ARE GO? [2015-05-12 18:04:44] yaaaay [2015-05-12 18:04:45] LIVE [2015-05-12 18:04:45] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:04:46] false alarm [2015-05-12 18:04:46] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:04:48] Bowie!! [2015-05-12 18:04:49] Hey people [2015-05-12 18:04:50] Thanks Jeannot [2015-05-12 18:04:50] spiritWEEE spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:04:50] Ad hype! [2015-05-12 18:04:50] yay it started [2015-05-12 18:04:51] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:04:53] Yay [2015-05-12 18:04:54] Kappa // [2015-05-12 18:04:54] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:04:55] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:04:55] is this real life Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:04:55] IT exists! [2015-05-12 18:04:55] HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE [2015-05-12 18:04:55] OMG [2015-05-12 18:04:55] 4 MINUTES LATE!!!!! [2015-05-12 18:04:56] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:04:56] I SEE PEOPLE [2015-05-12 18:04:57] yay!! [2015-05-12 18:04:57] o/ [2015-05-12 18:04:57] yay, here we are:) [2015-05-12 18:04:59] \ 4Head / [2015-05-12 18:04:59] rpgWhat [2015-05-12 18:04:59] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:05:00] YAY [2015-05-12 18:05:00] hi [2015-05-12 18:05:00] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:05:00] Oh man! It's Essentia's House! [2015-05-12 18:05:00] Let's go ∠(° Д°)/∠(° Д°)/ [2015-05-12 18:05:01] Hi'. [2015-05-12 18:05:02] YAHOOOOOOOOOO [2015-05-12 18:05:03] spazOut [2015-05-12 18:05:04] Ad hype [2015-05-12 18:05:06] YAY!!!! [2015-05-12 18:05:07] Puwexil you sexy sexy man! [2015-05-12 18:05:08] Oh hey [2015-05-12 18:05:08] here we gooooooo [2015-05-12 18:05:09] let the hype commence [2015-05-12 18:05:09] Hey everyone! PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:05:10] WOOOOOOOOO [2015-05-12 18:05:11] yeaaah ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:05:11] what kind of speed running are 4 minutes LATE?!?!?! [2015-05-12 18:05:12] spazOut [2015-05-12 18:05:12] HYPEEEEEEEEE [2015-05-12 18:05:12] Kneel before Demon Chocobo [2015-05-12 18:05:15] DENIED [2015-05-12 18:05:16] And rip phone chat capabilities [2015-05-12 18:05:16] spiritWEEE spiritWEEE spiritWOW spiritWEEE spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:05:17] Clappa [2015-05-12 18:05:17] Where the orange desk top [2015-05-12 18:05:19] Hi everyone! [2015-05-12 18:05:19] wooo let's go [2015-05-12 18:05:21] dssClap [2015-05-12 18:05:21] HYPE HYPE HYPE! [2015-05-12 18:05:23] METASIGMA [2015-05-12 18:05:24] <0xwas> where is my game smrpg Kappa [2015-05-12 18:05:25] JAMIE JUSTICE [2015-05-12 18:05:25] Dang this looks comfy [2015-05-12 18:05:27] METASIGME [2015-05-12 18:05:27] where da videogames [2015-05-12 18:05:29] META FRONT ROW MONSTER! [2015-05-12 18:05:29] rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 18:05:30] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:05:30] Jamie Justice, what a name [2015-05-12 18:05:30] jMIJamie JUSTICE [2015-05-12 18:05:33] Afternoon here [2015-05-12 18:05:33] YAY IT'S STARTING [2015-05-12 18:05:34] :) [2015-05-12 18:05:36] No good afternoon BibleThump [2015-05-12 18:05:38] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:05:38] welcome to the META RPG!!! [2015-05-12 18:05:42] yeah alice this does look super comfy [2015-05-12 18:05:44] she needs to convince her sister Victoria to show up and support..... :) [2015-05-12 18:05:44] cohhLaina [2015-05-12 18:05:47] METASIGMA [2015-05-12 18:05:48] WAIT WHATS THE CAUS [2015-05-12 18:05:52] Ayyy, it's starting! cirFairy [2015-05-12 18:05:52] Give NAMI your MANI Kappa [2015-05-12 18:05:54] WHAT ABOUT ADC [2015-05-12 18:06:01] Woohoo \o/ [2015-05-12 18:06:01] jamie justce? is she a superhero? [2015-05-12 18:06:01] YOUR YOUR METAS TO YOUR NAMI! [2015-05-12 18:06:03] look at the sexyspirits in the back Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:06:03] Hello everyone! :D [2015-05-12 18:06:04] my gm always tells me not to meta game....Kappa [2015-05-12 18:06:05] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:06:06] My body is ready Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:06:07] GL everyone! [2015-05-12 18:06:08] i mean GIVE :D [2015-05-12 18:06:08] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ KIRBYFLEXING ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:06:10] cuz thats 100% a super hero name [2015-05-12 18:06:16] ADC too greedy. support is team player [2015-05-12 18:06:17] 400 viewers WOOHOO [2015-05-12 18:06:21] KIRBYMASTAH RUNNING BLIND [2015-05-12 18:06:24] But not stomping out Sigma [2015-05-12 18:06:26] I second Give NAMI your MANI! such a good charity [2015-05-12 18:06:27] Hello Mattrick [2015-05-12 18:06:27] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:06:29] ᕦ(° spiritWink °)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:06:30] wixNis )/ [2015-05-12 18:06:30] caraHug [2015-05-12 18:06:31] spiritWOW [2015-05-12 18:06:34] *flex* [2015-05-12 18:06:34] is that a blind speedrunner? RESPECT [2015-05-12 18:06:36] I LIVE :D [2015-05-12 18:06:38] NIE [2015-05-12 18:06:38] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:06:39] Mattrick_ :) [2015-05-12 18:06:39] yay? [2015-05-12 18:06:40] NICE NICE NICE [2015-05-12 18:06:40] Oh my [2015-05-12 18:06:42] HYPE PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:06:42] Look at that overlay! [2015-05-12 18:06:42] HYPPEPEPE [2015-05-12 18:06:42] ResidentSleeper [2015-05-12 18:06:43] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:06:44] PogChamp // [2015-05-12 18:06:44] HYPE [2015-05-12 18:06:45] ᕦ spiritWink ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:06:45] gl all rpg runners [2015-05-12 18:06:50] YAY KIRBY! [2015-05-12 18:06:52] Ok time to make lunch [2015-05-12 18:06:54] I see the runner mic is super quiet again :v [2015-05-12 18:06:56] IN BEFORE MV LUCK [2015-05-12 18:06:58] the layout =O [2015-05-12 18:06:58] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:06:58] SUPER HYPER TURBO HYPE [2015-05-12 18:07:01] @Faust_orbatos, haha nice [2015-05-12 18:07:03] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:04] meta with the first successful flee of the marathon [2015-05-12 18:07:05] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:05] Kirby hype! [2015-05-12 18:07:05] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:05] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:06] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:06] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 18:07:06] *flex* [2015-05-12 18:07:07] sup puwexil [2015-05-12 18:07:07] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:08] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:08] ᕦ spiritWink ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:12] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:12] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:12] ᕦ(°Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:13] Oh snap 562 viewers [2015-05-12 18:07:13] puwexil Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:07:14] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:14] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:15] ᕦᕦᕦᕦ( spiritWOW )ᕤᕤᕤᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:15] BasedHaar [2015-05-12 18:07:16] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:19] Video games [2015-05-12 18:07:22] Vulajin in the background laying down the law Kappa [2015-05-12 18:07:22] lol space [2015-05-12 18:07:23] already $85? [2015-05-12 18:07:25] *spaaaaaaaace [2015-05-12 18:07:26] FLEX MASTAH [2015-05-12 18:07:30] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:30] i enjoy video games [2015-05-12 18:07:31] haaaaaaaaappy :3 [2015-05-12 18:07:31] http://www.theyetee.com/rpglimitbreak [2015-05-12 18:07:35] The NAMI gal totally isn't in an awkward position Kappa Kappa [2015-05-12 18:07:37] ᕙ(° Д°)/ [2015-05-12 18:07:38] SIT DOWN [2015-05-12 18:07:40] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:42] CatBag CatBag altaBag altaBag dosDKBag dosDKBag [2015-05-12 18:07:45] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:07:49] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:07:49] SIT DOWN I CANT SEE [2015-05-12 18:07:53] I'm happy for her cause, but I also feel a little awkward for her, so out of place, hehe [2015-05-12 18:07:54] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:07:55] good luck!!! [2015-05-12 18:07:56] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:07:57] when in doubt, BLAME EVERHATE [2015-05-12 18:07:57] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:07:58] we under wya!!!!! [2015-05-12 18:07:59] gl! [2015-05-12 18:08:01] JAMIE JUSTICE IS HORRIFIED [2015-05-12 18:08:02] ᕦ CatBag ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:08:02] good luck, Kirbymastah [2015-05-12 18:08:03] dssSanic dssClap [2015-05-12 18:08:03] Kappa // [2015-05-12 18:08:04] let's go spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:08:05] GL!! [2015-05-12 18:08:07] Kappa// [2015-05-12 18:08:09] Don't forget the torch Kirby! [2015-05-12 18:08:10] cerHype [2015-05-12 18:08:13] KIRBY DONT FORGET TO DO GRAND ABYSS [2015-05-12 18:08:13] louder [2015-05-12 18:08:17] yey! [2015-05-12 18:08:18] time to get comfy boys [2015-05-12 18:08:20] kottKatt [2015-05-12 18:08:22] HI BROSSENTIA!! [2015-05-12 18:08:23] rpg gamers hype [2015-05-12 18:08:26] Here's some kitties for Kirby! cirThree muhBoopies pattyPLZ [2015-05-12 18:08:27] :D [2015-05-12 18:08:31] 746 vierwers already [2015-05-12 18:08:33] :D [2015-05-12 18:08:33] kottKatt [2015-05-12 18:08:33] cerHype [2015-05-12 18:08:36] HI JINNY [2015-05-12 18:08:37] is that Jinny talking? [2015-05-12 18:08:38] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:08:39] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:08:39] Brossentia?! Hype! [2015-05-12 18:08:41] Svenne1138, Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:08:42] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:08:44] Giramoni just subscribed! [2015-05-12 18:08:44] Giramoni just subscribed! [2015-05-12 18:08:46] 0 viewer host is better than none @(_@ [2015-05-12 18:08:46] kottGrill [2015-05-12 18:08:49] I am putting my faith in kirbymastah...what could possibly go wrong [2015-05-12 18:08:50] jenja spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:08:53] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:08:54] random stat gains galore [2015-05-12 18:08:57] who's on the couch with kirby [2015-05-12 18:09:03] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:09:04] G I R A M O N I SUB HYPE [2015-05-12 18:09:04] everhate already doing his job [2015-05-12 18:09:05] spaace spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:09:09] woo got to see the start. now time to sleep. later all! [2015-05-12 18:09:10] Miss WutFace [2015-05-12 18:09:11] RNG [2015-05-12 18:09:12] Why is Kirby not practicing Grand Abyss Kappa [2015-05-12 18:09:13] We need hype for good RNG! [2015-05-12 18:09:15] Starting off on a good foot [2015-05-12 18:09:15] good RNG here [2015-05-12 18:09:17] PUMP IT UP PEOPLE [2015-05-12 18:09:18] RESET [2015-05-12 18:09:18] this reminds me off thé Good, old Days <3 [2015-05-12 18:09:18] rng to strong LOL [2015-05-12 18:09:19] RIP teh urn [2015-05-12 18:09:19] IT BEGINS [2015-05-12 18:09:21] SHE GOT STRENGTH [2015-05-12 18:09:24] you gotta keep the hosts going! [2015-05-12 18:09:25] marathon luck has already reared it's head [2015-05-12 18:09:26] IS THAT JINNY [2015-05-12 18:09:27] Michaiah Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:09:27] At least someone noticed, Cab. Kappa [2015-05-12 18:09:29] EVERY THE HOST FOR RPGLIMITRBEAK! [2015-05-12 18:09:29] 'Blessings' [2015-05-12 18:09:30] Crit mattered [2015-05-12 18:09:31] the stat she is LEAST likely to get [2015-05-12 18:09:35] +1 Str PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:09:40] YOU FEEL STRONGER ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:09:42] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 18:09:42] Ayyyy! wixNis [2015-05-12 18:09:44] RNG giveth and taketh away [2015-05-12 18:09:44] wizManX [2015-05-12 18:09:50] Mattrick_, already hosting [2015-05-12 18:09:51] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ +1 [2015-05-12 18:09:54] mcaT [2015-05-12 18:09:56] OP [2015-05-12 18:09:58] never got into fire emblem [2015-05-12 18:10:01] ᕦ CatBag ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:10:08] oi [2015-05-12 18:10:11] In Awakening, it's 5, I think [2015-05-12 18:10:14] ᕦ CatBag ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:10:15] overlordbossk subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 18:10:15] overlordbossk subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 18:10:20] SUB HYPE PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:10:34] yay overlord have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:10:34] PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:10:36] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:10:36] Overlord! o/ [2015-05-12 18:10:38] . [2015-05-12 18:10:39] over Lord boss k with the continued subbing!!!!!!11!!! [2015-05-12 18:10:40] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:10:41] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:10:42] this chat is already so much better than agdq's chat, lol [2015-05-12 18:10:43] Manga! [2015-05-12 18:10:43] wow nice donations already [2015-05-12 18:10:46] this layour is sick!!! [2015-05-12 18:10:46] overlord <3 [2015-05-12 18:10:48] Why is runner wearing shades indoors? [2015-05-12 18:10:49] layout* [2015-05-12 18:10:51] /me just subscribed! [2015-05-12 18:10:52] Jeannot <3 [2015-05-12 18:10:53] EDDY EDDY! *crowd goes nuts [2015-05-12 18:10:54] manga! [2015-05-12 18:10:55] Jennot [2015-05-12 18:10:58] pls, Thatidiotuhate [2015-05-12 18:10:58] It's bright [2015-05-12 18:10:59] Svenne o/ [2015-05-12 18:11:00] Jeannot* :) [2015-05-12 18:11:01] Kappa [2015-05-12 18:11:01] <3 [2015-05-12 18:11:04] i really like the clean look of the layout [2015-05-12 18:11:04] Keep in mind that sunlight is pouring in through the window [2015-05-12 18:11:05] Yes [2015-05-12 18:11:10] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:11:11] ROFL [2015-05-12 18:11:12] sunlight? [2015-05-12 18:11:14] \\ CatBag [2015-05-12 18:11:14] Is there an incentive for Hot Pocket%? [2015-05-12 18:11:14] Brossentia Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:11:15] woop woop [2015-05-12 18:11:16] Sunlight is every gamer's weakness! [2015-05-12 18:11:16] I agree, kudos to the overlay creator \cirPrise/ [2015-05-12 18:11:16] $500 PogChamp // [2015-05-12 18:11:17] Kappa // [2015-05-12 18:11:18] Yeah the stream looks great [2015-05-12 18:11:20] Brossentia on commenting? [2015-05-12 18:11:21] CougarHunt [2015-05-12 18:11:21] Kappa // [2015-05-12 18:11:21] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ I demand for the entire Flexnation to HOST!! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:11:22] jean :O [2015-05-12 18:11:22] I see birds in Chat [2015-05-12 18:11:22] Jeannot <3 [2015-05-12 18:11:22] Brossentia Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:11:23] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:11:24] Jean Not [2015-05-12 18:11:25] Gwimpage just subscribed! [2015-05-12 18:11:25] Gwimpage just subscribed! [2015-05-12 18:11:26] Jeanno!!!! [2015-05-12 18:11:27] damn, that was quick lol [2015-05-12 18:11:28] Jeannot @w@ [2015-05-12 18:11:28] donation hype [2015-05-12 18:11:30] BrossentiaHYPE [2015-05-12 18:11:31] Gene!!! [2015-05-12 18:11:32] !blame and !riot [2015-05-12 18:11:32] SUB HYPE PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:11:33] jeannot <3 [2015-05-12 18:11:35] holy jeannot PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:11:36] Brossentia with all the name slaughtering [2015-05-12 18:11:36] G W I M P A G E [2015-05-12 18:11:37] RPGLimitBreak is here Kreygasm rpgWhat [2015-05-12 18:11:38] Last donation?! BibleThump [2015-05-12 18:11:38] Brossentia. He's so hot right now. [2015-05-12 18:11:39] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:11:39] :D [2015-05-12 18:11:39] JEANO!!!! <3 <3 <3 [2015-05-12 18:11:42] you're the real MVP [2015-05-12 18:11:45] Brossentia, did you lose your phone again Kappa [2015-05-12 18:11:45] muhahahahah [2015-05-12 18:11:45] neros <3 [2015-05-12 18:11:46] omg again Jeannot [2015-05-12 18:11:53] Jeannot <3 <3 <3 [2015-05-12 18:11:56] donation atpChar [2015-05-12 18:11:56] also, everyone <3 sevenWave [2015-05-12 18:11:56] Highspiritd karaoke Kreygasm spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:11:56] sevenHYPE spiritWOW [2015-05-12 18:11:58] lol i wont go too far this year Mikalia ^^ [2015-05-12 18:11:59] Nice Jeannot! [2015-05-12 18:12:02] Where is the donation link? [2015-05-12 18:12:02] hey Nakuri_ :) [2015-05-12 18:12:08] brossentia read a donation which was not a bad pun? where are we here? DansGame [2015-05-12 18:12:10] below the stream, ArchasTL [2015-05-12 18:12:13] you said that last year [2015-05-12 18:12:14] I heard kribymastah ruined the event [2015-05-12 18:12:15] under the stream [2015-05-12 18:12:18] Hello RPGLB! [2015-05-12 18:12:18] why easy mode? [2015-05-12 18:12:19] Jeigan [2015-05-12 18:12:19] @ArchasTL first link in the profile [2015-05-12 18:12:21] Oh, duh. Thanks, Jeanno [2015-05-12 18:12:24] how is this layout so much better than agdq [2015-05-12 18:12:33] @MooseSama because RNG is too horrific otherwise [2015-05-12 18:12:39] and they didn't get paid to make it [2015-05-12 18:12:42] No dead space dedicated to sponsors, that's why [2015-05-12 18:12:43] I was thinking the same thing Alice! [2015-05-12 18:12:46] stream looking good guys? [2015-05-12 18:12:47] !schedule [2015-05-12 18:12:47] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 18:12:50] yes ffgamer [2015-05-12 18:12:56] looks good :D [2015-05-12 18:12:57] very [2015-05-12 18:12:59] Looks great and the layout is sexy [2015-05-12 18:13:00] We had an amazing volunteer help out with the layout, Meagan Roach [2015-05-12 18:13:02] good quality on the stream yes ffgamer86 [2015-05-12 18:13:06] last strike crit DansGame [2015-05-12 18:13:07] stream looks great [2015-05-12 18:13:08] looks like a downsized room Kappa [2015-05-12 18:13:09] Most awesome dude [2015-05-12 18:13:11] The layout is excellent. [2015-05-12 18:13:11] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:13:13] Who designed the loho, might I ask? [2015-05-12 18:13:16] *logo [2015-05-12 18:13:22] Meagan Roach, hype \cirPrise/ [2015-05-12 18:13:24] Does Meagan Roach have any website? [2015-05-12 18:13:25] Yes excellent job on the layout [2015-05-12 18:13:27] who thought it was a good idea to have kirbymastah open the event? He is an enormous tryhard nuthugging cretin. [2015-05-12 18:13:31] Man the crits in this game are legit [2015-05-12 18:13:31] cause I´d love to see more of her work [2015-05-12 18:13:31] RIP Aimee [2015-05-12 18:13:32] Yay~ Limit Break~ [2015-05-12 18:13:34] thanks jeannot love ya [2015-05-12 18:13:39] ^^ [2015-05-12 18:13:43] [butthurt intensifies] [2015-05-12 18:13:43] Hey all! I've never been able to catch something like this livebefore! [2015-05-12 18:13:44] Hiya HS [2015-05-12 18:13:49] spiritSample spiritSample spiritSample [2015-05-12 18:13:50] Highspirits, 10$ are missing for the bids though [2015-05-12 18:13:51] Enjoy magic sword :D [2015-05-12 18:13:52] Wait is this Kirbymastah playing? [2015-05-12 18:13:53] highspirits best streamer [2015-05-12 18:13:57] Yes [2015-05-12 18:13:58] Go go Kirby Mastah kick some *** [2015-05-12 18:13:59] Yes, Voltrey [2015-05-12 18:14:02] the name of the runner is below the cam [2015-05-12 18:14:03] @Magic_sword_makoto Thanks for viewing and showing your support [2015-05-12 18:14:03] People need to be nicer to Kirby he's a super cool dude. You're all jerks [2015-05-12 18:14:03] Hello Essentia's House! lol [2015-05-12 18:14:04] this is Kirbymastah, yes [2015-05-12 18:14:05] Highspirits, you gotta sing now? [2015-05-12 18:14:09] Highspirits, they are for activating battle voices, could you do something about that? [2015-05-12 18:14:09] BibleThump 7 [2015-05-12 18:14:10] @Highspirits, @Jeannotbdf guess what just happend to me today? I got a job <3 I can now sub to scrub @Highspirits Kappa [2015-05-12 18:14:10] Where is kirbymastah's guide dog? [2015-05-12 18:14:18] \CatBag/ [2015-05-12 18:14:20] lots of donations so be patient [2015-05-12 18:14:20] How can Kirbymastah spam in chat when he is playing avideo game? [2015-05-12 18:14:21] grats Anatolias_Next <3 [2015-05-12 18:14:25] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:14:28] Kribymastah in the house! [2015-05-12 18:14:30] kirby's just that good [2015-05-12 18:14:32] kottKatt [2015-05-12 18:14:35] chat is PG 13 btw [2015-05-12 18:14:39] Kirbymastah sunglasses inside? [2015-05-12 18:14:45] Gonna make a donation to help out the retarded Clippers fans in the world :( [2015-05-12 18:14:48] grays Ana [2015-05-12 18:14:48] Kirby's spamming chat in my heart Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:14:49] Hello to all my RPG lovers in the house [2015-05-12 18:14:54] he doesnt want you to see he is high as a kite Kappa [2015-05-12 18:14:55] FFG!!! [2015-05-12 18:14:56] hi jape [2015-05-12 18:15:01] demFesCat [2015-05-12 18:15:03] So one F*-word and that was it? [2015-05-12 18:15:03] I'm just here for Fire Emblem Kappa b [2015-05-12 18:15:08] @FFgamer86, where is the sex at? There has to be sex if it's pg13 right? right? Kappa [2015-05-12 18:15:08] chat...PG 13...FFgamer, this is twitch OpieOP [2015-05-12 18:15:14] @Ffgamer86 so everyone is allowed one F and S bomb and all the soft curses they can handle? [2015-05-12 18:15:19] Hello Highspirits rpgWhat [2015-05-12 18:15:19] Is it just the 6 people today? Or are other streamers kind of hanging around off screen? I don't how these work lol [2015-05-12 18:15:25] kirbymastah using google glass cheats?!?!? [2015-05-12 18:15:25] rpgGoodTaste Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:15:27] A PG13 Twitch Chat? That doesn't exists ROFL [2015-05-12 18:15:30] hey mikalia [2015-05-12 18:15:33] Interesting. I've never seen KirbyMastah play anything except Metroid. [2015-05-12 18:15:35] there's other people at the event lol [2015-05-12 18:15:39] just off cam [2015-05-12 18:15:40] caraGL to everyone in RPG Limit Break! [2015-05-12 18:15:41] magic_sword_makoto there are quite a few more [2015-05-12 18:15:45] lot of other folks off camera, just not a ton of space in the streaming room [2015-05-12 18:15:48] lamguin enjoy this, its a good run [2015-05-12 18:15:48] Google glass hacking [2015-05-12 18:15:49] hey mattrick, highspirits, mikalia [2015-05-12 18:15:51] sup Highspirits rpgjerkbird [2015-05-12 18:15:54] well can you crawl in this game? [2015-05-12 18:15:56] don't you have to be 13+ to have a twitch account ? [2015-05-12 18:15:57] whats up reece? [2015-05-12 18:15:57] try to keep it pg 13 much as possible [2015-05-12 18:15:58] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:16:00] Hello Idiot [2015-05-12 18:16:01] Is that Alek who? He grew a really sexy beard. [2015-05-12 18:16:02] I somewhat like the comfiness of the main stream room [2015-05-12 18:16:12] not a whole lot, about to drink one of meta's energy drinks [2015-05-12 18:16:15] Twitch chat is too wretched for any rating [2015-05-12 18:16:16] guess you guys wanna hear my monotone voice [2015-05-12 18:16:17] Couch guys, if you're going to talk, be closer to the mic. [2015-05-12 18:16:17] have to be 18+ to be in a twitch chat Kappa [2015-05-12 18:16:18] so by National Awareness of Mental Illness I presume it means "national" ie US and not International so why are you accepting donations from overseas for a charity that only supports causes in your own country? [2015-05-12 18:16:19] Ok thanks guys.I feel dumb, I'm new to Twitch in general [2015-05-12 18:16:20] Ahhh. lovley crows here already [2015-05-12 18:16:21] @Ffgamer86 Couch audio is kind of low BTW [2015-05-12 18:16:24] so, that NAMI girl is really sticking around huh [2015-05-12 18:16:26] he brought me a case just like we agreed upon PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:16:27] @Highspirits, wow, why you keep ignoring your #1 fan ;-; [2015-05-12 18:16:31] crows? CAW CAW CAW!! [2015-05-12 18:16:33] honestly i like marathons like this, it doesnt feel corporate but still professional [2015-05-12 18:16:39] ^^ [2015-05-12 18:16:40] HS voice much Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:16:41] Essentia, Puwexil, DragonDrach, and Metsigma [2015-05-12 18:16:47] I doubt she'll stay long, but she is being supportive and that's great! [2015-05-12 18:16:52] yeah PCF pays for too many employees to run GDQ [2015-05-12 18:16:53] yes ranperre she is very interested in this [2015-05-12 18:16:58] Metasigma are running as well. [2015-05-12 18:16:58] I can hear Kirby, because he talks really loud and he's leaning forward. Everyone else is like an adult on Charlie Brown. [2015-05-12 18:17:00] thx for the follow superaliceinwonderland ^^ [2015-05-12 18:17:07] dang the call outs [2015-05-12 18:17:14] Wonk Wonk Wonk Wonk Wonk [2015-05-12 18:17:16] i can hear the audio pretty well [2015-05-12 18:17:18] so, this run is like SUPER reliant on RNG? [2015-05-12 18:17:19] @Jeannotbdf, you going to be in RPGL next year? Kappa [2015-05-12 18:17:22] Kappa [2015-05-12 18:17:23] Sorry, mousepad acting up for a moment. [2015-05-12 18:17:26] good cause nonetheless, but nice to see her sticking around [2015-05-12 18:17:26] I said things to you Ana, just on phone and not typing out your entire name [2015-05-12 18:17:27] i literally never heard of you which is kinda rare nowadays [2015-05-12 18:17:27] hi chat and good luck all runners [2015-05-12 18:17:28] No. The route is optimized by RNG [2015-05-12 18:17:28] Jeannotbdf Kappa/ [2015-05-12 18:17:35] It's routed to cut down on RNG where possible [2015-05-12 18:17:36] So excited for this marathon! [2015-05-12 18:17:36] However the route itself is conistent [2015-05-12 18:17:37] KIRBY have some kottKatt's for good luck! [2015-05-12 18:17:38] i dont think so Anatolias_Next ^^ [2015-05-12 18:17:41] kottKatt kottKatt kottKatt kottKatt [2015-05-12 18:17:41] !schedule [2015-05-12 18:17:41] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 18:17:43] yo djKanjo [2015-05-12 18:17:47] rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 18:17:47] CatBag CatBag CatBag [2015-05-12 18:17:49] Transfers and Battle Saves really help the consistency [2015-05-12 18:17:53] Jamie Justice going HAM [2015-05-12 18:17:59] Is anyone at the event paying attention to the chat and can do something about the audio? [2015-05-12 18:17:59] Taureon Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:18:08] @Highspirits, oh sorry, I don't have bttv set to anyting but my full nam3 ;-; [2015-05-12 18:18:19] audio is fine for me [2015-05-12 18:18:25] yeah it's fine for me as well [2015-05-12 18:18:26] Audio seems to balanced perfectly [2015-05-12 18:18:30] can hear everyone well [2015-05-12 18:18:39] @Highspirits, "grays ana" wow you can't grammer me right? Kappa I love you though [2015-05-12 18:18:42] Prizes you can win during this run: http://tinyurl.com/lkw6jvd rpgJerkBird http://tinyurl.com/kc9mo8f [2015-05-12 18:18:51] RNJill! [2015-05-12 18:18:52] Anatolias_Next, you can go to bttv options and just set portions of your name as highlight terms [2015-05-12 18:18:52] /me donates! [2015-05-12 18:18:54] audio has been tested several times and is working well. Test on your end [2015-05-12 18:18:54] there's some quiet talking from the dude on the right, but he could just talk louder like the other two [2015-05-12 18:18:56] I will have that FE poster [2015-05-12 18:18:57] sound is a bit low imo [2015-05-12 18:18:57] /me donates [2015-05-12 18:18:58] I wanna start speedrunning haha, stuff like this and just watching other streamers do it is really inspiring [2015-05-12 18:19:01] oh nice, a capture card [2015-05-12 18:19:08] RNJill has a 10% chance of getting strength! [2015-05-12 18:19:09] yeah the mic sound for the runners is [2015-05-12 18:19:10] Aleck is abit quiet... but that could just be due to seating position [2015-05-12 18:19:10] super low [2015-05-12 18:19:12] I can't really hear the people talking about the game. Can sort of hear the game, though. [2015-05-12 18:19:19] i would say it wouldn't hurt to turn up the people and i can just turn down my end because i have it maxed and thats the only way i can hear i t well [2015-05-12 18:19:22] which is a problem that's plagued events for a while [2015-05-12 18:19:23] el gato (GATO'S SONG BOYS) [2015-05-12 18:19:23] Audio is good, but I can barely hear the commentary. [2015-05-12 18:19:24] Orphans aren't good confirmed [2015-05-12 18:19:24] Which system is he playing on? a 3DS? [2015-05-12 18:19:30] It's Wii [2015-05-12 18:19:32] Gamecube. [2015-05-12 18:19:33] This game is Wii. [2015-05-12 18:19:36] Wii* sorry [2015-05-12 18:19:36] also agree, couch commentary is somewhat quiet [2015-05-12 18:19:38] Can we get more volume on the couch? [2015-05-12 18:19:38] SNES [2015-05-12 18:19:38] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-12 18:19:38] oh, my bad [2015-05-12 18:19:39] game sound is fine, runner/commentary is low [2015-05-12 18:19:40] @Svnhddbst, I know, just haven't done it because I'm not going to be on the computer that I'm on for long. [2015-05-12 18:19:42] Everyone is quiet [2015-05-12 18:19:54] yeah mics need to be louder [2015-05-12 18:20:01] thirded this. [2015-05-12 18:20:02] i am now really concerned about volume, as i have stream volume at 60%, and my computer volume at 19%... so it concerns me why people can't hear. [2015-05-12 18:20:05] everything would be fine then [2015-05-12 18:20:07] the one thing I can say FFgamer86 for the audio is that I usually have to use a vol of 4-6% on my computer for good audio. Now I am using 22% so audio from mics are a bit low. [2015-05-12 18:20:10] JERKBIRDS [2015-05-12 18:20:15] Brossentia! [2015-05-12 18:20:16] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:20:17] is that Brossentia announcing? [2015-05-12 18:20:22] ya [2015-05-12 18:20:24] sounds like it [2015-05-12 18:20:25] yes [2015-05-12 18:20:25] just sayin. [2015-05-12 18:20:26] yeah but you can still hear it fine [2015-05-12 18:20:27] diablo 3 been long while since i played that [2015-05-12 18:20:28] rip Japan [2015-05-12 18:20:30] I can definately hear Bro [2015-05-12 18:20:36] i can hear bro [2015-05-12 18:20:37] I have stream volume at 100% and computer volume at 90% and can barely hear it. [2015-05-12 18:20:38] we are watching a restream in other room and it sounds fine to us [2015-05-12 18:20:39] yeah normally it's just the runners who are difficult to hear [2015-05-12 18:20:40] Yes. Audio quality is superb. [2015-05-12 18:20:40] kirby mastah is just low [2015-05-12 18:20:51] Hey FFgamer86, long time no see. [2015-05-12 18:20:51] spiritSlime rpgJerkBird spiritSlime [2015-05-12 18:20:54] yeah Brossentia mic is fine, couch mics are a bit low [2015-05-12 18:20:56] yeah offstream commentator is fine [2015-05-12 18:21:07] I had to turn my volume up fairly high to be able to hear the couch though [2015-05-12 18:21:11] Then I´ll be quiet FFgamer86. Just wanted to give ya some feedback on how I´m experiencing it. [2015-05-12 18:21:12] BROKE A 1000!! [2015-05-12 18:21:22] RPGLB Hype! [2015-05-12 18:21:24] @Rotorstorm331 How are you! [2015-05-12 18:21:34] Thanks for looking into the audio issues that lots of people are talking about having and confirming that we're all imagining a problem. Thanks to your superb feedback, I'll be imagining not watching this stream. [2015-05-12 18:21:35] OptiNihilist, WHAT 1000?!!?!? [2015-05-12 18:21:38] over 1k viewers already, very nice [2015-05-12 18:21:44] greetings Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:22:26] Hey everyone :) [2015-05-12 18:22:26] yo vandal :) [2015-05-12 18:22:31] hello Coconut_God :) [2015-05-12 18:22:38] @FFgamer86: I'm fine; enjoying my two days off. [2015-05-12 18:22:39] I thought Strength was her lowest growth! [2015-05-12 18:22:45] baguette OSkomodo [2015-05-12 18:22:51] yo Jeannotbdf :) [2015-05-12 18:23:00] okay kirby is fine now which is weird [2015-05-12 18:23:07] salmon rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:23:10] or they fixed it :v [2015-05-12 18:23:34] Omelette au fromage [2015-05-12 18:23:47] ^^ Dexter's Lab? [2015-05-12 18:23:49] Level up in only Luck, ironically not very lucky [2015-05-12 18:23:51] 1k+ viewers Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:24:15] @ZELLLOOO All of Sothe's stats are capped except for luck. [2015-05-12 18:24:21] oh man, there's going to be an ff4 race on saturday. so stoked. [2015-05-12 18:24:24] They were already capped? Geez [2015-05-12 18:24:26] Is that Stevie Wonder playing? [2015-05-12 18:24:30] Transfers really helped that much [2015-05-12 18:24:39] Sothe's transfers in RD are 1-1 from PoR [2015-05-12 18:24:40] Sothe transfers stats directly [2015-05-12 18:24:45] Just got this game a few months back; I've been taking advantage of healer abuse for better leveling my units. [2015-05-12 18:24:46] unlike other units [2015-05-12 18:24:55] That's how long I've been out of the loop >_< [2015-05-12 18:25:01] So the Transfer file has capped stats for Sothe since he's important [2015-05-12 18:25:21] he's basically the only good unit you have for the start of the game :V [2015-05-12 18:25:50] 'capped' [2015-05-12 18:25:55] "capped" [2015-05-12 18:25:56] Guys in the back Shut up! [2015-05-12 18:26:00] No 40 luck TT_TT [2015-05-12 18:26:09] plz gwim [2015-05-12 18:26:14] I'm considering going back to finish Hard Mode but Dawn Brigade beginning is the worst [2015-05-12 18:26:18] Guys in the back continue (but quieter). [2015-05-12 18:26:21] LordHayati, FailFish [2015-05-12 18:26:34] oh hi mattrick Kappa [2015-05-12 18:26:36] I made the stupid mistake of deleting my PoR files due to the problems with file transfer. I never got to finish this game as a result. [2015-05-12 18:26:43] RD Hard Mode is bullshit. Never felt the desire to play it [2015-05-12 18:26:45] 39/20/15/20/20/28/20/15 stats. Sorry Aela DansGame [2015-05-12 18:26:55] ah Shove, now that's a mechanic I missed when I picked up Awakening [2015-05-12 18:27:02] !schedule [2015-05-12 18:27:02] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 18:27:03] I AM A PEDANT [2015-05-12 18:27:06] Just tuned in. How many limits have they broken so far? [2015-05-12 18:27:07] Hook Fish Sickle Dot pls!!!!!! [2015-05-12 18:27:35] lol @sparkletone [2015-05-12 18:27:45] 4 [2015-05-12 18:27:52] 3 [2015-05-12 18:27:56] one is still in dispute [2015-05-12 18:28:21] Prizes you can win during this run: http://tinyurl.com/lkw6jvd rpgJerkBird http://tinyurl.com/kc9mo8f [2015-05-12 18:28:28] The PR woman is a trooper [2015-05-12 18:28:41] "I have no idea what is going on" [2015-05-12 18:28:44] Yeah JJ is a real champ sticking this out, lol [2015-05-12 18:28:57] one speaking is just a tad too quiet still [2015-05-12 18:28:59] I feel a little bad for her, but she's sweet and encouraging for sticking around [2015-05-12 18:29:01] 'Why is there no petrify a priest in 1-E and grind fiona to 20/20 and carry the game with her incentive', Gwim? [2015-05-12 18:29:03] He may just be quiet [2015-05-12 18:29:04] Does anybody know if Maniac in JP Path of Radiance is honestly worth playing? [2015-05-12 18:29:05] how does one enter for that mikalia? [2015-05-12 18:29:12] hey, she's getting to watch video games for free [2015-05-12 18:29:15] i don't feel bad for her [2015-05-12 18:29:21] Its worth it for fun [2015-05-12 18:29:22] well so are you [2015-05-12 18:29:23] I'd pay money to see Fiona be useful [2015-05-12 18:29:27] If you like tearing your hair out [2015-05-12 18:29:30] actually she's probably earning her wage for being there, so.. [2015-05-12 18:29:33] She is, her skills are great [2015-05-12 18:29:37] @anyonewhoknows what are they classifying a rpg as? [2015-05-12 18:29:40] You need to donate during this run. ^^ [2015-05-12 18:29:50] aha [2015-05-12 18:29:56] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:29:59] an RPG is whatever is in the schedule [2015-05-12 18:30:01] no :< the FE poster will be MINE [2015-05-12 18:30:05] Sup gang/ [2015-05-12 18:30:08] Man, I'm gonna end up having to buy like three of the Yetee shirts this time around. [2015-05-12 18:30:09] feral! cerHug [2015-05-12 18:30:09] +1 Kariohki. [2015-05-12 18:30:09] Hello~ [2015-05-12 18:30:10] o/ even [2015-05-12 18:30:15] What are the subscriber emotes isthereaEsubscriberemote? [2015-05-12 18:30:19] Same here, @MechaJeff [2015-05-12 18:30:20] I NEED the returners shirt bad [2015-05-12 18:30:21] happy cerHug [2015-05-12 18:30:30] fyreball13 subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 18:30:30] fyreball13 subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 18:30:33] rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:30:37] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:30:38] SUB HYPE PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:30:39] rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:30:41] sub emotes [2015-05-12 18:30:42] SUB HYPE [2015-05-12 18:30:44] shirts? noooo my wallet [2015-05-12 18:30:48] I hope you're ready to make all lufia runners proud spiritWink [2015-05-12 18:30:49] I need the Returners shirt, the Super Fiends shirt, and the Gold Chocobo Taxi Co. shirt [2015-05-12 18:30:49] fyre!!! [2015-05-12 18:30:49] rpgWhat Fyreball13 [2015-05-12 18:30:57] My dudes! [2015-05-12 18:31:02] that RPGLB banner in the background is the grand prize - all attendees are signing it [2015-05-12 18:31:02] Wow almost 1k already, nice [2015-05-12 18:31:06] Don't forget there are donation incentives for this game and Diablo 3 that you can put your donation towards [2015-05-12 18:31:16] Brobahi! How was the flight etc? [2015-05-12 18:31:26] Someone call my name? Kappa [2015-05-12 18:31:27] good [2015-05-12 18:31:29] @FeralPigMan, I won't be able to watch your run when it happens due to work BibleThump [2015-05-12 18:31:30] deuceHey Batleon! [2015-05-12 18:31:31] Wells that's just not right Kappa [2015-05-12 18:31:35] we'll see, we'll see [2015-05-12 18:31:36] hehehehehe [2015-05-12 18:31:36] meta! rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 18:31:37] lol meta [2015-05-12 18:31:40] you could call it a... [2015-05-12 18:31:42] MetaSignal [2015-05-12 18:31:42] Someone did yes Metasigma :) [2015-05-12 18:31:42] META! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:31:46] Burger King Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:31:49] PogChamp !! Marathon hype :D [2015-05-12 18:31:50] The capture card is $15 minimum during this run until the end of Castle of Winds, and the poster is a $5 minimum until the end of this run [2015-05-12 18:31:51] @Metasigma Don't forget to sleep this year! Kappa [2015-05-12 18:31:53] deuceHey [2015-05-12 18:31:59] :( [2015-05-12 18:32:00] hello Meta [2015-05-12 18:32:03] Hello Metasigma =D [2015-05-12 18:32:03] hey Meta [2015-05-12 18:32:20] Didn't she gain a level in 1-1, though? [2015-05-12 18:32:20] Typical seducing technique of the socially awkwaed going on back there : Start talking and never stop [2015-05-12 18:32:20] All I know is that you guys should be giving your biggest and BEST support of ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ for KIRBYMASTAH! [2015-05-12 18:32:22] hey @Metasigma [2015-05-12 18:32:24] or 1-P [2015-05-12 18:32:24] shane <3 [2015-05-12 18:32:25] deuceHey is the second best 5 dollars you can spend, other than this channel. [2015-05-12 18:32:33] Hey @fyreball13 [2015-05-12 18:32:33] Multiple entries for prizes if you go over the minimum or one entry per person per prize? [2015-05-12 18:32:35] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:32:37] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 18:32:39] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:32:41] BroCash! [2015-05-12 18:32:43] Did you tell Brossentia what I asked you to tell him for me? OpieOP [2015-05-12 18:32:46] ANIMATIONS [2015-05-12 18:32:47] How are you, man? [2015-05-12 18:32:48] anyone else buffering like crazy? [2015-05-12 18:32:49] Because he's an awesome guy and if you dont...you won't like what happens when I get flexangry Kappa [2015-05-12 18:32:51] Sup dude [2015-05-12 18:32:56] Not I [2015-05-12 18:32:59] Good man. How's the jet lag? [2015-05-12 18:32:59] Yes we did Reece :) [2015-05-12 18:33:00] No Eclipse; that fight sucked. [2015-05-12 18:33:00] hm. [2015-05-12 18:33:07] Kappa // [2015-05-12 18:33:10] Or did he Eclipse; I zoned out. [2015-05-12 18:33:11] I haven't slept in about 36 hours, so I'll let you know if I ever sleep! [2015-05-12 18:33:16] already 1K donations <3 [2015-05-12 18:33:18] RIP Fiona [2015-05-12 18:33:23] Where's the donation incentive to have the Black Knight use a Bronze Lance? [2015-05-12 18:33:25] Sleep is overrated [2015-05-12 18:33:30] That's crazy [2015-05-12 18:33:33] I would be finished with the 2nd map about this time O.o [2015-05-12 18:33:34] Go kirbymastah! [2015-05-12 18:33:35] Jeannot Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:33:39] demFesCat [2015-05-12 18:33:40] yo NayukiGP :) [2015-05-12 18:33:58] yo :p [2015-05-12 18:34:00] so strange to see Kirby speak with actual words rather than through emote spams [2015-05-12 18:34:06] Yeah, didn't sleep on either plane at all and am now working. Living the dream. [2015-05-12 18:34:08] Kappa [2015-05-12 18:34:20] Two paycheques showed up while I was gone, so that's pretty sweet considering what Vegas cost. [2015-05-12 18:34:32] Reyson the Heron Kappa [2015-05-12 18:34:43] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:34:45] PazPazowitz [2015-05-12 18:34:49] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:34:50] Reyson is the one true Heron [2015-05-12 18:35:01] What game is the airship from on the Returners Collective shirt? [2015-05-12 18:35:04] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:35:06] it's 60% [2015-05-12 18:35:06] On yeetee [2015-05-12 18:35:09] but still [2015-05-12 18:35:11] Hype! [2015-05-12 18:35:14] Reyson Ray son Ray Sun [2015-05-12 18:35:16] calebFlexL elaPablo rpgLevelup elaHYPE [2015-05-12 18:35:19] "Jill's gonna rescue the Black Knight" That's crazy, mane [2015-05-12 18:35:21] where's the donation incentive to have runner remove his sunglasses? [2015-05-12 18:35:22] It's -50 up a ledge [2015-05-12 18:35:23] can someone tell the girl to cross her arms like everyone else [2015-05-12 18:35:28] and +50 down a ledge [2015-05-12 18:35:28] I'm surprised the Black Knight never just pins Jill's dragon down to the ground from his weight [2015-05-12 18:35:34] aright guys I've gotta get ready for some "fun" Kappa trust me...don't miss Diablo 3. Osey and Vulajin are gonna do a great job ^^ [2015-05-12 18:35:45] cannot keep a Y Burn down [2015-05-12 18:35:45] video games [2015-05-12 18:35:47] @Zirprize FF6. [2015-05-12 18:35:53] see ya meta :) [2015-05-12 18:35:55] have fun Meta [2015-05-12 18:36:00] Meta did the shirt make it in time? [2015-05-12 18:36:06] I'm really curious about the Diablo 3 run. Can't imagine what speed tech would look like in that game [2015-05-12 18:36:14] mikalia BibleThump [2015-05-12 18:36:14] ^^ same [2015-05-12 18:36:29] guessing no [2015-05-12 18:36:54] Haar needs extra wings to go faster [2015-05-12 18:37:05] Brossentia working the charm in the background [2015-05-12 18:37:09] Fire Emblem Radiant Haar [2015-05-12 18:37:09] It's Haar time! [2015-05-12 18:37:14] Brossentia running game! get her Brossentia! [2015-05-12 18:37:14] Fire Emblem: Radiant Haar! [2015-05-12 18:37:15] caraGL caraGL caraGL [2015-05-12 18:37:17] Haar, my favorite pirate [2015-05-12 18:37:18] BasedHaar [2015-05-12 18:37:19] dramCat// [2015-05-12 18:37:20] tfw Meta blows through part 1 in the same time it took me to beat chapter 1 [2015-05-12 18:37:23] Radiant HAAR!!!!! [2015-05-12 18:37:30] He needs the Speedwing so he can fall asleep faster Kappa [2015-05-12 18:37:31] Haar rush! [2015-05-12 18:37:41] Level Micaiah 2 DansGame [2015-05-12 18:37:49] jeannot, you really want to hear HS sing, it seems. I approve. [2015-05-12 18:38:03] yup wells ^^ i know i'm a masochist though KappaHD [2015-05-12 18:38:10] Kappa [2015-05-12 18:38:21] radiant harr [2015-05-12 18:38:23] Hell, Haar competes with SETH for best character [2015-05-12 18:38:30] based seth [2015-05-12 18:38:34] Start a tier list discussion in chat: Jill > Haar Kappa [2015-05-12 18:38:35] Robin is even better than Seth IMO [2015-05-12 18:38:37] Haar Haar Haar [2015-05-12 18:38:39] Missing some of the best quotes in the game with haar not attacking boss [2015-05-12 18:38:47] ᴵ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᶦᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵒᶰᵗ ᵖᶫᵃʸ ᵇᵃʳᵏᶫᵉʸ ˢʰᵘᵗ ᵘᵖ ᵃᶰᵈ ʲᵃᵐ ᵍᵃᶦᵈᵉᶰ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ᵂᴵᴸᴸ ᵇᵉ ᵃ ᴿᶦᵒᵗ﹗ [2015-05-12 18:38:49] Zeffren: Haar?!Haar: Why couldn't you just stay on patrol? Saw a pretty little heron and just had to have her, is that it? I could never decide if you were more greedy or more corrupt. Stupid was never in the question, though. [2015-05-12 18:38:52] But Awakening isn't Fire Emblem, so it doesn't count [2015-05-12 18:38:56] $$$ \ dramCat / $$$ [2015-05-12 18:38:58] Radiant Haar Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:39:02] Sorry, Hunger Games references strictly prohibited. [2015-05-12 18:39:02] how is it not FE [2015-05-12 18:39:05] I always forget about Awakening [2015-05-12 18:39:10] It's too easy XD [2015-05-12 18:39:13] lol [2015-05-12 18:39:14] Yeah, Robin is ridiculous [2015-05-12 18:39:17] if it's too easy then [2015-05-12 18:39:17] Barkley SUAJ will probably be at next year's RPGLB [2015-05-12 18:39:19] enjoy Luna+ [2015-05-12 18:39:19] Kappa [2015-05-12 18:39:19] Huh... I thought that I split my donation between the bromides and bichBAT, but I don't see the other $25 on bichBAT [2015-05-12 18:39:19] kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype [2015-05-12 18:39:23] You must be from the capitol, eh, ThirdPoliceman? [2015-05-12 18:39:23] Unless it's Luna+ [2015-05-12 18:39:24] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:39:26] @Gwimpage Fiona > everybody else because I can grind her to 20/20/20 in Part 1 Kappa [2015-05-12 18:39:33] Celestics CatBag [2015-05-12 18:39:42] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:39:46] Laura #1 staff user [2015-05-12 18:39:46] Tony CatBag [2015-05-12 18:39:48] elaCry all the Earthbound incentives are not on the list yet, waiting on a certain time to open them? [2015-05-12 18:39:49] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:39:50] Fiona has canto. She's better than Zihark and Nolan Kappa [2015-05-12 18:39:52] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:39:56] ouro talCiao [2015-05-12 18:39:57] they're there, just scroll down [2015-05-12 18:39:59] Save the units! [2015-05-12 18:39:59] Bowguy #1 overall [2015-05-12 18:40:06] @Rpglimitbreak , I won't dignify a query from a district pleb with a response. [2015-05-12 18:40:08] keep reading Fiona as Fiora womp womp [2015-05-12 18:40:09] dssSanic / [2015-05-12 18:40:12] menu color, bike glitch, death glitch, etc. [2015-05-12 18:40:12] ohnSad hunger games joke [2015-05-12 18:40:17] Fiora is good too OpieOP [2015-05-12 18:40:18] Hello Kari [2015-05-12 18:40:24] RIP RUN [2015-05-12 18:40:28] dang it Heather [2015-05-12 18:40:31] Heather pls [2015-05-12 18:40:31] PoR Sothe > PoR Volke because Blossom and growths Kappa [2015-05-12 18:40:31] xD [2015-05-12 18:40:36] wtf [2015-05-12 18:40:38] fuuuu- lost first 30 minutes of RPGLB [2015-05-12 18:40:39] only the glitches and window colors, name incentives not on there [2015-05-12 18:40:42] Heather is best character because yuri [2015-05-12 18:40:45] Never seen that before EVER [2015-05-12 18:40:49] 4Head EleGiggle [2015-05-12 18:40:49] Thou hast done well in stealing an herb [2015-05-12 18:40:53] teh urn [2015-05-12 18:40:54] Heather is such a troll ¬_¬ [2015-05-12 18:41:02] "fuck this, i'm going home" Kappa [2015-05-12 18:41:04] What the hell Heather [2015-05-12 18:41:04] oh man [2015-05-12 18:41:05] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:41:05] GO HEATHER GOOOOOOO [2015-05-12 18:41:05] Heather pls BibleThump [2015-05-12 18:41:06] what the heck is going on? [2015-05-12 18:41:06] Marathon luck at its finest [2015-05-12 18:41:07] WR is ded [2015-05-12 18:41:11] !Schedule [2015-05-12 18:41:11] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 18:41:11] so loud [2015-05-12 18:41:11] BABY COME BACK~ [2015-05-12 18:41:14] marathon luck incoming [2015-05-12 18:41:22] "that's never happened before" [2015-05-12 18:41:26] "That's never happened before" [2015-05-12 18:41:27] OMGScoots [2015-05-12 18:41:30] TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOL [2015-05-12 18:41:36] Romscout in 2 streams in one day, what is this? [2015-05-12 18:41:37] cerRIP caraRIP qttMiki [2015-05-12 18:41:38] jesus that was scary [2015-05-12 18:41:40] That was a wild ride [2015-05-12 18:41:44] TROLOLOLOL LOLOL LOLOL [2015-05-12 18:41:49] They see her trollin'. Runners be hatin'. [2015-05-12 18:42:02] Is there issues? @Wellsjc [2015-05-12 18:42:03] 420 BLAZE IT [2015-05-12 18:42:06] I have never seen Heather do that. What was she doing? [2015-05-12 18:42:08] Heather just really wanted to talk to Nephenee [2015-05-12 18:42:09] cerFancy definitely practiced this about 1,000 times cerFancy [2015-05-12 18:42:11] Run heather run. They only want you for your rescue stave! [2015-05-12 18:42:12] not that ugly guy [2015-05-12 18:42:19] Rosy! [2015-05-12 18:42:20] Oh he left a dude alive [2015-05-12 18:42:21] The Village BibleThump [2015-05-12 18:42:23] Heather don't care! [2015-05-12 18:42:24] that would explain it [2015-05-12 18:42:26] neverhappenedbefore% [2015-05-12 18:42:27] Don't forget the torch!!! [2015-05-12 18:42:29] Lies, Aela, we want the Pass skill Kappa [2015-05-12 18:42:44] @Mikalia I just thought I split my donation between Bromides and bichBat and I see just the first half. It may have been something I did incorrectly. [2015-05-12 18:42:48] We recruited a Pass scroll last map OpieOP [2015-05-12 18:42:59] And a rescue staff later on. [2015-05-12 18:43:02] rescue finder too AWOO [2015-05-12 18:43:03] A pass scroll and a rescue staff! Dont forget her contribution [2015-05-12 18:43:08] Best character from DB [2015-05-12 18:43:09] AWOO [2015-05-12 18:43:14] I'll see if I can contact Bro @Wellsjc [2015-05-12 18:43:15] AWOO [2015-05-12 18:43:22] AWOO [2015-05-12 18:43:28] Most important CRK character, the Pass Scroll/Rescue Staff [2015-05-12 18:43:29] \CatBag [2015-05-12 18:43:30] It's the return of the ORIGINAL SGDQ couch! Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:43:31] AWOO /\ CatBag [2015-05-12 18:43:31] tfw when Meg contributes more than Boyd [2015-05-12 18:43:35] AAAAANNNNDDD She's gone [2015-05-12 18:43:36] tfw when [2015-05-12 18:43:41] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:43:43] redundancy [2015-05-12 18:43:48] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:43:48] Meg dies in 3-E [2015-05-12 18:43:53] And shoves [2015-05-12 18:43:55] Well Gwimpage Meg's Speed growth is higher, what were you expecting Kappa [2015-05-12 18:43:56] qttHibiki [2015-05-12 18:43:58] Such contribution [2015-05-12 18:44:04] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:44:04] the SGDQ and AGDQ couches are different? [2015-05-12 18:44:04] I'll assume I messed up when donating, but thanks, Mikalia. [2015-05-12 18:44:08] LIMIT BRRREEAK [2015-05-12 18:44:11] i thought the original AGDQ couch was lost forever [2015-05-12 18:44:33] Originally, SGDQ was held at Essentia's house, in the same exact room they're in now [2015-05-12 18:44:37] On that very couch [2015-05-12 18:44:38] CatBag [2015-05-12 18:44:39] They didn't read my donation, Gwim [2015-05-12 18:44:43] Geoffrey Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:44:47] I think Im going to dry [2015-05-12 18:44:51] oh, yeah [2015-05-12 18:44:51] Sorry, guys, looks like the limit has been broken and we're going to need to shut down the marathon early. [2015-05-12 18:44:53] They haven't read mine yet either [2015-05-12 18:44:54] of course [2015-05-12 18:44:55] this is back in essentia's house again? [2015-05-12 18:44:56] Remember guys, Danved is not Devdan Kappa [2015-05-12 18:44:56] Danved > Devdan [2015-05-12 18:44:56] RIP Silveraxe [2015-05-12 18:44:58] It's Nadved! [2015-05-12 18:45:03] Danved is definitely not Devdan [2015-05-12 18:45:04] Doesn't matter. He fights like ten men [2015-05-12 18:45:09] Devan KappaHD [2015-05-12 18:45:13] I was trying to say die and cry in the same word and I guess it came out [2015-05-12 18:45:13] RUMBLE IS RED FRENZY IS BLUE [2015-05-12 18:45:15] dry [2015-05-12 18:45:15] Essentia's house? That's awesome! [2015-05-12 18:45:17] ok [2015-05-12 18:45:17] Devdanved [2015-05-12 18:45:17] To the German Viewers: We have a german restream of t he even running on our Channel feel free to join in. #GermenchRUMMEL [2015-05-12 18:45:18] Devdan is most definitely not Danved [2015-05-12 18:45:20] Danved is definitely not Devdan. [2015-05-12 18:45:21] wat [2015-05-12 18:45:25] Nadved confirmed. Nadved is a bro of ZultuV [2015-05-12 18:45:29] Nadved is all three of them, really. [2015-05-12 18:45:30] Danved fights like 10 men [2015-05-12 18:45:33] devdan sounds cooler [2015-05-12 18:45:36] Zutluv* [2015-05-12 18:45:37] Danved > Devdan [2015-05-12 18:45:41] Devdan is a schmuck [2015-05-12 18:45:41] We need to push it to the Limit (baby!) before we break the limit (baby!) [2015-05-12 18:45:46] But does he eat like 10 men? [2015-05-12 18:45:50] Danved is definitely not Devdan [2015-05-12 18:45:52] I think it's simply a translation error [2015-05-12 18:46:03] Nah they highlight it in game [2015-05-12 18:46:03] Now that I mention that, I'll get him and Ilyana in an eating contest, first to devour Zihark wins [2015-05-12 18:46:10] "Devdan" just make sme think of battle block theater Kappa [2015-05-12 18:46:12] So it cant be just translation [2015-05-12 18:46:13] Ilyana would win that hands down. [2015-05-12 18:46:16] @Lunaraia Danved claims flat-out that he is not Devdan [2015-05-12 18:46:20] first to devour a sirloin Meg Kappa [2015-05-12 18:46:24] ok I contacted Brossentia about it @Wellsjc [2015-05-12 18:46:31] @Lunaraia it's not, they have different names in Japanese and "Danved is definitely not Devdan" is (roughly) a quote from him. [2015-05-12 18:46:32] Most Valuable Sirloin [2015-05-12 18:46:52] ah [2015-05-12 18:46:52] I can't believe what I'm seeing! A giant rock! It's a rock and it's giant! [2015-05-12 18:46:53] You're awesome, Mikalia. [2015-05-12 18:47:01] MVP ohnBoss [2015-05-12 18:47:16] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:47:23] stat gains hype ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:47:31] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:47:37] KIRBYMASTAH!! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 18:47:43] Brossentia on the mic FrankerZ [2015-05-12 18:47:52] Got it PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:47:57] Remember,there's is no cow level in Diablo 3 Kappa [2015-05-12 18:48:06] Well the Animals was saved soooo :D [2015-05-12 18:48:09] Time for boss to crit [2015-05-12 18:48:11] THERE IS A COW LEVEL!!! [2015-05-12 18:48:12] I have found the cow level in Diablo 3 [2015-05-12 18:48:13] OSkomodo [2015-05-12 18:48:22] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:48:27] "Geoffrey is pretty OP" You can even quote him now, Gwim [2015-05-12 18:48:31] BasedHaar [2015-05-12 18:48:32] Bad guys defeated, world saved, so animals saved. [2015-05-12 18:48:36] That's really awesome this is being held at someone's house. Is everyone staying at hotels/motels and such? Dumb question I know, these marathons have always intrigued me [2015-05-12 18:48:39] German Restream: http://www.twitch.tv/germenchrestream | French Restream: http://www.twitch.tv/rpglimitbreak_fr [2015-05-12 18:48:39] Haar > everyone else [2015-05-12 18:48:44] Hi everyone [2015-05-12 18:48:45] radiant haar Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:48:45] Haar hype. [2015-05-12 18:48:46] probably a bot command for that, but i r bad at bot [2015-05-12 18:48:47] makoto: some people are staying onsite, some are staying at hotels [2015-05-12 18:48:48] I do believe the final donation that caused that was along the lines of "Get REKT" (he donated 10k Dollars to save the animals) [2015-05-12 18:48:53] Everyone give Mii your energy. Kappa [2015-05-12 18:48:55] "What are these chapters like in a speedrun?" "They're Haar-ed" [2015-05-12 18:48:55] FE: Radiant Haar. [2015-05-12 18:48:56] !blame [2015-05-12 18:48:57] !blame [2015-05-12 18:48:57] @Rayofspeed you took your sweet time to find it then [2015-05-12 18:48:58] how long since the stream start? [2015-05-12 18:49:05] fairly certain people stay at hotels [2015-05-12 18:49:10] qq [2015-05-12 18:49:11] about 42 minutes [2015-05-12 18:49:12] I concur, he IS bad at bot, if !blame is not set up [2015-05-12 18:49:14] !blame [2015-05-12 18:49:18] 45 minutes approx. [2015-05-12 18:49:23] !blame [2015-05-12 18:49:23] Zelllooo your pun-fu are weak [2015-05-12 18:49:30] Haar Haar Haar [2015-05-12 18:49:36] who donated 50 cents? [2015-05-12 18:49:39] It's probably setup so that people aren't spamming commands, actually. If I had to guess. [2015-05-12 18:49:39] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-12 18:49:43] I wonder what Essentia's kids think about all these people playing games in their house. o 3o [2015-05-12 18:49:52] thx for the time [2015-05-12 18:49:57] My friends/film crew and I have been looking into subjects for a documentary. I think something like this would be great [2015-05-12 18:49:59] ayy [2015-05-12 18:50:01] Essentia's kids probably think they could take them at FF4 :v [2015-05-12 18:50:01] yay 4Head [2015-05-12 18:50:10] or any documentarian [2015-05-12 18:50:51] I have actually managed to annihilate EVERYTHING on that map [2015-05-12 18:50:53] Turn 5 IIRC [2015-05-12 18:51:02] I wouldn't stop until I'd done that :V [2015-05-12 18:51:04] delicious XP [2015-05-12 18:51:07] That sounds about right Shara [2015-05-12 18:51:19] Fire Emblem drafting is so much fun [2015-05-12 18:51:21] And on the side of the map most people don't need them on [2015-05-12 18:51:42] /me Happy birthday zfg! zfgHungry [2015-05-12 18:51:47] Steroid Ike [2015-05-12 18:51:49] She made her salary in those 40 minutes spent around this group [2015-05-12 18:52:08] Greil Mercenaries > Dawn Brigade [2015-05-12 18:52:08] OY! not only was he a boss!!! but he was a GENERAL the class with the highest Base defense in the game [2015-05-12 18:52:16] Skrimir is total butt, confirmed [2015-05-12 18:52:30] ^ [2015-05-12 18:52:30] Skrimir is a butt. [2015-05-12 18:52:32] Devdan > Strike cat [2015-05-12 18:52:38] Buttsbot would be proud of Kirbymastah right now [2015-05-12 18:52:48] Mist Kappa b [2015-05-12 18:52:58] She only shows up during marathon runs [2015-05-12 18:53:05] Mist MVP Kappa [2015-05-12 18:53:39] Hey all spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:53:48] Inb4 A strike cat RNG [2015-05-12 18:54:00] TUNAAAAAA [2015-05-12 18:54:02] A strike cat WE BELIEVE [2015-05-12 18:54:02] TUNA RULES [2015-05-12 18:54:05] Yum, tuna [2015-05-12 18:54:05] Ham pls. [2015-05-12 18:54:06] Tuna \cirPrise/ [2015-05-12 18:54:06] hey Ferris [2015-05-12 18:54:09] Nooo Roast Beast! [2015-05-12 18:54:11] is RNGLuna there [2015-05-12 18:54:21] #AstrikeCatForPresident [2015-05-12 18:54:22] Roast Beef is the superior sandwich. kirbymastah has bad sammich strats [2015-05-12 18:54:27] NAMI: Hey, Listen! [2015-05-12 18:54:31] Sandwich incentives [2015-05-12 18:54:32] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:54:34] WE BE spiritWEEEE VE [2015-05-12 18:54:38] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:54:39] AFAIK I am the only Luna here [2015-05-12 18:54:39] wow I suck [2015-05-12 18:54:41] wait where is this being held? [2015-05-12 18:54:43] everhate the enemy of mankind D: [2015-05-12 18:54:46] utah [2015-05-12 18:54:50] Keyah \ cirPrise / [2015-05-12 18:55:05] :) [2015-05-12 18:55:06] pastrami sandwiches for me are the best [2015-05-12 18:55:06] Abe \ cirPrise / [2015-05-12 18:55:09] PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:55:20] IT MUST HAPPEN [2015-05-12 18:55:22] Heeeeey Gerrick [2015-05-12 18:55:23] \cirPrise/ [2015-05-12 18:55:24] METAFLEX [2015-05-12 18:55:25] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 18:55:26] @Theprodigy64 Essentia's house I believe [2015-05-12 18:55:27] \CatBag/ [2015-05-12 18:55:30] shazamicon [2015-05-12 18:55:32] sooo the KH run will it have the Data Battles too? [2015-05-12 18:55:33] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:55:35] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:55:37] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:55:37] Prizes you can win during this run: http://tinyurl.com/lkw6jvd($15 minimum during this run until the end of Castle of Wind) rpgJerkBird http://tinyurl.com/kc9mo8f ($5 Minimum until the end of this run) [2015-05-12 18:55:43] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:55:55] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:56:06] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:56:08] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:56:11] Jaylow7 just subscribed! [2015-05-12 18:56:11] Jaylow7 just subscribed! [2015-05-12 18:56:26] yay Jaylow7 have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:56:37] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 18:56:40] rpgGoodTaste <- have 2 [2015-05-12 18:56:48] rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:56:49] I wanna sandwich :( [2015-05-12 18:56:49] one of the Astriek cats critted and killed one from full Actually [2015-05-12 18:56:58] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:57:10] SCHOOL% [2015-05-12 18:57:10] semester EleGiggle [2015-05-12 18:57:14] Is it just me or does the Swedish fish emote look like a hand [2015-05-12 18:57:14] once upon a time you could actually MOVE Ballistae [2015-05-12 18:57:16] RESET!! [2015-05-12 18:57:17] with ham sandwich they mean schinken sandwich [2015-05-12 18:57:24] remember to pay close attention to the run, this will be on the test [2015-05-12 18:57:27] *screeches happily!* It's ALIVE AHHHHhhhh yayayay :D [2015-05-12 18:57:41] There is no study guide for the test, either. [2015-05-12 18:57:50] The best Ballistae are the ones you can carry in your backpack [2015-05-12 18:57:53] ok it's been done @Wellsjc [2015-05-12 18:57:58] Zamnight just subscribed! [2015-05-12 18:57:58] Zamnight just subscribed! [2015-05-12 18:57:59] Not going to use them as much as you think [2015-05-12 18:58:02] you mounted the ballistae [2015-05-12 18:58:06] Dheginsea might disagree [2015-05-12 18:58:08] so you where basically riding around on it [2015-05-12 18:58:11] Awesomeness [2015-05-12 18:58:12] yay Zamnight have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 18:58:20] The Coin! ShibeZ [2015-05-12 18:58:52] PogChamp [2015-05-12 18:58:54] Work is calling. I'll be back. [2015-05-12 18:58:56] You Mean Doge Coin (no space) ? [2015-05-12 18:59:02] 6 Turn Kreygasm [2015-05-12 18:59:21] CorgiDerp [2015-05-12 18:59:28] CorgiDerp <3 [2015-05-12 18:59:39] Standard Ike level up. [2015-05-12 18:59:52] Flex away the arrows, ike! [2015-05-12 19:00:12] Laguz Strikes start at A rank. S rank is +5 mt, SS is +10 mt, +10 hit [2015-05-12 19:00:13] #savethewaifu's [2015-05-12 19:00:15] later wells [2015-05-12 19:00:19] later wells [2015-05-12 19:00:31] titania hype!!!! [2015-05-12 19:00:35] Save Ilyana! Marcia and Astrid can both be sacrificed to RN Jesus, though. [2015-05-12 19:00:39] Kill the AsianGlow [2015-05-12 19:00:48] Not too bich of a deal PogChamp [2015-05-12 19:01:02] PogChamp // nice Reyllyoc [2015-05-12 19:01:20] It's unfortunate you don't get Double Bow until Endgame, Shinon would wreck with it [2015-05-12 19:01:36] how are you gentlemen [2015-05-12 19:01:59] Longbows are inaccurate AND lose 30 hit at 3 range. They're bad in this game. [2015-05-12 19:02:05] are all my base belong to you? WutFace [2015-05-12 19:02:15] Based Gatrie [2015-05-12 19:02:15] and at 1 range tables Kappa [2015-05-12 19:02:21] the lack of accuracy hardly matters due to Archers high Skill growth [2015-05-12 19:02:21] Gatrie Gatree Ga Tree THATS WHY HE HITS ON A TREE IN A SKIRT [2015-05-12 19:02:39] god that meme is so old [2015-05-12 19:02:43] Technially possible true but no Longbows have 1 range [2015-05-12 19:02:45] gatrie is secretly METASIGMA. hes fast because HE FLEXES [2015-05-12 19:02:46] this speed [2015-05-12 19:02:50] Is true for Double Bow of course [2015-05-12 19:02:52] Longbows suck because bows suck [2015-05-12 19:02:56] next [2015-05-12 19:03:04] prodigy DansGame [2015-05-12 19:03:08] Bows are surprisingly solid in RD [2015-05-12 19:03:16] the prodigy imo [2015-05-12 19:03:22] Shinon is good. Bows aren't that special [2015-05-12 19:03:24] Well it's more Marksman is an actually decent class [2015-05-12 19:03:28] Only because all the archers except bowguy are exceptionally broken growths [2015-05-12 19:03:35] bows are god-tier in FE7 Chaos Mode [2015-05-12 19:03:37] have [2015-05-12 19:03:43] chaos mode? [2015-05-12 19:03:47] Yeah, isn't Rolf's strength growth in this game 75%? [2015-05-12 19:03:49] And stats. Bows still have the same problem [2015-05-12 19:03:57] inb4 Haar uses Stun twice [2015-05-12 19:03:58] SO why can Priests can smack Enemys with the Staff but the Archers can't smack the Enemys with the Bows? OMGScoots [2015-05-12 19:04:03] bows gonna be just as *** in FE14 and you know it Kappa [2015-05-12 19:04:09] Speed is the most important stat, and counterattacking is more important than raw strength. [2015-05-12 19:04:12] @RayOfSpeed It's a really good fanhack [2015-05-12 19:04:22] I'll have to take a look [2015-05-12 19:04:22] Bows are extremly delicate wqeapons [2015-05-12 19:04:25] Because apparently having light magic as defense for priests made them too op or something [2015-05-12 19:04:26] you can't use them as clubs [2015-05-12 19:04:34] though... [2015-05-12 19:04:37] Not if I phoenix and suicide all my bow units against the enemies [2015-05-12 19:04:38] So you get staffs that actually do 0 damage to basically everything [2015-05-12 19:04:41] well *** [2015-05-12 19:04:45] then bows will be good in a way OpieOP [2015-05-12 19:04:48] I wonder if you can do something like spam early silver lance now with no durability [2015-05-12 19:04:52] knew haar was op but lol [2015-05-12 19:04:53] Yeah but Aela, Staff crit kills tho [2015-05-12 19:04:54] Still be better to use anyone else [2015-05-12 19:04:59] lol Gwimpage [2015-05-12 19:05:04] inb4 bow guys have 1 range in fe14 AWOO [2015-05-12 19:05:09] cirFairy [2015-05-12 19:05:13] I doubt they would do that. With no weapons they probably wont give you early boosts like that [2015-05-12 19:05:15] Needs more FE2 bow knights [2015-05-12 19:05:15] yaaa, I love rpg marathons [2015-05-12 19:05:15] RANDOM NUMBER JILLERATOR [2015-05-12 19:05:17] wr pace HYPE [2015-05-12 19:05:19] No weapon durability [2015-05-12 19:05:20] kirbymastah O: [2015-05-12 19:05:23] 1-5 range bows, no penalties [2015-05-12 19:05:32] Bronze axe has nothing on stuns [2015-05-12 19:05:39] bows should deal MORE damage at specific ranges IMO [2015-05-12 19:05:42] wait there is no more durability in the newest game? [2015-05-12 19:05:45] 3 tiles away should be optimal damage [2015-05-12 19:05:45] HALLELUJA [2015-05-12 19:05:47] brb all, time for food [2015-05-12 19:05:50] Awakening has durability [2015-05-12 19:05:58] spam all the rescue staves [2015-05-12 19:05:58] FE14 doesn't\ [2015-05-12 19:06:01] but the two Lord Falchions don't [2015-05-12 19:06:04] spam all the brave weapons [2015-05-12 19:06:06] FE14 isn't even out yet is it? [2015-05-12 19:06:08] wish i had food [2015-05-12 19:06:12] Ray of Speed, the newest announced [2015-05-12 19:06:12] Nope, it's not [2015-05-12 19:06:17] oh ok [2015-05-12 19:06:17] all I have is oatmeal [2015-05-12 19:06:20] I heard once that the horses simply need to survive the map, not that they have to escape [2015-05-12 19:06:21] wow, that's gonna be a big change .-. [2015-05-12 19:06:22] I feel like part of them removing it is because of the Lords having Dragonstones [2015-05-12 19:06:24] to get the bonus [2015-05-12 19:06:31] WHAT [2015-05-12 19:06:34] You get more BEXP if they leave the map IIRC ilCrowli [2015-05-12 19:06:37] Blossom is 50% gain [2015-05-12 19:06:37] that alone doesn't make sense [2015-05-12 19:06:41] HOLY CRAP. [2015-05-12 19:06:42] ALL the lords use Dragonstones O,o [2015-05-12 19:06:43] But them surviving does give BEXP [2015-05-12 19:06:43] Hello! From Lisaroxroxrox and I Keepo [2015-05-12 19:06:44] @IICrowIi Exactly. Rescuing the horses just puts them in unnecessary danger [2015-05-12 19:06:44] I must have it [2015-05-12 19:06:47] infinite use weapons were a thing before [2015-05-12 19:06:48] =) How is everyone doing? [2015-05-12 19:06:49] FeelsBadMan [2015-05-12 19:06:52] anyone have the schedule [2015-05-12 19:06:52] in what? [2015-05-12 19:06:54] I'm doing alright. [2015-05-12 19:07:03] Blossom isn't 50% gain, it gives you two chances to gain each stat [2015-05-12 19:07:07] Awakening has Armsthrift to give you infinite uses as well [2015-05-12 19:07:13] Blossom is 50% EXP, and gives you 2 rolls for all level ups. [2015-05-12 19:07:13] I meant 50% EXP gain [2015-05-12 19:07:19] @Mendomitch the schedule's in the links below the stream window [2015-05-12 19:07:20] Bronze axe has nothing on Stun! [2015-05-12 19:07:23] Here is the schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KPTducquBhJp4dNyriRPPoaECQ6Jbw9esMlgfH5uvKk/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true [2015-05-12 19:07:25] but Armsthrift is only post game [2015-05-12 19:07:26] PoleDoge I am okay... I need to do stuff in my room before it's WAY too late... also hosting this marathon on my twitch [2015-05-12 19:07:31] I think it's 2/3rds EXP, not 50% [2015-05-12 19:07:31] Yeah [2015-05-12 19:07:32] RIIIIIICOLA [2015-05-12 19:07:46] I thought it was 2/3 in PoR? [2015-05-12 19:07:50] My bet is because of Armsthrift/Lord Dragonstone thats why they set it up that way [2015-05-12 19:07:54] Oh maybe that's where I'm confused [2015-05-12 19:08:05] Especially if they decide to make the Lord's dragonstone plot relevant [2015-05-12 19:08:07] who needs schedule, just watch every hour [2015-05-12 19:08:17] thankx [2015-05-12 19:08:20] RIP Hammerne Staff 1990-2015 Kappa [2015-05-12 19:08:25] some of us SLEEP, Highspirits OpieOP [2015-05-12 19:08:28] yeah, they made Falchion no-durability in Awakening because it was plot-relevant, so... [2015-05-12 19:08:29] @Highspirits That's my plan! :D [2015-05-12 19:08:29] Go forth Kirby, in place of mah boy Vykan! -Finally got to reset my password holy heck. [2015-05-12 19:08:42] what kind of fraud made this route. Doesn't even collect the hammerne Kappa [2015-05-12 19:08:43] not us Reece [2015-05-12 19:08:45] Yeah but there are apparently more than 1 dragon [2015-05-12 19:08:47] the speed is real >> [2015-05-12 19:08:48] well I am really looking forward to this newest game [2015-05-12 19:08:52] Prizes you can win during this run: http://tinyurl.com/lkw6jvd($15 minimum during this run until the end of Castle of Wind) rpgJerkBird http://tinyurl.com/kc9mo8f ($5 Minimum until the end of this run) [2015-05-12 19:08:55] new classes are always a hoot [2015-05-12 19:08:58] OpieOP [2015-05-12 19:09:00] Highspirits. I´m not accustomed to staying awake 24/7. Otherwise if I could I would ;p [2015-05-12 19:09:04] Since they seem to refer to the royal bloodline abilities as plural [2015-05-12 19:09:06] Okay now there's FE14 spoilers, guess it's time to mute chat :(. See you all later [2015-05-12 19:09:07] I think all the royals can use the dragon vein thing [2015-05-12 19:09:10] Kirby!!! [2015-05-12 19:09:19] Yeah. [2015-05-12 19:09:24] but not dragonstones [2015-05-12 19:09:27] https://hosted.gamesdonequick.com/external/prize/4 [2015-05-12 19:09:27] Rescue train! [2015-05-12 19:09:28] Such presentation Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:09:47] y-e-t-e-e [2015-05-12 19:09:49] will these runs be archived? if so, where? @Rpglimitbreak [2015-05-12 19:09:53] this yeti [2015-05-12 19:10:03] Here's what the poster looks like: https://img0.etsystatic.com/030/0/9742024/il_570xN.648009610_m5d6.jpg [2015-05-12 19:10:06] You can't spell Yetee without Yee [2015-05-12 19:10:13] http://theyetee.com/ [2015-05-12 19:10:26] the yetee Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:10:29] And yes, runs will be archived here, and we should also have them on YouTube in the future. [2015-05-12 19:10:35] awesome [2015-05-12 19:10:46] I doubt the dragon transformation will be unique [2015-05-12 19:10:50] Highly doubt it [2015-05-12 19:11:33] er... [2015-05-12 19:11:45] that would be interesting, but I kind of doubt it [2015-05-12 19:11:56] Another Coin! ShibeZ [2015-05-12 19:11:58] you are giving titania way 2 much exp [2015-05-12 19:12:02] Good afternoon Kirby, group, and chat [2015-05-12 19:12:03] q.q [2015-05-12 19:12:05] Audio is super low [2015-05-12 19:12:09] Marx is like a knockoff Perceval [2015-05-12 19:12:12] god Titania stop exp stealing Kappa [2015-05-12 19:12:24] I'm seeing a lot of shakiness in the game feed [2015-05-12 19:12:38] Prodigy... wrong runner [2015-05-12 19:12:40] aw yes fire emblem time [2015-05-12 19:12:40] http://bit.ly/14ev84H His face, can't handle this xD [2015-05-12 19:12:40] <bzunka has been timed out> [2015-05-12 19:12:40] No links allowed (bzunka) (warning) [2015-05-12 19:12:51] what? [2015-05-12 19:13:10] Using a Jeigan? DO YOU JUST HATE FUN, KIRBY!? [2015-05-12 19:13:13] Haar stealing all the exp from Mist and Rolf [2015-05-12 19:13:15] HOW ELITIST ARE YoU [2015-05-12 19:13:15] This isn't ciglol who had Titania eat up 80% of the EXP due to bad RNG [2015-05-12 19:13:32] "you are giving titania way 2 much exp" [2015-05-12 19:13:34] hosting this [2015-05-12 19:13:36] you missed that earlier? [2015-05-12 19:13:37] ban the runner for breaking the most fundamental rule of FE [2015-05-12 19:13:48] Theprodigy64 probably [2015-05-12 19:13:53] Take a look at these AMAZING t-shirts from TheYetee. $3 from every shirt purchase goes to NAMI. theyetee.com has many artist that work on these designs. Check out the Offical RPGLB shirts here: http://www.theyetee.com/rpglimitbreak rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 19:13:58] teh EEEEEEE-ECKS-PEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [2015-05-12 19:13:59] I am easily distracted and hungry [2015-05-12 19:14:10] @Seraphics Thanks for hosting [2015-05-12 19:14:16] These Crits Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:14:18] zfgHungry [2015-05-12 19:14:24] i blinked, what happened to the chapter? Kappa [2015-05-12 19:14:32] Kirby happened [2015-05-12 19:14:38] Haar happened [2015-05-12 19:14:40] Haar happened [2015-05-12 19:14:43] Haar ate the chapter. [2015-05-12 19:14:50] SHE REALLY WANTED THAT HERB [2015-05-12 19:14:56] Buu appeared and blew up the world [2015-05-12 19:14:57] Got those herbs Keepo [2015-05-12 19:15:09] Blaze it emblem [2015-05-12 19:15:10] I'm disappointed that's labeled as Keepo and not Katpa [2015-05-12 19:15:14] You know you should never use jeigans or their weapons, or dragonstones in FE thats just plain unfun cheating [2015-05-12 19:15:15] Save the pixels [2015-05-12 19:15:20] Heather loves women and drugs. She's perfect. [2015-05-12 19:15:25] Save the RNG, Everhate is here [2015-05-12 19:15:32] FailFish [2015-05-12 19:15:36] OOH the pun [2015-05-12 19:15:36] !blame [2015-05-12 19:15:37] FailFish [2015-05-12 19:15:39] FailFish [2015-05-12 19:15:40] !blame [2015-05-12 19:15:41] Kill the pixels, kill the frames. [2015-05-12 19:15:41] lol [2015-05-12 19:15:42] FailFish [2015-05-12 19:15:43] Haha nice puns there [2015-05-12 19:15:44] :/ [2015-05-12 19:15:44] FailFish [2015-05-12 19:15:45] RNG cannot survive everhate [2015-05-12 19:15:46] FailFish [2015-05-12 19:15:46] Kirbymastah? MORE LIKE HERBYMASTAH!!! [2015-05-12 19:15:47] FailFish [2015-05-12 19:15:47] FailFish [2015-05-12 19:15:48] i love me my puns [2015-05-12 19:15:48] Admit it, Brossentia is GDQ Monitor this year Kappa [2015-05-12 19:15:49] dwdPun [2015-05-12 19:15:49] monitor-chan <3 -3- [2015-05-12 19:15:52] everhate the enemy of mankind D: [2015-05-12 19:15:56] wixNis [2015-05-12 19:15:57] NIce couch Kappa [2015-05-12 19:15:58] good stuff guys [2015-05-12 19:15:58] FailFish [2015-05-12 19:16:00] GDQMonitor pls [2015-05-12 19:16:00] Nooo [2015-05-12 19:16:00] wixNis [2015-05-12 19:16:01] nerdYubNub [2015-05-12 19:16:02] OK, I have to order a hit for that [2015-05-12 19:16:04] Poor RNG ;-; [2015-05-12 19:16:06] someone HAS to die now [2015-05-12 19:16:10] and even worse, poor runners! [2015-05-12 19:16:15] GDQMonitor is the best [2015-05-12 19:16:18] yay genocide! [2015-05-12 19:16:22] Also sup @Reyllyoc [2015-05-12 19:16:22] he isn't training up Edward DansGame [2015-05-12 19:16:26] yawn brigade time ResidentSleeper [2015-05-12 19:16:31] kill the subhumans Kappa [2015-05-12 19:16:34] spoylers [2015-05-12 19:16:38] :p [2015-05-12 19:16:44] Story = true ? Kappa [2015-05-12 19:16:45] more like Fire Emblem ResidentSleeper [2015-05-12 19:16:47] the ResidentSleeper brigade [2015-05-12 19:16:58] The SNORE Brigade [2015-05-12 19:16:59] or ResidentSleeper Dawn [2015-05-12 19:17:00] Doesnt he know edward has the best growths!? He's the best use of Alondite! [2015-05-12 19:17:03] i've never played a fire emblem game [2015-05-12 19:17:04] more like the Jill Brigade [2015-05-12 19:17:05] PB'd again in necrodancer, other than that, things are fine :3 [2015-05-12 19:17:05] amirite [2015-05-12 19:17:05] ResidentSleeper emblem [2015-05-12 19:17:10] WHEN'S HAAR? [2015-05-12 19:17:21] whens' mahvel [2015-05-12 19:17:23] Female Haar is right there [2015-05-12 19:17:24] ahaha XD thst's a first. I shivered and said, "She cold." talking in 3rd person I guess today. [2015-05-12 19:17:35] how was age of ultron [2015-05-12 19:17:35] Haar needs his rest [2015-05-12 19:17:36] Swordmasters can oneshot everything, but so can Assassins [2015-05-12 19:17:40] I like Assassins better [2015-05-12 19:17:41] Knives are terrible in every FE game [2015-05-12 19:17:41] speaking of marvel [2015-05-12 19:17:48] 5 AM Australia winter time here :v it's freezing [2015-05-12 19:17:49] Haar is actually Jigglypuff confirmed [2015-05-12 19:17:54] age o fultron was pretty good [2015-05-12 19:17:59] Our comments still arent read, Gwim [2015-05-12 19:18:02] They hate us [2015-05-12 19:18:03] LIMIT BREAK! How's it going folks?!? [2015-05-12 19:18:07] They're too elitist [2015-05-12 19:18:10] OMGScoots [2015-05-12 19:18:13] Yeah [2015-05-12 19:18:18] \ FrankerZ / [2015-05-12 19:18:19] bboyHi [2015-05-12 19:18:22] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 19:18:29] CatBag [2015-05-12 19:18:31] Hello Dan rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 19:18:32] CatBag [2015-05-12 19:18:38] Mikaliaaaaaa. <3 [2015-05-12 19:18:44] \ CatBag / [2015-05-12 19:18:47] CatBag [2015-05-12 19:18:48] hey Dangod [2015-05-12 19:18:51] I think POR is a better game than RD overall but goddamn this run is fast. [2015-05-12 19:18:52] Reese! [2015-05-12 19:18:56] BRING ON THE METAHORROR [2015-05-12 19:18:56] @Thatidiotuhate bboyHi [2015-05-12 19:18:59] No. They're the OTP of this game [2015-05-12 19:19:00] I heard Kirby wants to kill off those characters, sounds like the easy way out to me [2015-05-12 19:19:05] They're the OTP of every game [2015-05-12 19:19:10] having played RD and not POR I can assure you that POR is a better game [2015-05-12 19:19:12] JillxHaar paired ending forevver [2015-05-12 19:19:15] I'm sorry. I love me some Fire Emblem but this was not a very good choice of game to kick off the stream [2015-05-12 19:19:15] in the epilogue she and Haar actually winds up married if yo uoull your cards right [2015-05-12 19:19:32] It was also rather boring during AGDQ. =( [2015-05-12 19:19:37] RD is more fun than people make it out to be [2015-05-12 19:19:45] You were rather boring during AGDQ [2015-05-12 19:19:45] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 19:19:49] but yeah PoR is probably a better game [2015-05-12 19:19:49] it is, but it's still not fun [2015-05-12 19:19:54] TriHard Knight [2015-05-12 19:20:01] I disagree, I had lots of fun with RD [2015-05-12 19:20:03] RD is tons of fun. I love the story [2015-05-12 19:20:06] Jill & Haar A Support = Marriage even though Haar said in PoR that he never felt that way about Jill. [2015-05-12 19:20:14] i'm enjoying the run [2015-05-12 19:20:14] I satyed up just for the radiant dawn run at AGDQ [2015-05-12 19:20:15] I hate RD because micablah sue [2015-05-12 19:20:19] the commentary is good [2015-05-12 19:20:19] Feelings change bro [2015-05-12 19:20:25] its not zeyehark its zeehark [2015-05-12 19:20:27] Haar is like 30 and Jill is like 15 in PoR [2015-05-12 19:20:38] David Bowie [2015-05-12 19:20:42] wait, really [2015-05-12 19:20:43] Bowie is the man of the men <3 [2015-05-12 19:20:50] hawt @gwimpage Kappa [2015-05-12 19:20:51] i really need a milkshake right now [2015-05-12 19:20:51] DAVID BOWIE!!! [2015-05-12 19:20:51] Yay Bowie [2015-05-12 19:20:52] what's it with teenagers being OP in rpgs [2015-05-12 19:20:52] ... How is micaiah a sue? [2015-05-12 19:21:01] there's nothing about Jill's age? [2015-05-12 19:21:06] BOWIEtheHERO <3 Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:21:09] A great Shining Force 2 runenr who built a community of runners for the game <3 [2015-05-12 19:21:10] Haar is in his 30s in RD though [2015-05-12 19:21:10] :33 [2015-05-12 19:21:11] Teenage rebellion Gwim [2015-05-12 19:21:12] it's me or stream is incidibely laggy ? [2015-05-12 19:21:13] Neros_soreN <3 [2015-05-12 19:21:20] Gwimpage it's what the VGL demands [2015-05-12 19:21:21] RD did some great things and some not so great things [2015-05-12 19:21:22] @Citillara it's you [2015-05-12 19:21:23] @Citillara looks fine here [2015-05-12 19:21:25] The. Demon. Rush. [2015-05-12 19:21:25] The run is fine [2015-05-12 19:21:27] Baffan <3 [2015-05-12 19:21:30] Jill and Mist are the same age. [2015-05-12 19:21:37] no lag on my end [2015-05-12 19:21:44] She's around the same as Mist. Ike is 17 so Mist is at least 1 year younger [2015-05-12 19:21:46] So Jill is several years younger than Ike, who is 17 in PoR. [2015-05-12 19:21:47] Anyone who hasn't caught a The Demon Rush run, you're in for a treat [2015-05-12 19:21:57] oh boy, survival missions ResidentSleeper [2015-05-12 19:22:04] no? [2015-05-12 19:22:15] the support conversation says they're close to the same age, but not exact [2015-05-12 19:22:20] CatBag and Mau5 [2015-05-12 19:22:20] Kirby where is the recruit Lehran incentive [2015-05-12 19:22:35] ^ [2015-05-12 19:22:38] I said around OMGScoots [2015-05-12 19:22:38] 1337 viewers [2015-05-12 19:22:42] whatever, let's talk about how old Micaiah is instead Kappa [2015-05-12 19:22:47] 1337! [2015-05-12 19:22:48] hype \ CatBag / [2015-05-12 19:22:49] lol [2015-05-12 19:22:56] *1323 Kappa [2015-05-12 19:22:56] Micaiah is like Niime old OpieOP [2015-05-12 19:23:02] Micaiah is older than most of the games cast. [2015-05-12 19:23:04] micaiah is 815 years old Kappa [2015-05-12 19:23:14] Chibi [2015-05-12 19:23:15] AH man [2015-05-12 19:23:16] Micaiah is in her 30's, right? [2015-05-12 19:23:20] 1337 Viewers? KH 3 will come out this year Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:23:32] Micaiah is old because spoilers [2015-05-12 19:23:45] That Hero of Mana shirt is pretty nice. =) [2015-05-12 19:23:46] micaiah is gmil status [2015-05-12 19:23:53] dangod, I donated! [2015-05-12 19:23:58] Micaiah looks like she can drop it like it's hot Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:24:02] gmilf* Kappa [2015-05-12 19:24:05] mikaliabot hard at work [2015-05-12 19:24:13] XD lol [2015-05-12 19:24:20] but it is [2015-05-12 19:24:31] Saying AGDQ in unison like that, now makes me believe that you are being controlled by a higher order \cirPrise/ [2015-05-12 19:24:38] So RD is set 2 years after the end of PoR right. In which case puberty hit Sothe hard Kappa [2015-05-12 19:24:43] /me hugs Highspirits. <3 [2015-05-12 19:24:44] fireemblemwhat? [2015-05-12 19:24:45] @RPGLimitBreak Make sure you read my donation! :D [2015-05-12 19:24:52] :) [2015-05-12 19:24:54] fireemblemvids [2015-05-12 19:24:56] well, Ike fathered Sothe's children... [2015-05-12 19:24:59] !link [2015-05-12 19:25:09] rpgWhat [2015-05-12 19:25:17] @RayOfSpeed *blink* [2015-05-12 19:25:44] okay thats one interesting comment to enter the chat on ray [2015-05-12 19:25:46] haha Mikaliabot XD [2015-05-12 19:25:47] Horsebird is best class [2015-05-12 19:25:47] She's 30ish if I remember right [2015-05-12 19:25:48] I feel like I'm the only one who's going to donate for Jude's story for Xillia OpieOP [2015-05-12 19:25:59] Jude is lame Milla is the best [2015-05-12 19:26:03] Micaiah mocks Sothe hero-worshipping Ike by responding "Hero of whatever, Lord of whatever, father of Sothe's children.." [2015-05-12 19:26:06] 97 hosts rpgWhat [2015-05-12 19:26:09] maybe Gwimpage [2015-05-12 19:26:14] did nobody else play RD :v [2015-05-12 19:26:15] Hello Puwexil =D [2015-05-12 19:26:23] yes I remembered that line [2015-05-12 19:26:24] hey Puwexil [2015-05-12 19:26:24] hey mikalia, hey all! [2015-05-12 19:26:28] hello. [2015-05-12 19:26:30] puwecil sevenWave [2015-05-12 19:26:33] I donated for Milla's story [2015-05-12 19:26:35] @RayOfSpeed That's a really weird way to take that quote [2015-05-12 19:26:40] Come on Xillia 2 bad end speedrun [2015-05-12 19:26:48] I was intentionally misinterpreting it to derive humor [2015-05-12 19:26:49] can't type today FailFish [2015-05-12 19:26:53] wish i didn't have to leave in a couple hours [2015-05-12 19:26:56] @Puwexil: I'm glad to see the octopus plush from SGDQ 2013 is still around [2015-05-12 19:27:00] i see [2015-05-12 19:27:02] Hi Puwexil! Where should I send info for my prize? [2015-05-12 19:27:03] Ike has a holy bloodline that allows Mpreg. CONFIRMED BY IN GAME QUOTES [2015-05-12 19:27:04] shouldnt kirby be practicing grand abyss? [2015-05-12 19:27:07] i didn't remember that line [2015-05-12 19:27:13] I should just go dig up the old GameFAQs fanfic threads at this rate [2015-05-12 19:27:15] neros nice palindrome [2015-05-12 19:27:38] @Jazaaboo, you can send to me and I'll pass along [2015-05-12 19:27:56] k. What e-mail address? [2015-05-12 19:27:56] Gwim... oliver? [2015-05-12 19:28:02] seraph, wasn't even intentionell to be honest OpieOP [2015-05-12 19:28:10] pfft [2015-05-12 19:28:32] is this YSG? Kappa [2015-05-12 19:28:46] @Jazaaboo, just sent you a skype pm [2015-05-12 19:28:52] You know what age really amazes me? [2015-05-12 19:28:56] kirbymastah so knowledgeable [2015-05-12 19:28:59] Shinon is -30- in RD [2015-05-12 19:29:00] ok it was intended, but i never noticed, that Neros is soren backwards :p [2015-05-12 19:29:01] Oh yeah I forgot I had you on Skype, derr haha [2015-05-12 19:29:24] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 19:29:27] yay alright Anonymous [2015-05-12 19:29:32] oh no Haar took damage! [2015-05-12 19:29:34] lol [2015-05-12 19:29:43] @Puwexil will my donation be read? D: [2015-05-12 19:29:48] YO gwimpage! shoutouts from the restream fr! FrankerZ [2015-05-12 19:29:49] i'm full of mental illness [2015-05-12 19:30:02] me too, it sucks [2015-05-12 19:30:03] we're reading as many donations as we can [2015-05-12 19:30:08] oh, sorry. ^^; [2015-05-12 19:30:11] Hi Puwexil :) [2015-05-12 19:30:11] have fun in the french restream FrankerZ/ [2015-05-12 19:30:11] What's up everybody :D [2015-05-12 19:30:23] Hey Sk8 PogChamp [2015-05-12 19:30:27] there's what, 1400 viewers or so atm? [2015-05-12 19:30:28] sk8 yo sevenWave [2015-05-12 19:30:28] yo sk8 [2015-05-12 19:30:29] hd what [2015-05-12 19:30:38] sup puwexil [2015-05-12 19:30:39] if even half of the current viewers donated with a comment it would take [2015-05-12 19:30:40] deuceHey [2015-05-12 19:30:41] hours [2015-05-12 19:30:42] im gonna say though [2015-05-12 19:30:46] save the girls please [2015-05-12 19:30:47] Meagan Roach's page: http://meaganroach.com/ [2015-05-12 19:30:47] bich sevenWave [2015-05-12 19:30:48] to read them all aloud [2015-05-12 19:30:51] the most hype run is clearly The Demon Rush [2015-05-12 19:30:54] Frames > Meg [2015-05-12 19:30:55] Ilyana is too cute [2015-05-12 19:30:58] demon rush ftw [2015-05-12 19:31:05] It is a really nice layout. [2015-05-12 19:31:07] The Demon Rush Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:31:11] Let me just quote a friend from yesterday: "Hey, is this person important? She has a face!" [2015-05-12 19:31:20] Demon Rush Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:31:22] yeah the layout for this is really good, unlike uh AGDQ this year >_> [2015-05-12 19:31:30] sup dragondarch [2015-05-12 19:31:40] Tome-a-hawk [2015-05-12 19:31:56] Better be awake at 2AM for The Demon Rush [2015-05-12 19:31:58] Save the geoffreys [2015-05-12 19:32:01] Darch PogChamp [2015-05-12 19:32:02] hey Dragon [2015-05-12 19:32:05] DD FrankerZ / [2015-05-12 19:32:08] Dont let him say his sad death quote TT_TT [2015-05-12 19:32:09] Demon RUSH HYPE! [2015-05-12 19:32:14] This strat is because of my bias Kappa [2015-05-12 19:32:18] Sup guys [2015-05-12 19:32:19] i'll be on a bus at 2am :( [2015-05-12 19:32:24] Woooo Demon rush!! [2015-05-12 19:32:25] Kirby's menuing is Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:32:26] whats demon rush? [2015-05-12 19:32:29] hey DD, Y U NO HAVE AIRCARD FOR YOUR LAPTOP Kappa [2015-05-12 19:32:29] I donated a metahorror! [2015-05-12 19:32:30] I forgot what you even had last night for dinner. ;>_> [2015-05-12 19:32:30] no one else timed Geoffrey vs Marcia for this map [2015-05-12 19:32:37] @Kirito86 Trust me, you want to find out [2015-05-12 19:32:39] for you all you guys know Marcia is faster [2015-05-12 19:32:40] wtb more car streams :P [2015-05-12 19:32:44] i hope the hebrew language pack will be a donation incentive OneHand [2015-05-12 19:32:52] Hello Darch! [2015-05-12 19:32:56] OpieOP [2015-05-12 19:32:59] well it's fewer turns at least Kappa [2015-05-12 19:33:06] Marcia is my favorite character BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:33:06] BEEP BEEP ITS A J33P! [2015-05-12 19:33:09] horses jumped just fine in GBA [2015-05-12 19:33:12] I tried like hell to connect while Meta was driving [2015-05-12 19:33:18] lol [2015-05-12 19:33:23] Kappa [2015-05-12 19:33:23] Nomad Troopers in the GBA games jumped [2015-05-12 19:33:25] Run is ded reset [2015-05-12 19:33:27] Nailah is the best royal [2015-05-12 19:33:28] Like, obsessively [2015-05-12 19:33:32] Her design is sooooo goooood [2015-05-12 19:33:33] Tellius paladins should take notes [2015-05-12 19:33:36] kinda hard when towns are 78 miles apart [2015-05-12 19:33:38] watching rpg limit break and playing persona right now so i'm not paying attention to the chat at times [2015-05-12 19:33:39] Even if she is actually the worst royal lol [2015-05-12 19:33:41] that cran-grape drink was pretty good, thanks again. @(_@ [2015-05-12 19:33:43] i want to go to the THREE TETONS! [2015-05-12 19:33:47] @Aela_brighteyes that's not how you spell Lyn [2015-05-12 19:33:47] speed running the whole game? estimation about 3 hours? [2015-05-12 19:33:53] i just want to know... whats in the CEVA [2015-05-12 19:33:56] That's correct [2015-05-12 19:33:56] Darch did Meta get the shirt in time? [2015-05-12 19:34:01] Nailah is available for the longest, ergo best royal :P [2015-05-12 19:34:01] is Marth in this game Kappa [2015-05-12 19:34:09] yes Kappa [2015-05-12 19:34:09] Unfortunately, no Mikalia [2015-05-12 19:34:10] availability > all [2015-05-12 19:34:17] =( oh well [2015-05-12 19:34:20] Nailah has bad caps at max level though prodigy Kappa [2015-05-12 19:34:21] man I really want out of work already >~< [2015-05-12 19:34:26] Tibarn best looking man in all FEs, ever [2015-05-12 19:34:27] nah I just think Lyn is a babe :V [2015-05-12 19:34:35] is the door open [2015-05-12 19:34:35] mousie sevenWave [2015-05-12 19:34:35] Hello mouse rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 19:34:37] Percival says hi? [2015-05-12 19:34:42] NO [2015-05-12 19:34:43] or Geoffrey Kappa [2015-05-12 19:34:44] Geoffrey please [2015-05-12 19:34:45] hi Mika [2015-05-12 19:34:45] Tibarn [2015-05-12 19:34:47] YES [2015-05-12 19:34:49] Geoffrey [2015-05-12 19:34:56] !schedule [2015-05-12 19:34:56] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 19:35:02] @RayOfSpeed Lyn gets jiggle physics. I don't think any other Fire Emblem character was given jiggle physics. [2015-05-12 19:35:10] Mia does [2015-05-12 19:35:11] Kappa [2015-05-12 19:35:15] Meg's armour jiggles [2015-05-12 19:35:19] Tharja is best waifu along with Nowi [2015-05-12 19:35:22] all the girls in FE7 US had jiggle physics if they were wearing cloth tunics [2015-05-12 19:35:26] how long has rpg limit break been around? [2015-05-12 19:35:29] lyn talks directly to the player, she's the original waifu [2015-05-12 19:35:31] so that limits it to Lyn and Karla [2015-05-12 19:35:39] No one has seen it though cause no one uses meg [2015-05-12 19:35:45] I've never actually recruited Karla, go figure [2015-05-12 19:35:48] but Lyn's are uh... *extremely noticeable* once she upgrades [2015-05-12 19:35:51] 1337 viewers [2015-05-12 19:35:51] promotes* [2015-05-12 19:36:00] i guess i'm the 1337th viewer [2015-05-12 19:36:00] That's so 1337 [2015-05-12 19:36:09] [s]but it's really about those legs[/s] [2015-05-12 19:36:11] Nope I am :D [2015-05-12 19:36:35] who's Meg? [2015-05-12 19:36:42] about all of her [2015-05-12 19:36:45] there are a lot of mods here. >_> [2015-05-12 19:36:48] hey guys [2015-05-12 19:36:50] I didn't like how this game treated skills in a simple "if it activates the target is so very dead" fashion, rather than having some that often activate and do something kind of nice [2015-05-12 19:36:55] Hope everyone's doing well [2015-05-12 19:36:59] hi dango mango :3 [2015-05-12 19:37:02] ty [2015-05-12 19:37:02] Hey [2015-05-12 19:37:05] Hi Mus [2015-05-12 19:37:10] @Mus_musculus bboyHi [2015-05-12 19:37:11] Flare and Corona [2015-05-12 19:37:16] Dont usually kill their target [2015-05-12 19:37:16] hiya idiot :3 [2015-05-12 19:37:17] I'm at work. Will be super inactive. [2015-05-12 19:37:28] Don't call Dan an idiot OpieOP [2015-05-12 19:37:31] Sup Reece [2015-05-12 19:37:34] Also the skills are a godsend on HM [2015-05-12 19:37:41] wow, mouse didn't even notice me, i see how it is OpieOP [2015-05-12 19:37:42] Sol is so good [2015-05-12 19:37:43] =( [2015-05-12 19:37:44] Darch, I forgot what you ate last night, a pancake? [2015-05-12 19:37:45] im about to get out of work myself then mouse is getting food [2015-05-12 19:37:55] Full stack of pancakes [2015-05-12 19:37:56] yay. I'm in till 5pm pst. [2015-05-12 19:37:58] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 19:37:59] gdqAnimals [2015-05-12 19:38:00] hi neros [2015-05-12 19:38:02] HAAR is METASIGMA [2015-05-12 19:38:06] ahh okay [2015-05-12 19:38:07] hello dan. dragondarch. ;o [2015-05-12 19:38:08] about to GO to work myself DansGame [2015-05-12 19:38:12] @Diosgx bboyHi [2015-05-12 19:38:14] Hey Dios [2015-05-12 19:38:14] Falexxx hype! [2015-05-12 19:38:15] @LordHayati 0.0 new headcanon [2015-05-12 19:38:23] DD [2015-05-12 19:38:28] elaUrn [2015-05-12 19:38:28] dango do you even play smite anymore man lol [2015-05-12 19:38:28] @Mattrick_ bboyHi [2015-05-12 19:38:31] Make sure to save Ilyana, Marcia and Astrid [2015-05-12 19:38:33] Hello Dios rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 19:38:34] Falexxx1 ~! [2015-05-12 19:38:36] Reece comes into Elmagus' stream last night [2015-05-12 19:38:37] haven't seen you stream for daaaaays [2015-05-12 19:38:37] I like challenge runs... Gwim do a girls only no jill HM speedrun [2015-05-12 19:38:37] @Diosgx I do but not as much on strim. Sorry bro. lol [2015-05-12 19:38:38] hi mattrick [2015-05-12 19:38:41] they're all cute and are going to get killed [2015-05-12 19:38:47] BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:38:49] Save the units! [2015-05-12 19:38:49] and goes, just had dinner with DD and meta.... my meal was more than theirs combined ROFL [2015-05-12 19:38:49] permission to post an image? [2015-05-12 19:38:52] whats up peeps :D [2015-05-12 19:38:59] It was [2015-05-12 19:39:00] I miss watching you straem smite. It was like my go-to stream for the longest time. It was real fun tow atch. :x [2015-05-12 19:39:04] #SavetheWaifus BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:39:05] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ YO YO ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 19:39:07] DRAGONDARCH~ [2015-05-12 19:39:11] LLK! [2015-05-12 19:39:17] #killthewaifus [2015-05-12 19:39:18] DD's was $10.37, Meta's was like 8 something and mine was $22.23 [2015-05-12 19:39:26] hey is it possible for me to join the diablo 3 co-op run? [2015-05-12 19:39:29] make a speedrunner lose time? GO FOR IT OpieOP [2015-05-12 19:39:31] i could prolly eat more [2015-05-12 19:39:32] no :P [2015-05-12 19:39:32] Half of 3 is....1.5? [2015-05-12 19:39:34] Ehhhhh, only ilyana is any good [2015-05-12 19:39:36] http://i.imgur.com/YgB301s.png [2015-05-12 19:39:43] :c hungry mouse [2015-05-12 19:39:43] :X [2015-05-12 19:39:44] I think if you donated a thousand dollars maybe you could get in? lol [2015-05-12 19:39:45] hi Dragondarchsda , i like your reindeer [2015-05-12 19:39:51] lol [2015-05-12 19:39:58] @LordHayati You! I like you! [2015-05-12 19:40:00] thats over my pay grade :( [2015-05-12 19:40:03] Reece confirmed ordered the Porterhouse + eggs, double sourdough toast, and a side of bacon [2015-05-12 19:40:05] That was the strongest start to the road trip [2015-05-12 19:40:07] lol Lord [2015-05-12 19:40:08] hi hs spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 19:40:10] lmfao [2015-05-12 19:40:11] D: [2015-05-12 19:40:11] What beautiful picture [2015-05-12 19:40:11] bahahaha [2015-05-12 19:40:13] who doesnt like Metas Reindeer [2015-05-12 19:40:19] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 19:40:27] wow. [2015-05-12 19:40:28] did puwexil really just say that ROFL [2015-05-12 19:40:28] spiritWEEEE [2015-05-12 19:40:31] @RPGLimitBreak That was in my donation. XD [2015-05-12 19:40:32] waifus [2015-05-12 19:40:34] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 19:40:34] ok time to finish up work. ill be home in a little while [2015-05-12 19:40:36] How was the trip down to SLC Darch? [2015-05-12 19:40:39] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 19:40:44] whose face is that? [2015-05-12 19:40:49] MetaSigma [2015-05-12 19:40:50] Tan ith... or tain ith [2015-05-12 19:40:50] Metasigma. [2015-05-12 19:40:52] Metasigma [2015-05-12 19:40:52] hey dd [2015-05-12 19:40:54] Who says tain ith [2015-05-12 19:40:55] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 19:40:57] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 19:41:03] Actually Mattrick, I had the Tilapia Flourentine (2 tilapia filets with spinach, instant potatoes and garlic bread) then I had a glass of MILK and... 4 chocolate chocolate chip pancakes [2015-05-12 19:41:03] BECAUSE YOU'RE WRONG IF YOU DO [2015-05-12 19:41:07] what? [2015-05-12 19:41:08] Was...eventful, in interesting ways [2015-05-12 19:41:09] \o/ [2015-05-12 19:41:17] Speedrunning marathon focused on jRPGS is supporting a charity for mental illnesses? Now THAT'S what I call irony [2015-05-12 19:41:22] I hope the couch people see it XD [2015-05-12 19:41:23] Oh god. You'll have to tell us. Preferably on a time when I'm not muting stream [2015-05-12 19:41:30] I tweeted everything [2015-05-12 19:41:37] FML... i wanted to play KH 2.5 today sevenThump [2015-05-12 19:41:42] Oh. I haven't checked twitter lately. my bad bro [2015-05-12 19:41:48] oalow :/ [2015-05-12 19:41:48] Can we confirm the existence of a Dongerass Ceva with a deadly Atlasquito inside? [2015-05-12 19:41:52] You didn't tweet our meeting BibleThump unless that's what you meant by the Straight Life Baseball post. [2015-05-12 19:41:53] I can confirm, Darch just threw his arms up and went WEEE [2015-05-12 19:41:59] RIP 4-5 seconds [2015-05-12 19:42:00] Loading luck [2015-05-12 19:42:00] Loading strats [2015-05-12 19:42:04] Kirby getting tri-Aced [2015-05-12 19:42:04] ) wixNis \ WEEE [2015-05-12 19:42:05] !blame [2015-05-12 19:42:08] Yes. They're doing it because trolls in twitch chat really need the help, Oalow [2015-05-12 19:42:08] Loading strats [2015-05-12 19:42:09] Someone tell Kirby that it's Tib- ARN and not Tib-ERN [2015-05-12 19:42:18] Weeee! [2015-05-12 19:42:19] Black Wii faster? That's racist [2015-05-12 19:42:20] just paint your wii black [2015-05-12 19:42:20] tih - barn [2015-05-12 19:42:22] tib-urn? Kappa [2015-05-12 19:42:23] I think you'll find it's actually Y Burn [2015-05-12 19:42:24] you'll be alright [2015-05-12 19:42:30] tib-urn FrankerZ [2015-05-12 19:42:36] Y Burn [2015-05-12 19:42:37] Aela_brighteyes The irony is that without mental illnesses, these life-failures wouldn't be fixated & addicted to "speedrunning" jRPGs [2015-05-12 19:42:37] cirGasm [2015-05-12 19:42:42] cirGasm [2015-05-12 19:42:46] RNG Loading Time PogChamp [2015-05-12 19:42:50] oh boy [2015-05-12 19:42:50] suck a d oughnut [2015-05-12 19:42:53] highspirits please, we all WEEEE! iRL :3 [2015-05-12 19:42:53] TooSpicy [2015-05-12 19:42:54] /me flops into chat. spazNap [2015-05-12 19:42:56] @Oalow cool story bro [2015-05-12 19:42:59] <oalow has been timed out> [2015-05-12 19:43:02] /me pets FlanKitty [2015-05-12 19:43:03] oalow rip [2015-05-12 19:43:05] Props on the timeout. [2015-05-12 19:43:07] hey flankitty [2015-05-12 19:43:07] So far I really like this stream layout. [2015-05-12 19:43:08] Should I do more Metahorror? Kappa [2015-05-12 19:43:10] D-did I bait him into getting banned? [2015-05-12 19:43:15] Success [2015-05-12 19:43:19] Aela confirmed top tier ban baiter [2015-05-12 19:43:28] "Who is more foolish; the fool, or the follows him?" [2015-05-12 19:43:30] seems apropos [2015-05-12 19:43:30] FlanKitty sevenWave <3 [2015-05-12 19:43:32] !praise Aela [2015-05-12 19:43:32] Kudos to Aela! [2015-05-12 19:43:37] quick flankitty is here [2015-05-12 19:43:39] prodigy, would you say... master tier? [2015-05-12 19:43:41] BRING OUT YOUR DOGS! [2015-05-12 19:43:43] *tackles flankitty [2015-05-12 19:43:43] Im so good at baiting bans I once banned myself [2015-05-12 19:43:47] for 15 minutes [2015-05-12 19:43:50] Incidentally, if his point was that many famous RPG protagonists are struggling with serious mental illnesses, he'd be right [2015-05-12 19:43:51] lol [2015-05-12 19:43:55] FrankerZ RalpherZ [2015-05-12 19:43:58] BRING OUT YOUR DOOFS [2015-05-12 19:44:00] Suikoden? More like sweetkoden, am I right ladies and gentlemen? [2015-05-12 19:44:04] @Aela_brighteyes you earned yourself a follower. [2015-05-12 19:44:05] @Soptippjycken Yes. [2015-05-12 19:44:06] LilZ [2015-05-12 19:44:10] im nto seeing enough pooch in this chat [2015-05-12 19:44:15] come on more FrankerZ [2015-05-12 19:44:15] I-I dont even stream [2015-05-12 19:44:17] Keepo // Aela [2015-05-12 19:44:20] That's a big if, Crowli [2015-05-12 19:44:22] NOW YOU DO [2015-05-12 19:44:23] GET TO IT [2015-05-12 19:44:26] I'm super hyped for Suikoden and Wild ARMS. [2015-05-12 19:44:28] carciBorf [2015-05-12 19:44:30] @Aela_brighteyes Can you give me a better way to give you props for banning him? [2015-05-12 19:44:31] why do the trolls always go for the low-hanging fruit anyway [2015-05-12 19:44:33] =o-o= [2015-05-12 19:44:37] it's not even funny [2015-05-12 19:44:37] i'm interested in Lufia 2 and SoE [2015-05-12 19:44:41] because :effort: [2015-05-12 19:44:46] because they just want attention >_> [2015-05-12 19:44:53] Because easy targets, Naglfar [2015-05-12 19:44:55] I love that game so much <3 Don't care what people say about it i loved every single second of playing that game [2015-05-12 19:44:56] you want the maximum output for the minimum input [2015-05-12 19:44:57] Dangod I will miss both those runs because of work BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:44:58] I heard Lunar is good too [2015-05-12 19:45:01] They're just bad people [2015-05-12 19:45:03] I dont really have any other way I guess [2015-05-12 19:45:03] @Thatidiotuhate =( [2015-05-12 19:45:08] trolls will be trolls [2015-05-12 19:45:09] Lunar 2, because Lunar [2015-05-12 19:45:11] @Aela_brighteyes also bboyHi and <3 [2015-05-12 19:45:14] Dangodofthunder youre interested in SoE? never tought about it Kappa [2015-05-12 19:45:24] hey HS did you knw that japan recalled lunar silver star story on the ps one? [2015-05-12 19:45:38] I do accept <3 s [2015-05-12 19:45:39] trolls are lonley bored people with nothing better to do [2015-05-12 19:45:46] cause its not as good as Lunar 2 [2015-05-12 19:45:49] @Riverwind77 No, I never played it. I just hope that it *** Meta sideways OR he gets WR. Nothing inbetween [2015-05-12 19:45:51] trolls: often despised, seldom appreciated [2015-05-12 19:45:51] Suikoden is at dumb o'clock for me :( [2015-05-12 19:45:53] they donth ave to eb lonely and bored [2015-05-12 19:45:56] Wait. Is swearing allowed? [2015-05-12 19:45:58] Da BOOTS! Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:45:59] @Aela_brighteyes then have a second <3 [2015-05-12 19:46:05] only appreciated if they're clever [2015-05-12 19:46:05] i am a MASTER troll, and i neither lonely, nor bored rofl [2015-05-12 19:46:05] no they ran out of the game over there in japan [2015-05-12 19:46:12] but they're almost never clever [2015-05-12 19:46:14] @Aela_brighteyes I stream once in a blue moon now. I should do it more. :3 [2015-05-12 19:46:37] Sleep? Work? School? Naw, RPGLB. [2015-05-12 19:46:45] pretty much [2015-05-12 19:46:46] YEAH, RIGHT. [2015-05-12 19:46:49] "This chat is expected to be around PG-13. As such, no overly harsh swearing or language is allowed." [2015-05-12 19:46:50] yea dans stream is getting lost to the annals of history [2015-05-12 19:46:59] whoa its been a long time since I saw the inside of this room in a marathon [2015-05-12 19:47:03] at least all the good games are on saturday, like Lunar 2 [2015-05-12 19:47:05] I think that means some small amount of cursing [2015-05-12 19:47:07] hehe im just kidding dang :) you should play it, its a great game [2015-05-12 19:47:09] What are the weakest characters in the game? [2015-05-12 19:47:18] @Mattrick_ Shut up I hate you and everyone that looks like you [2015-05-12 19:47:23] Fiona/Meg probably [2015-05-12 19:47:23] Fiona [2015-05-12 19:47:23] Hey everyone. Sup ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ :) [2015-05-12 19:47:24] Meg, Fiona, Lyre [2015-05-12 19:47:28] I'm wondering, how much more can this game still be optimized? [2015-05-12 19:47:28] <--- master Kappa [2015-05-12 19:47:29] That cough tho :( [2015-05-12 19:47:31] MINUTES [2015-05-12 19:47:33] we are talking about this game right [2015-05-12 19:47:35] Oh wait I forgot about Lyre [2015-05-12 19:47:36] 15 minutes Kappa [2015-05-12 19:47:37] A strike cat is also weak [2015-05-12 19:47:38] time = money confirmed [2015-05-12 19:47:38] I approve of Kari [2015-05-12 19:47:40] Definitely Lyre [2015-05-12 19:47:41] Mattrick, <3 and you know it [2015-05-12 19:47:44] why is everyone dying [2015-05-12 19:47:46] lmao. 15 minutes Kappa [2015-05-12 19:47:47] everyone hates Mattrick_ and his awesome beard [2015-05-12 19:47:48] Minutes is my favorite currency Kappa [2015-05-12 19:47:54] i dont have a beard -_- [2015-05-12 19:47:55] are we going to see a resident sleeper spirit again Kappa [2015-05-12 19:47:56] Time is money, Friend. [2015-05-12 19:47:58] Leanne is a pretty bad heron [2015-05-12 19:48:00] @Mattrick_ we know [2015-05-12 19:48:06] </sarcasm> [2015-05-12 19:48:10] still better than a lot of characters [2015-05-12 19:48:16] Ninjagoldfishbowlman <3 <3 How you doin'? [2015-05-12 19:48:19] Yeah. But they're in a class of their own [2015-05-12 19:48:20] You know, Time is Money OMGScoots [2015-05-12 19:48:23] The Charity Kappa [2015-05-12 19:48:25] hi bob [2015-05-12 19:48:29] i am so happy they support NAMI! I have many mental illnesses and i think that is hwy i love RPGs! :D [2015-05-12 19:48:33] Danved > Devdan [2015-05-12 19:48:33] i want a capture card but its so expensive :( [2015-05-12 19:48:42] Mods, can I get a ruling on swearing here? Is it okay in moderation? [2015-05-12 19:48:47] Or do we want to keep it PG? [2015-05-12 19:48:48] Sigrun is pretty terrible... but nothing compared to those 3 [2015-05-12 19:48:53] was that a pun dan [2015-05-12 19:48:55] I forgot Lyre was a character. [2015-05-12 19:48:57] Is Charity the name of the stripper they're hiring with all this money they're getting? Kappa [2015-05-12 19:49:09] yes [2015-05-12 19:49:09] Leanne gives 2 units extra turns in both her forms, whereas the other two have the ability to give 4 units an extra turn in at least one of their forms [2015-05-12 19:49:09] Moderate swearing is a'ight. [2015-05-12 19:49:11] @Naglfarnr No. Sorry. [2015-05-12 19:49:11] No, thats Chastity [2015-05-12 19:49:12] Omg Lyre always die in my playthrough ;~; Meg wasn't that bad for me and Fiona just never seems to hit hard enough [2015-05-12 19:49:26] @Rpglimitbreak Thx. Wasn't sure. Sorry for using a word that rhymes with truck before. [2015-05-12 19:49:27] see that was funny [2015-05-12 19:49:31] riverwind, unless of course.... you mean.. this beard http://imgur.com/UnsvLcZ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 19:49:33] Chastity Beltz [2015-05-12 19:49:34] In HM Fiona gets doubled in the first chapter you can control her [2015-05-12 19:49:38] stuff is showing up as stars for me so i can't really rule, sorry (don't know if that's a user setting or cookie setting) [2015-05-12 19:49:39] BEARDED FLEX HYPE! [2015-05-12 19:49:44] Lyre has pretty good growth, if you're willing to give her the spell cards so she can get experience in human form [2015-05-12 19:49:47] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 19:49:47] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-12 19:49:51] #TEAMBEARDEDFLEX! [2015-05-12 19:49:53] User, kariohki [2015-05-12 19:49:54] And has a 50% ish hit rate... and tinks on anyone with any armour [2015-05-12 19:50:04] As in, the stream. [2015-05-12 19:50:05] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 19:50:06] @Kariohki sounds like it's a stream setting. [2015-05-12 19:50:07] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 19:50:10] But Canto Kappa [2015-05-12 19:50:15] #beardedflexftw [2015-05-12 19:50:15] didn't know so many guys here were into bearded men [2015-05-12 19:50:15] yeah i just gonna double back on that [2015-05-12 19:50:16] Fiona joins with worse stats than base Nolan [2015-05-12 19:50:22] 6 chapters later [2015-05-12 19:50:26] gonna tweet this marathon out [2015-05-12 19:50:27] RIP Pelleas BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:50:29] I use fiona all the time though its just... so impossible to do without grinding [2015-05-12 19:50:31] Gawd i need coffee. x__x [2015-05-12 19:50:35] fiona is probably the most elaborately shafted unit in the game even if she isn't strictly the worst [2015-05-12 19:50:40] spoilers! BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:50:44] Pelleas deserves the Darwin award anyways Kappa [2015-05-12 19:50:45] Mattrick and I hate and love each other. #vitrolicbuddies [2015-05-12 19:50:46] although admittedly Fiona has a better payoff than Meg or Lyre [2015-05-12 19:50:49] @Kytten you can have mine [2015-05-12 19:50:54] real men killed Ike with Sothe [2015-05-12 19:50:56] i dont know how much i want to stir up the flexnation guys.... [2015-05-12 19:51:01] coffee is the worst [2015-05-12 19:51:02] She cant even show up to the swamp map [2015-05-12 19:51:02] >.> [2015-05-12 19:51:07] I never had a problem with meg tho' what was her problem? [2015-05-12 19:51:08] Mattrick, let's keep it at a low roar [2015-05-12 19:51:08] She gets penalized in the indoor maps [2015-05-12 19:51:11] Yessss coffeeeeeee [2015-05-12 19:51:13] and then go absolutely crazy during SoE [2015-05-12 19:51:22] Real men smite Ike off the face of the earth with 20/20/20 Laura [2015-05-12 19:51:27] 3-13 archer is legit meme status [2015-05-12 19:51:32] 1 TURN CLEAR [2015-05-12 19:51:34] 3-13 Archer Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:51:40] @Gwimpage that sounds *amazing* [2015-05-12 19:51:40] seriously though, I wonder if it's possible to get Laura to kill Ike on EM LTC? [2015-05-12 19:51:51] would be hilarious [2015-05-12 19:51:54] Prizes you can win during this run: http://tinyurl.com/lkw6jvd($15 minimum during this run until the end of Castle of Wind) rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 19:51:55] Laura MVP Kappa [2015-05-12 19:52:10] until the final chapter Fiona isn't in any missions that are mounted-unit-friendly... [2015-05-12 19:52:11] @Mikalia Can you give me an ETA for when that ends? [2015-05-12 19:52:11] If you were doing individual turns [2015-05-12 19:52:19] RIP Waifus BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:52:22] Base ike vs 20/20/20 laura crit [2015-05-12 19:52:25] unless it's some premium fresh whole bean coffee you're all drinking stale disgusting crap [2015-05-12 19:52:36] Or, before/after 6pm PST? [2015-05-12 19:52:38] worst of all that stale coffee is not cheap [2015-05-12 19:52:38] turn counter would be an interesting way of judging rate of completion [2015-05-12 19:52:42] LOL [2015-05-12 19:52:45] ike is dead? :( [2015-05-12 19:52:52] Ike died, game is over right Kappa [2015-05-12 19:52:55] ahaha man [2015-05-12 19:52:59] what mental illness do you guys have? :) [2015-05-12 19:53:02] I'm from Montreal and I'm offended by these comments :| [2015-05-12 19:53:03] Urn Ogre [2015-05-12 19:53:04] the king is dead, long live the king [2015-05-12 19:53:08] Legit? [2015-05-12 19:53:09] That feel when you paid money to have video game waifus murdered Kappa [2015-05-12 19:53:12] Depression. It's very fun [2015-05-12 19:53:14] ayy lmao [2015-05-12 19:53:15] for a while I was dating this girl whose brother had been my best friend for a long time and he got, for christmas, a kilogram of high-tier columbian coffee [2015-05-12 19:53:20] which triggered his migraines [2015-05-12 19:53:23] META [2015-05-12 19:53:25] so it was ALL MINE. >mfw [2015-05-12 19:53:26] base Ike needs 29 magic attack, 27 speed to ORKO...hmm [2015-05-12 19:53:26] i'm diagnosed with depression and GAD [2015-05-12 19:53:37] gave my friend Death Wish brand coffee for their birthday [2015-05-12 19:53:49] what's that kariohki [2015-05-12 19:53:49] >3-13 Archer [2015-05-12 19:53:52] 3-13 Archer DansGame [2015-05-12 19:53:53] IT'S HAPPENING [2015-05-12 19:53:54] Please change the game name we're playing [2015-05-12 19:53:54] @RayOfSpeed Lots of people play that way on SerenesForest. It's really fun to get a group of 4-5 people, draft out all the units, and compete for lowest turn count [2015-05-12 19:54:00] sounds scary [2015-05-12 19:54:02] wow, this menuing Kreygasm [2015-05-12 19:54:08] Seraphics: 200% caffeinated coffee [2015-05-12 19:54:08] fire emblem radiant dawn isn't a game [2015-05-12 19:54:14] Plus the STR to wield the tome without speed loss... if its anthing like meteor [2015-05-12 19:54:17] Radiant Haar is [2015-05-12 19:54:17] oh wow [2015-05-12 19:54:18] Haar's gonna be tossing the donations [2015-05-12 19:54:19] @Swordofaeons sounds like fun, I'm way too interested in using characters I like rather than good ones though :v [2015-05-12 19:54:21] subliminal messages Kappa [2015-05-12 19:54:33] ing *ion *@@#++ [2015-05-12 19:54:36] (FE7 is convenient in this regard) [2015-05-12 19:54:39] whoops [2015-05-12 19:54:46] testing out a new kb [2015-05-12 19:54:56] Anyone disapointed that they don't bring weapon degradation in fire emblem If? I mean i liked that thing... It added difficulty! :O [2015-05-12 19:55:11] Too early to tell how it'll change the game for now [2015-05-12 19:55:11] we'll see [2015-05-12 19:55:17] the cards you get out of coins aren't actually random [2015-05-12 19:55:20] Dont be afraid of change, dana [2015-05-12 19:55:21] True [2015-05-12 19:55:25] Going to get lunch guys. bbl. [2015-05-12 19:55:30] Mattrick, don't get too flex happy [2015-05-12 19:55:31] I think for some weapons weapon degredation is important, like powerful ones [2015-05-12 19:55:32] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 19:55:33] BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:55:34] Mikalia, keep the kids in line. [2015-05-12 19:55:34] 4Head [2015-05-12 19:55:36] Dan it's about another hour for the poster and roughly 24 hours for the capture card [2015-05-12 19:55:41] eh I'm not exactly confident in IS balance abilities [2015-05-12 19:55:44] THE POSTER WILL BE MINE [2015-05-12 19:55:45] Oh. 24 for cap card. Got it. :3 [2015-05-12 19:55:46] I mean it could work [2015-05-12 19:55:46] ok [2015-05-12 19:55:50] BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:55:52] "balance" [2015-05-12 19:55:52] Is the poster your artwork? [2015-05-12 19:55:52] BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:55:53] BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:55:55] I'm going to keep saying it in the hopes it comes true [2015-05-12 19:55:59] RIP Marcia BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:56:03] BibleThump ? More like BloodTrail [2015-05-12 19:56:03] LOL [2015-05-12 19:56:04] pattyRIP [2015-05-12 19:56:07] i asked my mom if i can donate some money to this stream, but she said no :( . i hate that she controls my disability check money [2015-05-12 19:56:07] LOSING TIME [2015-05-12 19:56:09] FeelsBadMan [2015-05-12 19:56:09] !blame [2015-05-12 19:56:11] loooool [2015-05-12 19:56:11] BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:56:13] Dang it, Astrid DansGame [2015-05-12 19:56:14] BloodTrail Thanks for Killing BloodTrail [2015-05-12 19:56:14] REKTERINO [2015-05-12 19:56:17] olololol [2015-05-12 19:56:17] blame everhate? [2015-05-12 19:56:20] YOU HAD ONE JOB ASTRID [2015-05-12 19:56:22] no I didn't do that poster [2015-05-12 19:56:22] BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:56:23] You had ONE job DansGame [2015-05-12 19:56:25] Games are always a good mix of difficult. I dont really know if there has been an 'easy' FE at hardest difficulty [2015-05-12 19:56:31] Oh. Don't care then. lol [2015-05-12 19:56:32] what happened? [2015-05-12 19:56:32] FE8 :P [2015-05-12 19:56:37] bbl guys. <3 [2015-05-12 19:56:40] Meta looks so restless lol [2015-05-12 19:56:45] based bichBat [2015-05-12 19:56:46] FE8 was pretty breezy even on hard [2015-05-12 19:56:49] FE5 Kappa [2015-05-12 19:56:52] BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [2015-05-12 19:56:52] FE8's bonus dungeons would probably be a pain on hard, though [2015-05-12 19:56:53] I still remember restarting Lunatic + like 100 times on CH2 or 3 or W/E the one with Vaike on awakening [2015-05-12 19:56:54] Btw will any of you take both games or just one and pay the thing to get the other side on the same one? [2015-05-12 19:56:55] Just warp and it's ez [2015-05-12 19:57:02] I think meta is asleep on his hands [2015-05-12 19:57:02] every Fire Emblem except FE12 is easy if you break it fully Kappa [2015-05-12 19:57:09] even if you treat those games like *** they can hurt you in the bonus dungeons... [2015-05-12 19:57:10] inb4 meta falls out of chair Kappa [2015-05-12 19:57:13] five zombie dragons... [2015-05-12 19:57:15] diablo 3 ends after they hit lvl 70 or? tmrHat [2015-05-12 19:57:16] fe7 and fe8 on hard are pretty lol. [2015-05-12 19:57:26] wait are we talking [2015-05-12 19:57:31] with enemy control glitch or without [2015-05-12 19:57:33] inb4 "d3 estimate 240 hours" [2015-05-12 19:57:35] fe13 on lunatic+ Kappa [2015-05-12 19:57:38] the version they're playing doesn't even go to level 70 [2015-05-12 19:57:42] even without enemy control glitch it's not hard [2015-05-12 19:57:45] with it it's easier, of course [2015-05-12 19:57:49] there's barely enough missions to get experience onto Marcia... you pretty much have to give her Paragon to make any use of her [2015-05-12 19:57:54] I'm not amazing so I'll have to take your word on that [2015-05-12 19:58:35] YSG Kappa [2015-05-12 19:58:41] my preferred tacRPG series is uh, Super Robot Wars :V [2015-05-12 19:59:05] Diablo 3 ends when they kill Diablo. It's a vanilla run, so no RoS. [2015-05-12 19:59:07] Kamidori: Alchemy Meister Kappa [2015-05-12 19:59:07] all this wasted EXP that could go into Kieran OpieOP [2015-05-12 19:59:30] All this wasted XP for Super Traitor Zihark [2015-05-12 19:59:33] khobahi subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 19:59:33] khobahi subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 19:59:48] Sub Hype pogChamp [2015-05-12 19:59:58] "I'm with Crimea! I'm with Daein! I'm with Crimea!" [2015-05-12 20:00:09] "You're all *** when the Hulk gets back!" [2015-05-12 20:00:15] didn't he start with daein [2015-05-12 20:00:17] I thought Jill was worse than Zihark in that regard. [2015-05-12 20:00:25] in fe9 [2015-05-12 20:00:27] should use Nephenee and Mia Keepo [2015-05-12 20:00:29] more like Mega-super-traitor Jill [2015-05-12 20:00:38] My Heather always dies at Elincia's Gambit [2015-05-12 20:00:46] Oh Crimea river! #bacjoke #hackcomic [2015-05-12 20:00:48] Hey. Jill only has like 2 people she doesnt murder [2015-05-12 20:00:49] I took Nephenee and Mia to end-game. <3 [2015-05-12 20:00:50] She flip flops more than wet bread [2015-05-12 20:00:51] badjoke* [2015-05-12 20:00:53] Jill, Naesala, and Zihark are probably best buds [2015-05-12 20:00:58] switching sides all the time [2015-05-12 20:01:00] hello everybody cerFlan [2015-05-12 20:01:03] I always powergame FE games it's compulsive [2015-05-12 20:01:04] "Dear diary, today I killed another one of Jerid's friends..." [2015-05-12 20:01:05] hello. [2015-05-12 20:01:06] I think my favorite unit from this game is Nephnee. As far as i can remember i've always used her when i could [2015-05-12 20:01:09] I have to max as many as I can [2015-05-12 20:01:16] But yeah she's pretty much ultra mega traitor too [2015-05-12 20:01:16] wait what, Jill leaves the party? [2015-05-12 20:01:28] So excite. [2015-05-12 20:01:30] Jill leaves if you talk to her with Mist or Haar [2015-05-12 20:01:33] I love Jill [2015-05-12 20:01:35] Sir Doof hype rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 20:01:36] There is no Cow Level. [2015-05-12 20:01:40] there is no cow level [2015-05-12 20:01:45] wellp I'm going to bed [2015-05-12 20:01:46] Whimsyshire!!!! [2015-05-12 20:01:48] nite people [2015-05-12 20:01:49] Daein Crimea Daein Crimea [2015-05-12 20:01:49] Ermac who? [2015-05-12 20:01:57] oh whimseyshire... [2015-05-12 20:02:01] Yep [2015-05-12 20:02:05] Good night Ray [2015-05-12 20:02:17] BOB~ [2015-05-12 20:02:20] Zihark can do something VERY HORRIBLE THOUGH [2015-05-12 20:02:22] let the record spin etc. [2015-05-12 20:02:23] KYTTEN! [2015-05-12 20:02:24] lol I love that name Bob [2015-05-12 20:02:26] JAZ! [2015-05-12 20:02:26] And get recruited by the enemy [2015-05-12 20:02:28] lately they made it hard to NOT go to the secret area [2015-05-12 20:02:37] oh *** yeah haha [2015-05-12 20:02:45] like I played the ps4 version for about a couple hours and a portal opened to it [2015-05-12 20:02:54] it's ridiculous [2015-05-12 20:02:56] isn't fe10 zihark literally the only unit in the series who can do that [2015-05-12 20:03:03] :D Bob <3 [2015-05-12 20:03:04] lol Meg [2015-05-12 20:03:15] I cant guarantee that. There might be others that I dont know offhands [2015-05-12 20:03:23] get recruited by the enemy? [2015-05-12 20:03:23] HAHAHAHAHhahahahah xDDd xDDD that was soo funny xD [2015-05-12 20:03:26] Jill can in FE9 [2015-05-12 20:03:28] BloodTrail Thanks for Killing BloodTrail [2015-05-12 20:03:28] MEGATRON GRIFFIN [2015-05-12 20:03:35] Oh yeah, by her dad [2015-05-12 20:03:35] Aela in Sadiant Dawn Jill will desert on a certain map unless she has A support with Mist [2015-05-12 20:03:35] oh right yeah [2015-05-12 20:03:36] Thats right [2015-05-12 20:03:37] yeah, Jill in FE9 can be recruited by her dad [2015-05-12 20:03:41] kottKatt [2015-05-12 20:03:49] I think jill's might be worse [2015-05-12 20:03:56] because don't you have to talk to him with her [2015-05-12 20:04:02] is there any chance of green units blocking the square you need to get the savior staff from? [2015-05-12 20:04:08] Jill's is worse since at least you don't actually lose Zihark that way [2015-05-12 20:04:10] \\ CatBag [2015-05-12 20:04:11] unless you kill him [2015-05-12 20:04:11] bit rate so strong [2015-05-12 20:04:12] so you're like "oh okay let's do this conversation" [2015-05-12 20:04:12] lol [2015-05-12 20:04:17] @NaglfarNR Yeah, the player has to use the "talk" command for it to happen [2015-05-12 20:04:18] Her talk convo with her dad and a Mist A support is so sad [2015-05-12 20:04:25] and then she *** leaves [2015-05-12 20:04:29] retroHY retroPU [2015-05-12 20:04:34] could someone put up a donation counter? [2015-05-12 20:04:36] This game and PoR are so sad all the time [2015-05-12 20:04:45] There is one [2015-05-12 20:04:46] I let Meg die in my playthrough bc I saw her as dead weight, and then I met Brom later and he said "have you seen my daughter meg?" and I was so distraught lol [2015-05-12 20:04:47] Donation counter is live at rpglimitbreak.com [2015-05-12 20:04:55] The death quotes in this game are... so horrifying [2015-05-12 20:04:59] Jill: Kurthnaga Slayer [2015-05-12 20:04:59] I mean on the Stream overlay [2015-05-12 20:05:07] should be possible [2015-05-12 20:05:09] "sorry Brom I didn't want to deal with a stalker"-Zihark Kappa [2015-05-12 20:05:12] Rout map gauntlet! [2015-05-12 20:05:13] And there are so many of them because they change them all the time on you [2015-05-12 20:05:36] but if you split the party into 3 groups, one unit won't have Haar or Jill? [2015-05-12 20:05:46] Uh oh. Brosentia's gone and done it [2015-05-12 20:05:48] unlike Marth he don't chuckle [2015-05-12 20:05:53] You have Tanith OMGScoots [2015-05-12 20:05:55] If you had proper supports in this game I think it would be undisputed the best FE [2015-05-12 20:05:57] Aether is actually one of the worst mastery skills in this game [2015-05-12 20:05:58] She's like Haar-lite [2015-05-12 20:06:08] 3rd group has super awesome tibarn Kappa [2015-05-12 20:06:09] It doesn't completely overkill like every other mastery skill in the game [2015-05-12 20:06:09] Cant even say that when Bane exists [2015-05-12 20:06:13] Aether is one of the few mastery skills that doesn't give triple damage. [2015-05-12 20:06:20] That, and it's a skill/2% chance. [2015-05-12 20:06:23] late to the party [2015-05-12 20:06:25] It doesn't need it [2015-05-12 20:06:26] Luna effect is enough [2015-05-12 20:06:28] what runs did i miss? [2015-05-12 20:06:30] Yeah Driftingskies, and the lower % activation lol [2015-05-12 20:06:32] The website tho is so sessy [2015-05-12 20:06:37] all skills are skill/2 chance [2015-05-12 20:06:39] or speed/2 [2015-05-12 20:06:40] Lethality - Skill/4% [2015-05-12 20:06:41] or whatever [2015-05-12 20:06:41] since it just pierces defenses [2015-05-12 20:06:42] in Radiant Dawn it's Skill/2 in PoR it was jsut flat Skill [2015-05-12 20:06:44] doesn't matter if it's one of the weakest, it still one-shots everything when it activates. The skills in this game have kind of dumb design. [2015-05-12 20:06:49] A lot of them are skill% or strength%. [2015-05-12 20:06:50] Hey, hey, hey [2015-05-12 20:06:53] Eclipse [2015-05-12 20:06:56] I think Astra is Speed%. [2015-05-12 20:06:59] Oh no argument there, skills in this game are dumb [2015-05-12 20:07:00] worst mastery is Bane [2015-05-12 20:07:04] well, mastery skills anyway [2015-05-12 20:07:06] Sol is hilariously OP [2015-05-12 20:07:10] it's one of the Nerfs that was given to Aether [2015-05-12 20:07:12] Nothing in the game, no boss, no player character can survive eclipse [2015-05-12 20:07:20] Bane can't kill when you normally would Kappa [2015-05-12 20:07:22] The skills are balanced around HM imo [2015-05-12 20:07:23] hahahahaha xDDDDDD [2015-05-12 20:07:28] lol Gwimpage [2015-05-12 20:07:33] No they aren't even balanced around HM [2015-05-12 20:07:35] stupidest argument ever [2015-05-12 20:07:38] They're just blatantly overkill [2015-05-12 20:07:59] Skills are balanced around FUN! [2015-05-12 20:07:59] Yes, but if you're being non optimal they're basically necessary in Endgame otherwise you take forever [2015-05-12 20:08:04] They should just call all Mastery skills: Autokill. Because that's all they really do. [2015-05-12 20:08:05] R.I.P. Vantage [2015-05-12 20:08:07] They really aren't [2015-05-12 20:08:22] aw yea limit break cirGasm [2015-05-12 20:08:25] Is Vantage skill% or speed%? [2015-05-12 20:08:27] Most skills other than Impale wont instakill dragons/etc in HM [2015-05-12 20:08:34] It's Speed [2015-05-12 20:08:39] I think maybe Speed% [2015-05-12 20:08:45] Vantage is speed% [2015-05-12 20:08:47] aw yea soloman cirGasm [2015-05-12 20:08:47] there are some skills that are just passive [2015-05-12 20:08:49] That's what I thought, but they said skill% in stream. [2015-05-12 20:08:51] Killing ponies <3 [2015-05-12 20:08:55] thanks vuld :) [2015-05-12 20:08:56] I remember discussions about giving a slow or fast unit Vantage to help them [2015-05-12 20:09:00] AbeX300 oatLove [2015-05-12 20:09:06] oatLove [2015-05-12 20:09:06] cirGasm [2015-05-12 20:09:06] hahahaha xDD [2015-05-12 20:09:07] spoilers: better on a fast unit [2015-05-12 20:09:13] Yeah looked it up, Vantage is speed% [2015-05-12 20:09:14] I don't remember any dragon surviving a skill activation for me [2015-05-12 20:09:14] @AbeX300 'm stalking you Kappa [2015-05-12 20:09:15] ohh, didn't know it started today [2015-05-12 20:09:17] isn't Vantage the ability that let you counter attack first? [2015-05-12 20:09:18] haaapppyy plaaaaace [2015-05-12 20:09:19] Greenleaf Kappa [2015-05-12 20:09:21] cirGasm [2015-05-12 20:09:22] Yes [2015-05-12 20:09:26] good thing I was at work and couldn't watch even if I wanted:D [2015-05-12 20:09:27] Miss Me Abex? [2015-05-12 20:09:29] Mia>Zihark [2015-05-12 20:09:32] No OpieOP [2015-05-12 20:09:36] excuse me Kirby, but wouldn't this run be faster on Phoenix mode? Kappa [2015-05-12 20:09:38] But rather than always active like in PoR, it's speed% activated in RD [2015-05-12 20:09:39] sup peeps widdVinyl/ [2015-05-12 20:09:42] So it's not reliable at all [2015-05-12 20:09:46] Oh, if I had feeling they mihgt be hurt Abex Kappa [2015-05-12 20:09:49] gwimpage Kappa [2015-05-12 20:09:50] Sacrifice Meg over and over. Best run ever [2015-05-12 20:09:54] PoR vantage with critforge would be hilarious [2015-05-12 20:10:03] But... but... Meg BibleThump [2015-05-12 20:10:06] if there's a chance for a skill to work, that just gives RN Jesus more chances to sacrifice your runs. [2015-05-12 20:10:08] phoenix mode haar solo [2015-05-12 20:10:10] Soren/Ilyana/whatever mage OP [2015-05-12 20:10:10] Hey, what if the game was difficult enough to NEED phoenix [2015-05-12 20:10:12] wait ok we don't care Kappa [2015-05-12 20:10:26] Think like FFT with no grinding where your units are basically paper [2015-05-12 20:10:30] naesala is the weakest royal in that he occasionally will fail to one-round something [2015-05-12 20:10:39] hahahahah xDD that was funny!! xD [2015-05-12 20:10:50] Naesala cheats, mastery skill before level 30 [2015-05-12 20:10:50] most OP FE character ever has to be Myrrh [2015-05-12 20:10:54] down with royal privilege Kappa [2015-05-12 20:11:04] Most OP is Sigurd or Seth FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:11:11] Sigurf ftfy [2015-05-12 20:11:16] zigludo [2015-05-12 20:11:17] I though Yuria with Narga was pretty high up there. [2015-05-12 20:11:18] Seth is sexier [2015-05-12 20:11:18] Roy + Sword of Seals [2015-05-12 20:11:20] ergo better [2015-05-12 20:11:24] Gwimpage Myrrh can inflict 360+ damage on the final boss in her game [2015-05-12 20:11:25] RIP luck [2015-05-12 20:11:25] oh no not luck! hahahahah xDDDD [2015-05-12 20:11:27] -1 Luck BibleThump [2015-05-12 20:11:27] LOL THAT LUCK [2015-05-12 20:11:27] Robin is pretty OP OMGScoots [2015-05-12 20:11:28] Narga is definitely most broken weapon. [2015-05-12 20:11:36] xD [2015-05-12 20:11:43] Myrrh is cute girl which means shes better [2015-05-12 20:11:43] @Lunaraia IMO Frankicense was stronger [2015-05-12 20:11:43] and can inflict more than 360+ damage Kappa [2015-05-12 20:11:43] When luck isn't lucky BibleThump [2015-05-12 20:11:50] oatPls [2015-05-12 20:11:51] Gwimpage are you saying Sigurd isn't sexy? [2015-05-12 20:11:52] dank [2015-05-12 20:11:55] Good luck everyone! [2015-05-12 20:11:56] oatPls [2015-05-12 20:11:57] Luck why? [2015-05-12 20:11:57] lady luck be kind [2015-05-12 20:11:58] He isn't [2015-05-12 20:12:02] have you seen that hair? [2015-05-12 20:12:02] Highspirits cirLove [2015-05-12 20:12:04] @Lunaraia Myrrh is limited by availability and REALLY limited Dragonstone. She's strong, but there are a lot of characters stronger. [2015-05-12 20:12:09] Losing stats on promotes. Who was the moron who did the stats for this game Kappa [2015-05-12 20:12:10] if Sigurd had a spirit Pokemon it would be Scizor [2015-05-12 20:12:10] No one is sexier than Seth. [2015-05-12 20:12:12] even luck can be PJ'ed [2015-05-12 20:12:12] Kappa [2015-05-12 20:12:19] \o [2015-05-12 20:12:24] It's a glorious mane, sir! Kappa [2015-05-12 20:12:29] If you want to do Most Damage Possible you might be looking at BK with Dragonkiller + Dragonfoe [2015-05-12 20:12:30] AsterBTT name 1 opther character capable of doing over 360 damage [2015-05-12 20:12:37] Robin [2015-05-12 20:12:39] everyone in Awakening [2015-05-12 20:12:39] Motgan [2015-05-12 20:12:42] he has 80's style big hair [2015-05-12 20:12:43] SwearJar [2015-05-12 20:12:47] $5 donation from runner for swear jar. [2015-05-12 20:12:49] hahahahaha he said sh!t lol!!! he's not suppose to swear so that's so funny xD xDDD [2015-05-12 20:12:52] @Lunaraia Literally ANYONE in Awakening. [2015-05-12 20:13:04] I haven't played awakening soo can't confirm or deny ;P [2015-05-12 20:13:08] GaleForce trolololol [2015-05-12 20:13:32] Galeforce + Despoil = Get rich quick [2015-05-12 20:13:34] Eclipse is 5x damage Ignore Defense... 260 base without any other multipliers on it [2015-05-12 20:13:48] child only though :\ [2015-05-12 20:13:50] but you can't stack eclipse+crit [2015-05-12 20:13:51] so RIP [2015-05-12 20:14:02] Eclipse + Dragonfoe + Dragonkiller [2015-05-12 20:14:13] Silencer are TE#CHINCALLY infinite damage since it's an instant kill [2015-05-12 20:14:13] catbag > sandbag [2015-05-12 20:14:15] latter two don't stack [2015-05-12 20:14:29] Eh, one of the two should be enough to outdo robin [2015-05-12 20:14:32] Silencer is TECHNICALLY *** [2015-05-12 20:14:34] Black knight fight #spoilers [2015-05-12 20:14:34] or whatever they calls it in later installments [2015-05-12 20:14:37] no.... [2015-05-12 20:14:39] Silencer can be dual guarded so it does 0 damage then OMGScoots [2015-05-12 20:14:53] BK has 38 strength, Wishblade has 22 atack [2015-05-12 20:14:56] Silencer doesn't inflict damage so guard doesn't do crap [2015-05-12 20:15:03] 38+22*3=104 [2015-05-12 20:15:06] 104*5=520 [2015-05-12 20:15:07] not enough [2015-05-12 20:15:12] Nope DG works on Lethality [2015-05-12 20:15:12] ....I think [2015-05-12 20:15:17] kirby Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:15:27] at any rate 3rd gen Morgan can do 636 [2015-05-12 20:15:28] PoR Ike is Roy 2.0 [2015-05-12 20:15:29] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqqCv2xIcVg&list=TLWRrA7ZRTRWU [2015-05-12 20:15:29] <grompalompa has been timed out> [2015-05-12 20:15:29] No links allowed (grompalompa) (warning) [2015-05-12 20:15:32] DG works on everything [2015-05-12 20:15:38] Whats robin's combo? [2015-05-12 20:16:09] Puff Puff [2015-05-12 20:16:10] probably +str warrior with Parthia and Vengeance [2015-05-12 20:16:20] Does this guy even know what hes doing? [2015-05-12 20:16:21] 20 Puff Puff [2015-05-12 20:16:34] No [2015-05-12 20:16:43] Cause I dont think robin hits that high on the single attack [2015-05-12 20:16:45] He speedruns a game without knowing *** [2015-05-12 20:16:48] obviously [2015-05-12 20:16:52] poor americans with their censored puff puffs BibleThump [2015-05-12 20:17:00] Kirby thinks Renault < Nino [2015-05-12 20:17:02] More like the extra attacks... which you can do with BK too [2015-05-12 20:17:05] He doesn't know anything Kappa [2015-05-12 20:17:10] We get uncensored dingalings, though, so it's all good [2015-05-12 20:17:11] hahaha xDDD that was funny i laughed xDD [2015-05-12 20:17:12] puwexil hype for getting the message out there [2015-05-12 20:17:14] Puff puffs should not be censored. [2015-05-12 20:17:15] :) [2015-05-12 20:17:25] no, BK's weakness is he can't crit and Eclipse at the same time [2015-05-12 20:17:34] if he could...but he can't [2015-05-12 20:17:56] also you have to remember Awakening has super stat inflation [2015-05-12 20:17:58] Sup guys! [2015-05-12 20:18:08] Just stopping in to say hi. :) [2015-05-12 20:18:09] VG Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:18:14] Hello SirVG rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 20:18:15] hello. [2015-05-12 20:18:19] hi vg [2015-05-12 20:18:21] Woo VG! [2015-05-12 20:18:21] Foe skills stack with mastery afaik [2015-05-12 20:18:27] Sir_vg welcome! [2015-05-12 20:18:27] those do [2015-05-12 20:18:30] crits don't [2015-05-12 20:18:45] xD hahaha [2015-05-12 20:18:56] Tibern DansGame [2015-05-12 20:19:00] Wish I could be there, but that's how life goes. [2015-05-12 20:19:04] German Restream of RPGLB here: You're doing very well! :D [2015-05-12 20:19:16] Tibbern? [2015-05-12 20:19:21] Why are there zero females? [2015-05-12 20:19:23] 20% displayed hit rate, or 20% true hit? [2015-05-12 20:19:31] Tanith is a man [2015-05-12 20:19:34] @DriftingSkies displayed [2015-05-12 20:19:36] Crosbows are BAAAD news [2015-05-12 20:19:39] yeah i agree xDD [2015-05-12 20:19:40] Elincia is clearly a man Kappa [2015-05-12 20:19:46] I bet if I had asked Essentia and Puwexil, I could go down there and be like "hey guys! Kappa /" [2015-05-12 20:20:02] The Queen's our man! Kappa [2015-05-12 20:20:02] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 20:20:04] "low" Kappa [2015-05-12 20:20:04] OpieOP [2015-05-12 20:20:21] Got a coin Pogchamp [2015-05-12 20:20:23] Er [2015-05-12 20:20:25] PogChamp [2015-05-12 20:20:36] sodaDS [2015-05-12 20:20:43] What's a tibern? [2015-05-12 20:20:46] PogChamp = Feral Face No Space [2015-05-12 20:20:46] A Coin! ShibeZ [2015-05-12 20:20:58] PogChamp it works [2015-05-12 20:21:00] lol hahaha xD Kappa Face haha xD [2015-05-12 20:21:06] well, it never says it's a percentage chance OneHand [2015-05-12 20:21:34] it is 50% cause it is to hit or not to hit Keepo [2015-05-12 20:21:48] Awakening doesn't use truehit? [2015-05-12 20:21:54] Awakening does [2015-05-12 20:21:56] it's actually 100% or 0% after the fact Kappa [2015-05-12 20:22:00] xD [2015-05-12 20:22:01] pretty sure every game since fe6 uses true hit [2015-05-12 20:22:04] coin hype! [2015-05-12 20:22:05] the game is all hit rates? nah... mechaSmug [2015-05-12 20:22:06] it is Kappa [2015-05-12 20:22:16] Does Sword of Seals use Truehit? I didn't know they ever confirmed if 6 did or not. [2015-05-12 20:22:20] FE6 does [2015-05-12 20:22:22] xD xD xD [2015-05-12 20:22:29] neerrm subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 20:22:29] neerrm subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 20:22:31] is it hit rate....or miss rate? [2015-05-12 20:22:37] people just miss cause low displayed hit and think it's not true hit [2015-05-12 20:22:38] Another Coin! ShibeZ [2015-05-12 20:22:38] PogChamp [2015-05-12 20:22:39] PogChamp PogChamp [2015-05-12 20:22:40] lol [2015-05-12 20:22:43] well that sucked [2015-05-12 20:22:48] Swing rate [2015-05-12 20:22:51] SUB HYPE [2015-05-12 20:22:53] Tibarn has 4, right? [2015-05-12 20:23:00] can you get more authority stars somehow? [2015-05-12 20:23:02] Micaiah doesn't have any. Ike has 3. [2015-05-12 20:23:03] Micaiah having 0 stars is dumb, yeah [2015-05-12 20:23:03] Tibarn has 4 [2015-05-12 20:23:05] hahahaha hype!!!!!!!!!! xD [2015-05-12 20:23:06] Tibarn has 4 [2015-05-12 20:23:07] Authority stars? I don't think I've ever heard of this mechanic [2015-05-12 20:23:19] FFS my steam is suddenly being all wonky [2015-05-12 20:23:20] Caineghis has 5, but you can't use it cause Ike is hogging the spotlight Kappa [2015-05-12 20:23:29] Better than FE5 where Cyas gave all enemies 50+ hit and avoid [2015-05-12 20:23:45] That's nuts [2015-05-12 20:23:46] quick, take a screen of that perfect level up and post it on r/fireemblem Kappa [2015-05-12 20:23:50] the authority stars system is one of the weirdest parts of this game's design [2015-05-12 20:23:56] Perfect Level UP Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:23:58] xDDDDD [2015-05-12 20:23:59] Also, Zello, is that an MMX6 reference? [2015-05-12 20:24:05] Authority stars were in past games [2015-05-12 20:24:05] It is actually haha [2015-05-12 20:24:12] honestly it feels like a lot of RD was meant to screw the Dawn Brigade [2015-05-12 20:24:17] CatBag [2015-05-12 20:24:21] the suport in RD is trash [2015-05-12 20:24:24] Can't be weirder than Tactician Rating in FE7 [2015-05-12 20:24:26] I've used it so much for music games and whatnot that I've just stuck with it now [2015-05-12 20:24:26] hahahahahha kill boko! yeah!! xDD [2015-05-12 20:24:41] what was a MMX6 reference? [2015-05-12 20:24:46] My name [2015-05-12 20:24:50] ohh [2015-05-12 20:24:51] like seriously 1st tier might as well be a trainee tier for all intents and purposes [2015-05-12 20:25:00] Diana is super hype [2015-05-12 20:25:05] Obligatory desert chapter, weeeeeeeeeeee [2015-05-12 20:25:12] At the end of that game, Sigma breaks down and refers to Zero as "ZELLLOOO" [2015-05-12 20:25:20] desert ResidentSleeper [2015-05-12 20:25:22] hahahaha yeah! xD [2015-05-12 20:25:26] I mean he's hobo Sigma, can't blame him [2015-05-12 20:25:30] Heeeeyo! :D/ RPGLB2015 hyyyype! [2015-05-12 20:25:33] I forgot about that, probably cause I haven't played it in a long while [2015-05-12 20:26:05] ahhh I love the ignore button [2015-05-12 20:26:23] same lol [2015-05-12 20:26:28] xDDD [2015-05-12 20:26:33] who did you ignore ? [2015-05-12 20:26:35] Never used it before. [2015-05-12 20:26:39] *ignores Gwimpage* Kappa [2015-05-12 20:26:40] Diana [2015-05-12 20:26:44] (Actually you, Ivan) [2015-05-12 20:26:49] (I ignored you) [2015-05-12 20:26:51] righttttttt [2015-05-12 20:27:14] Yes, thank you. [2015-05-12 20:27:18] WutFace [2015-05-12 20:27:20] Brossentia, we can fix that Kappa [2015-05-12 20:27:21] needs more FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:27:22] SwiftRage WHO ARE YOU CALLING SANE? [2015-05-12 20:27:25] Kappa [2015-05-12 20:27:27] sane...what is sane [2015-05-12 20:27:28] Ok fine Robin wins. If rally didnt count though : P [2015-05-12 20:27:28] FrankerZ is for 4-4 [2015-05-12 20:27:29] we're sane? [2015-05-12 20:27:32] Oh no what have you done [2015-05-12 20:27:34] time to ruin chat FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:27:37] FrankerZ Kappa FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:27:39] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:27:40] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:27:40] twitch chat's only sane because this is for NAMI [2015-05-12 20:27:43] QUICK, EVERYONE GO INSANE [2015-05-12 20:27:43] I gave up my sanity. Sold it for sixty-two cents. [2015-05-12 20:27:43] anal beads [2015-05-12 20:27:44] crazy chat or riot SwiftRage [2015-05-12 20:27:46] how do we be shitters [2015-05-12 20:27:51] FrankerZ BrainSlug FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:27:54] panicBasket [2015-05-12 20:27:55] the profanity density has reached an acceptable level [2015-05-12 20:27:55] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:27:56] FrankerZ Kappa FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:27:58] I gave up sanity for music game skills [2015-05-12 20:28:04] ZreknarF [2015-05-12 20:28:04] Speedrunning marathon of manchildren playing jRPGs supporting a Mental Illness charity. Do you see the irony? [2015-05-12 20:28:07] FrankerZ TheThing FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:28:08] FrankerZ CorgiDerp FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:28:08] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:28:08] Osu [2015-05-12 20:28:12] <oalow has been timed out> [2015-05-12 20:28:13] yeah!!!! xD [2015-05-12 20:28:16] Oh welcome back Oalow [2015-05-12 20:28:19] isn't that the same guy [2015-05-12 20:28:23] Oh goodbye again, Oalow [2015-05-12 20:28:26] !raffle [2015-05-12 20:28:27] Oalow, your prejudice is showing [2015-05-12 20:28:28] :) [2015-05-12 20:28:36] probably not the best idea to be suggesting people are sane or insane on a mental illness charity event [2015-05-12 20:28:37] oh wait no it isn't [2015-05-12 20:28:43] No :) in this marathon makes me sad. :( [2015-05-12 20:29:01] Urgh, why is the stream locking up on me now; [2015-05-12 20:29:07] It was fine for the last hour [2015-05-12 20:29:08] Kirby has a hangover thats why he's wearing the sunglasses [2015-05-12 20:29:09] recruit stefan pls [2015-05-12 20:29:13] is there an IRC channel for this marathon too? [2015-05-12 20:29:21] Yes [2015-05-12 20:29:24] Haar can actually die? No.... [2015-05-12 20:29:27] what time zone is this stream in? [2015-05-12 20:29:28] Wow that guy waited around for THAT long. wowowow. [2015-05-12 20:29:31] But twitch chat is for the cool kids [2015-05-12 20:29:33] Mountain Daylight. [2015-05-12 20:29:37] Wow! xD [2015-05-12 20:29:38] Yes. You can see both chats as well as other great info at rpglimitbreak.com [2015-05-12 20:29:38] @NismaCore Yeah, go the rpglimitbreak dot com [2015-05-12 20:29:38] <swordofaeons has been timed out> [2015-05-12 20:29:38] No links allowed (swordofaeons) (warning) [2015-05-12 20:29:45] thank you! [2015-05-12 20:29:50] ...we don't have that white listed? [2015-05-12 20:29:51] But that wasn't even a link BibleThump [2015-05-12 20:29:57] MDT. Mountain Dew Time [2015-05-12 20:30:01] xd [2015-05-12 20:30:03] Haha [2015-05-12 20:30:09] lol [2015-05-12 20:30:13] it IS a gaming stream, guys [2015-05-12 20:30:17] saying dot com isn't allowed? [2015-05-12 20:30:17] No links allowed (sheen_) (warning) [2015-05-12 20:30:17] <sheen_ has been timed out> [2015-05-12 20:30:22] you said the magic phraseology structure. [2015-05-12 20:30:24] lol [2015-05-12 20:30:26] dot com [2015-05-12 20:30:26] <caseyclingan has been timed out> [2015-05-12 20:30:29] guess not [2015-05-12 20:30:32] Dot Gwim Com [2015-05-12 20:30:35] dot ca [2015-05-12 20:30:38] dot net [2015-05-12 20:30:38] <naglfarnr has been timed out> [2015-05-12 20:30:41] dat cam [2015-05-12 20:30:45] WOW PREJUDICED AGAINST CANADIANS [2015-05-12 20:30:45] dot gov? [2015-05-12 20:30:47] dot dot dot [2015-05-12 20:30:53] stream big dot net [2015-05-12 20:30:53] <tohloo has been timed out> [2015-05-12 20:30:53] No links allowed (tohloo) (warning) [2015-05-12 20:30:54] man [2015-05-12 20:30:55] And the government [2015-05-12 20:30:57] dot hack [2015-05-12 20:30:57] dot egg Kappa [2015-05-12 20:30:58] testdotcomtest [2015-05-12 20:30:58] <letsgetpitted has been timed out> [2015-05-12 20:30:59] guys stop abusing moobot :P [2015-05-12 20:31:04] dot dot [2015-05-12 20:31:05] Stahp it people [2015-05-12 20:31:06] com com [2015-05-12 20:31:08] dot org [2015-05-12 20:31:08] <zap629 has been timed out> [2015-05-12 20:31:09] Poor Moobot is sad :( [2015-05-12 20:31:12] lmao [2015-05-12 20:31:12] dot to [2015-05-12 20:31:15] MooBot has became self aware... :o [2015-05-12 20:31:15] dot pern [2015-05-12 20:31:16] /me : <message deleted> [2015-05-12 20:31:20] poor moobot is getting overworked [2015-05-12 20:31:23] hey @masterkratos27 [2015-05-12 20:31:23] Such a confused bot. :P [2015-05-12 20:31:26] moobot has mad cow. [2015-05-12 20:31:28] so close to S1500, wonder if we can reach it before this run ends [2015-05-12 20:31:30] But... How will we talk about COM objects? Kappa [2015-05-12 20:31:31] Hi Essentia [2015-05-12 20:31:32] lol pitted [2015-05-12 20:31:34] Poor moobot, just tryin ta do its job :( [2015-05-12 20:31:40] /me waves hi [2015-05-12 20:31:43] moobot hates canadians confirmed BibleThump [2015-05-12 20:31:46] Hello Essentia [2015-05-12 20:31:51] what happened, I went away for like one minute lol [2015-05-12 20:31:53] rpglimitbreak dat cam [2015-05-12 20:31:59] HAX [2015-05-12 20:32:01] hey johann PogChamp / [2015-05-12 20:32:04] RIP Baselard [2015-05-12 20:32:05] hi reece [2015-05-12 20:32:06] Essentia o/ [2015-05-12 20:32:10] I see. Moobot just wants us to take on accents [2015-05-12 20:32:11] hii Essentia [2015-05-12 20:32:13] There's always a desert chapter and a bridge chapter, it seems. [2015-05-12 20:32:13] Stephon and Volke [2015-05-12 20:32:14] air pay jay [2015-05-12 20:32:17] How much Swedish Fish have been consumed so far? [2015-05-12 20:32:17] whoever decided to put the demon rush at 2:05 am is really mean :( [2015-05-12 20:32:18] OLIVER HYPE?!?! [2015-05-12 20:32:21] rpglimitbreak daht cahm [2015-05-12 20:32:33] Can mods link the streamers channels? o.ô [2015-05-12 20:32:35] shhhh, nobody tell the spambots [2015-05-12 20:32:38] /me meows questiongly [2015-05-12 20:32:45] Yaga <3 [2015-05-12 20:32:48] yay it finaly started i thin i hope [2015-05-12 20:32:48] Hang on... I'm a mod.. [2015-05-12 20:32:49] EssentiaFour <3 [2015-05-12 20:32:49] :P [2015-05-12 20:32:52] I hate DNS errors :? [2015-05-12 20:32:52] Overlord_manga lots :) [2015-05-12 20:32:53] Indeed [2015-05-12 20:32:54] I mean, mods can't be banned except by the streamer, so... [2015-05-12 20:32:56] Oliver recruiting himself is always the best part of this chapter [2015-05-12 20:32:56] :\ [2015-05-12 20:32:56] oô/ [2015-05-12 20:33:03] Mods can't be purged/banned except for channel owner soo.. [2015-05-12 20:33:14] Once upon a time, in a serenes forest far, far away. There was a gender confused heron who got lost in the woods. And this gender confused heron got abducted by a delightfully fat man with a porn stache. The stache impeded the heron's ability to think rationally and solve calculus problems. Without the ability to do calculus, the gender confused heron couldn't but help fall to the obese man's belly dancing charms. The End [2015-05-12 20:33:16] Glad to see that they don´t go to waste Essentia. [2015-05-12 20:33:18] @Yagamoth I think that one mod can't timeout another mod, so yes, you should be able to post a link [2015-05-12 20:33:18] Or by staff [2015-05-12 20:33:20] Mods can Timeout Mods [2015-05-12 20:33:28] False [2015-05-12 20:33:31] Opario Mods can Time out other Mods [2015-05-12 20:33:31] Gerrick1: Are you in chat? Can you ping me on Skype or QuakeNet IRC? [2015-05-12 20:33:33] <aela_brighteyes has been timed out> [2015-05-12 20:33:36] Sir Doofus, lol [2015-05-12 20:33:37] lol [2015-05-12 20:33:41] bopped [2015-05-12 20:33:47] kirby go practice vault dash [2015-05-12 20:33:50] and fusion [2015-05-12 20:33:51] said mod can untimeout themselves though soo [2015-05-12 20:33:53] Mods can't time out mods! That's forbidden moderation! [2015-05-12 20:33:54] kottKatt [2015-05-12 20:34:05] PogChamp [2015-05-12 20:34:06] modception [2015-05-12 20:34:07] Mod on Mod moderation Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:34:19] ja hallo bich [2015-05-12 20:34:19] haha yeah xD [2015-05-12 20:34:21] chat is getting too meta for me [2015-05-12 20:34:26] plenty of meta at the venue already [2015-05-12 20:34:26] Mods vs Mods... Fight! [2015-05-12 20:34:30] How can you speedrun disgaea? I definitely need to watch that! :O [2015-05-12 20:34:31] mod on mod cirLewd [2015-05-12 20:34:36] can't wait for bichBAt [2015-05-12 20:34:36] Meta? ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:34:40] cirLewd [2015-05-12 20:34:47] Ive had a run of this map where Titania had hit resistance all the way and had a 1% chance of fallign asleep [2015-05-12 20:34:51] Sounds..great.. youCreep [2015-05-12 20:34:55] she fell asleep 3 times [2015-05-12 20:35:12] !schedule [2015-05-12 20:35:12] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 20:35:20] xD [2015-05-12 20:36:02] Will these runs be highlighted or archived? [2015-05-12 20:36:09] they will all be on VoD [2015-05-12 20:36:11] Yes CursedGamer [2015-05-12 20:36:14] And probably all on youtube after [2015-05-12 20:36:20] Good!!!!! [2015-05-12 20:36:33] that was clutch [2015-05-12 20:36:48] Theseawolf1 are you there? [2015-05-12 20:36:52] I am [2015-05-12 20:37:11] spiritSample [2015-05-12 20:37:12] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:37:12] nice wolf :) [2015-05-12 20:37:12] hey hey [2015-05-12 20:37:15] spiritSample [2015-05-12 20:37:15] BloodySeraph cirLove [2015-05-12 20:37:16] i see you in chat [2015-05-12 20:37:22] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ\ [2015-05-12 20:37:23] check your messages please [2015-05-12 20:37:24] Sample my goods Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:37:24] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:37:28] soloman cirLove [2015-05-12 20:37:32] All that Speed on Ike... [2015-05-12 20:37:45] Woo Theseawolf1! [2015-05-12 20:37:46] Show me the MetaFLEX! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:38:04] who is on donations currently? [2015-05-12 20:38:05] lmao it's so true xDD [2015-05-12 20:38:05] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:38:11] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:38:13] awe yeah marathon time Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:38:22] how about the calebFlexL cirHappy calenFlexR [2015-05-12 20:38:22] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:38:24] @Jackrakan124, Brossentia [2015-05-12 20:38:26] YOOOOOOOOO bigjHYPE [2015-05-12 20:38:26] wow [2015-05-12 20:38:27] #unban Aela FrankerZ 7 [2015-05-12 20:38:27] HeyGuys [2015-05-12 20:38:39] A hand axe broke! :( [2015-05-12 20:38:43] calen bizGoffy [2015-05-12 20:38:49] muhBaka [2015-05-12 20:38:52] calebFlexL cornBlack calebFlexR [2015-05-12 20:38:53] cirThree [2015-05-12 20:38:56] You will be missed, hand axe cirPls [2015-05-12 20:38:57] ah yes, I knew I recognized it, just couldn't put the name to voice for some reason [2015-05-12 20:38:57] RedBalloonMan cirLove [2015-05-12 20:39:03] hey solo [2015-05-12 20:39:06] cirPrise [2015-05-12 20:39:07] CORE? are you here? HYPE! [2015-05-12 20:39:15] You can RNG-manipulate on console with the GBA games [2015-05-12 20:39:17] cirno subs cirPrise [2015-05-12 20:39:17] hahahahaha [2015-05-12 20:39:21] yep cirPrise [2015-05-12 20:39:23] Prizes you can win during this run: http://tinyurl.com/lkw6jvd($15 minimum during this run until the end of Castle of Wind) rpgJerkBird http://tinyurl.com/kc9mo8f ($5 Minimum until the end of this run) [2015-05-12 20:39:23] so many bakas cirPrise [2015-05-12 20:39:27] cirHonk [2015-05-12 20:39:31] cirHonk [2015-05-12 20:39:34] cirHonk [2015-05-12 20:39:35] cirHonk [2015-05-12 20:39:37] cirHonk [2015-05-12 20:39:37] cirHonk [2015-05-12 20:39:44] spazOut [2015-05-12 20:39:51] spazOut [2015-05-12 20:39:53] German Language Restream: http://www.twitch.tv/germenchrestream | French Language Restream: http://www.twitch.tv/rpglimitbreak_fr [2015-05-12 20:39:54] Hello Flankitty [2015-05-12 20:39:59] ConcernDoge [2015-05-12 20:40:01] hi Mikalia [2015-05-12 20:40:09] bloodyseraph hello fam [2015-05-12 20:40:09] pattyPLZ [2015-05-12 20:40:18] I love this song so much [2015-05-12 20:40:19] BibleThump [2015-05-12 20:40:21] voice act % Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:40:25] hahahahaha kirbymatah!!! so funny lol!! xDDDD !!! [2015-05-12 20:40:27] Why hello, fellow angel cirFairy/ [2015-05-12 20:40:34] this is beautiful [2015-05-12 20:40:34] Wow lol [2015-05-12 20:40:35] Come to Daddy OpieOP [2015-05-12 20:40:37] Olvier are just CREEEPY [2015-05-12 20:40:40] lol, hello The_S1d piccie on Twitter lol [2015-05-12 20:41:08] DEPLOY OLIVER IN 4-E [2015-05-12 20:41:09] It was the only non-boring part of that run at AGDQ [2015-05-12 20:41:09] ButtersBB god-tier voice-acting [2015-05-12 20:41:45] oh right you could actually unequip skills without loosing them in RD [2015-05-12 20:41:56] hahaha xD [2015-05-12 20:42:05] deploy Edward in 4-E-5, one final moment of glory Kappa [2015-05-12 20:42:18] Play right Kirby [2015-05-12 20:42:18] safety save ftw [2015-05-12 20:42:55] not single segment DansGame [2015-05-12 20:43:01] Kappaward [2015-05-12 20:43:14] It's still one segment [2015-05-12 20:43:22] rescue staff hype cirMini [2015-05-12 20:43:22] He didn't rewind the timer when he reset [2015-05-12 20:43:26] I love shining force Kappa [2015-05-12 20:43:39] When is super metroid [2015-05-12 20:43:40] 2.5% chance for flare to occur AND hit tanith on usual biorythm [2015-05-12 20:43:40] Well I meant without loading up a save or resetting [2015-05-12 20:43:46] technically RTA rather than single-segment [2015-05-12 20:43:47] $1500 hype PogChamp [2015-05-12 20:43:47] no reset run [2015-05-12 20:43:50] Rudy PogChamp [2015-05-12 20:43:56] hey Rudy [2015-05-12 20:44:11] Im unbanned now [2015-05-12 20:44:22] hi friends [2015-05-12 20:44:24] My oliver copy pasta was too good for this sinful chat channel [2015-05-12 20:44:27] you DID post a huge wall of text... [2015-05-12 20:44:35] welcome back. [2015-05-12 20:44:38] Hey. Hey. Hey. It was worth it [2015-05-12 20:44:39] The money amount disappeared [2015-05-12 20:44:41] MUFASA [2015-05-12 20:44:41] Hello everybody HeyGuys [2015-05-12 20:44:54] That Oliver story was certainly a journey of feels [2015-05-12 20:44:56] I think I actually got banned because it has the pron word in it [2015-05-12 20:45:00] hello policeman HeyGuys [2015-05-12 20:45:07] I thought skills actually rolled before hit in this game? [2015-05-12 20:45:14] Hi Mike Daws HeyHuys [2015-05-12 20:45:14] at least the masteries not called Aether/Astra [2015-05-12 20:45:19] Micaiah Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:45:23] rpgLevelUp [2015-05-12 20:45:25] it rolls skills after it hits [2015-05-12 20:45:27] wops [2015-05-12 20:45:27] 11 11 11 11 11 11 [2015-05-12 20:45:32] kneehil? DansGame [2015-05-12 20:45:33] wow [2015-05-12 20:45:41] really? I remember those hacks with 0 hit character landing masteries [2015-05-12 20:45:53] FOR NAMI!!! PogChamp [2015-05-12 20:45:54] unless they hacked the engine too [2015-05-12 20:45:56] lol [2015-05-12 20:45:59] press 1 if you feel 11 [2015-05-12 20:45:59] Nihil [2015-05-12 20:46:07] The masteries are not a gifted hit [2015-05-12 20:46:17] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 20:46:22] then how do you explain landing Ire with 0 hit [2015-05-12 20:46:23] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:46:41] If they were rolled before hit you'd see mastery misses [2015-05-12 20:46:47] Skill attacks ignores hit rate [2015-05-12 20:46:49] is this call of duty [2015-05-12 20:46:51] Man, lots of scrubs on FE maps [2015-05-12 20:46:55] why will always hit if they activate [2015-05-12 20:46:59] cerKupo rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 20:47:01] These enemies are scrubs on EM [2015-05-12 20:47:01] Meta on screen ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:47:08] Is he using a strategy guide? [2015-05-12 20:47:09] on HM these guys are super bulky [2015-05-12 20:47:11] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:47:12] hahahahahaha soooo true xDDD [2015-05-12 20:47:15] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:47:16] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:47:20] part 4 enemies rely on growths, on EM they're lower level [2015-05-12 20:47:22] so lol [2015-05-12 20:47:28] welcome back Meta ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:47:32] Meta!! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:47:35] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤMetaIs<3ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:47:39] if by strategy guide you mean brain, yes [2015-05-12 20:47:42] Meta!!! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:47:48] meta!! yeah! [2015-05-12 20:48:00] HM fun times still dont oneshot them with mastery skills and so you actually get to see the secondary bonuses of things like deadeye lol [2015-05-12 20:48:05] Great, we're having a pronunciation fight for Epoch. Epic vs e-pock. [2015-05-12 20:48:08] Strategy guide = Serenes Forest OMGScoots [2015-05-12 20:48:09] We stopped using strategy guides after the Pokemon fiasco [2015-05-12 20:48:19] what are you talking about, Hammers+masteries always OHKO Kappa [2015-05-12 20:48:21] It's e-pock [2015-05-12 20:48:28] ^ [2015-05-12 20:48:28] I always said e-pock [2015-05-12 20:48:30] wellll not everyone can use hammers [2015-05-12 20:48:32] ay-pock [2015-05-12 20:48:34] The word it's based on is pronounced epic [2015-05-12 20:48:36] Eh-pock. Rhymes with spock DansGame [2015-05-12 20:48:37] Mia has never hit a nail in her life [2015-05-12 20:48:39] e-pock. It's a real English word. [2015-05-12 20:48:41] She'd be confused [2015-05-12 20:48:43] epic!!!!!!! [2015-05-12 20:48:45] but you could argue because it's a name you could say anything [2015-05-12 20:48:46] rpglimitbreak, just wait for the Crystalis Pronunciation fight... [2015-05-12 20:48:48] Even as soon as that argument is done, it will turn into an Enix vs. EE-nix debate [2015-05-12 20:48:49] ˈepək [2015-05-12 20:48:53] EE-POCK [2015-05-12 20:48:53] @Minamiyothegreat Epoch is a word in its own right [2015-05-12 20:48:54] Crystal-Ice, right? [2015-05-12 20:48:58] Shinon tried to fire a hammer from a bow once [2015-05-12 20:48:59] Yes I said that [2015-05-12 20:49:02] Crystalis Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:49:03] It nearly killed Gatrie [2015-05-12 20:49:05] haha xDDD [2015-05-12 20:49:09] that was intentional [2015-05-12 20:49:17] Chris-tuh-lus [2015-05-12 20:49:20] Everyone google epoch and listen to the google audio sample [2015-05-12 20:49:31] Wiktionary's vote: epic [2015-05-12 20:49:40] What are you all talking about. It's Tupac. [2015-05-12 20:49:45] the real question: how do you guys say gif [2015-05-12 20:49:48] 2pac Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:49:53] Opario: エニックス - Eh-ni-kku-su. There's no debate. [2015-05-12 20:49:53] gif OpieOP [2015-05-12 20:49:58] @Theprodigy64 I say it correctly Kappa [2015-05-12 20:50:02] I pronounce it webm [2015-05-12 20:50:06] u might update the schedule with commentators prizes and stream links ;P [2015-05-12 20:50:06] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-12 20:50:08] ^ [2015-05-12 20:50:11] Hes got the Prima strategy guide i see it on the back table. #cheater [2015-05-12 20:50:22] you mean an animated jay-peg? [2015-05-12 20:50:28] Prima strategy guide probably says something like Haar is a 6/10 unit Kappa [2015-05-12 20:50:39] lol! xD [2015-05-12 20:50:41] That's being generous from them [2015-05-12 20:50:43] animated png more liek [2015-05-12 20:50:44] ResidentSleeper [2015-05-12 20:50:47] 1-4 range DansGame [2015-05-12 20:50:47] Double Bow is 1-2 range in this game and 4-4 range in PoR. But Marksmen can use any bow at 3 range in this game. [2015-05-12 20:50:52] Reminder that Meta Knight is a 6/10 [2015-05-12 20:51:00] HAMMUH TIME [2015-05-12 20:51:07] ITS HAMMER TIME [2015-05-12 20:51:11] serious time [2015-05-12 20:51:27] inb4 3x Hammer misses [2015-05-12 20:51:36] HAMMER TIME [2015-05-12 20:51:40] RPGLB = Menu Navigatiion Races for Charity [2015-05-12 20:51:41] He just needs to miss twice OpieOP [2015-05-12 20:51:47] no!!!!!!!! xD [2015-05-12 20:51:48] WutFace [2015-05-12 20:51:53] 1 OpieOP [2015-05-12 20:51:58] rip urn BibleThump [2015-05-12 20:52:08] !blame [2015-05-12 20:52:15] Haha he died [2015-05-12 20:52:33] Ike hit max speed... Wow... [2015-05-12 20:52:33] hello [2015-05-12 20:52:37] hello. [2015-05-12 20:52:43] hey tonic [2015-05-12 20:52:45] 'ello [2015-05-12 20:52:45] Hammer?! [2015-05-12 20:52:47] PogChamp Blame all the Everhates! PogChamp [2015-05-12 20:53:01] Really Dragon out this end game Kappa [2015-05-12 20:53:28] gg [2015-05-12 20:53:42] Look at all that wasted EXP you could've give to Micaiah Kappa [2015-05-12 20:53:42] that pun really erked me Kappa [2015-05-12 20:53:43] Omega pls FailFish [2015-05-12 20:54:05] Save Lehran BibleThump [2015-05-12 20:54:18] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:54:18] yeah man shout out to all the wasted experience in 4-e-2 and 4-e-3 rip [2015-05-12 20:54:24] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:54:28] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:54:45] Yeah dude, that wasted exp could have gone to Micaiah! [2015-05-12 20:54:46] Lehran noooooooo [2015-05-12 20:54:47] muFASA [2015-05-12 20:54:48] ASHE [2015-05-12 20:54:54] ᕦ(danCreep)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:54:54] oooo, say it again [2015-05-12 20:54:55] maybe she'd hit 12mag [2015-05-12 20:54:57] RAHH [2015-05-12 20:54:58] Aurora. [2015-05-12 20:55:04] ᕦ(° Д°)rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 20:55:10] calebFlexL calebFlexR [2015-05-12 20:55:15] GAINZ! [2015-05-12 20:55:22] calebJug [2015-05-12 20:55:29] Micaiah Sacrifice hype [2015-05-12 20:55:39] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 20:55:47] My Sothe died here [2015-05-12 20:55:55] 3-13 ARCHER HYPE [2015-05-12 20:56:16] It's ok we forgive you :D @ schwan [2015-05-12 20:56:17] Micaiah top tier! [2015-05-12 20:56:29] Micaiah is obviously mvp cirMini [2015-05-12 20:57:16] Micaiah, Geoffrey, Ike, and Ranulf are obviously co-MVPs, literally impossible to beat the game without them Kappa [2015-05-12 20:57:31] lol [2015-05-12 20:57:36] cirSmug // [2015-05-12 20:57:36] gg [2015-05-12 20:57:36] oops cirPrise [2015-05-12 20:57:37] LORD IKE <3 [2015-05-12 20:57:38] lol [2015-05-12 20:57:38] oops, timer bloopers [2015-05-12 20:57:38] dude, nice run [2015-05-12 20:57:39] Aether! [2015-05-12 20:57:41] That reset bizStitch [2015-05-12 20:57:41] oops [2015-05-12 20:57:41] 2:49:46 [2015-05-12 20:57:43] LOL [2015-05-12 20:57:43] Oops Timer [2015-05-12 20:57:44] Time: 00:00:00 [2015-05-12 20:57:44] Good work [2015-05-12 20:57:45] dat timer [2015-05-12 20:57:45] That time tho lol. [2015-05-12 20:57:47] 0:00:05 Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:57:49] 2:49:46 [2015-05-12 20:57:49] 0:00:00 WR PogChamp [2015-05-12 20:57:50] 4:29:26 [2015-05-12 20:57:51] 2:49:46 Kappa [2015-05-12 20:57:51] CatBag [2015-05-12 20:57:51] nice WR kirbymastah [2015-05-12 20:57:52] that was the time lol [2015-05-12 20:57:53] 2:49:46 [2015-05-12 20:57:53] Kappa [2015-05-12 20:57:54] FrankerZ 7 [2015-05-12 20:57:56] 2:49:XX [2015-05-12 20:57:56] Crap, I literally just missed it ;~; [2015-05-12 20:57:59] lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDD hahahahah timer xDD you messed it up haha xD [2015-05-12 20:58:00] WR FrankerZ [2015-05-12 20:58:02] gg [2015-05-12 20:58:02] 2:29 lol [2015-05-12 20:58:03] 2:49:26 i meant [2015-05-12 20:58:04] Kappa // [2015-05-12 20:58:06] gg [2015-05-12 20:58:06] gg [2015-05-12 20:58:06] GG [2015-05-12 20:58:07] Kappa // [2015-05-12 20:58:08] dssClap dssClap [2015-05-12 20:58:08] HYPEEEEEEEEEE [2015-05-12 20:58:09] it was 2 minutes [2015-05-12 20:58:09] gg [2015-05-12 20:58:09] gg [2015-05-12 20:58:10] Kappa // [2015-05-12 20:58:10] nice [2015-05-12 20:58:10] \\ CatBag [2015-05-12 20:58:10] gg [2015-05-12 20:58:10] Kappa// [2015-05-12 20:58:11] cirSmug// [2015-05-12 20:58:11] cerGG [2015-05-12 20:58:12] Kappa// [2015-05-12 20:58:13] smokeGG [2015-05-12 20:58:13] RaccAttack// [2015-05-12 20:58:13] Kappa // [2015-05-12 20:58:15] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:58:18] GG [2015-05-12 20:58:21] gg [2015-05-12 20:58:21] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 20:58:22] HeyGuys // [2015-05-12 20:58:24] Gwim remember when sub 2:50 was impossible? [2015-05-12 20:58:28] hey Cereth oatHi [2015-05-12 20:58:31] Have I missed KH? [2015-05-12 20:58:32] Dianaet , tone it down a bit [2015-05-12 20:58:32] No OpieOP [2015-05-12 20:58:33] Good run [2015-05-12 20:58:37] Whew ok finally home... [2015-05-12 20:58:38] Kappa // [2015-05-12 20:58:47] RespectFlex ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:58:48] hahaha lemonturd xD [2015-05-12 20:58:50] I had to look up that Ike had to deal the final blow... the game doesn't communicate that very well [2015-05-12 20:58:57] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:58:59] NOOO I missed it BibleThump [2015-05-12 20:59:03] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 20:59:04] /me flops next to mouse [2015-05-12 20:59:09] Osey (and Vulajin) hype! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 20:59:09] it would be funny if Micaiah had to deal the final blow [2015-05-12 20:59:15] Aw. Lots of new mods here. [2015-05-12 20:59:15] /me flops on Flankitty. [2015-05-12 20:59:15] Encore plz? :33? [2015-05-12 20:59:16] so many players would be screwed [2015-05-12 20:59:24] Ike is 2/10 [2015-05-12 20:59:28] Micaiah ends up so under utilized [2015-05-12 20:59:28] Adventures of Sir Doof hype rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 20:59:29] Marcia BibleThump [2015-05-12 20:59:31] I BELIEVE IN YOU VULIE AND OSIE [2015-05-12 20:59:39] GO VULAJIN/OSEY. [2015-05-12 20:59:44] Its like a reverse MGS2 [2015-05-12 20:59:50] Ahhhh such hype for Diablo 3, Vula and Ossy omggg Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [2015-05-12 20:59:51] Snacky! [2015-05-12 20:59:53] "Oh you wanted ike too bad WAIT HERE HE IS" [2015-05-12 20:59:54] I'm actually looking forward to Castle of the Winds. One of my favorite games as a kid. [2015-05-12 20:59:57] BloodTrail Thanks for Killing BloodTrail [2015-05-12 20:59:57] Iicrowii, Awakening did something similar with like "who deals the last blow"...but you picked outside of battle [2015-05-12 21:00:01] bowCirEating rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 21:00:06] hahahah debdom xD [2015-05-12 21:00:07] Castle of the Winds I still have on floppy disc somewhere >_< [2015-05-12 21:00:09] Danved is not Devdan, don't believe his lies [2015-05-12 21:00:10] Iicrowii, so the setup i did to have a certain person get the kill was for nothing [2015-05-12 21:00:31] i was....pretty mad [2015-05-12 21:00:37] He's a lion king, confirmed Mufasa. [2015-05-12 21:00:43] The Lance Pals, a dragoon afterschool program? [2015-05-12 21:00:59] Has it already finished? or did it not begin yet? [2015-05-12 21:01:06] PLACE YOUR BETS [2015-05-12 21:01:08] Vote Ike for President? [2015-05-12 21:01:09] The run finished [2015-05-12 21:01:11] it's done [2015-05-12 21:01:12] it's finished @Geodetic - 2:49:46 [2015-05-12 21:01:13] HAAR [2015-05-12 21:01:15] Will it be another? [2015-05-12 21:01:19] Fire Emblem is done [2015-05-12 21:01:22] its ogre [2015-05-12 21:01:28] Haarminator > All [2015-05-12 21:01:28] its all ogre BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:01:31] Next up is Diablo 3 [2015-05-12 21:01:38] redheads confirmed OP [2015-05-12 21:01:44] Came in at a good time I see, no more weeaboo games Kappa [2015-05-12 21:01:50] Fire Emblem: Radiant HAAR [2015-05-12 21:01:52] Radiant HAAAARRR! [2015-05-12 21:01:55] Haar Haar Haar Kappa [2015-05-12 21:01:56] hhahaha kirbymatash is so funy! lol xD [2015-05-12 21:01:57] Fir eemblem Radiant HAAAAAAR HAR HAR [2015-05-12 21:01:57] Vujalin & Osey \o/ [2015-05-12 21:01:58] I like ike [2015-05-12 21:02:05] Molotov~ [2015-05-12 21:02:06] Will there be more games played on this channel ? [2015-05-12 21:02:07] diablo 3 with Act V ? [2015-05-12 21:02:07] oh there is PLENTY of weeaboo to come, don't you worry [2015-05-12 21:02:09] HAAR CONFIRMED TOP TEIR [2015-05-12 21:02:12] Vulajin and Krillen Kappa [2015-05-12 21:02:14] Yaga! ♥u♥ [2015-05-12 21:02:16] time for vulajin to get carried [2015-05-12 21:02:18] haar haar haar [2015-05-12 21:02:19] OH NO THIS GLITCH LOL [2015-05-12 21:02:19] @Geodetic No, we're doing this for 4 days straight. [2015-05-12 21:02:20] Vanilla 360 Diablo III [2015-05-12 21:02:22] Yes, Geodetic, it's marathon time :P [2015-05-12 21:02:23] HellShetH, no, vanilla console [2015-05-12 21:02:24] Seriously, who is Everhate. [2015-05-12 21:02:25] ikr Everhate lmao [2015-05-12 21:02:29] ^_^/ [2015-05-12 21:02:32] Ah - great. [2015-05-12 21:02:44] sa [2015-05-12 21:02:44] I always knew Tibarn could fly far but not this far Kappa [2015-05-12 21:02:48] Hello Yagamoth rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 21:02:58] cirPrise [2015-05-12 21:03:02] Mus_Musculus I have CotW p1 & p2 on my PC but I cant make it run on Win7 -64b [2015-05-12 21:03:09] Yagamoth! [2015-05-12 21:03:10] 32 bit applications is why :< [2015-05-12 21:03:19] Bush attack! [2015-05-12 21:03:23] TREE UNIT OP [2015-05-12 21:03:32] The trees are attakin! Run fer it! [2015-05-12 21:03:38] ENT INVASION [2015-05-12 21:03:42] It's like in a cartoon where someone hides behind a bush and sneaks around [2015-05-12 21:03:46] my planet needs me [2015-05-12 21:03:47] WAT [2015-05-12 21:03:50] TIBARN...IN...SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE [2015-05-12 21:03:51] LOL [2015-05-12 21:03:54] OMG LOL [2015-05-12 21:03:54] whaaat?! [2015-05-12 21:03:55] lmfao! [2015-05-12 21:03:56] woahhh cirPrise [2015-05-12 21:03:56] Huh [2015-05-12 21:03:56] LOL [2015-05-12 21:03:56] LOL [2015-05-12 21:03:56] later losers Kappa b [2015-05-12 21:03:59] Tibarn has left the building. [2015-05-12 21:03:59] what the christ [2015-05-12 21:04:00] LOL [2015-05-12 21:04:00] dafuq? [2015-05-12 21:04:00] spazOut [2015-05-12 21:04:02] I must return to my people evoMindBlown [2015-05-12 21:04:02] cirPrise [2015-05-12 21:04:05] I CAN FLYYYYYYY LIKE AN EAGLE [2015-05-12 21:04:05] SPACE TREE [2015-05-12 21:04:06] cirPrise [2015-05-12 21:04:09] what the [2015-05-12 21:04:09] PEACE [2015-05-12 21:04:10] THE EAGLE HAS LANDED [2015-05-12 21:04:10] MY PLANET NEEDS ME; GOOD BYE [2015-05-12 21:04:11] XD [2015-05-12 21:04:12] SPAAAAAACE [2015-05-12 21:04:14] the hell is going on [2015-05-12 21:04:17] PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:04:20] xD [2015-05-12 21:04:22] spiritWink [2015-05-12 21:04:27] Oh, my! Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:04:32] i thought they starting diablo 3 run [2015-05-12 21:04:33] so long and thanks for all the fish [2015-05-12 21:04:46] ^ [2015-05-12 21:04:46] The tree is a lie! SwiftRage [2015-05-12 21:04:48] Tibarn to Space PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:04:48] rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 21:04:49] Fun fact, if you have no other units other than OoB Tibarn, the game softlocks in an endless Enemy Phase loop [2015-05-12 21:05:01] I have returned btw. Hai [2015-05-12 21:05:11] /me gives Dango a mango [2015-05-12 21:05:12] Kappa // [2015-05-12 21:05:13] Kappa// [2015-05-12 21:05:14] PogChamp // [2015-05-12 21:05:15] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 21:05:15] Kappa // [2015-05-12 21:05:15] cirThree// [2015-05-12 21:05:17] FunRun [2015-05-12 21:05:18] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:05:19] CatBag // [2015-05-12 21:05:19] Kappa// [2015-05-12 21:05:20] cirSmug // [2015-05-12 21:05:21] hey mouse [2015-05-12 21:05:24] /me om nom noms mango [2015-05-12 21:05:25] scyKohbruh // [2015-05-12 21:05:25] ubwTanuki [2015-05-12 21:05:25] Kappa // [2015-05-12 21:05:25] Bro! <3 [2015-05-12 21:05:30] Hi Benzo [2015-05-12 21:05:31] gg [2015-05-12 21:05:31] Kappa // [2015-05-12 21:05:39] Vulajin Waifu! [2015-05-12 21:05:40] META!!!!!!! [2015-05-12 21:05:42] I'm a bit concerned with its apparent lack of punch through. Can someone confirm whether it has some or not? If not... um... I'm really going to take even more issues with this awkward puppy. [2015-05-12 21:05:47] VULA HYPE [2015-05-12 21:05:48] oh ... crap. wrong copy/paste [2015-05-12 21:05:49] oh wow this is at like some dudes house [2015-05-12 21:05:49] Sleepy Meta [2015-05-12 21:05:50] can I get some Demon Hunter Hypu [2015-05-12 21:05:54] Evermore Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:05:56] dios pls [2015-05-12 21:05:58] Meta~! Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:06:00] yeah!!!!!!! xDDD i love diablo haha [2015-05-12 21:06:00] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:06:04] inb4 Battle.net goes down because of the HotS patch day [2015-05-12 21:06:04] No links allowed (iicrowii) (warning) [2015-05-12 21:06:04] <iicrowii has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:06:04] Osey Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:06:04] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 21:06:06] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:06:06] Time to get carried Vulaaaaa, the Ossy train is arriving! [2015-05-12 21:06:07] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:06:09] sorry I was posting on warframe's forums [2015-05-12 21:06:09] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:06:12] Metasigma-chan PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:06:19] Evermore is love, Evermore is life! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:06:22] wow, that was considered a link. [2015-05-12 21:06:23] Who is the announcer? [2015-05-12 21:06:24] Anyone tried playing Salsa music really loudly from the other room just for the conference ambiance? [2015-05-12 21:06:26] this is a pretty cool run [2015-05-12 21:06:26] Ah, the other couch. [2015-05-12 21:06:27] if meta is there darch is also already there haha [2015-05-12 21:06:33] Brossentia is the announcer [2015-05-12 21:06:35] Is that Metasenpai i see in the background!? [2015-05-12 21:06:36] Bye MirbyKastah [2015-05-12 21:06:36] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤMetasigma-senpai! Notice me! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:06:38] Thx [2015-05-12 21:06:41] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:06:52] inb4 my phone gets a text Kappa [2015-05-12 21:06:58] ghost_wheel chillin all by him self [2015-05-12 21:07:03] KRILLIN AND VULAJIN [2015-05-12 21:07:04] Inb4 BattleDotNet goes mid run down due to HotS patch dayt [2015-05-12 21:07:04] <iicrowii has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:07:04] No links allowed (iicrowii) [2015-05-12 21:07:10] Brossentia is a bro [2015-05-12 21:07:18] Bro is <3 [2015-05-12 21:07:22] Crow sevenRIP [2015-05-12 21:07:32] Moobot's link recognition is sub-par. [2015-05-12 21:07:35] lol, arctica776 [2015-05-12 21:07:40] lol that was a link? [2015-05-12 21:07:47] PUFF PUFFS?! [2015-05-12 21:07:50] no it wasn't [2015-05-12 21:07:53] lol!!! xDDD puff puff haha massage xD [2015-05-12 21:07:53] puff puff cirLewd [2015-05-12 21:07:55] PUFF PUFF MASSAGE :O [2015-05-12 21:08:00] Leave the princess! Make it so! [2015-05-12 21:08:05] Iicrowii they did pick an interesting day to play a blizz game, didn't they? [2015-05-12 21:08:06] t-too lewd [2015-05-12 21:08:10] he doesn't know the difference between a message and a massage? [2015-05-12 21:08:12] Bring the princess to the dragon lord and join him. [2015-05-12 21:08:12] FailFish [2015-05-12 21:08:12] Vulajin, I love you! [2015-05-12 21:08:14] massage* [2015-05-12 21:08:15] `xDDDDD [2015-05-12 21:08:16] Hi everyone [2015-05-12 21:08:18] oh man... the puff puffs D: [2015-05-12 21:08:24] what is a puff puff massage? [2015-05-12 21:08:24] i assume it's printed 'message' on the sheet [2015-05-12 21:08:27] Vulajin Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:08:29] "puff puff massage" must be some kind of innuendo [2015-05-12 21:08:35] That is a beautiful couch. [2015-05-12 21:08:36] twitch is good at providing a puff puff message [2015-05-12 21:08:43] Meta, Vulajin Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:08:46] Osey hype!!!!! [2015-05-12 21:08:46] Puff puff muhMayor [2015-05-12 21:08:48] A puff puff massage is getting rubbed with these little fuzzy creatures [2015-05-12 21:08:49] I hope Meta can learn to cook something with Osey there [2015-05-12 21:08:52] Osey Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:08:55] osey!! =D [2015-05-12 21:09:05] Osey Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:09:08] I don't see Osey, I see Krillin :o [2015-05-12 21:09:14] Marry me metasigma Kappa [2015-05-12 21:09:14] I'll enjoy YOUR ad [2015-05-12 21:09:14] Osey hype ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:09:17] Hi Ghost_Wheel [2015-05-12 21:09:33] the only thing meta can cook is an rpg game [2015-05-12 21:09:46] Ossy \ FrankerZ / Vula \ FrankerZ / Aw yis this gon be good. [2015-05-12 21:09:46] Next run Finale? I missed all of it!? [2015-05-12 21:09:47] with lemon juice D: [2015-05-12 21:09:48] If there's not a blender involved in the preparation of the meal, Meta is doomed. [2015-05-12 21:09:48] and can osey now eat something more then mcdonalds :P [2015-05-12 21:09:51] and some megaman x [2015-05-12 21:09:53] Osey in the brown hoodie? [2015-05-12 21:09:53] no @gusnation, usally the RPG-Game cooks meta [2015-05-12 21:09:56] finale is next [2015-05-12 21:09:58] oh man [2015-05-12 21:10:02] PogChamp vulatime [2015-05-12 21:10:07] fastest marathon ever [2015-05-12 21:10:08] Shadowkiller4826 someone has their OBS tiles messed up [2015-05-12 21:10:09] Pengin <3 [2015-05-12 21:10:18] :> [2015-05-12 21:10:26] If Osey = Brown Hoodie, then t hat is NOT what I expected Osey to look like. [2015-05-12 21:10:27] :V [2015-05-12 21:10:34] I've never seen osey before, so I don't know [2015-05-12 21:10:42] @RPGLimitBreak Is the next run the Finale? [2015-05-12 21:10:46] Guy in the back getting his power stance on [2015-05-12 21:10:46] if I had audio I would know. =P [2015-05-12 21:10:50] They're speedrunning the marathon, they're doing the "all the shit" skip :( [2015-05-12 21:10:51] D3 next [2015-05-12 21:10:52] Eh, as long as Osey is Osey, I'm fine with it. [2015-05-12 21:10:59] @PicardsFlute, lol I saw that too [2015-05-12 21:11:00] Wow, Finale already? [2015-05-12 21:11:01] d3 on pc or console? [2015-05-12 21:11:05] Finale already? Nice. [2015-05-12 21:11:06] Ossy will always be Ossy [2015-05-12 21:11:06] 360 [2015-05-12 21:11:07] OSEY HYPE [2015-05-12 21:11:08] 360 [2015-05-12 21:11:10] Cursedgamer11 next up is Diablo 3 [2015-05-12 21:11:12] ty [2015-05-12 21:11:13] Next run: Finale - Everyone, uh, what? [2015-05-12 21:11:13] Osey is Krillin [2015-05-12 21:11:14] @Vuld_edone don't get me wrong I still <3 Osey he didn't match the voice expectation [2015-05-12 21:11:20] i hope they get WR live on marathon stream yeah!! do it!! xDD [2015-05-12 21:11:20] 360, because Vanilla [2015-05-12 21:11:20] RoS? [2015-05-12 21:11:29] console [2015-05-12 21:11:29] and if he is reading this and yelling at me, my stream is muted. [2015-05-12 21:11:30] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:11:30] No I know Kappa [2015-05-12 21:11:31] No, no RoS, it's vanilla [2015-05-12 21:11:31] Yeah I get what you mean, I got surprised a bit myself. [2015-05-12 21:11:34] sorry legit just found out about this event on twitter [2015-05-12 21:11:37] is dat sum metasigma? [2015-05-12 21:11:38] lol [2015-05-12 21:11:40] They found a new sequence break: Marathon skip [2015-05-12 21:11:43] @Cursedgamer11 they actually are trying to take WR for the fastest marathon from SGDQ this year Kappa [2015-05-12 21:11:43] Yeah the Diablo 3 WR competition is just as competitive as the Silhouette Mirage speedrun community [2015-05-12 21:11:44] Next run Finale rip [2015-05-12 21:11:50] MetaCouchma [2015-05-12 21:12:00] welp, FE was too good, just end the marathon [2015-05-12 21:12:01] does Meta only own like four shirts? [2015-05-12 21:12:04] Couchablo 3 [2015-05-12 21:12:07] ITS A TRAP [2015-05-12 21:12:09] yes [2015-05-12 21:12:11] feelin good on a tuesday xDD [2015-05-12 21:12:11] Finale OpieOP [2015-05-12 21:12:11] Finale? ITS OVER BOYS [2015-05-12 21:12:12] That high quality camera [2015-05-12 21:12:17] Meta owns the same shirts 3 times [2015-05-12 21:12:18] ResidentSleeper [2015-05-12 21:12:21] Forget NAMI, we need a campaign to get Meta more shirts. [2015-05-12 21:12:23] hahahaha [2015-05-12 21:12:25] I figured I should mention the marathon end [2015-05-12 21:12:28] or like me i got like 5 same pants so people think i keep wearing same pants [2015-05-12 21:12:34] Yeah, Meta is like Doug, he owns all the same shirt [2015-05-12 21:12:35] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ Meta doesn't NEED shirts ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:12:41] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:12:45] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:12:47] meta only got shirts when twitch made him [2015-05-12 21:12:49] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:12:50] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 21:12:57] I'd personally like to see Meta in less shirts than more if you know what I'm saying OMGScoots [2015-05-12 21:12:58] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:12:59] meta so gooood mathsquadHype [2015-05-12 21:13:00] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:13:13] vulaCONFUSE [2015-05-12 21:13:17] wait, isn't metaflexing against Twitch-rules now? [2015-05-12 21:13:18] is the event in someone's home? [2015-05-12 21:13:25] Yes [2015-05-12 21:13:27] Yes [2015-05-12 21:13:28] i can finally watch in peace ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:13:29] pretty sure it is platoom [2015-05-12 21:13:29] only shirtless [2015-05-12 21:13:31] Meta was always shirtless streaming but twitch you know.... [2015-05-12 21:13:31] @Dark_caligma ;) [2015-05-12 21:13:35] yo sake [2015-05-12 21:13:39] strong job Sakegeist [2015-05-12 21:13:39] Next run: Finale everyone? D: [2015-05-12 21:13:40] Meta can Flex all he wants as long as it doesn't rip his shirt [2015-05-12 21:13:43] Sake Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:13:44] hello hello [2015-05-12 21:13:44] welcome back Meta ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:13:51] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:13:51] Wow two runs is the whole marathon? Kappa [2015-05-12 21:14:03] those two random idiots they shoved into my commentary an hour in ruined everything 8) [2015-05-12 21:14:03] osey sounds different [2015-05-12 21:14:04] yeah meta [2015-05-12 21:14:06] AHHGHHGHGHGHg [2015-05-12 21:14:06] well his flex is stronger then a car [2015-05-12 21:14:07] I know Fire Emblem felt like it lasted an eternity but it didn't really. [2015-05-12 21:14:07] AHHHHHHHHHHHHH [2015-05-12 21:14:07] rip [2015-05-12 21:14:07] ahh [2015-05-12 21:14:07] DansGame [2015-05-12 21:14:08] ow. [2015-05-12 21:14:08] rip headphone users [2015-05-12 21:14:09] Uhhhhhh [2015-05-12 21:14:10] OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo [2015-05-12 21:14:10] sure is good [2015-05-12 21:14:10] Music to my ears Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:14:10] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 21:14:10] wtf [2015-05-12 21:14:10] ear rape [2015-05-12 21:14:10] MY EARS [2015-05-12 21:14:10] whoaa rip my ears [2015-05-12 21:14:11] Nope, not good. [2015-05-12 21:14:11] RIP [2015-05-12 21:14:11] Rip [2015-05-12 21:14:11] ahhhhhhh [2015-05-12 21:14:11] aaaaaaaaaaaa [2015-05-12 21:14:11] oh god [2015-05-12 21:14:11] @_@ aaaaaah! [2015-05-12 21:14:11] AHHHhhhhhh [2015-05-12 21:14:12] RIP [2015-05-12 21:14:12] rip ears [2015-05-12 21:14:12] RIP [2015-05-12 21:14:12] AAHHH [2015-05-12 21:14:12] DansFace [2015-05-12 21:14:12] RIP MY EARS [2015-05-12 21:14:12] RIP [2015-05-12 21:14:12] owwwwwwwwwwwwww [2015-05-12 21:14:12] PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:14:12] Why [2015-05-12 21:14:12] oh my god [2015-05-12 21:14:12] WHALKBHSDAPLKBYADSPOIG [2015-05-12 21:14:12] argle bargle! [2015-05-12 21:14:13] WTF, THAT NOT GOOD OMG! [2015-05-12 21:14:13] RIP [2015-05-12 21:14:13] mah ears T_T [2015-05-12 21:14:13] AHHH\ [2015-05-12 21:14:13] ahahahahaha [2015-05-12 21:14:14] RIP [2015-05-12 21:14:14] ye no need ears anyway [2015-05-12 21:14:14] NOOO [2015-05-12 21:14:14] oh damn [2015-05-12 21:14:14] WutFace DansGame [2015-05-12 21:14:15] rip [2015-05-12 21:14:15] DansGame [2015-05-12 21:14:15] swartt can you upload your current patch splits to splits io? [2015-05-12 21:14:15] prtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt [2015-05-12 21:14:15] WutFace [2015-05-12 21:14:15] OMG [2015-05-12 21:14:15] WOW my [2015-05-12 21:14:15] wow [2015-05-12 21:14:16] rip ears *** [2015-05-12 21:14:16] MY EARS [2015-05-12 21:14:16] Sound [2015-05-12 21:14:16] RiP headphone users [2015-05-12 21:14:16] BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:14:16] O.o [2015-05-12 21:14:16] rip headphone users [2015-05-12 21:14:16] No I like this [2015-05-12 21:14:17] hello? [2015-05-12 21:14:17] HELP IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN HELP IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN HELP IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN HELP IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN HELP IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN [2015-05-12 21:14:17] SwiftRage [2015-05-12 21:14:17] TF [2015-05-12 21:14:17] plz stahp [2015-05-12 21:14:17] What [2015-05-12 21:14:17] EARS [2015-05-12 21:14:17] MrDestructoid [2015-05-12 21:14:18] satan pls [2015-05-12 21:14:18] I remember when I had eardrums [2015-05-12 21:14:18] PanicBasket [2015-05-12 21:14:18] what fun [2015-05-12 21:14:18] Deeeeefinitely not good. [2015-05-12 21:14:18] HELP IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN HELP IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN HELP IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN [2015-05-12 21:14:18] rip sound [2015-05-12 21:14:18] You are killing is all! [2015-05-12 21:14:18] RIP ears :< [2015-05-12 21:14:19] T_T [2015-05-12 21:14:19] halp [2015-05-12 21:14:19] AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:14:20] DROP THE PFFFFRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT [2015-05-12 21:14:20] Please don't let it end [2015-05-12 21:14:20] WutFace [2015-05-12 21:14:20] WE DEAD [2015-05-12 21:14:20] BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:14:20] rip [2015-05-12 21:14:20] RIP [2015-05-12 21:14:21] Panicbasket [2015-05-12 21:14:21] BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:14:21] sweet, dubstep [2015-05-12 21:14:22] OMG [2015-05-12 21:14:22] My ears!!!! [2015-05-12 21:14:22] nope nope nope [2015-05-12 21:14:22] MERZBOW [2015-05-12 21:14:22] oh god [2015-05-12 21:14:22] SwiftRage please make it stop [2015-05-12 21:14:22] those were good times [2015-05-12 21:14:22] I am so happy [2015-05-12 21:14:22] turn it off [2015-05-12 21:14:23] FrankerZ [2015-05-12 21:14:24] please dont spam [2015-05-12 21:14:24] poor headphone users [2015-05-12 21:14:24] Rip mu ears [2015-05-12 21:14:24] HOLY *** NONNNN [2015-05-12 21:14:25] it got worse [2015-05-12 21:14:25] ahahahaha [2015-05-12 21:14:25] BabyRage [2015-05-12 21:14:25] PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:14:25] MY EARS [2015-05-12 21:14:26] DEATH [2015-05-12 21:14:26] They burn!!!!!!! [2015-05-12 21:14:26] caraRIP [2015-05-12 21:14:26] ouch [2015-05-12 21:14:26] My ears are bleeding but who cares EleGiggle [2015-05-12 21:14:27] MrDestructoid [2015-05-12 21:14:27] JEAZUZ [2015-05-12 21:14:27] Help. [2015-05-12 21:14:27] Drop the BASS [2015-05-12 21:14:27] panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:14:27] PLS [2015-05-12 21:14:28] WutFace [2015-05-12 21:14:29] WHY IS THIS NOISE HAPPENING [2015-05-12 21:14:29] THE BASS IS TOO HIGH [2015-05-12 21:14:29] MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid [2015-05-12 21:14:29] Oh dear, the locusts have come to destroy the harvest! [2015-05-12 21:14:29] BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:14:29] <dianaet has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:14:30] hate [2015-05-12 21:14:30] no need to thank me. just doing my job [2015-05-12 21:14:31] this is incredible [2015-05-12 21:14:31] wtf xbox 360 diablo?! [2015-05-12 21:14:31] plz tell chat when its done [2015-05-12 21:14:31] the sound!!! GasJoker [2015-05-12 21:14:32] AHHHHHHHHHh [2015-05-12 21:14:32] vulajin broke the stream [2015-05-12 21:14:32] ouuuch [2015-05-12 21:14:33] THIS SOUND OUCH [2015-05-12 21:14:33] Prbbt [2015-05-12 21:14:33] Dat Avant-Garde [2015-05-12 21:14:33] quality stream [2015-05-12 21:14:33] WTF [2015-05-12 21:14:34] WERE DYING [2015-05-12 21:14:34] RIP Headphone users! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:14:34] It's Kreygasm ic [2015-05-12 21:14:34] SKRILLEX Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:14:35] ahhhhhhhhhh [2015-05-12 21:14:35] bad touch bad touch [2015-05-12 21:14:35] MY EYES [2015-05-12 21:14:35] BTRO [2015-05-12 21:14:35] thats like 1000 BPM [2015-05-12 21:14:35] make it stop UUUUAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH [2015-05-12 21:14:35] fail [2015-05-12 21:14:36] panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:14:36] i start zo like it [2015-05-12 21:14:36] ALL IS KILL [2015-05-12 21:14:37] XB1 quality Kappa [2015-05-12 21:14:37] D3 is too much! [2015-05-12 21:14:37] GODDAMNIT EVERHATE [2015-05-12 21:14:37] ouch [2015-05-12 21:14:37] WutFace [2015-05-12 21:14:38] haha :D [2015-05-12 21:14:38] Everhate plz Kappa [2015-05-12 21:14:38] lol [2015-05-12 21:14:39] EVERHAAAAAAAAAAAATE [2015-05-12 21:14:41] the ear rape is real [2015-05-12 21:14:41] There's a cricket in my EAR!!! [2015-05-12 21:14:41] *** YOU EVERHATE [2015-05-12 21:14:41] BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:14:41] My hears are kill [2015-05-12 21:14:41] man, that sure is peaking [2015-05-12 21:14:41] What song is this? [2015-05-12 21:14:42] kill the audio [2015-05-12 21:14:42] !blame [2015-05-12 21:14:42] The Sound of Evil [2015-05-12 21:14:43] goodbye everyone [2015-05-12 21:14:43] THANKS OBAMA [2015-05-12 21:14:43] turn it off! GasJoker [2015-05-12 21:14:43] EVERHATE STOP [2015-05-12 21:14:43] RIP EARS [2015-05-12 21:14:43] panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:14:44] panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:14:44] HOLY CRAP [2015-05-12 21:14:44] I just took my headphones off and I heard this through them sitting on the desk [2015-05-12 21:14:44] Audio broke [2015-05-12 21:14:44] QUALITY [2015-05-12 21:14:44] we are going to die ThunBeast [2015-05-12 21:14:45] Holy crap that scared the hell out of me omg. [2015-05-12 21:14:46] Dat heart attack [2015-05-12 21:14:46] WutFace pls [2015-05-12 21:14:46] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 21:14:46] SSSsss MrDestructoid SSSsss MrDestructoid [2015-05-12 21:14:48] Someone kills it with fire! [2015-05-12 21:14:48] My lord, my ears. [2015-05-12 21:14:48] KILL THE AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:14:49] RIP EVERYONE [2015-05-12 21:14:49] I don't hear anything OpieOP [2015-05-12 21:14:50] @Majiebeast This is xbox 360 :) [2015-05-12 21:14:50] d3 soundtrack is boss [2015-05-12 21:14:51] Not amplify it! [2015-05-12 21:14:51] soundcard deadf [2015-05-12 21:14:52] my ears [2015-05-12 21:14:52] ~ MrDestructoid ~ [2015-05-12 21:14:52] audio destruction [2015-05-12 21:14:52] AUDIO BROKE [2015-05-12 21:14:52] lol@thanks obama [2015-05-12 21:14:53] my headphones [2015-05-12 21:14:53] WELCOME TO WUB WUBS [2015-05-12 21:14:54] this is what hell sounds like [2015-05-12 21:14:54] TRIGERRED [2015-05-12 21:14:54] RiP [2015-05-12 21:14:54] Taylor Swift? [2015-05-12 21:14:54] Hello? [2015-05-12 21:14:55] OH DEAR GOD THE AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:14:56] why is there dubstep in my diablo 3 [2015-05-12 21:14:57] even worse:P [2015-05-12 21:14:58] Rip headphone users [2015-05-12 21:14:58] WHY [2015-05-12 21:14:58] the terrorists have won [2015-05-12 21:14:59] I thought my pc was *** up [2015-05-12 21:14:59] Rip World Kappa [2015-05-12 21:14:59] So this is that Darude - Sandstorm song everyone is so hype about? [2015-05-12 21:14:59] not the bees [2015-05-12 21:15:00] GasJoker GasJoker GasJoker GasJoker [2015-05-12 21:15:00] /me EVERHATE COPTER [2015-05-12 21:15:00] Demon Insects [2015-05-12 21:15:00] Audo Glitch HYPE cerHype [2015-05-12 21:15:00] All the headphone users are dead OSbury [2015-05-12 21:15:01] Lol [2015-05-12 21:15:01] how can you not spam when that is happening panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:15:01] thank god for noise reducion on my Headphones [2015-05-12 21:15:02] Audio is perfect guys. [2015-05-12 21:15:03] I am sueing!! [2015-05-12 21:15:04] Thanks for the wake up call Kappa [2015-05-12 21:15:04] MY EARS AHH [2015-05-12 21:15:05] thought my laptop froze jesus [2015-05-12 21:15:05] MAKE IT STOP [2015-05-12 21:15:05] ALL HAIL DISCORDIA [2015-05-12 21:15:05] love the wubstep [2015-05-12 21:15:05] You, in 20 years this is what the kids will listen to [2015-05-12 21:15:08] @FlanKitty, hey dar, when is next strim? [2015-05-12 21:15:08] wtf is with the audio [2015-05-12 21:15:08] jesus pls BibleThump 7 [2015-05-12 21:15:09] Louder audio please [2015-05-12 21:15:09] i think this track is in the monstercat catalog [2015-05-12 21:15:09] I FOR ONE WELCOME OUR NEW DUBSTEP OVERLORDS [2015-05-12 21:15:10] Audio went full retard [2015-05-12 21:15:10] pure static [2015-05-12 21:15:11] AmateurGDQ Kappa [2015-05-12 21:15:11] I left for a while and I come back like "what the *** is this noise coming from my room?" [2015-05-12 21:15:11] God damn!! [2015-05-12 21:15:11] Cut the game audio @RPGLimitBreak [2015-05-12 21:15:11] AAAAAAAH [2015-05-12 21:15:12] ALL HAIL DISCORDIA! [2015-05-12 21:15:13] LOL twitch tried to save us from diablo 3 [2015-05-12 21:15:13] man, diablo 2 has a much better soundtrack than this [2015-05-12 21:15:14] MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid [2015-05-12 21:15:15] is my computer going to blow up? Kappa [2015-05-12 21:15:15] What is this horrid noise:( [2015-05-12 21:15:15] FIX THE AUDIO!!!! GasJoker [2015-05-12 21:15:15] DansGame [2015-05-12 21:15:15] WubwuBwUbWubwuBwUbWubwuBwUb [2015-05-12 21:15:15] rip headphone users [2015-05-12 21:15:15] dubstep at 300rpm [2015-05-12 21:15:16] Joke's on you i'm DEAF [2015-05-12 21:15:16] This is my jam [2015-05-12 21:15:17] SANDSTORM REMIX 10/10 [2015-05-12 21:15:18] FIX THE AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:15:18] audio fix now! [2015-05-12 21:15:19] ALL HAIL DISCORDIA [2015-05-12 21:15:20] meta save me [2015-05-12 21:15:20] ~ MrDestructoid ~ ~ MrDestructoid ~ ~ MrDestructoid ~ [2015-05-12 21:15:21] BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:15:21] AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:15:21] Please BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:15:22] Diablo 3, Lord of Dubstep [2015-05-12 21:15:23] SOMEONE [2015-05-12 21:15:23] i think the reel is off [2015-05-12 21:15:24] PLEASE [2015-05-12 21:15:24] Darude? Kappa [2015-05-12 21:15:25] panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:15:25] I walked into the chat and my eas got blown off [2015-05-12 21:15:25] lmao [2015-05-12 21:15:26] My headphones, why have you betrayed me! RIP HEARING! [2015-05-12 21:15:27] Finally some good quality Kappa [2015-05-12 21:15:27] duDudu [2015-05-12 21:15:28] how to murder your viewers in the most malicious way possible [2015-05-12 21:15:28] #stuffMetaBreaks [2015-05-12 21:15:28] OH GOD [2015-05-12 21:15:29] The audio BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:15:29] Stream was muted: I won Kappa [2015-05-12 21:15:29] Meta plz, suplex that sound [2015-05-12 21:15:29] AUDIO BROKE! [2015-05-12 21:15:30] Brossentia, plx! [2015-05-12 21:15:31] DUDUDUDUUDUDUD [2015-05-12 21:15:31] i jumped up [2015-05-12 21:15:32] My ears are bleeding [2015-05-12 21:15:32] No but seriously it hurts the ears. [2015-05-12 21:15:32] Cicadas have invaded! [2015-05-12 21:15:33] mathsquadRage mathsquadHeavy [2015-05-12 21:15:35] Make it Stahp [2015-05-12 21:15:35] my ears BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:15:35] panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:15:35] meta broke the audio [2015-05-12 21:15:35] RIP Ears [2015-05-12 21:15:37] making my teeth hurt [2015-05-12 21:15:37] Hello? [2015-05-12 21:15:37] Please send help! [2015-05-12 21:15:38] MY STREAM WAS MUTED SO I DIDN'T KNOW [2015-05-12 21:15:38] @Rpglimitbreak, the audio is messed up badly [2015-05-12 21:15:39] fix the audio [2015-05-12 21:15:39] HEEEEEEEEEEELP [2015-05-12 21:15:39] sounds like a broken fan scratching a chalckboard [2015-05-12 21:15:40] Someone, pls pls BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:15:41] OSbury [2015-05-12 21:15:41] @Holypony Hi five. [2015-05-12 21:15:42] are thy going to fix the audio? [2015-05-12 21:15:42] ANYONE [2015-05-12 21:15:42] I blame rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 21:15:43] why does no one look at chat [2015-05-12 21:15:43] /me RELAX IS JUST JUSTIN BIEBER NEWEST SINGLE [2015-05-12 21:15:43] AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:15:44] this is some real biblical *** [2015-05-12 21:15:45] ~ MrDestructoid / [2015-05-12 21:15:47] Well, I think the gates of hell just opened up and unloaded onto my speakers. [2015-05-12 21:15:47] Help the audio [2015-05-12 21:15:48] OW-DIO [2015-05-12 21:15:49] \me dies [2015-05-12 21:15:50] I don't think anyone has noticed yet [2015-05-12 21:15:50] Every time Vula gets on stream at a marathon, the audio craps itself. [2015-05-12 21:15:52] my ears! the pain, the horrible pain! [2015-05-12 21:15:53] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 21:15:53] insects [2015-05-12 21:15:54] aaaaargh my ears [2015-05-12 21:15:54] seriously that was not fun [2015-05-12 21:15:55] Awsome commentary so far [2015-05-12 21:15:55] BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:15:55] HELP SOUND HELP SOUND [2015-05-12 21:15:55] WHY is that. [2015-05-12 21:15:57] /me is dead rip [2015-05-12 21:15:58] DO YOU HATE ME [2015-05-12 21:15:58] the audio is going ham! fix it! [2015-05-12 21:16:00] SOMEONE FIX THIS [2015-05-12 21:16:01] panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:16:01] panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:16:02] /me ears explode [2015-05-12 21:16:02] machine gun farts [2015-05-12 21:16:02] halp [2015-05-12 21:16:03] guys the audio holy *** [2015-05-12 21:16:03] think of the dank memes we are missing BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:16:03] ~ MrDestructoid ~ ~ MrDestructoid ~ ~ MrDestructoid ~ [2015-05-12 21:16:04] Mods reading chat EleGiggle [2015-05-12 21:16:04] RIP Headphones [2015-05-12 21:16:04] Dont start run until sound is fixed! [2015-05-12 21:16:05] BibleThumpBibleThumpBibleThumpBibleThumpBibleThumpBibleThump [2015-05-12 21:16:05] PLEASE [2015-05-12 21:16:05] FIX THE AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:16:05] PLEASE FIX THE AUDIO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Aetherene [2015-05-12 21:16:06] my tune Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:16:06] MrDestructoid MrDestructoid [2015-05-12 21:16:06] Pls fix audio [2015-05-12 21:16:06] RIP headphone users [2015-05-12 21:16:06] HORRENDOUS noise ripCry [2015-05-12 21:16:07] this sound makes everyone to *** in pants [2015-05-12 21:16:07] Diablo is raping our collective earholes. WHO WILL SAVE US?!?!? [2015-05-12 21:16:09] READ CHAT [2015-05-12 21:16:10] rpglb, best audio US [2015-05-12 21:16:10] FIX THE SOUND [2015-05-12 21:16:10] /me is dead from bleeding ears [2015-05-12 21:16:11] HALP CHAT OVERLORDS [2015-05-12 21:16:12] SOMEONE FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [2015-05-12 21:16:12] why are they not fixing the audio!!! GasJoker [2015-05-12 21:16:13] all of the machine gun audio [2015-05-12 21:16:14] panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:16:15] This sound is terrible, but dat overlay do3? [2015-05-12 21:16:16] RIP RIP RIP HEADPHONES [2015-05-12 21:16:16] They have no idea? [2015-05-12 21:16:16] Time to spam AUDIO to death. [2015-05-12 21:16:16] Stream can't handle Meta infront of the camera! Deal with it! [2015-05-12 21:16:17] /me gonna die brb [2015-05-12 21:16:17] I'm getting used to it now :) [2015-05-12 21:16:19] tire fire in aisle 5 [2015-05-12 21:16:20] FIX THE AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:16:21] Mods pls [2015-05-12 21:16:22] Where is Puwexil? Surely he can save us [2015-05-12 21:16:22] GasJoker [2015-05-12 21:16:23] we got machine gun bullets for DAYS! Kappa b [2015-05-12 21:16:23] Is this the sound of mayonnaise? Kappa [2015-05-12 21:16:23] Before any bleeding occurs. [2015-05-12 21:16:26] RIP EARS [2015-05-12 21:16:26] nobody from Speeden Housen reading chat? [2015-05-12 21:16:27] cuz the audio problem might take time to fix Keepo [2015-05-12 21:16:28] Is it just me or is the audio messed up? [2015-05-12 21:16:28] RIP HEADPHONES [2015-05-12 21:16:30] You'd think someone would be keeping an eye on this. [2015-05-12 21:16:31] RESTART THE STREAM [2015-05-12 21:16:32] Volcania [2015-05-12 21:16:32] fgs fix the sound!! [2015-05-12 21:16:32] WHY [2015-05-12 21:16:36] wutFace [2015-05-12 21:16:36] view count dropped 50% in 3 minutes [2015-05-12 21:16:37] FIX OR PICNIC [2015-05-12 21:16:37] The audio is NC-17 BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:16:37] They're all just watching chat excitedly [2015-05-12 21:16:38] mute the audio ffs [2015-05-12 21:16:39] @RPGLimitBreak Why is nobody monitoring the stream ? Audio is bad [2015-05-12 21:16:39] wow, I didn't even realize my speakers volume were up to 60 [2015-05-12 21:16:39] WutFace [2015-05-12 21:16:40] someone twitter them [2015-05-12 21:16:40] OSbury [2015-05-12 21:16:41] hey guys i think there is something wrong with the audio Kappa [2015-05-12 21:16:42] Is this what Hell's music sounds like? Oh crap, what have I been doing? [2015-05-12 21:16:49] AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:16:53] AND THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS [2015-05-12 21:16:54] DJ Vulajins D3 Remix Kappa [2015-05-12 21:16:54] AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:16:55] This is just normal diablo music [2015-05-12 21:16:56] Sabin pls, that name is copyrighted [2015-05-12 21:16:57] audio bros [2015-05-12 21:16:57] Yo who put Lil Wayne on [2015-05-12 21:16:58] didn't know this run used a jackhammer [2015-05-12 21:16:58] ARE WE IN HELL [2015-05-12 21:16:59] Next RPGLimitBreak will be to help fund the people who suffered to this sound Kappa [2015-05-12 21:17:00] FOR THE SAKE OF THE ANIMALS FIX THE SOUND [2015-05-12 21:17:00] diablo's gotten a lot hasrher than I last remember [2015-05-12 21:17:01] I already twitttered them [2015-05-12 21:17:02] WHY DID I USE HEADPHONES?! [2015-05-12 21:17:03] WHAT IS HAPPEN [2015-05-12 21:17:04] thanks, I have a tinitus now [2015-05-12 21:17:06] Oh god, someone let me know when the sound is fixed [2015-05-12 21:17:08] you're a hero MG2 [2015-05-12 21:17:08] RESTART STREAM. PLEASE HURRY [2015-05-12 21:17:08] Sounds like one million cicadas mating in the woods [2015-05-12 21:17:12] Is audio back to normal? [2015-05-12 21:17:13] i like the soundtrack [2015-05-12 21:17:15] HYPE INTENSIFIES [2015-05-12 21:17:16] @Vuld_edone You have two years for a reason. Suck it up pansy [2015-05-12 21:17:16] nope [2015-05-12 21:17:16] Where were you when ears was kill? [2015-05-12 21:17:17] hey Zack! [2015-05-12 21:17:17] rip ears [2015-05-12 21:17:17] oh god my ears [2015-05-12 21:17:20] MY EARS [2015-05-12 21:17:22] yup, audio fixed Kappa [2015-05-12 21:17:22] oh hey themg2 sup man [2015-05-12 21:17:23] *ears [2015-05-12 21:17:24] hello? [2015-05-12 21:17:26] LOUDER [2015-05-12 21:17:31] restart obs/xplit RPGLimitBreak [2015-05-12 21:17:31] Noin you terrible person [2015-05-12 21:17:31] Ahhh that's better [2015-05-12 21:17:31] PLEASE REALIZE THIS THING THAT IS HAPPENING [2015-05-12 21:17:33] PONIES [2015-05-12 21:17:34] Kappa [2015-05-12 21:17:35] bzzzztztztztztztztztztztztztztzBZZZTZTZTZTZTZTZTZTZTZ [2015-05-12 21:17:35] Everyone going to leave if they dont fix this soon [2015-05-12 21:17:36] So... [2015-05-12 21:17:36] Fix the audio guys [2015-05-12 21:17:37] is there seriously nothing going to be done about the audio? [2015-05-12 21:17:37] This is Diablo 3 Arranged Soundtrack Kappa [2015-05-12 21:17:39] not much, just muting the stream [2015-05-12 21:17:41] @Ramchop is it me you're looking for? [2015-05-12 21:17:42] MAKE IT LOUDER JKanStyle [2015-05-12 21:17:42] I won't have two years at this rate. My ears are my working tool. Please don't break them! [2015-05-12 21:17:44] /me PLEASE DEAR GOD FIX THINGS [2015-05-12 21:17:44] HUH? DID YOU SAY SOMETHING? I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE DAMN BUZZING IN MY EARS!!!! [2015-05-12 21:17:46] no wonder diablo 3 didnt receive that much praise, this OST is painful [2015-05-12 21:17:46] So is this dubstep? [2015-05-12 21:17:47] you can mute the audio you know Keepo [2015-05-12 21:17:47] is no one looking at the comments? [2015-05-12 21:17:47] Please turn up buzzing, can't hear it [2015-05-12 21:17:49] screw it, just add some bass to it and we good to go [2015-05-12 21:17:49] if you all just muted the stream, the audio problem would be fixed [2015-05-12 21:17:49] unreal [2015-05-12 21:17:50] I justed muted the sound. Feels like heaven. <3 [2015-05-12 21:17:52] what a joke that they don't know [2015-05-12 21:17:52] No limits [2015-05-12 21:17:53] No one can hear you because of the crazy locust noise [2015-05-12 21:17:53] GUYS SOUND PROBLEMS! [2015-05-12 21:17:53] @Vuld_edone wait, what do you do? [2015-05-12 21:17:53] audio [2015-05-12 21:17:54] PLEASE DEAR GOD FIX THINGS [2015-05-12 21:17:54] DONATE TO MAKE IT STOP [2015-05-12 21:17:56] oh god I turned off the sound and my ears are ringing [2015-05-12 21:17:56] I blame Krillin [2015-05-12 21:17:56] How can they not even figure out what cause noise? [2015-05-12 21:17:56] my god you guys are whiny [2015-05-12 21:17:57] SOUND! [2015-05-12 21:17:57] WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING [2015-05-12 21:18:01] I translate sound into text. [2015-05-12 21:18:01] I'm sure they will fix it [2015-05-12 21:18:02] CHECK YOUR AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:18:02] Yeah guys, just hit the speaker and mute it.. [2015-05-12 21:18:03] guys haha the audio is fixed xd [2015-05-12 21:18:03] I can see it in your eyes, but I can't hear it @OptiNihilist [2015-05-12 21:18:05] They broke the audio limit! [2015-05-12 21:18:06] send a donation telling them, maybe they will get it then [2015-05-12 21:18:07] Audio PREASE [2015-05-12 21:18:07] are they seriously not monitoring stream? [2015-05-12 21:18:07] no female? come on [2015-05-12 21:18:07] SOUND PROBLEMS GUYS! [2015-05-12 21:18:07] Gee, Thanks Obama! [2015-05-12 21:18:09] HALP PLEASE [2015-05-12 21:18:11] AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:18:11] Man, this new Skrillex song is simply amazing! [2015-05-12 21:18:11] why didnt i get an email for this >.< [2015-05-12 21:18:13] Here goes the run Kappa [2015-05-12 21:18:13] thanks Obama [2015-05-12 21:18:13] Guys, please relax, they are already working on the issue [2015-05-12 21:18:13] Do they even know theres a noise problem? WutFace [2015-05-12 21:18:14] No chill [2015-05-12 21:18:14] this sounds like some pretty sweet feedback loopage o3o [2015-05-12 21:18:15] The universe is attempting to save us from Diablo 3 [2015-05-12 21:18:15] I dont think they even know there's a problem [2015-05-12 21:18:16] @Mus_musculus don't be mean to Osey/Krillin [2015-05-12 21:18:16] someone in the house must have the stream open for quality assurance, right? [2015-05-12 21:18:17] just mute the stream and be good with it [2015-05-12 21:18:17] It just doesn't seem like they know they are having audia issues [2015-05-12 21:18:17] I'm pretty sure they already know the issue [2015-05-12 21:18:18] AUDI problems [2015-05-12 21:18:19] Yep, sound issues, no bigge [2015-05-12 21:18:19] what the *** [2015-05-12 21:18:21] hypehypehypehypehypehypehypehypehype [2015-05-12 21:18:21] They started the run... [2015-05-12 21:18:21] Welp, this is gonna be an awesome run. [2015-05-12 21:18:23] lol [2015-05-12 21:18:23] PanicBasket [2015-05-12 21:18:23] They just started the run [2015-05-12 21:18:24] It's kind of pleasant [2015-05-12 21:18:24] Leave the stream en masse [2015-05-12 21:18:25] Twitch chat relaxing EleGiggle [2015-05-12 21:18:26] They started [2015-05-12 21:18:27] Hey now Krillin is like the strongest human remember. [2015-05-12 21:18:27] they are unaware it seems [2015-05-12 21:18:27] obamacare? OBAMA DONT CARE [2015-05-12 21:18:28] I think they know the audio is fubar already >.> [2015-05-12 21:18:31] Why the *** did they start the run [2015-05-12 21:18:33] He just needs to spam Destructo Disks. [2015-05-12 21:18:34] Diablo 3 RIPHeadphoneusers% [2015-05-12 21:18:34] LOOK AT CHAT FIX AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:18:35] the best audio i have ever heard in a stream Kappa [2015-05-12 21:18:35] Can't anyone tell them?! [2015-05-12 21:18:35] IS NOBODY THERE READING THE *** CHAT!! THE SOUND IS BROKEN!!! [2015-05-12 21:18:36] how can they start the run????? [2015-05-12 21:18:36] We can't actually hear them. D: [2015-05-12 21:18:36] it's a sign from aboce to go play Path of Exile instead [2015-05-12 21:18:38] donations to stop when? [2015-05-12 21:18:38] Please fix that audio ripCry [2015-05-12 21:18:38] AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:18:38] I think Blizzard games just sound like this now [2015-05-12 21:18:39] Here comes the drop Kappa [2015-05-12 21:18:39] Yeah, no bigge, just you know...ruining the stream [2015-05-12 21:18:40] i'm in so much pain right now [2015-05-12 21:18:41] you gotta be kiddincg [2015-05-12 21:18:42] they know and they continue to play [2015-05-12 21:18:42] lol did they just start the run [2015-05-12 21:18:42] lol they have no idea [2015-05-12 21:18:43] i really dont think they know mods [2015-05-12 21:18:43] why would they start the game...wtf is this... [2015-05-12 21:18:43] Onsite has been contacted and is working on the issue [2015-05-12 21:18:44] WHOA I THINK IT GOT WORSE [2015-05-12 21:18:45] tweet at them guys [2015-05-12 21:18:46] IT'S GETTING WORSE. [2015-05-12 21:18:47] True, Krillin is probably the strongest human [2015-05-12 21:18:47] do you really need audio for the beginning of this run :P [2015-05-12 21:18:48] It sounded like they were just starting to fix it [2015-05-12 21:18:49] the *** is this sound? [2015-05-12 21:18:51] lol they have no idea no copy pasterino [2015-05-12 21:18:52] HALP [2015-05-12 21:18:52] FIX THE DAMN AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:18:52] They crashed EleGiggle [2015-05-12 21:18:53] i thought my computer broke [2015-05-12 21:18:54] @RPGLimitBreak, FIX THE AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:18:55] Muting the stream means we can't hear any commentary though (not that we can anyway). [2015-05-12 21:18:56] omg [2015-05-12 21:18:58] I think they noticed [2015-05-12 21:18:59] ;kntoubdjbgdjlbgljb AHAHAHAHAf fdihgdubgbdflbdflbdfjlb [2015-05-12 21:19:03] run over [2015-05-12 21:19:03] Kariohki Tell them to CUT the audio until it's fixed. Don't just leave it on [2015-05-12 21:19:03] omg [2015-05-12 21:19:04] xbox FailFish [2015-05-12 21:19:04] IT'S OVER [2015-05-12 21:19:05] there we go [2015-05-12 21:19:05] silence! [2015-05-12 21:19:05] Fix the audio before you start please [2015-05-12 21:19:06] Yay <3 [2015-05-12 21:19:06] where are the mods? WTF... [2015-05-12 21:19:07] YESS!!!!!!!!! [2015-05-12 21:19:07] ty [2015-05-12 21:19:07] Oh tank god. [2015-05-12 21:19:07] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:19:07] YEAYEYAEYAEYAY [2015-05-12 21:19:07] lol [2015-05-12 21:19:08] It stopped [2015-05-12 21:19:08] what the goddamn fuck. [2015-05-12 21:19:08] WERE SAVED [2015-05-12 21:19:08] Oh good. [2015-05-12 21:19:08] Sweet release Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:19:08] its fixed [2015-05-12 21:19:09] Yay [2015-05-12 21:19:09] The noise stopped! [2015-05-12 21:19:09] lol [2015-05-12 21:19:09] OH MY GOD [2015-05-12 21:19:09] thanks [2015-05-12 21:19:09] FINALLY [2015-05-12 21:19:10] I literally want a highlight of that [2015-05-12 21:19:10] aaaaaahhh :D [2015-05-12 21:19:11] Silence Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:19:11] OUR SAVIOR [2015-05-12 21:19:11] Finally [2015-05-12 21:19:12] WHEW [2015-05-12 21:19:12] It's over! [2015-05-12 21:19:12] sweet relief!!!! [2015-05-12 21:19:12] OMG the silence [2015-05-12 21:19:13] Please make it happen [2015-05-12 21:19:13] Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:19:13] wow finally [2015-05-12 21:19:14] PLEASE [2015-05-12 21:19:15] finally [2015-05-12 21:19:15] Finally [2015-05-12 21:19:16] No noise now! [2015-05-12 21:19:16] its not fixed they just turned off the console [2015-05-12 21:19:16] they dont even notice...and they say we're bad Kappa [2015-05-12 21:19:17] it's fixed!! [2015-05-12 21:19:17] finally, that was horrible [2015-05-12 21:19:17] BLESSINGS FROM ON HIGH [2015-05-12 21:19:18] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:19:20] hurrayy [2015-05-12 21:19:21] FIX THE AUDIO:( [2015-05-12 21:19:21] Ossy, Ossy why. [2015-05-12 21:19:22] what did he do? [2015-05-12 21:19:22] IT'S OVER!!!!!!! :) [2015-05-12 21:19:22] ah finally [2015-05-12 21:19:23] YESSSSsss [2015-05-12 21:19:24] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 21:19:24] the #rektaning is over [2015-05-12 21:19:25] AT LAST [2015-05-12 21:19:25] THIS *** WAS for 5 minutes thank you guys [2015-05-12 21:19:26] It's fixed cirGasm [2015-05-12 21:19:27] BrokeBack/\Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:19:28] IT WILL RETURN BE READY [2015-05-12 21:19:29] what? Gone deaf [2015-05-12 21:19:31] Is it finally over? [2015-05-12 21:19:32] Wait, what was causing that? [2015-05-12 21:19:33] cirGasm [2015-05-12 21:19:34] cirGasm [2015-05-12 21:19:34] OH GOD!! Go back to the Noise of Chaos!! Vulajins voice is killing me! [2015-05-12 21:19:36] spiritSample [2015-05-12 21:19:36] now lets wait for my ears to stop ringing so i can enjoy the stream [2015-05-12 21:19:37] Fix the audio, needs more bzzt Kappa [2015-05-12 21:19:37] thank goodness!!! [2015-05-12 21:19:38] Demonic Music! [2015-05-12 21:19:38] sweet sweet silence [2015-05-12 21:19:38] Nope it'll return [2015-05-12 21:19:38] I missed the explanation. [2015-05-12 21:19:38] 0.o [2015-05-12 21:19:38] Oh my god, the ringing in my ears after that. [2015-05-12 21:19:39] Audio is back [2015-05-12 21:19:43] the... the stream is silent right [2015-05-12 21:19:44] Okay I'll blame D3 out of spite. [2015-05-12 21:19:44] blessed silence [2015-05-12 21:19:47] or am i deaf [2015-05-12 21:19:49] they didn't fix it, it just crashed. [2015-05-12 21:19:51] PraiseIt [2015-05-12 21:19:54] Please tell me onsite has someone watching the stream [2015-05-12 21:19:54] oh god [2015-05-12 21:19:54] Ah it still hurts even after it finished. [2015-05-12 21:19:56] #blamBlizzard [2015-05-12 21:19:56] soon as they switch scenes [2015-05-12 21:19:56] it's coming back [2015-05-12 21:19:56] Pleased as *** guy in the back still cracks me up [2015-05-12 21:19:57] can i crank up the volume will the bad noise return [2015-05-12 21:19:58] the audio will start [2015-05-12 21:19:59] Here we go again [2015-05-12 21:19:59] @Minamiyothegreat yes. [2015-05-12 21:20:00] Don't blame the stream if you chose to keep headphones on and volume up while that happened. [2015-05-12 21:20:00] @Minamiyothegreat you're deaf. RIP ears [2015-05-12 21:20:00] I'm glad I dodged that last attack against my ears. Didn't have my headset on... but do I dare put them on for the run? Kappa [2015-05-12 21:20:03] are we gucci [2015-05-12 21:20:03] maybe it's coming again? Kappa [2015-05-12 21:20:09] BRACE YOURSELVES [2015-05-12 21:20:09] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 21:20:09] you know what i'll take it [2015-05-12 21:20:09] No dont try this again the sound will back! [2015-05-12 21:20:09] what would be real great is if the problem happened again Kappa [2015-05-12 21:20:11] who's in background? [2015-05-12 21:20:12] lowering my volume just in case cirMini [2015-05-12 21:20:14] Audio is good now [2015-05-12 21:20:15] The noise is coming back, brace people BibleThump 7 [2015-05-12 21:20:15] FAT *** in the PLACE [2015-05-12 21:20:18] Sit on Metasigma's lap!!! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:20:19] Audio Glitch Hype cerHype [2015-05-12 21:20:20] GET ON THE COUCH [2015-05-12 21:20:20] guys it's a sign from above to drop Diablo 3 and play Path of Exile instead [2015-05-12 21:20:21] This stream dedicated to the Tinnitus Foundation.... [2015-05-12 21:20:21] when they'll turn the xbox on the noise will come back [2015-05-12 21:20:24] bracing... [2015-05-12 21:20:25] GAH [2015-05-12 21:20:26] <gensosuikoden has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:20:26] @Windcask yes. [2015-05-12 21:20:27] YEAAAHHH!!! [2015-05-12 21:20:28] its back [2015-05-12 21:20:29] RIP [2015-05-12 21:20:29] NO [2015-05-12 21:20:29] OW!! [2015-05-12 21:20:29] YES [2015-05-12 21:20:29] NOO [2015-05-12 21:20:29] dfrehtrhjtrtr [2015-05-12 21:20:29] oh no [2015-05-12 21:20:30] LMAO [2015-05-12 21:20:30] NOPE [2015-05-12 21:20:30] Teh rip [2015-05-12 21:20:30] NOOOOO [2015-05-12 21:20:30] FOOOOOOO [2015-05-12 21:20:31] HAH [2015-05-12 21:20:31] lmao [2015-05-12 21:20:31] OH GAWD [2015-05-12 21:20:31] omg again? [2015-05-12 21:20:31] EleGiggle [2015-05-12 21:20:31] FAWK [2015-05-12 21:20:31] RIP [2015-05-12 21:20:31] D: [2015-05-12 21:20:32] HOLY *** [2015-05-12 21:20:32] FOPIAWEHTHASWERTHIAWSRENRAG [2015-05-12 21:20:32] Crank it up! [2015-05-12 21:20:32] GAH [2015-05-12 21:20:32] noooooooo [2015-05-12 21:20:32] Nooo :( [2015-05-12 21:20:32] LOL [2015-05-12 21:20:32] *** ITS BACK! [2015-05-12 21:20:33] ITS THE CAPTURE CARD [2015-05-12 21:20:33] NOOO [2015-05-12 21:20:33] NNOOOOO [2015-05-12 21:20:33] AAAAAHHHHHH [2015-05-12 21:20:33] what a joke gg [2015-05-12 21:20:33] OUR EARS [2015-05-12 21:20:33] EARS [2015-05-12 21:20:34] Oh dear [2015-05-12 21:20:34] BabyRage [2015-05-12 21:20:34] ZOMG [2015-05-12 21:20:34] LOL [2015-05-12 21:20:34] RIP headphones users [2015-05-12 21:20:34] Not again................ [2015-05-12 21:20:34] AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [2015-05-12 21:20:34] Why is this a thing?! [2015-05-12 21:20:34] lol [2015-05-12 21:20:34] omg again? [2015-05-12 21:20:34] NOOOOO [2015-05-12 21:20:34] :c [2015-05-12 21:20:34] BabyRage [2015-05-12 21:20:34] sounds like bees [2015-05-12 21:20:35] FIX AUDIO OR RIOT [2015-05-12 21:20:35] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [2015-05-12 21:20:35] rip [2015-05-12 21:20:35] My ears ;_; [2015-05-12 21:20:35] AHA [2015-05-12 21:20:35] lmao [2015-05-12 21:20:35] lol... [2015-05-12 21:20:36] omg, my heart [2015-05-12 21:20:36] NOOOOOo!!!!! [2015-05-12 21:20:36] RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP [2015-05-12 21:20:37] NOOOOOOO [2015-05-12 21:20:37] I knew it [2015-05-12 21:20:37] *** *** [2015-05-12 21:20:37] MrDestructoid [2015-05-12 21:20:37] yeaaaaaa [2015-05-12 21:20:37] AAARGH!!! [2015-05-12 21:20:37] IT's back [2015-05-12 21:20:37] fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu [2015-05-12 21:20:38] IT'S THE CAPTURE CARD [2015-05-12 21:20:38] *** [2015-05-12 21:20:38] NIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2015-05-12 21:20:38] Stop it. Stop. [2015-05-12 21:20:38] ARGH [2015-05-12 21:20:38] OWWWWW [2015-05-12 21:20:38] ahahahah [2015-05-12 21:20:39] lol [2015-05-12 21:20:39] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2015-05-12 21:20:39] JESUSS THE BEEEEEEES [2015-05-12 21:20:39] I HAD THE VOLUME UP! [2015-05-12 21:20:40] lol audio!!! GasJoker [2015-05-12 21:20:40] NOOOOOOO [2015-05-12 21:20:40] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [2015-05-12 21:20:40] BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:20:40] dramBoo [2015-05-12 21:20:40] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 21:20:40] Seriously? [2015-05-12 21:20:40] hahaha oh damn it [2015-05-12 21:20:40] BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:20:41] rip [2015-05-12 21:20:41] BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:20:41] praise the pfftt't't't't't't't't't't't't Keepo [2015-05-12 21:20:41] HOLY *** MY EARS [2015-05-12 21:20:42] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [2015-05-12 21:20:42] RIP Ears [2015-05-12 21:20:42] OH GOD [2015-05-12 21:20:42] Xbox please [2015-05-12 21:20:42] my ears! [2015-05-12 21:20:42] Seriously. [2015-05-12 21:20:42] GUYS THIS IS INTOLERABLY [2015-05-12 21:20:42] META PLZ [2015-05-12 21:20:44] Jesus christ [2015-05-12 21:20:44] Just when I turned up my volume OpieOP [2015-05-12 21:20:45] rip sound again [2015-05-12 21:20:45] What ticking Kappa [2015-05-12 21:20:46] THERE IT IS! [2015-05-12 21:20:46] BabyRage [2015-05-12 21:20:46] just hit the xbox with thunder fist [2015-05-12 21:20:46] AUDIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2015-05-12 21:20:46] NOOOOOO MY EARS [2015-05-12 21:20:46] It got louder WutFace [2015-05-12 21:20:46] lol chat EXPLODES [2015-05-12 21:20:47] Xbox you are killing me [2015-05-12 21:20:47] BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:20:47] BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES [2015-05-12 21:20:47] Guys they're fixing it Kappa [2015-05-12 21:20:47] BabyRage [2015-05-12 21:20:47] oh dear god [2015-05-12 21:20:47] BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:20:47] FIX THE SOUND [2015-05-12 21:20:48] AUDIO BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:20:48] WHY GOD WHY! [2015-05-12 21:20:48] This game ahah [2015-05-12 21:20:49] PLS [2015-05-12 21:20:49] panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:20:49] lol it's funny because I knew it was coming back... [2015-05-12 21:20:49] DONT START [2015-05-12 21:20:49] AH! I PRE-EMPTIVELY MUTED THE STREAM [2015-05-12 21:20:49] mute time [2015-05-12 21:20:49] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2015-05-12 21:20:50] you hacks check the chat [2015-05-12 21:20:50] just in time for osey and vulajin!! w000t [2015-05-12 21:20:50] it has come back! i thing, the slenderman is coming! Kappa [2015-05-12 21:20:50] Its one of the capture cards :( [2015-05-12 21:20:51] Drop the bass Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:20:51] AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:20:51] RIP HEADPHONE USERS!!!!!!!!! [2015-05-12 21:20:52] xone ftw! [2015-05-12 21:20:52] is there nothing they can do?? [2015-05-12 21:20:52] Can we just spend the run looking at the runners [2015-05-12 21:20:53] production value sound effect [2015-05-12 21:20:53] how do audio? [2015-05-12 21:20:53] Nooooooooooo [2015-05-12 21:20:54] panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:20:55] I DONT LIKE CHARITY ANYMORE [2015-05-12 21:20:55] guys they are looking into it [2015-05-12 21:20:55] STAAHP [2015-05-12 21:20:56] then at least turn game audio off *** [2015-05-12 21:20:57] PLS oatPls [2015-05-12 21:20:58] this is why you don't buy xbox people [2015-05-12 21:20:58] @Rpglimitbreak please disconnect the game sound [2015-05-12 21:20:58] DO THEY NOT LOOK AT THE CHAT!!! [2015-05-12 21:20:59] CRASH! PLEASE CRASH! [2015-05-12 21:20:59] heh. [2015-05-12 21:20:59] Just when I thought it was over [2015-05-12 21:20:59] HEEEEELLLLLL'S BELLLLLLS [2015-05-12 21:21:00] ZOMG what is heppen [2015-05-12 21:21:00] panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket [2015-05-12 21:21:00] i was looking forward to the commentary on this run lol. oh well/ [2015-05-12 21:21:01] something is horribly wrong [2015-05-12 21:21:02] Guys Please fix the audio. I am wearing headphones and am now deaf because of the audio errors. Please no Copy Pasterino [2015-05-12 21:21:02] tppRiot [2015-05-12 21:21:03] OSbury [2015-05-12 21:21:03] FIX IT YOU MEANIES [2015-05-12 21:21:03] I TRUSTED YOU, AND TURNED UP THE VOLUME AGAIN! NOW MY EARHOLE DED! [2015-05-12 21:21:03] Sounds good to me [2015-05-12 21:21:05] SmoothMcGrooves new song! HYPE [2015-05-12 21:21:08] man this sound [2015-05-12 21:21:09] man the music on the console version is a lot worse [2015-05-12 21:21:10] RIP ears [2015-05-12 21:21:10] Xbox quality [2015-05-12 21:21:10] kinda funny though that it happened again :D [2015-05-12 21:21:11] is something special [2015-05-12 21:21:11] GAME AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:21:11] this is unwatchable [2015-05-12 21:21:11] STOP THE MADNESS [2015-05-12 21:21:11] I can faintly hear them [2015-05-12 21:21:12] Mikalia, and they should stop until they finish looking into it [2015-05-12 21:21:12] HEY FIX TEH AUDIO MAN [2015-05-12 21:21:13] FIX IT [2015-05-12 21:21:13] what the actual *** [2015-05-12 21:21:14] Guys Please fix the audio. I am wearing headphones and am now deaf because of the audio errors. Please no Copy Pasterino [2015-05-12 21:21:14] @Mikalia LISTEN into it [2015-05-12 21:21:14] @RPGLimitBreak @Mikalia Cut the game audio while you're fixing it! [2015-05-12 21:21:14] yay! everything is good! Kappa [2015-05-12 21:21:16] audio = sevRekt [2015-05-12 21:21:17] I need charity now [2015-05-12 21:21:21] wow, no audio? [2015-05-12 21:21:21] REKT [2015-05-12 21:21:21] Pause the run [2015-05-12 21:21:22] FIX THE AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:21:23] Please... .please have mercy on us... [2015-05-12 21:21:23] Rip My Eardrums [2015-05-12 21:21:24] DESYNC WutFace [2015-05-12 21:21:24] Maybe after 30 minutes my mind will filter out the noise [2015-05-12 21:21:25] hehe who can you start the run wtf [2015-05-12 21:21:25] permanent mute from now on [2015-05-12 21:21:27] fix [2015-05-12 21:21:27] Gotta keep the schedule guys Kappa [2015-05-12 21:21:27] RESTART!! [2015-05-12 21:21:27] Halp [2015-05-12 21:21:28] The capture card is going cray [2015-05-12 21:21:30] omg, plz fix [2015-05-12 21:21:31] GET TO DE CHOPPAH [2015-05-12 21:21:32] want to leave, can't stop watching [2015-05-12 21:21:32] Rattlesnake% audio issues [2015-05-12 21:21:35] Guys Please fix the audio. I am wearing headphones and am now deaf because of the audio errors. Please no Copy Pasterino [2015-05-12 21:21:35] FIX THE AUDIO!! GUYS!!! [2015-05-12 21:21:35] and they're just going ahead with the run anyway? [2015-05-12 21:21:36] Stop the run. Kill the computer or whatever, burn the house and nuke the country. [2015-05-12 21:21:37] can donations go to the center for the deaf to help the viewers watching this? [2015-05-12 21:21:37] Sound destruction ripCry [2015-05-12 21:21:38] the audio problem is known, just mute the stream for the moment [2015-05-12 21:21:38] Guys, just listen to the sound for a few minutes and then you'll go deaf and not have to worry about it any more. Simple. OpieOP [2015-05-12 21:21:40] yeah... how are you going to continue this and just let it happen. You're asking for people to stop watching [2015-05-12 21:21:40] Do the demon hunters have miniguns or something? Kappa [2015-05-12 21:21:42] FIX THE AUDIO!! [2015-05-12 21:21:43] CorgiDerp such audio [2015-05-12 21:21:48] #ripaudiot #theydontevennotice [2015-05-12 21:21:49] audio pls [2015-05-12 21:21:50] "mute the stream"? [2015-05-12 21:21:50] I blame meta, his flex powers are too strong for the audio [2015-05-12 21:21:50] so [2015-05-12 21:21:51] Now this is [2015-05-12 21:21:51] ZX Spectrum music? DansGame [2015-05-12 21:21:51] there's a loose conection [2015-05-12 21:21:51] IT BURNS [2015-05-12 21:21:52] HELP ME JESUS HELP ME GOD HELP ME SNAKE PLISKIN [2015-05-12 21:21:54] that's a terrible solution [2015-05-12 21:21:54] ConcernDoge [2015-05-12 21:21:54] Amazing [2015-05-12 21:21:56] much pff't't't't't [2015-05-12 21:21:56] They know about the problem guys cirFairy [2015-05-12 21:21:57] Get to the Choppa!!! [2015-05-12 21:21:59] Dmemon Hunters have Hand Crossbows. [2015-05-12 21:22:00] dramCat // [2015-05-12 21:22:01] @Thelcc @Flankitty can you ask them to cut sound from whichever source is causing it [2015-05-12 21:22:04] aaaarggh, I've been struck by white noise [2015-05-12 21:22:05] what do you guys wanna talk about? [2015-05-12 21:22:08] FIX THAT AUDIO ripCry [2015-05-12 21:22:08] We can't hear anything except guns. What's the point? O.o [2015-05-12 21:22:10] pause the goddamn run [2015-05-12 21:22:11] agreed thelcc [2015-05-12 21:22:11] Do something this is serious we can't watch like this, well maybe we can but we can't hear [2015-05-12 21:22:12] They said they are working on it [2015-05-12 21:22:12] hookers [2015-05-12 21:22:13] if everyone leaves it might work [2015-05-12 21:22:14] omg fix that *** [2015-05-12 21:22:14] Workin on it folks, just mute for a bit, we'll give the all clear [2015-05-12 21:22:15] BloodySeraph, then why did they let the run continue ? [2015-05-12 21:22:17] I want this stupid sound to be fixed, I want Congress to actually hear a commission upon a report on different stages of sound fixes possible upon special attention or whatev- darnit. [2015-05-12 21:22:20] Omg the audio DansGame [2015-05-12 21:22:22] TWITTER SAYS THEY ARE FIXING THE AUDIO ISSUES [2015-05-12 21:22:22] Just setup it properly, we can't even heard the commentary, what's the point in running it? [2015-05-12 21:22:23] My headphones are on the other side of the room. I can still hear it [2015-05-12 21:22:23] dwdBabby O O O [2015-05-12 21:22:24] seriously, look at chat. jesus [2015-05-12 21:22:25] teh urn teh urn :/ [2015-05-12 21:22:26] someone call meta's phone [2015-05-12 21:22:26] GUYS, we NEED TO COPYPASTA IN ORDER FOR THEM TO NOTICE [2015-05-12 21:22:26] I think its a helicopter actually [2015-05-12 21:22:28] Youtube will NOT appreciate this when watching the VODs, guys! [2015-05-12 21:22:29] Ded I tell you! Ears are ded I tell you! [2015-05-12 21:22:29] THANKS SEAWOLF! [2015-05-12 21:22:31] we get signal, someone set us up the noise [2015-05-12 21:22:33] best tech LCC you should adopt this in your stream [2015-05-12 21:22:34] Phased85: I t [2015-05-12 21:22:37] Just mute gamesound and let us listen to the commentary please [2015-05-12 21:22:37] who plugged the audio cable upside down?? [2015-05-12 21:22:38] Fix your isht and restart. [2015-05-12 21:22:39] @Minamy I wanna talk about Bloodstains what about you? [2015-05-12 21:22:42] WR run incoming. VOD will be muted Kappa [2015-05-12 21:22:43] GUYS, we NEED TO COPYPASTA IN ORDER FOR THEM TO NOTICE [2015-05-12 21:22:43] who brought the roflcopter [2015-05-12 21:22:44] it's amusing how desynced their positions are at points [2015-05-12 21:22:46] <tomdon0783 has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:22:46] @Theseawolf1 Pretty sure it's the broadcasters responsibility to mute said audio until it's fixed. [2015-05-12 21:22:47] <evilalien103 has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:22:48] Guys Please fix the audio. I am wearing headphones and am now deaf because of the audio errors. Please no Copy Pasterino [2015-05-12 21:22:48] It's like a machine gun in my brain! [2015-05-12 21:22:51] RIP My hears : 1991-2015 [2015-05-12 21:22:51] Maybe because they don't want to have the whole schedule delayed right from the beginning mxBug [2015-05-12 21:22:52] d3 is like silent hill, all those zombies are producing static [2015-05-12 21:22:54] <berniemule has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:22:55] FIX THE AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:22:57] I'd rather hear them witn no game sound than not hear anything (unless they need audio cues). [2015-05-12 21:22:59] <kamenwriter85 has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:23:04] Deleted? [2015-05-12 21:23:05] get to da choppa [2015-05-12 21:23:05] FIX THE AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:23:07] <hunkyquark has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:23:12] It's being worked on per twitter [2015-05-12 21:23:13] alien didnt do anything bad [2015-05-12 21:23:17] nope [2015-05-12 21:23:20] It's desyncd because xbox. Lol. [2015-05-12 21:23:21] They are working on the audio [2015-05-12 21:23:24] lol you timed out a legit comment... [2015-05-12 21:23:30] lol [2015-05-12 21:23:30] PLZ That Audio is killing me o_O [2015-05-12 21:23:32] Mallaka [2015-05-12 21:23:38] you know what will get people to stop being disruptive... FIXING THE GOD DAMN AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:23:38] The audio is good [2015-05-12 21:23:40] While they're working on the audio, speedrunners are speedrunnig. [2015-05-12 21:23:40] Anyway.... [2015-05-12 21:23:42] <culain has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:23:43] Please odn't change it it's fine [2015-05-12 21:23:44] They are working on it. Just mute the stream [2015-05-12 21:23:45] If they know about it why isn't the run paued? [2015-05-12 21:23:45] Oh God [2015-05-12 21:23:49] I see audio problems have precipitated censorship and fascism [2015-05-12 21:23:50] 47 [2015-05-12 21:23:52] Still a better lovestory than twilight SwiftRage [2015-05-12 21:23:54] mute the stream, don't act like fuckin' martyrs, lol [2015-05-12 21:23:55] <windcask has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:23:56] Because watching silent movies is fun, right? [2015-05-12 21:23:56] I bet this is a new 360 feature [2015-05-12 21:23:58] Has somebody caught that people are actually interested in that speedrun and would like to follow it in the best conditions? [2015-05-12 21:23:58] audio is fine for me. y'all just need better speakers [2015-05-12 21:23:58] cuz it would put the marathon behind schedule. o3o [2015-05-12 21:23:59] AUDIOBREAK 2015 [2015-05-12 21:24:00] ma ears are bleeding [2015-05-12 21:24:00] The layout for the marathon looks really nice :D [2015-05-12 21:24:01] the marathon must go on [2015-05-12 21:24:03] Because we're already behind [2015-05-12 21:24:12] the layout is really nice, yeah [2015-05-12 21:24:13] I actually have the audio on my headphones so I can let you all know when its good, just relax a bita bit [2015-05-12 21:24:15] the noise is here to stay, deal with it [2015-05-12 21:24:15] Can we get an update on what's wrong with the audio and an ETA on when it should be fixed? [2015-05-12 21:24:17] They could easily kill game audio on stream and still hear it themselves. Would be nice to hear commentary. [2015-05-12 21:24:17] the guy in back looks like he is enjoying himself [2015-05-12 21:24:18] I lost THREE minutes of that speedrun, having no idea what they said or what the game even sounded like. [2015-05-12 21:24:19] MUH EARS! / BibleThump \ [2015-05-12 21:24:26] Do the runners know they shouldn't bother talking? [2015-05-12 21:24:28] guys, pause the run. This is NOT a viable solution to work on it on the fly. [2015-05-12 21:24:28] peace [2015-05-12 21:24:28] The reason people are acting up to have the stream paused, is because we like listening to them as they play [2015-05-12 21:24:30] DONATE TO END AUDIO [2015-05-12 21:24:31] audio is being worked on [2015-05-12 21:24:31] vuld dude -_- [2015-05-12 21:24:36] You're all smart. You know this. [2015-05-12 21:24:36] audio is kill [2015-05-12 21:24:37] <um3w has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:24:37] sort out the audio [2015-05-12 21:24:37] thanks for the updates Theseawolf1 [2015-05-12 21:24:39] Instead of just watching with it muted [2015-05-12 21:24:39] i've muted stream please say when it's fixed- [2015-05-12 21:24:48] o/ Dan God of Thunder. [2015-05-12 21:24:49] mods will say when its fixed [2015-05-12 21:24:50] @Vuld_edone you lost 3 minutes of something that no one else had? Doesn't seem like a loss at all [2015-05-12 21:24:51] ears bleeding, must still ... endure [2015-05-12 21:24:53] Hell's Bells Plz [2015-05-12 21:24:55] YAY Audio is fixed! [2015-05-12 21:24:56] the audio issue is enhancing my chat experience Kappa [2015-05-12 21:24:57] no one has the sound on i bet [2015-05-12 21:24:58] @Kurossuelemenze bboyHi [2015-05-12 21:25:01] this concrete music marathon is definitely going somewhere [2015-05-12 21:25:01] <thatidiotuhate has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:25:02] It's like a Paper Mario: TTYD run. What ticking? [2015-05-12 21:25:05] is this Hardcore? [2015-05-12 21:25:06] They've already said they're going to say when it's fixed. Calm down and let them work. [2015-05-12 21:25:06] Opti'... just... let them delete me and shut up. [2015-05-12 21:25:07] It sounds like a mini helicopter [2015-05-12 21:25:08] do not trust anyone saying it is fixed unless it's a mod [2015-05-12 21:25:08] yo, just cut the game sound and get someone on the couch to do the sound effects and the guy in the back sings the music a capella [2015-05-12 21:25:08] Lallieprefont, it's not like the rest of the marathon is going to be muted. Chill [2015-05-12 21:25:10] dookel can get REKT [2015-05-12 21:25:12] Muted is no fun:( [2015-05-12 21:25:13] BRRTRRTRTTRTRTRTRTRTTRTRTRTRTRTRTTRTRTRTRTTRTRTR [2015-05-12 21:25:14] this audio is [2015-05-12 21:25:17] <metowa has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:25:17] darn i'm missing valuable info on how to speedrun d3 [2015-05-12 21:25:17] dookel, you jerk. it was not! you owe me 5 decibels back! [2015-05-12 21:25:18] are they even working on the audio seems more like they aren't even paying attention and that he's thinking we are listening without looking at chat [2015-05-12 21:25:18] I'm being a fanboy, is all. [2015-05-12 21:25:21] <nr_chris has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:25:23] this audio is not helping my mental illnessess! ugh!!!!!! [2015-05-12 21:25:23] scrubSmug [2015-05-12 21:25:25] i cant get video or audio on my android phone. [2015-05-12 21:25:25] are they even reading the chat? [2015-05-12 21:25:30] does agqd/sgqd have these problems too? [2015-05-12 21:25:31] Omg is it me or is the audio rip? [2015-05-12 21:25:35] press the speaker button beside the pause button. [2015-05-12 21:25:36] they know of the issue [2015-05-12 21:25:36] nice kappa bro calebKappa [2015-05-12 21:25:39] DianaET, don't joke around [2015-05-12 21:25:39] rainbow sherbert kappa looks pretty yummy [2015-05-12 21:25:40] A pause Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:25:40] is this from monstercat's new album? [2015-05-12 21:25:41] yes, audio issue is being worked on [2015-05-12 21:25:42] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:25:43] fixt? [2015-05-12 21:25:44] :o [2015-05-12 21:25:44] dramAhh TURN UP [2015-05-12 21:25:45] @Lottinius They're working on the audio, they tweeted several minutes ago. [2015-05-12 21:25:46] @Soulcrusher842 I'm getting same thing. Audio is fuxxored [2015-05-12 21:25:46] ah ok [2015-05-12 21:25:46] thank [2015-05-12 21:25:47] the ticking is gone <3 [2015-05-12 21:25:48] It's fixed [2015-05-12 21:25:48] OH? [2015-05-12 21:25:48] Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:25:50] Sweet relief! [2015-05-12 21:25:50] What? It's not supposed to sound like a locus swarm? [2015-05-12 21:25:51] they muted the game audio i think [2015-05-12 21:25:51] quiet [2015-05-12 21:25:53] not fixed [2015-05-12 21:25:53] Oh lord, finally. [2015-05-12 21:25:54] Shoutouts to the mods for being awesome [2015-05-12 21:25:54] wow my ears are legit ringing now lol [2015-05-12 21:25:55] woot [2015-05-12 21:25:57] We're good to go [2015-05-12 21:25:57] This audio is giving me a second mental illness ripCry [2015-05-12 21:25:57] spiritWEEE spiritWEEE spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 21:25:58] this vod is gonna be incredible, lol [2015-05-12 21:25:58] now fixed [2015-05-12 21:26:00] ok it seems to be fine now [2015-05-12 21:26:03] A bit quiet now, but thats in the works [2015-05-12 21:26:03] Game audio muted can hear runners [2015-05-12 21:26:03] yay cirHappy [2015-05-12 21:26:04] I just tuned in and my ears are rip :) [2015-05-12 21:26:06] OMG [2015-05-12 21:26:07] does anyone have metasigma phone number? [2015-05-12 21:26:08] sans game audio for now [2015-05-12 21:26:09] Fixed, but, seems a bit quiet. [2015-05-12 21:26:09] nice thanks [2015-05-12 21:26:10] not for me :( [2015-05-12 21:26:10] YAY! Fixed! :-l [2015-05-12 21:26:12] hooray my mental illnesses are under control again xDD [2015-05-12 21:26:12] omg the ringing in my ears [2015-05-12 21:26:13] :-) [2015-05-12 21:26:15] Yay~ [2015-05-12 21:26:15] Thank you tech people cirLove [2015-05-12 21:26:17] Now turn up commentators [2015-05-12 21:26:18] i kinda miss it now, you never know what you have til it's gone T.T [2015-05-12 21:26:19] I miss that noise. BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:26:19] yeah, my ears are doing funny things now WutFace [2015-05-12 21:26:19] \o/ [2015-05-12 21:26:20] Any event being broadcasted live is bound to have issues that arise. People don't like being shouted at when they're working their hardest to fix issues and put on as good a show as they can. [2015-05-12 21:26:21] Good job!! [2015-05-12 21:26:24] Seriously, though - that's the point in commenting if they know nobody could hear? [2015-05-12 21:26:24] I miss the sound. [2015-05-12 21:26:26] malfCuddle [2015-05-12 21:26:27] We lost game audio it seems, but its good anyway [2015-05-12 21:26:28] Now I don't hear anything [2015-05-12 21:26:30] Sorry about that.... [2015-05-12 21:26:30] Now we can listen to Vulajin wonderful voice. cirThree [2015-05-12 21:26:30] lol it's not fixed if there's absolutely no audio FailFish [2015-05-12 21:26:31] Thanks tech crew :D [2015-05-12 21:26:31] spiritWEEE spiritWEEE spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 21:26:33] it's hella quiet [2015-05-12 21:26:36] My ears OpieOP [2015-05-12 21:26:36] We love you Essentia [2015-05-12 21:26:36] Yeah, please, couch, repeat everything you already said for those last 5 minutes, we "might" have missed it. [2015-05-12 21:26:37] Essentia spiritSlime / [2015-05-12 21:26:39] It's just really quiet deggget [2015-05-12 21:26:41] o/ Spud and Essentia [2015-05-12 21:26:42] Hey PatatoHandle o/ [2015-05-12 21:26:42] Essentia, you should make that the official Demon Chocobo sound. [2015-05-12 21:26:45] @Potatohandle Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:26:46] Hello spud [2015-05-12 21:26:46] d3 audio isn't really important imo [2015-05-12 21:26:48] if they were working their hardest, they wouldn't KNOW they were being shouted at [2015-05-12 21:26:49] over 100 viewers lost [2015-05-12 21:26:51] Play it any time Demon Chocobo is onscreen [2015-05-12 21:26:51] Potater <3 [2015-05-12 21:26:52] XONERIS calebFlexR [2015-05-12 21:26:52] lol essentia, that's no fair, you have mom ear filters [2015-05-12 21:26:52] I bet UA is somewhere screaming "who hooked this up to this" [2015-05-12 21:26:54] hii potato [2015-05-12 21:26:54] so [2015-05-12 21:26:56] @Essentiafour bboyHi [2015-05-12 21:26:58] it's gone but I can still hear it. xD [2015-05-12 21:27:00] Pusherman PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:27:03] that noise must have sounded like a babbling brook to you [2015-05-12 21:27:03] 'Erro boys and girls. spudApproves [2015-05-12 21:27:06] o/ Flan Kitty! [2015-05-12 21:27:07] /me Hugs @Flankitty [2015-05-12 21:27:10] oh okay it's the console version of D3? That's okay then. The console version is an okay beat'emup, but the PC version is utter garbage [2015-05-12 21:27:12] The sound will live on in our hearts. [2015-05-12 21:27:13] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:27:17] [purr] [2015-05-12 21:27:19] If they were playing on PC you could micro attack-move. I never understood the console version of Diablo [2015-05-12 21:27:22] Hi Potato <:3 )~ [2015-05-12 21:27:23] "So how was Limitbreak?" - "Like a rock concert, but without the music." [2015-05-12 21:27:26] Our hearts will go on, without the sound [2015-05-12 21:27:31] goodluck osey and vula! may the RNG gods be with you! [2015-05-12 21:27:31] rpgEarsBleed [2015-05-12 21:27:32] Now I know what DemonChocobo sounds like [2015-05-12 21:27:34] oc EVERYONE I know then. [2015-05-12 21:27:36] slyphin subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 21:27:36] slyphin subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 21:27:36] is it possible to switch which side each video is on? so it mirrors the way they're sitting on the couch? [2015-05-12 21:27:37] essentia Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:27:41] is it ros or vanilla? [2015-05-12 21:27:44] We should use that sound whenever Demon Chocobo is winning. rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 21:27:45] Yes, this is the 360 version of Diablo, so they can play as close to vanilla as possible. It's far less prone to patches. [2015-05-12 21:27:47] vanilla [2015-05-12 21:27:48] Hey guys, where can I get the soundtrack to what they were playing before? That song was brilliant. [2015-05-12 21:27:48] Chat may have overreacted, but the people acting like there should have been no complaints are just stupid. [2015-05-12 21:27:49] vanilla Majiebeast [2015-05-12 21:27:49] The sound will live in my soul for entire 4 straight lives BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:27:50] They have people watching the chat as well. Do you people not understand that this entertainment is completely free and is also really high quality? Some of you people are so ridiculously entitled it's hilarious. [2015-05-12 21:27:53] runner audio still pretty low [2015-05-12 21:28:04] the sound might be gone, but the dread of increasing my volume will be forever with me [2015-05-12 21:28:12] 3 month sub hype ζ'ヮ')ζ [2015-05-12 21:28:15] what do you mean you people? racist! [2015-05-12 21:28:15] I'll agree that the timeouts felt a bit petty. [2015-05-12 21:28:17] why do ppl even speedrun d3 if they could just speedrun d2 [2015-05-12 21:28:23] no idea bro [2015-05-12 21:28:27] because they also speedrun d2 [2015-05-12 21:28:28] They don't get immunity from criticism [2015-05-12 21:28:30] because it's a different game? [2015-05-12 21:28:32] I'm totally entitled to have hate, so give me hate. [2015-05-12 21:28:33] might be because they hate themselves [2015-05-12 21:28:37] Do what I do ialdabaoth, wear headphones and advance courageously [2015-05-12 21:28:40] Is this just to max level? [2015-05-12 21:28:40] Keya_Uchnouma the thing is you have to look at D3 from its terrible design perspective. It's an attempt at the usual blizzard casual crap, but oddly when it got adapted from PC to console it changed into a moderately fun beat'emup like, say, the X-Men or Simpsons arcade beat'emups [2015-05-12 21:28:47] you can give critique in a polite manner as well ζ'ヮ')ζ [2015-05-12 21:28:48] People complaining about time outs obv haven't read the rules. [2015-05-12 21:28:54] yeah, I don't wanna turn up my sound to hear the runners and have that noise come back and rek me [2015-05-12 21:28:55] still no legendaries kick it up to torment VI [2015-05-12 21:28:55] The run ends when Diablo dies. [2015-05-12 21:29:13] never seen those 2 in the d2 speedrun scene [2015-05-12 21:29:16] spoilers plz Kappa [2015-05-12 21:29:17] Diablo ends when the run dies! [2015-05-12 21:29:18] seawolf :P [2015-05-12 21:29:23] Take a chance. Dun be scurred. [2015-05-12 21:29:25] they only go to diablo? no act 5? [2015-05-12 21:29:29] Vulajin looks like Peaches from this perspective [2015-05-12 21:29:34] 100% w/ boosted outpit, headphones. bring on the pain. ;p [2015-05-12 21:29:39] This is Vanilla, there is no Act 5. [2015-05-12 21:29:40] Afaik this is not reaper of souls [2015-05-12 21:29:44] Si when is the Hearthstone speedrun? [2015-05-12 21:29:50] That's the spirit, Runefactor. [2015-05-12 21:29:54] Nice icons for the runners cerFancy [2015-05-12 21:30:00] ohh, i just assumed RoS, ok then [2015-05-12 21:30:16] So, why are they doing 360? I don't know if they explained it or not [2015-05-12 21:30:21] is audio fixed? [2015-05-12 21:30:26] Yes Luca [2015-05-12 21:30:27] yes [2015-05-12 21:30:27] osey sounds different [2015-05-12 21:30:27] fixed [2015-05-12 21:30:28] The only way to beat hearthstone is to not even play that snoozefest. [2015-05-12 21:30:29] yes [2015-05-12 21:30:31] oki thx [2015-05-12 21:30:32] Audio's good Don_Luca [2015-05-12 21:30:44] The 360 version of Diablo is so they can play as close to vanilla as possible. It's far less prone to patches. [2015-05-12 21:30:44] the audio is a bit low, but its functioning ^_^ [2015-05-12 21:30:46] it's way too quiet though [2015-05-12 21:30:49] Good evening everyone. How is everybody today? [2015-05-12 21:30:55] deaf [2015-05-12 21:31:00] they're doing 360 because PC Diablo 3 is a terrible game :P [2015-05-12 21:31:08] i mean i have it on max, and i am having issues hearing osey [2015-05-12 21:31:09] Ears bleeding, otherwise okay. [2015-05-12 21:31:11] Vulajin is getting swarmed :o [2015-05-12 21:31:13] who is nami? [2015-05-12 21:31:22] she's the navigator [2015-05-12 21:31:25] I like bows, look kind of cute oô [2015-05-12 21:31:25] blizzard did a pretty good job making this game work with a controller [2015-05-12 21:31:32] they are doing on 360 because they can delete the save to ensure that it is not a NG+ run [2015-05-12 21:31:39] ^ [2015-05-12 21:31:39] will they be using the Auction House to make this run quicker? Kappa [2015-05-12 21:31:41] @DiosGX yeah I was impressed too [2015-05-12 21:31:55] they managed to salvage something out of the D3 train wreck [2015-05-12 21:31:56] Bon apetitos, vive les hamburger :D [2015-05-12 21:32:03] PC d3 is a good game now but ti didn't start out that way [2015-05-12 21:32:13] META FLEXX [2015-05-12 21:32:15] I remember the previews for this game and it looked so good with the bosses doing things like fatalities on you. Then Blizzard gave up on making it awesome :< [2015-05-12 21:32:25] meta being too quiet here! [2015-05-12 21:32:27] ya auction house tycoon was so awful [2015-05-12 21:32:30] is pc d3 now like console d3? [2015-05-12 21:32:34] man I own this game AND the expansion but every time I start it up I remember playing through it at launch and just think "why am I not playing Path of Exile right now" [2015-05-12 21:32:43] ...essentia's house? really? [2015-05-12 21:32:48] POE YESS [2015-05-12 21:32:51] PoE is phenomenal, no surprises there [2015-05-12 21:33:01] eyyyyy PoE players in the house [2015-05-12 21:33:05] you guys rock [2015-05-12 21:33:05] giav Awakening kthxb [2015-05-12 21:33:09] Love the website layout though guys [2015-05-12 21:33:09] :) [2015-05-12 21:33:21] first two SGDQ's were at Essentia's house if I'm recalling correctly [2015-05-12 21:33:24] add me as ShadowYukiko in the live version or LilianaLordoftheDead in the beta :D [2015-05-12 21:33:29] Correct Zero [2015-05-12 21:33:44] hi tu all meta, osey & vulajin friend [2015-05-12 21:33:53] so Essentia is used to hoarding gaggles of idiots? [2015-05-12 21:33:53] chat [2015-05-12 21:33:55] mouse <3 [2015-05-12 21:33:59] Loreweaver15, I'll never remember by the time I load the game up again but feel free to add my username [2015-05-12 21:33:59] Hi Jeannot~ [2015-05-12 21:34:00] fun diablo fact: diablo 3 is a fine game, diablo 2 fans generally just feel entitled and think that any change is bad [2015-05-12 21:34:04] Do the Mini-Essentias stay with family I presume? [2015-05-12 21:34:08] man isn't the Flashback league fun as hell though [2015-05-12 21:34:15] So glad to get home and see this is on and running smoothly. [2015-05-12 21:34:27] Fun Diablo 3: upon release, it lagged before I met the first enemy. [2015-05-12 21:34:30] I kinda imagine Essentia's house to be a mansion [2015-05-12 21:34:39] Shakey argument? Better bring up entitlement. [2015-05-12 21:34:43] D3 is pretty fun now that the RMAH has been scrubbed. cirThree [2015-05-12 21:34:49] was ruined when they made inferno easy [2015-05-12 21:34:50] Hello :) [2015-05-12 21:34:52] I imagine Essentia's house to the the opera house in FF6 [2015-05-12 21:34:57] Jeptyben, as everything in america, essentia's house is huge KappaHD [2015-05-12 21:34:58] Fellly PogChamp/ [2015-05-12 21:34:59] spud <3 [2015-05-12 21:35:01] felly <3 [2015-05-12 21:35:01] Spud cirPrise [2015-05-12 21:35:03] Diablo 3 on PC is fun as hell now [2015-05-12 21:35:08] DS just doesn't have that end game satisfaction that D2 had. It's pvp is non-existent [2015-05-12 21:35:11] D3* [2015-05-12 21:35:17] Jeanno <3 [2015-05-12 21:35:19] 'Erro Jeannot and Felly. cirPrise/ [2015-05-12 21:35:30] ThatsFairZack try Path of Exile. It's the real D2 successor AND free [2015-05-12 21:35:31] Hey Felly @(_@ [2015-05-12 21:35:33] spud PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:35:34] lol, Diablo PVP. [2015-05-12 21:35:34] You're a Templar!! [2015-05-12 21:35:36] Still play D2 sometimes. Can't let it go but I enjoyed D3 on 360 atleast^^ [2015-05-12 21:35:36] d3 is good now that the AH is gone and legendaries actually drop and do fun things [2015-05-12 21:35:36] Hi Fellly [2015-05-12 21:35:37] fun fact: some people just didn't like diablo 3 as much and that's okay. [2015-05-12 21:35:37] i enjoy D3 quite a lot. Everyone is allowed to like whatever they like. If you don't like it, don't play it, ezpz. [2015-05-12 21:35:44] can someone please confirm/deny my theory? [2015-05-12 21:35:45] Hey Mus [2015-05-12 21:35:52] is this like agdq or something? [2015-05-12 21:35:53] Jack. PogChamp b [2015-05-12 21:35:55] Fellly didn't say hi to me? DansGame Kappa [2015-05-12 21:36:00] D3's game at it's core is relatively good. It just doesn't have great replayability [2015-05-12 21:36:01] Also, is there a donation counter somewhere? [2015-05-12 21:36:04] who's a templar? [2015-05-12 21:36:11] Oh sorry, hey Green :) [2015-05-12 21:36:11] Jonnnnndarrrrrrrr [2015-05-12 21:36:13] Iam8up: it's an offshoot, yes [2015-05-12 21:36:17] hahahaha lol xDDDD i love that voice xD [2015-05-12 21:36:19] ok ty [2015-05-12 21:36:21] You were a templar, JONDAR! [2015-05-12 21:36:29] that was a thing lol 10/10 [2015-05-12 21:36:34] Path of Exile was kinda shitty tbh [2015-05-12 21:36:53] PoE is great due to the freedom allowed. [2015-05-12 21:36:54] If Path of Exile played and controlled as well as D3, I'd love it. [2015-05-12 21:37:00] Donation counter? It exchanges with the "up next" deally, if that's what you're referring to. [2015-05-12 21:37:00] Dotop cirFairy [2015-05-12 21:37:04] idk Path Of Exile was kinda fun on certain parts [2015-05-12 21:37:07] Doicm :) [2015-05-12 21:37:12] hi Fellly :) [2015-05-12 21:37:20] cirMini [2015-05-12 21:37:21] Shawn5691 they're testing a deterministic lockstep mode like D3's that people can use if their ping is good [2015-05-12 21:37:22] play hc and try to be in the top 10 [2015-05-12 21:37:25] but it didn't have the fluidity of D3 [2015-05-12 21:37:25] Oh templar you're such a zealot. Don't ever change <3 [2015-05-12 21:37:26] Has the kh run been? [2015-05-12 21:37:29] 1400 people on first day. awesome [2015-05-12 21:37:33] kh run hasn't happened yet [2015-05-12 21:37:36] No Gaming [2015-05-12 21:37:39] Oh good [2015-05-12 21:37:40] this is only the 2nd run [2015-05-12 21:37:42] hey doicm how you doing man [2015-05-12 21:37:43] PLEASE turn up the volume [2015-05-12 21:37:45] Seriously want to see that. [2015-05-12 21:37:50] They are saving the big guns for the weekend [2015-05-12 21:37:50] hey xero. doing okay myself. how about you? [2015-05-12 21:37:51] cirHonk [2015-05-12 21:37:57] gogogogogogogogogogogogo hype :P [2015-05-12 21:37:59] used to love D2 style games when i was younger but nowadays they just dont hold my interest [2015-05-12 21:38:03] Hi Yag [2015-05-12 21:38:04] good wishing i could be there for mmbn3 [2015-05-12 21:38:08] where is HS? he's supposed to sleep next to vulajin Kappa [2015-05-12 21:38:09] Good evening ^^ [2015-05-12 21:38:18] : [2015-05-12 21:38:20] Yagamoth PogChamp/ [2015-05-12 21:38:21] if anything, help commentate in the chat ^_^ [2015-05-12 21:38:26] yeah!! fight that dragon lord kILL HIM! xDD [2015-05-12 21:38:33] anyways I'll add you KizoFieva but I'm gonna check out. I don't enjoy D3 enough [2015-05-12 21:38:34] will do man [2015-05-12 21:38:38] thanks :) [2015-05-12 21:38:50] HS is here in the living room [2015-05-12 21:38:52] anythingt ohelp [2015-05-12 21:38:54] spiritSlime Kreygasm spiritSlime PUFF-PUFF [2015-05-12 21:38:57] anything to help*** [2015-05-12 21:38:59] hype!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD [2015-05-12 21:39:15] doicm you better shout out all of us in the mega man community lol [2015-05-12 21:39:24] needs more gratuitous tactical rolls Kappa [2015-05-12 21:39:29] double demon hunters i like it [2015-05-12 21:39:31] "shout out to...everyone...in the mega man community..." [2015-05-12 21:39:32] What's this about puff-puff~? [2015-05-12 21:39:35] oh HS got a sub button eh? nice grats to him :) [2015-05-12 21:39:39] that'll do, right? Kappa [2015-05-12 21:39:44] oops [2015-05-12 21:39:45] spiritWink Puff Puff spiritWink [2015-05-12 21:39:49] doicm with the Kappa [2015-05-12 21:39:50] HS is esports now [2015-05-12 21:39:55] are you there yet doicm? [2015-05-12 21:39:55] what is difficulty? [2015-05-12 21:39:56] spiritWink [2015-05-12 21:40:01] Puff Puff cirLewd [2015-05-12 21:40:02] Zunima, normal [2015-05-12 21:40:17] l o l [2015-05-12 21:40:18] Easy, actually. [2015-05-12 21:40:19] The skeleton king is a heavy hitter o.o [2015-05-12 21:40:21] yeah. i'm in the living room. [2015-05-12 21:40:36] If you strike me down, I will return more powerful than you can possibly imagine! [2015-05-12 21:40:36] oh tell ghost_wheel i said hey when you get a chance [2015-05-12 21:40:37] i only live an hour away from location, so np for me [2015-05-12 21:40:38] doicm keepin it real before MMBN [2015-05-12 21:40:41] hey Felly, did ya see my recent pics on twitter? PoleDoge [2015-05-12 21:40:45] Skeleton king doesn't hit for crap until he has a Divine Rapier Kappa [2015-05-12 21:40:55] i will do so...once i recognize who is who... >_> [2015-05-12 21:41:08] ghost_wheel is on donations right now [2015-05-12 21:41:16] Reese: I havent been on lately [2015-05-12 21:41:21] Doicm are you gonna use Zeus Hammer? Kappa [2015-05-12 21:41:23] ahh okay [2015-05-12 21:41:39] Who thought it was a good idea to make D3 online only? [2015-05-12 21:41:56] Isn't DRM great, guys! Kappa [2015-05-12 21:42:05] i...i need like 40 extra minutes for z hammer BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:42:07] recognize people your a bn runner THE most recognizible of all speedrunners [2015-05-12 21:42:09] Donate 5 bucks for every donation! [2015-05-12 21:42:12] does make cheaters/exploiters less common tho [2015-05-12 21:42:13] Every time a donation drops Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:42:18] We'll reach the goal in no time [2015-05-12 21:42:20] dang, rip doicm using Z Hammer [2015-05-12 21:42:21] every the donation [2015-05-12 21:42:22] dropping 100$s in pennies one at a time OneHand [2015-05-12 21:42:31] Empty PogChamp/ [2015-05-12 21:42:38] \deerCup [2015-05-12 21:42:42] i just hope that humor gets met [2015-05-12 21:42:48] Okay, $5 per legendary. [2015-05-12 21:42:50] stingy! [2015-05-12 21:42:55] If you donate 5 bucks for every donation, you'll donate for your donations too = infinite money PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:43:04] PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:43:07] left the dude hangin :( [2015-05-12 21:43:07] omg i hope some legendaries drop then haha xDDD [2015-05-12 21:43:11] You do not want to do $1 perdeath [2015-05-12 21:43:16] Money has been solved. PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:43:22] haha xd [2015-05-12 21:43:22] hello [2015-05-12 21:43:27] Krillin almost died again D: [2015-05-12 21:43:29] wait. Save Pahn in Suikoden? [2015-05-12 21:43:33] We need the dragon balls guys. [2015-05-12 21:43:33] Isn't that MANDATORY for 108 stars? [2015-05-12 21:43:33] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-12 21:43:37] Savage beasts are not friendly oô [2015-05-12 21:43:38] Enough will the bull already Osey! [2015-05-12 21:43:45] TRUST me you do NOT want to do $1/death [2015-05-12 21:43:47] Legendarys will drop. The droprates are so high in this version [2015-05-12 21:43:57] Not really Core, not really. [2015-05-12 21:43:58] Suikoden is any% afaik [2015-05-12 21:44:01] so is console faster than pc? [2015-05-12 21:44:10] Hey Onin o/ [2015-05-12 21:44:10] or is it just easier [2015-05-12 21:44:13] to setup [2015-05-12 21:44:13] I played it alot and yes, yes [2015-05-12 21:44:14] you get guarenteed legendaries on first time kills for major bosses [2015-05-12 21:44:25] hello. [2015-05-12 21:44:27] but as far as the rest of the acts, teh drop rates are boosted slightly, but nothing insane [2015-05-12 21:44:46] But still it depends on luck! no matter what^^ [2015-05-12 21:44:58] the only REALLY good thing about this version [2015-05-12 21:45:08] is that they wont be getting a bow with Str on it [2015-05-12 21:45:09] @Thelcc Yeah, but the description says "yes, it's possible" [2015-05-12 21:45:11] not really, diablo and malthael are guaranteed leg drops first time you clear the story [2015-05-12 21:45:15] I thought it was mandatory for 108 stars ending [2015-05-12 21:45:19] or having a legendary MIGHTY BELT drop when neither one of them is a barbarian [2015-05-12 21:45:23] like the original D3 [2015-05-12 21:45:30] Mattrex Kappa [2015-05-12 21:45:30] #powerblast2016 FrankerZ [2015-05-12 21:45:32] hahaha they're fighting but they're good friends so it's ok xDDD [2015-05-12 21:45:33] #PowerBlast2016 [2015-05-12 21:45:43] #PowerBlast2016 [2015-05-12 21:45:45] #PowerBlast2016 [2015-05-12 21:45:46] #PowerBlast2016 [2015-05-12 21:45:47] #POWERBLAST2016 SwiftRage [2015-05-12 21:45:54] xD [2015-05-12 21:45:54] #PowerBlast2016 [2015-05-12 21:45:55] #PowerBlast2016 [2015-05-12 21:45:58] seancass you beast [2015-05-12 21:46:00] #PowerBlast2016 [2015-05-12 21:46:05] http://infectiousgaming.co.uk AtGL [2015-05-12 21:46:06] <limestrike has been timed out> [2015-05-12 21:46:06] No links allowed (limestrike) (warning) [2015-05-12 21:46:15] #PowerBlast2016 [2015-05-12 21:46:24] peaches raid? [2015-05-12 21:46:28] HAHAHAHA that was so awesome xDDD [2015-05-12 21:46:32] Dat damage boost tho. [2015-05-12 21:46:35] 9102ʇsɐןqɹǝʍod# [2015-05-12 21:46:36] The boot PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:46:38] #PowerBlast2015 [2015-05-12 21:46:38] no its pie FrankerZ [2015-05-12 21:46:50] RIP [2015-05-12 21:46:53] pieVan [2015-05-12 21:46:57] Ew. No one likes Streambig. [2015-05-12 21:46:58] xD [2015-05-12 21:47:04] this reminds me of the first few gdqs [2015-05-12 21:47:11] you have 2 eyes OpieOP [2015-05-12 21:47:12] Eye, Eye! [2015-05-12 21:47:13] dang [2015-05-12 21:47:17] "You have two eyes" is the best retort I've ever heard to that statement. [2015-05-12 21:47:17] !shirts [2015-05-12 21:47:17] The Yetee is doing a special shirt sale in support of RPGLB! $3 of every shirt purchased from http://www.theyetee.com/rpglimitbreak will be donated to NAMI. [2015-05-12 21:47:22] @Iateyourpie You know I am kidding [2015-05-12 21:47:22] just people chilling on a couch having fun palying video games [2015-05-12 21:47:27] Should start a donation gimmick for each death [2015-05-12 21:47:32] Hello Tifa<3 [2015-05-12 21:47:34] @Gorgexpress First SGDQ was held in this very room [2015-05-12 21:47:48] thats some hot lore [2015-05-12 21:47:58] I <3 your stream Pie. And you playing Xenoblade. [2015-05-12 21:48:03] wait who's house is this? [2015-05-12 21:48:05] One or two people are doing $1/death and that's a bad idea. :P [2015-05-12 21:48:05] Hey guys, just throwing it out there, the title says Fire Emblem still [2015-05-12 21:48:09] Pie speedrunning Xenoblade Chronicles for RPGLB2016? [2015-05-12 21:48:12] @Gorgexpress Essentia's [2015-05-12 21:48:12] hey mikalia, just stopping by for a sec [2015-05-12 21:48:34] I hope so, Dangod [2015-05-12 21:48:35] I love Fire Emblem [2015-05-12 21:48:43] hahahaha yeah that was a good skip xDD [2015-05-12 21:48:43] am I unbanned yet? [2015-05-12 21:48:46] Hi, I'm back. Can I turn on the sound again? [2015-05-12 21:48:49] in 20 years i hope essentia's house is preserved as a historical monument [2015-05-12 21:48:50] Kytten, I'm playing a drinking game with that Kappa [2015-05-12 21:48:57] sound is fixed [2015-05-12 21:49:00] RIP dFocus [2015-05-12 21:49:05] Nah, it's likely to be burned down by then [2015-05-12 21:49:13] if no one is complaining about sound en masse, that means it's probably safe [2015-05-12 21:49:34] they fixed it by making out with the audio port [2015-05-12 21:49:35] @doicm makes sense, thx ;) [2015-05-12 21:49:59] Rekt [2015-05-12 21:50:00] Slam jammed [2015-05-12 21:50:02] No Lufia shirts at TheYetee? BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:50:03] REKT [2015-05-12 21:50:08] What. Just. Happened. O.O [2015-05-12 21:50:10] WHOAHO [2015-05-12 21:50:12] Kappa// [2015-05-12 21:50:17] @Thatsfairzack Riot. [2015-05-12 21:50:23] just Vulajin things [2015-05-12 21:50:31] That's what happens when you don't get out of the way. Or you're Vula. [2015-05-12 21:50:53] one of the first signs the original D3 developers didn't know what they were doing was killing Deckard [2015-05-12 21:51:01] I don't know if this works on the console, but only one person needs to go in the cutscene and the other person can wait at the gate to save time and instantly open it [2015-05-12 21:51:06] i love that Deckard dies. [2015-05-12 21:51:22] Did I miss Demon Rush? [2015-05-12 21:51:27] @thatsfairzack They always hit the maximmount of submissions before Lufia designs get looked at. Kappa [2015-05-12 21:51:31] no you didnt royal [2015-05-12 21:51:32] inb4 Cain is back in the 3rd expansion Keepo [2015-05-12 21:51:33] !schedule [2015-05-12 21:51:33] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 21:51:33] They should change what game it says is being played [2015-05-12 21:51:34] !schedule [2015-05-12 21:51:42] Reece please [2015-05-12 21:51:42] Wait Deckard Cain dies? [2015-05-12 21:51:48] MVGame [2015-05-12 21:51:54] How? [2015-05-12 21:52:02] RIP Cain [2015-05-12 21:52:08] How does he die? [2015-05-12 21:52:11] Thanks Xerobladeedge and SwordofAeons. [2015-05-12 21:52:14] he lost all his hp [2015-05-12 21:52:15] dFocus89 just subscribed! [2015-05-12 21:52:15] dFocus89 just subscribed! [2015-05-12 21:52:18] Killed by a demonic laser-beam [2015-05-12 21:52:19] there are spiders in the spider caves? Kappa [2015-05-12 21:52:22] SUB HYPE [2015-05-12 21:52:28] He does in a stupid cutscene. [2015-05-12 21:52:30] *dies [2015-05-12 21:52:35] rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 21:52:37] Yay dFocus have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 21:52:38] spiders! BabyRage [2015-05-12 21:52:38] Yes, Deckard Cain dies. [2015-05-12 21:52:45] Hell yeah! I forgot this was coming on today! [2015-05-12 21:52:47] RIP Ossy [2015-05-12 21:52:50] It is not the death he deserves. [2015-05-12 21:52:51] The greed! [2015-05-12 21:52:54] LOOOOOOL [2015-05-12 21:52:58] Spider Bros do try to assassinate you. Ask meta. it is how he gets glitch. [2015-05-12 21:53:01] \ Kappa rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 21:53:03] /me summons a raid! [2015-05-12 21:53:03] Kudos streamers for playing a Dragon Warrior game on here [2015-05-12 21:53:04] rpgJerkBird The S1nners have arrived! rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 21:53:04] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:05] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:05] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:06] The S1nners have arrived! sevenHYPE [2015-05-12 21:53:06] <1080p200fps> The arrivers have S1nned! [2015-05-12 21:53:06] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:06] The S1nners have arrived!! [2015-05-12 21:53:06] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:07] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:07] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:07] spiritWOW The S1nners have arrived! sevenKarma [2015-05-12 21:53:07] The S1nners have arrived! sevenHYPE [2015-05-12 21:53:07] The S1nners have arrived!! [2015-05-12 21:53:07] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:07] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:08] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:08] The S1nners have arrived [2015-05-12 21:53:08] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:08] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:08] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:09] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:09] The S1nners have arrived! The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:10] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:10] The S1nners have arrived! sevenWave [2015-05-12 21:53:11] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:11] The S1nners have arrived! sevenWave [2015-05-12 21:53:12] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:12] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:13] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:14] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:15] PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:53:16] The s1nners have arrived!,! [2015-05-12 21:53:16] hi raiders [2015-05-12 21:53:17] The S1nners have arrived! sevenHYPE [2015-05-12 21:53:17] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:18] The S1nners have arrived! sevenWave [2015-05-12 21:53:18] The S1nners have arrived! sevenHYPE [2015-05-12 21:53:19] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:19] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:19] The S1nners have arrived! sevenWave [2015-05-12 21:53:20] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:21] The S1nners have arrived [2015-05-12 21:53:21] PogChamp/ [2015-05-12 21:53:22] Raiders \o/ [2015-05-12 21:53:23] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:25] raid [2015-05-12 21:53:26] The S1nners have arrived [2015-05-12 21:53:26] hey flan [2015-05-12 21:53:27] My chat experience BibleThump [2015-05-12 21:53:28] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:28] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:29] The S1nners have arrived! sevenHYPE [2015-05-12 21:53:30] Raiders! [2015-05-12 21:53:31] The S1nners have arrived! sevenHype [2015-05-12 21:53:31] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:32] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:32] The S1nners have arrived! sevenWave [2015-05-12 21:53:37] /me loves FlanKitty [2015-05-12 21:53:37] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:39] Raiders of the lost stream Kappa [2015-05-12 21:53:40] SpikeVegeta? Kreygasm [2015-05-12 21:53:41] sevenHYPE The S1nners have arrived! sevenHYPE [2015-05-12 21:53:41] Wowzers the raiders [2015-05-12 21:53:42] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:44] The S1nners have arrived! [2015-05-12 21:53:48] The S1nners have arrived [2015-05-12 21:53:50] sevens1ns raid Kappa [2015-05-12 21:53:51] dude was that spike PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:53:53] /me purrs at Spaaceqt [2015-05-12 21:53:55] #rayd [2015-05-12 21:54:01] The S1nners have arrived! seveHYPE [2015-05-12 21:54:04] I think erryone loves Flankitty [2015-05-12 21:54:06] dat raid [2015-05-12 21:54:06] calebFlexL sevenHYPE calebFlexR [2015-05-12 21:54:09] FlanKitty! PogChamp [2015-05-12 21:54:13] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 21:54:17] i love how Vula was just missing everything forever. [2015-05-12 21:54:20] lol!!!!!! xD i love that so much hahahahaha awesomeeee [2015-05-12 21:54:23] calebFlexL sevenHYPE calebFlexR [2015-05-12 21:54:30] hey SevenS1ns :) [2015-05-12 21:54:32] This is ultimate waifu chat [2015-05-12 21:54:39] Noooo not wallersss [2015-05-12 21:54:44] calebFlexL sevenHYPE calebFlexR [2015-05-12 21:54:48] /me hugs Jeannot. <3 [2015-05-12 21:54:48] /me makes a place on his nap for FlanKitty :) [2015-05-12 21:54:51] Hi Pixel <:3 )~ [2015-05-12 21:54:51] wallers = you're boned [2015-05-12 21:54:56] Ayy [2015-05-12 21:54:59] Hey everyone sevenWave [2015-05-12 21:55:03] /me hugs Mikalia <3 [2015-05-12 21:55:14] they shouldve picked 5 bucks per death, not per legendary [2015-05-12 21:55:16] Will vidoes of game sbe posted for later veiwing?? [2015-05-12 21:55:16] SevenS1ns just subscribed! [2015-05-12 21:55:16] SevenS1ns just subscribed! [2015-05-12 21:55:20] /me wants a hug [2015-05-12 21:55:21] Hi Mus! [2015-05-12 21:55:22] omg seven [2015-05-12 21:55:25] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 21:55:26] bowSub cerKupo bowHype [2015-05-12 21:55:26] Just wait until later in the game. Trust me. [2015-05-12 21:55:29] They need Kulle-Aid to break those walls [2015-05-12 21:55:35] yay Seven have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 21:55:37] Needs to get soom Krull-Aid Kappa [2015-05-12 21:55:38] yeah!!!!!!!! dragon lord!!! awesomeeee xDDD [2015-05-12 21:55:44] @FromGallifrey They'll be available as VODs on Twitch and uploaded to Youtube later [2015-05-12 21:55:44] /me curls on on Jeannotbdf [2015-05-12 21:55:45] :D/ [2015-05-12 21:55:50] 4 deaths. [2015-05-12 21:55:50] a question about the sub if you will. does the money go like normal subs, or 100% to the charity? [2015-05-12 21:55:52] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 21:55:53] rpgJerkBird/ [2015-05-12 21:56:00] 5 [2015-05-12 21:56:01] Ty @Swordofaeons [2015-05-12 21:56:01] 100% to charity [2015-05-12 21:56:06] cool [2015-05-12 21:56:07] 6 [2015-05-12 21:56:09] /me scratches gently FlanKitty behind her ears [2015-05-12 21:56:12] How did I not see that Swedish fish emote? [2015-05-12 21:56:27] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 21:56:28] subs go 100% to the charity, just like subbing to the gdq channel [2015-05-12 21:56:29] /me farts [2015-05-12 21:56:33] Literally an entire million. Forever. [2015-05-12 21:56:44] <3 Vulajin <3 [2015-05-12 21:57:04] baalfrog just subscribed! [2015-05-12 21:57:04] baalfrog just subscribed! [2015-05-12 21:57:13] lol conga line of death haha xDDDD [2015-05-12 21:57:14] congoline lol [2015-05-12 21:57:18] Yay baal have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 21:57:21] didnt know uyama changed his name to charity [2015-05-12 21:57:22] ...conga line? Isn't that just a train? [2015-05-12 21:57:22] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 21:57:28] Kiting implies you eventually kill what follows you [2015-05-12 21:57:30] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 21:57:35] Sub hype! rpgJerkBird rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 21:57:35] exactly Royalbluewizard [2015-05-12 21:57:40] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 21:57:43] aceHOI [2015-05-12 21:57:46] 7 BibleThump Vula [2015-05-12 21:57:47] Why are they making up new terms for old hat? [2015-05-12 21:57:51] maybe we'll get new emotes during the marathon KappaHD [2015-05-12 21:57:52] I thought kiting was strategic dragging of enemies, not simply running away [2015-05-12 21:58:00] ^ [2015-05-12 21:58:02] That's how I always saw it too [2015-05-12 21:58:04] ^^ [2015-05-12 21:58:13] Kiting is specifically getting out of range of the enemy when it attacks, and then swooping back in to hit it, repeat. [2015-05-12 21:58:15] Kiting is intentional, Training is not, Congo Lining involves danc3e [2015-05-12 21:58:16] DOTA 2 kiters ftw [2015-05-12 21:58:23] What they're describing is literally just running away with no intention of killing what follows y ou [2015-05-12 21:58:23] nah, wait, kiting = run like a *** [2015-05-12 21:58:29] glad we sorted that out lol [2015-05-12 21:58:30] 7 Deaths 1 Legendary [2015-05-12 21:58:31] would be a waste of time to kill most if you dont need the exp or levels at the time [2015-05-12 21:58:45] You can't kite very well in Dota2 unless you're like, Drow. [2015-05-12 21:59:20] what act is this? [2015-05-12 21:59:25] 1 [2015-05-12 21:59:26] 1 [2015-05-12 21:59:27] Act 1 [2015-05-12 21:59:31] 1.5 [2015-05-12 21:59:36] thanks [2015-05-12 21:59:50] hugs flankitty mikalia house mouse and others [2015-05-12 21:59:56] yay others! [2015-05-12 21:59:59] =D [2015-05-12 22:00:01] <:3 )~ [2015-05-12 22:00:02] The very end of Act 1, mind you [2015-05-12 22:00:10] =^-^= [2015-05-12 22:00:10] because i can [2015-05-12 22:00:13] Next run is Dragon Warrior Kreygasm [2015-05-12 22:00:22] thats what i though, im not that familiar with the game, so i asked [2015-05-12 22:00:28] i will have to sub and donate when i get home [2015-05-12 22:00:32] /me is impressed by this simple area. [2015-05-12 22:00:48] rpglb didn't want my donation prizes. =[ [2015-05-12 22:00:48] wow this is just like how GDQ used to be! i love it! [2015-05-12 22:00:50] sure is a shame you don't play PC Diablo where you always have potions [2015-05-12 22:00:59] <3 [2015-05-12 22:01:12] CatBag [2015-05-12 22:01:16] EXPLODED [2015-05-12 22:01:18] RIP Vulajin [2015-05-12 22:01:20] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 22:01:20] ded [2015-05-12 22:01:20] 8 Deaths 1 Legendary [2015-05-12 22:01:21] REKT [2015-05-12 22:01:23] rekt [2015-05-12 22:01:23] HAHAHAHAHA!!! xDDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 22:01:23] >That Just Happened [2015-05-12 22:01:23] VULAJIN [2015-05-12 22:01:27] RIP Vulajin [2015-05-12 22:01:27] o/ Dana! [2015-05-12 22:01:31] /me is impressed that cosmyk is impressed [2015-05-12 22:01:34] heya Kuro [2015-05-12 22:01:44] good to see you again. [2015-05-12 22:01:47] I donated 25 dollars, 1 for every death Vulajin will have Kappa [2015-05-12 22:01:55] haha cos [2015-05-12 22:02:01] hey Danacrysalis :) [2015-05-12 22:02:05] @CosmykTheDolfyn you will need more $ than That Kappa [2015-05-12 22:02:06] rekt [2015-05-12 22:02:11] Lulz [2015-05-12 22:02:12] heya! [2015-05-12 22:02:15] 9 Deaths 1 Legendary [2015-05-12 22:02:24] For each death, I will poke my cat. I too may die. [2015-05-12 22:02:25] i remember the good old days of 1.03 diablo 2, running around as a barb with infi full rejuv pots [2015-05-12 22:02:25] we need to make the donation total say 696,969.69 [2015-05-12 22:02:33] Heya Cosmyk [2015-05-12 22:02:36] four acts, 2:45 estimate, fourth act is shorter than the other three [2015-05-12 22:02:38] I took out another mortgage on my house for every death Vulajin will have. Kappa [2015-05-12 22:02:39] Seawolf plz Kappa [2015-05-12 22:02:39] Hey Cursed [2015-05-12 22:02:40] Osey plz, don't disgrace legacy of Sir Doof [2015-05-12 22:02:43] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH DOOF DOOF HYPE xD [2015-05-12 22:02:44] nice, they're running the good Dragon Warrior [2015-05-12 22:02:48] Good idea Potater, good idea. [2015-05-12 22:02:50] Doug! [2015-05-12 22:02:58] Hey Shiner!!!! [2015-05-12 22:02:58] so are their items at -80% duability by now? [2015-05-12 22:02:59] DoofDoof ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 22:03:09] xD [2015-05-12 22:03:30] CursedGamer when is Faxanadu pb Kappa [2015-05-12 22:03:32] Not yet, Crowli, there'll be a yellow symbol next to their healthbars. [2015-05-12 22:03:43] This is not Fire Emblem :/ [2015-05-12 22:03:43] For alternate chat, live donation ticker, and auto-updating schedule, check out our website at http://www.rpglimitbreak.com [2015-05-12 22:03:44] Potion HYPE [2015-05-12 22:03:45] 0___) [2015-05-12 22:03:53] Hello, speedrun enthusiasts. Are you all ready to learn about penguins today? [2015-05-12 22:03:56] What kind of Diablo 3 playthrough doesn't involve the execution? [2015-05-12 22:03:58] why doesnt 1 of the guys level up while the other rushes to bossdoor? [2015-05-12 22:04:06] zoom [2015-05-12 22:04:06] When I'm force myself to do it. [2015-05-12 22:04:13] hahahaha that vault xDDDD [2015-05-12 22:04:28] thats the price for playing vanilla ;) [2015-05-12 22:04:48] !title [2015-05-12 22:04:50] Penguin fact #1: A penguin's color scheme had evolved in order to avoid predators. Their white bellies blend in with the sky when viewed from below, while their dark backs blend in with the murky sea. [2015-05-12 22:05:01] 9 Deaths 2 Legendary [2015-05-12 22:05:07] legendary hype [2015-05-12 22:05:18] whats a legendary death? DansGame [2015-05-12 22:05:24] houseless hype [2015-05-12 22:05:25] that is amazing dr. penguin [2015-05-12 22:05:29] lol!!!!!! homeless donation hahahaha xDDDDD [2015-05-12 22:05:30] Diablo and penguins, what could be better? [2015-05-12 22:05:30] everytime i look up, i see a loading screen on vulajin's side [2015-05-12 22:05:39] does that mean he's recovering from a death? [2015-05-12 22:05:39] do penguins live in the North Pole? Kappa [2015-05-12 22:05:40] Make rent first, then donate [2015-05-12 22:05:42] can you tell us about the penguins living in africa dr. penguin? [2015-05-12 22:05:43] who needs a house when you have games Kappa [2015-05-12 22:05:45] Tweeter DansGame [2015-05-12 22:05:49] gotta check da tweets [2015-05-12 22:05:49] Use the Tweeter [2015-05-12 22:05:50] tweeters!!!!!! looooooool xDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 22:05:58] sup osey [2015-05-12 22:06:04] Penguins, in fact, only live in the southern hemisphere. All 17 species. [2015-05-12 22:06:13] interesting Kappa [2015-05-12 22:06:15] Even the poffin? [2015-05-12 22:06:44] There's no way. I saw like 40 penguins at the zoo a few months ago [2015-05-12 22:07:20] @Jasonmdude All zoos are technically in the southern hemisphere. [2015-05-12 22:07:37] vulaMENUPLS [2015-05-12 22:07:39] @swordofaeons I can't beat that logic [2015-05-12 22:07:47] lol!!!!! xDDDDD [2015-05-12 22:07:52] i see a metasigma, i dont recognise most others [2015-05-12 22:07:53] 10 Deaths 2 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:08:05] Blade, Vulajin and Osey [2015-05-12 22:08:05] Getting pretty drunk here Kappa [2015-05-12 22:08:07] @Baalfrog African penguins are one of the smaller species of penguin, feed mostly on small fish, squid, and crustaceans, and are actually an endangered, protected species. [2015-05-12 22:08:10] is vula being bad at games? [2015-05-12 22:08:14] Brossentia in the background [2015-05-12 22:08:23] Of course, Dan [2015-05-12 22:08:30] thank you dr. penguin, you deliver the most interesting penguin facts [2015-05-12 22:08:40] I'm not really playing a drinking game for every death btw, I don't have a death wish [2015-05-12 22:08:53] Penguin fact #2: Penguin family fossils date back to around 60 million years ago, meaning penguins survived the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. Penguins > dinosaurs confirmed. [2015-05-12 22:08:54] 11 Deaths 2 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:08:58] take a shot of beer every death [2015-05-12 22:09:01] That's a goooood idea dFocus :P [2015-05-12 22:09:03] lol Kytten [2015-05-12 22:09:04] @DrPenguinPhD How many male Bengalese Tigers could the average Emperor Penguin kill before succumbing to exhaustion? [2015-05-12 22:09:05] ok that is AWESOME! xD lol xD [2015-05-12 22:09:05] accept the sweet embrace of death Vulajin Kappa [2015-05-12 22:09:09] i guess i was right huh [2015-05-12 22:09:12] Sip of water, that's fine. [2015-05-12 22:09:31] @Swordofaeons No one knows, because there has never been a single tiger to come back alive from the challenge. [2015-05-12 22:09:46] @kytten you still might die from that Kappa [2015-05-12 22:09:47] Yes [2015-05-12 22:09:53] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 22:09:56] this has a very early-GDQ feel to it [2015-05-12 22:10:00] too much water is a thing, you are correct. [2015-05-12 22:10:04] lol xDDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 22:10:06] you mean Classic Games Done Quick Kreygasm [2015-05-12 22:10:06] Welcome to SGDQ 2011 :P [2015-05-12 22:10:10] Demon Chocobo Kreygasm [2015-05-12 22:10:13] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 22:10:15] i wish i was as cool as dr. penguin. alas i am merely a god of Thunder [2015-05-12 22:10:20] CGDQ too strong. [2015-05-12 22:10:21] so um [2015-05-12 22:10:27] Maike's Abode Gaming [2015-05-12 22:10:35] ...Mike's even. [2015-05-12 22:10:36] SGDQ!? I'm in the wrong place [2015-05-12 22:10:36] the game title hasnt change [2015-05-12 22:10:36] /me was creating awesome GDQ moments BEFORE it was cool, MAAAAAAN SwiftRage [2015-05-12 22:10:42] RIP Vulajin [2015-05-12 22:10:44] Lol HS [2015-05-12 22:10:48] 12 Deaths 2 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:10:49] strong death [2015-05-12 22:10:50] Hullo there MTI [2015-05-12 22:10:50] @emptyeye bboyHi [2015-05-12 22:10:52] hi spirits :3 [2015-05-12 22:10:56] MTI <3 <3 <3 [2015-05-12 22:10:56] i wish i could like subscribe and donut but i had to sell trading cards on steam to buy witcher 2 because my paypal is empty BibleThump [2015-05-12 22:10:58] heya [2015-05-12 22:10:59] hahahahahaha emptyeye that was hillarious!! xDDD [2015-05-12 22:11:06] oh *** did i miss metasigmas secret of evermore run [2015-05-12 22:11:07] Hey hey :) [2015-05-12 22:11:14] no [2015-05-12 22:11:18] Penguin fact #3: Unlike most sea mammals—which rely on blubber to stay warm—penguins survive because their feathers trap a layer of warm air next to the skin that serves as insulation, especially when they start generating muscular heat by swimming around. This also makes the penguin completely waterproof. [2015-05-12 22:11:19] Welp, I have to go to work. Everyone enjoy the stream twice as much for me. cirPls [2015-05-12 22:11:22] Heya Emptyeye [2015-05-12 22:11:23] So long. cirThree/ [2015-05-12 22:11:29] not yet sean [2015-05-12 22:11:36] !us [2015-05-12 22:11:36] bye spud [2015-05-12 22:11:38] Heyo chat [2015-05-12 22:11:39] Later spud [2015-05-12 22:11:44] 5/15 at 6:15 [2015-05-12 22:11:45] Bye Potater <3 <3 [2015-05-12 22:11:50] Later tater [2015-05-12 22:11:56] omg!! lol xDDDD [2015-05-12 22:12:13] SHOTS FIRED [2015-05-12 22:12:14] spiritSample [2015-05-12 22:12:15] Lmfao Ossy lmfao [2015-05-12 22:12:17] Penguin fact #4: Penguins can swim at up to 20 miles per hour, which they use to hunt for food, escape predators, and remove your intestines if you don't pay back their loans. [2015-05-12 22:12:19] Such shots fired [2015-05-12 22:12:23] how many penguins would we need to replace the US military's combat abilities? [2015-05-12 22:12:38] hi mti bye potato [2015-05-12 22:12:48] They already have Dangod B) [2015-05-12 22:12:51] hahaha xD [2015-05-12 22:12:55] @Dangodofthunder 46 [2015-05-12 22:13:09] What is a penguin's average annual salary? [2015-05-12 22:13:10] HYPE FOR PENGUINS [2015-05-12 22:13:24] omg they got 2 legendaries in only 52 minutes in? wow! xDD [2015-05-12 22:13:25] Classified Links [2015-05-12 22:13:26] @DrPenguinPhD you need a penguine as a profile picture [2015-05-12 22:13:33] @linkshot it is one number. a sideways 8 [2015-05-12 22:13:41] Nobody likes Penguins. Dolphins are 10x cooler at least man. [2015-05-12 22:13:43] and an arctic background [2015-05-12 22:13:44] Kappa [2015-05-12 22:13:48] /me firmly pets FlanKitty. [2015-05-12 22:13:58] =^-^= [2015-05-12 22:14:01] "spiritSample my ankle" ~Highspirits 2015 [2015-05-12 22:14:15] spiritSample [2015-05-12 22:14:16] /me pet's FlanKitty [2015-05-12 22:14:21] 13 Deaths 2 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:14:21] Dolphins do bad things to people. They are the worlds edgiest animals. [2015-05-12 22:14:22] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 22:14:28] MrCab55 just subscribed! [2015-05-12 22:14:28] MrCab55 just subscribed! [2015-05-12 22:14:33] /me is edgy [2015-05-12 22:14:35] Sub PogChamp [2015-05-12 22:14:36] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 22:14:37] spiritWEEE spiritWEEE spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 22:14:37] /me pets teh kytten [2015-05-12 22:14:41] /me is Green [2015-05-12 22:14:42] Hat Sub!!! [2015-05-12 22:14:45] =^_^= [2015-05-12 22:14:51] altaBag [2015-05-12 22:14:52] Sub denHype spiritWEEEE denHype spiritWEEEE denHype spiritWEEEE denHype spiritWEEEE denHype spiritWEEEE denHype spiritWEEEE denHype spiritWEEEE [2015-05-12 22:14:56] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 22:15:00] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 22:15:01] spiritFatty [2015-05-12 22:15:05] lol hat sub [2015-05-12 22:15:06] @Cursedgamer11 Thank you for the suggestion. It is now a penguin. [2015-05-12 22:15:07] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 22:15:07] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 22:15:12] rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 22:15:17] bigjYO bigjHYPE [2015-05-12 22:15:19] Yes good! [2015-05-12 22:15:19] RIP Can't purge myself [2015-05-12 22:15:28] Oh hey Vula's gear is starting to break Keepo [2015-05-12 22:15:31] altaBag altaBag [2015-05-12 22:15:35] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 22:15:36] /me gives HS a hug [2015-05-12 22:15:40] i wonder why that is. Keepo Keepo [2015-05-12 22:15:43] howdy [2015-05-12 22:15:50] bigjHYPE [2015-05-12 22:15:50] Penguin fact #5: Penguins naturally have a very large mana pool, making them excellent prodigies at necromancy, summoning rituals, and general sorcery. [2015-05-12 22:15:51] CatBag [2015-05-12 22:15:52] spiritWink [2015-05-12 22:15:59] <420drugsdrugsdrugs420> dis no fire emblem [2015-05-12 22:16:09] I'm loving these penguin facts. :) [2015-05-12 22:16:10] this isnt fire emblem... [2015-05-12 22:16:14] @drpenguinphd what color of mana? [2015-05-12 22:16:15] refresh [2015-05-12 22:16:17] can penguins heal? [2015-05-12 22:16:18] Wellllllllllll.... It;s still a RPG [2015-05-12 22:16:30] @Dangodofthunder The rarely seen purple mana. [2015-05-12 22:16:40] spiritWink [2015-05-12 22:16:50] puff puff massage? [2015-05-12 22:17:02] Shots fired. [2015-05-12 22:17:03] Shots Fired [2015-05-12 22:17:05] Ohhhhhh Ossy so many shots fired right now. [2015-05-12 22:17:06] ooh shots fired [2015-05-12 22:17:06] @Zeronoin Penguins usually resort to fish-based curative pastes and water elemental spells. [2015-05-12 22:17:07] shots [2015-05-12 22:17:13] OSEY...THOSE SHOTS [2015-05-12 22:17:17] we got them shots [2015-05-12 22:17:18] Dragon lords level 18!!!:O [2015-05-12 22:17:24] Kytten did you track the deaths per osey and vula? [2015-05-12 22:17:30] so we got $1500 in first game, $3000 after second? [2015-05-12 22:17:34] No Endy, just overall. i'm a scrub. [2015-05-12 22:17:40] is osey salty af? [2015-05-12 22:17:46] might have to start playing this game again [2015-05-12 22:17:47] Iirc Ossy has died 3 times so far. [2015-05-12 22:17:48] no problem, well get it with the vod ;) [2015-05-12 22:17:57] Osey is PJSalt [2015-05-12 22:17:57] kytten seems cool. idk you but you seem cool [2015-05-12 22:18:06] and i like kitties [2015-05-12 22:18:07] Thanks, you too. [2015-05-12 22:18:07] Penguin fact #6: Despite the lack of visible ears, penguins have excellent hearing and are able to pinpoint their friends and family by their calls in a herd of up to thousands of penguins. [2015-05-12 22:18:10] hi kytten <3 [2015-05-12 22:18:13] yay! [2015-05-12 22:18:15] Buddha <3 [2015-05-12 22:18:33] can we mod DrPenguinPhD? [2015-05-12 22:18:45] that pun was strong [2015-05-12 22:18:45] Kappa [2015-05-12 22:18:47] LOL [2015-05-12 22:18:55] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 22:18:55] Kappa // [2015-05-12 22:18:57] KappaHD [2015-05-12 22:18:57] Kappa [2015-05-12 22:18:58] KappaHD [2015-05-12 22:18:59] Kappa // [2015-05-12 22:19:02] dwdPun [2015-05-12 22:19:03] Kappa // [2015-05-12 22:19:05] Kappa // [2015-05-12 22:19:07] Oh that wacky monitor [2015-05-12 22:19:10] MiniK [2015-05-12 22:19:11] Kappa // [2015-05-12 22:19:16] face [2015-05-12 22:19:17] kappaSagat // [2015-05-12 22:19:22] Kappa\\ [2015-05-12 22:19:27] GreyFace Kappa [2015-05-12 22:19:35] evoMindBlown [2015-05-12 22:19:35] Keepo // [2015-05-12 22:19:39] Kappa = Kap pa (no space) [2015-05-12 22:19:40] Keepo // [2015-05-12 22:19:53] GrayFace [2015-05-12 22:19:53] Kippa [2015-05-12 22:19:58] Penguin fact #7: Unlike most birds—which lose and replace a few feathers at a time—penguins molt all at once, spending two or three weeks land-bound as they undergo what is called the catastrophic molt. That's right, penguins are so bad *** that the only word up to the task of describing it is "catastrophe." [2015-05-12 22:20:20] FailFish [2015-05-12 22:20:21] dr. penguin mod or riot [2015-05-12 22:20:28] ^ [2015-05-12 22:20:31] that's weird cause catastrophic molt is the name of my band [2015-05-12 22:20:31] kappa [2015-05-12 22:20:41] #Modtedious [2015-05-12 22:20:45] you need a penguin for your band [2015-05-12 22:20:45] @Caerulius I look forward to your penguin inspired music. [2015-05-12 22:20:55] 14 Deaths (2Vula Ossy) 2 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:21:03] (Now keeping track of deaths per :P ) [2015-05-12 22:21:29] 15 Deaths (3Vula Ossy) 2 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:21:30] hogwarts Kappa [2015-05-12 22:21:42] =D [2015-05-12 22:22:02] Penguin fact #8: Penguins ingest a lot of seawater while hunting for fish, but a special gland behind their eyes—the supraorbital gland—filters out the saltwater from their blood stream. Penguins excrete it through their beaks, or by sneezing. [2015-05-12 22:22:08] ? @mikalia [2015-05-12 22:22:21] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 22:22:24] hmm? [2015-05-12 22:22:29] hey cab [2015-05-12 22:22:35] 16 Deaths (3Vula 1Ossy) 2 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:22:40] o. O [2015-05-12 22:22:41] hey Xero :) [2015-05-12 22:22:44] HatGuy Kreygasm/ [2015-05-12 22:22:50] i wonder if penguins sneeze fish guts [2015-05-12 22:22:52] Cape Guy! Kreygasm [2015-05-12 22:23:02] really doicm [2015-05-12 22:23:03] lol [2015-05-12 22:23:11] DAT PLOT [2015-05-12 22:23:13] Zoltan Blum [2015-05-12 22:23:20] @Doicm It would not be unthinkable for a penguin to accidentally regurgitate fish during a sneeze. [2015-05-12 22:23:20] LOOOOOOL!! i live againnnnnn mwhahah xDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 22:23:40] Inb4 kytten gets t/o'd for spamming because Vula keeps dying Kappa [2015-05-12 22:23:46] BibleThump [2015-05-12 22:23:46] RPG Limit Break 2015 is being restreamed with French commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/rpglimitbreak_fr and with German commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/germenchrestream [2015-05-12 22:24:07] Rood dFocus, so rood. [2015-05-12 22:24:25] the war begins PogChamp [2015-05-12 22:24:27] Wat [2015-05-12 22:24:36] you mean wark [2015-05-12 22:24:38] Penguin fact #9: A penguin's torpedo shape is not only for swimming quickly, but also for taking out battleships if ever faced with an inevitable war with humans. [2015-05-12 22:24:41] This can not be [2015-05-12 22:24:43] :V [2015-05-12 22:24:47] Here's the Demon Chocobo [2015-05-12 22:24:49] ! [2015-05-12 22:24:53] Are we talking about demon chocobos now? [2015-05-12 22:25:01] xDDDDDDDDDD da giobkub due dxD [2015-05-12 22:25:12] Cab pls [2015-05-12 22:25:17] 17 Deaths (4Vula 1Ossy) 3 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:25:17] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 22:25:45] which legendary was it? [2015-05-12 22:25:54] Crossbow something or another [2015-05-12 22:26:01] Baakan Caster [2015-05-12 22:26:12] 18 Deaths (4Vula 2Ossy) 3 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:26:20] Ossy so QQ so much QQ [2015-05-12 22:26:34] less q_q more pewpew [2015-05-12 22:26:42] Osey PJSalt [2015-05-12 22:26:45] oh man [2015-05-12 22:26:51] that will be classy [2015-05-12 22:26:53] do much PJSalt [2015-05-12 22:26:55] ebik!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 22:27:20] Penguin fact #10: The earliest known literary work, written by a penguin of unknown origin, is The Epic of Penglimesh. [2015-05-12 22:27:59] Penguin can you please refrain from posting anymore penguin facts [2015-05-12 22:28:00] hahaha it's all her fault xDDDD [2015-05-12 22:28:03] guest =/= friend [2015-05-12 22:28:09] guest can = foe [2015-05-12 22:28:13] FFS Leah [2015-05-12 22:28:20] =[ @mikalia [2015-05-12 22:28:22] Drpenguinphd I like your facts they're so interesting xD [2015-05-12 22:28:31] @Dianaet Thank you. [2015-05-12 22:28:43] RIP penguin facts BibleThump [2015-05-12 22:28:55] 18 Deaths (4Vula 2Ossy) 4 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:28:55] rip [2015-05-12 22:28:55] mods dont censor penguin please :( [2015-05-12 22:28:57] we hardly knew them [2015-05-12 22:28:59] LMAO mighty weapon, GG. [2015-05-12 22:29:00] MAYBE PLAY A BARBARIAN [2015-05-12 22:29:05] Perfect [2015-05-12 22:29:06] Like I've said for eons! [2015-05-12 22:29:08] :) [2015-05-12 22:29:14] The Oracle has spoken [2015-05-12 22:29:16] I like Dana's Idea lol [2015-05-12 22:29:16] DrPenguinPhD, is there any sort of penguin that eats flowers? (pls say yes) [2015-05-12 22:29:28] What about the Bloodrager hybrid class? [2015-05-12 22:29:30] What's the prob with PenguinFacts? Theyy're fun and he's not spamming. They come every few minutes or so and are not textwalls. [2015-05-12 22:29:36] RIP Penguin facts. You'll all just have to learn about penguins on your own time. @Dldarklink I can say yes, but I would be lying. [2015-05-12 22:29:44] 16? No not really. [2015-05-12 22:29:46] greenk: I've literally said since the start f Vula's running D3 that he should play Barb :) [2015-05-12 22:29:50] dang OpieOP [2015-05-12 22:29:51] hello all [2015-05-12 22:29:57] LOL omg i can't believe they got a legendary barb weapon!!!!! lol xDDDDD i wonder if they are going to donate $5 for that xD even though they can't use it xD [2015-05-12 22:29:58] hi Nemhy [2015-05-12 22:29:59] Dana sees the future of D3 [2015-05-12 22:30:09] Oh they will. [2015-05-12 22:30:15] Boo on lack of penguin facts! [2015-05-12 22:30:17] look out gavin, it might be cursed [2015-05-12 22:30:22] A Fjord is a steep seaside valley [2015-05-12 22:30:24] rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 22:30:28] penguin penguin [2015-05-12 22:30:41] is this already recorded? [2015-05-12 22:30:42] James Hong Kappa [2015-05-12 22:30:47] live [2015-05-12 22:30:51] No Chosen, this is live [2015-05-12 22:30:59] just makin sure [2015-05-12 22:31:30] Why is there no game sound???? [2015-05-12 22:31:45] ded [2015-05-12 22:31:47] @DianaET There is some, it's just quiet [2015-05-12 22:31:52] rip Vulajin [2015-05-12 22:31:54] Kaiser Neko?! [2015-05-12 22:31:56] desolate sands is the worst area in the game. [2015-05-12 22:32:01] 20 Deaths (5Vula 3Ossy) 4 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:32:08] Pretty sure I'd be dead by now if I did play that drinking game [2015-05-12 22:32:15] As i was changing it to 19, Ossy dies. Thanks Ossy. [2015-05-12 22:32:17] Please make this the Donation Sands, not sans-donation. [2015-05-12 22:32:29] Meta FLEX ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 22:32:42] 20 Deaths (5Vula 3Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:32:43] 5 [2015-05-12 22:32:54] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 22:32:55] meta looks like he lost some muscles from last gdq [2015-05-12 22:33:05] 21 [2015-05-12 22:33:12] rekt [2015-05-12 22:33:22] 21 Deaths (6Vula 3Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:33:38] I like how Meta was 100% prepared to roll [2015-05-12 22:33:40] metaroll [2015-05-12 22:33:40] xDDDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 22:33:49] 21 deaths @RPGLimitBreak [2015-05-12 22:33:49] 21 Deaths! [2015-05-12 22:34:04] Have any of the runners here done games at a GDQ? [2015-05-12 22:34:13] 22!!! [2015-05-12 22:34:14] Trust me, i'm a counter. [2015-05-12 22:34:15] 22! xD [2015-05-12 22:34:15] yes [2015-05-12 22:34:18] Yes [2015-05-12 22:34:18] quite a few [2015-05-12 22:34:21] 22 Deaths (6Vula 4Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:34:24] Meta did Secret of Evermore, I know that much [2015-05-12 22:34:25] 22 Deaths (6Vula 3Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:34:29] Workster, Metasigma has done Secret of Evermore in SGDQ [2015-05-12 22:34:31] 4* [2015-05-12 22:34:33] 6+4=22> [2015-05-12 22:34:37] ? [2015-05-12 22:34:41] Dangit [2015-05-12 22:34:46] meta banner pls [2015-05-12 22:34:49] lol [2015-05-12 22:34:52] lol xDD [2015-05-12 22:34:53] Vulajin is a GDQ staple [2015-05-12 22:34:53] Vulajin did Transistor last AGDQ [2015-05-12 22:35:00] They started counting deaths per player after about ten deaths [2015-05-12 22:35:01] i only started counting the for each at like, 13, PXT [2015-05-12 22:35:04] and is always doing tech in the back [2015-05-12 22:35:04] Because someone asked. [2015-05-12 22:35:08] lol [2015-05-12 22:35:08] Transistor was pretty sick [2015-05-12 22:35:09] :P [2015-05-12 22:35:16] lmao that voice xDDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 22:35:24] btw their record is 5 legendaries during a run [2015-05-12 22:35:32] Kreygasm [2015-05-12 22:35:32] hahahahahah wow! xD [2015-05-12 22:35:34] its 14 8 [2015-05-12 22:35:36] so that means both games vulajin's been in have had audio quirks Keepo [2015-05-12 22:35:54] one more and he'll start getting on PJ's level [2015-05-12 22:36:01] oh lords [2015-05-12 22:36:05] YuRiPa [2015-05-12 22:36:14] YES [2015-05-12 22:36:24] why yuripa [2015-05-12 22:36:26] YuRiPa?.... I don't get it :/ [2015-05-12 22:36:33] YuRiPa Kreygasm [2015-05-12 22:36:35] Final Fantasy X-2 [2015-05-12 22:36:35] characters of FFX-2 [2015-05-12 22:36:36] I don't understand the significance of that either. [2015-05-12 22:36:38] I assume it's a FFX-2 reference. [2015-05-12 22:36:39] Yuna Rikku Paine [2015-05-12 22:36:43] HAHAHAHA xD [2015-05-12 22:36:44] 23 Deaths (7Vula 4Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:36:44] :( [2015-05-12 22:36:46] it's Yuna Rikku Paine [2015-05-12 22:36:51] The game is good, honestly. The storyline is crap though. [2015-05-12 22:36:51] Oh. [2015-05-12 22:36:53] never played anything later than ff9 [2015-05-12 22:36:55] Yunavers returns? [2015-05-12 22:36:59] Krimmy When Is EO4 Speedrun? deerCup [2015-05-12 22:37:10] most of X-2's music is terrible. most, not all. [2015-05-12 22:37:15] I need to play X-2 someday. It sounds worth a laugh [2015-05-12 22:37:20] The music sucks, too, yes. [2015-05-12 22:37:20] hey Emptyeye :) [2015-05-12 22:37:22] Memories of Lightwaves is my #3 most played song in itunes Kappa [2015-05-12 22:37:25] X-2 Japan is pretty top [2015-05-12 22:37:25] essentia <3 [2015-05-12 22:37:25] i love x-2. [2015-05-12 22:37:29] >_>;; [2015-05-12 22:37:30] hey Krimmydoodle:) [2015-05-12 22:37:32] Hello :) [2015-05-12 22:37:33] I have already. For a very questionable category. [2015-05-12 22:37:45] X-2 is the greatest Charlie's Angels game ever! [2015-05-12 22:37:47] But the gameplay is a lot of fun. It has a job system and actually has the ATB system again which fixes FFX's boring combat. [2015-05-12 22:37:52] what type of category >> [2015-05-12 22:37:55] why is none of these guys having drinks [2015-05-12 22:37:58] hahahahahah yeah i love x-2 xDD [2015-05-12 22:38:00] i actually, legitimately, love x-2. [2015-05-12 22:38:02] QR% [2015-05-12 22:38:09] I do too, Kytten. [2015-05-12 22:38:16] Diablo = Children's Card Game [2015-05-12 22:38:17] X-2 is really fun [2015-05-12 22:38:18] so their laughing about YuRiPa woke me up from my nap [2015-05-12 22:38:19] X-2 was fine not great but not bad [2015-05-12 22:38:20] I enjoyed playing it, which is more than I can say for 10. [2015-05-12 22:38:26] can i get a schedule? [2015-05-12 22:38:28] 24Deaths (8Vula 4Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:38:28] :( Essentia [2015-05-12 22:38:32] I got farther into X-2 than I did X. [2015-05-12 22:38:33] lol essentia' [2015-05-12 22:38:45] ᕦʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔᕤ -ᕦʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔᕤ - ᕦʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔᕤ - ᕦʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔᕤ [2015-05-12 22:38:46] Sorry Essentia :( [2015-05-12 22:38:51] sorry :( [2015-05-12 22:38:57] kick them out Kappa [2015-05-12 22:39:12] 25Deaths (9Vula 4Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:39:13] Essentia Smash? [2015-05-12 22:39:18] essentia eviction notices [2015-05-12 22:39:36] meta fears my death glare [2015-05-12 22:39:45] Don't cross the streams! [2015-05-12 22:39:49] haha [2015-05-12 22:39:49] rocks fall, everyone named vulajin dies [2015-05-12 22:39:50] #essentiadeathglare [2015-05-12 22:39:53] 26 Deaths (10Vula 4Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:40:02] any good hiding places? [2015-05-12 22:40:08] Essentia are the kids there or staying at their Grandparents? [2015-05-12 22:40:23] Essentia fights crime as Square Queenix by night, operating out of Stately Essentia Manor ;) [2015-05-12 22:40:32] ^ [2015-05-12 22:40:40] I'd watch that show Emptyeye [2015-05-12 22:40:41] mikalia, Celise is here. the others are at grandma's [2015-05-12 22:40:45] What channel is it on? [2015-05-12 22:41:14] splorch [2015-05-12 22:41:17] Rekt Vula rekt [2015-05-12 22:41:20] Uhhh, Same Speedrun Time, Same Speedrun Channel? [2015-05-12 22:41:23] HAHAHAHAHAHAHA xDDDD [2015-05-12 22:41:25] 27 Deaths (11Vula 4Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:41:37] is Highspirits running dragon warrior ? [2015-05-12 22:41:52] lunar 2 [2015-05-12 22:41:57] !schedule [2015-05-12 22:41:59] I heard a SPIKE [2015-05-12 22:41:59] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 22:42:03] Coolio I can't wait [2015-05-12 22:42:04] nope haley [2015-05-12 22:42:08] OH thank you lupo [2015-05-12 22:42:10] 11+4= 27 now? XD [2015-05-12 22:42:11] SPIRITS! [2015-05-12 22:42:14] spike is here [2015-05-12 22:42:15] SpikeVegeta x Metasigma OTP [2015-05-12 22:42:19] whats the goal of the run [2015-05-12 22:42:24] howdy [2015-05-12 22:42:29] I... I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN! [2015-05-12 22:42:31] afk [2015-05-12 22:42:33] But thou must? [2015-05-12 22:42:37] @Essentiafour is one of my heroes [2015-05-12 22:42:37] vulaVOICEACTOR [2015-05-12 22:42:38] win [2015-05-12 22:42:39] cIAZIO saays hi [2015-05-12 22:42:39] friggin Leah [2015-05-12 22:42:50] I want his hair...only his hair on camera lol [2015-05-12 22:42:55] Of course my hero list is very questionable [2015-05-12 22:43:05] howdy howdy [2015-05-12 22:43:21] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 22:43:22] Boss so hard. [2015-05-12 22:43:37] Diablo 3 and "challenging" does not belong in the same sentence [2015-05-12 22:43:40] KUNG LAO SPAM [2015-05-12 22:43:40] this was honestly a cool fight that I really wish more of the act bosses had been like [2015-05-12 22:43:44] POP [2015-05-12 22:43:46] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 22:43:46] HAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAA xDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 22:43:47] D: [2015-05-12 22:43:48] cool story lol [2015-05-12 22:43:49] 28 Deaths (12Vula 4Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:43:50] Vulajin so good at vidya games Kappa [2015-05-12 22:43:54] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-12 22:44:10] Say that to my face not online watch what happens [2015-05-12 22:44:11] "These green things WILL kill us *vuladead*" [2015-05-12 22:44:16] 12 + 4 = 28?? [2015-05-12 22:44:24] really wished you had ff12 here [2015-05-12 22:44:25] It's 20 vulajin 8 osey [2015-05-12 22:44:30] i didn't start counting the per until 13 in or so. [2015-05-12 22:44:34] Is it really, PXT? [2015-05-12 22:44:41] idk [2015-05-12 22:44:42] tfw this isnt a gauntlet dark legacy run [2015-05-12 22:44:47] Why is this charity not Called NAOMI!? [2015-05-12 22:44:53] Sounds about right, tobh. [2015-05-12 22:45:00] Because [2015-05-12 22:45:01] 16 + 13 = 28? Kappa [2015-05-12 22:45:01] Because the charity is NAMI ? [2015-05-12 22:45:18] spiritSample my goods! [2015-05-12 22:45:26] Has anyone donated and told a story about Cancer yet? [2015-05-12 22:45:26] 27 + 1 = 28? Kappa [2015-05-12 22:45:32] How many Vulajin deaths have I missed Kappa [2015-05-12 22:45:42] Many, Cosmyk Keepo [2015-05-12 22:45:43] quite a few [2015-05-12 22:46:01] Cool cool [2015-05-12 22:46:05] tu meni deaths [2015-05-12 22:46:07] Want the bow Kreygasm [2015-05-12 22:46:07] Shut up Azmo. Shut up. [2015-05-12 22:46:12] OSSY wtf lmao. [2015-05-12 22:46:22] Ossy so rood [2015-05-12 22:46:25] Azmodan is so chatty [2015-05-12 22:46:29] This is my favorite part of the game [2015-05-12 22:46:38] He really is, Dana, He really freakin' is. [2015-05-12 22:46:39] OSEY REALLY [2015-05-12 22:46:44] Holy crap this looks just like SRX [2015-05-12 22:46:53] 29 Deaths (13Vula 4Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:46:56] 29!!!!! [2015-05-12 22:47:10] Bob <3 :D [2015-05-12 22:47:22] 30!!!!! [2015-05-12 22:47:29] 30 Deaths (13Vula 5Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:47:29] Vulajin vaulting into the middle of a pack [2015-05-12 22:47:37] #XYDownUp [2015-05-12 22:47:44] #XY▼▲ [2015-05-12 22:47:44] Always, every time, Aeons, alwaysalways. [2015-05-12 22:47:51] #IncorrectBlitzInput [2015-05-12 22:47:56] #XYDownUp [2015-05-12 22:47:59] #XY▼▲ [2015-05-12 22:48:00] breaking out the rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 22:48:33] 32 Deaths (15Vula 5Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:48:47] Inb4 no legendary [2015-05-12 22:48:55] 33 Deaths (16Vula 5Ossy) 5 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:48:58] Sabotage to bait more deaths OneHand [2015-05-12 22:49:04] 33 Deaths (16Vula 5Ossy) 6 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:49:08] is this new game? what difficulty is it on? [2015-05-12 22:49:09] i bet it is a wizard hat [2015-05-12 22:49:13] Sick legendary. i was really hoping there wasn't one. [2015-05-12 22:49:16] So are we supposed to be dying? Kappa b [2015-05-12 22:49:22] This is a fresh new game, Vato, on Easy. [2015-05-12 22:49:24] #salty [2015-05-12 22:49:25] Vulajin never has that PJSalt [2015-05-12 22:49:31] cool [2015-05-12 22:49:41] Best Levelup Kreygasm [2015-05-12 22:49:58] hahahahah lol xDDDD [2015-05-12 22:50:03] I can't believe I typo'd the blitz input. lol [2015-05-12 22:50:11] I run any% with wizard, was surprised to see some diablo being run, am super excited to see it [2015-05-12 22:50:11] :P Bob [2015-05-12 22:50:24] #TwinChakramsBestChakrams [2015-05-12 22:50:25] I don't see any MetaFlexing going on right now... [2015-05-12 22:50:50] denMiku rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 22:50:50] sounds like you need to donate for it, Sir_VG [2015-05-12 22:51:04] did they say 360, is this the console version? [2015-05-12 22:51:10] Yes [2015-05-12 22:51:11] yes Vato [2015-05-12 22:51:12] They went too fast! [2015-05-12 22:51:14] It's console [2015-05-12 22:51:16] Secret of Flexmore donation incentive [2015-05-12 22:51:20] So they can play as close to Vanilla as possible. [2015-05-12 22:51:23] any particular reason for that? [2015-05-12 22:51:42] gotcha, is this to Act IV or Act V? [2015-05-12 22:51:42] VATO, there is no need to patch console versions [2015-05-12 22:51:46] unlike PC [2015-05-12 22:51:50] @VATO_Gandair level-scaling trivializes the speedrun [2015-05-12 22:51:50] Act 4 [2015-05-12 22:51:51] Act IV [2015-05-12 22:51:52] i dont know anything about the console versions, and oooooh [2015-05-12 22:51:54] Act III [2015-05-12 22:51:57] IV [2015-05-12 22:52:01] V...i don't know [2015-05-12 22:52:04] 34!!!!! [2015-05-12 22:52:04] They don't have RoS, so no Act 5 [2015-05-12 22:52:05] i'm really bad at video games [2015-05-12 22:52:08] Because vulajin is not part of the PC Master Race [2015-05-12 22:52:09] Act XI Kappa [2015-05-12 22:52:18] Act XIII-2 [2015-05-12 22:52:19] lol, cool, thanks for the answers [2015-05-12 22:52:26] Which one died, Cursed? i missed it. BibleThump [2015-05-12 22:52:34] Everybody died [2015-05-12 22:52:38] osey died [2015-05-12 22:52:40] lol xDDDDDDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 22:52:46] 34 Deaths (16Vula 6Ossy) 6 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:53:01] do you know the specific benefits from the 360 version vs current PC patch? [2015-05-12 22:53:10] i figured it was Ossy, since i hadn't seen Vula die out of the corner of my eye. [2015-05-12 22:53:11] Basically, a lack of patches [2015-05-12 22:53:20] @VATO_Gandair They're essentially different games [2015-05-12 22:53:21] ^ [2015-05-12 22:53:28] RoS has a scaling enemy level, it makes it ridiculously easy. [2015-05-12 22:53:29] More beneficial bugs! [2015-05-12 22:53:30] 35!!!! [2015-05-12 22:53:41] speaking of @Kytten vla just diead again [2015-05-12 22:53:45] 35 Deaths (17Vula 6Ossy) 6 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:54:12] @Rpglimitbreak Can you turn the game audio on??? [2015-05-12 22:54:12] it's osey, not ossy [2015-05-12 22:54:19] Ossy. [2015-05-12 22:54:23] Diana no [2015-05-12 22:54:32] just no [2015-05-12 22:54:32] 2Lewd4Twitch Kreygasm [2015-05-12 22:54:37] the audio is on [2015-05-12 22:54:41] :3 [2015-05-12 22:54:41] I can hear it [2015-05-12 22:54:48] It's just very quiet [2015-05-12 22:55:00] i can hear it just fine. [2015-05-12 22:55:01] and i don't know if they want to unleash the demon chocobo from earlier [2015-05-12 22:55:05] by tampering with it atm [2015-05-12 22:55:05] 2vula4twitch Kappa [2015-05-12 22:55:07] I think it's coming through the mic [2015-05-12 22:55:08] i think the game audio is coming through the runners mic, not from the stream [2015-05-12 22:55:18] why? it's so quiet can't hear barely [2015-05-12 22:55:30] were you here at the beginning of the stream? [2015-05-12 22:55:33] because ztzttztzttztztztzttztztztzttztztztzt [2015-05-12 22:55:34] 36 Deaths (18Vula 6Ossy) 6 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:55:35] i mean, at the beginning of the run? [2015-05-12 22:55:37] weren't you here for the earpocalypse DianaET ? [2015-05-12 22:55:44] ZTZTZTZTZTZTZTTZTZTZTZTZTTZTZTZTTZ [2015-05-12 22:55:53] has Vula ID'd that wizard hat yet? [2015-05-12 22:56:07] Man, I wish Kormac was in Heroes of the Storm [2015-05-12 22:56:16] /me puts on her robe and wizard hat. [2015-05-12 22:56:16] Identfying wizard hat... it's the Sorting Hat! [2015-05-12 22:56:24] lol [2015-05-12 22:56:25] <3 Kormac [2015-05-12 22:56:31] aka JONDARRRR jr [2015-05-12 22:56:53] Vulajin needs to repair again [2015-05-12 22:56:56] trololol [2015-05-12 22:56:59] 37 Deaths (19Vula 6Ossy) 6 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:57:02] its nto red yet [2015-05-12 22:57:13] donation incentive: $5 everytime vula has to repair [2015-05-12 22:57:22] Remember when i said that shots per death, or $1 per death was a bad idea? Yep. This is why. ;) [2015-05-12 22:57:48] @Kytten if i had done that i'd be faceplanted on my keyboard [2015-05-12 22:57:56] Vula almost got sniped [2015-05-12 22:57:59] ikr Green [2015-05-12 22:58:18] thou art ded [2015-05-12 22:58:25] Only in a marathon [2015-05-12 22:58:25] RIP vulajin [2015-05-12 22:58:26] 38 Deaths (20Vula 6Ossy) 6 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:58:26] how many deaths? [2015-05-12 22:58:26] rpgTipJar [2015-05-12 22:58:27] And not because you choose to, but because you'd just pass out [2015-05-12 22:58:30] Vulajin FailFish [2015-05-12 22:58:34] 39 Deaths (21Vula 6Ossy) 6 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:58:37] RIP again [2015-05-12 22:58:40] Vulajin naked Kreygasm [2015-05-12 22:58:40] correct dfocus [2015-05-12 22:58:42] that is like 2 foties if you did shots of beer [2015-05-12 22:58:44] do they have any problems with disconnects? [2015-05-12 22:58:47] lol [2015-05-12 22:58:48] 40 Deaths (21Vula 7Ossy) 6 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:58:51] RIP osey [2015-05-12 22:59:03] RIP me *goes to bed* [2015-05-12 22:59:12] 41 Deaths (22Vula 7Ossy) 6 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:59:21] !shirts [2015-05-12 22:59:22] Y-e-t-e-e [2015-05-12 22:59:23] I would say something at vula but i think he is still pissed at me [2015-05-12 22:59:25] The Yetee is doing a special shirt sale in support of RPGLB! $3 of every shirt purchased from http://www.theyetee.com/rpglimitbreak will be donated to NAMI. [2015-05-12 22:59:44] so, if i ever play an mmo, and vulajin is on the team or whatever, what role should he be best suited for? [2015-05-12 22:59:55] 42 Deaths (23Vula 7Ossy) 6 Legendaries [2015-05-12 22:59:57] 41!!!! [2015-05-12 22:59:58] dead ? :3 [2015-05-12 23:00:01] is feeder a role? Kappa [2015-05-12 23:00:03] Dead, doicm. Keepo [2015-05-12 23:00:05] Cast on Death [2015-05-12 23:00:22] xD [2015-05-12 23:00:33] "good" breach. [2015-05-12 23:00:37] 42 ftw!!!!!!!!!!!! [2015-05-12 23:00:37] Yes. [2015-05-12 23:01:12] #ShotsFired [2015-05-12 23:01:16] Shots Fired omn FROZEN [2015-05-12 23:01:17] shots. fired. [2015-05-12 23:01:17] @hobbitbilboman :o [2015-05-12 23:01:20] Jfc Ossy with the shots fired everywhere omg [2015-05-12 23:01:30] Yes, it is a bad movie [2015-05-12 23:01:38] Good music, but eh [2015-05-12 23:01:38] But isn't osey firing shots at everything? Kappa [2015-05-12 23:01:40] OSEY PUT THE GUN DOWN ITS OK [2015-05-12 23:01:42] <12inch12yearold> > playing D3 on a console PogChamp [2015-05-12 23:01:49] how does 23 and 7 make 42? [2015-05-12 23:02:00] <slainv has been timed out> [2015-05-12 23:02:03] heya Chaos! [2015-05-12 23:02:04] New drinking game: Take a shot every time Osey fires a shot at Vula Kappa [2015-05-12 23:02:05] Bob, math Kappa [2015-05-12 23:02:08] i started counting the per-deaths at like 13. [2015-05-12 23:02:08] spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 23:02:11] >_> [2015-05-12 23:02:12] Yeah, Osey is just Deathblossoming here [2015-05-12 23:02:24] ah okay Kytten [2015-05-12 23:02:26] I left my gem in my other pants! [2015-05-12 23:02:31] :P Bob [2015-05-12 23:02:58] So when's the Cow Level? [2015-05-12 23:02:58] a "larder" is a food storage place, it's like a pantry but a whole room [2015-05-12 23:03:00] kytten: Maybe you should just make up numbers so your death count adds up [2015-05-12 23:03:12] Brossentia, step it up bro [2015-05-12 23:03:15] LEGENDARY [2015-05-12 23:03:16] Maybe maybe. [2015-05-12 23:03:26] the luck xD. [2015-05-12 23:03:28] 6!!!!!!!!!! [2015-05-12 23:03:40] such legend, much dairy, so wow Kappa [2015-05-12 23:03:44] 42 Deaths (23Vula 7Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:03:51] doesn't that make 7 legendaries? [2015-05-12 23:03:53] For alternate chat, live donation ticker, and auto-updating schedule, check out our website at http://www.rpglimitbreak.com [2015-05-12 23:04:00] Technically. [2015-05-12 23:04:07] 6 equips, 1 plan [2015-05-12 23:04:18] Legend... wait for it... Vula died >.> [2015-05-12 23:04:27] Lmao Aeons [2015-05-12 23:04:30] Lmao. [2015-05-12 23:05:03] Fields of Laughter [2015-05-12 23:05:07] :D [2015-05-12 23:05:07] 43 [2015-05-12 23:05:10] 43 Deaths(23Vula 8Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:05:17] 44 [2015-05-12 23:05:22] 44 Deaths(24Vula 8Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:05:30] You can't spell slaughter without laughter! [2015-05-12 23:05:30] what difficulty is it on? [2015-05-12 23:05:37] Easy [2015-05-12 23:05:45] pansy difficulty [2015-05-12 23:06:02] DansGame how do you die on easy [2015-05-12 23:06:02] Anything higher just drags out the run unnecessarily. [2015-05-12 23:06:04] technically normal, right? I don't think there is an easy, unless it's console-specific [2015-05-12 23:06:09] This is on the Vulajin still dies difficulty Kappa [2015-05-12 23:06:14] Difficulty level: Vulajin [2015-05-12 23:06:24] Because gear is crap, levels are low. [2015-05-12 23:06:41] Mobs will kill you no matter what. [2015-05-12 23:06:44] It's on Easy. [2015-05-12 23:07:00] 45!!! [2015-05-12 23:07:02] 46 Deaths(25Vula 9Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:07:10] Double kill [2015-05-12 23:07:16] Vula should be at about -250% durability by now [2015-05-12 23:07:27] kytten, 45 [2015-05-12 23:07:28] He's repaired twice now :P [2015-05-12 23:07:33] 46 [2015-05-12 23:07:49] oh [2015-05-12 23:07:55] Vulajin is just making economical boom in town with all these repairs [2015-05-12 23:07:56] :P [2015-05-12 23:08:15] gold sinks are the foundation of any fictional economy! [2015-05-12 23:09:21] lol!!!! xDDDDD [2015-05-12 23:09:26] 47 [2015-05-12 23:09:35] 47 Deaths(26Vula 9Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:09:38] Aw man, I have missed too much already [2015-05-12 23:09:57] The Unying Siege Engine of Hell has died [2015-05-12 23:10:02] Undying [2015-05-12 23:10:28] #CongaLineOfDeath [2015-05-12 23:10:30] And now starts the "Oh god everyone keeps dying forever and ever" [2015-05-12 23:10:57] @Kytten wait.... wait... "STARTS?!?" [2015-05-12 23:11:26] @Swordofaeons bwahahahaha [2015-05-12 23:11:33] rpgTasteGood [2015-05-12 23:11:33] dont you mean continues kytten? [2015-05-12 23:11:40] succubi [2015-05-12 23:11:45] 48 [2015-05-12 23:11:50] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 23:11:51] hey HS [2015-05-12 23:11:54] 49 [2015-05-12 23:12:06] 50 [2015-05-12 23:12:14] 50 Deaths(28Vula 10Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:12:19] you know every time I look over to the stream I see a dead Vulajin [2015-05-12 23:12:23] the deaths just making sure we don't get too far ahead on schedule [2015-05-12 23:12:34] hey mikalia [2015-05-12 23:12:35] 51 [2015-05-12 23:12:51] 52 Deaths(29Vula 11Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:12:53] How are you HS? [2015-05-12 23:12:55] james < [2015-05-12 23:13:05] james <3 you"ll sing for sure:) [2015-05-12 23:13:11] Can't you grind low level areas with high level characters to get low level gear? [2015-05-12 23:13:45] Loot 2.0 gives you gear you can use, but not always the gear you actually want... [2015-05-12 23:13:51] it's a clean file, that's a no-go ChiefOluk [2015-05-12 23:13:52] actualyl rarely the gear you want [2015-05-12 23:13:56] Good here [2015-05-12 23:14:00] Woohoo, HS singing! spiritWEEE [2015-05-12 23:14:06] 54 [2015-05-12 23:14:07] d-d-d-double kill [2015-05-12 23:14:09] 54 Deaths(30Vula 12Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:14:15] Chaos: They were talking about newgame+ for a second [2015-05-12 23:14:18] 46 is SO wrong. >_> [2015-05-12 23:14:21] never jeannot [2015-05-12 23:14:23] ah [2015-05-12 23:14:31] YOU HAVE DIED. [2015-05-12 23:14:31] 55 Deaths(31Vula 12Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:14:34] @PXTfD it's at 54 [2015-05-12 23:14:36] you will ^^ believe me [2015-05-12 23:14:46] 55 [2015-05-12 23:14:50] Suddenly, the HS singing donation goal jumps up to $100,000 [2015-05-12 23:14:52] 55 [2015-05-12 23:15:01] How's the American Speeden Housen so far HS? [2015-05-12 23:15:03] 57 Deaths(32Vula 13Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:15:04] lol wells :) [2015-05-12 23:15:09] 56 [2015-05-12 23:15:13] All the deaths. All the money. All the drinks. [2015-05-12 23:15:15] not 57 [2015-05-12 23:15:19] 57 because they both died again. [2015-05-12 23:15:23] 57 [2015-05-12 23:15:32] 58 Deaths(32Vula 14Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:15:38] I think Jeannot is up to something [2015-05-12 23:15:49] @Kytten i think at this point, anyone participating in the drinking game are considered legally dead [2015-05-12 23:16:01] what diffuculty? [2015-05-12 23:16:06] Truth, Greenleaf, such truth. [2015-05-12 23:16:09] Easy difficulty [2015-05-12 23:16:10] Nghtmare [2015-05-12 23:16:18] beast mode hype! [2015-05-12 23:16:18] I mean easy [2015-05-12 23:16:26] Not so much dead, as pickled [2015-05-12 23:16:28] I presume it's a shot per death or something? [2015-05-12 23:16:37] Pickle Jho [2015-05-12 23:16:39] Vulajin and Osey, Killing Viewers since 2015 Kappa [2015-05-12 23:16:42] Sip per death, shot per legendary [2015-05-12 23:16:47] That would be the worst idea Parchment. [2015-05-12 23:16:55] I can't afford alcohol of that magnitude. [2015-05-12 23:16:56] What are the difficulties in diablo, anyway? [2015-05-12 23:17:10] Getting stuff, reading maps. [2015-05-12 23:17:14] @ParchmentScroll i have enoug for teh entire chat... if anyone wants to join me [2015-05-12 23:17:18] 59 Deaths(33Vula 14Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:17:26] #Marathonluck [2015-05-12 23:17:33] But Osey, this is marathon, nothing goes as planned rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 23:17:34] "Enough". This is a word that applies to alcohol? [2015-05-12 23:17:43] 60 Deaths(34Vula 14Ossy) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:17:50] There is "not enough" and "too much" [2015-05-12 23:17:58] :) <3 [2015-05-12 23:18:00] Well, my house has a liquor closet.... not cabinet, closet [2015-05-12 23:18:00] It's 60 [2015-05-12 23:18:24] Kappa [2015-05-12 23:18:24] You're welcome Vula ;) And of course Ossy <3 [2015-05-12 23:18:33] i feel like i'm missing something @kytten 34+14 isn't 60...i'm confused... [2015-05-12 23:18:47] stared a while ago [2015-05-12 23:18:53] but not from the beginning [2015-05-12 23:18:53] Noone was counting til about 15 in [2015-05-12 23:18:55] i started keeping track of per deaths at like, 12 [2015-05-12 23:19:05] oh, i see [2015-05-12 23:19:09] Because someone asked, so. [2015-05-12 23:19:10] I'd recommedn putting in (13 uncounted) [2015-05-12 23:19:11] are the bosses a joke in casual play too? [2015-05-12 23:19:15] thanks for clearing that up..lol [2015-05-12 23:19:28] ~Iiiiii love a paraaaade~ [2015-05-12 23:19:31] i will in the final Dana [2015-05-12 23:19:34] :P [2015-05-12 23:19:47] heh, people just keep asking so :) [2015-05-12 23:19:54] Meta is hearing things... [2015-05-12 23:20:04] FailFish [2015-05-12 23:20:04] lmao [2015-05-12 23:20:04] 61 [2015-05-12 23:20:06] LMFAO Ossy pls [2015-05-12 23:20:15] Osey wat [2015-05-12 23:20:20] KRILLIN PLEASE DODGE [2015-05-12 23:20:20] Piccolo: DODGE! [2015-05-12 23:20:22] Was that a one hit kill from the weakest lord of Hell? [2015-05-12 23:20:23] LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 23:20:25] Much Dodge [2015-05-12 23:20:28] Such Death [2015-05-12 23:20:30] We need a new sitcom "Meta in the Middle" [2015-05-12 23:20:34] good excuse Kappa [2015-05-12 23:20:36] 61 Deaths(34Vula 15Ossy 12uncounted) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:20:41] lol [2015-05-12 23:20:42] Ossy you adorable dork. [2015-05-12 23:20:46] I would watch taht Mikalia ^^. [2015-05-12 23:20:51] "good" ACT 3 Kappa [2015-05-12 23:20:59] Yep [2015-05-12 23:21:07] SeigeWulf yes they are on xbox 360 without RoS so no enemy scaling with level [2015-05-12 23:21:18] meanign azmodan and onward are way higher level than their characters are [2015-05-12 23:21:24] @Kytten would you say that he is ....adorkable :-D Kappa [2015-05-12 23:21:27] Mhm [2015-05-12 23:21:28] =) [2015-05-12 23:21:33] Absolutely Green :P [2015-05-12 23:22:02] who needs Brosenntia for puns... you have me [2015-05-12 23:22:21] ah only have this game on ps3 [2015-05-12 23:22:21] MOSES?????? LOL!!!!!!! xDDDDD LMFAO [2015-05-12 23:22:22] lol [2015-05-12 23:22:24] "What in the moses?!?!" -Meta 2015 [2015-05-12 23:22:37] Go meta! [2015-05-12 23:22:37] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 23:22:44] RIGGED bringing in a premade character BibleThump [2015-05-12 23:22:49] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 23:22:49] BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA [2015-05-12 23:22:51] go metasigma [2015-05-12 23:22:52] Oh god bonus stage? [2015-05-12 23:22:53] Metaaaaaaaaa [2015-05-12 23:22:54] I want to hear hunters asplode [2015-05-12 23:23:01] Go Meta ᕦʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔᕤᕦʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔᕤᕦʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔᕤ [2015-05-12 23:23:03] So good, this is gonna be so good so exciting [2015-05-12 23:23:04] oh god...volume on standby [2015-05-12 23:23:04] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ HERE IT COMES [2015-05-12 23:23:05] oh man I'm back in time [2015-05-12 23:23:10] OMG TIME FOR SOME EPIC REACTIONS xDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 23:23:24] ~We're Going to Our Happy Place~ [2015-05-12 23:23:28] SO MUXCH GOOD [2015-05-12 23:23:29] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 23:23:30] lmfaolmfao [2015-05-12 23:23:32] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ!!! [2015-05-12 23:23:38] He's related to TORGUE? [2015-05-12 23:23:39] I am SO wanting to see Meta's reaction to this level. [2015-05-12 23:23:41] EXPLOSIONS! [2015-05-12 23:23:46] op hype [2015-05-12 23:23:46] This is so good [2015-05-12 23:23:48] RUPTURE APOCOLYPSE LMFAO xDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 23:23:48] Remember to lower your audio volume for Metas reaction [2015-05-12 23:23:49] Sooo good [2015-05-12 23:23:51] haha XD [2015-05-12 23:24:03] hahahahahaha [2015-05-12 23:24:08] RPG Limit Break 2015 is being restreamed with French commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/rpglimitbreak_fr and with German commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/germenchrestream [2015-05-12 23:24:09] hahahahah xDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 23:24:09] LOL [2015-05-12 23:24:12] Wow. [2015-05-12 23:24:17] A+ [2015-05-12 23:24:19] Watch your ears, headphone users. [2015-05-12 23:24:19] RIP urn right now lmao. [2015-05-12 23:24:28] Wow come the hell on, just get on with it [2015-05-12 23:24:29] rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 23:24:37] I'm a bit sad Osey didn't keep my name suggestion. [2015-05-12 23:24:41] But eh. [2015-05-12 23:24:48] When you're rolling, you're not flexing, thus it is wrong [2015-05-12 23:24:52] Meta is my favoreite mental illness runner xDDD [2015-05-12 23:24:54] Vula with the rolling lmao [2015-05-12 23:24:55] yup Meta's voice is epically loud [2015-05-12 23:25:05] sir doof? what is this, breath of fire ii? [2015-05-12 23:25:28] When I listen to Meta's stream on mobile, I always turn it down a good bit first. [2015-05-12 23:25:40] THERE IS A COW LEVEL! [2015-05-12 23:25:40] Meta's gonna love this [2015-05-12 23:25:42] OMG META IS PLAYING THE PONY LEVEL D: [2015-05-12 23:25:43] i don't here anything [2015-05-12 23:25:48] It is not a cow level [2015-05-12 23:25:55] the shire [2015-05-12 23:25:55] It... Shhh mattrick nooo [2015-05-12 23:25:56] W@ [2015-05-12 23:25:59] there is no sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [2015-05-12 23:25:59] We know about the pony level, come on guys the game is so old now [2015-05-12 23:26:03] Mattrick_, yup [2015-05-12 23:26:04] NICE SPEEDRUN GUYS Kappa [2015-05-12 23:26:05] What does it say? [2015-05-12 23:26:08] what is happening i'm lost [2015-05-12 23:26:10] pony level [2015-05-12 23:26:13] Donation Incentives [2015-05-12 23:26:17] RAIMBOW ROAD STAGE [2015-05-12 23:26:20] WHAT [2015-05-12 23:26:24] HERE IT COMES [2015-05-12 23:26:27] I wish I had my ludendiProCow emote right now :( [2015-05-12 23:26:30] hahaha that look on Meta's face [2015-05-12 23:26:31] DEADLY FLOWERS! [2015-05-12 23:26:33] WHAT IS THIS [2015-05-12 23:26:34] Lmfao the look on His face lmao. [2015-05-12 23:26:38] THIS MONSTROSITY [2015-05-12 23:26:38] META'S MIND IS BROKEN [2015-05-12 23:26:38] HUEHUEHUEUHE OMG EBIK REACTIONS xDDDDDD OMG HIS FACE LMFAO MOSES!!!!! Xdddddd [2015-05-12 23:26:39] WHIMSYSHIRE Kreygasm [2015-05-12 23:26:46] PogChamp [2015-05-12 23:26:50] lolwut? [2015-05-12 23:26:56] oh ya i remember this place [2015-05-12 23:26:57] WHIMSHIRE IS *** GREAT[ [2015-05-12 23:27:00] "What in Moses' name am I killing? or doing?" -Metasigma 2015 [2015-05-12 23:27:03] Do these deaths count? [2015-05-12 23:27:12] We Let's Play now. [2015-05-12 23:27:21] legendary [2015-05-12 23:27:45] if the legendaries count the deaths count [2015-05-12 23:27:46] WAHAHAHAHAHAH PONIES xDDD [2015-05-12 23:27:48] Ponies of Death [2015-05-12 23:27:52] yo rpglb, time to stay a while and listen [2015-05-12 23:27:52] rekt [2015-05-12 23:27:52] PONIES PONIES Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [2015-05-12 23:27:54] This lets play is so ebic [2015-05-12 23:27:57] PONIES..... [2015-05-12 23:27:58] XD Meta's reaction. [2015-05-12 23:28:01] SOMEONE GET A SCREENSHOT OF META'S FACE [2015-05-12 23:28:03] watch out for those clouds [2015-05-12 23:28:03] Duckfist Kreygasm [2015-05-12 23:28:08] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 23:28:17] I love how they're just spreading around blood [2015-05-12 23:28:17] Duckfist PogChamp [2015-05-12 23:28:18] the French chat is flexing to no end [2015-05-12 23:28:19] Meta slaughtering ponies...Luna will make you pay ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ. [2015-05-12 23:28:24] :) [2015-05-12 23:28:50] Soo Much Pony Blood [2015-05-12 23:28:51] meta looks horrified [2015-05-12 23:28:54] ROFL [2015-05-12 23:28:54] Pony deaths [2015-05-12 23:29:06] Just like in Cabin in the Woods. [2015-05-12 23:29:07] Unicorns gore people clearly [2015-05-12 23:29:13] SoonerLater SoonerLater SoonerLater [2015-05-12 23:29:15] this place is to op [2015-05-12 23:29:49] Whimsyshire kffcLove [2015-05-12 23:30:01] #Elitepony [2015-05-12 23:30:16] ELITE PONIES PONIES Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [2015-05-12 23:30:31] Whimseyshire: 1Ossy 2Meta 2Vula 1Legendary [2015-05-12 23:30:34] That grandma couch is the best part of the show Kappa [2015-05-12 23:30:41] PONIES ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-12 23:30:42] OMFG THIS IS SO EPICCCC xDDDDDD [2015-05-12 23:30:43] GO IN AND MURDER EVRYONE [2015-05-12 23:30:46] Whimseyshire = Teddy Bear Picnic 20 years later [2015-05-12 23:30:53] Someone needs to ask Meta if these are one of his Reindeer! [2015-05-12 23:30:56] Kappa [2015-05-12 23:31:17] Those ponies beg to die. [2015-05-12 23:31:17] Murder the ponies >: ( [2015-05-12 23:31:22] META IS SO EPIC HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [2015-05-12 23:31:25] teddy bears! [2015-05-12 23:31:26] This is revenge, is what it is. [2015-05-12 23:31:41] What the *** did I just come back to pattyNOOO [2015-05-12 23:31:43] hi parchy [2015-05-12 23:31:46] Revenge for all the bad SoE RNG that Meta had to endure? [2015-05-12 23:31:53] Hey, Kurossu. [2015-05-12 23:32:07] coincidentally these ponies are some of the best monsters you can get for pushing greater rifts in high level RoS play [2015-05-12 23:32:11] Mattrick that was great. DD lost it when the teller said that to them. [2015-05-12 23:32:13] Speaking of Revenge. Ready for that race to happen soon enough? 8) [2015-05-12 23:32:18] Revenge against the shitty pony games. [2015-05-12 23:32:49] HAHAHAHA PAID FOR IN PONY BLOOD! HAHAHAH xDDDD [2015-05-12 23:32:51] Almost. I'm not quite finished with my run -- apparently I need to grind a bit more. [2015-05-12 23:33:04] "Because that was paid for in pony blood" [2015-05-12 23:33:05] give us pony gore [2015-05-12 23:33:14] sheesh these guys are making me want to redownload diablo 3 on the ps3 [2015-05-12 23:33:14] Oh wait. This is pretty neat actually, KILL THE PONIES [2015-05-12 23:33:15] Guys, stop. You guys are upsetting the bronies right now Kappa [2015-05-12 23:33:20] Whimseyshire: 1Ossy 3Meta 3Vula 1Legendary [2015-05-12 23:33:21] DIE PONIES DIE [2015-05-12 23:33:24] Princess Metasparkle [2015-05-12 23:33:26] I will donate for this name ^^. [2015-05-12 23:33:29] Princess metasparkle hype [2015-05-12 23:33:33] Gymfreak739 No, I am enjoying the hell out of this. [2015-05-12 23:33:46] P. Metasparkle best name for the boy xD. [2015-05-12 23:33:49] #PrincessMetaSparkle [2015-05-12 23:33:59] Hang on while I tweet that. [2015-05-12 23:34:07] #PrincessMetaSparkle [2015-05-12 23:34:30] WOW DAT PUN [2015-05-12 23:34:34] Mikalia D: [2015-05-12 23:34:34] WOW [2015-05-12 23:34:39] is this the d3 version of the secret cow level? [2015-05-12 23:34:39] Stronk Pun is Stronk [2015-05-12 23:34:44] XD [2015-05-12 23:34:46] P METASPARKLE [2015-05-12 23:34:46] what pun? [2015-05-12 23:34:47] yes, Garik [2015-05-12 23:34:49] yes, garik [2015-05-12 23:34:52] Garik16, yes [2015-05-12 23:34:55] Good pun [2015-05-12 23:35:14] What would Luna think of killing all these ponies? It would be luna-cris [2015-05-12 23:35:18] Such pony, very genocide <3 [2015-05-12 23:35:36] ChiefOluk, I'm pretty sure this is her worst nightmare. [2015-05-12 23:35:42] Much happy. [2015-05-12 23:35:44] did they kill super awesome sparkle cakes? [2015-05-12 23:35:47] Garik16 No! D3 RoS has an actual cow level [2015-05-12 23:35:48] HAHAHAHA META IS EPICCCCC xXDDDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 23:35:50] Poor diminutive horses [2015-05-12 23:35:53] Whimseyshire: 1Ossy 3Meta 3Vula 1Legendary [2015-05-12 23:36:04] please reconnect controler [2015-05-12 23:36:08] #tinyponies [2015-05-12 23:36:09] NOW [2015-05-12 23:36:17] That gets added in later. [2015-05-12 23:36:59] Ooh! Swamp drownings! [2015-05-12 23:37:14] time to drown some people [2015-05-12 23:37:25] Training Kreygasm [2015-05-12 23:37:30] A wild chocobo appears! [2015-05-12 23:37:48] dang i missed Whimeyshite [2015-05-12 23:38:25] ysyeeeeee [2015-05-12 23:38:44] #SPIDERBRO [2015-05-12 23:38:51] #Spiderbro [2015-05-12 23:39:02] Like Spiderman, except with his hat backwards [2015-05-12 23:39:16] Tankier than Spiderman too [2015-05-12 23:39:33] w1ndows91, it didnt spawn :( [2015-05-12 23:39:38] Spderbro: A Better Movie than Spiderman K [2015-05-12 23:39:42] time to kill rakanoth [2015-05-12 23:40:17] I just realized Meta is wearing the MetaSparkle shirt [2015-05-12 23:40:33] :D [2015-05-12 23:40:35] Mikalia, yup [2015-05-12 23:40:37] =D [2015-05-12 23:40:41] 62 Deaths(35Vula 15Ossy 12uncounted) 6+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:40:43] XD [2015-05-12 23:40:49] Get the achievement? [2015-05-12 23:41:32] 63 Deaths(35Vula 16Ossy 12uncounted) 6+1 Legendaries (Whimsyshire will be added in later) [2015-05-12 23:42:07] 64 Deaths(36Vula 16Ossy 12uncounted) 6+1 Legendaries (Whimsyshire will be added in later) [2015-05-12 23:42:36] Almost as many deaths as a run of I Wanna Be The Boshy [2015-05-12 23:42:39] why do you make death count? [2015-05-12 23:42:40] 65 Deaths(37Vula 16Ossy 12uncounted) 6+1 Legendaries (Whimsyshire will be added in later) [2015-05-12 23:42:42] Vulajin is a pro at getting his face smashed in [2015-05-12 23:42:43] did osey equip the thing he wanted to at level 22 ? [2015-05-12 23:42:54] Who's that guy in the way back with the flannel looking shirt? [2015-05-12 23:43:00] Vulajin is basically Osey's spiderbro [2015-05-12 23:43:04] 66 Deaths(37Vula 17Ossy 12uncounted) 6+1 Legendaries (Whimsyshire will be added in later) [2015-05-12 23:43:08] Lmfao yes dFocus [2015-05-12 23:43:24] I have no mental health [2015-05-12 23:43:29] He's just worse than the actual spiderbro OneHand [2015-05-12 23:43:30] 67 Deaths(38Vula 17Ossy 12uncounted) 6+1 Legendaries (Whimsyshire will be added in later) [2015-05-12 23:43:32] and I'm under 24... IT MUST BE TRUE [2015-05-12 23:43:48] death dropping :( its meh at best [2015-05-12 23:43:51] Is that a coop strat? Dying a lot? [2015-05-12 23:43:58] I was diagnosed at 24. I almost made it BibleThump [2015-05-12 23:44:03] Sure, yes, Vuld [2015-05-12 23:44:06] This 1$ per death things is great [2015-05-12 23:44:07] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 23:44:17] Mercy kill incoming? [2015-05-12 23:44:18] LOL OMFG HAHAHAHAH LMFAO xDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 23:44:27] bow broken!! [2015-05-12 23:44:29] LOLOL [2015-05-12 23:44:32] 72 Deaths(41Vula 19Ossy 12uncounted) 6+1 Legendaries (Whimsyshire will be added in later) [2015-05-12 23:44:34] FailFish [2015-05-12 23:44:37] welp [2015-05-12 23:44:40] omg Vulajin FailFish [2015-05-12 23:44:43] So much death lmao [2015-05-12 23:44:48] This run is perfect [2015-05-12 23:45:03] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHJAHAHAHAHA [2015-05-12 23:45:08] not to worry, it was probably a death warp [2015-05-12 23:45:08] Fail rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 23:45:08] "How many DPSes do i do? 4? Yep." [2015-05-12 23:45:19] TYRAEL PLS [2015-05-12 23:45:22] Sweepin' the deeps [2015-05-12 23:45:24] Alright, ShadowDraft and me own the RoR coop records again [2015-05-12 23:45:32] They're still terrible runs, but they're our runs. [2015-05-12 23:45:34] why is perfect? they died many times :( [2015-05-12 23:45:40] Onin yesyes [2015-05-12 23:45:40] Now is that Damage Per Second, or Deaths per second? [2015-05-12 23:45:50] Yes Cursed. [2015-05-12 23:45:55] Pew Pew lasers [2015-05-12 23:45:58] ... [2015-05-12 23:46:01] Pretty sure the Deaths per Second is higher [2015-05-12 23:46:09] lol [2015-05-12 23:46:17] Agreed Focus [2015-05-12 23:46:31] Bravo, @Dfocus89 [2015-05-12 23:46:45] hi parchy :) [2015-05-12 23:46:49] "We're going to stick together, absolutely 100% stick together" "You go right i'll go left" "..........." [2015-05-12 23:47:03] 73 Deaths(42Vula 19Ossy 12uncounted) 6+1 Legendaries (Whimsyshire will be added in later) [2015-05-12 23:47:23] Don't glitch the boss don't glitch the boss [2015-05-12 23:48:06] Is that...Izzy? [2015-05-12 23:48:07] 74 Deaths(43Vula 19Ossy 12uncounted) 6+1 Legendaries (Whimsyshire will be added in later) [2015-05-12 23:48:11] Best boss ever. [2015-05-12 23:48:11] Vula needs to up his Toughness game [2015-05-12 23:48:16] Yes SiegeWulf [2015-05-12 23:48:22] !shirts [2015-05-12 23:48:22] The Yetee is doing a special shirt sale in support of RPGLB! $3 of every shirt purchased from http://www.theyetee.com/rpglimitbreak will be donated to NAMI. [2015-05-12 23:48:23] Izzy! <3 [2015-05-12 23:48:37] BibleThump [2015-05-12 23:49:01] hahahahahahahah that was epic!! xDDDD [2015-05-12 23:49:06] 75 [2015-05-12 23:49:11] 75 Deaths(44Vula 19Ossy 12uncounted) 6+1 Legendaries (Whimsyshire will be added in later) [2015-05-12 23:49:34] Now I wonder if they will kill Diablo first try. [2015-05-12 23:49:56] #thathasneverhappened [2015-05-12 23:49:58] Whoa, vulajin contributed. [2015-05-12 23:50:14] TIME TO KILL DIABLO [2015-05-12 23:50:16] $200 hype! [2015-05-12 23:50:16] ooooh [2015-05-12 23:50:20] time to die!!! [2015-05-12 23:50:21] Lmao [2015-05-12 23:50:25] Spike in shot!! [2015-05-12 23:50:27] Well, death incoming. [2015-05-12 23:50:31] 200 HYPE [2015-05-12 23:50:31] Welcome to die! [2015-05-12 23:50:36] Quote Ghaleon: "Time to die." [2015-05-12 23:50:37] Good luck massage from Spike [2015-05-12 23:50:40] hahahahahahaHAHAHHAAHHAAHHAHAH xDDDDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 23:50:40] SPIKE! [2015-05-12 23:50:40] someone pull out the controller cable? Kappa [2015-05-12 23:50:40] Spike playing the role of Doc Louis [2015-05-12 23:50:48] It's not a massage..it's a Puff Puff. [2015-05-12 23:50:52] I SEE A SPIKE [2015-05-12 23:50:59] le spike <3 [2015-05-12 23:51:06] obdajr subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 23:51:06] obdajr subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-12 23:51:15] What's up everyone [2015-05-12 23:51:15] ssjSpikeChamp ssjSpikeChamp ssjSpikeChamp ssjSpikeChamp ssjSpikeChamp ssjSpikeChamp ssjSpikeChamp [2015-05-12 23:51:22] resub hype! spazOut [2015-05-12 23:51:24] SPIKE PogChamp [2015-05-12 23:51:25] Not too much Obda, yourself [2015-05-12 23:51:26] hey Obdajr [2015-05-12 23:51:28] yay Obdajr have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 23:51:29] Heya Obdajr [2015-05-12 23:51:34] rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird [2015-05-12 23:51:37] mmm sweedish fish [2015-05-12 23:51:44] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 23:51:53] hi Obdajr [2015-05-12 23:51:57] Yay RPGLB! [2015-05-12 23:52:01] 2DARK4U [2015-05-12 23:52:04] Heya Obdajr [2015-05-12 23:52:06] Hey Obdajr [2015-05-12 23:52:18] HAHAHAHAHAHA xDDDDDDD [2015-05-12 23:52:21] BibleThump OO [2015-05-12 23:52:28] hey cbenni hey mikalia hey cursedgamer hey faunsth [2015-05-12 23:52:32] RIP all the Spiderbros :( [2015-05-12 23:52:45] I almost forgot this was today >_> [2015-05-12 23:53:00] man i wish i was there instead of having to work [2015-05-12 23:53:01] Wow, they didn't die. [2015-05-12 23:53:03] gg [2015-05-12 23:53:10] I was rooting for diablo ^^. [2015-05-12 23:53:11] GG [2015-05-12 23:53:13] no 200bucks BibleThump [2015-05-12 23:53:13] gg [2015-05-12 23:53:16] Hello [2015-05-12 23:53:16] gg [2015-05-12 23:53:16] GG [2015-05-12 23:53:17] grtDebt [2015-05-12 23:53:18] wait that was it? [2015-05-12 23:53:19] Tallying up the final scores now: [2015-05-12 23:53:19] GGG [2015-05-12 23:53:21] Klappa [2015-05-12 23:53:22] GG // [2015-05-12 23:53:22] GG! [2015-05-12 23:53:26] Kappa // [2015-05-12 23:53:31] sup Obdajr [2015-05-12 23:53:31] Kappa dssClap [2015-05-12 23:53:33] rpgWhat// [2015-05-12 23:53:34] gg guys [2015-05-12 23:53:35] Obdajr i agree. [2015-05-12 23:53:36] LEGENDARY [2015-05-12 23:53:41] \\ rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-12 23:53:42] GG [2015-05-12 23:53:43] Vulajin/Osey rpgLevelup [2015-05-12 23:53:43] smokeGG [2015-05-12 23:53:43] Kappa // [2015-05-12 23:53:49] finally I can go to bed ResidentSleeper [2015-05-12 23:53:49] Cheers Osey and Vulajin, Good job [2015-05-12 23:53:50] Klappa Klappa Klappa [2015-05-12 23:53:55] gnight Kappa / [2015-05-12 23:54:06] what was the final Legendary number? [2015-05-12 23:54:06] SPIKE! [2015-05-12 23:54:14] PUFF PUFF [2015-05-12 23:54:21] SpiketheCheetah [2015-05-12 23:54:27] hey Obdajr PogChamp / [2015-05-12 23:54:29] 78 deaths and 8 legendary's your poison [2015-05-12 23:54:31] What are the ToV donation incentives again? [2015-05-12 23:54:45] hey thatdude [2015-05-12 23:54:48] Vula just died again Kappa [2015-05-12 23:54:48] does noone here read dragon ball [2015-05-12 23:54:54] 82 Deaths(47Vula 20Ossy 3Meta 12uncounted) 7+1 Legendaries [2015-05-12 23:55:02] was it 82 [2015-05-12 23:55:05] Yes [2015-05-12 23:55:06] im slacking [2015-05-12 23:55:09] Yeah [2015-05-12 23:55:10] yes [2015-05-12 23:55:13] Reader I believe you meant pick HER poison dohoho. [2015-05-12 23:55:13] hey I recognize that kitchen [2015-05-12 23:55:14] I saw 1500 viewers, so I decided to break that number [2015-05-12 23:55:18] Come on, RPGLimitBreak :p [2015-05-12 23:55:20] :> [2015-05-12 23:55:25] :V [2015-05-12 23:55:31] hahahahahha xDDDDDDD epiccccc [2015-05-12 23:55:31] :3 [2015-05-12 23:55:32] ... [2015-05-12 23:55:53] <3 [2015-05-12 23:55:57] Well, on to DRAGONS!!! [2015-05-12 23:55:58] I hope the sound comes back [2015-05-12 23:56:01] Level 17 Dragonlord. GO! [2015-05-12 23:56:10] I hope "the sound" comes back Kappa [2015-05-12 23:56:10] what was the legendary helm taht Vula got? [2015-05-12 23:56:12] Wait.... does it say I'm a subscriber everyone? [2015-05-12 23:56:14] anyone remember? [2015-05-12 23:56:15] I wont be commenting much during the next hour... the Flash is new in 4 minutes [2015-05-12 23:56:22] No Cosmyk [2015-05-12 23:56:25] Cosmyk, nope [2015-05-12 23:56:30] You first, KMAC. [2015-05-12 23:56:33] !schedule [2015-05-12 23:56:33] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-12 23:56:34] The_greenleaf_effect we don't care xD [2015-05-12 23:56:35] Cool. Twitch is only glitched for me. [2015-05-12 23:56:42] Awesomesauce [2015-05-12 23:56:48] you got a unique twitch then [2015-05-12 23:56:51] KMAC?! WutFace Go back to Paladin's Quest [2015-05-12 23:56:57] whats better then one xbox ad? the same ad twice in a row [2015-05-12 23:57:14] @DianaET i believe you forgot this ---->Kappa [2015-05-12 23:57:14] Glacierwulf it looked like Leos crown, but I never saw the name. So it could've also been broken crown [2015-05-12 23:57:17] 3 in a row why not? [2015-05-12 23:57:25] thanks Prime [2015-05-12 23:57:29] i never got a good look at it [2015-05-12 23:57:29] Next run: Finale - Everyone? [2015-05-12 23:57:31] finale already? that was fast [2015-05-12 23:57:33] 3 witcher ads in a row [2015-05-12 23:57:36] oh boy thanks XBone [2015-05-12 23:57:40] It was the Broken Crown [2015-05-12 23:57:46] gg great marathon Kappa b [2015-05-12 23:57:50] ITs just...a Witcher 3 ad..backwards. [2015-05-12 23:57:56] Hey, I heard there's a third Witcher game is that true? Kappa [2015-05-12 23:57:57] puwexil Kreygasm [2015-05-12 23:58:07] "Cool Vulajin will pla.... BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZTT" [2015-05-12 23:58:12] So I refreshed page and Twitch now realizes that I'm not subbed here now. Good job Twitch. [2015-05-12 23:58:14] lixewup Kreygasm [2015-05-12 23:58:29] i WILL go over the vod later, and make sure of the final tally, and the tally per player. [2015-05-12 23:58:31] Keepo [2015-05-12 23:58:39] who is that tower standing by Puwexil? [2015-05-12 23:58:40] Vula. Waiting for next years Deathless run. [2015-05-12 23:58:48] Kippa [2015-05-12 23:58:55] Hahahaha Kuro HAHAHAhahahaaa [2015-05-12 23:59:02] so i've been at work all day, hows the marathon going so faR? [2015-05-12 23:59:03] next run: finale??? [2015-05-12 23:59:07] gee that was fast [2015-05-12 23:59:14] marathon is going pretty well, obda [2015-05-12 23:59:15] Guess no one read my really late forum post...oh well. [2015-05-12 23:59:17] Obda, it's been amazing to watch so far [2015-05-12 23:59:18] Limit break!!! PogChamp!!! [2015-05-12 23:59:21] The marathon is almost over. Went really fast Kappa [2015-05-12 23:59:21] "New PB for deaths?" [2015-05-12 23:59:22] (to be fair, they did do a deathless run this year. no RoS) [2015-05-12 23:59:29] well, it's a speedrun marathon so it ended up fast Kappa [2015-05-12 23:59:30] Is that Highspirits? [2015-05-12 23:59:36] That is HS [2015-05-12 23:59:38] oh and hey im a mod already, thats convenient lol [2015-05-12 23:59:45] good guess soul OpieOP [2015-05-12 23:59:49] obda Kreygasm [2015-05-12 23:59:52] i need food tho, i need lots of food, i shall return later. [2015-05-12 23:59:53] lol [2015-05-12 23:59:54] oh no mod abuse, mod abuse Kappa [2015-05-12 23:59:56] Geminias just subscribed! [2015-05-12 23:59:56] Geminias just subscribed! [2015-05-12 23:59:57] HS shaved D: [2015-05-12 23:59:58] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:00:01] So obda.... you now have the power to ban yourself. THE POWER!!!! [2015-05-13 00:00:02] Puwexil hupe [2015-05-13 00:00:08] hupe? [2015-05-13 00:00:11] rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 00:00:11] subscriber hype! spazOut [2015-05-13 00:00:12] Well done Obda, abuse your power to the fullest Kappa [2015-05-13 00:00:14] Hupe [2015-05-13 00:00:17] Welcome Geminias! rpgLevelup rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 00:00:17] i love all theyetee shirts <3 [2015-05-13 00:00:18] is this where the neckbeards meet [2015-05-13 00:00:24] WOO sub hype rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 00:00:28] Where are they holding this? [2015-05-13 00:00:35] The moon [2015-05-13 00:00:41] "Next run: Finale - Everyone" DansGame [2015-05-13 00:00:42] Like a certain FF game [2015-05-13 00:00:45] The shots! [2015-05-13 00:00:47] hupe ~= hpye? [2015-05-13 00:00:54] !schedule [2015-05-13 00:00:54] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 00:00:56] hippie [2015-05-13 00:00:57] Next Run: Finale - Nowhere near everyone [2015-05-13 00:00:57] Clearly the moon looks like your kitchen :P [2015-05-13 00:01:04] @Skyhoshi Essentia's house in Salt Lake City [2015-05-13 00:01:04] yeh...was about to ask, if the "finale - everyone" for next run is intended [2015-05-13 00:01:11] not nearly enough spam for new subscribers [2015-05-13 00:01:16] Gyre hype Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:01:19] SPAM [2015-05-13 00:01:19] cmon guise [2015-05-13 00:01:19] does anyone read me? im having issues [2015-05-13 00:01:29] SUB SPAM GOGO [2015-05-13 00:01:31] RPGLB - hosting exactly 2 games in 2015 [2015-05-13 00:01:31] I actively try to avoid spamming things. [2015-05-13 00:01:33] SwiftRage [2015-05-13 00:01:34] you're coming in river [2015-05-13 00:01:41] i can @Riverwind77 [2015-05-13 00:01:41] what issues [2015-05-13 00:01:42] I fell BibleThump [2015-05-13 00:01:42] Thought Dragon Quest was next [2015-05-13 00:01:43] rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird rpgGoodTaste rpgLevelup rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird SUB HYPE [2015-05-13 00:01:43] camera rekt [2015-05-13 00:01:46] My eyes WutFace [2015-05-13 00:01:46] CAMERA FALLING HYPE! [2015-05-13 00:01:51] hi vulajin. :P [2015-05-13 00:01:52] finally, thanks [2015-05-13 00:01:55] you know i actually jumped when that happened [2015-05-13 00:01:55] Dragon Warrior. Dragon Quest. Dragons. Warriors. Quests. [2015-05-13 00:01:55] btw Gyre is a cool dude, i roommated with him for agdq 2014 [2015-05-13 00:01:57] EWWWWWWWWW [2015-05-13 00:02:02] rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird SUB HYPE rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 00:02:04] that was a bit odd [2015-05-13 00:02:05] selfiecam [2015-05-13 00:02:08] im so glad i have tomorrow off so i can watch this all day :D [2015-05-13 00:02:09] theree we go [2015-05-13 00:02:12] BIG FACE! [2015-05-13 00:02:14] Vulacam! [2015-05-13 00:02:14] guys, can i recommend some duct tape? [2015-05-13 00:02:20] Vulajin, very Hypertrophic . [2015-05-13 00:02:28] whats going on i just got back [2015-05-13 00:02:29] Duct taping a TV is probably a bad choice. [2015-05-13 00:02:31] MatrixAran just subscribed! [2015-05-13 00:02:31] MatrixAran just subscribed! [2015-05-13 00:02:32] duct tape everything to everything else so nothing can accidentally go anywhere [2015-05-13 00:02:36] Important question: Is the couch comfy? [2015-05-13 00:02:37] rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird rpgGoodTaste rpgLevelup rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird SUB HYPE [2015-05-13 00:02:38] SUB HYPE!! [2015-05-13 00:02:40] spiritSlime [2015-05-13 00:02:41] I forget the commands...so: [2015-05-13 00:02:41] rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird SUB HYPE MatrixAran rpgWhat rpgLevelup rpgGoodTaste rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 00:02:44] man vulajin REALLY wants to be the center of attention [2015-05-13 00:02:44] MatrixAran Welome!! rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 00:02:46] I hear GBC sounds [2015-05-13 00:02:46] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-13 00:02:50] this doesn't look like diablo 3 to me [2015-05-13 00:02:53] rpgJerkBird Prizes you can win during this run: http://tinyurl.com/lkw6jvd ($15 minimum until the end of Castle of Wind) http://tinyurl.com/mmlmyg6 | http://tinyurl.com/lltc8b8 ($5 Minimum until the end of this run) [2015-05-13 00:02:57] Using Super Gameboy!! [2015-05-13 00:02:58] Diablo got a lot lower rez [2015-05-13 00:03:01] diablo 3 finished [2015-05-13 00:03:04] dat classic Enix logo though ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 00:03:04] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 00:03:08] rpgJerkBird Been waiting for the event to subscribe :) [2015-05-13 00:03:11] Bird Studio [2015-05-13 00:03:12] hahahahaha yeah that was awesome i agree xDDDDDDDDD [2015-05-13 00:03:13] There was a "Z button" menu prompt [2015-05-13 00:03:13] a DQ game Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:03:13] Freddeh TriHard [2015-05-13 00:03:14] Aw man, ORIGINAL GAMEBOY HYPE! [2015-05-13 00:03:17] I only have Dragon Warrior III on GBC, not the wonderful originals. [2015-05-13 00:03:19] Dragon Warrior Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:03:22] HYPE [2015-05-13 00:03:25] can i get the schedule link? [2015-05-13 00:03:25] DracoWarrior Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:03:25] love the stream layout [2015-05-13 00:03:27] Freddeh what are you doing.... go do a FF12 run meow Kappa [2015-05-13 00:03:30] !schedule [2015-05-13 00:03:30] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 00:03:32] sk8 cerFlan [2015-05-13 00:03:32] first choice in the game: what game do you want to play? [2015-05-13 00:03:38] choosing wrong is a reset [2015-05-13 00:03:39] epiccccc xDDD [2015-05-13 00:03:40] How is it so far? :D [2015-05-13 00:03:44] I want to play DQ 3 Kappa b [2015-05-13 00:03:45] Dragon Warrior spiritSlime spiritSlime spiritSlime spiritSlime spiritSlime spiritSlime [2015-05-13 00:03:45] Drakkhen 1 & 2 Kreygasm Kappa [2015-05-13 00:03:49] Erdrick's decendant! Woohoo! [2015-05-13 00:03:55] Good joke, Obda [2015-05-13 00:03:59] dreamSlime [2015-05-13 00:04:02] red solo cup.. [2015-05-13 00:04:03] looking forward to this run ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 00:04:04] Any differences between this version and NES? [2015-05-13 00:04:07] dreamSlime [2015-05-13 00:04:07] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-13 00:04:09] This is a port of a remake of Dragon Warrior for the Super Famicom [2015-05-13 00:04:09] good times! you guys enjoy the D3 run? :) [2015-05-13 00:04:17] average run length for this marathon is 2 hours 45 minutes [2015-05-13 00:04:17] FARCE: monsters are easier, give more exp [2015-05-13 00:04:22] spiritSlime [2015-05-13 00:04:25] Farce, lower xp for levels, a few items, less clunky menu [2015-05-13 00:04:26] FARCEFARCEFARCE: This one is MUCH faster paced, a lot less grinding. [2015-05-13 00:04:29] yo highspirits [2015-05-13 00:04:32] it was a very nice D3 run :) [2015-05-13 00:04:32] i did it just made me update my ros [2015-05-13 00:04:33] spiritSlime [2015-05-13 00:04:35] Wooo! Dragon Warrior~ <3 [2015-05-13 00:04:35] yo [2015-05-13 00:04:40] oh man that theme [2015-05-13 00:04:41] The NES world record is something like six and a half hours, IIRC. [2015-05-13 00:04:42] Sweet. I happen to own both, which is mind boggling to me. [2015-05-13 00:04:43] spiritSlime [2015-05-13 00:04:43] Also, the bosses are actual, you know, bosses. Like stronger versions of the normal enemies. [2015-05-13 00:04:43] are they playing this on a super gameboy? [2015-05-13 00:04:45] Hypespirits [2015-05-13 00:04:47] Dem Gameboy sounbits. [2015-05-13 00:04:47] dreamSlime [2015-05-13 00:04:48] NES DW about 6 hours .. GB about 2 [2015-05-13 00:04:49] Game audio is quite loud, hard to hear couch [2015-05-13 00:04:49] Thanks for the responses [2015-05-13 00:04:50] grays on sub obda [2015-05-13 00:04:51] hey keefry hey mti [2015-05-13 00:04:54] is this on Game Boy Player? [2015-05-13 00:04:55] Hopefully they didn't jack with the music too much. I actually like the soundtrack for the NES one. [2015-05-13 00:04:56] Giramoni: Closer to five and a half, actually. [2015-05-13 00:04:57] 5:50:xx I think for the NES [2015-05-13 00:04:59] The NES DW is, like, a 6 hour run, that's 80% grinding. [2015-05-13 00:05:00] HS spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 00:05:00] game sound is a little loud. [2015-05-13 00:05:01] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:05:02] game too loud! [2015-05-13 00:05:06] Alec needs to be bumpred [2015-05-13 00:05:09] Obda got sub? ;o Grats meng. [2015-05-13 00:05:10] KillerKunt, if you are in EU I can PL you a character :p [2015-05-13 00:05:12] haha thanks, ive been MS painting stuff... its pretty bad [2015-05-13 00:05:12] we can't here you over the game [2015-05-13 00:05:13] hey @Highspirits @Emptyeye [2015-05-13 00:05:15] it can never be too loud! [2015-05-13 00:05:16] yeah he's decently quiet compared to the game [2015-05-13 00:05:16] Obdajr latest sub-tier superstar Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:05:24] game audio much louder than voices [2015-05-13 00:05:27] I know the feeling obda [2015-05-13 00:05:28] NES DW, 30 minutes of game, 6 hours of grinding. [2015-05-13 00:05:29] MS painting? [2015-05-13 00:05:29] you'll always bee Odd J Bar to me though. :x [2015-05-13 00:05:34] Can we turn the game audio down? [2015-05-13 00:05:35] Is this pokemon? This music makes it sound like Pokemon. Kappa [2015-05-13 00:05:36] "sub-tier superstar"...so...NOT a superstar? Kappa [2015-05-13 00:05:38] Pokemon Kappa [2015-05-13 00:05:48] lol huang [2015-05-13 00:05:57] ok gotta run, gotta watch [2015-05-13 00:06:01] 1 in the chat! [2015-05-13 00:06:03] later HS [2015-05-13 00:06:03] Pokemon DW & DQ [2015-05-13 00:06:04] Journal 2 Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:06:09] ive been making sub icons using Paint in windows [2015-05-13 00:06:10] "run" Kappa [2015-05-13 00:06:11] It's so cool that you guys are hosting this only about 45 minutes away from me. :D [2015-05-13 00:06:11] I've only seen NES runs of this, the Game boy version must have some freaking serious glitches to be beaten in 2 hours [2015-05-13 00:06:13] later HS [2015-05-13 00:06:14] DWD is there too, huh? [2015-05-13 00:06:17] metal slime optimization? [2015-05-13 00:06:19] MSPaint so supreme. [2015-05-13 00:06:21] Dragon Warrior Monsters was a great game [2015-05-13 00:06:23] later HS [2015-05-13 00:06:23] Someone call Brosentia [2015-05-13 00:06:29] Witwix used paint didn't he? and his icons are the best on twitch. [2015-05-13 00:06:29] Text speed 1? Kappa [2015-05-13 00:06:31] wtf [2015-05-13 00:06:38] Dragon Lord stealing the orb of Light [2015-05-13 00:06:40] Dragon WutFace [2015-05-13 00:06:42] 3SPOOKY [2015-05-13 00:06:43] 1 is fastest. [2015-05-13 00:06:45] Dragonlord spoilers in the intro! :O [2015-05-13 00:06:46] yeah witwix' are great [2015-05-13 00:06:48] MSpaint rules the roost? [2015-05-13 00:06:51] Dragon WutFace [2015-05-13 00:06:52] im no artist thougg [2015-05-13 00:06:52] i thought he was eating the castle for a second [2015-05-13 00:06:53] pretty rad cutscene for gbc ;o [2015-05-13 00:06:57] Also yay, Twitch video is being fun =/ [2015-05-13 00:07:00] Says "supporting NAMI", was expecting it to be Namysix. I spend too much time in Meta's chat. [2015-05-13 00:07:01] Is that Mr. Satan? [2015-05-13 00:07:09] Hercule! Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:07:09] THE CHAMP!! [2015-05-13 00:07:11] It's Hercule! [2015-05-13 00:07:11] is that Darkwing?! PogChamp [2015-05-13 00:07:16] the first remake with a lower resolution than the original [2015-05-13 00:07:16] lol [2015-05-13 00:07:22] That it is [2015-05-13 00:07:24] We can't hear you over the gaame audio [2015-05-13 00:07:25] Stairs on the other side. [2015-05-13 00:07:27] I see Dragondarch in the background [2015-05-13 00:07:27] @Rpglimitbreak Any chance we could turn down the game volume? [2015-05-13 00:07:33] who is that super sexy Epic Beard Man in the back left? Keepo [2015-05-13 00:07:41] God this game is ancient [2015-05-13 00:07:42] CatBag [2015-05-13 00:07:47] Speaker too Quiet [2015-05-13 00:07:47] Game Sound too loud BibleThump [2015-05-13 00:07:50] great group on camera [2015-05-13 00:07:52] I'm more ancient [2015-05-13 00:07:53] I'd rather they turned the person up over the game [2015-05-13 00:08:02] And what a crowd in there! [2015-05-13 00:08:02] Gameboy Player for Gamecube, using a SNES controller [2015-05-13 00:08:05] Game audio is still loud [2015-05-13 00:08:07] I have my sound all on max and even the game audio isn't like super loud [2015-05-13 00:08:08] the soundtrack in this sounds like it influenced pokemon pretty heavily [2015-05-13 00:08:08] When is dragon warrior 7 run Kappa [2015-05-13 00:08:09] game volume is fine but you need to turn up commenator mic [2015-05-13 00:08:11] Game Brick games were always packed with goodness for some reason [2015-05-13 00:08:16] you need to get a uk/eu super nintendo control - colourful buttons and longer cables [2015-05-13 00:08:16] Game audio is low imo [2015-05-13 00:08:17] gyre vulajin puwexil dragondarch and darkwing duck [2015-05-13 00:08:25] YEah Commentator needs a mike check [2015-05-13 00:08:27] dont remember the other three though [2015-05-13 00:08:28] The gameboy had a real neat sound card to it. [2015-05-13 00:08:29] you forgot HS obda [2015-05-13 00:08:37] Dragon Warrior 8 had best Puff Puff [2015-05-13 00:08:37] speaking of ancient, who here remembers the original where you were always facing forward; you had to select a direction when you chose to talk. [2015-05-13 00:08:40] HighSpirits is between DD and DW [2015-05-13 00:08:40] But commentary DEFINATELY needs a boost [2015-05-13 00:08:40] people in the chiptune scene are quite fond of the NES and Gameboy boards. [2015-05-13 00:08:42] That right hand claw grip Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:08:42] oh yeah i dont think i know what he looks like lol [2015-05-13 00:08:51] Slime! cirFairy [2015-05-13 00:08:57] dreamSlime [2015-05-13 00:09:00] Quick, use the STAIRS, then a DOOR [2015-05-13 00:09:02] Slime drew near. [2015-05-13 00:09:10] Spooky BibleThump [2015-05-13 00:09:11] Dragon Warrior! [2015-05-13 00:09:25] So is he doing level 18 Dracolord? [2015-05-13 00:09:27] ... you can throw torches at ghosts...?? [2015-05-13 00:09:30] man I wish I wasn't a dumb kid and didn't like DQ back in the day. I'd have loved this. [2015-05-13 00:09:34] Thats new in the remake [2015-05-13 00:09:38] oh okay [2015-05-13 00:09:50] is this the precursor to Dragon Quest? [2015-05-13 00:09:51] Like EVs and IVs? Kappa [2015-05-13 00:10:04] If you were in Japan, this IS Dragon Quest [2015-05-13 00:10:06] This is Dragon Quest. It was just called Dragon Warrior in the US> [2015-05-13 00:10:08] I think all RPGs should have a STAIRS command [2015-05-13 00:10:10] Dragon Quest is its real name. Warrior is just the title we gave it in murica. o3o [2015-05-13 00:10:13] No SkyofDestiny05, this is Patrick. [2015-05-13 00:10:14] Audio level is good for me now, Thanks! [2015-05-13 00:10:15] This is the first Dragon Quest. [2015-05-13 00:10:21] @Greenk4, it has not been met yet [2015-05-13 00:10:27] Disgaea!!!! thats the one with Laharl right? [2015-05-13 00:10:28] I like calling them Dragon Warrior, sounds cooler to me imo [2015-05-13 00:10:35] ok had to ask [2015-05-13 00:10:35] Yes Renjitsu [2015-05-13 00:10:38] remember FFI which had separate ITEM and DRINK commands? [2015-05-13 00:10:45] DW is because there was a table top rpg named dragon quest and enix/nintendo didn't want to get sued [2015-05-13 00:10:47] Did I miss Osey's D3 run btw? [2015-05-13 00:10:51] I too look forward to that run [2015-05-13 00:10:54] @Rpglimitbreak Make sure you change the title :P [2015-05-13 00:10:57] The GBC remake of this and DW 2 were great. Good times. [2015-05-13 00:10:58] you did ego. you did. [2015-05-13 00:11:00] hey Meta [2015-05-13 00:11:00] yes ego [2015-05-13 00:11:07] Meta-chan ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 00:11:09] Dangit. [2015-05-13 00:11:11] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 00:11:13] does anyone run Dragon Warrior Monsters? [2015-05-13 00:11:13] Hello Meta =D [2015-05-13 00:11:16] demFesCat [2015-05-13 00:11:16] People I've seen in other chats. Huzzah! [2015-05-13 00:11:16] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ Sup guys :P [2015-05-13 00:11:23] so what are the runs that people are most looking forward to [2015-05-13 00:11:24] Metamod [2015-05-13 00:11:26] WHATSUP META [2015-05-13 00:11:27] META [2015-05-13 00:11:29] dwdBabby META [2015-05-13 00:11:34] Very tired XD [2015-05-13 00:11:34] rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 00:11:36] ALSO AZKIBOH [2015-05-13 00:11:37] @Obdajr THE DEMON RUSH [2015-05-13 00:11:37] azkiboh-kun ζ'ヮ')ζ [2015-05-13 00:11:37] hi meta [2015-05-13 00:11:40] im do tired, did a fitness bootcamp now I have work :'[ [2015-05-13 00:11:42] I'm looking forward to FFIV and Lunar 2, Obda [2015-05-13 00:11:42] Hey Meta. [2015-05-13 00:11:46] Anything early 90's [2015-05-13 00:11:47] I always love seeing Earthbound run. Costume Quest 2 [2015-05-13 00:11:49] How are you all doing? :D ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 00:11:57] Also, Secret of Evermore [2015-05-13 00:11:58] Suikoden here [2015-05-13 00:12:00] Wild ARMs and Lunar 2 here [2015-05-13 00:12:01] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ Princess MetaSparkle has arrived! [2015-05-13 00:12:01] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ Great [2015-05-13 00:12:03] META *FLEX* [2015-05-13 00:12:05] @Metasigma : Fine. [2015-05-13 00:12:08] FailFish Mikalia... [2015-05-13 00:12:09] Doin' good Meta ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 00:12:09] I'm tired cuz I'm moving in 2 and a half weeks. packing. D: [2015-05-13 00:12:10] Meta you gonna be doing more Darch coop stuff later? [2015-05-13 00:12:12] I'm looking forward to any of the SNES RPG runs. [2015-05-13 00:12:13] how am i doing? ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ GOOD [2015-05-13 00:12:13] hi metasigma [2015-05-13 00:12:23] <3 [2015-05-13 00:12:30] Im looking forward to demon rush and pokemon black [2015-05-13 00:12:30] yeah snes rpgs are too good [2015-05-13 00:12:34] wow i didn't notice there was wild arms on the schedule [2015-05-13 00:12:36] Metasigma, did you like adventures of Sir Doof in Ponyland? Kappa [2015-05-13 00:12:40] got a place for $300 less per month and it has a BBQ pit IN THE DINING ROOM ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 00:12:41] looking forward to it [2015-05-13 00:12:47] I'M back! what'd I miss? [2015-05-13 00:12:50] gonna be making so many ribs and steaks in that new haus ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 00:12:50] grats dios [2015-05-13 00:12:51] @doicm when can we get together to work on the MMBN3 stuff? [2015-05-13 00:12:55] will there be VODs later? (getting late here in the UK) [2015-05-13 00:12:57] oh yeah, and chrono trigger [2015-05-13 00:12:57] Metasigmaaaaa :) [2015-05-13 00:12:57] Also, Hello Meta! XD [2015-05-13 00:12:58] I volunteered to help you do commentary :9 [2015-05-13 00:12:59] you better bbq everything [2015-05-13 00:13:02] oh thank you [2015-05-13 00:13:05] o/ Metasigma [2015-05-13 00:13:06] ummm.......i'm not sure [2015-05-13 00:13:06] bbq everything [2015-05-13 00:13:07] bbq bacon? [2015-05-13 00:13:10] Level 3 Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:13:11] dude I am gonna BBQ like every day [2015-05-13 00:13:18] bbq jacks pizza [2015-05-13 00:13:19] Meta! :D [2015-05-13 00:13:20] gogogo [2015-05-13 00:13:21] MTI SwiftRage/ [2015-05-13 00:13:22] OpieOP [2015-05-13 00:13:23] well I know a fair amount about 1 and 2 [2015-05-13 00:13:23] oh nice doicm is there? [2015-05-13 00:13:26] nah bacon I always put in the oven on a cookie sheet with a lip. and use the broiler. [2015-05-13 00:13:27] but not 3 XD [2015-05-13 00:13:35] it's the best way to make your bacons ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 00:13:37] i was going to practice, but i...uh...didn't bring my console, and they're using the console that i was going to practice on right now...and i can't very well take it while they're using it during the current run [2015-05-13 00:13:37] Meta and Obda cirLove [2015-05-13 00:13:39] SLIME TIME [2015-05-13 00:13:39] i kinda wanna call in sick for the week and fly down... [2015-05-13 00:13:41] cause that would be kinda rude [2015-05-13 00:13:43] Yeah, monsters in dragon warrior/quest game typically start a battle with 75% to 100% of their HP [2015-05-13 00:13:51] that's in a lot of the games in the series [2015-05-13 00:13:51] hahaha fair enough [2015-05-13 00:13:51] 3 is like 1 and 2, only better, Meta. I forgot to look to see if the run is of White or of Blue. [2015-05-13 00:13:52] Luna is sadden Meta... [2015-05-13 00:13:55] we'll figure something out man [2015-05-13 00:14:06] Mikalia FailFish [2015-05-13 00:14:07] RPGLBTQ [2015-05-13 00:14:11] @metasigma Hey man, how was the trip dude? [2015-05-13 00:14:16] We need someone to replace you for the week obda, then you can fly down [2015-05-13 00:14:17] I've always loved that about DQ games. It makes monsters feel... slightly unique. [2015-05-13 00:14:17] it wasn't bad Felly [2015-05-13 00:14:20] good drive [2015-05-13 00:14:25] or do you have any vacation days? [2015-05-13 00:14:32] Hello Felly! rpgWhat [2015-05-13 00:14:35] diablo 3 should be your next fan game, metasigma [2015-05-13 00:14:38] DQ games typically use low numbers, paper mario style, but apply those numbers in unique ways. [2015-05-13 00:14:38] @metasigma No risk of deportation Keepo [2015-05-13 00:14:39] i look forward to it [2015-05-13 00:14:45] i dont get vacation days :( [2015-05-13 00:14:50] Hey Mikalia :) [2015-05-13 00:14:50] aw :( [2015-05-13 00:14:50] lol hell no doicm :P I'm already starting a new game [2015-05-13 00:14:51] Ah, that good old Dragon Warrior level up jingle. [2015-05-13 00:14:53] haha felly [2015-05-13 00:14:54] and I brought it too ;) [2015-05-13 00:14:56] 18 month temp position atm [2015-05-13 00:15:00] very nice xD [2015-05-13 00:15:07] Rough, but it'll be worth it. ;o [2015-05-13 00:15:08] afk folks [2015-05-13 00:15:10] This whole speedrun is 2:15 long and is STILL not as long as the first village in Dragon Quest 7. [2015-05-13 00:15:16] Sorry the shirt didn't get there in time =( [2015-05-13 00:15:18] ego, haha [2015-05-13 00:15:19] Oh yeah good luck on that btw meta [2015-05-13 00:15:23] Heh, pretty clever [2015-05-13 00:15:26] it's fine :) [2015-05-13 00:15:28] @Egonomics651 and 1/3rd of that time is just due to lag [2015-05-13 00:15:33] first village as in, the one you start the game in? Or the first one you actually DO something in and save people? [2015-05-13 00:15:37] 42nd try [2015-05-13 00:15:39] Marathon luck = 100 tries. [2015-05-13 00:15:40] DWD PogChamp [2015-05-13 00:15:40] 50 trys HYPE! [2015-05-13 00:15:43] meta im gettin pumped for some evermore too, looking at the schedule [2015-05-13 00:15:44] We need to start a petiton to nintendo to get Square-Enix games to Wii U VC. [2015-05-13 00:15:45] also, do you even get a weapon in that game Metasigma? [2015-05-13 00:15:47] I was happy to see you wearing the MetaSparkle one [2015-05-13 00:15:47] nice was hoping to catch this, took me forever to finish this game as a kid [2015-05-13 00:15:57] Whatever you guess, plus 1 [2015-05-13 00:16:01] Yeah I do [2015-05-13 00:16:04] DiosGX, as in the start of the game. [2015-05-13 00:16:14] @Darkkol this is the Gameboy version, so its a bit faster than the one on the NES. [2015-05-13 00:16:20] wow it seriously takes 2 hours to start up the first portal even in a speedrun? [2015-05-13 00:16:30] Evermore should be a good run no matter what :9 [2015-05-13 00:16:34] *Laughs* [2015-05-13 00:16:41] We all hope [2015-05-13 00:16:41] *LAAAUGHsSsss* [2015-05-13 00:16:43] Howdy! [2015-05-13 00:16:46] I really want to see this Wild Arms run later [2015-05-13 00:16:48] I can't wait for Evermore. [2015-05-13 00:16:48] Nah I meant more as in a casual playthrough for that. I don't think anyone's routed DQ7 seriously, no one is that crazy. [2015-05-13 00:16:51] Evermore has the flex! [2015-05-13 00:16:55] hey mus mus [2015-05-13 00:16:56] QUIET_KITTEN!!! [2015-05-13 00:16:57] Secret of Everhate is always good [2015-05-13 00:16:58] I just have to make sure I sleep XD [2015-05-13 00:17:03] Some things you just can't speed up no matter what you do [2015-05-13 00:17:06] highspirits runs dq7 [2015-05-13 00:17:09] Sorry Everhate it's Secret of Metamore [2015-05-13 00:17:10] /me pet's Quiet_Kitten [2015-05-13 00:17:11] Secret of Everhate sounds about right. [2015-05-13 00:17:12] HS runs DQ7 [2015-05-13 00:17:16] That game is linked to me Kappa [2015-05-13 00:17:19] hey everhate [2015-05-13 00:17:22] what was the D3 time? Under estimate? [2015-05-13 00:17:29] yes, dangod [2015-05-13 00:17:30] HS does DQ7 & 8. He will eventually do all the DW/DQs [2015-05-13 00:17:31] yay [2015-05-13 00:17:33] Always looks like Secret of Resetmore to me. :D [2015-05-13 00:17:33] HS has the WR for dq7 lol [2015-05-13 00:17:33] 2:32:23 for D3 Dangodofthunder [2015-05-13 00:17:34] CURSEDGAMER [2015-05-13 00:17:36] D3 was 2:32:23 [2015-05-13 00:17:47] first rpg i played was secret of mana [2015-05-13 00:17:51] Under estimate IIRC [2015-05-13 00:17:52] smallsentia alert! [2015-05-13 00:17:52] The slime has been kidnapped! D: [2015-05-13 00:17:57] omg Teepo [2015-05-13 00:17:58] how cute :3 [2015-05-13 00:17:58] D'aw [2015-05-13 00:17:59] bye spiritSlime [2015-05-13 00:18:00] A wild mini-Essentia appeared! [2015-05-13 00:18:01] PogChamp [2015-05-13 00:18:01] I thought it was Secret of GAAAHhhhhh [2015-05-13 00:18:04] OMG [2015-05-13 00:18:05] rip slime [2015-05-13 00:18:07] LOLI [2015-05-13 00:18:08] Oh man, I just played and beat this. It took so long cause I refused to use the google. But I still won :) [2015-05-13 00:18:08] A wild Minissentia~ [2015-05-13 00:18:09] I got one of those [2015-05-13 00:18:11] Rip [2015-05-13 00:18:14] Chidren raid! [2015-05-13 00:18:16] riPepperonis [2015-05-13 00:18:19] THE RNG IS STRONG DAN [2015-05-13 00:18:22] rip slime [2015-05-13 00:18:25] slime is gone yo [2015-05-13 00:18:30] many more deaths to come [2015-05-13 00:18:40] dreamIsDead [2015-05-13 00:18:43] I meant children. [2015-05-13 00:18:50] @Thebeardedone42 bboyHi [2015-05-13 00:18:51] When i first played through this game there was no google. [2015-05-13 00:18:53] Is even possible someone dies more than Vulajin on this marathon? Kappa [2015-05-13 00:19:08] i remember my version had a story book that told you level by level where you should be, was really nice [2015-05-13 00:19:12] man gaming before gamefaqs was so much more difficult Kappa [2015-05-13 00:19:14] Dangodofthunder dadHi [2015-05-13 00:19:31] Nintendo Hotline ftw [2015-05-13 00:19:32] FDW [2015-05-13 00:19:35] hahahahahahaha xDDDD [2015-05-13 00:19:38] lol [2015-05-13 00:19:44] I want to say the msx version of dq1 also lacks a lot of music [2015-05-13 00:19:47] slime is NOT gone dreamSlime [2015-05-13 00:19:48] Darkwing Snowface [2015-05-13 00:19:55] konami code for only 5.99 / minute [2015-05-13 00:19:56] MSX had a better version of a lot of games though [2015-05-13 00:19:59] Obdajr, nah, we just bought Prima Guides instead Kappa [2015-05-13 00:20:01] when did metal slime first appear? [2015-05-13 00:20:03] (or BradyGames) [2015-05-13 00:20:03] i had trouble playing this game because I played DW3 on GBC before it. [2015-05-13 00:20:03] lol [2015-05-13 00:20:06] spiritSlime [2015-05-13 00:20:08] having a neighbors that subscribed to nintendo power FTW back then [2015-05-13 00:20:10] pxy flut best flut [2015-05-13 00:20:15] I remember spending a whole week trying to beat this game below level 20... I finally did it at level 19 with i think 2 crits on the final boss [2015-05-13 00:20:20] that subscription to nintendo power [2015-05-13 00:20:20] I remember getting in trouble for calling that number for tips on games. [2015-05-13 00:20:21] btw the BradyGames guide for FF7 spoiled you the entire FF7 story if you looked at the info [2015-05-13 00:20:22] metal slime was in dq1, metal babble was first in 2 [2015-05-13 00:20:25] yeah the msx version of ff1 is wayy better than the nes/fc version [2015-05-13 00:20:27] hey, my roommate is going for the single-segment of the NES version [2015-05-13 00:20:30] @Obdajr :yeah, info and stuff you had to have Nintendo Power or other magazines back then. [2015-05-13 00:20:34] Worst guide I ever bought. [2015-05-13 00:20:37] wonderswan > all [2015-05-13 00:20:45] RIP Nintendo Power T__T [2015-05-13 00:20:47] Egonomics: FF9's guide would like a word with you. [2015-05-13 00:20:57] the worst guide is def ff9 [2015-05-13 00:20:57] USE PLAYONLINE! =D [2015-05-13 00:20:58] FF9's guide didn't have ANY info. [2015-05-13 00:21:03] nope worst strat guide is definitely ff9 [2015-05-13 00:21:04] /me flops on Flankitty. [2015-05-13 00:21:06] Prima FFT guide was literally rectangular toilet paper. [2015-05-13 00:21:08] EYEDER, MY FAVORITE MONSTER EVER [2015-05-13 00:21:09] I had forgotten how bad it actually WAS. [2015-05-13 00:21:10] I miss Nintendo Power... ;-; [2015-05-13 00:21:10] i remember having a book that told you how to get all 120 starts on mario 64 on like 3 pages [2015-05-13 00:21:11] But at least it didn't spoil you the frickin' entire game. [2015-05-13 00:21:14] If you want to know what that word is, you can find out on PlayOnline dot com! [2015-05-13 00:21:14] <mikey_mcc has been timed out> [2015-05-13 00:21:14] No links allowed (mikey_mcc) (warning) [2015-05-13 00:21:14] /me purrs [2015-05-13 00:21:15] kitties =D [2015-05-13 00:21:16] FFX's guide doesn't spoil the FINAL FINAL boss for you Kappa FF12 tells you just about everything [2015-05-13 00:21:23] i still have my FF9 guide. It's so funny [2015-05-13 00:21:30] Ugh, the FF9 guy [2015-05-13 00:21:33] who's running ffcc [2015-05-13 00:21:33] guide* [2015-05-13 00:21:35] i remember memorizing these caves so I didnt have to use torches [2015-05-13 00:21:39] my FF1 Nintendo Power was lost to the ages :( [2015-05-13 00:21:47] the FF9 guide let you know to check FF online site 180 times [2015-05-13 00:21:48] The worse thing than not telling you about something is when you have inaccurate information [2015-05-13 00:21:49] Aw, moobot killed my playonline/FF9 game guide joke ;_; [2015-05-13 00:21:49] Funny thing, the best FF guide I ever got was the FF11 guide. [2015-05-13 00:21:50] FF12 guide is Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:21:50] Wanna know how to find these things? Go to the playonline website....bleh [2015-05-13 00:21:55] What was so bad about the FF9 guide, specifically? [2015-05-13 00:21:57] FF12 guide is Kreygasm too Kappa [2015-05-13 00:21:59] Pokemon had that issue with the Yellow guide [2015-05-13 00:22:00] I still have my FF1 Nintendo Power. It was great. :D [2015-05-13 00:22:00] I was going to say Mikey, what'd you do? [2015-05-13 00:22:01] Reeally well written, showed you how to actually play your classes, etc. [2015-05-13 00:22:03] They don't even have that section of the site up anymore [2015-05-13 00:22:05] it didnt tell you anything [2015-05-13 00:22:06] Oh, well that was werid O_O [2015-05-13 00:22:12] ff9 guide sent you to their website for everything [2015-05-13 00:22:13] it just told you to go online and look it up [2015-05-13 00:22:14] I'm done typing FailFish [2015-05-13 00:22:14] Links are bad, mkay? [2015-05-13 00:22:17] Lost my Dec. 94 issue ages ago. [2015-05-13 00:22:25] Giramoni: It was made when the Internet was becoming big, and they tried to incorporate that into the guide. [2015-05-13 00:22:29] They...did not succeed. [2015-05-13 00:22:31] hey sk84uh [2015-05-13 00:22:37] Hey :D/ [2015-05-13 00:22:41] !permit Mikey_McC [2015-05-13 00:22:41] Mikey_mcc will not get timed out for 3 minutes [2015-05-13 00:22:44] i don't think i used the internet much back then, so i was stuck with reading a terrible guide [2015-05-13 00:22:45] is this GB Color? [2015-05-13 00:22:47] AOL codewords. AOL codewords everywhere. [2015-05-13 00:22:48] seawolf: It apparently parse typing in the word 'dot' and the word 'com' in succession as a link. [2015-05-13 00:22:49] who's running ffcc? [2015-05-13 00:22:50] hah! Made you type PogChamp / [2015-05-13 00:22:50] Is DW running something? Hello, again sk8 [2015-05-13 00:22:53] hey Sk84uh! [2015-05-13 00:22:56] go ahead mikey [2015-05-13 00:22:59] good thing FF7-8 guides are being reprinted [2015-05-13 00:23:00] Hey Shadow [2015-05-13 00:23:02] Hey again ShadowKiller :D/ [2015-05-13 00:23:04] What's up everyone [2015-05-13 00:23:07] Also Reece [2015-05-13 00:23:09] Yo wells! [2015-05-13 00:23:11] Obda! :D [2015-05-13 00:23:16] Sk8 o/ [2015-05-13 00:23:17] hey wells [2015-05-13 00:23:17] Greenk4, oh jeez, are they reprinting the BradyGames ones? [2015-05-13 00:23:19] so is ff9 [2015-05-13 00:23:21] Mikalia: Nah, the moments passed, it relied on the context of the coversation. [2015-05-13 00:23:21] we might need to explain comedic timing to Mikalia. :3 [2015-05-13 00:23:22] Because those guides are AWFUL. [2015-05-13 00:23:25] This has got to be the most polite chat of 1500+ people ever. [2015-05-13 00:23:25] Hey Bargain :) [2015-05-13 00:23:27] its being redone and released with 7/8 [2015-05-13 00:23:30] The reprinted guides are gonna cost so much though T__T [2015-05-13 00:23:34] @Azkiboh **** you noob. [2015-05-13 00:23:35] I got a random ff 12 guide. [2015-05-13 00:23:41] XD ack [2015-05-13 00:23:41] square has to make money somehow... [2015-05-13 00:23:43] only guide I ever bought was the Primagames FF8 one. It was pretty useful, actually [2015-05-13 00:23:51] I loved the maps in FF8 guide, i was so lost without it [2015-05-13 00:23:54] Thank you for restoring my faith in the internet, Dango. :D [2015-05-13 00:23:55] i remember playing this game a ton on the gbc as a kid [2015-05-13 00:23:56] Someone gave it too me [2015-05-13 00:24:00] I bought a WA guide and an FF7 guide [2015-05-13 00:24:10] how else are they going to fund the production of such future clasic mobile games? [2015-05-13 00:24:10] For alternate chat, live donation ticker, and auto-updating schedule, check out our website at http://www.rpglimitbreak.com [2015-05-13 00:24:13] Prima usually had pretty good guides. [2015-05-13 00:24:14] i still my FF12 guide somewhere, it was actually pretty good [2015-05-13 00:24:15] I have no idea which guides they're reprinting but they won't be god awful in some cases lol [2015-05-13 00:24:17] Enker! [2015-05-13 00:24:21] still have* [2015-05-13 00:24:22] my FF12 guide was falling apart not long after day 1 of having it because it's pretty big... also it took me a few years to get into playing FF12 without falling asleep from the battle system. Kappa [2015-05-13 00:24:24] @Azkiboh stfu nerd go <GETS BANNED> [2015-05-13 00:24:28] i collect guides so ive bought alot of them [2015-05-13 00:24:30] LOL THIS IS SO EPIC xDDDDDDDDDDD [2015-05-13 00:24:30] I remember buying the OoT prima guide and it was really well done. [2015-05-13 00:24:31] RPGLB goes to Sesame Street! [2015-05-13 00:24:36] yeah i remember the ff12 guide being ok [2015-05-13 00:24:40] best marathon ever [2015-05-13 00:24:41] The count is back baby! [2015-05-13 00:24:42] At least we know they can all count. [2015-05-13 00:24:49] dwdBossbetrollin [2015-05-13 00:24:51] IT'LL HAPPEN AT 26 Xd [2015-05-13 00:24:52] the chest randomly has a cursed item in it [2015-05-13 00:24:55] Mobile games are basically THE way to make money in Japan now. [2015-05-13 00:24:56] RPG Limit Break Teaches Numbers [2015-05-13 00:25:00] but the section for all the summons fell out of the binding almost instantly heh [2015-05-13 00:25:02] FF12 guide included the license chart, didn't it? [2015-05-13 00:25:04] yay [2015-05-13 00:25:04] Ah Ah AH... [2015-05-13 00:25:04] yay! [2015-05-13 00:25:09] 18! Ah! Ah! Ah~ [2015-05-13 00:25:11] yup it did [2015-05-13 00:25:12] Ever look at the SMT: Nocturne guide? [2015-05-13 00:25:13] yeah, it included the license board. [2015-05-13 00:25:14] rpgLevelup Giramoni :) [2015-05-13 00:25:14] Yeah Rakuen. [2015-05-13 00:25:22] That was SUPER useful. [2015-05-13 00:25:30] rpgLevelup MrCab [2015-05-13 00:25:36] 18. 18 Torches. Ah Ah Ah! [2015-05-13 00:25:49] When you die in dragon quest/warrior you die in real life [2015-05-13 00:26:05] You lose half your savings account [2015-05-13 00:26:06] cod count: 2 [2015-05-13 00:26:07] how could you die!? rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 00:26:07] i miss buying guides... [2015-05-13 00:26:08] EPIC! xDDDD [2015-05-13 00:26:09] in that case nod, better not let vulajin play this game. Kappa [2015-05-13 00:26:26] The FF11 guide had similar useful stuff too. Really helped me especially considering how stupid FF11's design was at times. [2015-05-13 00:26:33] i remember buying the guide for saga frontier before buying the game [2015-05-13 00:26:40] The cruelty of earlier RPG's, lose half of your money. [2015-05-13 00:26:57] oh when FF11 came out that game confused the crap out of me at first [2015-05-13 00:26:58] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2015-05-13 00:26:59] cute young loli Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:27:03] There were banks where you could store money so you don't lose it though [2015-05-13 00:27:05] <dianaet has been timed out> [2015-05-13 00:27:07] DWM PogChamp [2015-05-13 00:27:11] Hey, I still have that cartridge! [2015-05-13 00:27:16] death warps are useful in pretty much every dragon warrior game [2015-05-13 00:27:16] tasteless PoS [2015-05-13 00:27:16] Oh you wanna be a Ninja? Well first you gotta level up thief to level 35, THEN you get a quest to have the right to try out as a Ninja, THEN you get to do another quest as a level 1 ninja and if you finsih that one you can actually start levelling your ninja class. [2015-05-13 00:27:17] I have that game too [2015-05-13 00:27:17] rpgJerkBird Prizes you can win during this run: http://tinyurl.com/lkw6jvd ($15 minimum until the end of Castle of Wind) http://tinyurl.com/mmlmyg6 | http://tinyurl.com/lltc8b8 ($5 Minimum until the end of this run) [2015-05-13 00:27:19] That game was confusing as heck [2015-05-13 00:27:20] i used to buy guides because my mom didn't let me buy the actual game. [2015-05-13 00:27:28] Smt nocturn was hard [2015-05-13 00:27:29] I also have DWM2 Tara [2015-05-13 00:27:31] AH, the joys of childhood. [2015-05-13 00:27:33] FF11 was all about party building stuff, nothing solo available, right? [2015-05-13 00:27:33] Which is awesome [2015-05-13 00:27:42] Hama insta death skil [2015-05-13 00:27:44] Not nothing but very little. [2015-05-13 00:27:45] is there a link for the games there going to play [2015-05-13 00:27:47] the weeks spent farming the leaping boots, oh god [2015-05-13 00:27:54] I have DWM2 Colbi [2015-05-13 00:27:55] !schedule [2015-05-13 00:27:55] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 00:27:56] azkiboh, there was solo content but mostly anything after level 20 was done in parties. [2015-05-13 00:27:58] never again [2015-05-13 00:28:10] puff puff? [2015-05-13 00:28:16] That does not sound like my cup of tea, as far as MMORPGs go. [2015-05-13 00:28:18] They toned it down a bit later on but it was still very much group focused. [2015-05-13 00:28:20] spiritSlime Kreygasm spiritSlime [2015-05-13 00:28:25] Wait i thought i donated $15 for taking the princess? [2015-05-13 00:28:26] Puff puff is critical [2015-05-13 00:28:33] Puff Puff is love [2015-05-13 00:28:36] did my donation not get allocated correctly [2015-05-13 00:28:47] hey does anyone know if the sub money is going to the charity? [2015-05-13 00:28:57] when they brought the book burn stuff it made the game way less grindy [2015-05-13 00:28:58] I think it does, Obda [2015-05-13 00:29:03] Goes to Dreamboum [2015-05-13 00:29:05] Submoney is going to setup costs [2015-05-13 00:29:08] I would hope a mod would know, Obda.....Kappa [2015-05-13 00:29:10] @Obdajr, I believe it was going towards running the marathon [2015-05-13 00:29:12] it's going all to Puwexil's scalp wax [2015-05-13 00:29:14] so sort of [2015-05-13 00:29:16] OpieOP it does Enker? [2015-05-13 00:29:20] oh ok yeah thats fine then [2015-05-13 00:29:30] So they nerfed Erdrick's Armour basically [2015-05-13 00:29:38] it only heals half as much [2015-05-13 00:29:45] this one's about 4 hrs faster than the NES one [2015-05-13 00:29:56] Yeah Wykydtron76. I had 2 classes at 75 back in Zilart / Chains of Promathia days. That grind was crazy. [2015-05-13 00:30:22] iirc the xp needed to go from 74 to 75 was something like 700 millions. You gained like 1k per kill at endgame. [2015-05-13 00:30:44] That's ridiculous, @Egonomics651 [2015-05-13 00:30:46] At first I was hype for watching DW1 in a different marathon because the first two are the only ones I beat. After a couple hours of grinding it was all ResidentSleeper [2015-05-13 00:30:48] 1d3+3 max HP I would kill another PC for that item in 1st ed D&D [2015-05-13 00:30:48] ya it took a crazy amount of time, had a bunch of 40s and 50s [2015-05-13 00:31:11] like old EQ grind sessions, take a week to get half a level toward the end game [2015-05-13 00:31:25] Spooky scary skeleton [2015-05-13 00:31:26] Don't do it Loto! [2015-05-13 00:31:31] Steel Sword Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:31:41] When's the D&D speed run? [2015-05-13 00:31:46] Broa...err, steel sword [2015-05-13 00:32:06] Who's on the couch? [2015-05-13 00:32:09] nodthenbow which one? [2015-05-13 00:32:10] loto doesn't show up for another two sequels [2015-05-13 00:32:20] Gyre, Vulajin and Puwexil [2015-05-13 00:32:20] Excellent Move! The Demon Knight is dodging. [2015-05-13 00:32:20] Gyre, Vulajin, and Puwexil. [2015-05-13 00:32:24] Well, you're the "descendant of Loto" [2015-05-13 00:32:24] Gyre, Vulajin and Puwexil rock the couch [2015-05-13 00:32:26] on the couch, left to right: Gyre, Vulajin, puwexil [2015-05-13 00:32:26] Thanks. [2015-05-13 00:32:30] desert's higher [2015-05-13 00:32:31] D&D speedrun is just one guy rolling a Half-Elf Warlock and another guy rolling a Monk with Vow of Poverty as a feat. [2015-05-13 00:32:36] Wait. Grinding? In RPG speedruns? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS [2015-05-13 00:32:37] FrankerZ LilZ and CatBag [2015-05-13 00:32:38] @KunouNoHana All pen and paper ones [2015-05-13 00:32:40] Vow of Poverty Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:32:44] dwdPun [2015-05-13 00:32:46] So in other words, Gyre, Vulajin, and someone I can make fun of. [2015-05-13 00:32:55] Brossentia why no town with no name in the schedule!!! [2015-05-13 00:32:57] Well that's boring, the speedrun of those is the DM saying you win [2015-05-13 00:33:00] Giramoni, players like you are the reason I don't DM anymore. [2015-05-13 00:33:01] if you can't make fun of vulajin, you're doing it wrong [2015-05-13 00:33:07] Vow of Poverty is a blight on this world. [2015-05-13 00:33:11] The reason why? I blame Everhate. [2015-05-13 00:33:13] alright... i gotta donate for naming lucca right? [2015-05-13 00:33:19] Dragondarch, Highspirits, Zyre, and Darkwing Duck in the audience [2015-05-13 00:33:20] I can't make fun of any speedrunners. I can poke fun at them. [2015-05-13 00:33:23] lol vow of poverty [2015-05-13 00:33:27] Obda, what are you going for? "Waifu"? [2015-05-13 00:33:32] haha [2015-05-13 00:33:33] Brosen pls [2015-05-13 00:33:34] On the other hand, I would probably have fun running Pool of Myth Dranor [2015-05-13 00:33:35] I never actually played a monk with Vow of Poverty, but you better believe I statted one up. Kappa [2015-05-13 00:33:37] good *** lol [2015-05-13 00:33:39] Well done [2015-05-13 00:33:42] If anyone wants to look awesome while supporting a great cause- http://www.theyetee.com/rpglimitbreak/ =D [2015-05-13 00:33:45] I think we all did Giramoni [2015-05-13 00:33:45] I usually did the DMing, so I couldn't play one anyway [2015-05-13 00:33:47] i doubt puwexil would like that [2015-05-13 00:33:53] Yetee Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:33:54] poverty monks kicked *** [2015-05-13 00:33:59] I can't believe that people know about Castle of the WInds. I have both parts on my laptop. :D [2015-05-13 00:34:06] Maybe next year we should submit pen and paper PFS module :) [2015-05-13 00:34:07] Haha. Puwexil's a dedicated Marle fan. But hey, donations! [2015-05-13 00:34:10] Castle of the Winds... [2015-05-13 00:34:12] i was probably gonna go with "Wondr" [2015-05-13 00:34:12] Eh, close enough on the name [2015-05-13 00:34:13] hello Nemhy [2015-05-13 00:34:17] rpgWhat [2015-05-13 00:34:25] You would, Obdajr... [2015-05-13 00:34:25] Heya! o/ [2015-05-13 00:34:31] Tenburo I have my discs somewhere for CotW still and only wish they'd work on W7 ;-; [2015-05-13 00:34:32] tbh I got back at my players one day. I rolled a Warforged Knight in a Eberron campaign. Level 1 with 35 natural AC. [2015-05-13 00:34:32] or maybe Robo with "Crsis" [2015-05-13 00:34:32] Is that the old school dungeon crawler where you could literally die to almost any enemy? <_< [2015-05-13 00:34:33] Poverty monks were less strong in endgame if you had access to magic items, but most DMs...yeah [2015-05-13 00:34:43] Yeah, Wondr is good. [2015-05-13 00:34:53] Poverty monks have a big problem - no flying access [2015-05-13 00:35:09] And you can always go "And if the run is going badly, I propose Blndr" [2015-05-13 00:35:14] Flying enemies rain death upon them cirShades [2015-05-13 00:35:24] wmd monks best monks...and stupidest monks <3 [2015-05-13 00:35:30] A poverty monk's flying access is "wizard friend with Fly" [2015-05-13 00:35:30] umd rather [2015-05-13 00:35:35] I remember there was a game with 2 dungeons and the 2nd dungeon had a frankenstein monster or something that would just dumptruck you [2015-05-13 00:35:42] Vow of Poverty is just a real *** to deal with as a DM. [2015-05-13 00:35:50] Do we need to donate for CoW2? [2015-05-13 00:35:50] Gyre can speedrun Phantasy Star II as well. :D [2015-05-13 00:35:55] Monks eventaully can also get to the point htey just you know 'jump' [2015-05-13 00:35:59] Wizardry speedrun? [2015-05-13 00:36:07] Engineer bowman are the best class. They can make Arrows of Mass Destruction, quite literally. [2015-05-13 00:36:17] Jimmypoopins actually did a Wizardry NES speedrun. [2015-05-13 00:36:20] But dimension door, right? Or did they take that away too? [2015-05-13 00:36:21] need a FF run with nothing but white mages. [2015-05-13 00:36:31] That's just time consuming. [2015-05-13 00:36:32] A chest of plenty [2015-05-13 00:36:34] Next will be a speedrun of Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol. Kappa [2015-05-13 00:36:35] Dualwield polearms is great though for hardcore B) [2015-05-13 00:36:40] Four white mages? It'll never work. [2015-05-13 00:36:49] 8-bit theater Keepo [2015-05-13 00:36:51] 4x white mage, you'll never die but you'll take forever to kill anything [2015-05-13 00:36:51] 4 Monks however can work PogChamp [2015-05-13 00:36:53] Arrows of mass distruction? Someone playing dredmor? [2015-05-13 00:36:54] Oh man, Tenburo! I played that a lot as a kid [2015-05-13 00:37:02] It's kind of funny that the Werdna strat is on a macro level, basically the same for speedruns and casual play (Fling spells at him and pray one hits, it's just a matter of which spells). [2015-05-13 00:37:03] Dungeons & Dragons? Satan's game! [2015-05-13 00:37:04] Oh you die, Sunggletoof [2015-05-13 00:37:04] I had a DL of it from AOL when they used to host shareware games :) [2015-05-13 00:37:06] Four white mages? It'll never work. [2015-05-13 00:37:06] Priest SCC? sounds easy [2015-05-13 00:37:15] Snes version of FF1 solo rogue run <--- that's something. [2015-05-13 00:37:17] Mus_Musculus: I have over 2000 hours on my current team. Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:37:18] Monks, pssh. Get on my Good Necromancer level. [2015-05-13 00:37:20] 4 WHM? It works. I'll make Chaos run in fear. [2015-05-13 00:37:27] HAHAHA [2015-05-13 00:37:30] Woo just bought a Gold Chocobo Taxi Co. shirt. [2015-05-13 00:37:38] Oh, I've missed you mus. [2015-05-13 00:37:49] Wait...a Good Necro? My brain, my poor poor brain... [2015-05-13 00:37:53] Making Chaos run in fear is still the funniest thing I've ever seen. [2015-05-13 00:37:57] I have the physical disc for Mordor, actually. :P [2015-05-13 00:37:57] Tenburo pls, we all know the best LOTR-lore based RPG is Angband. [2015-05-13 00:38:05] 4 black mages tho, because screw swinging mallets all day just cast nuke [2015-05-13 00:38:08] And only because as soon as you roll a Ranger you get melted by a poison dragon. [2015-05-13 00:38:10] It's not LOTR, Egonomics. [2015-05-13 00:38:12] Did they say who's in the room? [2015-05-13 00:38:13] just speedrun dungeon hack [2015-05-13 00:38:14] Strangely enough. [2015-05-13 00:38:19] Hi RBW :) [2015-05-13 00:38:20] You rang? [2015-05-13 00:38:23] is 4 black mages even possible >> [2015-05-13 00:38:27] >Called Mordor >Not LOTR >wat.jpg [2015-05-13 00:38:27] seems like you'd die a lot >> [2015-05-13 00:38:34] With enough RNG manipulation, anything is possible. [2015-05-13 00:38:39] >greentexting on twitch Kappa [2015-05-13 00:38:39] Until you learn ___2 [2015-05-13 00:38:40] I grew up on Dungeon Hack Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:38:45] 4 any class is possible, Dios. [2015-05-13 00:38:45] Egonomics: Yeah, it's..odd. [2015-05-13 00:38:49] 5 Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:38:52] I'm not green texting. It's an emoticon of shifty eyes. Kappa [2015-05-13 00:38:58] yo get it in! [2015-05-13 00:38:59] If I recall correctly, the most obnoxious 4 class is Thief, because they're SO BAD. [2015-05-13 00:39:00] Wait how come I didn't get timed out? Am I too strong fo rthe bot? [2015-05-13 00:39:01] Fun bit of Trivia. Pretty sure in Dragon Warrior Monster I it is still called Firebal. [2015-05-13 00:39:03] man I kinda miss playing Castle of the Winds now... that was fun yet frustrating [2015-05-13 00:39:05] I'm invincible! [2015-05-13 00:39:05] not you [2015-05-13 00:39:05] Really? FF runs have been done with 2 party members perma dead [2015-05-13 00:39:06] see ya old man! [2015-05-13 00:39:08] I'm sad I had to work during Fire Emblem :( [2015-05-13 00:39:13] I chuckled at how bad it's review were though, looking back [2015-05-13 00:39:16] It is indeed Firebal, Kurossu. [2015-05-13 00:39:23] oh my bad Keepo [2015-05-13 00:39:25] I just did four black mages. only slightly terrible [2015-05-13 00:39:25] FF has been done with a solo monk [2015-05-13 00:39:37] Royal Blue! GOod to see you again. [2015-05-13 00:39:43] The Club? [2015-05-13 00:39:48] Isn't the record for FF1 something like 7 min now, thanks to a credits warp? [2015-05-13 00:39:56] worst part of dungeon hack was getting perma=para'd by carrion crawlers on floor 2/3 [2015-05-13 00:39:57] Likewise! [2015-05-13 00:39:57] something like that yes [2015-05-13 00:40:00] FF stands for Four Fighters, right? [2015-05-13 00:40:04] FF has been done with solo of every class. Jkoper did all of them himself a while back [2015-05-13 00:40:07] Club member hype [2015-05-13 00:40:09] Fatal Frame. [2015-05-13 00:40:12] No it stands for Final Fight, duh :p [2015-05-13 00:40:20] ^ [2015-05-13 00:40:20] I should really go back into streaming roguelikes galore .-. [2015-05-13 00:40:21] ok done [2015-05-13 00:40:24] Fancy Frankfurter [2015-05-13 00:40:29] it's a very high class hot dog [2015-05-13 00:40:30] Butters get on narration already. [2015-05-13 00:40:31] did i miss any deaths? [2015-05-13 00:40:32] Final Fight Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:40:38] what about Family Feud NES? [2015-05-13 00:40:41] FF1 with 4 Haggars, easy mode [2015-05-13 00:40:47] Where's Murphagator! when you need him? [2015-05-13 00:40:47] Featuring MIKE HAGGAR and Some Chumps Who Aren't MIKE HAGGAR. ;) [2015-05-13 00:40:49] Haha yeah snuggletoof, also having your one of a kind artifact weapon eaten by the muck before you realize it can do that [2015-05-13 00:40:52] Mus_Musculus, check out Invisible Inc if you like roguelikes. It's a roguelite stealth based game. Kinda cool. [2015-05-13 00:41:03] Haggar Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:41:09] KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:41:15] Obda, if I'm not mistaken, we're on 2 deaths, soyou know [2015-05-13 00:41:16] MIKE HAGGAR...MAYOR OF EARTH [2015-05-13 00:41:22] 4 Haggars in FF1 is overkill, you could easily beat the game with just 1/2 a Haggar [2015-05-13 00:41:23] ok i didnt miss any then [2015-05-13 00:41:34] Yeah, Cod Counter still at 2 from what I know. [2015-05-13 00:41:36] SPD chaos [2015-05-13 00:41:42] Dos Cods [2015-05-13 00:41:51] Cody, known as not-Haggar, and Guy, known as Also-not-Haggar [2015-05-13 00:41:54] SwiftRage Dragon Warrior [2015-05-13 00:41:58] My saves always corrupted on the BDC DQ3 :( [2015-05-13 00:42:06] GBC* [2015-05-13 00:42:26] You mean someone tampered with the Imperial Scrolls of Honor?! [2015-05-13 00:42:27] i was watching some invisible inc the other day, looks like x-com meets monaco, idk [2015-05-13 00:42:31] Haggar, known as Doesn't-Have-An-Infinite. [2015-05-13 00:42:34] I surely made a record of it. [2015-05-13 00:42:34] dont think it's my kinda game [2015-05-13 00:42:42] Haggar PogChamp/ [2015-05-13 00:42:43] Invisible Inc. is a lot like X-COM where you're sneaking instead of shooting. [2015-05-13 00:42:46] My NES copy of DW had the battery die. It would pretend to save. I feel and understand your pain, Gramora [2015-05-13 00:42:59] Is ChibiSRL going to make it? [2015-05-13 00:43:02] PuffPuff [2015-05-13 00:43:03] pattyRIP imperial scrolls of honor [2015-05-13 00:43:08] Warrior Warrior any% Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:43:09] And sextoids aren't sniping you [2015-05-13 00:43:12] cirLewd [2015-05-13 00:43:14] sectoids* [2015-05-13 00:43:17] that happened to my DW3 cart too, battery died BibleThump [2015-05-13 00:43:19] Sextoids Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:43:23] Puff Puff Message Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:43:26] Sextoids and Thin Mints [2015-05-13 00:43:32] It's pronounced "Poof poof" [2015-05-13 00:43:32] i had to buy another dw3 cart [2015-05-13 00:43:42] pafupafu [2015-05-13 00:43:45] ill be glad with just staying for breakfast, skip the puff puff [2015-05-13 00:43:50] Is 3-some with Princess Laura and Puff Puff massage a donation incentive? [2015-05-13 00:43:56] message lol [2015-05-13 00:43:59] lol [2015-05-13 00:44:08] puff puff massage Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:44:20] crit damage from nosebleed [2015-05-13 00:44:20] RPG Limit Break 2015 is being restreamed with French commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/rpglimitbreak_fr and with German commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/germenchrestream [2015-05-13 00:44:20] wait Brossentia's doing Demon Rush? [2015-05-13 00:44:30] Dammit now I need to watch this stream more. [2015-05-13 00:44:34] !shirts [2015-05-13 00:44:34] The Yetee is doing a special shirt sale in support of RPGLB! $3 of every shirt purchased from http://www.theyetee.com/rpglimitbreak will be donated to NAMI. [2015-05-13 00:44:36] I keep hearing people on stream talking about nachos [2015-05-13 00:44:36] Yeah, I'm so in for that. [2015-05-13 00:44:49] Brossentia will get Demon Rush WR live! PogChamp FrankerZ (hopefully) [2015-05-13 00:45:03] Demon Rush will be run of the marathon, SAUCE IT [2015-05-13 00:45:13] dammit, why does my paypal have to be empty BibleThump [2015-05-13 00:45:19] unless it crashes the system it's running on... (probably will twice) [2015-05-13 00:45:20] Also, they aren't SUFFERING from mental illness, the yare LIVING with mental illness [2015-05-13 00:45:20] Yeah Bro's doing Demon Rush... sad because of what it will do to everyone who watches ;_; [2015-05-13 00:45:25] There is a big big difference [2015-05-13 00:45:27] Seriously [2015-05-13 00:45:51] living with mental illness is suffering, trust me i know [2015-05-13 00:45:53] Butters BB confirmed FGC_Jim_Ross :o [2015-05-13 00:45:59] Is Demon Rush the one that looks like it was made in MSPaint? [2015-05-13 00:46:02] I agree with Butters on this. [2015-05-13 00:46:05] azkiboh: Yup. [2015-05-13 00:46:11] Yeah, I wouldn't call how I am when off my pills "living" with mental illness. [2015-05-13 00:46:15] Slimey! cirFairy [2015-05-13 00:46:17] Sorry, FGCJimRoss [2015-05-13 00:46:18] oh man that slime [2015-05-13 00:46:22] It really is suffering. [2015-05-13 00:46:32] It's almost like an SDA inside joke. I think all of Uyama's avatars are from Demon Rush. [2015-05-13 00:46:36] i'm on meds and it's still shite [2015-05-13 00:46:52] slime? dreamSlime [2015-05-13 00:46:57] @Snuggletoof while technically true, one of the goals of NAMI is to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. The language used is important [2015-05-13 00:47:11] it's a part of who yo uare that requires treatment, but to say suffering gives it too much power [2015-05-13 00:47:20] ^ [2015-05-13 00:47:23] ^ [2015-05-13 00:47:35] oh man, whoever has that emote on their channel seems worth watching, following and subscribing to [2015-05-13 00:47:35] Gollum strats!!!....wait a tic... [2015-05-13 00:47:46] ok, i see where you're coming from and i can agree with that [2015-05-13 00:47:46] Precioussss town. [2015-05-13 00:47:54] yeah but its also the idea that the "afflicted" don't have some magical switch that they can flip to end their woes [2015-05-13 00:47:56] Fatmn: What, dreamboum? [2015-05-13 00:47:56] @Fatmn dreamboum [2015-05-13 00:47:58] I think that not calling it suffering tends to trivialize something that is serious business to people who have it. It's half a step away from telling them to buck up and walk it off. [2015-05-13 00:48:01] Stupid hobbitses! [2015-05-13 00:48:03] I'd say it's the other way around, saying I'm only "living" with my issues is downplaying how bad things can be. [2015-05-13 00:48:07] adamgolemm [2015-05-13 00:48:16] dreamboum is MIA due to university dreamIsDead [2015-05-13 00:48:16] I never finished this game as a kid. Got lost too much [2015-05-13 00:48:18] Mental illness can be classified as "a condition that disrupts a person's thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning, often resulting in a diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life." [2015-05-13 00:48:19] this is like old GDQ's before it got ruined [2015-05-13 00:48:20] what Buttersbb said ("suffering" is really only for diagnosis because something needs to be causing distress to be addressable) [2015-05-13 00:48:25] royalbluewizard, swordofaeons, yep, RIP :( [2015-05-13 00:48:30] RIP stream* [2015-05-13 00:48:32] i totally didn't copy that from a pamphlet... [2015-05-13 00:48:34] Does he mean GOLEM? or is there some copyright infringement going on? [2015-05-13 00:48:42] No no, it is a Golem [2015-05-13 00:48:45] @Giramoni that's arguably preferable to what happens in reality, where people with mental illness are written off as hopeless, worthless people [2015-05-13 00:48:50] There are nights where I can't sleep because I have to double check all the doors in the house for the 70th time in a row. Wouldn't call that living. [2015-05-13 00:49:04] As in the Hebrew supernatural boogeyman, Golem. [2015-05-13 00:49:11] Coping, Ego? [2015-05-13 00:49:17] HS needs donuts D: [2015-05-13 00:49:18] Surviving? [2015-05-13 00:49:24] Supernatural protector you mean? [2015-05-13 00:49:25] Nah, suffering's right. [2015-05-13 00:49:37] Egonomics, I'm similar due to panic disorder ;-; [2015-05-13 00:49:42] FUCK! When did this start? [2015-05-13 00:49:49] about 6 hours ago [2015-05-13 00:49:49] 43 minutes ago [2015-05-13 00:49:51] I consider "suffering" to be more in line with the medical view of disability, which is too marginalizing "you have something wrong with you that needs to be fixed." Mental illness isn't something that goes away, it's something that you struggle to control, but a part of who you are [2015-05-13 00:49:51] About...43 minutes ago [2015-05-13 00:49:52] Like I said, to me, any other word downplays how bad it can be. [2015-05-13 00:49:55] /me hugs mouse [2015-05-13 00:49:57] afk [2015-05-13 00:49:58] the marathon or the game, Znem? [2015-05-13 00:50:00] you missed fire emblem and diablo 3 znem [2015-05-13 00:50:00] I meant the whole thing. [2015-05-13 00:50:01] I hear ANYTHING when I'm asleep and I wake up unable to move, have troubles breathing, and then my heart rate gets dangerously high ;-; [2015-05-13 00:50:01] Word usage shouldn't matter as long as the conditions are taken seriously [2015-05-13 00:50:05] Or the whole thing, yea, 6 hours 43 minutes ago. [2015-05-13 00:50:07] 12pm MST [2015-05-13 00:50:09] or 2pm EST [2015-05-13 00:50:12] Thanks guys. =^) [2015-05-13 00:50:29] I think you mean 12pm MDT [2015-05-13 00:50:37] Like arguing whether alcoholism is a disease. Whatever you need to call it in order to get help is a win [2015-05-13 00:50:44] only Arizona is currently in MST :) [2015-05-13 00:50:54] whatever [2015-05-13 00:50:56] but whatevs, BAMI is a good cause, def support [2015-05-13 00:51:01] *NAMI sorry [2015-05-13 00:51:02] i hate MST/MDT distinctions [2015-05-13 00:51:03] So close. :( [2015-05-13 00:51:04] I find that using the word suffering suffering makes it clear that this is a condition that is real and not just something that can be willed away. [2015-05-13 00:51:08] Cod Counter++ [2015-05-13 00:51:10] Arizona doesn't believe in DST, afer all. [2015-05-13 00:51:11] @Mus_Musculus from a fellow panic-sufferer, I found it very comforting to learn that the heart can beat at 200 bpm for days on end before it becomes dangerous, assuming an otherwise healthy heart [2015-05-13 00:51:11] Cod 3, so sad [2015-05-13 00:51:12] metal slime troll [2015-05-13 00:51:14] "Whatever you need to call it in order to get help is a win"This is the correct response! [2015-05-13 00:51:21] rpgGoodTaste cod [2015-05-13 00:51:27] Arizona is strange in other ways too, though. [2015-05-13 00:51:35] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 00:51:39] rpgWhat [2015-05-13 00:51:40] aww lame, i missed fire emblem :( [2015-05-13 00:51:41] Yes, yes it is. But we love it any way :) [2015-05-13 00:51:46] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 00:51:51] CatBag [2015-05-13 00:51:54] Yeah Mus_Musculus, I have some pretty bad paranoia/anxiety issues. Was wrongly diagnosed with MDD too due to how it affected me. [2015-05-13 00:52:02] Shadow/Demon Knights were the scariest thing in this game way back when [2015-05-13 00:52:08] That's really rough, EGo. [2015-05-13 00:52:18] hey fatnm [2015-05-13 00:52:19] MDD and Bipolar get kinda overdiagnosed [2015-05-13 00:52:20] This is a ginormous overworld map PogChamp [2015-05-13 00:52:29] MDD? [2015-05-13 00:52:30] so does Schizophrenia for that matter [2015-05-13 00:52:32] hey obda :) [2015-05-13 00:52:36] Major Depressive Disorder. [2015-05-13 00:52:41] Major Depressive Disorder [2015-05-13 00:52:42] Game Brick has a surprising amount of memory [2015-05-13 00:52:57] My heart rate is usually rather low though so when it skyrockets due to panic it really worries me and then it makes things worse :< [2015-05-13 00:52:58] i think depression should be reclassified as a spectrum like autism [2015-05-13 00:52:58] Haven't ever run across that particular diagnosis in my experience, but I will take y'all's word for it. [2015-05-13 00:53:00] is "depression" short for MDD, or are they 2 distinct things? [2015-05-13 00:53:19] I don't care about what disorder I have. My current treatment is doing wonders. It is more of an art than a science, unfortunately [2015-05-13 00:53:27] but even autism has weird areas [2015-05-13 00:53:28] One can be depressed without depression, and I'm reasonably certain depression is its own, separate diagnosis. [2015-05-13 00:53:29] "depression" is kind of a general term, whereas MDD is an official diagnosis [2015-05-13 00:53:30] how is a longer word short for a shorter word? B) [2015-05-13 00:53:37] i'm glad i "only" have to deal with depression and social anxiety -_- [2015-05-13 00:53:39] Kappa [2015-05-13 00:53:44] There are other depression diagnoses as well. [2015-05-13 00:53:47] depression is unipolar depression in the DSM [2015-05-13 00:53:54] Lots of people have depression temporarily, but some people have it permanently [2015-05-13 00:53:55] gotcha [2015-05-13 00:53:57] common depression that is [2015-05-13 00:54:10] Because there's Apsergers which is completely different, but it's still technically Autism. [2015-05-13 00:54:16] aspergers is gone [2015-05-13 00:54:16] depression can be a side effect of medication, or part of another diagnosis without being the main diagnosis [2015-05-13 00:54:23] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 00:54:26] Aspergers is no longer a diagnosis, yes [2015-05-13 00:54:29] Depression sucks [2015-05-13 00:54:29] DSM V made it a cliding scale [2015-05-13 00:54:37] yeah, sometimes depression is a symptom, other times it's a "condition" or w/e the proper terminology is [2015-05-13 00:54:37] It sucks that it's gone [2015-05-13 00:54:39] i get to be autistic now [2015-05-13 00:54:39] it's now just a part of the Autism Spectrum [2015-05-13 00:54:40] 52 damage ow. [2015-05-13 00:54:42] PxyFlut Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:54:53] cirFairy Pixy Flute cirFairy [2015-05-13 00:55:10] It's the pork flute! [2015-05-13 00:55:14] autism manifests in as many ways as depression or anxiety [2015-05-13 00:55:15] tutururu tutururu [2015-05-13 00:55:21] The DSM-V is probably going to get ditched as it is. It's way too insurance company friendly. ICD may be what everyone uses in the future. [2015-05-13 00:55:35] icd-10 [2015-05-13 00:55:50] ICD-10 is like 15 years old too! [2015-05-13 00:56:08] what is with the US? [2015-05-13 00:56:08] Anxiety is weird. My boyfriend has really bad social anxiety but functions just fine otherwise, while I'm the othe rway around. I function just fine in a social aspect but as soon as I'm alone my wires go bonkers. [2015-05-13 00:56:13] would hope icd is used more often but the US can barely transition to ICD-10 not less 11 (which is coming out later this year iirc) [2015-05-13 00:56:16] US is super behind in keeping up with ICD updates though [2015-05-13 00:56:27] 2017 flan [2015-05-13 00:56:34] The US isn't even transitioning to the DSM-V particularly well. [2015-05-13 00:56:34] c.f. pixy stix? [2015-05-13 00:56:35] I thought 11 was out already...shows what I know. [2015-05-13 00:56:37] US mental h ealth infrastructure in general is pretty piss poor [2015-05-13 00:56:41] i remember we used icd-9 codes back in about 2006-8 [2015-05-13 00:56:41] according to the website i just opened [2015-05-13 00:56:41] The US is super behind on pretty much everything mental-illness related. [2015-05-13 00:56:42] (ty) [2015-05-13 00:56:47] We're still on ICD9 and FINALLY slowly getting over to ICD10 where I work D: [2015-05-13 00:56:58] whats icd? o_O [2015-05-13 00:57:00] Could be worse, could be Asia :p [2015-05-13 00:57:11] International Classification of Diseases [2015-05-13 00:57:19] oh [2015-05-13 00:57:20] to be fair there's a couple dx's dsm-v has that icd hasn't addressed yet (self injury coding) [2015-05-13 00:57:23] I'm working in the rehabilitation field, and we are mostly using DSM [2015-05-13 00:57:25] The US needs to be better with Mental Illnesses [2015-05-13 00:57:27] Hey, we aren't that far behind. 5 years ago it would have taken me 12 months to find a psychiatrist. Now it only takes 8. [2015-05-13 00:57:29] Vs the DSM being Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. [2015-05-13 00:57:32] DSM is till the norm in my neck of the words [2015-05-13 00:57:33] Level Kreygasm [2015-05-13 00:57:43] rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 00:57:45] @Buttersbb irrelevant. Just because we're better off than someone else, doesn't mean we should stop trying to improve things here [2015-05-13 00:57:46] Hey, NAMI! I think they're working on that, @Cursedgamer11 [2015-05-13 00:57:46] Most US Insurances don't cover mental health which is a BIG problem :/ [2015-05-13 00:57:47] *woods [2015-05-13 00:57:49] ResidentSleeper // [2015-05-13 00:57:57] I was joking, lol [2015-05-13 00:58:00] Never stop improving [2015-05-13 00:58:02] of course we should be improving, sheesh [2015-05-13 00:58:04] the entire state of US "insurance" is just borked [2015-05-13 00:58:09] mus-musculus - that was changed somewhat with legislation [2015-05-13 00:58:11] Mental Health is something that is overlooked alot [2015-05-13 00:58:13] I don't even know how to go about getting my mental illness diagnosed. And I'm afraid to in this country :P [2015-05-13 00:58:31] regular US health care is way behind, mental health is virtually still ignored [2015-05-13 00:58:40] There's a book called "But you LOOK Good" that might be worth looking at as well if you want to understand more. [2015-05-13 00:58:48] Heck even here in Canada with our "great" healthcare I had trouble finding a therapist that wasn't just willing to be "yep, depression, here,s prozac" [2015-05-13 00:58:48] Mus, yeah. That's really a problem. And as many in the psychology field have complained to me, some passages of the DSM-V really read like they were written by an insurance company. [2015-05-13 00:58:52] Mikey, it's better if you did get diagnosed [2015-05-13 00:58:54] it doesnt help that the only major healthcare reform in forever gets demonized by our own country [2015-05-13 00:58:58] The whole point of seeking treatment is that you want to get better. That is a good thing!! [2015-05-13 00:59:01] jump into vault and travel to other towns instantly Kappa [2015-05-13 00:59:06] (affordable care act aka "obamacare") [2015-05-13 00:59:08] in the US mental health is covered under ACA but there's enough loopholes that many can't use coverage and the provider has to be in the insurance network [2015-05-13 00:59:22] You can't even get mental treatment in the US unless you get proof that the subject caused harm. [2015-05-13 00:59:28] cirFairy Slime! [2015-05-13 00:59:35] Which is weird, because you get mental treatment so PREVENT harm. [2015-05-13 00:59:36] ACA is a band-aid for a much larger problem. But I don't want to talk politics. [2015-05-13 00:59:40] it's pretty messed up that the only way i was able to afford mental health treatment was to go through the disability process and get on medicaid [2015-05-13 00:59:41] same [2015-05-13 00:59:43] @Mayo_chan468 that's not entirely true. [2015-05-13 00:59:43] @Mayo_Chan468 That's not true. That's only for involuntary care [2015-05-13 00:59:48] who is nami? [2015-05-13 00:59:48] Hii Flankitty :3 [2015-05-13 00:59:54] hii Fellly [2015-05-13 00:59:54] While taking mental illness seriously is important. And, it is also important to to be sensitive to those that have it. Those that have to not only be given the means to cope, but also realize that they can be strong enough to see the good in life despite their problems. It not only takes people who care. But, also inner strength within the individuals. As an autist, I get it. It can suck more often than you would like. Especially when you grow up with the anxiety and depression that dealing with it. But, you gotta think about the things you love and who you are. And, who you are should not be determined by any disorder in my opinion. [2015-05-13 00:59:58] Okay good [2015-05-13 01:00:06] bring back DrPenguinPhD BibleThump [2015-05-13 01:00:06] deuceHey [2015-05-13 01:00:07] @Azkiboh Agreed, but good luck getting anything through our broken legislative system. [2015-05-13 01:00:07] it needs to get folded in to the school system, teach kids how to actually take stock of their brains and use that information to build at the most critical time [2015-05-13 01:00:08] > RPG Speedrun marathon [2015-05-13 01:00:11] Mods, you got @Hitmanatee question on lock? [2015-05-13 01:00:14] but... thou must! [2015-05-13 01:00:17] > Everybody in chat talks about autism [2015-05-13 01:00:27] tellah80 you around? [2015-05-13 01:00:31] getting diagnosed is actually kinda sticky. You should go to a psychiatrist, possibly have a psychological exam with a psychologist (or neuro psych if we are talking TBI/stroke), but diagnosis can differ depending on the diagnoser and how you happen to be feeling that day [2015-05-13 01:00:32] !nami [2015-05-13 01:00:52] I say talk about the aca while you can, since it's likely getting repealed [2015-05-13 01:00:52] NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness [2015-05-13 01:00:55] P_WingBlade there's no good in life when you're a self-defeating personality disorder case B) [2015-05-13 01:00:57] woo [2015-05-13 01:01:01] I agree with WingBlade [2015-05-13 01:01:05] Nami-Swaaaaaan~ [2015-05-13 01:01:07] PogChamp [2015-05-13 01:01:10] @Itsdl44 Agreed. I grew up taking ritalin regularly and not being competent at taking stock of my own mental situation made it really difficult to realize that it wasn't actually HELPING me. [2015-05-13 01:01:10] unlisted disorders b o y s [2015-05-13 01:01:14] Hey Magus [2015-05-13 01:01:28] @Buttersbb Yeah, I was in treatment for almost a year before I was finally correctly diagnosed with ADHD. Get myself some ritalin and suddenly my life changes [2015-05-13 01:01:28] la magus [2015-05-13 01:01:33] can we wondershot are way to 1 million this marathon? [2015-05-13 01:01:37] PogChamp [2015-05-13 01:01:40] haha [2015-05-13 01:01:42] PogChamp [2015-05-13 01:01:42] would be nice [2015-05-13 01:01:47] I feel ya SwordofAeons [2015-05-13 01:01:48] I probably have Borderline Personality Disorder, which... varies wildly depending how I feel. [2015-05-13 01:01:51] hey elmagus hey bich [2015-05-13 01:01:53] Maybe make the NAMI logo bigger so people can read it easier? D: [2015-05-13 01:01:54] I was finally diagnosed with anxiety and depression about a year and a half ago [2015-05-13 01:01:57] heyhey people [2015-05-13 01:02:00] yo obda [2015-05-13 01:02:01] also, well said P_WingBlade, you know what's up [2015-05-13 01:02:05] Hey bich [2015-05-13 01:02:06] CatBag [2015-05-13 01:02:08] Nami Tomoe [2015-05-13 01:02:12] Mtsgma :D [2015-05-13 01:02:16] greetings from the german restream MVGame [2015-05-13 01:02:18] @essentiafour D: [2015-05-13 01:02:19] Yo wells, than,s for the Bich bat donation [2015-05-13 01:02:23] By the way, THANKS RPG Limit Break for choosing this organization. Warms my heart [2015-05-13 01:02:27] Thanks* [2015-05-13 01:02:28] eLmaGus: !jah [2015-05-13 01:02:29] my pleasure, bich. [2015-05-13 01:02:31] A bunch of us probably have some issues. Just remember, the community is strong [2015-05-13 01:02:46] I'd donate if I could, but i have $10 to my name right now :( [2015-05-13 01:02:47] @Swordofaeons for me the problem was that i was incorrectly diagnosed with ADHD. Ritalin was the wrong solution for me and that isn't any better than not being diagnosed at all (and is probably worse.) [2015-05-13 01:02:48] I hope we meet it and then they run into 0 bats the entire trip. [2015-05-13 01:02:51] mental health affects everyone, not just the sick [2015-05-13 01:02:53] Me joining twitch was actually a suggestion from my therapist [2015-05-13 01:03:01] sylver, I think is probably worse. [2015-05-13 01:03:04] *it [2015-05-13 01:03:06] Down with the dagron [2015-05-13 01:03:11] like healthy bodied people still pay attention to health [2015-05-13 01:03:12] SmartButWorthless what the hell? [2015-05-13 01:03:12] I think it would be absolutely great to see a 0 bat run from all 4 FFIV runners. [2015-05-13 01:03:14] smartbutworthless: Really? How? [2015-05-13 01:03:20] Get the princess in your arms and then have the random girl follow you in town. It's super fun [2015-05-13 01:03:29] I was diagnosed with Separation Anxiety and P. Major Depression. I went for 15 years without knowing exactly how to get help. hell I didn't even know what they were even called [2015-05-13 01:03:31] Wells, they're gonna farm extra encounters if that happens probly [2015-05-13 01:03:41] thats a cool suggestion smartbutworthless [2015-05-13 01:03:44] I just have issues(tm) [depression/anxiety/chronic pain/sleep problems; I blame my government overlords] [2015-05-13 01:03:49] i will farm extra battles for them [2015-05-13 01:03:49] Run lasts 7 hours just farming bats to bring on the bichBat [2015-05-13 01:03:51] She said I should join communities that share my interests…… so was I like "ever hear of twitch?" [2015-05-13 01:03:53] gotat find the right communities though lol [2015-05-13 01:04:00] to shreds you say [2015-05-13 01:04:02] sylverfyre, misdiagnoses can be a bitch. I was misdiagnosed too and it really didn't help all that much. They gave me some anxiety meds but never enough to actually deal with the paranoid episodes. [2015-05-13 01:04:07] I imagine it was social contact with peers. Makes sense [2015-05-13 01:04:16] Eaten to shreds pattyRIP [2015-05-13 01:04:20] i hope it's working out for ya =) [2015-05-13 01:04:26] Yeah. I used to be involved with a really toxic grouop, and it made my problems worse. [2015-05-13 01:04:26] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-13 01:04:33] Been lurking for way too long [2015-05-13 01:04:35] Does it SeaPuppy Keepo [2015-05-13 01:04:37] SmartButWorthless that's what every therapist or counselor says [2015-05-13 01:04:38] I'm glad NAMI was chosen as the charity for this, nice to see how it is triggering so much good conversation and awareness about mental illness :) [2015-05-13 01:04:42] I was given aderol when I was young, it sucked [2015-05-13 01:04:49] A whole new worrrrrrrrld.... [2015-05-13 01:05:00] @Sylverfyre My brother was misdiagnosed with depression in high school. It was a miserable experience and he didn't get help for his *actual* problem until years later [2015-05-13 01:05:03] A new fantastic point of-*DIES FROM SWAMP* [2015-05-13 01:05:08] lol [2015-05-13 01:05:09] Not lurking is hard [2015-05-13 01:05:11] He's back! :D [2015-05-13 01:05:24] Redrum? [2015-05-13 01:05:30] I also hate the stigma with Mental Illness's [2015-05-13 01:05:33] Adderal was something i went through while dealing with being misdiagnosed. It was miserable and at least i realized THAT was making things actively worse. [2015-05-13 01:05:36] Cool Story Dragon lol [2015-05-13 01:05:46] Puppy :) [2015-05-13 01:05:51] yeah I see lots of situations of people getting diagnosed with ADHD, and then later bipolar. Or other way around [2015-05-13 01:05:56] just as one example [2015-05-13 01:06:08] level! [2015-05-13 01:06:12] Yeah, there was an interesting period where "acting like a kid" meant ADHD to parents who didn't agree with discipline. [2015-05-13 01:06:12] if you have some kind of self-defeating/masochistic/ish pd then you'll most likely only realize it when your life is beyond saving [2015-05-13 01:06:13] Gotta go drum all night. Sad to miss the Level 18 ending. [2015-05-13 01:06:13] i guess they were surprised that it woke up? [2015-05-13 01:06:20] It's nice to see an educated conversation about this subject, even though I myself doesn't have much experience with Mental Illness [2015-05-13 01:06:29] i donated $21 [2015-05-13 01:06:30] to save princess [2015-05-13 01:06:33] =[ [2015-05-13 01:06:42] Well he killed it, and it got back up! I'd be surprised too [2015-05-13 01:06:53] Just goes to show you...there are some people you wake by gently shaking their shoulder, and some people you wake up by speaking to them from across the room. [2015-05-13 01:06:58] Theseawolf: That means it wants to join him! [2015-05-13 01:07:11] Dragon Warrior After Dark :D [2015-05-13 01:07:20] @Sylverfyre looks like its in there [2015-05-13 01:07:30] 2lewd4me :o [2015-05-13 01:07:31] PUFF PUFF Kreygasm [2015-05-13 01:07:33] is it too late? [2015-05-13 01:07:35] @Malinichop As someone who wasn't diagnosed until adulthood, my life would have been 1000% better if it had been caught earlier. It's important to identify it while they're still in their formative years [2015-05-13 01:07:37] idk [2015-05-13 01:07:52] nope [2015-05-13 01:07:57] yeah earlier the better [2015-05-13 01:08:01] puff puff = racy [2015-05-13 01:08:09] unfortunately, there is still a stigma attached to mental health [2015-05-13 01:08:17] Yeah. I've been talking with peopel suffering from ADHD and realized that I may be affected by it myself. [2015-05-13 01:08:19] hey hey, a little birdie told me you guys were having fun out there! [2015-05-13 01:08:28] PogChamp [2015-05-13 01:08:31] loads of people still avoid seeking treatment even though they know they need assistance [2015-05-13 01:08:35] Well she's kind of clingy "But thou must!" [2015-05-13 01:08:38] huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue [2015-05-13 01:08:38] Need to bring it up to my therapist, but my sessiosn are so far apart. [2015-05-13 01:08:40] bich PogChamp [2015-05-13 01:08:43] @Buttersbb Yeah, asking for help is SO difficult. [2015-05-13 01:08:49] Hey quis! [2015-05-13 01:08:50] no sarcasm. [2015-05-13 01:08:55] hi kho! [2015-05-13 01:08:56] Back to real life [2015-05-13 01:08:58] I'm ADHD myself, and don't medicate..:/ [2015-05-13 01:09:00] yeah i was a pretty depressed person before getting into speedrunning myself [2015-05-13 01:09:00] @Egonomics651 for me it's like my brain doesn't have enough RAM. I can only hold a few things in my short-term memory, and what's in there is constantly getting flushed out [2015-05-13 01:09:03] real life DansGame [2015-05-13 01:09:10] first world problems [2015-05-13 01:09:16] g r e e n d r a g o n b o y s [2015-05-13 01:09:30] no it's actually a worldwide problem [2015-05-13 01:09:32] SwordofAeons, yeah, that's kinda how I got it described to me. Like how there's a fog and you can't concentrate. That's how I am all the time. [2015-05-13 01:09:36] I was misdiagnosed for ADD, myself. It seems as though attention deficit is just that easy to notice but may not be what's really up. I wasn't diagnosed with HFA until recently. I'm 22. [2015-05-13 01:09:38] hey quis [2015-05-13 01:09:39] I spent my teenage years hiding my problems because they misdiagnosed and mismedicated my older sister so bad that her problems became 20x worse. [2015-05-13 01:09:41] HOLA!!! [2015-05-13 01:09:42] RIP Lara IV BibleThump 7 [2015-05-13 01:09:44] @Swordofaeons I'm all for proper diagnosis, but passing around drugs to lazy parents only prevents those in need of receiving the medical attention they require. [2015-05-13 01:09:46] o/ hi wells! [2015-05-13 01:09:50] my mother had serious depression and grew up in Peru. She got zero help til she came to America [2015-05-13 01:09:56] I'm sorry to hear that Mikey [2015-05-13 01:10:02] whats HFA? [2015-05-13 01:10:03] I have autism and anxiety [2015-05-13 01:10:04] spiritSlime [2015-05-13 01:10:05] Also I tend to overfocus on new shiny things. [2015-05-13 01:10:16] High Functioning Autism [2015-05-13 01:10:17] Shoot, her name is Lora, not Lara, isn't it. :( [2015-05-13 01:10:26] nothing wrong with shiny new things [2015-05-13 01:10:28] My wife has asperger's, I've learned a lot in living with her [2015-05-13 01:10:28] lara the croft? [2015-05-13 01:10:33] I can focus, but it's a hyper focus that I can't turn off. :( [2015-05-13 01:10:51] I can't hold all these dragons [2015-05-13 01:10:56] yeah its Lora not XABY [2015-05-13 01:11:06] @Malinichop I don't know if this is countrywide, but in my state I can't be on ritalin unless I'm seeing a therapist once a month. I'd hope the professional would be able to tell if it's actually working, but hey :/ [2015-05-13 01:11:11] speaking of mental illness and depression, a young man took his own life earlier today in Tempe. Also, a friend from jr. high took his own life recently. :/ [2015-05-13 01:11:16] what [2015-05-13 01:11:26] Sorry to hear Reece [2015-05-13 01:11:27] sorry to hear that [2015-05-13 01:11:34] definitely sorry to hear that [2015-05-13 01:11:37] what state do you live in SwordofAeons? [2015-05-13 01:11:41] Menu Marathon, I choose you! [2015-05-13 01:11:50] @Buttersbb Michigan [2015-05-13 01:12:01] we're not even halfway through the estimate? Just how much suffering of this game must we endure [2015-05-13 01:12:05] omg vulajin's laught [2015-05-13 01:12:06] But thou must [2015-05-13 01:12:10] really? i live in michigan too. i had no idea. [2015-05-13 01:12:12] Here in PA you just need to see a psychiatrist like... bi-monthly or every few months, depending on the medication [2015-05-13 01:12:13] BUT THOU MUST! [2015-05-13 01:12:15] we must endure all of it [2015-05-13 01:12:16] But thou must [2015-05-13 01:12:20] that is the only way [2015-05-13 01:12:20] hahahahhaha [2015-05-13 01:12:22] Shite, I live in Michigan as well [2015-05-13 01:12:28] His mom spoke about when he gave me his brand new shoes for basketball. @(_@ I was gonna mention that, but I didn't know what to say, let alone I was late. [2015-05-13 01:12:28] If this were the NES version, another four and a half hours [2015-05-13 01:12:40] I might be mistaken on the details [2015-05-13 01:12:47] could be bi-monthly [2015-05-13 01:12:49] I found out she spoke about that story the other day from one of the tellers at one of my banks who attended the funeral as well. [2015-05-13 01:13:05] Can't you finish the game without dropping her [2015-05-13 01:13:09] Disgaea next Kreygasm [2015-05-13 01:13:11] Cod Counter++ [2015-05-13 01:13:16] dang, that idiot... i'm sorry for your loss. :( [2015-05-13 01:13:20] back in essentia's house? just like old times [2015-05-13 01:13:22] Michigan for life [2015-05-13 01:13:25] I think it's less about whether or not it's working, and more about making sure you aren't abusing stimulants [2015-05-13 01:13:27] Hello Augora rpgWhat [2015-05-13 01:13:27] You DIED!? FailFish [2015-05-13 01:13:34] as unfortunately, there re people that do that [2015-05-13 01:13:43] the donation's tracker has a known bug : only do a single bid per donation. otherwise, the other bids will disappear from the donation, so be careful :) [2015-05-13 01:13:46] She's not laggy, she's big boned! [2015-05-13 01:13:46] rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste died [2015-05-13 01:13:50] how many swampy princesses have I missed :) [2015-05-13 01:13:52] How could you die? That is disappointing. [2015-05-13 01:13:54] sup Mikalia [2015-05-13 01:13:59] Screeeeeam! -Rydia [2015-05-13 01:14:12] @Buttersbb "Little Annie Adderall." As much as I loved Community, I hated that joke [2015-05-13 01:14:14] 5 [2015-05-13 01:14:20] yeah :/ [2015-05-13 01:14:29] Yeah..suicide has touched my life pretty deeply as well. Never take anything for granted. :/ [2015-05-13 01:14:32] being on meds is not really an attractive option for someone who's rekt because of things that have already happened. there's no rewind drug BigBrother [2015-05-13 01:14:33] OM NOM! Swedish Fish! Loved your CT run, Obdajr. [2015-05-13 01:14:54] deal with it [2015-05-13 01:14:55] I realized recently that I'm not the only Autistic speedrunner. XD [2015-05-13 01:14:57] swedish fish is great until they get stuck in your teeth [2015-05-13 01:15:10] thanks ritzblues! be sure to catch puwexil and essentia's run this week! [2015-05-13 01:15:11] Swedish Fish <3 [2015-05-13 01:15:16] Augora that's just the fish being great for even longer :) [2015-05-13 01:15:20] Auggie! <3 [2015-05-13 01:15:24] Also, Salmiak is tasty as well. <3 <3 [2015-05-13 01:15:24] they've been crushing it lately [2015-05-13 01:15:25] RPGLimitBreak2015, aka, "flight" Simulator 2015 [2015-05-13 01:15:34] I'm psyched! [2015-05-13 01:15:35] sup Mouse [2015-05-13 01:16:07] How fast can you select the "run" command? [2015-05-13 01:16:13] How could you be so cruel? [2015-05-13 01:16:13] nerdNERD s [2015-05-13 01:16:18] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:16:22] hahahha [2015-05-13 01:16:26] "We'll put this one back" LOL. [2015-05-13 01:16:28] But thou must! [2015-05-13 01:16:29] taking her with us [2015-05-13 01:16:32] wow this game [2015-05-13 01:16:39] Mr. Thou. [2015-05-13 01:17:02] I pray this does not happen again... [2015-05-13 01:17:03] well... all those flashes could definitely cause a seizure [2015-05-13 01:17:07] So wait, why are we murdering princesses again? [2015-05-13 01:17:14] no clue [2015-05-13 01:17:14] Thou art brave, but thy sense of direction seemeth a bit questionable. [2015-05-13 01:17:15] Rogue Warrior Legacy [2015-05-13 01:17:16] So I zoned out from the speedrun with the interesting chat discussion. Suddenly princesses?... [2015-05-13 01:17:29] well it's not really our goal [2015-05-13 01:17:35] so much as an unintended consequence [2015-05-13 01:17:38] If we actually rescue the princess the dragon stops spawning right? [2015-05-13 01:17:44] yeah [2015-05-13 01:17:44] yes [2015-05-13 01:17:45] Yes. [2015-05-13 01:17:48] yep [2015-05-13 01:17:57] so we're grinding on the dragon or something? [2015-05-13 01:17:57] also why he must die.\ [2015-05-13 01:17:58] So he's just farming for XP? [2015-05-13 01:17:59] and this is dragon warrior after all [2015-05-13 01:18:03] He's farming green dragon fights. The princess is just a bonus [2015-05-13 01:18:07] so we need as many dragons as possible [2015-05-13 01:18:11] sleepy dragon :D [2015-05-13 01:18:13] yes, farming. [2015-05-13 01:18:17] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-13 01:18:22] whose house are they at? [2015-05-13 01:18:22] /me rolls around. [2015-05-13 01:18:22] Oh, now I get it... They're GRINDING... [2015-05-13 01:18:27] Hi Kirbymasha [2015-05-13 01:18:27] spiritWEEE spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 01:18:34] He's a Dragon Warrior not a Dragon Lover [2015-05-13 01:18:35] @ChiefOluk Sexist! A woman is not a "prize" to be won! :-p [2015-05-13 01:18:36] The dragon must give a lot of XP for it to be worth it to take such a long time between fights. [2015-05-13 01:18:38] Kirbymasta* [2015-05-13 01:18:47] hey kirbymastaaaa [2015-05-13 01:18:53] my only theory about killing princesses is that they didn't give us the credit we deserve from saving them so the only logical choice is to murder them and say that they died on the way back from...dysentery. yes, that's right. they died of dysentery. [2015-05-13 01:18:53] obda cerHype [2015-05-13 01:18:56] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:19:01] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:19:02] MirbyKastah [2015-05-13 01:19:07] hey Kirby, nice FE run earlier [2015-05-13 01:19:09] cerFlan [2015-05-13 01:19:13] giramoni if I recall correctly it does [2015-05-13 01:19:15] Just like everyone in Oregon Trail. [2015-05-13 01:19:21] I dunno how much exp the dragon is worth vs a metal slime, but it's certainly more reliable [2015-05-13 01:19:25] The monsters around the dragon give out like 10 exp, the dragon itself does like 250 [2015-05-13 01:19:34] rpgBlush [2015-05-13 01:19:42] How could you die? This is disappointing. [2015-05-13 01:19:47] That's what she gets for encountering Terry in the woods and dissing him. [2015-05-13 01:19:49] oh is that Highspirits back there in the black teeshirt? [2015-05-13 01:19:51] I will give you one more chance. [2015-05-13 01:19:55] i missed fire emblem, how did the run go? [2015-05-13 01:19:55] Yes, it is. [2015-05-13 01:20:00] that is HS [2015-05-13 01:20:00] wait, the dragon only gives 250exp? I thought it said 960 or was that the gold? [2015-05-13 01:20:01] yes [2015-05-13 01:20:07] guys the princess is obviously just being like "that jerk, i'm going back to the dragon. At least I had a nice bed." [2015-05-13 01:20:07] ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssdddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaa [2015-05-13 01:20:08] How could you die? I seriously hoped you died of dysentery. [2015-05-13 01:20:11] cool, never seen him before [2015-05-13 01:20:15] @Obdajr There were a couple "that's never happened before!" It was good [2015-05-13 01:20:18] PogChamp [2015-05-13 01:20:22] it's giving 950 exp and 250 gold If I seen correctly [2015-05-13 01:20:23] hey DDR [2015-05-13 01:20:27] those are the best moments [2015-05-13 01:20:30] Dysentery is no joke though, a lot of people die to that each year :( [2015-05-13 01:20:42] i just got back home [2015-05-13 01:20:56] brb [2015-05-13 01:20:56] I would probably die of dysentery, just my luck... [2015-05-13 01:21:00] I hear it's a pretty crappy way to die Kappa [2015-05-13 01:21:01] hey ddrnoob [2015-05-13 01:21:01] I like comfy marathons [2015-05-13 01:21:03] Is this Dragon Warrior or Oregon Trail? [2015-05-13 01:21:04] this run is so exc- ResidentSleeper [2015-05-13 01:21:11] It aint fun, to be certain. [2015-05-13 01:21:15] Lookin good everyone, keep up the good speedrpging. [2015-05-13 01:21:15] it is now the oregon trail [2015-05-13 01:21:25] where's the grandfather clocks [2015-05-13 01:21:26] that's an rpg, right? [2015-05-13 01:21:26] well thats how rpg runs are [2015-05-13 01:21:33] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 01:21:34] The Dragon Trail [2015-05-13 01:21:37] Runner, when's Oregon Trail? [2015-05-13 01:21:39] Eh, not all RPGs have grinding segments [2015-05-13 01:21:40] the only way to play Oregon Trail is to load the wagon with nothing but bacon and whisky [2015-05-13 01:21:40] that laugh is *** irritating [2015-05-13 01:21:40] yeah ive enjoyed the smaller marathons a lot more than the giant ones (as an experience) [2015-05-13 01:21:45] fffBagu [2015-05-13 01:21:46] but this is dragon warrior. [2015-05-13 01:21:52] rpgJerkBird every RPG has jerk birds... [2015-05-13 01:21:54] no way, never forget to bring grandfather clocks [2015-05-13 01:22:02] Nah [2015-05-13 01:22:03] whiskey sounds like a great idea [2015-05-13 01:22:05] I disagree with this wanton slaughter of perfectly good dragons. Kappa [2015-05-13 01:22:08] But wait, it's Tuesday [2015-05-13 01:22:09] ...blush.. [2015-05-13 01:22:10] Oregon Trail is over at 15 minutes [2015-05-13 01:22:11] Someday I will have money and Rudra will make it into an RPG marathon. [2015-05-13 01:22:15] awwwww [2015-05-13 01:22:17] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:22:23] was the diablo 3 run a grindfest? [2015-05-13 01:22:23] "where we going?" [2015-05-13 01:22:32] Princess Lora the Unobservant, who has paid no mind to her many predecessors [2015-05-13 01:22:33] wait, why do they keep redoing this? OH to grind the dragon? [2015-05-13 01:22:34] @Adammagdalene no, it was a deathfest. [2015-05-13 01:22:34] Someday I'll be good, and Golden Sun will be too. [2015-05-13 01:22:35] nah it was a die-fest [2015-05-13 01:22:35] Lora is gonna experience a lot of deja vu [2015-05-13 01:22:39] SomeDDRnoob just subscribed! [2015-05-13 01:22:39] SomeDDRnoob just subscribed! [2015-05-13 01:22:41] @Adammagdalene It was a vulajin-deathfest [2015-05-13 01:22:42] beaten [2015-05-13 01:22:44] they kept dying? [2015-05-13 01:22:45] SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB deerCup [2015-05-13 01:22:46] SUB HYPE [2015-05-13 01:22:50] like over 80 times [2015-05-13 01:22:51] Not they, just vulajin. [2015-05-13 01:22:54] rpgLevelup SUB HYPE rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 01:22:56] pieSub [2015-05-13 01:22:56] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 01:22:58] DDRNOOB rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 01:23:00] the D3 run kept moving but vulajin died a lot [2015-05-13 01:23:01] HeyGuys [2015-05-13 01:23:03] weak! [2015-05-13 01:23:08] Yay SomeDDR have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-13 01:23:08] Biz raid [2015-05-13 01:23:08] heya phil [2015-05-13 01:23:10] almost no grinding in it [2015-05-13 01:23:12] already an awesome dude [2015-05-13 01:23:14] phil <3 [2015-05-13 01:23:14] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 01:23:17] cerHype SUB HYPE cerHype [2015-05-13 01:23:17] DDR SUB HYPE rpgJerkBird rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-13 01:23:18] even more awesome now [2015-05-13 01:23:18] D3 finished under estimate didt it? [2015-05-13 01:23:18] cerHype SUB HYPE cerHype [2015-05-13 01:23:19] cerHype SUB HYPE cerHype [2015-05-13 01:23:20] i want oregon trail to be in a marathon and have the party be named all the notorious names like MVLuck and Everhate and watch the game crash [2015-05-13 01:23:20] QUIS calebHart [2015-05-13 01:23:20] cerHype SUB HYPE cerHype [2015-05-13 01:23:21] Kirby PogChamp/ [2015-05-13 01:23:22] cerHype SUB HYPE cerHype [2015-05-13 01:23:23] The princess didn't die, she never touched the swamp. She walks back to her cell and the dragon. [2015-05-13 01:23:25] greenk PogChamp / [2015-05-13 01:23:25] vulajin died like 8 times more than os [2015-05-13 01:23:30] kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype kirbyHype [2015-05-13 01:23:31] I'm going to be working on a FFII run soon. If I like that's RTA , I want to be here next year. [2015-05-13 01:23:33] HNARGH [2015-05-13 01:23:35] hey Reece :) saw your pics with Mecha and Darch [2015-05-13 01:23:39] yay more subs [2015-05-13 01:23:42] thanks OpieOP [2015-05-13 01:23:44] calebFlexL HNAARGH calebFlexR [2015-05-13 01:23:53] hnarghSlime [2015-05-13 01:23:56] so you kill the dragon over and over? [2015-05-13 01:23:58] dreamSlime [2015-05-13 01:24:08] !schedule [2015-05-13 01:24:09] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 01:24:11] Ouro!!!! [2015-05-13 01:24:20] gg [2015-05-13 01:24:21] @Grumpygamergray the boss dragon gives a TON more exp than normal monsters [2015-05-13 01:24:32] Vulajin plz [2015-05-13 01:24:32] For alternate chat, live donation ticker, and auto-updating schedule, check out our website at http://www.rpglimitbreak.com [2015-05-13 01:24:37] and dies decently quickly apparently [2015-05-13 01:24:38] calebFlexL calebFlexR [2015-05-13 01:24:44] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:24:51] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:24:57] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:24:58] Ignore, Save, or Deliver? [2015-05-13 01:25:02] rpgBlush [2015-05-13 01:25:06] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:25:10] Appritiate it guys [2015-05-13 01:25:10] dwdBabby blush [2015-05-13 01:25:18] Is he mass grinding? [2015-05-13 01:25:31] Yes. [2015-05-13 01:25:33] Repel keeps monsters at bae MVGame [2015-05-13 01:25:35] she's blushing because he looks like fffBagu [2015-05-13 01:25:38] And this run has much less than the NES version. [2015-05-13 01:25:39] He's grinding what he needs to I'm pretty sure [2015-05-13 01:25:40] grinding off green dragons yeah? [2015-05-13 01:25:42] Drop the Princess on the Token. Who needs your stupid compass, anyway? [2015-05-13 01:25:43] what lvl is he? [2015-05-13 01:25:45] Wait, these are swamps that are killing him? [2015-05-13 01:25:51] 14 i think [2015-05-13 01:25:59] Yes, swamps kill him. [2015-05-13 01:26:01] yeah the swamp kinda looks like bricks [2015-05-13 01:26:01] Hello TriHard [2015-05-13 01:26:03] idunno [2015-05-13 01:26:04] swamps are poison in this game [2015-05-13 01:26:05] paradox: yes! [2015-05-13 01:26:07] yes this is grinding (only way to respawn the dragon is to intentionally kill the player character) [2015-05-13 01:26:08] Poison swamps from where the land has corrupted from the lack of light. [2015-05-13 01:26:15] I'm surprised that the escape out of fights is 100% [2015-05-13 01:26:23] swamps were paved over in bricks in the dystopian past [2015-05-13 01:26:27] The Ball of Light that was stolen helped the land prosper from the darkness that once enveloped it. [2015-05-13 01:26:32] It's not 100%, Dwester2 [2015-05-13 01:26:33] cerHype [2015-05-13 01:26:37] @Dwester2 it's guaranteed if you're 7 levels higher than the recommended level [2015-05-13 01:26:43] its not 100% in the game he is just leveld far above the random encounters [2015-05-13 01:26:43] alright guys... lets get dragon lord incentive met [2015-05-13 01:26:53] And now that the Ball of Light is gone, the land is slowly dying and tainting once more. [2015-05-13 01:26:54] He's just been able to escape because of weaker enemies. There are plenty of times he hasn't been able to run. [2015-05-13 01:27:07] what [2015-05-13 01:27:19] he's had to 3-4 times hit flee from starwyverns [2015-05-13 01:27:31] he thought he could leave without lora the tenth or so [2015-05-13 01:27:32] ditch the princess [2015-05-13 01:27:34] shame [2015-05-13 01:27:44] Trolly Highspirits [2015-05-13 01:27:45] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:27:45] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:27:46] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:27:55] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:27:56] triLewd [2015-05-13 01:28:02] OSkomodo ..blush.. [2015-05-13 01:28:03] SmokeLEWD [2015-05-13 01:28:06] Well you have to give this Princess the tour too. She hasn't seen it. [2015-05-13 01:28:06] Carlie death +1 Kappa [2015-05-13 01:28:13] smokeLEWD * [2015-05-13 01:28:13] She was hiding under the bed. [2015-05-13 01:28:13] triLewd [2015-05-13 01:28:17] I just realized there's a slime above Gyre's left shoulder [2015-05-13 01:28:31] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:28:45] a slime approaches [2015-05-13 01:28:55] is that HS i hear? [2015-05-13 01:28:59] thanks for pointing that out [2015-05-13 01:29:01] I pray that this does not happen again! [2015-05-13 01:29:02] Yes, that's HS [2015-05-13 01:29:06] Guards only know how to say "Welcome to Corneria!" [2015-05-13 01:29:06] OMG [2015-05-13 01:29:08] HS is in black shirt behind couch [2015-05-13 01:29:12] black shirt in the back is HS [2015-05-13 01:29:22] all hail the spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 01:29:32] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 01:29:34] =o-o= food? [2015-05-13 01:29:35] Those three little words.... [2015-05-13 01:29:43] Dinnar HPYE [2015-05-13 01:29:48] Are you sure that the guards aren't taking the money themselves [2015-05-13 01:29:52] pets the Flankitty [2015-05-13 01:29:52] Oh, so much food [2015-05-13 01:29:56] SO much food [2015-05-13 01:29:57] where's YSG ? [2015-05-13 01:29:58] ...dinner... [2015-05-13 01:29:58] It's just the way it works. [2015-05-13 01:30:01] =^-^= [2015-05-13 01:30:06] lmao ysg [2015-05-13 01:30:07] When you kill the monsters you only get half their gold. [2015-05-13 01:30:09] /me pets flankitteh [2015-05-13 01:30:17] spiritWEEE tbChickenBiscuit [2015-05-13 01:30:33] That ain't working, that's the way you do it! [2015-05-13 01:30:43] Fun fact: "Cena parata est" means "Dinner is served" in Latin. You can also say it means whatever you want. "It's like the anceint Romans used to say, cena parata est..." [2015-05-13 01:30:45] The guards aren't taking the money. Your pockets explode like a loot pinata when you die. [2015-05-13 01:30:50] Hello again, princess. [2015-05-13 01:30:59] kitty! [2015-05-13 01:31:03] /me nuzzles Flankitty [2015-05-13 01:31:07] Y Burn [2015-05-13 01:31:13] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:31:26] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:31:27] That princess burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp. [2015-05-13 01:31:36] But the fourth one lived! [2015-05-13 01:31:37] A...game...BESIDES....killing Princesses? [2015-05-13 01:31:50] This game needs some kinda prize for guessing total steps towards death in a swamp [2015-05-13 01:31:52] ALSO: Dragon Warrior II music out of nowhere. [2015-05-13 01:31:58] blah blah blah plot whatever [2015-05-13 01:32:06] What is this madness, I thought this was Regicide Simulator [2015-05-13 01:32:09] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 01:32:12] Its the DQ 1/2 cart, they mix in tunes [2015-05-13 01:32:14] You were up late! Kreygasm [2015-05-13 01:32:21] Yeah, I know, Seawolf. [2015-05-13 01:32:22] you were up late Kreygasm [2015-05-13 01:32:22] This is a PG-13 stream Gyre! [2015-05-13 01:32:24] Your right MTI. Never noticed it till you said it. [2015-05-13 01:32:32] The princess was kidnapped. [2015-05-13 01:32:37] And knowing is 1/2 the battle [2015-05-13 01:32:50] YO JOE! (GO JOE! ?) [2015-05-13 01:32:54] g. i. jooooooooooooooooooooooe [2015-05-13 01:32:58] The other half is killing princesses [2015-05-13 01:33:00] and a little dq3 sfc in the dungeon (rip dq1 dungeon theme) [2015-05-13 01:33:02] :) [2015-05-13 01:33:15] Y Burns :o [2015-05-13 01:33:26] I even have my Y BURNS shirt on [2015-05-13 01:33:26] it's a reflex [2015-05-13 01:33:29] remind me to have a talk with Vulajin [2015-05-13 01:33:47] team EGG! Hype [2015-05-13 01:33:47] eLmaGus, when would you like to be reminded? [2015-05-13 01:33:55] TEAM W A T E R F A L L best team!! [2015-05-13 01:33:58] evening, gentlemen [2015-05-13 01:33:59] spazEGG [2015-05-13 01:34:00] EGG! [2015-05-13 01:34:14] Hey rpgJesus [2015-05-13 01:34:26] The knight has gone MAAAAAD!! [2015-05-13 01:34:27] cerHype [2015-05-13 01:34:29] Good fight Kreygasm [2015-05-13 01:34:29] D: [2015-05-13 01:34:30] EGG! the best. so many egg puns [2015-05-13 01:34:32] Codly strats! [2015-05-13 01:34:37] King is mind disappoint [2015-05-13 01:34:37] smart move bringing the princess to use as a shield against the black knight [2015-05-13 01:34:39] at least this time the princess was cut in half instead of sunk into a swamp [2015-05-13 01:34:40] How could you die? This is rather disappointing. [2015-05-13 01:34:42] ...though I guess it's both [2015-05-13 01:34:54] @kirbymastah cerHype [2015-05-13 01:34:59] The guards couldn't put the princess back together again. :( [2015-05-13 01:35:05] Hes dying on purpose [2015-05-13 01:35:09] . [2015-05-13 01:35:12] Lora the Somethingth and MaxKnight lived happily ever after [2015-05-13 01:35:20] We'll just bury the knight in princesses [2015-05-13 01:35:35] Princesses. Poison-proof: No. electricity-proof: No. Axe-proof: Definitely not. Not sure what the big deal is about them. [2015-05-13 01:35:45] hey we don't know that he axed her [2015-05-13 01:35:52] and so the valiant knight rescued the princess from some madman who kept trying to drown her in a swamp [2015-05-13 01:35:53] They have lots of money and unlimited puff puff [2015-05-13 01:35:53] maybe he axed gyre so he could save her [2015-05-13 01:35:58] exactly! [2015-05-13 01:36:35] "It's his first try at the second try!' I like this logic [2015-05-13 01:36:37] so what you are saying is that he axed gyre a question [2015-05-13 01:36:40] That defense Boost Kreygasm [2015-05-13 01:36:46] now we won the Lotto [2015-05-13 01:36:58] I like how they kept it as Loto Armor in this version to save on characters [2015-05-13 01:37:12] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 01:37:13] :( [2015-05-13 01:37:19] oh hi metaly [2015-05-13 01:37:21] bye metaly [2015-05-13 01:37:26] When I see the metal slime, my hand automatically goes to the [2015-05-13 01:37:30] I stroke the [2015-05-13 01:37:34] lol [2015-05-13 01:37:35] "Metaly went away" is such a passive-aggressive way of saying it. [2015-05-13 01:37:35] loto/roto is the original name of the hero of the trilogy [2015-05-13 01:37:36] All becoming world record [2015-05-13 01:37:38] Its that MagWyvern from the picture [2015-05-13 01:37:51] time to take my sleep shift, 'nighty night everyone <3 [2015-05-13 01:37:58] This Knight, unlike other Knights, has Arms [2015-05-13 01:38:00] bye Jeannotbdf [2015-05-13 01:38:06] Fists of fury [2015-05-13 01:38:09] I only know him as Erdrick D: [2015-05-13 01:38:12] Have a wonderful sleep [2015-05-13 01:38:16] Two arms, men! [2015-05-13 01:38:18] @jeannotbdf webPeace [2015-05-13 01:38:19] ty FlanKitty :) [2015-05-13 01:38:19] He is trained in the art of using nothing but his arms. [2015-05-13 01:38:21] well who would fight an 'armless knight [2015-05-13 01:38:25] Erdrick is such a rugged, American name. [2015-05-13 01:38:28] lol jerkbutt [2015-05-13 01:38:30] jerkbird hype [2015-05-13 01:38:31] Good night Jeannot [2015-05-13 01:38:35] rocket Kreygasm [2015-05-13 01:38:39] King Arthur for one, CrashCat [2015-05-13 01:38:44] Loto is the true, canonical Nipponese name. [2015-05-13 01:38:45] ty Mikalia <3 [2015-05-13 01:38:46] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 01:38:51] ty ugoplatamia [2015-05-13 01:38:55] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 01:39:00] it was just a flesh wound! [2015-05-13 01:39:04] all praise glorious nippon [2015-05-13 01:39:22] everyone enjoying marathon so far? [2015-05-13 01:39:31] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:39:32] I am so hyped for Disgaea [2015-05-13 01:39:33] cerHype [2015-05-13 01:39:38] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:39:40] yea how are you doing ffgamer [2015-05-13 01:39:45] Well, we just killed a bunch of princesses. Seems like a good time to me, FFgamer86! [2015-05-13 01:39:46] I wonder how "Erdrick" would translate into Japanese... Eldlick? Eluduricku! [2015-05-13 01:39:46] Oh wow, Disgaea coming up? Awesome! [2015-05-13 01:39:47] good eating dinner right now [2015-05-13 01:39:55] The marathon is great so far, and chat is also good considering that there are 1500 people watching. [2015-05-13 01:39:57] dssSanic [2015-05-13 01:40:04] i just ate. now practicing ff8 [2015-05-13 01:40:05] /me waves at ffgamer [2015-05-13 01:40:15] rpgJerkBird Prizes you can win during this run: http://tinyurl.com/lkw6jvd ($15 minimum until the end of Castle of Wind) http://tinyurl.com/mmlmyg6 | http://tinyurl.com/lltc8b8 ($5 Minimum until the end of this run) [2015-05-13 01:40:20] pulled pork, sloppy jones, and some veggies [2015-05-13 01:40:26] I'm playing through Wizardry II. Killing lots of Murphy's Ghosts. [2015-05-13 01:40:34] that sounds fantastic ffgamer [2015-05-13 01:40:47] I'm taking the night easy (reading study tonight since I completed some things early) [2015-05-13 01:40:51] have you arrived at rpgLimitBreak? [2015-05-13 01:40:55] In Wizardry I did you kill a lot of Murphys Kappa [2015-05-13 01:40:57] or are you arriving later? [2015-05-13 01:41:08] Probably not quite as many [2015-05-13 01:41:12] giant stuffed animal pile stuffed into cabinet i just noticed [2015-05-13 01:41:21] I'm playing Archives, so my levels didn't transfer [2015-05-13 01:41:57] They're called Star Wyverns here, they're called Cosmic Chimaeras in later games... is it just me, or do neither of those names fit? [2015-05-13 01:41:59] How much of that game is like Etrian Odyssey? EO3 is one of my all time favorite RPGs. [2015-05-13 01:41:59] the pile of animals need to be set free [2015-05-13 01:42:03] i must do it [2015-05-13 01:42:11] i have to set them free [2015-05-13 01:42:17] Super Metroid? [2015-05-13 01:42:23] I can't say I've ever played Etrian Odyssey. Anything after 2000 is a blind spot for me. [2015-05-13 01:42:33] As are most Playstation RPGs [2015-05-13 01:42:38] reminds me I need to work on wizardry 4 (ps1) [2015-05-13 01:42:42] Etrian Odyssey PogChamp [2015-05-13 01:42:42] still nose to the grindstone I see [2015-05-13 01:42:51] ...are there any EO speedruns? [2015-05-13 01:42:56] wizardry was the main inspiration for etrian odyssey [2015-05-13 01:42:58] @Tristalmtg You should look into Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne [2015-05-13 01:43:16] wooo~ [2015-05-13 01:43:17] fffBagu// [2015-05-13 01:43:19] wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu [2015-05-13 01:43:19] Yeah, the SMT series is 'on the list' so to speak [2015-05-13 01:43:19] Donators so stronk [2015-05-13 01:43:24] level 18 HYPE [2015-05-13 01:43:26] Man SMT3 spazLove [2015-05-13 01:43:27] @Flankitty Hi! [2015-05-13 01:43:32] EO was some old-school badassery [2015-05-13 01:43:38] Hi all! sevenWave [2015-05-13 01:43:39] SMT3 is Kreygasm my favorite RPG of all time [2015-05-13 01:43:44] cerHype LV 18 cerHype [2015-05-13 01:43:50] "vee luu ay jeen" [2015-05-13 01:43:55] @Jackrakan124 was 3rd one here after Puwexil and Vulajin [2015-05-13 01:43:58] I could never get into the 1st person RPGs... [2015-05-13 01:43:59] LOL [2015-05-13 01:44:09] I like my top-down views too much. [2015-05-13 01:44:12] wow, it's like GQD without the drama and all the HYPE Kappa [2015-05-13 01:44:14] "or whatever" [2015-05-13 01:44:19] spiritSlime Kreygasm spiritSlime [2015-05-13 01:44:22] altaInMyDay In my day farming was the most important part of RPGs. [2015-05-13 01:44:23] do you have a 8ball tournament again this year [2015-05-13 01:44:27] puf puf [2015-05-13 01:44:31] @Obdajr Hey man whats up! [2015-05-13 01:44:32] Save the animals [2015-05-13 01:44:32] RPG Limit Break 2015 is being restreamed with French commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/rpglimitbreak_fr and with German commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/germenchrestream [2015-05-13 01:44:35] farming? pffttttttt who needs that [2015-05-13 01:44:37] Was there ever a first-person RPG besides the Elder Scrolls games? cirPrise [2015-05-13 01:44:39] @Rakuen Nocturne is third person. It actually took a lot of classic SMT things and modernized them. [2015-05-13 01:44:40] I remember you had one at c2014 [2015-05-13 01:44:42] Too grtRude for me [2015-05-13 01:44:42] Farmers? [2015-05-13 01:44:47] ABEX HeyGuys [2015-05-13 01:44:47] Are they behind schedule right now? [2015-05-13 01:44:50] not safe for stream [2015-05-13 01:44:54] Puff Puff 2Lewd4Twitch [2015-05-13 01:44:59] ^ [2015-05-13 01:45:00] CHECKER, you lewd man oatHi bizBeast [2015-05-13 01:45:09] so smokeLEWD [2015-05-13 01:45:14] Have there been any 1st person SMT games in recent years, @Mayo_chan468 ? [2015-05-13 01:45:15] o///u///o [2015-05-13 01:45:15] No, the next game is scheduled to start in 45 min [2015-05-13 01:45:17] I might TO the streamer if such lewdness occurs [2015-05-13 01:45:24] @Jackrakan124 my team is playing city tournament this weekend to try and win trip to vegas [2015-05-13 01:45:30] i would ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:45:35] im leavng here friday [2015-05-13 01:45:35] @Rakuen SMT4, pretty much. [2015-05-13 01:45:38] @rakuen not after SMT3. [2015-05-13 01:45:43] So... When's seventh saga going to be run? Kappa [2015-05-13 01:45:57] After the first 6 of course [2015-05-13 01:46:10] there are probably more people that run 7th saga than you'd think [2015-05-13 01:46:16] 7th Saga is actually a pretty solid speedrun [2015-05-13 01:46:20] I know of 3 I think [2015-05-13 01:46:22] I like the way you think, mayo chan. [2015-05-13 01:46:28] Does anybody run Etrian Odyssey? [2015-05-13 01:46:29] Yea, some skips and sub 7 hours, right? [2015-05-13 01:46:29] 7th saga had one time on speedrun last time i looked [2015-05-13 01:46:30] El Gato [2015-05-13 01:46:30] wooo 7th saga [2015-05-13 01:46:33] o -o [2015-05-13 01:46:39] Oh the Elgatos are for draw? [2015-05-13 01:46:40] but a 6 hour time for that game is incredible [2015-05-13 01:46:41] is it oh-see or aw-see? I always say aw-see [2015-05-13 01:46:43] This run is breaking my limit on how many Grinds I can watch someone do. [2015-05-13 01:46:48] Speedrun .com means barely anything often. [2015-05-13 01:46:48] <cosmykthedolfyn has been timed out> [2015-05-13 01:46:48] No links allowed (cosmykthedolfyn) (warning) [2015-05-13 01:46:50] I watched PJs run of it, and wished there was a little less grinding [2015-05-13 01:46:51] i know of at least 5 who have completed runs of 7th saga [2015-05-13 01:46:56] lol [2015-05-13 01:46:57] I pray this does not happen again... [2015-05-13 01:47:01] i have completed seventh saga [2015-05-13 01:47:08] thats already a minority [2015-05-13 01:47:13] Kappa [2015-05-13 01:47:14] i completed it [2015-05-13 01:47:14] But the max stats, still can get one hit on the final boss is quite something [2015-05-13 01:47:22] King just has a YakBak, presses it as you get thrown before him again [2015-05-13 01:47:27] I saw PJ, Zakky, Zombietraine ran it... did you ever, Everhate? [2015-05-13 01:47:31] but the rival rights are brutal not sure how they get around those [2015-05-13 01:47:33] Oh, Nitrodon [2015-05-13 01:47:35] niceme(dot)me, moobot [2015-05-13 01:47:38] i did a bad run, yeah [2015-05-13 01:47:39] blame everhate [2015-05-13 01:47:45] o .o why is my name on the donations? [2015-05-13 01:47:54] "The 7th Saga, called Elnard in Japan," lol Elnard [2015-05-13 01:47:55] Rival fights, you just pump power and deck em while they are buffing. [2015-05-13 01:48:05] @OptiNihilist That's the real reason its called RPGLimitBreak. It tests the limits of your patience. [2015-05-13 01:48:11] oh wise and magical elnard [2015-05-13 01:48:12] @Everhate its your fault [2015-05-13 01:48:12] oh hai dragon [2015-05-13 01:48:13] Bit of trivia: Elnard is actually Spanish for "the nard". [2015-05-13 01:48:14] Or you get an ally and kill the main character [2015-05-13 01:48:24] TIL [2015-05-13 01:48:25] IT'S CALLED DRAGON QUEST BECAUSE THE GRINDING REALLY DRAGS ON HA HA HA [2015-05-13 01:48:27] avard the nard [2015-05-13 01:48:27] I played through 7th saga with Esuna as my character and Lejes as my ally. Bad choices. [2015-05-13 01:48:39] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:48:41] FailFish No [2015-05-13 01:48:43] DId that too Cosmyk...all regrets [2015-05-13 01:48:45] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:48:47] Mayo, webFail [2015-05-13 01:48:50] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:48:50] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:48:51] also, ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:48:57] blush triLewd [2015-05-13 01:49:02] ... blush... [2015-05-13 01:49:04] blush [2015-05-13 01:49:04] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:49:09] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:49:10] o///u///o ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:49:13] I died to the bird fight multiple times and never got far. Blush [2015-05-13 01:49:14] spiritWink ..blush.. [2015-05-13 01:49:15] kkkerrrrmiiiieeeee [2015-05-13 01:49:15] dwdPun [2015-05-13 01:49:23] MechaSupes blush.... [2015-05-13 01:49:24] I'm waiting to see someone speedrun beyond the beyond [2015-05-13 01:49:30] AtIvy [2015-05-13 01:49:33] mechaSmug [2015-05-13 01:49:34] dwdPun [2015-05-13 01:49:38] HeyGuys [2015-05-13 01:49:42] incroyablebébé = incrediblebaby [2015-05-13 01:49:47] :) face [2015-05-13 01:49:50] dwdBabby [2015-05-13 01:49:51] I always meant to try playing through Beyond the Beyond again... [2015-05-13 01:49:55] kffcAww [2015-05-13 01:50:05] grtHype French Restream [2015-05-13 01:50:08] I want to see somebody run the entire Phantasy Star Collection on GBA SS Kappa [2015-05-13 01:50:15] elma goose [2015-05-13 01:50:18] As always, GERMENCH REPRESENT! [2015-05-13 01:50:26] do it cosmyk [2015-05-13 01:50:26] Oh snap, El Magus [2015-05-13 01:50:31] I mean, Phantasy Star II is a really cool run.... [2015-05-13 01:50:34] GERMAN SPEEDEN HAUSEN?! [2015-05-13 01:50:35] kein problem MVGame [2015-05-13 01:50:44] !jah [2015-05-13 01:50:49] Not sure if I could survive I and III in the same session though Philo [2015-05-13 01:51:07] I think 1 is the longest one? [2015-05-13 01:51:07] @eLmaGus, are you getting them to plug scrubathon in exchange Kappa? [2015-05-13 01:51:12] I think so. [2015-05-13 01:51:21] great question jackrakan124 Kappa [2015-05-13 01:51:23] Yeah, what with that skipping a generation in 3 and all [2015-05-13 01:51:24] of course MVGame [2015-05-13 01:51:29] who is reading the donations? [2015-05-13 01:51:30] grtHype [2015-05-13 01:51:52] eLmaGus, you'll be reminded in 5 hours to have a conversation with Vulajin :p [2015-05-13 01:51:59] At least III has the quickest softlock I know in an RPG that devolpolers caught and just made a special message saying RESET. [2015-05-13 01:52:09] haha [2015-05-13 01:52:12] Anchor are you there? [2015-05-13 01:52:17] lol yeah [2015-05-13 01:52:23] They're starting to lose their minds....so donate to NAMI, their retirement plan! [2015-05-13 01:52:27] "You were up late!" [2015-05-13 01:52:29] DW III softlock? [2015-05-13 01:52:37] izzat DWD behind puwexil? [2015-05-13 01:52:40] Optinihilist kinda what's up [2015-05-13 01:52:46] CheifOluk: No, Phantasy Star III Softlock [2015-05-13 01:52:47] What was for dinner anyway? spiritFatty [2015-05-13 01:52:51] Yes, yes it is. [2015-05-13 01:52:53] that is indeed dwdBossbetrollin, Philosoraptor [2015-05-13 01:52:56] noice [2015-05-13 01:53:02] (。・//ε//・。) ...blush.... [2015-05-13 01:53:04] Phantasy Star III: Sell your items at start, buy a teleport, escape first dungeon and softlock. Game tells you you're smart, but you can't complete the game no and reset. [2015-05-13 01:53:05] Why are you letting these groan worthy jokes go by unpunished? [2015-05-13 01:53:07] Or do you mean am I on site? If so then yes I'm on site, just finished eating dinner [2015-05-13 01:53:09] dwdBabby spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 01:53:11] @Emptyeye Hey man [2015-05-13 01:53:19] Hey, what's up FFGamer? [2015-05-13 01:53:22] Oh you mean the telepipe softlock, @emptyeye ? [2015-05-13 01:53:25] hey now ua doesnt guard the puns, just the cables [2015-05-13 01:53:26] Optinihilist because this is my vacation and I'm trying very hard not to fix any problems ;) [2015-05-13 01:53:26] !schedule [2015-05-13 01:53:26] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 01:53:32] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-13 01:53:34] Thought it was an Escapipe, but yeah. [2015-05-13 01:53:35] cerFlan? [2015-05-13 01:53:37] kottKatt / [2015-05-13 01:53:39] I told vulajin I wasn't touching any cables the entire week [2015-05-13 01:53:40] demFesCat / [2015-05-13 01:53:41] @Emptyeye watchng the stream from dining room and just finished dinner [2015-05-13 01:53:42] spazOut / [2015-05-13 01:53:47] elmagus is here? PogChamp [2015-05-13 01:53:47] Last call for Puff Puff donations! [2015-05-13 01:53:48] details, MTI [2015-05-13 01:53:53] Your right it's an escapepipe. [2015-05-13 01:53:54] yo reece [2015-05-13 01:53:55] Ah, nice! What delicious meal was served today? [2015-05-13 01:54:03] i spot an mti kottShicken [2015-05-13 01:54:06] UA...I wish you the absolute best of luck with that, and your Crystalis run (at least I think that's what you're doing.) [2015-05-13 01:54:06] Emptyeye sloppy joes and pulled pork [2015-05-13 01:54:08] So, uraniumanchor, I give you until tomorrow and you'll have to dive in. [2015-05-13 01:54:11] How goes the restream Magus? [2015-05-13 01:54:14] the pulled pork was cerFlan [2015-05-13 01:54:18] @Uraniumanchor You're the best fun police at the GDQ events. It stops people from having too much fun. These people have hit the too much fun level and it's showing. [2015-05-13 01:54:24] @Emptyeye Pulled pork sandwiches, sloppy joes, variety of vegetables [2015-05-13 01:54:30] elmagus, I thought about being a troll in german restream by saying english please, but I didn't wanna be thatidiotuhate OpieOP [2015-05-13 01:54:36] taste the [fruit flavored shell candy]! [2015-05-13 01:54:41] lol taking the princess on a tour of charlock castle. [2015-05-13 01:54:43] heh [2015-05-13 01:54:47] Kirbymastah! [2015-05-13 01:54:50] @Emptyeye Corn, green beans, cauiflower, broccoli, carrots [2015-05-13 01:54:52] Buttersbb! [2015-05-13 01:55:00] How did Fire Emblem go? I need to watch archives, had to work :( [2015-05-13 01:55:00] i hope my oliver impression lived up to your expectations Kappa [2015-05-13 01:55:05] Hmm, sounds healthy :D [2015-05-13 01:55:05] @Elmagus Hey dude [2015-05-13 01:55:11] Command? Fight Run Item ThrowPrincess [2015-05-13 01:55:12] Oh damn, it happened? I gotta watch this asap [2015-05-13 01:55:12] RAID from Caleb [2015-05-13 01:55:15] it was pretty great. bad time but w/e, i watsed time messing around a bit OpieOP [2015-05-13 01:55:17] spazOut Kirbymastah cerHype [2015-05-13 01:55:18] *wasted [2015-05-13 01:55:22] spazOut ugoplatamia cerHype [2015-05-13 01:55:25] hey ffgamer [2015-05-13 01:55:26] gawrsh [2015-05-13 01:55:27] demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-13 01:55:27] hey princess, do you feel that spark between us? [2015-05-13 01:55:28] gawrsh [2015-05-13 01:55:28] I was at work too... Real life getting in the way of watching FE speedruns [2015-05-13 01:55:33] oh it's this guy again [2015-05-13 01:55:35] how do you hold a torch while also carrying the princess [2015-05-13 01:55:37] demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-13 01:55:37] Whoop! [2015-05-13 01:55:39] what are you doing down here Dragon [2015-05-13 01:55:39] @Buttersbb It was a good one. A couple "That's never happened before." [2015-05-13 01:55:40] PEH PEH PEH PEH PEH PEH [2015-05-13 01:55:41] Talent phile [2015-05-13 01:55:43] Very carefully [2015-05-13 01:55:43] PEH PEH PEH PEH [2015-05-13 01:55:44] @emptyeye sounds good too lol [2015-05-13 01:55:45] *philo [2015-05-13 01:55:47] Simple. Have her hold the torch. [2015-05-13 01:55:47] hey princess, you're electric! [2015-05-13 01:55:48] calebFlexL CORE RAID calebFlexR [2015-05-13 01:55:48] Sent over from the Core! [2015-05-13 01:55:50] Phil, she carries the torch Kappa [2015-05-13 01:55:50] PEH PEH PEH [2015-05-13 01:55:50] lol good *** [2015-05-13 01:55:53] Pehpehpehpeh [2015-05-13 01:55:54] I very much enjoyed what I saw of the fe run [2015-05-13 01:55:54] *torches [2015-05-13 01:55:58] peh peh peh [2015-05-13 01:55:59] PEH PEH [2015-05-13 01:56:01] yo Kirby, good run earlier, it was fun to watch [2015-05-13 01:56:02] *lots of torches [2015-05-13 01:56:05] caught the last hour [2015-05-13 01:56:05] wizHuehue wizHuehue wizHuehue wizHuehue wizHuehue [2015-05-13 01:56:12] PEH PEH PEH PEH CORE PEH PEH PEH PEH [2015-05-13 01:56:13] calebRage [2015-05-13 01:56:14] You set her on fire then leave them both behind. [2015-05-13 01:56:14] calebFlexL siniFace calebFlexR [2015-05-13 01:56:24] calebFlexL wizNice calebFlexR [2015-05-13 01:56:27] @Buttersbb We were treated to a fantastic ButtersBB impression in the Oliver fight ;) [2015-05-13 01:56:31] PEH PEH [2015-05-13 01:56:32] !shirts [2015-05-13 01:56:32] The Yetee is doing a special shirt sale in support of RPGLB! $3 of every shirt purchased from http://www.theyetee.com/rpglimitbreak will be donated to NAMI. [2015-05-13 01:56:34] fffBagu/ \dwdBossbetrollin [2015-05-13 01:56:37] calebFlexL PEW PEW calebFlexR [2015-05-13 01:56:40] PEH PEH PEH [2015-05-13 01:56:42] Weeee Caleb host [2015-05-13 01:56:48] KAPOW [2015-05-13 01:56:48] brownWAAH [2015-05-13 01:56:58] PEH PEH [2015-05-13 01:57:02] noot noot [2015-05-13 01:57:05] Megaman <3 [2015-05-13 01:57:11] DOES DIS GUY EVEN NOTICE US? [2015-05-13 01:57:19] for being a Core Raid this sure is drowning on diet choke OMGScoots [2015-05-13 01:57:20] !shirts [2015-05-13 01:57:22] Nah. [2015-05-13 01:57:23] I do like how in the orginal, the music gets slower and deeper the further down you go into Charlock. [2015-05-13 01:57:31] @fellly <3 [2015-05-13 01:57:36] MOTHER FUCKER SwiftRage [2015-05-13 01:57:36] How does a Golem fall asleep? Why would a Golem need to sleep? What is Golem? Why do I taste purple? [2015-05-13 01:57:40] oh man that starman elite shirt [2015-05-13 01:57:44] azkiboh, that's when you know it's getting real [2015-05-13 01:57:49] cerHype [2015-05-13 01:57:49] Fellly d00d, Magmar is a d-bag lol [2015-05-13 01:57:51] /me Leaves [2015-05-13 01:58:00] we in there lads [2015-05-13 01:58:01] The problem with that azkiboh is that going down levels in a building gets creepy IRL when your brain tries to do that for you [2015-05-13 01:58:02] Learning Act 2 tonight [2015-05-13 01:58:04] @Megamanx306 What was your first time? Oh I know...XD [2015-05-13 01:58:04] Which version of the game is this? [2015-05-13 01:58:14] @Optinihilist What does purple taste like? When is purple? What is what? Why? [2015-05-13 01:58:15] GBC, Lastelemental [2015-05-13 01:58:15] Game Boy [2015-05-13 01:58:18] GB [2015-05-13 01:58:18] @lastelemental GBC [2015-05-13 01:58:19] ty [2015-05-13 01:58:22] That Blue Dragon is *fabulous* [2015-05-13 01:58:26] original character donut steele [2015-05-13 01:58:42] Uhh mainly did learning, might do an Act 1 run before the learning [2015-05-13 01:58:43] crashcat I'm stealing that one [2015-05-13 01:58:45] dat Taxi Co. Shirt [2015-05-13 01:58:49] i already stole it [2015-05-13 01:58:54] so all is well [2015-05-13 01:58:58] @Mayo_chan468 How!? Ow!? W? [2015-05-13 01:59:03] Well I'm stealing it all over agian [2015-05-13 01:59:10] as it should be [2015-05-13 01:59:13] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:59:19] great artists steal [2015-05-13 01:59:23] ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:59:24] and that my friends is how a meme is born [2015-05-13 01:59:28] Blue Dragon was foreshadowing the creation of 'Blue Dragon for Xbox360. [2015-05-13 01:59:35] Greatest form of flattery, eh, UA? [2015-05-13 01:59:37] Well, at least this torch is a million times better than the torch in Super Hydlide.... [2015-05-13 01:59:39] a meme is born ...blush... [2015-05-13 01:59:45] flattest form of gravy [2015-05-13 01:59:50] wait that's not right [2015-05-13 01:59:51] rpgBlush [2015-05-13 01:59:55] Not sure why I even tried to play that train wreck [2015-05-13 02:00:01] Everything in every video game is a million times better than everything in Super Hydlide. [2015-05-13 02:00:03] This new meme; It's so warm. [2015-05-13 02:00:16] @Giramoni Even regular Hydlide? [2015-05-13 02:00:20] hot cross memes [2015-05-13 02:00:30] Nah... Virtual Hydlide boys. [2015-05-13 02:00:37] Isn't Hydlide a crappy Ys clone? [2015-05-13 02:00:40] ouch [2015-05-13 02:00:40] Rakuen: I highly recommend ProJared's reviews of hte Hydlide series [2015-05-13 02:00:44] Even as I said it, I was thinking about Virtual Hydlide. [2015-05-13 02:00:44] Didn't even know there was a Super version. [2015-05-13 02:00:48] THAT'S THE MARK OF A TORTURED SOUL. [2015-05-13 02:01:03] You're right, though, Virtual Hydlide is way worse than Super Hydlide. [2015-05-13 02:01:05] Super Hydlide is the Genesis version of the PC Hydlide III. [2015-05-13 02:01:10] YES, III [2015-05-13 02:01:23] @Giramoni as a chemist, those names sound *terrifying* [2015-05-13 02:01:24] @ChiefOluk I added it to my watch later list just now [2015-05-13 02:01:36] gotta getta nut [2015-05-13 02:01:36] Hey Rakuen :D [2015-05-13 02:01:40] There was more than one Hydlide??? LOL [2015-05-13 02:01:44] Is the Princess the ultimate weapon? [2015-05-13 02:01:47] Yes [2015-05-13 02:01:51] well, one of them [2015-05-13 02:01:52] is this happening in someone's house 0.o? [2015-05-13 02:01:55] everyone in this room looks sooooo amused right now [2015-05-13 02:01:56] Yup! lol There are 3, I believe. [2015-05-13 02:01:57] Our Princesses will blot out the sun! [2015-05-13 02:01:58] Hello, @Fellly! [2015-05-13 02:01:59] Her nagging will obliterate DracoLord [2015-05-13 02:02:01] The princess is bait for the dragonlord. [2015-05-13 02:02:01] Essentia's [2015-05-13 02:02:04] there were no less than three hydlides and a remake [2015-05-13 02:02:08] yeah it's a long story [2015-05-13 02:02:09] Virtual Hydlide was for Sega Saturn [2015-05-13 02:02:23] And it included awful, no-budget FMV [2015-05-13 02:02:27] So, I know this is 2 hours in but. I love the Dragon Warrior's Tassel on his head wagging. [2015-05-13 02:02:39] I'm such a sucker for cheap looking AMV [2015-05-13 02:02:42] That there were more than zero Hydlides is an accomplishment that we will never be able to understand. [2015-05-13 02:02:45] There are... 5 Hydlide games. Hydlide, Hydlide II, Hydlide III, Super Hydlide and Virtual Hydlide [2015-05-13 02:02:46] I never seen anyone ACTUALLY bring the princess to DragonLord fight. [2015-05-13 02:02:52] And the main character was some random guy [2015-05-13 02:02:52] His tassel is wagging ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:03:05] well it was more to the point that we had no good place to put her [2015-05-13 02:03:05] That they actually used the actual likeness of [2015-05-13 02:03:07] Cheeto Dragon [2015-05-13 02:03:14] Ah, welcome Gyre, I am...hey get back here! [2015-05-13 02:03:21] It used digitized people. lol [2015-05-13 02:03:35] will any of the yeti rpglimit break t-shirts be available after the marathon? [2015-05-13 02:03:39] I think Virtual Hydlide would be the most runnable, sadly.... If you didn't kill yourself first. [2015-05-13 02:03:45] i want twin charm but no monies [2015-05-13 02:03:48] Hydlide DansGame [2015-05-13 02:03:53] @Helioso usually only until midnight of the final day [2015-05-13 02:03:56] *sigh* [2015-05-13 02:03:57] Virtual Hydlide also ran at about 5 FPS [2015-05-13 02:03:58] MINION! why is this buffon carrying the princess and circling my chair over adn over.. he is making me dizzy... [2015-05-13 02:04:02] oh that reminds me i mucked up my order and never got the tetris shirt :( [2015-05-13 02:04:09] It's almost over, guys. [2015-05-13 02:04:09] Round and round the Dragonlord's throne, the Warrior chased the Dragon... [2015-05-13 02:04:12] Typically the marathon shirts are pretty exclusive timewise [2015-05-13 02:04:12] not that it woulda fit anyway :v [2015-05-13 02:04:14] Taunt the dragon. [2015-05-13 02:04:16] Since you increase your rank by completing tasks and advancing the story and not by defeating enemies in Virtual Hydlide. [2015-05-13 02:04:16] those orbs in the dragonlord's room? I can't quite tell [2015-05-13 02:04:17] Er... the original Hydlide is the most runnable. [2015-05-13 02:04:19] Imagine being the Dragon Lord, sitting in your chair, and the protagonist is just running laps around your chair. Would you even do anything? [2015-05-13 02:04:28] Trolling DragonLord? Now I've seen everything. [2015-05-13 02:04:31] A big speedrunning fan and friend, Schivnorr, has died :( [2015-05-13 02:04:36] Well done! [2015-05-13 02:04:38] hmm okay, might have to starve then TriHard [2015-05-13 02:04:44] I'd sit crossly and wait for him to man up. [2015-05-13 02:04:49] Most excellent! [2015-05-13 02:04:49] ..... RIP Schivnorr [2015-05-13 02:05:03] cerKupo [2015-05-13 02:05:08] I feel like I need to donate to name someone after him, but not sure which game to pick [2015-05-13 02:05:14] You must have had a bad nightmare. [2015-05-13 02:05:15] At least he let us keep the princess [2015-05-13 02:05:15] Good guy Dragon Lord [2015-05-13 02:05:25] So we can beat more monsters with her [2015-05-13 02:05:34] is this a new 3ds game Kappa [2015-05-13 02:05:34] what about Schivnorr? [2015-05-13 02:05:37] ( ु⚈᷁௰⚈᷁ ू) "Notice me Senpai!" [2015-05-13 02:05:38] Choose one butters and I'll follow suit. [2015-05-13 02:05:41] Lady must have a head like Orihime's [2015-05-13 02:05:42] Butters: Whoa, wait, what? [2015-05-13 02:05:50] Schivnorr passed away [2015-05-13 02:05:55] cerKupo ? [2015-05-13 02:05:56] On the NES version if you say you'll join the Dragonlord the game just soft locks [2015-05-13 02:05:58] was a good guy, met him at AGDQ this year [2015-05-13 02:06:00] On purpose, but it's still a soft lock [2015-05-13 02:06:02] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:06:03] Meat Shield [2015-05-13 02:06:04] probably loads of people did [2015-05-13 02:06:28] Man, the DragonLord is actually a pretty nice guy. [2015-05-13 02:06:30] This the GB Dragon Warrior? [2015-05-13 02:06:49] yes [2015-05-13 02:07:00] cheeky laugh there, m8 [2015-05-13 02:07:08] Whoah whoah whoah. What kind of hero takes a fine lady like her to a dump like that? [2015-05-13 02:07:11] My childhood right here. [2015-05-13 02:07:14] I know kmac did, remember tht night in the suite where we drank a bunch of beers with PJ Mecha nd others kmac? [2015-05-13 02:07:16] where can we see the list of prizes? [2015-05-13 02:07:16] Thanks for donating to NAMI! [2015-05-13 02:07:17] GBC dragon warrior, played on a SNES controller, on a Gamecube [2015-05-13 02:07:30] That dude with the big dirty blonde beard? That was Schivnorr [2015-05-13 02:07:32] I'm pretty bummed about it Butters [2015-05-13 02:07:32] yo shoutouts to art [2015-05-13 02:07:41] yeah, it's so sudden [2015-05-13 02:07:52] rpgWhat [2015-05-13 02:07:56] Am I the only one that notices the mic not being loud enough for donation reader? [2015-05-13 02:07:56] Well, can we name Chrono after him? [2015-05-13 02:08:05] Figured I'd see him next year [2015-05-13 02:08:10] hmmmm that might not be a bad idea [2015-05-13 02:08:25] Toastydonuts: https://hosted.gamesdonequick.com/external/prizes/ [2015-05-13 02:08:29] the frenchies might outbid you though :P [2015-05-13 02:08:35] Let's go Puff Puff Message! [2015-05-13 02:08:43] actually, maybe not, 5 character limit [2015-05-13 02:08:45] Fellly Alec is just not a particularly loud talker [2015-05-13 02:08:45] @Buttersbb : Pardon me, but who's Schivnorr? [2015-05-13 02:08:45] @puwexil any secret strats for beating your Chrono Trigger record this time? [2015-05-13 02:08:48] Puff Puff ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:08:48] Massage! Message! Missage! Mossage! Mussage! [2015-05-13 02:08:48] Butters, how did you find out? @~@ [2015-05-13 02:08:49] Well.... It's in memory of a great guy. [2015-05-13 02:08:51] Schiv [2015-05-13 02:08:52] Yeah, the guy with the huge beard. [2015-05-13 02:08:52] Buttersbb: Schiv? [2015-05-13 02:09:05] hm, maybe, not bad [2015-05-13 02:09:13] then donate to name someone else "norr" :P [2015-05-13 02:09:16] Buttersbb: Billy [2015-05-13 02:09:24] can I play this on my apple watch? [2015-05-13 02:09:29] sup Danshow1 [2015-05-13 02:09:52] You can sell your apple watch for approx 300 copies of this game [2015-05-13 02:10:00] Meta and dragondarch where talking about him last night when we were eating at IHOP. :( [2015-05-13 02:10:07] buttersbb :O [2015-05-13 02:10:07] yeah OK, Crono seems most appropriate, grand finale game, I'll drop the donation for Schiv [2015-05-13 02:10:15] We're calling him a casual, casually [2015-05-13 02:10:17] I'm following suit [2015-05-13 02:10:19] sup TheBlacktastic, good to see ya [2015-05-13 02:10:21] XD [2015-05-13 02:10:28] Likewise, how've you been? [2015-05-13 02:10:33] the [2015-05-13 02:10:36] blacktastic [2015-05-13 02:10:38] Also @MrCab55 O/ [2015-05-13 02:10:41] good! thanks [2015-05-13 02:10:45] \o [2015-05-13 02:10:48] rpgJerkBird Prizes you can win during this run: http://tinyurl.com/lkw6jvd ($15 minimum until the end of Castle of [2015-05-13 02:10:53] Danshow1: Billy is too strong for this marathon [2015-05-13 02:10:59] Defeat Dragonlord! [2015-05-13 02:11:01] Haha Agreed! [2015-05-13 02:11:14] the puff puff score is not moving :( [2015-05-13 02:11:17] Gotta jet, enjoy the marathon all. [2015-05-13 02:11:24] See you Danshow1=) [2015-05-13 02:11:31] later danshow [2015-05-13 02:11:37] later danshow1 [2015-05-13 02:11:47] Forgot Limit Break was starting. Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:11:55] Well done! [2015-05-13 02:11:56] Everyone get serious [2015-05-13 02:12:05] srsface = @(_@ [2015-05-13 02:12:09] It's a fair bargain. [2015-05-13 02:12:11] serious time drinking game [2015-05-13 02:12:14] O_O [2015-05-13 02:12:21] You and me both Incognitowatts [2015-05-13 02:12:22] Final boss hype [2015-05-13 02:12:34] ResidentSleeper [2015-05-13 02:12:37] Dragonlord will fall in RPGLB! [2015-05-13 02:12:47] troll lord [2015-05-13 02:12:49] lol [2015-05-13 02:12:49] cirHappy HealMore [2015-05-13 02:12:52] dueling healmores [2015-05-13 02:12:56] HEALMOAR [2015-05-13 02:13:01] Ain't this exciting guys?? [2015-05-13 02:13:11] dracolord is the one casting sleep [2015-05-13 02:13:17] I'm on the edge of my wheelchair [2015-05-13 02:13:18] if you feel bored it's just him [2015-05-13 02:13:19] I CANT READ THIS FAST [2015-05-13 02:13:26] So wait [2015-05-13 02:13:28] toot [2015-05-13 02:13:35] not even my final form!! [2015-05-13 02:13:36] Does Gyre only use Fireblast, HealMore, and a sleeping spell? [2015-05-13 02:13:45] Slay the dragon! [2015-05-13 02:13:45] Oh, wait, dargon. pattyNOOO [2015-05-13 02:13:45] and some real boss music [2015-05-13 02:13:47] dracolord took gyre damage 23, text too strong [2015-05-13 02:13:47] My god, he was a dragon all along? Who would've guessed? [2015-05-13 02:13:47] And the Final boss of Dragon Warrior 2 can cast Heal All Kappa [2015-05-13 02:13:49] Save the Princess! [2015-05-13 02:13:55] In the final battle, he does nothing but HealMore [2015-05-13 02:13:56] boss music doesn't sound right [2015-05-13 02:13:59] Radiant once or twice, I think. And Repel. [2015-05-13 02:14:00] and collect her for valuable prizes [2015-05-13 02:14:02] Oh hey a dragon [2015-05-13 02:14:09] this sounds like "exploring a basement" music [2015-05-13 02:14:15] 11 hp fire breath [2015-05-13 02:14:18] Dragon Lord turns into dragon. Should've seen that coming. [2015-05-13 02:14:26] what a pathetic fire [2015-05-13 02:14:32] nice leap [2015-05-13 02:14:36] Dragon seems pretty tiny [2015-05-13 02:14:39] He actually dodged something [2015-05-13 02:14:39] one mroe healmore [2015-05-13 02:14:40] This fight is really intense [2015-05-13 02:14:42] Heal More! SwiftRage [2015-05-13 02:14:42] YESSSS [2015-05-13 02:14:44] toot [2015-05-13 02:14:44] Kappa )/ [2015-05-13 02:14:44] GG! [2015-05-13 02:14:45] GGGGGG [2015-05-13 02:14:45] Kappa // [2015-05-13 02:14:45] YES! [2015-05-13 02:14:46] KAPOW [2015-05-13 02:14:47] gg [2015-05-13 02:14:47] PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:14:47] yesssssssss [2015-05-13 02:14:48] GG ! [2015-05-13 02:14:48] GG [2015-05-13 02:14:48] Nice! [2015-05-13 02:14:48] Kappa // [2015-05-13 02:14:49] fffBagu// [2015-05-13 02:14:49] AYYYYY wixNis )/ [2015-05-13 02:14:49] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:14:51] \o/ [2015-05-13 02:14:51] nailed it ! [2015-05-13 02:14:52] GG [2015-05-13 02:14:53] gg [2015-05-13 02:14:53] Kappa// [2015-05-13 02:14:53] Kappa // [2015-05-13 02:14:53] gg gg gg [2015-05-13 02:14:53] PogChap dssClap [2015-05-13 02:14:54] GG! [2015-05-13 02:14:54] PogChamp // [2015-05-13 02:14:55] OpieOP // [2015-05-13 02:14:55] gg [2015-05-13 02:14:56] Clap clap clap! [2015-05-13 02:14:56] GG!!! [2015-05-13 02:14:56] :D // [2015-05-13 02:14:56] There's two kinds of fire breath, and Loto armor lowers breath damage. [2015-05-13 02:14:57] GG! [2015-05-13 02:14:58] Kappa// [2015-05-13 02:14:58] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [2015-05-13 02:14:59] TIME [2015-05-13 02:14:59] cerGG [2015-05-13 02:14:59] gg [2015-05-13 02:15:00] wait so the dragon is dead [2015-05-13 02:15:00] PogChamp// [2015-05-13 02:15:01] Kappa // [2015-05-13 02:15:02] dwdBossbetrollin// [2015-05-13 02:15:03] OSkomodo // [2015-05-13 02:15:05] Kreygasm // [2015-05-13 02:15:10] PogChamp dssClap [2015-05-13 02:15:14] rpgLevelup// [2015-05-13 02:15:14] grtHype [2015-05-13 02:15:15] I had my ears up to the speakers and suddenly loud clap and I jolted my head away OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:15:17] Toasted Dragonlord. [2015-05-13 02:15:18] spiritWEEE spiritWEEE spiritWEEE spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:15:20] ssjSpikeChamp [2015-05-13 02:15:24] See to it that she is cared after! [2015-05-13 02:15:26] Nice Job Reece [2015-05-13 02:15:27] you know, for once [2015-05-13 02:15:28] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:15:34] How can this be Dragon Warrior if the dragon is dead? OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:15:34] also hi [2015-05-13 02:15:36] rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:15:37] right? MVGame [2015-05-13 02:15:38] Princess Meatshield helped [2015-05-13 02:15:40] hello again [2015-05-13 02:15:41] Kratos! [2015-05-13 02:15:44] war won [2015-05-13 02:15:46] but you replied no my highness [2015-05-13 02:15:48] Give here props, she's the MVP [2015-05-13 02:15:50] Third Policeman [2015-05-13 02:15:53] How could you be so cruel? [2015-05-13 02:15:56] PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:15:56] But thou must ! [2015-05-13 02:15:57] Princess plz. [2015-05-13 02:15:57] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:15:58] But Thou Must! [2015-05-13 02:15:58] NO Princess!! [2015-05-13 02:15:58] why did we need so many more dragon warrior games if they won the war [2015-05-13 02:16:00] OpieOP // [2015-05-13 02:16:04] Kappa )/ [2015-05-13 02:16:05] BUT THOU MUST [2015-05-13 02:16:06] You have to bring her otherwise TIME PARADOX! [2015-05-13 02:16:07] \\ 4Head [2015-05-13 02:16:08] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:16:10] Kappa// [2015-05-13 02:16:10] deerCup [2015-05-13 02:16:10] Kappa// [2015-05-13 02:16:13] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:16:13] They cut out the part where he throws the princess in the water Kappa [2015-05-13 02:16:13] gg [2015-05-13 02:16:18] Well, you did take the princess on a journey around the world [2015-05-13 02:16:19] ... blush ... [2015-05-13 02:16:19] Keepo // [2015-05-13 02:16:23] Great run! [2015-05-13 02:16:27] ...blush.... [2015-05-13 02:16:29] gg [2015-05-13 02:16:36] gg [2015-05-13 02:16:37] that dodge saved you [2015-05-13 02:16:40] gg [2015-05-13 02:16:48] so many blue shirts [2015-05-13 02:16:51] clutch dodge dssLongFace [2015-05-13 02:16:58] PUFF SwiftRage [2015-05-13 02:17:08] CiGrip [2015-05-13 02:17:11] PUFF SwiftRage [2015-05-13 02:17:12] puff puff PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:17:12] cluth Puff Puff [2015-05-13 02:17:13] someone please tell me if Brossentia is still reading donations? MVGame [2015-05-13 02:17:17] puff puff give [2015-05-13 02:17:19] Blush [2015-05-13 02:17:20] 'no now [2015-05-13 02:17:20] puff puff dssSanic [2015-05-13 02:17:20] Jigglypuff cirFairy [2015-05-13 02:17:20] Puff [2015-05-13 02:17:20] There can not be red shirts at marathons in fear of death... SO BLUE IS IT. [2015-05-13 02:17:20] feel like a nandos tbh [2015-05-13 02:17:23] not now [2015-05-13 02:17:23] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-13 02:17:23] Is the game over [2015-05-13 02:17:24] needs more puff puff from dw3 [2015-05-13 02:17:29] Puff Puff Me$$age [2015-05-13 02:17:32] Abex HeyGuys [2015-05-13 02:17:42] morten PogChamp/ [2015-05-13 02:17:48] Morten oatHi [2015-05-13 02:17:52] CHECKER PogChamp / [2015-05-13 02:18:15] KirbyMastah Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:18:18] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 02:18:21] Sneaking in the back [2015-05-13 02:18:22] Hubba hubba [2015-05-13 02:18:23] :P [2015-05-13 02:18:24] B i r D S t u D I o [2015-05-13 02:20:00] Avert your eyes children, avert them! [2015-05-13 02:20:05] I feel the need to point out that Gyre died less than Vulajin did HassanChop [2015-05-13 02:20:09] Why hello everyone! eseaKarmaAngel [2015-05-13 02:20:10] Puff puff? cirPrise [2015-05-13 02:20:10] 2Lewd4Twitch [2015-05-13 02:20:20] spiritSlime Kreygasm spiritSlime [2015-05-13 02:20:21] uh oh [2015-05-13 02:20:25] Lewd OMGScoots [2015-05-13 02:20:28] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:20:31] cirLewd [2015-05-13 02:20:32] My virgin eyes T__T [2015-05-13 02:20:33] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:20:33] NSFW [2015-05-13 02:20:34] WutFace [2015-05-13 02:20:34] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:20:36] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:20:36] woooooow [2015-05-13 02:20:36] spiritWOW [2015-05-13 02:20:37] o///_///o [2015-05-13 02:20:38] rpgWhat [2015-05-13 02:20:39] puff puff [2015-05-13 02:20:39] Hot [2015-05-13 02:20:39] puff puff puff puff puff puff [2015-05-13 02:20:39] 2lewd4 KreyGasm [2015-05-13 02:20:39] fffExplod [2015-05-13 02:20:40] lol [2015-05-13 02:20:40] ... smokeLEWD [2015-05-13 02:20:40] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:20:41] Time for the puff puff [2015-05-13 02:20:41] le puff puff D: [2015-05-13 02:20:42] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:20:42] blashu [2015-05-13 02:20:43] wixSnack wixPooch [2015-05-13 02:20:44] OH LORD. cirLewd [2015-05-13 02:20:44] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:20:44] LEWD [2015-05-13 02:20:45] Kreygasm dssClap [2015-05-13 02:20:48] cirLewd cirGasm [2015-05-13 02:20:50] ... blush ... [2015-05-13 02:20:53] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:20:53] ...giggle... [2015-05-13 02:20:54] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:20:55] spiritWEEE spiritWOW [2015-05-13 02:20:57] Puff, puff, puff [2015-05-13 02:20:58] ...giggle... [2015-05-13 02:20:59] wizCarpet [2015-05-13 02:20:59] \\ cirGasm [2015-05-13 02:21:01] wooo [2015-05-13 02:21:02] spiritWink [2015-05-13 02:21:03] IYAAAA SENPAI *BLUSH* [2015-05-13 02:21:03] .. why ;_; [2015-05-13 02:21:03] that's it [2015-05-13 02:21:04] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:21:06] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:21:06] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:21:08] smokeLEWD Puff, puff smokeLEWD [2015-05-13 02:21:11] I don't even...what? [2015-05-13 02:21:11] Kreygasm// [2015-05-13 02:21:12] Kappa [2015-05-13 02:21:15] that wasn't marathon safe WutFace [2015-05-13 02:21:20] ellipsis giggle ellipsis [2015-05-13 02:21:22] Are these runs going to be available on Archive like AGDQ/SGDQ runs? Going to miss the Suikoden run and really want to see it. [2015-05-13 02:21:23] muhMayor [2015-05-13 02:21:26] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:35] spiritSlime [2015-05-13 02:21:35] Puff-Puff Massage <3 [2015-05-13 02:21:35] :O [2015-05-13 02:21:38] So many puffs [2015-05-13 02:21:39] dssTaels [2015-05-13 02:21:40] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:40] nerdYubNub [2015-05-13 02:21:41] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:41] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:43] =( [2015-05-13 02:21:44] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:46] Oh now [2015-05-13 02:21:46] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:46] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:47] Respect [2015-05-13 02:21:47] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:48] BibleThump BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:48] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:48] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:50] thechiefCry [2015-05-13 02:21:50] cirPls [2015-05-13 02:21:51] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:52] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:52] Biblethump [2015-05-13 02:21:52] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:53] Biblethump i knew schivnor :( [2015-05-13 02:21:53] BibleThump 7 [2015-05-13 02:21:54] Who passed? [2015-05-13 02:21:55] That's terrible [2015-05-13 02:21:56] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:56] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:57] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:57] muhFeels [2015-05-13 02:21:58] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:21:58] Oh man. [2015-05-13 02:21:58] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:00] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:03] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:03] schivnorr [2015-05-13 02:22:03] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:03] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:03] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:03] o7 [2015-05-13 02:22:05] thats so sad [2015-05-13 02:22:05] Schivnor? No... [2015-05-13 02:22:06] How do you spell his name :( [2015-05-13 02:22:06] Schiv... man [2015-05-13 02:22:07] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:07] Move over to your right a bit we're trying to look at your shirt [2015-05-13 02:22:07] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:08] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:10] Schivnorr. ._. [2015-05-13 02:22:10] kffcThump [2015-05-13 02:22:12] Just a little bit more [2015-05-13 02:22:12] #CronoShiv [2015-05-13 02:22:14] schiv BibleThump 7 [2015-05-13 02:22:15] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:16] brownCRY brownCRY brownCRY [2015-05-13 02:22:17] JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE [2015-05-13 02:22:17] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:21] smokeTEARS Shivnorr smokeTEARS [2015-05-13 02:22:22] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:27] BibleThump 7 Schiv [2015-05-13 02:22:31] :( [2015-05-13 02:22:33] DID I MISS DRAGON WARRIOR??? [2015-05-13 02:22:37] yes [2015-05-13 02:22:39] yes [2015-05-13 02:22:39] u will be missed buddy BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:41] BibleThump 7 Schiv [2015-05-13 02:22:42] Dragon Warrior just ended. [2015-05-13 02:22:42] Fraid so Alastor [2015-05-13 02:22:46] dssTaels 7 Schiv [2015-05-13 02:22:48] NOOOO BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:22:50] A salute to the fallen BibleThump 7 [2015-05-13 02:22:50] is highspirits there? [2015-05-13 02:22:51] dragon warrior literally just ended. [2015-05-13 02:22:58] o7 [2015-05-13 02:23:01] dammit [2015-05-13 02:23:01] @Chiefalastor ya you did [2015-05-13 02:23:04] HS is there. [2015-05-13 02:23:06] Kappa 7 [2015-05-13 02:23:07] Looks like I'm just in time for Disgaea [2015-05-13 02:23:09] @Theseawolf1 Do they know the cause? [2015-05-13 02:23:12] I literally saw this dude yesterday, so i'm hyped [2015-05-13 02:23:12] HS was in the black shirt who just left [2015-05-13 02:23:16] if not earlier [2015-05-13 02:23:18] My condolences to all those who knew Schiv. [2015-05-13 02:23:22] Not sure myself [2015-05-13 02:23:24] o7 [2015-05-13 02:23:24] he ran bunny must die for the Igavania stream [2015-05-13 02:23:27] To whoever asked [2015-05-13 02:23:30] Puwexil was the nintendo shirt [2015-05-13 02:23:33] guess i just missed him bowie thx [2015-05-13 02:23:38] Hiya Bowie [2015-05-13 02:23:49] Did Schiv have a stream? [2015-05-13 02:23:50] "Im stupid... Nooo Im only a little stupid" [2015-05-13 02:23:56] Ahh, yeah, Ranct, sorry, I just saw the question and replied :P [2015-05-13 02:24:01] I'm super bummed that I'll probably be asleep for crystal chronicles [2015-05-13 02:24:08] the game crashed or something? [2015-05-13 02:24:10] Shiv we love you [2015-05-13 02:24:11] Wow... I thought I'd be used to stories of people passing after GDQ... gess not [2015-05-13 02:24:19] OMG someone is playing CRYSTALIS! [2015-05-13 02:24:21] agh i missed both diablo and dragon warrior [2015-05-13 02:24:23] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:24:25] Prayers and well wishes go to Schiv's family [2015-05-13 02:24:25] @Highspirits Heya [2015-05-13 02:24:29] i just realized that Highspirits run will happen on the morning i graduate [2015-05-13 02:24:30] Ah, PS TV [2015-05-13 02:24:32] @Highspirits Lunar Runs! [2015-05-13 02:24:36] Highspirits is old spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:24:40] hello [2015-05-13 02:24:40] @Chozandrias Crystalis is an awesome speedrun [2015-05-13 02:24:45] Spike! [2015-05-13 02:24:46] \o\ Spike Vegeta <3! [2015-05-13 02:24:50] Spike! [2015-05-13 02:24:50] heyyy Spike [2015-05-13 02:24:51] SPIKE [2015-05-13 02:24:52] are there actual Pink Pajamas there? [2015-05-13 02:24:55] @Fromgallifrey Different when it's one of our own [2015-05-13 02:24:56] SPIKE PogChamp ! [2015-05-13 02:24:57] Disgaea PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:24:58] Spike! cirFairy / [2015-05-13 02:24:58] I LOVE YOU SPIKE [2015-05-13 02:24:59] Spike hype :) [2015-05-13 02:25:01] pink pajamas penguins on the bottom? [2015-05-13 02:25:01] More like HypeSpirits. PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:25:02] SPIKE!!! [2015-05-13 02:25:02] Why commercials for Twix? [2015-05-13 02:25:02] also bboyHi everyone [2015-05-13 02:25:03] I've only done a slug run of Crystalis [2015-05-13 02:25:05] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:25:05] Spike Vegeta! [2015-05-13 02:25:06] spike PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:25:08] yo why is disgaea afternoon of darkness being run in the evening [2015-05-13 02:25:09] Hello Spike <3 [2015-05-13 02:25:11] Cool to hear Spike on Mike. [2015-05-13 02:25:11] Crystalis will be a show, however you say it. (Crystil-is) [2015-05-13 02:25:11] DQ VIII coming to 3DS!?!?! [2015-05-13 02:25:13] AFTERNOON OF DARKNESS Kreygasm by Pink Pajamas HeyGuys [2015-05-13 02:25:13] SpikeFajita! [2015-05-13 02:25:15] Er, mic. [2015-05-13 02:25:18] was that spikedvegeta? [2015-05-13 02:25:18] I loves me a PS TV. There is something satisfying about playing vita games on a controller and large screen. [2015-05-13 02:25:18] Alright, donated to the Schiv for Crono fund [2015-05-13 02:25:22] @PotatoHandle, thats what I said [2015-05-13 02:25:23] HS, I am gonna miss your run, I work that morning [2015-05-13 02:25:24] #CronoSchiv [2015-05-13 02:25:24] Oh damn! Didn't know Spike was here. [2015-05-13 02:25:27] Hello everyone! This is awesome! [2015-05-13 02:25:37] was shivnor a runner at any of the agdq [2015-05-13 02:25:38] spikes running a game here [2015-05-13 02:25:39] No! You are awesome! [2015-05-13 02:25:40] @Itsdl44 Because its "After" "Noon" [2015-05-13 02:25:41] I'm basically gonna miss a lot of the good runs due to work. [2015-05-13 02:25:44] shoutout to the slime pillow for seeing this live in the room [2015-05-13 02:25:46] so hyped for disgaea love the series for ages, but none of my friends even heard of it [2015-05-13 02:25:46] Aaaaaand good job Taco Bell ad. [2015-05-13 02:25:46] spike always here he just dont go to camera Keepo [2015-05-13 02:25:48] o rite [2015-05-13 02:25:50] sorry Reece [2015-05-13 02:25:50] DISGAEA HYPE [2015-05-13 02:25:54] Shoutout to leaving a black screen on the stream. :( [2015-05-13 02:26:01] /me >mfw i forgot to unblock ads on kadgar [2015-05-13 02:26:04] Shoutout to refreshing [2015-05-13 02:26:07] I hear AndyPerfect PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:26:15] It's fine HS, I'll at least be earning money. OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:26:22] shoutouts to Twitch Turbo PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:26:24] shoutout to twitch turbo [2015-05-13 02:26:25] ThirdPoliceman get hype [2015-05-13 02:26:34] KappaHD dat Turbo [2015-05-13 02:26:36] Highspirits i'm probably going to miss your run BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:26:36] I... think my twitch is broken, because I don't get ads ?_? [2015-05-13 02:26:38] aaaahhh, too slow D= [2015-05-13 02:26:39] ANDY HYPE? [2015-05-13 02:26:41] yo HS how long did it take you to go from couch to chat [2015-05-13 02:26:41] @Masterkratos27 I am the epitome of hype [2015-05-13 02:26:41] MiniK MiniK MiniK [2015-05-13 02:26:41] highspirits boyz spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:26:42] Spike Host Best Host [2015-05-13 02:26:45] Spike! PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:26:47] Spike <3 [2015-05-13 02:26:48] @Risupress whats uppppp [2015-05-13 02:26:49] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:26:50] haha. yes you are [2015-05-13 02:26:55] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:26:59] who the heck was... [2015-05-13 02:27:02] Aww [2015-05-13 02:27:02] tiny child hype!!! [2015-05-13 02:27:02] ssjSpikeChamp [2015-05-13 02:27:02] Chilluns! [2015-05-13 02:27:02] ....blush.... [2015-05-13 02:27:03] SPIKE O: [2015-05-13 02:27:03] was that mini essentia? [2015-05-13 02:27:04] Hey Celise [2015-05-13 02:27:04] Sounds like a lot of fun [2015-05-13 02:27:05] so many not seeing me [2015-05-13 02:27:10] @ThirdPoliceman, whatss goooood [2015-05-13 02:27:14] PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:27:15] Harro! cirFairy [2015-05-13 02:27:16] Kids! [2015-05-13 02:27:16] *evil child laugh* [2015-05-13 02:27:19] Essentiachildren [2015-05-13 02:27:19] Spike's voice is like sex to my ears [2015-05-13 02:27:23] can someone do me a solid and link the prize list [2015-05-13 02:27:23] its a vicious child watch out D: [2015-05-13 02:27:24] awww minisstina =D [2015-05-13 02:27:26] BabyRage [2015-05-13 02:27:27] I'm dumb and can't find it [2015-05-13 02:27:28] I sell ...blush... and ...blush... accessories [2015-05-13 02:27:32] @Risupress everything :) [2015-05-13 02:27:35] Miniessentia's <3 [2015-05-13 02:27:39] ...blush.... 2stronk [2015-05-13 02:27:39] I'm just throwing it out there; Celise isn't *that* much smaller than Vulajin. I'M JUST SAYING. Kappa [2015-05-13 02:27:45] I'm so hype for the EB run [2015-05-13 02:27:50] Is spike running KH2FM this event? [2015-05-13 02:27:52] Lol Potato [2015-05-13 02:27:54] yes [2015-05-13 02:27:54] vulajin is tiny [2015-05-13 02:27:55] Yes, Kai [2015-05-13 02:27:56] @Mikalia : Chibiessentia's XD [2015-05-13 02:27:57] Yes, Kai [2015-05-13 02:28:03] that game title is so close to Army of Darkness [2015-05-13 02:28:03] !schedule [2015-05-13 02:28:03] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 02:28:03] abex TooSpicy [2015-05-13 02:28:03] yes on friday :) [2015-05-13 02:28:04] Is there a timetable anywhere? I dont want to miss that [2015-05-13 02:28:05] UT, or Utah [2015-05-13 02:28:06] ty [2015-05-13 02:28:09] optifix HeyGuys [2015-05-13 02:28:09] WHERE THE VIDEO GAMES [2015-05-13 02:28:09] =) [2015-05-13 02:28:13] I sell... puff, puff, puff... and ... giggle... accessories [2015-05-13 02:28:14] thats qyute a couch [2015-05-13 02:28:15] VIDEO GAMES [2015-05-13 02:28:15] WHAT :O Whats aussie speedrunners are there [2015-05-13 02:28:16] STRAYA HYPE TriHard [2015-05-13 02:28:16] MY LORD IT'S A REAL LOLI [2015-05-13 02:28:18] ROTH [2015-05-13 02:28:19] they're in salt lake? man, I'm sorry [2015-05-13 02:28:19] checker TooSpicy/ [2015-05-13 02:28:21] what happened to dragon warrior? I got lag before [2015-05-13 02:28:25] the_roth is there he's from australia [2015-05-13 02:28:26] rpglimitbreak.com has a link to it [2015-05-13 02:28:26] <disagreeablers has been timed out> [2015-05-13 02:28:26] No links allowed (disagreeablers) (warning) [2015-05-13 02:28:29] Nami is One Piece [2015-05-13 02:28:29] AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE TriHard [2015-05-13 02:28:32] STOP TALKING AND PLAY VIDEO GAMES GODDAMNIT [2015-05-13 02:28:35] Optifix OpieOP / [2015-05-13 02:28:40] Spike <3 [2015-05-13 02:28:45] sluse chill they're setting it up [2015-05-13 02:28:45] Calm down Sluse [2015-05-13 02:28:47] @ToastyDonuts also league of legends, but not the point :P [2015-05-13 02:28:47] Sluse, calm thyself and the games will appear [2015-05-13 02:28:48] shoutouts to the "world record roth" roth [2015-05-13 02:28:49] Morten TooSpicy/ [2015-05-13 02:28:50] dragon warrior was a success [2015-05-13 02:28:54] Sluse, thats just bad form. [2015-05-13 02:28:54] ugh overrated caps lock [2015-05-13 02:29:03] Are there going to be VODs? [2015-05-13 02:29:04] Think about the ...blush... instead [2015-05-13 02:29:05] takes a few minutes to change consoles [2015-05-13 02:29:05] I see a spiritSlime [2015-05-13 02:29:07] underrated HOLDING SHIFT [2015-05-13 02:29:16] I'LL SHOW YOU BAD FORM *unzips dick* [2015-05-13 02:29:17] Oh yeah, I know the_roth TriHard [2015-05-13 02:29:19] <sluse has been timed out> [2015-05-13 02:29:22] Shame I am about 30 minutes from SLC, sadly just got out of the hospital yesterday from surgery. [2015-05-13 02:29:24] RIP Kappa [2015-05-13 02:29:24] Donut [2015-05-13 02:29:25] I have a short attention span BabyRage [2015-05-13 02:29:26] DONUTED [2015-05-13 02:29:26] @RaikouRider VODs are automatically created for everything on Twitch, and they'll also be uploaded to Youtube later [2015-05-13 02:29:27] Donutted [2015-05-13 02:29:27] Gah, beat me to it [2015-05-13 02:29:32] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-13 02:29:33] theres a tv in the background lol [2015-05-13 02:29:34] How would you unzip that WutFace [2015-05-13 02:29:36] mod has a fast hand [2015-05-13 02:29:40] Is that game Factory New? [2015-05-13 02:29:41] coolio I'll be able to catch the runs anyway [2015-05-13 02:29:41] but I don't have a PSP :\ [2015-05-13 02:29:43] I got the game, I'm good B) [2015-05-13 02:29:44] that's better Sluse Kappa [2015-05-13 02:29:46] Pink Pajamas looks lost [2015-05-13 02:29:47] Can we donates for donuts [2015-05-13 02:29:51] 0.o [2015-05-13 02:29:51] cerFlan [2015-05-13 02:29:53] Guys, I think that cupboard is full Kappa [2015-05-13 02:29:57] gotta have that word highlight for lightning speed banning [2015-05-13 02:29:57] Man I want a donut [2015-05-13 02:30:01] maybe hes in irc. its posted there before to twitch chat :) [2015-05-13 02:30:02] no but you can donate and then buy a donut? [2015-05-13 02:30:02] Can I get someone to deliver me a donut [2015-05-13 02:30:03] that IS a tv,,, U almost thought that was a microwave MVGame [2015-05-13 02:30:06] *I [2015-05-13 02:30:10] Someone get these runners some food! [2015-05-13 02:30:11] now i'm hungry bizStitch [2015-05-13 02:30:12] Internet Famous (TM) [2015-05-13 02:30:17] True efame is availible [2015-05-13 02:30:20] Spike has the best voice for this [2015-05-13 02:30:22] Order now! [2015-05-13 02:30:23] Get fuud, Checker bizGoffy [2015-05-13 02:30:39] dang, no prinnies to donate for dood [2015-05-13 02:30:42] I forget.... who is puck? [2015-05-13 02:30:43] bizGoffy [2015-05-13 02:30:50] One of the monsters [2015-05-13 02:30:54] oh ok [2015-05-13 02:30:58] come on fake english [2015-05-13 02:31:08] Let's see how many characters we can get named Spud! Kappa [2015-05-13 02:31:09] Isn't Puck that annoying rat in FF9? [2015-05-13 02:31:17] Yes [2015-05-13 02:31:22] lol Giramoni :) [2015-05-13 02:31:22] PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:31:23] PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:31:23] name every character KUTAN [2015-05-13 02:31:24] Nice [2015-05-13 02:31:24] 0 spuds allowed [2015-05-13 02:31:25] lol Giramoni got bodied [2015-05-13 02:31:26] PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:31:28] name every character DUDE [2015-05-13 02:31:29] Also the faerie dragon in DOTA [2015-05-13 02:31:30] PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:31:33] That's Prince Puck, by the way bizAlbert [2015-05-13 02:31:34] KUTAN army [2015-05-13 02:31:38] Thrill as he scratches every nook and cranny below his waist! [2015-05-13 02:31:43] spiritSample [2015-05-13 02:31:44] No! Every character must be named YUNA! [2015-05-13 02:31:46] Does that mean we're allowed to have one Red? Kappa b [2015-05-13 02:31:47] Spike's laugh cirThree [2015-05-13 02:31:48] lol Vulajin [2015-05-13 02:31:50] HAPPY HOUR! [2015-05-13 02:31:51] spiritSample [2015-05-13 02:31:54] dat Slime stare [2015-05-13 02:31:57] Prince Puck the Nuisance. OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:31:59] spiritWink [2015-05-13 02:32:00] spiritSlime [2015-05-13 02:32:06] :( [2015-05-13 02:32:11] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:32:12] butters would be pleased as punch [2015-05-13 02:32:15] spiritSlime [2015-05-13 02:32:18] couch Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:32:19] oatPls 7 [2015-05-13 02:32:19] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:32:22] BOWIE o/ [2015-05-13 02:32:23] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:32:24] How do you spell his name, google ain't coming up with anything when i type Schivnorr [2015-05-13 02:32:26] :( [2015-05-13 02:32:26] spiritSlime [2015-05-13 02:32:32] By the way, Spike, the second pronunciation was correct [2015-05-13 02:32:33] Vulajin hype FrankerZ [2015-05-13 02:32:34] spiritSlime spiritSlime spiritSlime spiritSlime spiritSlime spiritSlime [2015-05-13 02:32:37] thechiefCry [2015-05-13 02:32:39] I remember Schiv from PJ's chat [2015-05-13 02:32:41] muhFeels [2015-05-13 02:32:42] Let us not Thump bibles over Schiv, let us celebrate his awesomeness with spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:32:48] There's a lack of French language Sands of Time though, makes me sad [2015-05-13 02:32:51] dwdBabby [2015-05-13 02:32:53] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:32:53] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:32:55] Schiv the true hero! spritiWEEE [2015-05-13 02:32:55] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:33:01] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:33:02] PSTV doesn't work BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:33:06] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:33:06] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:33:17] I hope someone sits on the couch with him BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:33:23] AWOO [2015-05-13 02:33:33] I hope too [2015-05-13 02:33:37] Gael, should'nt you be in a GTA stream Keepo [2015-05-13 02:33:37] Dinner has been served, so viewers will likely sneak in [2015-05-13 02:33:39] AWOO [2015-05-13 02:33:39] Quick, someone tell me what Disgaea actually is, so I don't have to look it up. [2015-05-13 02:33:44] I am sure that once everyone stuffs their face with pulled pork and sloppy joes, they will return [2015-05-13 02:33:47] Tactical RPG [2015-05-13 02:33:51] Man, I want some pulled pork and sloppy joes [2015-05-13 02:33:53] And donuts [2015-05-13 02:33:54] yum sloppy joes [2015-05-13 02:33:55] The analog citclr [2015-05-13 02:33:55] Demons and penguins dood [2015-05-13 02:33:55] @azkiboh tactic games [2015-05-13 02:33:56] AWOO [2015-05-13 02:33:56] ...oh... [2015-05-13 02:33:56] its a srpg made for grinding [2015-05-13 02:34:00] AWOO [2015-05-13 02:34:03] I may...I may be elsewhere for a bit. [2015-05-13 02:34:04] Ah dude, CHECKER [2015-05-13 02:34:04] Cricle* even [2015-05-13 02:34:04] Yeah, just wait for dinner to end and they room will fill [2015-05-13 02:34:05] Dragon Warrior NES level-grinding....IN A TACTICAL RPG!!! [2015-05-13 02:34:06] The heck are sloppy joes [2015-05-13 02:34:08] AWOO [2015-05-13 02:34:11] AWOO [2015-05-13 02:34:11] hey mti [2015-05-13 02:34:11] SGDQ could learn a LOT From this layout [2015-05-13 02:34:14] We should totally AWOO the *** out of chat when we get to...THAT part. AWOO [2015-05-13 02:34:16] Metalliguy: there is no GTA stream [2015-05-13 02:34:18] oh man, timeslot in middle of night is one thing, timeslot during dinner BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:34:25] The layout is very perdy. cirThree [2015-05-13 02:34:25] @Tsukasa239 ground beef and sauce sandwich [2015-05-13 02:34:28] Hey usu! [2015-05-13 02:34:32] Yup, ThirdPoliceman. The_sid will be on the couch doing commentary during this run [2015-05-13 02:34:32] I'm gonna report you two if you do FUNgineer [2015-05-13 02:34:33] Agreed, Potato cirThree b [2015-05-13 02:34:33] idk... will we get banned? bizMickey [2015-05-13 02:34:40] such pretty wow [2015-05-13 02:34:40] @SwordofAeons ty, we don't have them in aus >.< [2015-05-13 02:34:42] Famous Speiser adages: Gotta eat, man. [2015-05-13 02:34:43] Opti, what are you doing here Kappa [2015-05-13 02:34:48] Sloppy joe brownHYPE [2015-05-13 02:34:52] Spike's voice Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:34:52] bizAlbert [2015-05-13 02:34:57] It's basically a tactical RPG that doesn't take itself remotely seriously and is pretty much designed around exploting everything. [2015-05-13 02:35:01] did someone say rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 02:35:02] rpgJerkBird rpgGoodTaste woo [2015-05-13 02:35:05] rpgJerkBird > rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-13 02:35:05] Maybe as long as we don't do all caps with the Wan, Checker AWOO [2015-05-13 02:35:06] no! [2015-05-13 02:35:09] jerkbird [2015-05-13 02:35:09] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-13 02:35:09] opti is here to make sure we don't get up to.... shenanigans Kappa [2015-05-13 02:35:11] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:35:12] rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:35:13] rpgJerkBird \o/ [2015-05-13 02:35:14] many exploit, wow [2015-05-13 02:35:15] Kappa [2015-05-13 02:35:20] AWOO [2015-05-13 02:35:21] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:35:23] Vulajin close-up Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:35:25] Subs come with free swedish fish Kappa b [2015-05-13 02:35:25] did someone say AWOO [2015-05-13 02:35:26] yeah the disgaea series is all about breaking the game over your knee and then having it break you back [2015-05-13 02:35:27] I'm watching you two FUNgineer [2015-05-13 02:35:28] trumpUp AWOO [2015-05-13 02:35:36] EXTREME closeup [2015-05-13 02:35:36] And I'm watching you, Opti OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:35:39] YetiZ [2015-05-13 02:35:40] Oh man facecam [2015-05-13 02:35:42] Cool. [2015-05-13 02:35:42] closely scrubStretch1 [2015-05-13 02:35:46] dat earhole ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:35:47] wixMini [2015-05-13 02:35:47] stubblecam [2015-05-13 02:35:49] bizMickey [2015-05-13 02:35:52] I can count beard hair. [2015-05-13 02:35:55] the Disgaea series is a very nice series to playthrough the ones i would avoid would be disgaea 3 rest and the remakes are very good [2015-05-13 02:35:55] Dat Roth Hype! [2015-05-13 02:36:02] Disgaea has the purple haired protagonist and sassy bat chick, right? [2015-05-13 02:36:08] BTW Vulajin you have a single grey hair, you might want to get some sleep for once. Kappa [2015-05-13 02:36:11] the "world record roth" roth [2015-05-13 02:36:14] the_roth Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:36:14] Should I just lay in bed and watch RPGLB for 3 hours until I fall asleep? [2015-05-13 02:36:18] dangodofthunder is a good name [2015-05-13 02:36:22] SPIKERVEGETURR [2015-05-13 02:36:23] @Crashcat I agree. [2015-05-13 02:36:27] Sassy bat chick? ...Etna? (Only thing I could think of, she has bat wings cirPrise ) [2015-05-13 02:36:27] WutFace [2015-05-13 02:36:28] Is that Spike i hear? Hi SPike! [2015-05-13 02:36:29] R.I.P CAMERA [2015-05-13 02:36:30] as you might [2015-05-13 02:36:30] WutFace [2015-05-13 02:36:31] RIP cam [2015-05-13 02:36:32] Mayday [2015-05-13 02:36:32] =O oh man [2015-05-13 02:36:33] threw up [2015-05-13 02:36:33] I fell BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:36:33] pattyRIP [2015-05-13 02:36:33] Welp [2015-05-13 02:36:33] pfft [2015-05-13 02:36:34] Camera is Kill. [2015-05-13 02:36:34] Camera nooooo [2015-05-13 02:36:35] KAPOW camera [2015-05-13 02:36:37] welp [2015-05-13 02:36:39] camera pls [2015-05-13 02:36:39] GET THE CAMERA [2015-05-13 02:36:39] RIP Camera BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:36:40] Wheeee! [2015-05-13 02:36:42] spike broke the camrea SwiftRage [2015-05-13 02:36:42] "face thing" [2015-05-13 02:36:43] rip [2015-05-13 02:36:44] I just... threw DOWN SoBayed [2015-05-13 02:36:46] Camera is tired [2015-05-13 02:36:47] face thing [2015-05-13 02:36:48] rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:36:49] Aw yeah! [2015-05-13 02:36:52] get rekt camera [2015-05-13 02:36:53] Face....thing [2015-05-13 02:36:53] rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:36:55] ᕦ wixMagoo ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:36:55] Roth looks far too sober for this hour! [2015-05-13 02:36:57] Camera is all "**** it" [2015-05-13 02:37:01] Rip in Capri Sun [2015-05-13 02:37:03] go home camera you drunk [2015-05-13 02:37:09] Spike can break whatever he wants as long as he doesn't break my heart <3 [2015-05-13 02:37:11] That's what it's like when a camera rolls its eyes :) [2015-05-13 02:37:14] Camera doesn't want you to see MetaSigma hug anyone, Dango. [2015-05-13 02:37:16] calebFlexL calebRage calebFlexR [2015-05-13 02:37:19] gtg fast, camera by spike [2015-05-13 02:37:21] where are Neerrm and Roth? [2015-05-13 02:37:21] agree Foudd [2015-05-13 02:37:23] need a donation incentive to reenact the dd/ms debate about the proper flex position [2015-05-13 02:37:29] I heard hug! Let it commence! [2015-05-13 02:37:29] For alternate chat, live donation ticker, and auto-updating schedule, check out our website at http://www.rpglimitbreak.com [2015-05-13 02:37:30] Haha [2015-05-13 02:37:33] Spike is stronger by reading that comment [2015-05-13 02:37:35] lol [2015-05-13 02:37:37] yay!! Meta!! [2015-05-13 02:37:48] Meta! [2015-05-13 02:37:50] MetaHug! <3 [2015-05-13 02:37:52] sergeant too stronk [2015-05-13 02:37:53] most masculine hug ever, coming up [2015-05-13 02:37:58] FOR META HUG = FLEX rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:37:59] Meta has Protein Dan, it's gonna have to wait :p [2015-05-13 02:38:05] rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:38:07] @Chaos42666 He always has protein. [2015-05-13 02:38:12] Protein Dan? [2015-05-13 02:38:13] Hug hype! [2015-05-13 02:38:20] Yes, Protein. [2015-05-13 02:38:20] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:38:23] We can hear it all [2015-05-13 02:38:25] BEAUTIFUL [2015-05-13 02:38:30] dangodofprotein [2015-05-13 02:38:32] I can hear you digest OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:38:33] ᕦ(<3 Д<3)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:38:34] oh my god I didn't know Krimmydoodle was going to RPGLB [2015-05-13 02:38:37] Kirbymastah's twin Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:38:38] He seems to think he's Oz, the great and powerful, but he is Meta, the Great and Flexiful [2015-05-13 02:38:41] We can hear your deepest secrets and your most private dreams and fears [2015-05-13 02:38:43] (>^-^)> [2015-05-13 02:38:45] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ...blush... ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:38:50] Krimmydoodle went to RPGLB!? [2015-05-13 02:38:53] :o [2015-05-13 02:38:54] (>^-^)>mastah [2015-05-13 02:38:54] hahahaha [2015-05-13 02:38:56] ᕦ(- w-)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:38:59] oh god, meta has corrupted the littlessentias [2015-05-13 02:39:00] I wonder if the porkroll, egg and cheese plushies are still there [2015-05-13 02:39:02] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:03] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:04] OH GOD. [2015-05-13 02:39:06] Hey Checker [2015-05-13 02:39:09] WHAT HAS HAPPENED. [2015-05-13 02:39:09] omg so cute [2015-05-13 02:39:09] YEs [2015-05-13 02:39:09] Donation incentive for stuffed animals! [2015-05-13 02:39:10] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:10] ᕦ bizBeast ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:12] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:14] @Buttersbb Wait, Krimmy went? [2015-05-13 02:39:15] XD MAKE IT HAPPEN [2015-05-13 02:39:15] what did he say [2015-05-13 02:39:16] yea? [2015-05-13 02:39:19] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:19] ᕦ(o/// u///o)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:19] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:20] lmao [2015-05-13 02:39:22] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:22] I feel like those girls are gonna be scared soon [2015-05-13 02:39:22] @Eternalkyr They're in Montana still. like twelve hours away [2015-05-13 02:39:24] LOL [2015-05-13 02:39:25] Kirbymastah's twin went, apparently. [2015-05-13 02:39:25] I'll donate for that [2015-05-13 02:39:26] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ Chat is flexing [2015-05-13 02:39:26] that will be hype [2015-05-13 02:39:27] Hopefully they're better at learning it than me. Kappa [2015-05-13 02:39:28] when you donate remember to vote for killing the animals Kappa [2015-05-13 02:39:28] need a training montage [2015-05-13 02:39:30] wait i got a good one [2015-05-13 02:39:34] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ Flex is chatting [2015-05-13 02:39:35] yo shoutouts to twitch chat [2015-05-13 02:39:35] And flexing kids! [2015-05-13 02:39:35] ᕦ(° Д°) rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:39:36] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:38] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ EVEN IN THE MARATHON F.O.E. ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:39] I'm hype to watch some numbers go up and also anime [2015-05-13 02:39:40] Take a wild guess Meta ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:41] ᕦ(ಠ ᴥಠ)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:42] Kappa [2015-05-13 02:39:44] oh boy incoming [2015-05-13 02:39:45] @Krimmydoodle Lol [2015-05-13 02:39:45] ᕦ(° Д°) rpgLevelup ᕦ(° Д°) rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:39:48] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:39:49] Yes. Checker. wixNis )/ [2015-05-13 02:39:51] bowSub (° Д°) bowHype [2015-05-13 02:39:55] hey subs out there, lets show meta our guns!! rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:40:01] OH [2015-05-13 02:40:03] OOOO [2015-05-13 02:40:03] that squeak [2015-05-13 02:40:04] o.O [2015-05-13 02:40:04] Oh man [2015-05-13 02:40:04] lol [2015-05-13 02:40:05] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:05] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:08] carciLeft dyrusDoge carciRight [2015-05-13 02:40:09] METURRR SIGMURRRR [2015-05-13 02:40:10] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:11] calebFlexL (° Д°) calebFlexR [2015-05-13 02:40:16] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:18] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ EEEENG! [2015-05-13 02:40:21] You know it's gonna happen ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:21] ᕦ(ಠ ᴥಠ)ᕤ ᕦ(ಠ ᴥಠ)ᕤ ᕦ(ಠ ᴥಠ)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:23] :3 [2015-05-13 02:40:24] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:24] lol [2015-05-13 02:40:24] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:26] awesome :D [2015-05-13 02:40:27] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:27] HYPE [2015-05-13 02:40:27] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:27] That'll do [2015-05-13 02:40:28] Lmao [2015-05-13 02:40:28] awww so cute [2015-05-13 02:40:28] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:29] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:29] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:29] lol kids [2015-05-13 02:40:29] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:29] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:29] DENIED [2015-05-13 02:40:29] DENIED [2015-05-13 02:40:30] Hehehe. :D [2015-05-13 02:40:30] Perfect [2015-05-13 02:40:30] noooo [2015-05-13 02:40:30] yo that awkward hi 5 hang [2015-05-13 02:40:30] denied [2015-05-13 02:40:31] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:31] NO HIGH FIVE [2015-05-13 02:40:31] OH DEAR [2015-05-13 02:40:31] ᕦ(° Д°) rpgLevelup ᕦ(° Д°) rpgLevelup ᕦ(° Д°) rpgLevelup ᕦ(° Д°) rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:40:32] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:32] DENIED SON [2015-05-13 02:40:32] rejected [2015-05-13 02:40:32] DENIED [2015-05-13 02:40:33] this is so awkward :/ [2015-05-13 02:40:33] BURN [2015-05-13 02:40:33] DENIED [2015-05-13 02:40:33] I FEEL STRONGER [2015-05-13 02:40:34] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:34] Ahahahahahahhahhhhh [2015-05-13 02:40:34] DENIED [2015-05-13 02:40:35] ...wlep [2015-05-13 02:40:35] so adorable [2015-05-13 02:40:35] LEFT HANGIN [2015-05-13 02:40:36] ᕦ cirHappy ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:36] D E N I E D B O Y S [2015-05-13 02:40:36] rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:40:36] RIP [2015-05-13 02:40:37] lol [2015-05-13 02:40:37] Left. Hanging [2015-05-13 02:40:38] ᕦ RedCoat ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:38] whose kid? [2015-05-13 02:40:38] ᕦ(ಠ ᴥಠ)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:39] XD Meta. [2015-05-13 02:40:39] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ and down goes Minissentia [2015-05-13 02:40:39] And he's left hanging [2015-05-13 02:40:40] DENIED HYPE [2015-05-13 02:40:40] rekt [2015-05-13 02:40:41] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:41] \ 4Head / [2015-05-13 02:40:41] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:43] Clearly the star of this show. [2015-05-13 02:40:43] META?! [2015-05-13 02:40:43] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:43] CHAT IS NOW STRONGER [2015-05-13 02:40:44] META SIGMA HYPE! [2015-05-13 02:40:44] rpglimitbreak [2015-05-13 02:40:45] #blamemeta [2015-05-13 02:40:45] rpgLevelup rpgLevelup rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:40:46] hand rekt [2015-05-13 02:40:46] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:46] !blame [2015-05-13 02:40:46] And then Megasigma went to jail [2015-05-13 02:40:47] #blamemeta [2015-05-13 02:40:47] #BlameMeta [2015-05-13 02:40:48] ssjSpikeChamp [2015-05-13 02:40:48] FailFish [2015-05-13 02:40:48] bmkW forsenW [2015-05-13 02:40:48] OUCH [2015-05-13 02:40:49] #blamemeta [2015-05-13 02:40:49] ᕦbizMickeyᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:50] And meta hurts the kid.. [2015-05-13 02:40:51] Ahahaha [2015-05-13 02:40:54] crushed it [2015-05-13 02:40:54] ᕦ(Kappa)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:54] Too big [2015-05-13 02:40:54] #blamemeta Kappa [2015-05-13 02:40:56] who brought this tiny nerd to RPGLB? [2015-05-13 02:40:56] the pain of a delayed high five #BlameMeta [2015-05-13 02:40:56] Hi @Tehrizzle ! [2015-05-13 02:40:57] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:40:58] Forsen subs trumpW [2015-05-13 02:40:58] #BlameMeta [2015-05-13 02:40:58] #blamemeta [2015-05-13 02:40:59] #blamemeta [2015-05-13 02:40:59] #BlameMeta [2015-05-13 02:40:59] Meta hurting little girls, too strong [2015-05-13 02:41:00] WHOOO [2015-05-13 02:41:02] marathon already made [2015-05-13 02:41:02] Hey Everhate, looks like you're off the hook [2015-05-13 02:41:04] calebFlexL spiritSlime calebFlexR [2015-05-13 02:41:06] and ded [2015-05-13 02:41:06] sup Rizzle [2015-05-13 02:41:08] ♩♫♪♬ ᕦ(°Д°)ᕤ ♩♫♪♬ [2015-05-13 02:41:10] blame eversigma [2015-05-13 02:41:10] he's lucky he didn't kill her with that high five [2015-05-13 02:41:11] Meta "ChildPuncher" Sigma [2015-05-13 02:41:11] he just... He just struck Essentia's child [2015-05-13 02:41:11] SwiftRage right now? [2015-05-13 02:41:12] It's okay, kids hurt each other all the time. Kappa [2015-05-13 02:41:14] child abuse% [2015-05-13 02:41:15] forsenW Trump subs forsenW [2015-05-13 02:41:16] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:41:16] That was the best thing I've ever seen on stream. [2015-05-13 02:41:16] blame meta [2015-05-13 02:41:17] ᕦ(Kappa)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:41:18] #BlameEverhateANDMeta [2015-05-13 02:41:18] lol [2015-05-13 02:41:20] ♩♫♪♬ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ♩♫♪♬ [2015-05-13 02:41:22] RedCoat [2015-05-13 02:41:22] he gave her a high five :P [2015-05-13 02:41:23] LOLI FLEX PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:41:24] Confirmed, Metasigma is a bigger child. [2015-05-13 02:41:25] kids remind me of youth and innocence. and also being dead inside [2015-05-13 02:41:25] lol [2015-05-13 02:41:27] Seawolf: For now. [2015-05-13 02:41:27] ᕦ(° Д°) rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:41:28] Viewership OVER 9000!! [2015-05-13 02:41:29] <mayo_chan468 has been timed out> [2015-05-13 02:41:30] ᕦ muhBaka ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:41:32] No no no no. We only #blameMeta for specific things. We blame everhate for everything else. [2015-05-13 02:41:36] lol and a bigger cute child XD [2015-05-13 02:41:37] #BlameMetaHate ThunBeast [2015-05-13 02:41:43] Krimmydoodle: Man, you know who was the best person ever? Krimsunmunkeys. Whatever happened to that guy anyway, we could use some Guitar Hero at a GDQ. Kappa [2015-05-13 02:41:45] ᕦcirPriseᕤ [2015-05-13 02:41:49] NO VIDEOGAMES TODAY [2015-05-13 02:41:50] ᕦ cirHappy ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:41:51] We blame Meta for being too stronk [2015-05-13 02:41:58] no video game allowed [2015-05-13 02:42:03] loool [2015-05-13 02:42:05] ᕦ(calebRage)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:42:05] Is Everhate at the event? [2015-05-13 02:42:07] spike with the A+ stream meta [2015-05-13 02:42:10] !blame [2015-05-13 02:42:13] dssClap [2015-05-13 02:42:16] 'sucker' [2015-05-13 02:42:16] did meta break the everything? [2015-05-13 02:42:17] we're lucky Zallard doesn't run RPGs or we wouldn't know who to blame for anything [2015-05-13 02:42:19] dssClap [2015-05-13 02:42:19] Kappa// [2015-05-13 02:42:19] kiketteS1Q kiketteNICE [2015-05-13 02:42:21] no, everhate is at home [2015-05-13 02:42:21] ᕦ pattyPcool ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:42:28] Vulajin doesn't get to sleep for the rest of the week Kappa [2015-05-13 02:42:28] Hi everhate [2015-05-13 02:42:30] calebFlexL spiritWink calebFlexR [2015-05-13 02:42:30] Definitely blame Everhate [2015-05-13 02:42:32] Him and Everhate woudl probably create a blaming paradox [2015-05-13 02:42:35] why hello there [2015-05-13 02:42:36] Burajin, resident technological genius [2015-05-13 02:42:37] As soon as he gets this going he can go sit down for 4 hours [2015-05-13 02:42:39] I refuse to believe Meta is there until something breaks. Kappa [2015-05-13 02:42:41] VulajiniumAnchor [2015-05-13 02:42:41] that couch looks beautiful Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:42:45] I'm here for the spiritSlime. :D [2015-05-13 02:42:47] be glad PJ isn't there. [2015-05-13 02:42:54] Everhate not at the event? I blame Everhate. [2015-05-13 02:42:57] Noice [2015-05-13 02:42:59] No, UA decided that he wasn't going to touch cables. [2015-05-13 02:43:01] ...amidoinitrite? [2015-05-13 02:43:02] wixDude Nice [2015-05-13 02:43:06] If PJ was there the Great Salt Lake would just become The Lake. [2015-05-13 02:43:06] nah it's cool [2015-05-13 02:43:09] ALL GAMES WOULD BE BROKEN IS PJ WAS THERE [2015-05-13 02:43:10] blame all the everhates [2015-05-13 02:43:10] dududu [2015-05-13 02:43:19] vulajin's pretty much the tech guy at this event [2015-05-13 02:43:19] nude dice DatHass [2015-05-13 02:43:21] d u d e n i c e [2015-05-13 02:43:21] ᕦ(°Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:43:21] those guys are blocking the chair cam... Kappa [2015-05-13 02:43:22] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:43:25] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:43:29] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:43:30] Everhate cannot leave the iron throne that sustains his life [2015-05-13 02:43:33] ᕦ(ಠ ᴥಠ)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:43:35] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:43:39] hateTHRONE [2015-05-13 02:43:40] That's true Dan MVGame [2015-05-13 02:43:41] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:43:44] From within, he watches, and he streams [2015-05-13 02:43:45] rpgᕦ(° Д°)ᕤMini when? [2015-05-13 02:43:51] @Thatidiotuhate Kappa [2015-05-13 02:43:51] aw man i missed the end of dragon warrior :( [2015-05-13 02:43:57] Everhate is Oberyn Martell's eyes. [2015-05-13 02:43:58] rpgFlex ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:44:01] hey Chess PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:44:02] (I'm so sorry) [2015-05-13 02:44:04] calebFlexL (° Д°) calebFlexR [2015-05-13 02:44:04] Hey @Wuerling :D [2015-05-13 02:44:08] @Everhate I saw your post and I'm sure you have heard this lots of times by now but that was very brave of you [2015-05-13 02:44:11] ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:44:12] hey tiyh [2015-05-13 02:44:13] calebFlexL (° Д°) calebFlexL [2015-05-13 02:44:16] ᕦ(° ᴥ°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:44:16] Holy crap, like 8 hours in and nearly 3k...not bad for a small marathon. [2015-05-13 02:44:17] Hi :) [2015-05-13 02:44:17] o this game played it once but didn't like it [2015-05-13 02:44:18] ᕦ(°Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:44:21] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:44:23] ᕦ(cerHype)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:44:29] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:44:32] O.O that is god tier [2015-05-13 02:44:32] KirbymastaH cerHype [2015-05-13 02:44:34] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:44:35] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:44:35] Lion King [2015-05-13 02:44:35] What is happening on stream [2015-05-13 02:44:35] Kirby! ᕦ cirGasm ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:44:37] <3 [2015-05-13 02:44:38] human centiHUG [2015-05-13 02:44:39] :o [2015-05-13 02:44:39] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:44:40] kedgeGasm [2015-05-13 02:44:41] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:44:41] That's worth 50 bucks [2015-05-13 02:44:41] lewd [2015-05-13 02:44:41] ᕦ(°Д°)ᕤᕦ(°Д°)ᕤᕦ(°Д°)ᕤᕦ(°Д°)ᕤᕦ(°Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:44:42] hug train [2015-05-13 02:44:42] <3 [2015-05-13 02:44:43] ᕦ(•‿•)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:44:43] so hot [2015-05-13 02:44:44] gif! [2015-05-13 02:44:44] rip runner [2015-05-13 02:44:44] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:44:45] Spike stahp [2015-05-13 02:44:45] PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:44:46] That's not a hug; that's a headlock [2015-05-13 02:44:46] Azkiboh, yeha, gives me hope for smaller community driven marathons. They do n't ALL have to be GDQs or ESAs. [2015-05-13 02:44:47] gif it [2015-05-13 02:44:48] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:44:49] <3 <3 <3 [2015-05-13 02:44:50] ThunBeast [2015-05-13 02:44:51] forsenGasm forsenGasm forsenGasm [2015-05-13 02:44:53] Huglock [2015-05-13 02:44:58] spiritWEEE spiritWEEE spiritWEEE All the hug [2015-05-13 02:45:00] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:45:02] It looks a little dark too, doesn't it [2015-05-13 02:45:04] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:45:07] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [2015-05-13 02:45:12] jenHeart saiLove calebHart [2015-05-13 02:45:14] crop capture [2015-05-13 02:45:14] 4:3 to widescreen to 4:3 [2015-05-13 02:45:14] hug him like you are hugging your grill [2015-05-13 02:45:16] Get the gif [2015-05-13 02:45:24] I need that as a gif [2015-05-13 02:45:28] the slime is the new burning cat from AGDQ14 [2015-05-13 02:45:31] Minisenntia has enough energy for the whole house [2015-05-13 02:45:32] I Loved Disgaea 1 and 2 on PS2!! PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:45:36] So close to $3k donated! [2015-05-13 02:45:39] what is the "blush" thing coming from? DQ? [2015-05-13 02:45:41] Spikey from the Block [2015-05-13 02:45:46] @Buttersbb Yeah [2015-05-13 02:45:47] ssjSpikeChamp [2015-05-13 02:45:53] call them NicoNico [2015-05-13 02:45:54] blush is from dragon quest, yes [2015-05-13 02:45:55] UA PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:45:59] /me gives Minisenntia a bag of Starburst and Skittles [2015-05-13 02:46:00] Why, its the trademark phrase of Princess Lora the...uh...18th? [2015-05-13 02:46:00] got it, missed Poof Poof cuz was donating :p [2015-05-13 02:46:02] when is my boy nocash running [2015-05-13 02:46:06] damn up to 3k already [2015-05-13 02:46:08] ᕦ bizDolanRage ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:46:23] ᕦbizBeastᕤ [2015-05-13 02:46:27] yo spike [2015-05-13 02:46:32] ᕦ bizGoffy ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:46:33] ᕦ(°Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:46:37] just makin' sure it's known to the stream, the feed looks somewhat faded/dark [2015-05-13 02:46:42] ᕦbizRucksackᕤ [2015-05-13 02:46:49] Someone donate for the SpikeFlex [2015-05-13 02:46:49] one does not simply flex [2015-05-13 02:46:49] stoked for this disgaea run Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:46:51] avoid prolonged use of the PSP Kappa [2015-05-13 02:46:52] !schedule [2015-05-13 02:46:52] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 02:46:53] ᕦ bizStitch ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:47:01] I'm pretty sure Meta is willing to give flexes away for free, but you should donate $200 anyways. Kappa b [2015-05-13 02:47:01] when they said $25 I thought it was my donation being read BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:47:02] I'm thinking like if I cast Summon Planar Ally: Metasigma [2015-05-13 02:47:05] 4 hours is barely prolonged [2015-05-13 02:47:05] Minisenntia is probably just psyched about so many people around. [2015-05-13 02:47:12] ᕦbizAlbertᕤ [2015-05-13 02:47:13] spiritSlime [2015-05-13 02:47:16] ...did anyone see Metasigma actually hug Vulajin? [2015-05-13 02:47:17] ᕦ deIlluminati ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:47:19] ᕦ bizMickey ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:47:25] DUDE [2015-05-13 02:47:26] D U D E [2015-05-13 02:47:27] ᕦbizSteveᕤ [2015-05-13 02:47:27] MrCab55, wouldnt sigma be part of Summon Nature's Ally? [2015-05-13 02:47:29] Dude [2015-05-13 02:47:31] Dood [2015-05-13 02:47:31] <- Dood. [2015-05-13 02:47:32] D00d? [2015-05-13 02:47:32] but is he bad enough to rescue the overlord? [2015-05-13 02:47:35] Dood [2015-05-13 02:47:35] Dude?!?! [2015-05-13 02:47:36] ᕦOpieOPᕤ [2015-05-13 02:47:36] wait did someone really donate to name a disgaea character "dude" and not "dood" [2015-05-13 02:47:36] D U D E N I C E [2015-05-13 02:47:38] d00d [2015-05-13 02:47:40] Its gotta be dood [2015-05-13 02:47:40] dooooooood [2015-05-13 02:47:42] Lebowski? [2015-05-13 02:47:43] Nah SMetaigma's like an outsider [2015-05-13 02:47:46] Dango, I don't think so. Vulajin has been busy setting up tech stuff for the next run. [2015-05-13 02:47:47] ᕦ(ಠ ᴥಠ)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:47:49] NICE [2015-05-13 02:47:52] I'm a prinny dood? [2015-05-13 02:47:53] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:47:54] d u d e n i c e [2015-05-13 02:47:54] Nice from Hamatora? Kappa [2015-05-13 02:47:54] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:47:55] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:47:57] @Mrcab55 He's an outsider? To who? [2015-05-13 02:47:59] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:47:59] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:00] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:01] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:02] He is the Greg Giraldo of speedrunning [2015-05-13 02:48:02] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:02] OP Opie [2015-05-13 02:48:02] very nice [2015-05-13 02:48:04] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:04] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:05] dude nice [2015-05-13 02:48:06] D U D E N I C E [2015-05-13 02:48:06] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:09] Prinny dood! [2015-05-13 02:48:09] Whoever has Flexing in their portfolia [2015-05-13 02:48:11] Hey wait, this isn't Merlin's House OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:11] CorgiDerp [2015-05-13 02:48:14] OPOpie [2015-05-13 02:48:17] OPopie [2015-05-13 02:48:23] My video is delayed about 10 seconds from chat :P [2015-05-13 02:48:23] cirLewd [2015-05-13 02:48:24] aahah [2015-05-13 02:48:26] ANDY <3 [2015-05-13 02:48:27] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:48:27] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:27] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:48:27] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:48:29] it's merlin's house in our hearts Kappa [2015-05-13 02:48:29] wtf ANDY [2015-05-13 02:48:30] LOL [2015-05-13 02:48:30] spiritWOW [2015-05-13 02:48:33] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:33] Agahaah [2015-05-13 02:48:34] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:48:34] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:48:36] @chozandrias mone too [2015-05-13 02:48:37] OpieOpie = Grey Face no space [2015-05-13 02:48:39] andyBigAndy amdyBigAndy [2015-05-13 02:48:42] Kregasm 7 [2015-05-13 02:48:47] ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:48:48] Kreygasm 7 [2015-05-13 02:48:48] OpOpie [2015-05-13 02:48:48] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:50] OpieOP [2015-05-13 02:48:51] There we go, room's fillin up [2015-05-13 02:48:52] cirLewd cirGasm 2huTooLewd 2huTheReads [2015-05-13 02:48:57] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:49:00] *o///n///o, checker [2015-05-13 02:49:07] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:49:09] Fill me up [2015-05-13 02:49:11] mmm donuts [2015-05-13 02:49:11] OpieOP // [2015-05-13 02:49:12] ZliL [2015-05-13 02:49:12] o///n///o * ...blush... [2015-05-13 02:49:13] buddercup baby [2015-05-13 02:49:16] spiritWOW [2015-05-13 02:49:20] Go nuts for donuts! [2015-05-13 02:49:21] I am gonna go to the store for real and get some donuts [2015-05-13 02:49:22] just to let me down [2015-05-13 02:49:23] yes! [2015-05-13 02:49:24] is that highspirits in disguise? [2015-05-13 02:49:25] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:49:25] spiritSample spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:49:29] Ayyyyy wixNis [2015-05-13 02:49:29] 0.o [2015-05-13 02:49:31] Based Reece PogChamp [2015-05-13 02:49:32] boooooooo [2015-05-13 02:49:33] Kippa [2015-05-13 02:49:34] TIUH represent! [2015-05-13 02:49:34] booooooooo [2015-05-13 02:49:36] Kappa [2015-05-13 02:49:37] Kappa [2015-05-13 02:49:37] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:49:38] reece Kappa [2015-05-13 02:49:40] Kappa [2015-05-13 02:49:41] @Thatidiotuhate kappa [2015-05-13 02:49:41] Kappa// [2015-05-13 02:49:42] /me throws a tomato [2015-05-13 02:49:43] yo people o/ [2015-05-13 02:49:44] Kappa [2015-05-13 02:49:45] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:49:50] Brohug oatLove [2015-05-13 02:49:52] \\ CatBag [2015-05-13 02:49:53] K I S S [2015-05-13 02:49:58] awful log of hugging goin on... [2015-05-13 02:49:58] ♩♫♪♬ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ♩♫♪♬ [2015-05-13 02:50:00] Haha. Nice Meta. [2015-05-13 02:50:05] bizSteve [2015-05-13 02:50:05] @Chessjerksda my fault [2015-05-13 02:50:05] *lot [2015-05-13 02:50:10] K A P P A [2015-05-13 02:50:14] so much fan service [2015-05-13 02:50:18] its all good [2015-05-13 02:50:20] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:50:25] (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ [2015-05-13 02:50:30] Abex300 Checkerboard_13 oatLove [2015-05-13 02:50:30] Burnnap just subscribed! [2015-05-13 02:50:30] Burnnap just subscribed! [2015-05-13 02:50:35] ok [2015-05-13 02:50:39] Soloman, you cutie oatLove [2015-05-13 02:50:39] solo HeyGuys [2015-05-13 02:50:39] donated for Disgaea names [2015-05-13 02:50:40] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:50:40] dssTaels [2015-05-13 02:50:41] we in there [2015-05-13 02:50:41] BibleThump [2015-05-13 02:50:42] sub hype cerHype [2015-05-13 02:50:42] subscriber hype! spazOut [2015-05-13 02:50:42] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:50:44] FeelsBadMan [2015-05-13 02:50:45] SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB deerCup [2015-05-13 02:50:47] B U R N N A P rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-13 02:50:48] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:50:49] HS!!!! SpiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:50:51] DISGAEA [2015-05-13 02:50:52] \rpgJerkBird/ [2015-05-13 02:50:53] dwdBabby spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:50:53] h y y y p e [2015-05-13 02:50:53] FeelsBadMan [2015-05-13 02:50:55] cirHonk [2015-05-13 02:50:55] Let's do this run! [2015-05-13 02:50:57] hiya [2015-05-13 02:50:59] cirHonk [2015-05-13 02:51:00] Hugging makes people feel good. A world with hugging is a better world [2015-05-13 02:51:00] why is he not wearing...pink pajamas? Kappa [2015-05-13 02:51:01] Thank you for the sub [2015-05-13 02:51:03] cirHonk [2015-05-13 02:51:03] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 02:51:07] FeelsBadMan [2015-05-13 02:51:08] yay Burnnap have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-13 02:51:08] I love this game. [2015-05-13 02:51:14] I spotted an HS spiritFatty [2015-05-13 02:51:16] never seen the speedrun before [2015-05-13 02:51:16] @w@ Disgaea Hype ;__; [2015-05-13 02:51:20] Amibitious [2015-05-13 02:51:20] You did? [2015-05-13 02:51:23] imagine going to a marathon with a game you didn't like very much [2015-05-13 02:51:24] Highspirits cirLove [2015-05-13 02:51:26] runner's mic is a little quiet [2015-05-13 02:51:27] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-13 02:51:30] curious what this run entails [2015-05-13 02:51:30] Let's do this! ...Dood! cirHappy [2015-05-13 02:51:31] SARDINES [2015-05-13 02:51:38] Etna hype [2015-05-13 02:51:39] those are swedish fish [2015-05-13 02:51:41] i thank you for rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-13 02:51:43] Aaaand now that the run's started; I have to go back to work. Play safe kidlets. cirThree/ [2015-05-13 02:51:46] Etna cirThree [2015-05-13 02:51:50] And see ya, Potato! [2015-05-13 02:51:53] cutscenes so good though [2015-05-13 02:51:54] It involves a LOT of enemy combining [2015-05-13 02:51:55] Etna is moe [2015-05-13 02:51:55] <907headshot> Hello, chat. [2015-05-13 02:52:05] possible to stretch the window to fit the layout? [2015-05-13 02:52:08] Im so glad this game don't have skip cutscene button [2015-05-13 02:52:08] bye potato cirPrise / [2015-05-13 02:52:08] is he a vampire? [2015-05-13 02:52:09] \rpgJerkBird/ [2015-05-13 02:52:11] okey potato [2015-05-13 02:52:16] etna is Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:52:19] !Schedule [2015-05-13 02:52:19] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 02:52:19] They are Devils [2015-05-13 02:52:19] Nin Nin Woosh yo Keepo [2015-05-13 02:52:33] Yeah I second what SwordofAeons is saying. Stretch it up a bit. [2015-05-13 02:52:35] there is also a ds version calle dcurse of darkness [2015-05-13 02:52:35] Short afternoon... [2015-05-13 02:52:38] Hard to see the screen. [2015-05-13 02:52:47] Chozandrias just subscribed! [2015-05-13 02:52:47] Chozandrias just subscribed! [2015-05-13 02:52:49] yeah that letterboxing gotta go [2015-05-13 02:52:54] SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB deerCup [2015-05-13 02:52:55] HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!! [2015-05-13 02:52:58] SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! [2015-05-13 02:53:01] dood [2015-05-13 02:53:05] I donated brawler! [2015-05-13 02:53:09] subscriber hype! spazOut [2015-05-13 02:53:10] its a bit late to change the letterbox [2015-05-13 02:53:12] Meme [2015-05-13 02:53:14] <- [2015-05-13 02:53:15] READ MY DONATION [2015-05-13 02:53:16] Fun Fact: Laharl also voiced Link in Ocarina of Time. [2015-05-13 02:53:19] I donated Brawler too [2015-05-13 02:53:21] rpgGoodTaste for new sub! [2015-05-13 02:53:22] name all brawlers: Yuna [2015-05-13 02:53:25] i thought he did read your donation already [2015-05-13 02:53:28] Long live the Yunaverse! [2015-05-13 02:53:29] about schiv right? [2015-05-13 02:53:32] nah I did another [2015-05-13 02:53:35] oh lol [2015-05-13 02:53:35] Mayo_chan468 how do you voice link cirPrise [2015-05-13 02:53:38] you sneak [2015-05-13 02:53:48] I think they have to process the Brawler names [2015-05-13 02:53:50] Link's japanese voice actor did Viral in Gurren Lagann. [2015-05-13 02:54:01] Link doesn't speak [2015-05-13 02:54:08] he does if you watch gurren lagann Keepo [2015-05-13 02:54:11] it's the same person Keepo [2015-05-13 02:54:12] <2wogood> Hi is this the first day? [2015-05-13 02:54:14] ... [2015-05-13 02:54:16] @soloman231 The VA for Laharl also voice grunted for Link [2015-05-13 02:54:17] Had to be away for a moment, when do the Prinnies come in cirPrise [2015-05-13 02:54:20] LInk doesn't speak. SwiftRage [2015-05-13 02:54:22] Hopefully my brawler donation comes through as welll [2015-05-13 02:54:24] Or did they already appear [2015-05-13 02:54:32] guttural noises != speech [2015-05-13 02:54:38] Is there an incentive for the ending for what happens to the "Love Freak"? [2015-05-13 02:54:39] Who's commenting? Roseal? [2015-05-13 02:54:40] doesnt speak but he makes little grunts and noises when he hits or a wall or takes damage [2015-05-13 02:54:41] Seriously there are hundreds of silent protags out there, Link is the only one people make a big deal about. [2015-05-13 02:54:42] Zelda is my favorite Hyrule swordfighter Kappa [2015-05-13 02:54:47] Link still has voice clips. Even if it is just grunting and yelling. [2015-05-13 02:54:50] it's the same person's voice lol what are you getting so bent out of shape about [2015-05-13 02:54:55] @Ranctifier no, but they do = "voice" hence "voice actor" [2015-05-13 02:54:58] the voice actor for cloud in ff7 also did Gordon Freeman from half life [2015-05-13 02:54:58] i'm not bent out of shape [2015-05-13 02:55:06] in the second to last episode Viral grunts and it is 100% exactly like Link. It's pretty much intended to be. [2015-05-13 02:55:08] see, lowercase letters [2015-05-13 02:55:21] so if you ever wanted to hear that dude actually talk o3o [2015-05-13 02:55:24] spiritWow [2015-05-13 02:55:25] *** anyway lol [2015-05-13 02:55:29] Remember when Squidward fought alongside Viral? [2015-05-13 02:55:39] spiritWOW [2015-05-13 02:55:55] that was the christmas episode where gumby and the carebears joined him yeah? [2015-05-13 02:55:58] nah, I remember when Squidward commited suicide though [2015-05-13 02:56:01] DUDE [2015-05-13 02:56:02] DOOD! wixNis [2015-05-13 02:56:05] i'm a cs major so i talk about useless semantics all the time Keepo b [2015-05-13 02:56:06] lol [2015-05-13 02:56:10] LOL [2015-05-13 02:56:10] Yess [2015-05-13 02:56:12] butters would do that [2015-05-13 02:56:14] Heh [2015-05-13 02:56:14] Power Rangers SoBayed [2015-05-13 02:56:15] :p [2015-05-13 02:56:17] Butters Wins [2015-05-13 02:56:18] Power Rangers spiritWEE [2015-05-13 02:56:21] good use, butters [2015-05-13 02:56:22] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 02:56:23] such a good choice [2015-05-13 02:56:23] Is it possible to scale up the video? It is omega sideways letterbox right now [2015-05-13 02:56:26] Bye bye Prinnies :( 7 [2015-05-13 02:56:27] Dude Nice [2015-05-13 02:56:31] DUDE [2015-05-13 02:56:32] Not even spelled Dood. bizStitch [2015-05-13 02:56:34] "Dood . . . you're killing us off?!" [2015-05-13 02:56:46] Prinny hater confirmed, 0/10 pattyRIP [2015-05-13 02:56:50] Don't forget schiv [2015-05-13 02:56:53] /me presses X for Jason [2015-05-13 02:56:55] rip abex bizRucksack [2015-05-13 02:57:04] /me >press F to pay respects [2015-05-13 02:57:09] lol Spike [2015-05-13 02:57:14] Spike with the power rangers hype :) [2015-05-13 02:57:23] ssjLuchafro [2015-05-13 02:57:27] Is there gonna be Mid-Boss Ending after this? [2015-05-13 02:57:27] oh wow we have this [2015-05-13 02:57:29] lol [2015-05-13 02:57:31] Why are we reducing attack? Arent these guys going to be attacking things? [2015-05-13 02:57:31] RPG Limit Break 2015 is being restreamed with French commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/rpglimitbreak_fr and with German commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/germenchrestream [2015-05-13 02:57:33] I cant believe he left out TOMMY! [2015-05-13 02:57:36] yoooo get it in [2015-05-13 02:57:41] GREEN MANG! GREEN RANGER! [2015-05-13 02:57:43] The lay out looks nice, but it seems like not enough is given to the game being played. [2015-05-13 02:57:43] SpikeyVegatable Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:57:44] *Zed Kappa [2015-05-13 02:57:48] gogo power rangers you mighty morphin' power rangers~ [2015-05-13 02:57:59] Where's Rita Repulsa [2015-05-13 02:58:00] this is glorious [2015-05-13 02:58:00] RIP Trini :( [2015-05-13 02:58:01] needs more dood [2015-05-13 02:58:03] /me pulls up netflix tab to watch MMPR [2015-05-13 02:58:05] oh hey look it's yuber the Sabin-hater Kappa [2015-05-13 02:58:11] Wait why does he decrease their attack? [2015-05-13 02:58:12] AHHH Free at last after 10,000 years [2015-05-13 02:58:13] hahah [2015-05-13 02:58:15] Sabin is a BAD PERSON [2015-05-13 02:58:16] You're welcome guys! [2015-05-13 02:58:18] Get over the truth! [2015-05-13 02:58:19] NICE DAN [2015-05-13 02:58:22] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ META ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:58:22] ranctifier, there is actually a power ranger class in disgaea [2015-05-13 02:58:30] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:58:30] Yuber13 there was an issue with the PSP input to the stream so that might b the issue there, the other games filled the screen [2015-05-13 02:58:31] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ META ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:58:31] prism rangers [2015-05-13 02:58:31] shoutouts to the high point of "small" marathons where sillyness peaks, then surpasses the peak repeatedly [2015-05-13 02:58:32] ᕦMETAᕤ [2015-05-13 02:58:35] /me hi fives @Thebeardedone42 [2015-05-13 02:58:36] Iceplug, she reincarnated into Laharl. [2015-05-13 02:58:40] cantiel don't you mean Kamen Rider Kappa [2015-05-13 02:58:42] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:58:45] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:58:45] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:58:45] Power Ranger class is Hype Kreygasm [2015-05-13 02:58:47] where is CalebHart Kappa [2015-05-13 02:58:54] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:58:56] Am I alllowed to rename Sabin to Douche if I donate enoguh? [2015-05-13 02:58:56] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 02:59:03] D Period Kappa [2015-05-13 02:59:06] cerHug Spike [2015-05-13 02:59:09] where's Zarbon [2015-05-13 02:59:10] nah the kamen rider would be the defender of the earth [2015-05-13 02:59:13] calebFlexL moonWok rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 02:59:15] @Yuber13 Probably not since we want to keep it vaguely PG [2015-05-13 02:59:22] kedgeFlex [2015-05-13 02:59:27] yo are the VODs gonna be uploaded to youtube after [2015-05-13 02:59:34] er not zarbon, wth was that disembodied head in power rangers called? [2015-05-13 02:59:36] rename Sabin to Meta Kappa [2015-05-13 02:59:41] Happy I got mine in [2015-05-13 02:59:46] zordon? [2015-05-13 02:59:47] Zordon? [2015-05-13 02:59:53] works for me [2015-05-13 02:59:57] Zordon? [2015-05-13 03:00:01] zordon [2015-05-13 03:00:06] ok [2015-05-13 03:00:07] mah childhood BibleThump [2015-05-13 03:00:15] Zarbon...Zordon... deIlluminati [2015-05-13 03:00:19] move dose chawacters [2015-05-13 03:00:30] I've never even heard of this game [2015-05-13 03:00:33] lol [2015-05-13 03:00:34] "After 10,000 years I'm free. Time to conquer Earth!" [2015-05-13 03:00:35] pinkpajamas Kappa [2015-05-13 03:00:35] with all this power rangers talk, ppl should pick up chroma squad ;3c [2015-05-13 03:00:39] HARRUMPH! [2015-05-13 03:00:40] woah, this has FFT combat system? [2015-05-13 03:00:49] its not final fantasy [2015-05-13 03:00:49] do u even lift [2015-05-13 03:00:49] No [2015-05-13 03:00:50] Is permadeath a thing in this? [2015-05-13 03:00:53] are they going to make the game bigger at all [2015-05-13 03:00:54] Jinru, it's similar yet a bit different [2015-05-13 03:00:55] FFT does not own it [2015-05-13 03:00:56] that's a lot of black space [2015-05-13 03:00:56] yeah Jinru, but way more broken, in a good way [2015-05-13 03:00:57] That's for sure [2015-05-13 03:01:00] No, there is no permadeath [2015-05-13 03:01:00] It has Tactical RPG combat system [2015-05-13 03:01:00] yes its similar to tactics [2015-05-13 03:01:07] You can treat your units for money [2015-05-13 03:01:08] Kappa [2015-05-13 03:01:18] Which a l;ot of games have including FE which was run earlier [2015-05-13 03:01:19] ult_ they hqave been trying but there was an issue with PSP input from what we can tell. [2015-05-13 03:01:19] Oh hey it's pink PogChamp go pink Disgaea HYPE [2015-05-13 03:01:19] You can treat them even if they hit 0HP, cool [2015-05-13 03:01:20] No permadeath. In fact you can get rewards for having enough deaths. [2015-05-13 03:01:22] Kappa [2015-05-13 03:01:25] @Jinru, since everyone avoided your question, it does have a similar combat system to FFT [2015-05-13 03:01:28] But the battle system is somewhat different from FFT [2015-05-13 03:01:29] sgrunt demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:01:33] demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:01:35] ive never known what goes on in these games. ever lol [2015-05-13 03:01:43] issue with the input? how does that keep you from scaling the capture :/ [2015-05-13 03:01:43] cirThree pattyPLZ muhBoopies [2015-05-13 03:01:45] spazOut spazOut spazOut spazOut spazOut [2015-05-13 03:01:47] kottKatt kottKatt kottKatt kottKatt kottKatt [2015-05-13 03:01:51] CatBag [2015-05-13 03:01:57] CatBag [2015-05-13 03:02:01] Is vulajin still eating dinner? I imagine he could do it [2015-05-13 03:02:01] CatBag [2015-05-13 03:02:05] it's a psp bug/feature, mine does the same thing (cropped video) [2015-05-13 03:02:09] kirby [2015-05-13 03:02:10] Demon Politics, enough said [2015-05-13 03:02:12] \ spazOut / [2015-05-13 03:02:15] for those of you asking, the Vods will be going up on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJn8IWyQmWEIfpVjX7o2VnQ some time after the marathon. [2015-05-13 03:02:18] I saw Super Mario RPG in the store when it first came out. I looked at the back and was really impressed with how it looked. I said "Look mom! This game has Rip Pants Graphics!" [2015-05-13 03:02:19] FFT and other rpg tactics games are usually abstractions and/or speed versions of dnd or other tabletops [2015-05-13 03:02:21] wait, it has started? [2015-05-13 03:02:23] CatBag cirThree pattyPLZ muhBoopies Kippa Keepo BionicBunion Lotsa cats [2015-05-13 03:02:25] Graphics so impressive your pants fly off. [2015-05-13 03:02:25] spazOut [2015-05-13 03:02:30] demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:02:35] only 4 hours until Suikoden! [2015-05-13 03:02:36] spazOut [2015-05-13 03:02:42] CatBag [2015-05-13 03:02:42] they wont fly off if you BUCKLE YO PANTS o3o [2015-05-13 03:02:46] demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:02:48] demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:02:48] so hype for suikoden [2015-05-13 03:02:49] whats up with that one dude's voice [2015-05-13 03:02:49] demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:02:50] demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:02:52] demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:02:52] buckle yo pants kids or they'll fall down! [2015-05-13 03:02:53] demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:02:54] @Rpglimitbreak, who is the commentator? [2015-05-13 03:02:54] No pyramid for you CatBag [2015-05-13 03:02:54] And that brings us to AGDQ 2015 [2015-05-13 03:02:54] demFesCat demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:02:56] Which ending does the run go for? [2015-05-13 03:02:56] demFesCat demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:02:57] Belts: the ultimate technology [2015-05-13 03:02:57] demFesCat [2015-05-13 03:03:00] oh i always understood FFt. it was always NIS stuff that never made sense to me lol [2015-05-13 03:03:07] cerFlan @KirbymastaH [2015-05-13 03:03:07] That pyramid was awful [2015-05-13 03:03:12] Good job on the pyramid OpieOP b [2015-05-13 03:03:21] RPGs Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:03:23] spiritWOW spiritWink spazOut spazCam fatMaceFace [2015-05-13 03:03:28] guys please remember the rules: be respectful to the streamers. [2015-05-13 03:03:42] be respectful to everyone, really [2015-05-13 03:03:42] better than nothing SoonerLter [2015-05-13 03:03:44] *SoonerLater [2015-05-13 03:03:51] SoonerLter DansGame [2015-05-13 03:03:55] be respectful period! [2015-05-13 03:03:57] spazOut? [2015-05-13 03:04:05] Disgaia throw vs. Fire Emblem shove: which is better? [2015-05-13 03:04:08] spiritWOW [2015-05-13 03:04:11] remember, be respectful, don't cross the streams Keepo b [2015-05-13 03:04:13] throw [2015-05-13 03:04:16] Disgaea throw [2015-05-13 03:04:16] FE. [2015-05-13 03:04:20] hello high [2015-05-13 03:04:20] spiritWOW [2015-05-13 03:04:24] Throw. [2015-05-13 03:04:24] This looks like a bunch of muscly Digletts with bodies hoisting each other and flexxing. [2015-05-13 03:04:26] only cuz i never played DG [2015-05-13 03:04:28] heya [2015-05-13 03:04:31] this game is literally throw% [2015-05-13 03:04:38] ^ throw strats OP [2015-05-13 03:04:42] Did they add in diagonal throwing in the PSP version? I remember only being able to throw in straight lines in the original, but that was years ago [2015-05-13 03:04:46] @BackgroundGuy02 Why doesn't Metasigma run this game? ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 03:04:47] Highspirits =D [2015-05-13 03:04:51] That Brawler just died holding that montser [2015-05-13 03:04:52] cerHype [2015-05-13 03:04:53] *monster [2015-05-13 03:04:54] It's an exploit, Gaston [2015-05-13 03:04:54] what accent is that, is he french? [2015-05-13 03:04:59] @Highspirits bboyHi [2015-05-13 03:05:04] I'm getting sleepy >.> [2015-05-13 03:05:07] @Gastondupris If I recall, you flip back and forth between two directions over and over and you can throw diagonal [2015-05-13 03:05:08] oh, I must have been out of the room when he explained it, GarfieldTheLightning. [2015-05-13 03:05:18] just coming and going when .....blush [2015-05-13 03:05:18] He throws the enemies in the middle of changing directions [2015-05-13 03:05:21] @Swordofaeons Ask meta. He's got a new game to run, and didn't pick this :D [2015-05-13 03:05:26] the enemies can counter atk while being held [2015-05-13 03:05:27] hey Highspirits how does it feel when you're not doing an incredibly long speedrun? [2015-05-13 03:05:31] But it certainly fits his theme [2015-05-13 03:05:45] dunno ranc never do it [2015-05-13 03:05:50] lol [2015-05-13 03:05:58] does the direction enemies are facing when you attack them matter in disgaea at all? [2015-05-13 03:06:07] slightly [2015-05-13 03:06:12] for skills, no, for attacks, yes. [2015-05-13 03:06:12] fairly certain it affects things a bit yes [2015-05-13 03:06:18] hit percentages change [2015-05-13 03:06:22] Only if you're using basic attacks [2015-05-13 03:06:24] It affects hit rate. Can't remember if it affects damage. [2015-05-13 03:06:31] And hit% only [2015-05-13 03:06:35] they should speedrun Planescape: Torment, it'd be "updated my journal" % [2015-05-13 03:06:36] affects steal rate [2015-05-13 03:06:38] Highspirits, were you expecting to be so close to Singing% on day 1? [2015-05-13 03:06:40] @Blueeyesmew Wow.... what a fusion [2015-05-13 03:06:44] with that one massive donation [2015-05-13 03:06:49] Facing affects hit and damage. [2015-05-13 03:06:50] I just want Etrian Odyssey speedruns [2015-05-13 03:06:59] Which Etrian Odyssey? [2015-05-13 03:07:00] Godot193, they exist and they're incredibly boring [2015-05-13 03:07:03] that must be very hardcore [2015-05-13 03:07:08] interesting if you like the game, but very boring [2015-05-13 03:07:13] rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-13 03:07:13] @ToastyDonuts you mean my name? [2015-05-13 03:07:16] gaston, people just want to hear my monotone voice. maybe I can convince a duet [2015-05-13 03:07:16] Are you guys gonna put the donation ticker back up or nah? [2015-05-13 03:07:17] yes [2015-05-13 03:07:23] pattyRIP [2015-05-13 03:07:26] RNG pls [2015-05-13 03:07:28] gasp [2015-05-13 03:07:30] reeeeeeeeejected [2015-05-13 03:07:33] GastonDuPris wow, really? dare I ask what record would be? [2015-05-13 03:07:39] bodied [2015-05-13 03:07:42] Whoop. Ask and you shall receive [2015-05-13 03:07:43] NAY [2015-05-13 03:07:44] I used to use BlueEyesMewDragon as a name, but few places allow names that long. [2015-05-13 03:07:45] Nay bizStitch [2015-05-13 03:07:47] nay nay nay nay nay nay [2015-05-13 03:07:47] Marathon luck is GO! TriHard [2015-05-13 03:07:52] All my donations will be put towards naming demon chocobo on Kappa [2015-05-13 03:07:53] RIP belt luck [2015-05-13 03:07:53] SpikeVegeta already knows [2015-05-13 03:07:54] NAY [2015-05-13 03:07:54] Nay yey [2015-05-13 03:07:56] i say nay [2015-05-13 03:08:01] Nay is for horses [2015-05-13 03:08:04] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ WHEN YOU SUMMON THE METAFLEX IT COSTS MANY MANY GOLD PIECES [2015-05-13 03:08:09] yuber, what [2015-05-13 03:08:10] PogChamp [2015-05-13 03:08:11] yaa [2015-05-13 03:08:12] Yea! cirHappy [2015-05-13 03:08:14] YAY [2015-05-13 03:08:15] PogChamp // [2015-05-13 03:08:18] Dude Nice [2015-05-13 03:08:19] I'm not sure you understand what the demon chocobo is Kappa [2015-05-13 03:08:19] How much does someone have to donate to make Highspirits twerk on camera? [2015-05-13 03:08:19] clapping averted [2015-05-13 03:08:19] Whoop [2015-05-13 03:08:20] @Metasigma I think I paid it. [2015-05-13 03:08:23] Yea [2015-05-13 03:08:24] But @Metasigma , all I have is this weird Gil stuff. :( [2015-05-13 03:08:24] Yaaaaaaaay [2015-05-13 03:08:24] YEA [2015-05-13 03:08:27] Meta =D [2015-05-13 03:08:32] yea rng [2015-05-13 03:08:35] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ REJECTD [2015-05-13 03:08:37] nay. :I [2015-05-13 03:08:38] halo you don't have enough [2015-05-13 03:08:39] I don't know offhand. My old roommate is a spreedrunner (ShinerCCC) and was looking into it for a while. It's basically just breaking Certain ability comboes and knowing where to death dive for certain things. And being good at dodging FOEs. (Which is the only tense part) [2015-05-13 03:08:41] Oh I understand. Its a joke DiosGx . Something Elmagus said one day [2015-05-13 03:08:42] Nyet. [2015-05-13 03:08:44] DENIED [2015-05-13 03:08:47] righto Kappa [2015-05-13 03:08:52] But does Meta! I lack gold, Will this truckload of Iron Pyrite work instead?? [2015-05-13 03:08:54] I believe etrian 2 is down to 2:15 and etrian 3 down to 1:27 with save and resets for RNG manipulation [2015-05-13 03:08:58] the pseudo random linear congruential generator worked in our favor PogChamp [2015-05-13 03:09:00] screen looks better already :) [2015-05-13 03:09:03] resized the video Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:09:07] Highspirits I donated for you to sing =) [2015-05-13 03:09:12] rip ears [2015-05-13 03:09:13] much better [2015-05-13 03:09:14] Full screen Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:09:15] Full screeeen! PogChamp [2015-05-13 03:09:16] @Krimmydoodle Wow, I expected them to be much longer. [2015-05-13 03:09:20] the future is now [2015-05-13 03:09:20] I saw mikalia :) [2015-05-13 03:09:23] fullscreen! spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 03:09:23] Spike HYPE cerHype [2015-05-13 03:09:23] wow - that is still mind boggling o.O thanks Krimmydoodle [2015-05-13 03:09:27] Full (portion of selected) Screen [2015-05-13 03:09:27] FULL SCREEN Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:09:27] Production Value! PogChamp [2015-05-13 03:09:32] I take it EO speedruns just memorize the first floor map and draw it without even entering the forest. [2015-05-13 03:09:35] Highspirits, maybe you can get bich to duet with you as a stretch goal. [2015-05-13 03:09:43] HighSpirits I see you watching [2015-05-13 03:09:45] He has a lovely singing voice too [2015-05-13 03:09:53] フールスコリーン HYPE [2015-05-13 03:09:55] Careful...you will get a backside hug that will shake the foundations of your body [2015-05-13 03:09:57] Wow [2015-05-13 03:09:58] well, etrian 3 requires stepping on x number of tiles before they give you credit [2015-05-13 03:10:00] Because fullscreen [2015-05-13 03:10:01] EO4 doesn't actually let you access the map until you've entered the first cave [2015-05-13 03:10:04] because they figured out people would just gamefaqs the map [2015-05-13 03:10:09] I don't see you neta, my head doesn't spin that far [2015-05-13 03:10:12] @Highspirits, I'm still affraid of your Yellow Monster Emote [2015-05-13 03:10:14] test [2015-05-13 03:10:20] BibleThump [2015-05-13 03:10:23] :P [2015-05-13 03:10:23] Are all the people at the Event just in a room 30 feet away on individual laptops/phones? [2015-05-13 03:10:38] LAME people look up maps on gamefaqs [2015-05-13 03:10:44] that takes out all the fun, lol [2015-05-13 03:10:47] no Fire Emblem style then [2015-05-13 03:10:50] I'm intrigued, will have to hunt down EO runs [2015-05-13 03:10:55] gamefaqs is a national treasure [2015-05-13 03:11:00] I can't imagine looking up maps for EO [2015-05-13 03:11:04] I still have EO mystery dungeon sitting here wrapped :( [2015-05-13 03:11:07] I remember playing this game, and I never ever though of that strategy. [2015-05-13 03:11:11] that's like, half the game. I'm playing NG+ on EO4 right now and it's not the same w/o drawing the map again >> [2015-05-13 03:11:12] researching builds I can understand, but maps? c'monnnnn [2015-05-13 03:11:30] that pacifist tho [2015-05-13 03:11:37] I want EO: Mystery Dungeon so bad but no money D: [2015-05-13 03:11:37] Buttersbb, people just want to play a "hard game" without it being hard [2015-05-13 03:11:47] mystery dungeon took a while to get into [2015-05-13 03:11:50] i really didn't like it at first [2015-05-13 03:11:50] or play a "classic RPG" but without the inconvenience of it being a 'classic rpg" [2015-05-13 03:11:51] oh hai RPG limit break guys [2015-05-13 03:11:58] lol [2015-05-13 03:11:59] 4 strength 4 stam leather belt *aggh* *uggh* [2015-05-13 03:12:04] oh is he doing the hospital exploit? [2015-05-13 03:12:07] Mystery Dungeon? We talkin Pokemon now? [2015-05-13 03:12:08] <_< [2015-05-13 03:12:08] What is EO? [2015-05-13 03:12:10] No [2015-05-13 03:12:10] TuaMater but eventually got into it? pretty stoked [2015-05-13 03:12:13] Anyone having email troubles w/ Twitch? [2015-05-13 03:12:14] Why is this "classic RPG" so "classic RPG"? OpieOP [2015-05-13 03:12:15] Not exactly. [2015-05-13 03:12:16] there is an Etrian Mystery DUngeon game o3o [2015-05-13 03:12:19] Hospital exploit is way too slow [2015-05-13 03:12:20] oh okay [2015-05-13 03:12:23] hospital exploit takes too long for too little benefit [2015-05-13 03:12:23] There's an Etrian Odyssey Mystery Dungeon. [2015-05-13 03:12:27] yeah... fair enough Melodia [2015-05-13 03:12:28] yeah i got into it eventually, but i quit before all the endgame stuff [2015-05-13 03:12:31] EO is Etrian Odyssey, and there was recently a new Mystery Dungeon spinoff like Pokemon had [2015-05-13 03:12:32] Is Etrian Mystery Dungeon any good? [2015-05-13 03:12:35] I've never even heard of that series [2015-05-13 03:12:36] Mystery Dungeon is it's own series that has spinoffs with other series. [2015-05-13 03:12:38] EO Mystery Dungeon came ut...like two weeks ago? [2015-05-13 03:12:44] Like I originally tried to route this using hospital, I estimated on a good day it's take around 1:25 alone [2015-05-13 03:12:52] Midboss hype [2015-05-13 03:12:53] March Godot. [2015-05-13 03:12:58] this new disgaea is only 4 hours long? i hope it got bad reviews, most of them are much longer [2015-05-13 03:13:04] sucks [2015-05-13 03:13:06] i've heard that the endgame drop rate tuning on mystery dungeon is really brutal [2015-05-13 03:13:06] midboss hype [2015-05-13 03:13:10] hes such a midboss [2015-05-13 03:13:12] lol there were mystery dungeons games before pokemon.. [2015-05-13 03:13:17] this song is the best [2015-05-13 03:13:17] There's an EO Mystery Dungeon!? That sounds right up my alley! [2015-05-13 03:13:18] two weeks..months...whoops [2015-05-13 03:13:18] I'm gonna bail for a bit. A friend of mine is out at a bar and I need to go visit him. [2015-05-13 03:13:24] Disgaea D2 is pretty short too [2015-05-13 03:13:27] Etrian mystery Dungeon is pretty awesome [2015-05-13 03:13:29] back in time for disgaea Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:13:33] Midboss has a pretty epic song too Kappa [2015-05-13 03:13:41] I think part of the reason is that [people want to get to end game [2015-05-13 03:13:44] like a midbaws [2015-05-13 03:13:45] not if you live in eu its not out yet comes later this year EO Mystery Dungeon [2015-05-13 03:13:48] sense of humor in this game is so good [2015-05-13 03:13:59] DD2 has SO MUCH studff that can be done it's insane, the main story is almost a prologue to it [2015-05-13 03:13:59] midboss music so good [2015-05-13 03:14:01] Yeah, living in EU and being an Etrian-fan is suffering [2015-05-13 03:14:06] rip? [2015-05-13 03:14:10] aww sorry EU folks :( [2015-05-13 03:14:12] impending "that's never happened before"? [2015-05-13 03:14:20] brace yourselves [2015-05-13 03:14:22] hoping DD2 comes out for PSVita [2015-05-13 03:14:24] and there's Midbus from Bowser's Inside Story [2015-05-13 03:14:29] Thank goodness for NIS America though who publishes them for us haha [2015-05-13 03:14:33] somebody get the counter ready!! [2015-05-13 03:14:33] You didn't go to the hospital after the last battle is why you don't have enough characters, I think [2015-05-13 03:14:34] rpgJerkBird Prizes you can win during this run: http://tinyurl.com/lkw6jvd ($15 minimum until the end of Castle of [2015-05-13 03:14:42] smarvelous just subscribed! [2015-05-13 03:14:42] smarvelous just subscribed! [2015-05-13 03:14:48] I am trying to not start Mystery Dungeon until I finish bonus sanctum stuff for EO4, but the draw is strong and I really need a break from EO4... [2015-05-13 03:14:49] Yeah, NIS America has done a decent job [2015-05-13 03:14:51] @Melodia42, is there any FF stream you dont visit cerFancy [2015-05-13 03:14:54] :\ [2015-05-13 03:14:55] can we stop saying "shout outs" for literall EVERYTHING? That is the most annoying thing imo [2015-05-13 03:14:59] A lot of them Rachet [2015-05-13 03:15:04] dead brawlers can't flex [2015-05-13 03:15:04] Forgot to heal [2015-05-13 03:15:04] Yay Smarvelous have a rpgGoodTaste [2015-05-13 03:15:05] or throw [2015-05-13 03:15:06] BibleThump [2015-05-13 03:15:08] called it [2015-05-13 03:15:10] shout out to the little *** complaining about shout outs [2015-05-13 03:15:11] Shout outs to getting annoyed [2015-05-13 03:15:13] forgetting to heal is a problem :) [2015-05-13 03:15:17] Resets incoming Kappa [2015-05-13 03:15:25] I'm just an attention whore so I chat a lot :D [2015-05-13 03:15:30] why is it always shout outs? why not whisper outs [2015-05-13 03:15:31] I've heard this announcer on AGDQ streams [2015-05-13 03:15:31] wow thats respectful dippyT Kappa [2015-05-13 03:15:34] that's be more polite [2015-05-13 03:15:36] i dont respect you [2015-05-13 03:15:38] I love this guy! [2015-05-13 03:15:43] Has anyone said HYPE yet, or is that finally dead? [2015-05-13 03:15:50] HOYPE [2015-05-13 03:15:56] I respect everyone! ... Except you. You know who you are. ^_- [2015-05-13 03:15:57] Ok [2015-05-13 03:15:58] always room for HAIPU [2015-05-13 03:15:58] HYPE hype Kappa [2015-05-13 03:16:00] Disgaea Hype ThunBeast [2015-05-13 03:16:00] ay though can I just say that pink's commentary is a super huge step up from SGDQ 2014 [2015-05-13 03:16:01] shoutouts formthose who shout shout outs for those complaining bout shout outs [2015-05-13 03:16:02] hype for a xenoblade chronicles run...that'd be it :) [2015-05-13 03:16:03] You don't simply say hype. [2015-05-13 03:16:05] You... shout it out. [2015-05-13 03:16:07] #HPYE [2015-05-13 03:16:07] like good on him [2015-05-13 03:16:09] How do you even diagonal throw? Does it work in the DS version? [2015-05-13 03:16:13] So is Makai Kingdom as Disgaea spinoff game then? [2015-05-13 03:16:13] prinny HYPE [2015-05-13 03:16:16] Oh my god I'm sorry I missed so much already [2015-05-13 03:16:26] It involves throwing as you're moving between the two spots [2015-05-13 03:16:28] @Godot193 I know they exist, but I haven't watched one [2015-05-13 03:16:28] i cant even sub [2015-05-13 03:16:32] Pink is just insanely good at it [2015-05-13 03:16:46] ya both makai and phantom are done by NIS and different style [2015-05-13 03:16:59] EO speedruns AND xenoblade runs? I need to explore twitch more...as dangerous as that sounds - thanks SwordofAeons [2015-05-13 03:17:07] to toss diagionally u have to aim one block further than the target [2015-05-13 03:17:08] Phantom Kingdom is considered a Disgaea spinoff [2015-05-13 03:17:13] FWIW [2015-05-13 03:17:22] MK is a separate game by the same company, from which several characters make cameos in multiple Disgaea games. [2015-05-13 03:17:40] m a freaking overlord [2015-05-13 03:17:40] The Yetee is doing a special shirt sale in support of RPGLB! $3 of every shirt purchased from http://www.theyetee.com/rpglimitbreak will be donated to NAMI. [2015-05-13 03:17:43] aiight well peace out everyone [2015-05-13 03:17:48] RIP Etna [2015-05-13 03:18:00] is there any way for you to turn down the game volume and up the runners mic if possible? [2015-05-13 03:18:00] i love most NIS games <3 [2015-05-13 03:18:12] 11k, sheesh [2015-05-13 03:18:13] I think the volume is fine [2015-05-13 03:18:19] Mid-Boss <3 [2015-05-13 03:18:21] dooood [2015-05-13 03:18:25] Poor Mid-Boss. :( [2015-05-13 03:18:30] Making fat stacks. [2015-05-13 03:18:33] Mid-Boss Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:18:34] Doooood muhFeels [2015-05-13 03:18:34] dood [2015-05-13 03:18:35] d00d [2015-05-13 03:18:36] doooood [2015-05-13 03:18:38] isn't losing to midboss an ending? why not lose to him and call that time [2015-05-13 03:18:40] big sis prinny ftw [2015-05-13 03:18:41] dooooooooooooooooood [2015-05-13 03:18:45] Just for comparison, the endboss of chapter 4 gives 5k HL... [2015-05-13 03:18:52] I have max volume on my laptop and I cant hear their commentary [2015-05-13 03:18:55] Prinny Dood [2015-05-13 03:18:56] prinny dood [2015-05-13 03:19:02] the big sis prinny BibleThump [2015-05-13 03:19:05] Try headphones, ColoRed? [2015-05-13 03:19:15] Etna's next episode preview were always amusing [2015-05-13 03:19:20] I'll give it a try [2015-05-13 03:19:20] -On the next episode of DRAGON BALL Z- [2015-05-13 03:19:29] @TheColoRed, it's something on your end, it's plenty loud here. Sorry. try refreshing maybe? [2015-05-13 03:19:33] Lahari sounds like the person who voiced Naota in FLCL [2015-05-13 03:19:33] These strats are so great, next time I start a new Disgaea game I'm gonna try playing this way. [2015-05-13 03:19:42] I'm looking forward to map 7-5. [2015-05-13 03:19:43] Personally my fav Disgaea is 2 [2015-05-13 03:19:48] i got a soundcard from 2000 that has manual output gain, i can hear everything [2015-05-13 03:19:57] Its because Laharls VA and Naota is the same person [2015-05-13 03:20:06] @sinfulheart seriously?! [2015-05-13 03:20:14] She was also Rita from the first Power Rangers :p [2015-05-13 03:20:27] Disgaea 2 was great mechanically but I loved the character development of 1 [2015-05-13 03:20:28] What?! Ahahaha that's awesome! [2015-05-13 03:20:32] Flonne! <3 [2015-05-13 03:20:34] She was Rita Repulsa!? [2015-05-13 03:20:36] Its time to Conquer Earth Kappa [2015-05-13 03:20:39] Yes, lol [2015-05-13 03:20:42] Flonne hype! [2015-05-13 03:20:46] And there is a Power Rangers class in this game.... [2015-05-13 03:20:48] gic wand, etc. etc. [2015-05-13 03:20:52] Shes done a lot of roles over the years [2015-05-13 03:20:54] Spread that <3 <3 <3 [2015-05-13 03:20:59] FLONNE <3 [2015-05-13 03:21:05] Wow, the Power Rangers name are super appropriate and I didn't even mean for that, lol [2015-05-13 03:21:09] KaltF4, Disgaea 2 was the Start of NIS realizing they could print money by barely iterating an engine and throwing on a crappy story to ride the coattails of a charming initial IP [2015-05-13 03:21:10] Know the name, perchance? [2015-05-13 03:21:11] yeah,lol [2015-05-13 03:21:12] Meteo Blast is the best [2015-05-13 03:21:16] That sounds like a neat let's play. Gonna need to look that up [2015-05-13 03:21:20] flonne Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:21:21] Ugh why is Etna so hot :( [2015-05-13 03:21:24] Nin-nin [2015-05-13 03:21:25] FLONNEZILLA!!! [2015-05-13 03:21:30] Nin nin nin [2015-05-13 03:21:30] Buttersbb, there's a viode of her doing the Laharl laugh. Go and search it up! [2015-05-13 03:21:30] NIN NIN [2015-05-13 03:21:34] (It's the sound a ninja makes!) [2015-05-13 03:21:37] butters, I don't think you can unlock it, but there's a battle later on where he fights the powe- I mean the Prism Rangers [2015-05-13 03:21:41] NIN NIN NIN [2015-05-13 03:21:43] NIN NIN NIN [2015-05-13 03:21:47] the Prism Rangers.. [2015-05-13 03:21:48] N I N N I N [2015-05-13 03:21:49] Blluuueee [2015-05-13 03:21:51] I love Flonne so much [2015-05-13 03:21:51] YELLLOOOWWWW [2015-05-13 03:22:00] Ninja Flonne [2015-05-13 03:22:00] oh god now i remember the anime , it was hilarous [2015-05-13 03:22:00] I'm so glad you can't skip this cutscene. [2015-05-13 03:22:02] Nice to meet you. I'm an assassin. [2015-05-13 03:22:05] Yes [2015-05-13 03:22:06] "Nice to meet you. I'm an assassin." [2015-05-13 03:22:08] I'm an assassin! cirFairy [2015-05-13 03:22:09] We're Master Assassins [2015-05-13 03:22:11] Flonne <3 [2015-05-13 03:22:11] the best line [2015-05-13 03:22:14] good donation [2015-05-13 03:22:15] PLS [2015-05-13 03:22:22] Based donation [2015-05-13 03:22:26] Flonne is adorable, but sooo clueless [2015-05-13 03:22:26] best timing on donations [2015-05-13 03:22:28] This game's story and dialogue are so amazing [2015-05-13 03:22:28] Yeah Flonne is awesome. I think she's even better in the sequal [2015-05-13 03:22:29] Domo. Ninja slayer desu. [2015-05-13 03:22:29] cirFairy [2015-05-13 03:22:29] That has to be the worst feeling in the world, speedrunning a game and discovering your route is worse than a random LP [2015-05-13 03:22:37] She turns into a Magical Girl on a whim [2015-05-13 03:22:39] \m/ [2015-05-13 03:22:54] this GAME is ridiculous? THIS STREAM IS RIDICULOUS (in the best ways possible)( [2015-05-13 03:22:58] Flonne is everything and nothing, all while being adorable at it. [2015-05-13 03:22:59] And says "JUSTICE!" all the time [2015-05-13 03:23:00] Flonnezilla is an awesome skill to watch though. [2015-05-13 03:23:08] ^ [2015-05-13 03:23:13] Yea! SMOrc [2015-05-13 03:23:24] Yea. [2015-05-13 03:23:25] ah the Dark Assembly [2015-05-13 03:23:27] NAY [2015-05-13 03:23:34] I don't understand why influence changes every time you back out of the menu [2015-05-13 03:23:34] MURDER THEM [2015-05-13 03:23:36] That's so odd [2015-05-13 03:23:38] RNGesus! [2015-05-13 03:23:38] REJECTED pattyRIP [2015-05-13 03:23:39] Presuade by force [2015-05-13 03:23:39] So much awesome in this stream [2015-05-13 03:23:41] REJECTED! [2015-05-13 03:23:49] anyone knows the link where I can see that challenge he mentioned? [2015-05-13 03:23:49] ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY YAYs༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ [2015-05-13 03:23:50] If you persuade them by force too many times you get the council ending [2015-05-13 03:23:54] Influence means the combined level of the senators [2015-05-13 03:23:56] they change senators each time you back out [2015-05-13 03:23:56] trumpGive Yea! trumpGive [2015-05-13 03:23:59] Which might also be worth speedrunning to [2015-05-13 03:24:00] It's because there's a lot of senators and different ones are at each session [2015-05-13 03:24:03] All Yea!s PogChamp [2015-05-13 03:24:03] It's a different set of senators each time [2015-05-13 03:24:04] All Yeas wixNis [2015-05-13 03:24:09] and each senator has its own influence [2015-05-13 03:24:10] rofl of course [2015-05-13 03:24:12] Yea PogChamp dssClap [2015-05-13 03:24:13] Zing [2015-05-13 03:24:21] Aw Yea! Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:24:26] I return, with real life donuts. [2015-05-13 03:24:29] abex that looks like spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 03:24:30] It's even crazier in the newer games where every senator screams it all at once. [2015-05-13 03:24:38] I forget, does the first Disgaea have the Legendary Senators? [2015-05-13 03:24:43] Nopw [2015-05-13 03:24:44] no [2015-05-13 03:24:48] Ah k. [2015-05-13 03:24:51] Original is pretty basic [2015-05-13 03:24:53] nay [2015-05-13 03:25:01] I haven't played the original in a while D: [2015-05-13 03:25:01] spiritWEEE [2015-05-13 03:25:01] disgaea 1 is super simplified [2015-05-13 03:25:10] and even that is pretty crazy lol [2015-05-13 03:25:16] There's a lot of clunkiness to the game compared to later games [2015-05-13 03:25:32] I still love the first the best, though I like them all [2015-05-13 03:25:34] But yet it's easily in my top five most played games ever [2015-05-13 03:25:34] Disgaea is a game where you can go inside of a piece of gum to power up the attack power of a sword [2015-05-13 03:25:36] spirits i need to do some dq8 right now i need my spirit fix [2015-05-13 03:25:42] My dream Disgaea would have the story and characters of 1 while having 4's mechanics. [2015-05-13 03:25:56] This run doing so deep on throw abuse is everything I hoped it would be. [2015-05-13 03:25:59] So Disgaea D2? [2015-05-13 03:25:59] Have you played DD2 Mayo? [2015-05-13 03:26:02] Disgaea D2 was really good I though [2015-05-13 03:26:04] thought [2015-05-13 03:26:05] Nope :( [2015-05-13 03:26:09] its basically a combo [2015-05-13 03:26:13] Of all I've played (haven't played 4 or 5) it's the best mechanically [2015-05-13 03:26:26] it uses most of 4's mechanics [2015-05-13 03:26:30] 4 is really really good. You should play it [2015-05-13 03:26:31] My favourite Disgaea characters were the Disgaea 2 lot :( [2015-05-13 03:26:35] It's a lot like the original, but it has evalities and a lot of other stuff [2015-05-13 03:26:36] Waiting for the localization on 5 [2015-05-13 03:26:38] I knew people were gonna throw DD2, but is the story any good like the first game? [2015-05-13 03:26:46] DD2 takes out a lot of grinding fat that didn't need to be there. [2015-05-13 03:26:46] Axel best char [2015-05-13 03:26:47] i loved rosalin [2015-05-13 03:27:01] The story is funny. But not quite at the level of the original [2015-05-13 03:27:02] Taro and Rozy are the only good characters from D2. [2015-05-13 03:27:02] Adell & Rozalin ftw. [2015-05-13 03:27:03] rosalin was beast [2015-05-13 03:27:06] its diferent, but it plays out really well I think, not as good as 1 but can get close [2015-05-13 03:27:15] It's also pretty short [2015-05-13 03:27:24] Eight chapters and not a huge amount of maps on most [2015-05-13 03:27:38] But it has Sicily ~ [2015-05-13 03:27:39] yeah, post game is still pretty full though [2015-05-13 03:27:44] Oh yeah [2015-05-13 03:27:46] Axel carried D2. Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:27:52] Post game stuff is extremely stuffed [2015-05-13 03:27:57] D4 Axel = amazing [2015-05-13 03:28:04] D2 = Diablo 2 in my world. TriHard [2015-05-13 03:28:05] Post-game is where the fun begins with disgaea games anyway [2015-05-13 03:28:22] And thats Disgaea 4!!!! [2015-05-13 03:28:22] axel was pointless in d4. he offered nothing. [2015-05-13 03:28:30] Disgaea 5 Coming Soon [2015-05-13 03:28:31] im a slightly older gamer than most, and my first tactical RPG was Shining Force..... love those. [2015-05-13 03:28:39] Axl also worthless in Mega Man X8 [2015-05-13 03:28:40] My first was FFT [2015-05-13 03:28:40] ive only yet to try Disgaea... [2015-05-13 03:28:41] Kappa [2015-05-13 03:28:41] well its where the meat of the game begins, the story's are really good in all of them I feel, though 1 shines the most I feel [2015-05-13 03:28:48] 9 levels Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:28:51] is there a schedule for this event? [2015-05-13 03:28:55] Disgaea 4 trailer best trailer [2015-05-13 03:28:57] !schedule [2015-05-13 03:28:57] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 03:28:58] that level boost Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:28:59] !schedule [2015-05-13 03:28:59] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 03:29:01] d'oh [2015-05-13 03:29:06] Borg1982 Shining Force were great games [2015-05-13 03:29:17] you win this round Sword of Aeons [2015-05-13 03:29:19] Shining Force 1/2 are really underrated games [2015-05-13 03:29:24] @Godot193 im actually about to stream part 2 in moments. [2015-05-13 03:29:26] shining force series Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:29:32] I had Shining Force 3 and played maybe 2/3 of it and got kinda meh....recently tried it again and couldn't even beat the first battle [2015-05-13 03:29:37] They hadn't seen nothin yet for level jumps [2015-05-13 03:29:39] my alltime favorites are SFCD and SF3 for the unpopular sega CD & saturn [2015-05-13 03:29:45] I guess it's possible emulator RNG was to blame [2015-05-13 03:29:48] afk [2015-05-13 03:29:51] lots of good games coming up [2015-05-13 03:30:00] Even though Peter in 2 is basically FF Tactics Cid before Cid [2015-05-13 03:30:01] shining force was really cool [2015-05-13 03:30:01] 9 levels PogChamp [2015-05-13 03:30:04] @Melodia42 the first battle is dumb lol, ill admit that. the entire story early on is long. [2015-05-13 03:30:14] Borg1982 oh man, I'm pretty glued to this, but I'll be along eventually haha [2015-05-13 03:30:15] Lots of good stuff... and I'm super busy this week. orz [2015-05-13 03:30:15] FlexMetaFlex is putting in work [2015-05-13 03:30:20] Oh well, at least there's recordings! [2015-05-13 03:30:34] I love the genre but somehow not too many of them have actually engaed me beyond FFT and the Disgaeaseries [2015-05-13 03:30:42] im processing donatons at the moment and my job is too easy right now. think we need a lot more donations to make me work some lol. [2015-05-13 03:30:46] im mainly here to see what disagaea is all about, but i think a LetsPlay would make more sense cuz they go slower. [2015-05-13 03:30:53] I recently bought Rime Berta and played all of one battle [2015-05-13 03:31:01] Make the man work [2015-05-13 03:31:03] Sweet! I am not the biggest fan of Disgaea, so I might tune in a bit later!Is all proceeds going to NAMI? [2015-05-13 03:31:06] Disgaea is all about level grinding [2015-05-13 03:31:08] I'm a Fire Emblem fan but most other sRPGs are way to slow to hold my interest [2015-05-13 03:31:11] Disgaea is not really even about the main story anyways [2015-05-13 03:31:15] yes colo [2015-05-13 03:31:16] while I don't particularly like HCBailly he did a let's play of this that's really good. [2015-05-13 03:31:18] This is super intersting though [2015-05-13 03:31:21] I play like one SRPG every two years, last one was Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together which was fun [2015-05-13 03:31:22] yeah, Disgaea, get to 9999 then reset to 1 and do it again [2015-05-13 03:31:26] Yeah, an LP would probably be better @Borg1982, most people aren't going to play with throw strats, especially their first time. [2015-05-13 03:31:26] < likes the main story [2015-05-13 03:31:27] I have high hopes for Unsung Story though [2015-05-13 03:31:33] Let me make a dollar bill split into 50 donation incentives OpieOP [2015-05-13 03:31:34] LUCT is a good pick [2015-05-13 03:31:41] @Swordofaeons ive beaten Awakening on hard but never played much of the rest of the series. what is ur ranking of the best FE's so i can stream the good ones? [2015-05-13 03:31:41] dont forget about tossing around penguin bombs [2015-05-13 03:31:48] I always wanted to play Disgae series, and La pucelle, but I could never get into them because I heard they are super long. Is this true? [2015-05-13 03:31:53] Disgaea is not about the main story in general, but they are still relatively good [2015-05-13 03:32:02] I also tried PSP LUCT and liked it ok but it just feels a bit clunky [2015-05-13 03:32:04] that depends on what you want to do [2015-05-13 03:32:07] la pucelle is nothing like this [2015-05-13 03:32:10] if you want to max out everything they are super long [2015-05-13 03:32:13] This will give a good idea of how the game can be broken during the main story, but Disgaea is very much a post-game game. [2015-05-13 03:32:14] But PSX LUCT is hidious so it's a major improvement [2015-05-13 03:32:17] The story in the first is basically about how Laharl tries to win the throne of his father, who passed away 3 years earlier. [2015-05-13 03:32:18] but it's not needed [2015-05-13 03:32:20] Them being super long is a good thing though [2015-05-13 03:32:26] So have we run into the zombie with a horse wiener yet? [2015-05-13 03:32:26] disgaea was designed for grinding in mind [2015-05-13 03:32:26] @iceplug Lol [2015-05-13 03:32:28] @Borg1982 7 is probably the best for streaming. I like everything 7 - 10, hard to rank really [2015-05-13 03:32:28] I like getting huge bang for my buck out of a game [2015-05-13 03:32:33] it's basically there if you want it [2015-05-13 03:32:33] That's chapter 7 [2015-05-13 03:32:36] He's on Chapter 2 [2015-05-13 03:32:43] @Swordofaeons is there a remake of the original? [2015-05-13 03:32:43] Horse weiner zombie in a good ways into the game [2015-05-13 03:32:44] its a lot better than just that mayo :-P [2015-05-13 03:32:51] but thats the bulk of it yes lol [2015-05-13 03:32:57] @Borg1982 Yeah, FE11 is a remake of 1 [2015-05-13 03:32:58] i'm disturbed that you know the precise chapter where that item is located [2015-05-13 03:32:59] I love bang for my buck as well, but now that I am grown up ,I don't have time anymore. [2015-05-13 03:33:01] Well, I just got back from dinner, I dont' know how far he's gotten... [2015-05-13 03:33:05] basically if you're not into one NIS game, you wont be into any others either lol [2015-05-13 03:33:06] Players who have maxed everything often have 1k+ hour files (plus probably several days on unsaved times from resets). [2015-05-13 03:33:14] @Swordofaeons not familiar with numbers, what is 11's console & subtitle? [2015-05-13 03:33:24] I bear Chrono Trigger like 15-20 times from 1995 to 2005 and since then..maybe twice. [2015-05-13 03:33:27] Growing up sucks [2015-05-13 03:33:37] @Borg1982 it's a DS one. I think it's called "Shadow Dragon?" [2015-05-13 03:33:41] no growing up bloats [2015-05-13 03:33:42] The story for these games would take like 20-30 hours maybe. [2015-05-13 03:33:44] you just need time management [2015-05-13 03:33:45] Are there any insentives? Like name file name or anything? [2015-05-13 03:33:51] Yes [2015-05-13 03:33:56] he's nameing all the generics [2015-05-13 03:33:58] @Swordofaeons oh crap my fault, ive beaten shadow dragon and awakening. so yeah i beat the remake. [2015-05-13 03:33:59] post game of this is basically do the same level 100000+ times [2015-05-13 03:34:00] Shadow Dragon was on the DS, the remake? [2015-05-13 03:34:07] also if you want to donate for a name, and its not yet in the list of names, you dont ned to put it towards a different name on selection, just leaving a comment where you want it, is enough. [2015-05-13 03:34:08] what is this event and how long will it last? [2015-05-13 03:34:08] essentia speed runs FF6 and chrono trigger while being a mother. Time management. o3o [2015-05-13 03:34:10] Such as those brawlers and that red mage [2015-05-13 03:34:25] The story for Disgaea 1 is the best of 1-4. The continuation of Disgaea D2 is wonderfully done also. [2015-05-13 03:34:30] Still left are two nokematas and a puck [2015-05-13 03:34:35] nekomatas [2015-05-13 03:34:43] NUUU, FLONNE. [2015-05-13 03:34:45] @Obnoxiouslinuxguy This is RPGLimitBreak, a 5 day speedrunning marathon featuring all rpgs [2015-05-13 03:34:45] Speed running is a bit different then sitting back and enjoying the game. I also have board games to play Dios. [2015-05-13 03:34:50] Don't hurte my Flonne [2015-05-13 03:34:54] Flonne is amazing :) [2015-05-13 03:34:57] In 15 hours I will be there [2015-05-13 03:35:01] I can't freaking wait [2015-05-13 03:35:08] @Borg1982 gameplay-wise, the fanhack FE7 Chaos Mode is far and away my favorite. It's brutally difficult [2015-05-13 03:35:09] i can't wait for Tales of Xillia :D [2015-05-13 03:35:17] ^ [2015-05-13 03:35:20] FLONNE IS SO ADORBS <3 <3 <3 [2015-05-13 03:35:22] @Obnoxiouslinuxguy it will run 24/7 til Saturday night [2015-05-13 03:35:23] I can't wait till half minute hero lol [2015-05-13 03:35:25] spikevageta mic too loud [2015-05-13 03:35:28] yeah Xillia co-op should be neat [2015-05-13 03:35:31] PogChamp [2015-05-13 03:35:32] The most adorb assassin cirFairy [2015-05-13 03:35:35] nice! [2015-05-13 03:35:40] Nin Nin Woosh Kappa [2015-05-13 03:35:40] What is love BibleThump ? [2015-05-13 03:35:41] thanks for the event, guys, this is awesome [2015-05-13 03:35:44] I still need to finish HMH. I love it so much unsure why I haven't [2015-05-13 03:35:44] Would you pat a Flonne on the head? [2015-05-13 03:35:46] I can't wait for suikoden, FF:CC and the KH Runs [2015-05-13 03:35:47] remember you can donate to vote for Tales of Xillia Costumes :) [2015-05-13 03:35:52] Flonne is one of the few females Laharl isn't allergic to. [2015-05-13 03:35:56] Suikoden! Tactics! [2015-05-13 03:36:00] Because her breasts are small [2015-05-13 03:36:02] flonne and etna [2015-05-13 03:36:03] If you are unable to donate, you can still help the marathon just by spreading the word. [2015-05-13 03:36:07] thats about it [2015-05-13 03:36:16] laharl is only allergic to sexy ladies. [2015-05-13 03:36:18] Lufia 2 is the one I want to see the most, because I am sure Feral will do something hilariously bad. Kappa [2015-05-13 03:36:19] hey Laharl has certain....interests [2015-05-13 03:36:20] I think it's kinda sad that the run never geochains, setting up some of them is ridiculously cool looking [2015-05-13 03:36:20] what are the options on ToX costumes? [2015-05-13 03:36:24] a later boss takes advantage of that [2015-05-13 03:36:26] Spreading the word now [2015-05-13 03:36:37] Let's find out... [2015-05-13 03:36:39] Killing machine? WutFace [2015-05-13 03:36:47] Killing machine PogChamp [2015-05-13 03:36:49] KAPOW [2015-05-13 03:36:49] SPACE MONSTER FLONNE [2015-05-13 03:36:50] oh so that's why puwexil has been doing chrono trigger [2015-05-13 03:36:56] TRANFORMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [2015-05-13 03:36:58] "Idols and School outfits", "Maids and Butlers", and "Swimsuits" [2015-05-13 03:37:00] FLONNEZILLLAAAAAA [2015-05-13 03:37:03] Flonnezilla X [2015-05-13 03:37:06] @Yesimcmayhew Don't forget Mystic Quest. there is a donation incentive to make me to do the first part of game blindfolded. [2015-05-13 03:37:07] I have never ever used flonne in any NI game [2015-05-13 03:37:07] Flonne is so amazing!!! [2015-05-13 03:37:09] @Rpglimitbreak , yeah Spike that is indeed how it is pronounced [2015-05-13 03:37:15] "YOU Choo-choo-choose me?" -- RALPH [2015-05-13 03:37:16] "etna , my castle fell again" [2015-05-13 03:37:18] space monster space detective flonne [2015-05-13 03:37:20] why no cameo costumes? [2015-05-13 03:37:30] who is the best disgaea waifu [2015-05-13 03:37:35] @Davidcorperial thanks for the support and the donation. [2015-05-13 03:37:37] Rozylin [2015-05-13 03:37:39] I'd have to check with the runners themselves [2015-05-13 03:37:39] Spike, tell me, what is Andyperfefct doing right now [2015-05-13 03:37:43] All of them [2015-05-13 03:37:43] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-13 03:37:45] powerofthepowerofthe =O [2015-05-13 03:37:48] thanks, ffgamer [2015-05-13 03:37:53] You like RPGs, Power?! [2015-05-13 03:37:59] Oh yeah i forgot Mystic quest was being ran. When do you run it? as it depends on uni not being a pain [2015-05-13 03:38:02] i never could get in to the tile based combat. [2015-05-13 03:38:21] !schedule [2015-05-13 03:38:21] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 03:38:24] item world... only gets insanely more complicated after this game [2015-05-13 03:38:26] Enker, how will I know when you're on stream [2015-05-13 03:38:26] @Davidcorperial anytime [2015-05-13 03:38:27] Best Disgaea Waifu? Flonne, then Roz, then Etna [2015-05-13 03:38:30] It's hard to get into it, but once you're in, it's very hard to get OUT [2015-05-13 03:39:38] Nekomata... Keepo [2015-05-13 03:39:38] at least in Japan [2015-05-13 03:39:41] You learn to not sleep when you are a uni student [2015-05-13 03:39:41] Tell me, Spike [2015-05-13 03:39:43] Sleep is lame [2015-05-13 03:39:48] that brawler tower [2015-05-13 03:39:51] Is Andyperfect's hair perfectly combed? [2015-05-13 03:39:57] Gonna try and stay up as long as possible for this [2015-05-13 03:39:58] @Melodia42 Succubus in Disgaea 1 wasnt that good looking [2015-05-13 03:39:59] Uni student here, I have no idea how to not sleep [2015-05-13 03:40:00] yes enker [2015-05-13 03:40:02] I'll be on camera for Suikoden. Doing commentary with Osey for WyrmTalon [2015-05-13 03:40:04] oh man [2015-05-13 03:40:07] I can't wait [2015-05-13 03:40:11] I'm talking series in general [2015-05-13 03:40:12] beefhash whats sleep? [2015-05-13 03:40:27] That thing where you close your eyes and spend about eight hours passed out without even drinking [2015-05-13 03:40:37] I think i have to prepare a nice message for ssjSpikeChamp when he runs KH2 [2015-05-13 03:40:40] Without drinking? [2015-05-13 03:40:42] No such thing [2015-05-13 03:40:45] sleep  is  for  the  weak [2015-05-13 03:40:46] Kappa [2015-05-13 03:40:48] Emmer, my hair is always perfect [2015-05-13 03:40:50] Good thing Triple Strike has knockback [2015-05-13 03:40:50] appaK [2015-05-13 03:40:51] rpgLevelup [2015-05-13 03:40:52] NO [2015-05-13 03:40:55] Will that couch give me powers? [2015-05-13 03:41:01] just give me one REM cycle, I'll be good to go [2015-05-13 03:41:05] no enker [2015-05-13 03:41:09] Apparently your autocorrect name is Emmer. Good to know. [2015-05-13 03:41:13] Will I never again fail the Bufferless Belselk Skip? [2015-05-13 03:41:16] Dude, I'm now Emmer [2015-05-13 03:41:20] Andy, make sure to lose RNG at the start of the run and get it back again. Impress everyone [2015-05-13 03:41:26] EmmerBlouse [2015-05-13 03:41:37] blues doesnt get autocorrected [2015-05-13 03:41:47] it does in my heart [2015-05-13 03:41:55] It does if you want it to. [2015-05-13 03:42:00] FFgamer you're already there too, right? [2015-05-13 03:42:01] Kappa [2015-05-13 03:42:03] Gotta love those easy stages Kappa [2015-05-13 03:42:03] this RNG [2015-05-13 03:42:06] Just train Autocorrect to mess up Blues. [2015-05-13 03:42:06] Look forward to meeting you tomorrow =D [2015-05-13 03:42:07] nice skip [2015-05-13 03:42:08] Sleep is for the weak [2015-05-13 03:42:11] RNG is amazing sometimes [2015-05-13 03:42:17] PogChamp [2015-05-13 03:42:25] The RNG can really troll in this game [2015-05-13 03:42:30] Question of the century [2015-05-13 03:42:33] Should I wear my work clothes [2015-05-13 03:42:36] or casual tomorrow [2015-05-13 03:42:38] It's actually sometimes literally impossible to get to the exit some times [2015-05-13 03:42:42] You should manmode it Enker [2015-05-13 03:42:43] I might wear gray slacks and an orange polo [2015-05-13 03:42:43] The RNG can and will produce maps that are unwinnable at this stage in the game [2015-05-13 03:42:44] go 'cas [2015-05-13 03:42:46] or I'll be disappoint [2015-05-13 03:42:52] people please, there's no such thing as RNG, its deterministic Kappa [2015-05-13 03:42:54] Manmode?! [2015-05-13 03:42:57] YES [2015-05-13 03:42:59] MANMODE [2015-05-13 03:42:59] My wife does all the man stuff D: [2015-05-13 03:43:00] It can produce maps ALWAYS unwinable [2015-05-13 03:43:02] Whatmode? [2015-05-13 03:43:05] We want to see the real Enker [2015-05-13 03:43:09] Tell her Tanktop and shorts Kappa [2015-05-13 03:43:12] hahaha [2015-05-13 03:43:15] Melodia42 I thought hyperdrive or whatev can fix most of those? [2015-05-13 03:43:21] If not all [2015-05-13 03:43:21] Maybe I'll wear my Mavs Jersey [2015-05-13 03:43:25] but I'll have an undershirt [2015-05-13 03:43:26] enker baby [2015-05-13 03:43:27] =D [2015-05-13 03:43:28] Almost [2015-05-13 03:43:28] Loving the tower of brawlers [2015-05-13 03:43:34] OMG SOAD [2015-05-13 03:43:35] hi mikalia :3 [2015-05-13 03:43:37] just stear clear of the item god and you'll be okay :p [2015-05-13 03:43:37] brawlers are op [2015-05-13 03:43:39] :D [2015-05-13 03:43:41] Mavs are legit [2015-05-13 03:43:43] /me sits on mikalia's head [2015-05-13 03:43:44] I'm alive! [2015-05-13 03:43:44] Still could say, have a very high snguklar gatekeeper or something [2015-05-13 03:43:51] Throw-chains have much more beefcake than Fire Emblem rescue-chains [2015-05-13 03:43:57] im out for some Shining FOrce 2; cya all [2015-05-13 03:43:58] Andy, please wear something Rockets related [2015-05-13 03:43:58] Hello Sky! =D [2015-05-13 03:44:04] so our rivalry/friendship can be sealed [2015-05-13 03:44:06] cya there skyline if u visit :) [2015-05-13 03:44:09] /me pets Sky. =3 [2015-05-13 03:44:19] Sealed in a hug on stream Kappa [2015-05-13 03:44:21] Or an invincible one you can't move because it's in a corner. That could at least be solved with a Rogue though [2015-05-13 03:44:26] So enkerman3000, how's life [2015-05-13 03:44:33] Pretty good, homeskillet [2015-05-13 03:44:40] So good, in fact, that I'l lbe at RPGLB tomorrow! [2015-05-13 03:44:41] Looks like he is using a toothbrush [2015-05-13 03:44:41] Did I miss the hug? D[= [2015-05-13 03:44:43] WITH ANDYPERFECT [2015-05-13 03:44:45] Cool, are you doing this rpglimitbreak thing? [2015-05-13 03:44:46] D=* [2015-05-13 03:44:46] sup meta [2015-05-13 03:44:47] cerHype [2015-05-13 03:44:50] Oh snap! [2015-05-13 03:44:57] I'm running Wild ARMS on friday =D [2015-05-13 03:45:01] Dude, awesome [2015-05-13 03:45:02] cya borg x3 [2015-05-13 03:45:03] wild ARms ;o [2015-05-13 03:45:05] a co-op run with cha0s [2015-05-13 03:45:07] Then contact on saturday right? [2015-05-13 03:45:10] Huzzah! [2015-05-13 03:45:11] hahah [2015-05-13 03:45:13] :D [2015-05-13 03:45:14] wild arms Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:45:15] Kappa// [2015-05-13 03:45:17] Unforch Contact didn't make the cut =P [2015-05-13 03:45:21] Hollowman is my waifu [2015-05-13 03:45:25] "Unforch" [2015-05-13 03:45:25] cerHype? [2015-05-13 03:45:27] wild arms PogChamp I've never seen a run of it before [2015-05-13 03:45:29] cerHype!!!! [2015-05-13 03:45:30] #banned [2015-05-13 03:45:34] Power, you should check it out! [2015-05-13 03:45:38] It has ACE [2015-05-13 03:45:46] no way [2015-05-13 03:45:47] yea, wild arms is an awesome run [2015-05-13 03:45:49] does the speedrun use item dupe to make sword skills use 1MP Kappa [2015-05-13 03:45:52] Some nerds worked really hard to make it glitch out [2015-05-13 03:45:57] DiosGX nope [2015-05-13 03:45:59] I'm STILL not modded? dwdIsMad [2015-05-13 03:46:03] DiosGX but we do dupe [2015-05-13 03:46:07] You'll just have to wait and see ;) [2015-05-13 03:46:12] DWD...give it time. :) [2015-05-13 03:46:14] apple sauce? o3o [2015-05-13 03:46:14] Hello DW [2015-05-13 03:46:24] I'm not modded, but for good reason [2015-05-13 03:46:24] You can join the unmodded club DW. I'll make you vice president. [2015-05-13 03:46:31] dwdBossbetrollin what's up DW [2015-05-13 03:46:32] I've never sucessfully timed out someone [2015-05-13 03:46:32] has the route change in the last year enker [2015-05-13 03:46:36] hey I know DW [2015-05-13 03:46:39] lmao [2015-05-13 03:46:42] Emp, the route, no, but optimizations, yes [2015-05-13 03:46:57] We do something diff in Ghost Ship [2015-05-13 03:46:58] @Highspirits Dont forget the Glass of water for your song [2015-05-13 03:46:59] Nice drive home. [2015-05-13 03:47:02] Eating. [2015-05-13 03:47:12] but everything else I've just been testing/optimizing and cha0s is finding new things to make things easier [2015-05-13 03:47:14] Well, just stopping in to say hi enker, I'll try to stop by when you're on. What time do you play? [2015-05-13 03:47:16] I can see it now. Enker gets modded, times him self out instantly. [2015-05-13 03:47:19] Still talking about singing? [2015-05-13 03:47:23] Any% doesn't include post-game stuff, right? [2015-05-13 03:47:24] Yeah sure toasty [2015-05-13 03:47:29] Everyone should donate for the Brawlers noble sacrifices in this run. [2015-05-13 03:47:34] F [2015-05-13 03:47:34] mods cant time themselves out yuber i try it everytime someone mods me [2015-05-13 03:47:39] I play around 11:55 Friday night [2015-05-13 03:47:45] Probably, Yuber13 [2015-05-13 03:47:45] Perfect [2015-05-13 03:47:51] Why would you ruin the dream EMP [2015-05-13 03:47:55] I was looking over Highspirits' shoulder and talking about how I never sing in my stream right before I left for the night. [2015-05-13 03:48:01] I will try to see you in action bae ;) [2015-05-13 03:48:03] make an incentive to get lost in hollow world enker Kappa [2015-05-13 03:48:08] Right after my run is some lame Lunar 2 run [2015-05-13 03:48:15] DW smarter than me [2015-05-13 03:48:15] This run played through to the good (theoretically) ending [2015-05-13 03:48:17] Kappa [2015-05-13 03:48:23] bye enker :D [2015-05-13 03:48:25] A REAL any% would lose at Mid-Boss [2015-05-13 03:48:30] see ya soad <3! [2015-05-13 03:48:33] I also never lie. [2015-05-13 03:48:33] ff6 as the wild arms pre-show Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:48:34] <3 [2015-05-13 03:48:39] And never run, apparently. [2015-05-13 03:48:40] Blue Dragon PALM [2015-05-13 03:48:50] We should name everyone in FF6 either Bich, or Choke [2015-05-13 03:48:51] FF6 is gonna be a great warm up for the real run of Friday [2015-05-13 03:48:59] DW refuses to flee [2015-05-13 03:49:08] I'm still nervous though [2015-05-13 03:49:14] my run is far away but I have butterflies like crazy [2015-05-13 03:49:26] Don't you wish metal slimes were like that HS? [2015-05-13 03:49:31] Yeah it happens enker [2015-05-13 03:49:35] /me is also looking for a belt. [2015-05-13 03:49:46] I wish melodia [2015-05-13 03:49:47] /me needs something to notch....repeatedly. [2015-05-13 03:50:02] Hoggmeiser [2015-05-13 03:50:02] Ok, next question of the century [2015-05-13 03:50:04] !shirts [2015-05-13 03:50:04] The Yetee is doing a special shirt sale in support of RPGLB! $3 of every shirt purchased from http://www.theyetee.com/rpglimitbreak will be donated to NAMI. [2015-05-13 03:50:05] don't notch poor Drippy [2015-05-13 03:50:07] Which bball shorts do I wear [2015-05-13 03:50:12] Droppy. [2015-05-13 03:50:12] I have a pair of neon orange bball shorts [2015-05-13 03:50:13] Literal wall of meat ...blush... [2015-05-13 03:50:18] holy crap Dragon Quest VIII is coming out for 3DS [2015-05-13 03:50:21] When I did this map, literally only Laharl survived [2015-05-13 03:50:25] Dude, how much would it suck to miss a diagonal throw? [2015-05-13 03:50:32] Larry Bird short shorts [2015-05-13 03:50:40] Depends on the situation [2015-05-13 03:50:40] i mean the worse thing that can happen is you ruin the run and cant finish enker Kappa [2015-05-13 03:50:41] dwdRainbowmeat [2015-05-13 03:50:43] lets hope it gets announced for the west [2015-05-13 03:50:48] doubtful atm [2015-05-13 03:51:14] Will there be VODs for all the runs? [2015-05-13 03:51:18] hard to say... it already comes with retailer preorder bonuses. that's just begging to get implemented here [2015-05-13 03:51:19] Yes [2015-05-13 03:51:19] that 1k+ damage [2015-05-13 03:51:28] Expect softlocking [2015-05-13 03:51:35] @FantomFang VODs are automatic for everything on Twitch [2015-05-13 03:51:39] yes and no ground, because some of the retailers are japanese exclusive kind of things [2015-05-13 03:51:40] The damage he takes is actually the enemy's max health [2015-05-13 03:51:41] In Disgaea 1K is microscopic [2015-05-13 03:51:44] @Fantomfang Yes [2015-05-13 03:51:48] Hey Highspirits, when are your new emotes coming, by the way? [2015-05-13 03:52:01] @Fantomfang We will have all the runs on youtube [2015-05-13 03:52:04] !schedule [2015-05-13 03:52:04] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 03:52:12] true... I'm remaining hopeful... [2015-05-13 03:52:15] dropped below 100 Giramoni [2015-05-13 03:52:19] Did any of you guys donate because of the flexing before this run? [2015-05-13 03:52:20] I certainly want it [2015-05-13 03:52:22] @Powerofthepowerofthe hey [2015-05-13 03:52:24] !incentives [2015-05-13 03:52:28] Ugh nothing worse than trying to watch amazing speedruns in blistering heat [2015-05-13 03:52:29] But we don't have a good track record for DQ ports [2015-05-13 03:52:31] -shrug- [2015-05-13 03:52:34] BibleThump [2015-05-13 03:52:40] i agree with laharl. Love is dumb :p [2015-05-13 03:52:41] @Ffgamer86 Heya [2015-05-13 03:52:43] LOVE HYPE [2015-05-13 03:52:52] the first time i ran wild arms i despawned the boat and couldnt finish the game [2015-05-13 03:53:09] can you feel the love tonight [2015-05-13 03:53:17] no [2015-05-13 03:53:19] @Emp_put_waifu_in_mugen nice softlock [2015-05-13 03:53:31] I would DW but I've missed after the end of this week 2 weeks of work from being sick and having surgery [2015-05-13 03:53:46] Despawning the boat is NBD [2015-05-13 03:53:54] you know what's better than a Hint of Kindness? a hint of lime Kappa [2015-05-13 03:53:59] facing the wrong way while boat switching can be dangerous [2015-05-13 03:54:07] Chef Etna!! [2015-05-13 03:54:20] "cajun style gumbo"...eh? [2015-05-13 03:54:24] OpieOP [2015-05-13 03:54:33] Yesss xD [2015-05-13 03:54:34] I thought that first was automatically implied sans descriptor [2015-05-13 03:54:35] isn't a gumbo....cajun style? [2015-05-13 03:54:37] DOOD NO EATING PRINNIES [2015-05-13 03:54:50] What do prinnies taste like? [2015-05-13 03:54:55] pringles [2015-05-13 03:55:08] bummer [2015-05-13 03:55:20] I get the feeling Etna must be very bored. [2015-05-13 03:55:20] the sour cream and onion variety [2015-05-13 03:55:37] SourPls [2015-05-13 03:55:37] WHAT IS THIS BOOK [2015-05-13 03:55:44] SourPls [2015-05-13 03:55:47] OpieOP [2015-05-13 03:55:50] THIS PAGE... NO, THIS PAGE! AUGH!! [2015-05-13 03:56:17] Flonne is going to do something good? Kreygasm [2015-05-13 03:56:20] Spike, tell me. Is Andyperfect smiling right now? [2015-05-13 03:56:33] "Something good" [2015-05-13 03:56:34] Prinnies taste ike suagr and evil [2015-05-13 03:56:39] I'm going to need to go to bed well before this run is done...this is why I sometimes dislike marathons. [2015-05-13 03:56:41] Enker pls [2015-05-13 03:56:51] Technically speaking, gumbo is Creole, which is distinct from Cajun, although related. [2015-05-13 03:56:54] That a yes? [2015-05-13 03:57:10] Giramoni wins [2015-05-13 03:57:16] Giramoni i wasn't aware Creole and Cajun were distinct...hm [2015-05-13 03:57:17] You win a trip to NOLA [2015-05-13 03:57:18] andyBigAndy [2015-05-13 03:57:19] Is there a donation tracker? [2015-05-13 03:57:30] WOAHWOAH did he just throw diagnal [2015-05-13 03:57:32] rpglimitbreak website, power [2015-05-13 03:57:39] o.O [2015-05-13 03:57:42] I would link it [2015-05-13 03:57:45] but that got me timed out [2015-05-13 03:57:45] For alternate chat, live donation ticker, and auto-updating schedule, check out our website at http://www.rpglimitbreak.com [2015-05-13 03:57:45] OMG YES DISGAEA BrokeBack [2015-05-13 03:57:46] It also shows up where the "next game" is. [2015-05-13 03:57:50] Sometimes. [2015-05-13 03:57:54] They're both from Louisiana and obviously over time there has been a lot of mixing and influence back and forth [2015-05-13 03:57:54] thanks moobot [2015-05-13 03:57:58] Maybe. I might be hallucinating. [2015-05-13 03:58:06] Thanks robot [2015-05-13 03:58:09] "could you explain that" "um is that...?" "okay let me explain" lol [2015-05-13 03:58:36] capture dem monstews [2015-05-13 03:58:47] I'm surprised people don't know about diagonal throwing, it's a pretty 'classic' trick [2015-05-13 03:58:49] I cannot log in to qchat...Sad Panda. [2015-05-13 03:58:49] Good job [2015-05-13 03:58:55] if they fail... You loose a base panel! [2015-05-13 03:58:56] yeah diagonal throwing is so useful [2015-05-13 03:59:01] ...and probably party members from the struggle [2015-05-13 03:59:03] Yo snessy =3 [2015-05-13 03:59:07] yo Enker M8 [2015-05-13 03:59:24] that app literally did take me 15 minutes from when I actually started it hahaha [2015-05-13 03:59:33] I wonder how much later I can force myself to stay awake [2015-05-13 03:59:36] GG Hospital. [2015-05-13 03:59:38] I think most of us just thought with the way the game targets, we didn't notice you could release while you turn [2015-05-13 03:59:39] How badly can I ruin myself at work tomorrow [2015-05-13 03:59:41] i just joined. ccan someone explain diagnal throwing [2015-05-13 03:59:46] Essentially [2015-05-13 03:59:47] @giramoni I hear ya. 07:00 comes early [2015-05-13 03:59:50] you make a tower [2015-05-13 03:59:56] Casually all you use Monster Capture for is that one map in Disgaea 2 that you can grind your way to capturing a level 9999 Nekomata on, lol [2015-05-13 04:00:06] You shift between the two throwing opositions and press the button in the middle of the animation [2015-05-13 04:00:08] a diagonal throw occurs in the XY plane [2015-05-13 04:00:08] Basically you throw while the cursor is moving [2015-05-13 04:00:09] setup to throw a distance, then turn and you just throw while you are turning [2015-05-13 04:00:13] PP is insanely good at it [2015-05-13 04:00:13] Diagonal throwing is just a timing thing while in transition [2015-05-13 04:00:24] I've always been horrible at it [2015-05-13 04:00:25] It's hard. [2015-05-13 04:00:30] I'm going to take a nap. later [2015-05-13 04:00:33] I think it is much easier in the later games [2015-05-13 04:00:34] Why not go into the item world Kappa [2015-05-13 04:00:35] than in D1 [2015-05-13 04:00:37] Fortunately I work at home, so I can roll out of bed and log onto my laptop while still blind and drooling [2015-05-13 04:00:38] Also, that nekomata trick only works in the PS2 version [2015-05-13 04:00:39] @Mikalia NOoooooooooo [2015-05-13 04:00:44] I didn't even know diagonal throwing was possible in this game [2015-05-13 04:00:54] this is the PSP version though [2015-05-13 04:00:56] or Vita? [2015-05-13 04:01:06] This is Disgaea 1, the Neko trick is Disgaea 2 [2015-05-13 04:01:07] PSP yes [2015-05-13 04:01:08] PSP [2015-05-13 04:01:09] It wasn't possible in the DS version, which was awful [2015-05-13 04:01:10] And this is PSP yes [2015-05-13 04:01:14] This menuing Kreygasm [2015-05-13 04:01:19] BrokeBack [2015-05-13 04:01:24] Sk8 Kreygasm [2015-05-13 04:01:29] But you can't Neko trick in PSP version of 2 [2015-05-13 04:01:38] Lucky :D [2015-05-13 04:01:46] Because they limit the highest monster you can capture to Adelle top level [2015-05-13 04:01:50] was Neko trick even really a trick? [2015-05-13 04:01:50] BrokeBack [2015-05-13 04:01:52] ohhh I see [2015-05-13 04:01:54] that makes sense [2015-05-13 04:01:58] Which is weird because.....not everyone would want to use Adelle [2015-05-13 04:02:20] I liked Adel in D3 Kappa [2015-05-13 04:02:24] Not everyone wants to roll in the deep. [2015-05-13 04:02:30] Yeah, I always favored Rozalin over Adell [2015-05-13 04:02:31] However his name is spelled x.x [2015-05-13 04:02:33] having S rank +640% skill = thank you [2015-05-13 04:02:51] so he captured a strong monster to capture an even stronger monster? [2015-05-13 04:02:56] yeah [2015-05-13 04:03:00] I just tend to prefer to play with generics, though I'm wierd that way [2015-05-13 04:03:01] and you can just keep doing that basically [2015-05-13 04:03:04] when does it end [2015-05-13 04:03:06] Isn't that how almost all of these things work? [2015-05-13 04:03:10] Hello everyone [2015-05-13 04:03:14] when that monster just beast modes everyone [2015-05-13 04:03:14] Minamiyothegreat, it's disgaea, it doesn't end [2015-05-13 04:03:19] lol [2015-05-13 04:03:19] yooo infoutlaw [2015-05-13 04:03:20] I think his highest level monsters are somewherin the 200s for the run [2015-05-13 04:03:27] sounds about right [2015-05-13 04:03:32] Thankd Melodia [2015-05-13 04:03:34] Good name, btw [2015-05-13 04:03:34] @mikalia happy nappy! [2015-05-13 04:03:36] I could be wrong, it's been a whil [2015-05-13 04:03:42] high enough to handle story mode quickly [2015-05-13 04:03:47] Right [2015-05-13 04:03:54] rip [2015-05-13 04:03:55] BibleThump [2015-05-13 04:03:55] RIP [2015-05-13 04:03:55] This is a really cool route. [2015-05-13 04:03:59] rip [2015-05-13 04:04:00] Baten Kaitos or just coincidence? [2015-05-13 04:04:02] riPepperonis [2015-05-13 04:04:04] GG [2015-05-13 04:04:05] when is Disgaea no math DansGame [2015-05-13 04:04:06] he died BibleThump [2015-05-13 04:04:10] webSad [2015-05-13 04:04:11] Speedrun hype! [2015-05-13 04:04:14] BibleThump [2015-05-13 04:04:23] DD2 does a similar thing, though it also abuses some other things. [2015-05-13 04:04:37] The run was accepted to SDA so it should be up...soonish [2015-05-13 04:04:39] ThibleBump [2015-05-13 04:04:45] (against my own judgment mind you!" [2015-05-13 04:04:48] BubleThup [2015-05-13 04:04:55] The Dark Assembly has vetoed your proposal DansGame [2015-05-13 04:05:03] don't make fun of Isaac's emote [2015-05-13 04:05:05] :O [2015-05-13 04:05:18] BimbleThimp [2015-05-13 04:05:22] brute force all proposels [2015-05-13 04:05:28] proposals* DansGame [2015-05-13 04:05:46] In the DD2 run....he well I'm not gonna spoil [2015-05-13 04:06:03] But let';s just say the resets are plentiful [2015-05-13 04:06:14] there are MORE runs? PogChamp [2015-05-13 04:06:17] is that the donation guy from agdq [2015-05-13 04:06:23] Not here [2015-05-13 04:06:23] yes [2015-05-13 04:06:27] Just what's up on SDA [2015-05-13 04:06:31] Er, eventually [2015-05-13 04:06:32] yeah it's spike [2015-05-13 04:06:46] Spike runs Kingdom Hearts [2015-05-13 04:06:51] Can't wait to catch some of these. Shame I have to sleep at some point [2015-05-13 04:06:52] I think...2 Final Mix for the marathon [2015-05-13 04:07:00] ys [2015-05-13 04:07:01] yes* [2015-05-13 04:07:05] I am hyped for the Wild Arms run the music is Kreygasm [2015-05-13 04:07:15] Wild ARMS is OK [2015-05-13 04:07:16] puwexil hoipe [2015-05-13 04:07:17] shared [2015-05-13 04:07:22] this run is really cool! [2015-05-13 04:07:23] Kreygasm [2015-05-13 04:07:23] I remember playing it when I was younger [2015-05-13 04:07:43] I may catch the run [2015-05-13 04:08:23] some kind of..........Mid-Boss [2015-05-13 04:08:33] DatSheffy Mid Boss [2015-05-13 04:08:39] midgar [2015-05-13 04:08:39] Man Byers gets no respect [2015-05-13 04:08:46] Vyers [2015-05-13 04:08:57] Mid Boss da bess [2015-05-13 04:08:57] Who's that [2015-05-13 04:08:57] lel [2015-05-13 04:09:01] exactly [2015-05-13 04:09:04] Vyers = Mid Boss [2015-05-13 04:09:07] he's nobody important [2015-05-13 04:09:30] Nobodies are important. [2015-05-13 04:09:35] He's nothing. [2015-05-13 04:09:35] I'm wondering if WayForward was inspired by this game when they made Shantae and the Pirate's Curse [2015-05-13 04:09:51] Mid Boss is gonna be a real boss when this is over Kappa [2015-05-13 04:10:00] I don't believe you. Kappa [2015-05-13 04:10:12] I don't understand this game at all...but the menuing is freaking incredible. [2015-05-13 04:10:19] ^^^^^ [2015-05-13 04:10:20] He'll never stop being... a Mid-boss. [2015-05-13 04:10:30] Hey Sk8. :) [2015-05-13 04:10:35] ahem, excuse me, I believe his name is... [2015-05-13 04:10:37] just another average mid-boss [2015-05-13 04:10:38] the DARK Adonis o3o [2015-05-13 04:10:41] Hey Cypher :)/ [2015-05-13 04:11:30] @Azkiboh this game is insane and fun [2015-05-13 04:11:31] Shoutouts to money! [2015-05-13 04:11:34] over 90000 [2015-05-13 04:11:43] What muunae said [2015-05-13 04:11:48] Will the marathon runs be uploaded somewhere like YouTube or the RPGLimitBreak site? I'm gonna miss a lot of the early streams tomorrow and I really want to catch them all [2015-05-13 04:11:49] Money?! Kreygasm [2015-05-13 04:11:52] time for something good PogChamp [2015-05-13 04:11:54] Kappa [2015-05-13 04:11:55] I've never been much for turn based strategy type RPGs. [2015-05-13 04:12:00] Astraleora yes, on YouTube I believe [2015-05-13 04:12:02] Flonne <3 [2015-05-13 04:12:18] @Astraleora Youtube, and also stored in Twitch's "Past Broadcasts" [2015-05-13 04:12:28] Yay thanks Enkerblues :) [2015-05-13 04:12:34] I see a lot of cool names out there! [2015-05-13 04:12:34] @Thelcc hey man! [2015-05-13 04:12:37] You guys all rock [2015-05-13 04:12:39] Think is [2015-05-13 04:12:48] Shikuku sighting [2015-05-13 04:12:48] Hey ffg [2015-05-13 04:12:48] Too be fair mid-boss was voted most likely to receive an embarrassing name in high school. (That's said in game) [2015-05-13 04:12:50] Yo FFGmaer [2015-05-13 04:12:53] Disgaea can be either strategy....or you can just steam roll it [2015-05-13 04:12:55] CHU-Boss! [2015-05-13 04:12:55] Hey LCC [2015-05-13 04:13:00] @Masterkratos27 hey man! [2015-05-13 04:13:04] It's intersting how much of a choice there is [2015-05-13 04:13:09] Oh shoot, do I see Enker? [2015-05-13 04:13:12] PogChamp [2015-05-13 04:13:13] Indeed =O [2015-05-13 04:13:14] There's many very neat mechanics in Disgaea for you to ignore [2015-05-13 04:13:19] is Etna gonna have to choke a Flonne? [2015-05-13 04:13:20] THE enker? PogChamp [2015-05-13 04:13:27] =o! [2015-05-13 04:13:28] mmgb enker [2015-05-13 04:13:32] The very same [2015-05-13 04:13:38] I love how in the first game they even tell you "you can still beat the game if you don't bother with this stuff" [2015-05-13 04:13:39] I'm pretty hyped for this marathon. [2015-05-13 04:13:52] I love the fft games but something about disgaea just didn't click with me [2015-05-13 04:13:53] The famous NSMBWii runner, EnkerBlues [2015-05-13 04:13:56] Good ol Kasumi the samurai [2015-05-13 04:13:59] is there somewhere we can see the incentives for each game? [2015-05-13 04:14:01] @Masterkratos27 you and everyone here. so many good games and great runners. [2015-05-13 04:14:10] lltemple there is [2015-05-13 04:14:13] at the website [2015-05-13 04:14:15] I've never been this hype before. [2015-05-13 04:14:17] that I can't link [2015-05-13 04:14:19] cool thanks [2015-05-13 04:14:20] because I'm a scrub [2015-05-13 04:14:25] also hi enker [2015-05-13 04:14:30] hey =D [2015-05-13 04:14:37] And to think this marathon stars the day after yesterday's madness [2015-05-13 04:14:47] @Lltemple are you viewing from twitch.tv or rpglimitbreak,com site [2015-05-13 04:14:48] probably gonna disappoint you and the whole EB community tomorrow, temple [2015-05-13 04:14:51] I'm couching for Andy [2015-05-13 04:14:53] Feel bad I've been missing all of Andy's speedruns. [2015-05-13 04:14:55] twitch [2015-05-13 04:14:55] @Melodia42 what happened yesterday? [2015-05-13 04:14:56] Hey there, Kratos o/ [2015-05-13 04:15:01] Moon runes hype [2015-05-13 04:15:07] "Pay" respects, I see what he did there [2015-05-13 04:15:08] Andy :) [2015-05-13 04:15:10] But what is the picture?! [2015-05-13 04:15:11] Igavania [2015-05-13 04:15:24] Yes [2015-05-13 04:15:25] @Lltemple scroll down below the stream and theres a link to the donation incentive list on the left [2015-05-13 04:15:28] I just looked [2015-05-13 04:15:29] Which granted is only tangently RPG related in mechanics bit.... [2015-05-13 04:15:33] but [2015-05-13 04:15:40] @Lltemple under the donate button [2015-05-13 04:15:40] Still the whole thing was awesome [2015-05-13 04:15:42] laharl is rita repulsa IIRC. [2015-05-13 04:15:44] awesome thanks [2015-05-13 04:15:46] Laharl is Goku in dragonball [2015-05-13 04:15:53] @Lltemple No problem [2015-05-13 04:16:06] Seriously though what's in that embarrassing photo? Is it ever revealed ? [2015-05-13 04:16:14] In naruto, naota from flcl, Rita from PR, and in jail idea, etc [2015-05-13 04:16:16] Nope [2015-05-13 04:16:18] Nadder16, isnt it him with some rubber ducks in the bath? [2015-05-13 04:16:20] Most people think it' [2015-05-13 04:16:22] it's funnier if they never reveal it [2015-05-13 04:16:28] I remember hearing young Goku in the older Dragonball series having Laharl's voice. [2015-05-13 04:16:31] then it's whatever you want it to be~ [2015-05-13 04:16:37] holy crap, that sounds like the kid from Fooly Cooly! [2015-05-13 04:16:39] Her name is Barbara Goodson [2015-05-13 04:16:42] People think it's probably him cross dressing [2015-05-13 04:16:44] @sup3rspeed it is [2015-05-13 04:16:51] PogChamp [2015-05-13 04:16:52] Or....I forget what the other common thing is [2015-05-13 04:16:52] it is [2015-05-13 04:16:59] I always thought it was just a baby photo [2015-05-13 04:17:04] No [2015-05-13 04:17:07] This map is a HORSE WEINER [2015-05-13 04:17:14] They clearly say 'I didn't know he was into that' [2015-05-13 04:17:19] Oh wait no the rubber duckies are in that terrible plafortmer "HELL YEAH" [2015-05-13 04:17:31] platformer. Go go gadget fingers [2015-05-13 04:17:35] @sup3rspeed she has an impressive resume. For sure. I mentioned it earlier. Someone confirmed [2015-05-13 04:17:44] My mama tells me that RPG Speedruns will give you Athlete's Foot. Can anyone confirm this? [2015-05-13 04:17:46] I'm scared [2015-05-13 04:17:46] RPG Limit Break 2015 is being restreamed with French commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/rpglimitbreak_fr and with German commentary at http://www.twitch.tv/germenchrestream [2015-05-13 04:18:01] Enkerblues: I played a lot of RPGs as a teen and had athletes foot [2015-05-13 04:18:04] so YMMV [2015-05-13 04:18:10] Crap [2015-05-13 04:18:13] I'd love to see Baten Kaitos speedrun in next yrs runs though I don't know how easy that game would be to do [2015-05-13 04:18:21] I still get minor althlete's foot [2015-05-13 04:18:21] not easy at all [2015-05-13 04:18:26] There may be something to this [2015-05-13 04:18:26] I think it's 14 hours [2015-05-13 04:18:27] hmmmm [2015-05-13 04:18:33] Yikes! [2015-05-13 04:18:34] So is anyone else waiting to joke about the next map? [2015-05-13 04:18:49] My mama also told me if I do RPG Speedruns that all of my future children will go on quests [2015-05-13 04:18:51] Is this true? [2015-05-13 04:18:51] Yeah unfortunately it's quite long [2015-05-13 04:19:03] There's a trick few people know [2015-05-13 04:19:09] shoutouts to anime [2015-05-13 04:19:10] What yo momma doesn't know won't hurt her [2015-05-13 04:19:10] The base panel isn't invincible [2015-05-13 04:19:12] i need sleep. g'night everyone z_z [2015-05-13 04:19:17] @Enkerblues that is still a fantasy [2015-05-13 04:19:19] rita...? [2015-05-13 04:19:19] dude I *** knew he was the kid in FLCL [2015-05-13 04:19:21] oh I can totally hear the Rita Repulsa [2015-05-13 04:19:23] Naoto is takkun [2015-05-13 04:19:25] Rita yup [2015-05-13 04:19:28] Naota? damn [2015-05-13 04:19:34] Call me Ben. It's easier. XD [2015-05-13 04:19:35] goku has the same voice actor as kid + grown up [2015-05-13 04:19:40] Hey Huaaaang [2015-05-13 04:19:46] throughout the whole series [2015-05-13 04:19:48] naoto is the protagonist.... [2015-05-13 04:19:50] YAY WE WERE ALL RIGHT [2015-05-13 04:19:51] http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Barbara-Goodson/ [2015-05-13 04:19:51] <kyoslilmonster has been timed out> [2015-05-13 04:19:51] No links allowed (kyoslilmonster) (warning) [2015-05-13 04:19:53] Naota [2015-05-13 04:19:59] Well, same voice actor in J [2015-05-13 04:20:01] ah, at last, after 10,000 years I'm finally free! it's time to conquer RPGs [2015-05-13 04:20:01] Oops. Forgot I couldn't like [2015-05-13 04:20:02] magoose pls, stop knowing everything [2015-05-13 04:20:02] goku's VA also does gohan and goten [2015-05-13 04:20:02] in japanese [2015-05-13 04:20:05] @Elmagus hey again elmagus, 33 hours til mystic quest lol [2015-05-13 04:20:06] Fun fact, I am the same voice actor as myself [2015-05-13 04:20:19] @FFGamer86 i have my donation ready [2015-05-13 04:20:22] I wonder what Melodia my RP character VA would be [2015-05-13 04:20:22] Nozawa does Goku/Gohan/Goten/Bardock in all forms in J [2015-05-13 04:20:25] you mean 34hrs until floor 6 [2015-05-13 04:20:30] @elmagus nice [2015-05-13 04:20:32] Spoiler: AndyPerfect is Earhtbound [2015-05-13 04:20:32] Big Boss (MGS3) and Pearl(Spongebob) have the same voice actor [2015-05-13 04:20:32] That fact was not fun Enker! You Lied [2015-05-13 04:20:33] English they always change when they get older [2015-05-13 04:20:34] You gonna donate for guaranteed Floor 6? [2015-05-13 04:20:35] It's prolly the most impressive list I've seen for a VA outside of h Jon benjamin [2015-05-13 04:20:36] Jerkbird floor 6 [2015-05-13 04:20:37] masterkratos, I'm really glad your tqwitch profile actually helped me figure out who you are =P [2015-05-13 04:20:48] Oh lol [2015-05-13 04:21:02] I help keep Johann's channel safe from threats OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:21:05] also, hey [2015-05-13 04:21:13] @Enkerblues ill just have the stream go down 5 seconds before i check and then we will reload the stream during the fight. [2015-05-13 04:21:25] =P [2015-05-13 04:21:27] GG [2015-05-13 04:21:31] Etna has the same voice actor as the female lead in Sands of Destruction. I hated that game so much when I heard that same voice coming out of Etna I almost dropped the series entirely. [2015-05-13 04:21:31] nice [2015-05-13 04:21:33] Nothing suspicious [2015-05-13 04:21:38] Just a minor hiccup [2015-05-13 04:21:43] /me pets FlanKitty [2015-05-13 04:21:43] @Enkerblues exactly [2015-05-13 04:21:46] Nice finish [2015-05-13 04:21:49] [purr] [2015-05-13 04:21:50] I never knew about the monster capture system [2015-05-13 04:21:53] :D [2015-05-13 04:21:54] @Flankitty !pet [2015-05-13 04:22:04] I knew about the capture, but forgot about combining [2015-05-13 04:22:05] =^-^= [2015-05-13 04:22:07] RIP command [2015-05-13 04:22:13] Hi flan kitty! [2015-05-13 04:22:16] Sands of Destruction was ok, nothing interesting. [2015-05-13 04:22:24] @Masterkratos27 its the thought [2015-05-13 04:22:24] C-C-C-Combobreaker! [2015-05-13 04:22:27] Sands of Destruction was so disappointing [2015-05-13 04:22:34] Does anyone speedrun Sands of Destruction? [2015-05-13 04:22:38] So does anyone else share laharls weakness of big tits ? Kappa [2015-05-13 04:22:41] Yeah, tru FFG [2015-05-13 04:22:42] The only notable thing for me was that the name of the main character for Sands of Destruction is Greek for Lord [2015-05-13 04:22:53] I don't think I ever truly understood throwing sideways [2015-05-13 04:22:55] just something small that sticks in my mind [2015-05-13 04:22:57] SPOOOOOILERS [2015-05-13 04:23:03] omg [2015-05-13 04:23:27] spoiler alert: Vader means father so Darth Vader is luke's father [2015-05-13 04:23:37] counter-counter-counter-counter? [2015-05-13 04:23:48] It's a purrpurr~ [2015-05-13 04:23:59] amazing [2015-05-13 04:24:03] Yay super kitty kat [2015-05-13 04:24:04] This game is great because it not only has a bunch of glitches, but they're both intentional and encouraged [2015-05-13 04:24:22] It';s not a glitch if it's intentional [2015-05-13 04:24:29] glitches are only intentional when the devs find out they don't break anything else [2015-05-13 04:24:29] "glitches" [2015-05-13 04:24:38] leveling up from combining enemies is emphatically not a glitch [2015-05-13 04:24:42] @melodia42 yep [2015-05-13 04:25:05] I just mean things like throwing on an angle [2015-05-13 04:25:07] This map is actually better for use to level up proficiancy [2015-05-13 04:25:12] They're not bugs, they're features! ™ [2015-05-13 04:25:14] yeah, cause normally combining enemies makes a super enemy that just rips you a superfluous orifice [2015-05-13 04:25:15] Especially in post game [2015-05-13 04:25:15] just a really neat mechanic [2015-05-13 04:25:39] I think it counts as an exploit rather than a glitch [2015-05-13 04:26:12] The EXP is very specifically made [2015-05-13 04:26:13] @Astraleora They're exploiting a glitch [2015-05-13 04:26:15] Nah, just a mechanic the devs never thought could be exploited to this degree [2015-05-13 04:26:19] nah, its neither, its a feature [2015-05-13 04:26:45] brb [2015-05-13 04:26:47] I mean for freak's sake there's a map with a 3x3 formation on top of exp+100% [2015-05-13 04:26:52] are we going to cap this neko [2015-05-13 04:26:53] again, it's not actually a glitch. They intend for you to specifically exploit features like this.. queuing up actions and doing them in a specific order, then undoing it [2015-05-13 04:27:00] Disgaea is all about the insane mechanics that most people don't really use half the time [2015-05-13 04:27:03] hope to have a lot of donations to process when i get back [2015-05-13 04:27:07] they actually encourage you to exploit the mechanics [2015-05-13 04:27:09] which is amazing [2015-05-13 04:27:11] Whoop [2015-05-13 04:27:15] Right [2015-05-13 04:27:20] iksse...you mean a priority queue [2015-05-13 04:27:25] Well Disgaea really tries to deconstruct the genre [2015-05-13 04:27:27] And then they throw insanely strong enemies at you [2015-05-13 04:27:38] this game is all about the totem poles [2015-05-13 04:27:48] Yeah, most games in the genre strick to really low damage [2015-05-13 04:27:55] So will Limit Break have a VOD when its all over? I didnt realize this was going and need to sleep soon [2015-05-13 04:27:59] yay kitty ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 04:28:03] love these long speed runs though [2015-05-13 04:28:21] @IrishWeegee VODs are automatic on Twitch, and it'll also be uploaded to Youtube [2015-05-13 04:28:21] really have to admire the dedication of 3+ hour runs [2015-05-13 04:28:22] the runs will all be archived on twitch, then exported to youtube at some point [2015-05-13 04:28:24] Anime! Inside of me! ...wait... BibleThump [2015-05-13 04:28:35] great theme [2015-05-13 04:28:38] Past broadcasts are always kept for a period of time [2015-05-13 04:28:40] alright, thank you @SwordofAeons and @Everhate [2015-05-13 04:28:44] and then exported into your minds deIlluminati [2015-05-13 04:28:46] magic pixel PogChamp [2015-05-13 04:28:52] Illuminati comfirmed [2015-05-13 04:28:54] Is this the new Pokémon without pokéballs? [2015-05-13 04:28:56] you have to make them into highlight to get them saved in perpetuity [2015-05-13 04:29:02] Who made Everhate a mod!?!? That's like dividing by zero! [2015-05-13 04:29:03] everhate will personally approve of all RNG in the runs [2015-05-13 04:29:05] reeeeer~ [2015-05-13 04:29:17] you can divide by zero. it just takes a real long time. Kappa [2015-05-13 04:29:18] #banEverhate [2015-05-13 04:29:19] Good evening. [2015-05-13 04:29:22] i personally approve of sampling all the goods [2015-05-13 04:29:26] do we have a !blame here as well? [2015-05-13 04:29:48] BLUE...DRAGON....PALM [2015-05-13 04:29:54] spiritSample [2015-05-13 04:29:57] !blame not enabled on this channel. should be implied command that needs no explicit stating [2015-05-13 04:30:11] !blame [2015-05-13 04:30:18] Dangit Everhate ;p [2015-05-13 04:30:21] !bacon [2015-05-13 04:30:31] !bacon lovely command [2015-05-13 04:30:31] !quickjoke [2015-05-13 04:30:41] Mid-boss we didn't forget anyone important [2015-05-13 04:30:41] Blame: ☒ Everhate ☐ not Everhate [2015-05-13 04:30:52] lol [2015-05-13 04:30:55] Time to play the blame game [2015-05-13 04:31:09] So this is referencing? [2015-05-13 04:31:16] its not a game if the outcome is always the same [2015-05-13 04:31:31] HIDER [2015-05-13 04:31:32] Blame: ☐ Yourself ☐ God ☑ Everhate [2015-05-13 04:31:49] I like that one, Everhate. [2015-05-13 04:32:11] Someone with Photoshop skills needs to edit a screenshot of that line in FFT. [2015-05-13 04:32:15] Shiraz capture? [2015-05-13 04:32:19] So Delita says "Blame yourself or Everhate." [2015-05-13 04:32:27] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-13 04:32:30] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-13 04:32:31] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-13 04:32:32] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-13 04:32:33] dooooooood [2015-05-13 04:32:34] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-13 04:32:36] Blame: ☒ Everhate ☐ Everhate. (I rigged it!) [2015-05-13 04:32:36] doooood [2015-05-13 04:32:38] cerFlan [2015-05-13 04:32:40] dooood [2015-05-13 04:32:40] cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype cerHype [2015-05-13 04:32:41] my name didnt show up? BS [2015-05-13 04:32:41] d00d [2015-05-13 04:32:42] DOOOOOOOOOOOD [2015-05-13 04:32:44] quick someone donate for Dongs. [2015-05-13 04:32:45] d0000000d [2015-05-13 04:32:54] <- Dood. [2015-05-13 04:32:59] d0000000d [2015-05-13 04:33:06] Doodert! [2015-05-13 04:33:23] everhate the enemy of mankind DansGame [2015-05-13 04:33:26] Hey Kirby [2015-05-13 04:33:33] Thanks for the reweet [2015-05-13 04:33:36] retweet [2015-05-13 04:33:39] cerHype DOOOD cerHype [2015-05-13 04:33:42] weed [2015-05-13 04:33:45] I need to ask this. Is it possible to capture a certain red guy in this chapter? [2015-05-13 04:34:05] Nope [2015-05-13 04:34:12] Heero Fred :) [2015-05-13 04:34:16] What about the other red guys? [2015-05-13 04:34:21] You can only capture actual monsters [2015-05-13 04:34:22] :D [2015-05-13 04:34:42] Unique units are generally not capturable. idk if exceptions exist, but I kinda doubt it [2015-05-13 04:34:43] You could theoretically capture the flameburgs yes [2015-05-13 04:34:51] just tuning in, I'm guessing stack grinding happened? [2015-05-13 04:34:57] dwdBabby d00000d [2015-05-13 04:35:01] Yes [2015-05-13 04:35:07] And monster capturing [2015-05-13 04:35:14] What about the neutral monsters? [2015-05-13 04:35:16] PogChamp [2015-05-13 04:35:21] But yeh, only generic monster classes [2015-05-13 04:35:24] sooo which ending are we going for here? [2015-05-13 04:35:27] This menuing is smooth as *** [2015-05-13 04:35:52] prinnies are the best d00d [2015-05-13 04:35:59] Oops. Language 😬 [2015-05-13 04:36:05] everhate DansGame [2015-05-13 04:36:14] These are actually the original rules for baseball [2015-05-13 04:36:18] nah just kidding [2015-05-13 04:36:36] omnihate > everhate [2015-05-13 04:36:40] in disgea 2 you can actually finish a level 1 1 move, as a bunch of Prinnies challenges you to Bowling, with 1 prinny as the baall and the other lined up in the usualy bowling pin shape [2015-05-13 04:37:01] back [2015-05-13 04:37:03] ....I had no idea you could just quit [2015-05-13 04:37:23] Disgaea games have just about the most responsive menus i've ever seen in a game. no fancy animations, just instant snapping [2015-05-13 04:37:51] so they are pretty much reverse core hounds from molten core [2015-05-13 04:37:51] Welcome to RPG Limit Break 2015, an RPG speedrun marathon benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://bombch.us/-JA to donate). Check out the schedule at bombch.us/wea and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/RPGLimitBreak. VODs of past events are available on our Youtube channel at http://bombch.us/3Bx [2015-05-13 04:37:52] 350ish yeah [2015-05-13 04:38:01] wait for it [2015-05-13 04:38:17] Smooth as eggs [2015-05-13 04:38:24] EGG! [2015-05-13 04:38:26] smooth as star star star [2015-05-13 04:38:30] Legitamte, and with the amount of menuing you do, it would be brutal if it wasn't [2015-05-13 04:38:46] panicBasket [2015-05-13 04:38:47] oh nvm [2015-05-13 04:38:48] hi i like prinnys especially those named danny [2015-05-13 04:38:49] Dang it. I forgot there was a limit break [2015-05-13 04:38:49] just my lag. [2015-05-13 04:38:53] Eggs! Whyyyyy egggggsss?! [2015-05-13 04:38:58] did that guy just one-shot Laharl? [2015-05-13 04:38:59] that 2 seconds of buffering [2015-05-13 04:39:01] smooth of 3/7ths of SMRPG [2015-05-13 04:39:13] yes lunaraia [2015-05-13 04:39:15] is smrpg in the marathon? [2015-05-13 04:39:17] @GastonDuPris yeah, they probably figured it out during testing that they were gonna have to turbocharge the menus [2015-05-13 04:39:18] these guys arent a joke [2015-05-13 04:39:30] otherwise the game would be like ten hours longer Kappa [2015-05-13 04:39:53] Is the video skipping for anyone else? [2015-05-13 04:39:55] Good luck! [2015-05-13 04:40:00] yup [2015-05-13 04:40:05] Yeah, I'm getting drops to 5 fps occasionally [2015-05-13 04:40:05] yes [2015-05-13 04:40:08] It skipped a couple times for me. [2015-05-13 04:40:16] Yeah it's lagging it a bit for me too [2015-05-13 04:40:17] i'm getting buffering every now and then [2015-05-13 04:40:20] sadly no smrpg in the marathon, though lots of other good stuff [2015-05-13 04:40:22] !schedule [2015-05-13 04:40:23] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 04:40:23] I'm getting it too. [2015-05-13 04:40:34] "Mighty" morphin power ranger [2015-05-13 04:40:38] And if you like SRPGs, FFT is tommoro [2015-05-13 04:41:03] My auntie is the former chairman and current board adviser of NAMI Rochester (NY), so on behalf of her, and the many members of my family that have been helped by NAMI programs and initiatives, I'd like to thank the runners, organizers, and of course all the donaters <3 <3 <3 [2015-05-13 04:41:18] They were going to have SMRPG low-level 100%, but it would have taken five days just to complete that game, so they had to scrap it in favor of every other game in the marathon. [2015-05-13 04:41:24] Oh NAMI is in Rochester? Nice I'm an hour out [2015-05-13 04:41:29] #realtalk rkarker08 [2015-05-13 04:41:43] RPG speedrunning is a lot of menuing practice, but it's also a lot of thinking on your feet to adapt to unexpected RNG [2015-05-13 04:41:49] EFF EFF TEE [2015-05-13 04:42:01] Oh hell person who was going to run it but couldn [2015-05-13 04:42:03] hello [2015-05-13 04:42:07] couldn't [2015-05-13 04:42:14] (my typing = rip :-( ) [2015-05-13 04:42:28] when is chessjerk triumphantly reacquires and returns to dw4 [2015-05-13 04:42:34] this is the only true question [2015-05-13 04:42:39] indeed [2015-05-13 04:42:57] Chessjerk did DW4 to begin with? [2015-05-13 04:42:58] CatBag [2015-05-13 04:43:01] I love this game, I didn't know ppl actively speed run it. [2015-05-13 04:43:06] so who else started leveling things up in the post-game and then just leveled a single unit and nothing else once you hit like level 5000 [2015-05-13 04:43:06] segmented, yes [2015-05-13 04:43:09] I hate FFT [2015-05-13 04:43:12] Well if by ppl you mean PinkPajamas [2015-05-13 04:43:14] he has the segmented run on SDA, definitely worth watching if you haven't [2015-05-13 04:43:24] cuz after I had Omega Laharl I didn't see the point in leveling anybody else o3o [2015-05-13 04:43:27] Oh, I saw that a while back. [2015-05-13 04:43:29] ok don't hate, just found it super boring [2015-05-13 04:43:29] So that was you. [2015-05-13 04:43:38] Chessjerk also has the segmented FFT run [2015-05-13 04:43:42] v good segmented runner [2015-05-13 04:43:43] And it's amazing [2015-05-13 04:43:49] ty :) [2015-05-13 04:43:55] /me >segmentation fault [2015-05-13 04:43:56] Gobbu gobbu [2015-05-13 04:43:57] i can verify that the segmented run is defenitley worth watching [2015-05-13 04:43:58] voltron of runners [2015-05-13 04:44:06] many pieces [2015-05-13 04:44:20] any run approved my elmagoose is amazing [2015-05-13 04:44:33] Where did he get the level 100+ neko? [2015-05-13 04:44:38] very true [2015-05-13 04:44:40] 5-3 of course [2015-05-13 04:44:44] captured it a few maps ago [2015-05-13 04:44:46] Where else would one get a level 112 neko [2015-05-13 04:44:51] phew [2015-05-13 04:44:51] he threw a bunch of kitties together to fuse their levels then captured it, Aryth [2015-05-13 04:45:07] Ah, cool. Just tuned in and haven't played in forever. Thanks! [2015-05-13 04:45:13] o3o [2015-05-13 04:45:18] pls do not throw kitties at each other at home [2015-05-13 04:45:23] 5-3 is the snow invicibility map [2015-05-13 04:45:24] I never succeed captures -_- [2015-05-13 04:45:30] well first he fused and captured other enemies, so he could fuse/cap the level 112 Neko-neko o3o [2015-05-13 04:45:33] throw cats at each other always [2015-05-13 04:45:34] Capturing is tricky [2015-05-13 04:45:34] They usually don't fuse irl [2015-05-13 04:45:46] sometimes tho [2015-05-13 04:45:47] Omegaboost you gotta spread peanut butter on the cats first [2015-05-13 04:45:48] it depends on how hard you throw htem [2015-05-13 04:45:50] Usually? [2015-05-13 04:45:53] Yaaaaay Kitties <3 [2015-05-13 04:45:53] @Lunaraia Notice how he lowers the enemy's health and then bravehearts a bunch on his most powerful dudes before the capture. [2015-05-13 04:45:55] Disgaea confirmed to have cold fusion [2015-05-13 04:46:21] !schedule [2015-05-13 04:46:21] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 04:46:37] if you throw anything at anything hard enough, Arythangelblaze. it will eventually fuse with other things [2015-05-13 04:46:46] rpgWhat [2015-05-13 04:46:49] Science! [2015-05-13 04:46:53] doorbellco subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-13 04:46:53] doorbellco subscribed for 3 months in a row! [2015-05-13 04:46:53] or it will get angry and kill you [2015-05-13 04:47:00] Regrettably, bed calls, but it's been a fun... uh, 11 hours. [2015-05-13 04:47:11] rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 04:47:14] night giramoni [2015-05-13 04:47:22] @Everhate thats what happens when you fuse them together too much, right? [2015-05-13 04:47:28] rpgJerkBird [2015-05-13 04:47:36] it's what happens when we don't use science correctly [2015-05-13 04:47:37] or if you throw something really hard it could create a small singularity, explode in gamma radiation and other particles, and igniting atmosphere and destroying all life on earth [2015-05-13 04:47:46] Best of luck to all runners present and future. [2015-05-13 04:47:51] Your chars are already more leveled than the final boss [2015-05-13 04:48:01] To creat a singularity you need mass not force [2015-05-13 04:48:07] yeah, but why would you stop here [2015-05-13 04:48:12] we need more power [2015-05-13 04:48:17] hey guys [2015-05-13 04:48:18] Grandia 2 coming to Steam. I hope it´s true [2015-05-13 04:48:18] A level 112 neko would never be able to beat the final boss mind you [2015-05-13 04:48:21] how much flexing do you want? [2015-05-13 04:48:24] well add enough force you will not need mass. [2015-05-13 04:48:27] the final boss can still be kinda difficult when you're 2x his level, why stop now [2015-05-13 04:48:29] lunaraia E = mc^2 [2015-05-13 04:48:37] @ranctifier #truestory [2015-05-13 04:48:38] Overlord_Manga, Hopefully they fix the loads [2015-05-13 04:48:42] Well not with the equips you cna get in a speed run anyway [2015-05-13 04:48:49] BOOM [2015-05-13 04:48:55] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 04:49:02] But I beat final boss with level 80 team (cuz I'm a noob and have no idea how game works) [2015-05-13 04:49:05] Those monster names repeat sooo much [2015-05-13 04:49:46] is this sgdq? Keepo [2015-05-13 04:49:47] Adonic Fury http://www.twitch.tv/rpglimitbreak [2015-05-13 04:49:47] <diosgx has been timed out> [2015-05-13 04:49:47] No links allowed (diosgx) (warning) [2015-05-13 04:49:50] Disagea D2 has some amazing monster names [2015-05-13 04:49:53] There's only so many names you can give. [2015-05-13 04:50:00] Another midboss fight down? How much have I missed? [2015-05-13 04:50:03] four times? when else was I timed out lmao [2015-05-13 04:50:08] And by amazxing I mean completely rediculous [2015-05-13 04:50:12] Laharl just beat up his old man [2015-05-13 04:50:13] We're at the end of chapter 6 [2015-05-13 04:50:14] OOH OOH HARR [2015-05-13 04:50:15] I only played it on Dreamcast, no loads there GastonDuPris ;p [2015-05-13 04:50:16] Which means [2015-05-13 04:50:22] OVERLORD! OVERLOARD! [2015-05-13 04:50:22] rlord overlord OVERLORD!!! [2015-05-13 04:50:29] overlord! overlord! [2015-05-13 04:50:30] OVERLORD OVERLORD OVERLORD [2015-05-13 04:50:35] well this just isn't the game for me. i'm off to sleep then, [2015-05-13 04:50:42] Too many overlords mine additional underlings [2015-05-13 04:50:43] Your praise pleases me plebians! [2015-05-13 04:50:44] dude no bop [2015-05-13 04:50:51] I dont think you should be allowed to be an angel with a moustache like that [2015-05-13 04:50:56] Flonne is best Demon [2015-05-13 04:51:09] flonne isn't a demon she's a fallen angel [2015-05-13 04:51:17] She hasn't fallen yet [2015-05-13 04:51:18] ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 04:51:20] Flonne is best demon [2015-05-13 04:51:22] Overlord! [2015-05-13 04:51:22] Flonne is JUSTICE [2015-05-13 04:51:25] Then she's head angel. Somehow [2015-05-13 04:51:25] just a confused Angel [2015-05-13 04:51:27] spawn more overlords, imo [2015-05-13 04:51:27] this whole game is Flonne [2015-05-13 04:51:28] that is literally the same thing [2015-05-13 04:51:29] Flonne PogChamp [2015-05-13 04:51:31] I stand by my statement [2015-05-13 04:51:42] Overlord! [2015-05-13 04:51:48] Flonne dies [2015-05-13 04:51:50] MESSENGER OF LOVE! [2015-05-13 04:52:02] yo guys Leeroy Jenkins is 10 years old today. Do you feel old now. Kappa [2015-05-13 04:52:06] Did the pucks get named? [2015-05-13 04:52:08] Someone who played disgea 4 how did flannel become seraph? [2015-05-13 04:52:11] HENSHIN, GUARDIAN FLONNE [2015-05-13 04:52:13] yes diosgx [2015-05-13 04:52:13] Flooonw...wjatcha doing [2015-05-13 04:52:23] someone once told me rpg speedrunning was only pain [2015-05-13 04:52:53] KunouNoHana knows where it's at [2015-05-13 04:52:54] that's not true [2015-05-13 04:52:56] it's also boring Kappa [2015-05-13 04:53:12] action rpgs are sweet to speedrun >> [2015-05-13 04:53:16] I'd donate for Critical Level 1 data Battles -^_^- [2015-05-13 04:53:18] secret of evermore. ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 04:53:26] ᕦCatBagᕤ [2015-05-13 04:53:34] Everyone knows RPG speedrunning is easy because there's it's all turn based Kappa [2015-05-13 04:53:37] FF:CC also... ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 04:53:45] as always, bringing the levels of truth beyond me powerofthepowerofthe [2015-05-13 04:53:48] can we get all opera parts sung by spikevegeta in ff6 i think we can chat. [2015-05-13 04:53:50] I don't care and have never cared for the hate it gets. I absolutely love and adore FF:CC [2015-05-13 04:53:53] And there's no execution, etc etc [2015-05-13 04:54:11] What is this catbag people speak of? [2015-05-13 04:54:18] probably helped that I played it with my brother and we both had links for our GBA SPs [2015-05-13 04:54:22] ChooChooTrain = The Debt Collector? [2015-05-13 04:54:23] brownTRAIN [2015-05-13 04:54:30] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:31] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:33] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:35] OpieOP Boyes [2015-05-13 04:54:35] brownTRAIN [2015-05-13 04:54:35] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:35] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:36] pjdTrain [2015-05-13 04:54:37] OPieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:37] OpieOP Just like in the chat! [2015-05-13 04:54:38] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:40] !schedule [2015-05-13 04:54:40] RPGLB Schedule: bombch.us/wea [2015-05-13 04:54:41] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:41] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:42] FF:CC only brought attention to the fact that I had no friends. We are not on speaking terms. [2015-05-13 04:54:42] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:43] HE SPELLED IT WRONK [2015-05-13 04:54:44] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:45] I submitted ChooChooTrain OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:45] Oh, that worked lol [2015-05-13 04:54:49] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:50] @doodert Brownman sub? [2015-05-13 04:54:54] OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:54:54] FFCC is love, FFCC is life [2015-05-13 04:54:58] @Kyoslilmonster, Yep [2015-05-13 04:54:59] I think if you played FF:CC on your own single player it would be a very mediocre game. [2015-05-13 04:55:08] I can vouch for that [2015-05-13 04:55:10] @doodert ahaha high five! [2015-05-13 04:55:13] but when you have someone to play with it seriously reminded me of the times doing multi-tap with Secret of Mana. [2015-05-13 04:55:13] I played it single-player and was bored [2015-05-13 04:55:19] I played ffcc with my boys so it was good [2015-05-13 04:55:20] All Iknow of FFCC is that it has great music and whoever designed the LE OST was a huge idiot [2015-05-13 04:55:22] @Kyoslilmonster, brownHEY [2015-05-13 04:55:23] Horse wiener time!? [2015-05-13 04:55:26] OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:55:26] yeah w/o someone to yell at and fight with/play with, it's not the same game at all [2015-05-13 04:55:28] FFCC is fun in singleplayer but is way beter in multi. [2015-05-13 04:55:30] OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP [2015-05-13 04:55:30] this has an awesome art aesthetic [2015-05-13 04:55:31] but dios you get a moogle PogChamp [2015-05-13 04:55:32] brownMALTA brownMALTA brownMALTA [2015-05-13 04:55:34] i thought you were going to bed, giramoni [2015-05-13 04:55:39] Last battle of this chapter is horse weiner time [2015-05-13 04:55:39] you can PAINT THE moogle too! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 04:55:53] HORSE WEINER TIME [2015-05-13 04:55:57] I really wanna try Malta; Reading what it is.. sounds delicious. [2015-05-13 04:55:57] Oh wow I forgot about the horse weiner [2015-05-13 04:56:02] just got my rocket league beta key :D [2015-05-13 04:56:04] and the final boss(s) in FF:CC are honestly some of the most graphically impressive things I've ever seen on the gamecube. [2015-05-13 04:56:10] How am I still up? Also Malta is good give it a shot [2015-05-13 04:56:11] Horse weiner. The most dangerous item [2015-05-13 04:56:16] like, damn they really pushed that system [2015-05-13 04:56:16] Someone donate to listen to that cutscene [2015-05-13 04:56:18] omg yes dios [2015-05-13 04:56:19] Quickly [2015-05-13 04:56:24] horse weiner OP [2015-05-13 04:56:31] Weiner of horse [2015-05-13 04:56:39] HorseWeiner% [2015-05-13 04:56:42] Someone donate to steal that item Kappa [2015-05-13 04:56:46] @Kyoslilmonster, I need to find a place that carries it.. Walmart here in Tucson doesn't seem to have it.. Not sure where else to look. [2015-05-13 04:57:01] It has an exclamation makr for an icon iirc. [2015-05-13 04:57:06] mark* [2015-05-13 04:57:16] Oh my, my stream was way behind O_O [2015-05-13 04:57:44] @doodert amazon [2015-05-13 04:58:00] New goal for my apt. Get Apple TV so I can stream twitch to my TV [2015-05-13 04:58:00] The Yetee is doing a special shirt sale in support of RPGLB! $3 of every shirt purchased from http://www.theyetee.com/rpglimitbreak will be donated to NAMI. [2015-05-13 04:58:33] @Kyoslilmonster I just use my laptop :-p [2015-05-13 04:58:36] Apple TV.. or.. Next Gen console? O: and I suppose I'll have a looksie at Amazon~ [2015-05-13 04:58:57] @swordofaeons mine is a piece of *** [2015-05-13 04:59:13] @doodert I have a PS3. No money for a ps4. Broke as all get out [2015-05-13 04:59:51] What console is this on? [2015-05-13 04:59:52] Bear Hands are a legit weapon [2015-05-13 04:59:56] Aww no horse weiner scene [2015-05-13 04:59:57] PSP [2015-05-13 05:00:03] this is the PSP version [2015-05-13 05:00:06] O [2015-05-13 05:00:08] @Everhate, So are Beer Hands. [2015-05-13 05:00:35] @Kyoslilmonster, Ahh I see - I picked up my Xbox off of Craigslist; Kid just wanted to sell it so I got it for a steal. [2015-05-13 05:00:36] isnt that the boss with the horse's weiner [2015-05-13 05:00:45] YES [2015-05-13 05:00:49] I liked disgae 3 ps vita loved that game 😻 [2015-05-13 05:00:52] There it is [2015-05-13 05:00:54] Yes. It makes him extra dangerous [2015-05-13 05:01:01] Seriously, no cutscene? [2015-05-13 05:01:02] Dammit [2015-05-13 05:01:08] I like that cutscene... [2015-05-13 05:01:08] HOLY CARP IT'S THE HORSE WEINER SCENE ALREADY? [2015-05-13 05:01:10] Gotta go fast [2015-05-13 05:01:10] @doodert I might start doing that. I'm gonna be in an area outside of philly. Sure I can buy some "definitely not stolen" goods [2015-05-13 05:01:10] WIENER. [2015-05-13 05:01:11] it's because you are on the mic Spike ;) [2015-05-13 05:01:12] SORRY. [2015-05-13 05:01:13] lol, we were making SpikeVegeta uncomfortable :-p [2015-05-13 05:01:17] didn't steal the horse wiener BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:01:31] I redid this entire chapter to get the Horse Wiener. [2015-05-13 05:01:35] so why is there a horse wiener? [2015-05-13 05:01:37] same [2015-05-13 05:01:44] Why not? [2015-05-13 05:01:44] Best part is that you can steal the horse weiner. And it's a pretty good item also [2015-05-13 05:01:44] the horse weiner is part of the ultimate zombie [2015-05-13 05:01:45] why ISNT there a horse weiner [2015-05-13 05:01:48] Why wouldn't there be a horse wiener? [2015-05-13 05:01:48] He just has one. [2015-05-13 05:01:49] Why ISNT there a horse wiener? [2015-05-13 05:01:50] chroma, you don't wanna know [2015-05-13 05:01:51] weiners? is this game of thrones? Kappa [2015-05-13 05:01:54] Pringer X! [2015-05-13 05:01:54] Chat just wants the weiner [2015-05-13 05:02:02] More prinnies, dood! [2015-05-13 05:02:07] spike's trying some stand up material [2015-05-13 05:02:09] Chat just wants the horseplay kappaSagat [2015-05-13 05:02:10] Hercules's Body, ___'s Brain, and the Horse Weiner make up the perfect zombie. [2015-05-13 05:02:15] I forget what brain it was [2015-05-13 05:02:18] Dood! [2015-05-13 05:02:23] Mahogany's Brain [2015-05-13 05:02:25] In the PSP version you can repeat a battle over and over with that zombie in Etna mode [2015-05-13 05:02:27] did the game just say FrankerZ? [2015-05-13 05:02:27] there we go [2015-05-13 05:02:31] Flonne's brain [2015-05-13 05:02:32] Mahogany's Brain. [2015-05-13 05:02:35] definitely FrankerZ [2015-05-13 05:02:36] no, pringerZ [2015-05-13 05:02:37] Pringer X needs to find the capsules to find boots, armor, helmet, and buster [2015-05-13 05:02:44] PringerZ [2015-05-13 05:02:44] flonne's brain is definitely part of the worst zombie ever [2015-05-13 05:02:51] FrankerZ [2015-05-13 05:02:52] I thought Pringer Z was Voltron. Kappa [2015-05-13 05:02:52] PringerZ needs an emote [2015-05-13 05:03:01] Music sounds very Ghost in the Shell-esque [2015-05-13 05:03:07] Souls are explosive dood! [2015-05-13 05:03:10] ^ [2015-05-13 05:03:28] One hit and they explode, dood! [2015-05-13 05:03:33] gotta get those ghost in the shell sounds for the ghosts [2015-05-13 05:03:41] goes to search if there is a link [2015-05-13 05:03:46] i think tossing your own prinnies count as killing them off [2015-05-13 05:03:50] Frankerz [2015-05-13 05:03:56] It counts for the kill count yes [2015-05-13 05:03:57] is that Spikevegeta? [2015-05-13 05:03:59] LilZ [2015-05-13 05:04:03] yes [2015-05-13 05:04:04] @epzilon yes [2015-05-13 05:04:04] DooD? [2015-05-13 05:04:04] Dood, dood? [2015-05-13 05:04:09] dood [2015-05-13 05:04:09] Dooooood! [2015-05-13 05:04:09] Dood [2015-05-13 05:04:10] BibleThump I always liked this chapter [2015-05-13 05:04:15] Dood! [2015-05-13 05:04:15] DOOD [2015-05-13 05:04:16] Damn autocorrect FrankerZ [2015-05-13 05:04:18] It does NOT hwoever count toward ally kills [2015-05-13 05:04:20] This chapter is so sad [2015-05-13 05:04:22] dooooooood [2015-05-13 05:04:24] dood? [2015-05-13 05:04:26] God that music box Kreygasm [2015-05-13 05:04:33] Murdering prinnies doesnt give you a bad end, correct? [2015-05-13 05:04:35] Work is gonna stink tomorrow but this is too good to pass up [2015-05-13 05:04:37] ...MOST OF THE FOLKS I KNOW ARE NOT HERE. [2015-05-13 05:04:39] Right [2015-05-13 05:04:44] It's a good day when twitch chat mimic prinnies, dood. [2015-05-13 05:04:52] Yeah, dood. [2015-05-13 05:04:53] PRINNY RULE #1, A Prinny must end everything they say with the word 'Dood'. [2015-05-13 05:04:53] if to toss your own prinnies you are TECHNICALLY killing them [2015-05-13 05:05:04] Throwing prinnies or getting caught in explosion damage is 'safe' for ending purposes [2015-05-13 05:05:04] Dood, prinnies are love, prinnies are life. dood. [2015-05-13 05:05:18] dat speed tech [2015-05-13 05:05:19] Zam [2015-05-13 05:05:31] ^heretic [2015-05-13 05:05:31] Big Sis Prinny is my favorite Prinny [2015-05-13 05:05:32] What do you all want? I leave to make Pizza Pockets and it's Dood this and Dood that... :( [2015-05-13 05:05:33] dood [2015-05-13 05:05:41] Dood~ [2015-05-13 05:05:44] Shut up, dood. [2015-05-13 05:05:51] dwdBabby dood [2015-05-13 05:05:57] d00d [2015-05-13 05:05:58] Really dood? [2015-05-13 05:06:00] Big Sis Prinny are special [2015-05-13 05:06:01] @Darkwing_duck_sda bboyHi dood [2015-05-13 05:06:07] I am hungry, and you're being a real downer, dood. [2015-05-13 05:06:20] spoiler: [2015-05-13 05:06:25] big sis prinny is important [2015-05-13 05:06:32] hungry dood? dwdRainbowmeat [2015-05-13 05:06:35] She's pink [2015-05-13 05:06:37] And female [2015-05-13 05:06:41] I am back @(_@ [2015-05-13 05:06:43] Major Spoiler Big Sis Prinny are Laharl's... [2015-05-13 05:06:49] dont say it [2015-05-13 05:06:52] I said .... [2015-05-13 05:07:01] we're not supposed to spoilerino [2015-05-13 05:07:07] Have we gone over the fact that Laharl is afraid of boobs yet? [2015-05-13 05:07:10] I said <REDACTED> [2015-05-13 05:07:12] yes [2015-05-13 05:07:14] .... I give up [2015-05-13 05:07:16] lol miss and 0 [2015-05-13 05:07:19] this was a long time ago [2015-05-13 05:07:27] That was in 5-2 [2015-05-13 05:07:36] OK [2015-05-13 05:07:36] This is 8-1 [2015-05-13 05:07:37] Laharl is actually SCP-<REDACTED> [2015-05-13 05:07:49] Laharl's boob phobia is an established fact. [2015-05-13 05:07:52] Laharl gets big boobs in the sequal [2015-05-13 05:08:01] But only for a chapter [2015-05-13 05:08:03] Does the run recruit the cast of Lost in Space? [2015-05-13 05:08:05] So glad I had a good dinner :3 [2015-05-13 05:08:15] Or the power rangers? [2015-05-13 05:08:16] He sings an idol song though [2015-05-13 05:08:31] soooo when are Axel introduced? [2015-05-13 05:08:37] Anyone know how far PP is into this run? Trying to power through til the end [2015-05-13 05:08:42] You have to recruit those three. All story characters are automaticlaly put into your party [2015-05-13 05:08:43] so when do prinnies, d00d [2015-05-13 05:08:48] Like not time wise, but like remaining? [2015-05-13 05:08:50] ohhh that's what a Puck is...?? @(_@ [2015-05-13 05:08:52] at the end of every sentence, dood? [2015-05-13 05:08:55] Pretty sure he at least uses Gordon because he has six throw [2015-05-13 05:08:56] Kyos: about halfway. [2015-05-13 05:09:09] I think this is the beginning of chapter 8 of 14? [2015-05-13 05:09:09] Gordon is THE MAN! ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ [2015-05-13 05:09:09] This is chapter 8 of 14 [2015-05-13 05:09:09] @tenburo thanks mate [2015-05-13 05:09:09] Gordon is pretty damn useful for grinding when you're not speedrunning [2015-05-13 05:09:14] 6 throw is no *** joke. [2015-05-13 05:09:15] Though later chapters are longer [2015-05-13 05:09:15] It has been a long time since I actually played this game, I still have my ps2 copy lying around here somewhere [2015-05-13 05:09:31] is everyone else sleeping before their next run? [2015-05-13 05:09:48] I like that warriors still say tits and satan whenever they attack... [2015-05-13 05:09:57] Pell, apparently there is someone in Disgaea 3 who has a throw of 7 [2015-05-13 05:10:06] There is? [2015-05-13 05:10:06] Yeah, I know [2015-05-13 05:10:09] Who';s that? [2015-05-13 05:10:09] yeah [2015-05-13 05:10:20] I don't remember their name sadly... [2015-05-13 05:10:23] It's the farthest in the entire series and he's badass [2015-05-13 05:10:28] A character or generic? [2015-05-13 05:10:28] Can you describe them? [2015-05-13 05:10:30] the special Prinny has a throw of 7 IIRC [2015-05-13 05:10:38] due to being a baseball player [2015-05-13 05:10:40] Prinnies can't lift though [2015-05-13 05:10:42] so this works a lot like FFT [2015-05-13 05:10:42] Oh [2015-05-13 05:10:44] she is special [2015-05-13 05:10:46] And is it post game only? [2015-05-13 05:10:48] What is the next run? [2015-05-13 05:10:48] his name is the outlaw Josey Wales [2015-05-13 05:10:53] only part of her that's prinny are the cap she wears [2015-05-13 05:11:01] @martinstern suikoden [2015-05-13 05:11:02] In Disgaea 3 you can 'bounce' throw characters off monsters [2015-05-13 05:11:02] she is basically a girl weaing a prinny cap [2015-05-13 05:11:03] She's adorable. [2015-05-13 05:11:06] Oh her [2015-05-13 05:11:11] I played through 3... I don't remember this... [2015-05-13 05:11:17] Cool, thanks [2015-05-13 05:11:17] oh shoot, I didn't catch the name of the nekomata [2015-05-13 05:11:20] oh wait [2015-05-13 05:11:22] she is in 4 [2015-05-13 05:11:23] I know who you mean but I forget her name [2015-05-13 05:11:24] MAH BAD [2015-05-13 05:11:25] Are there 2 nekos? [2015-05-13 05:11:28] in 4 not 3? [2015-05-13 05:11:32] dood [2015-05-13 05:11:32] I always forget the 3rd is the school one [2015-05-13 05:11:36] She's in Vita post game at least [2015-05-13 05:11:39] Fuka [2015-05-13 05:11:45] Disgaea 3 has other *** up *** [2015-05-13 05:11:51] I think it's DLC originally [2015-05-13 05:11:52] BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:12:12] BibleThump , dood. [2015-05-13 05:12:12] Sad song [2015-05-13 05:12:13] Wish them good luck dood [2015-05-13 05:12:19] BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:12:20] BibleThump dood NOOOOOO [2015-05-13 05:12:21] Good Luck [2015-05-13 05:12:21] GOOD LUCK DOOD [2015-05-13 05:12:24] DOOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2015-05-13 05:12:28] BibleThump dood [2015-05-13 05:12:32] ??? [2015-05-13 05:12:34] GOOD LUCK DOOD BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:12:37] dey are ded doood [2015-05-13 05:12:41] deal with it [2015-05-13 05:12:44] BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:12:44] RIP DOOD [2015-05-13 05:12:58] ;____; [2015-05-13 05:13:01] BibleThump BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:13:02] B) [2015-05-13 05:13:02] BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:13:04] WHO PUT THESE FEELS IN TWITCH!?! BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:13:07] BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:13:10] BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:13:20] AAAND IDENTITY DROP DOOD. [2015-05-13 05:13:20] Kappa [2015-05-13 05:13:21] press F to pay respects for the doods [2015-05-13 05:13:27] FeelsBadMan dood [2015-05-13 05:13:33] BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:13:33] F [2015-05-13 05:13:35] F [2015-05-13 05:13:39] F [2015-05-13 05:13:41] F [2015-05-13 05:13:42] where is the schedule_ [2015-05-13 05:13:42] F [2015-05-13 05:13:44] F [2015-05-13 05:13:46] LAHARL'S MOM NOOOO BibleThump [2015-05-13 05:13:47] F [2015-05-13 05:13:47] brownTROPHY Felt the Feels. [2015-05-13 05:13:48] Press F to pay respects to Mamaharl, dood. [2015-05-13 05:13:51] why are they playing in english? [2015-05-13 05:13:52] i would love to see some suikoden 2 ¿D [2015-05-13 05:13:55] for those not kn the know, Big Sis Prinny was Laharl's Mom [2015-05-13 05:13:55] F [2015-05-13 05:14:03] it's passed nwo so no longer a spoiler [2015-05-13 05:14:04] brownFAIL [2015-05-13 05:14:08] youSad savSAD [2015-05-13 05:14:10] Press F to pay respects to Momma aharl [2015-05-13 05:14:11] There's no reason to use Japanese voices [2015-05-13 05:14:12] BibleThump7 [2015-05-13 05:14:13] Them feels [2015-05-13 05:14:16] It's the same timing [2015-05-13 05:14:19] F [2015-05-13 05:14:20] F [2015-05-13 05:14:21] BibleThump 7 [2015-05-13 05:14:22] BibleThump 7 [201