Narshe battle speed 6, message speed 1, cursor memory Terra back row 1st battle: Terra bio blast, Vicks and Wedge run away 2nd battle: Vicks/Wedge fire beam guard on left and lobo, Terra bio blast, Vicks and Wedge run away 3rd battle: Vicks/Wedge fire beam both vomammoths, Terra bio blast, Vicks and Wedge run away Whelk: tek missile, beam x2, tek missile, go into shell, tek missile get Terra level 6 before Locke joins (shouldn't have to fight extra battles) Marshal: Mog attack Marshal once then remove weapon and shield, middle two moogles kill lobos M-tek Armor: autocrossbow x2, Locke steal Cave to South Figaro during battle, equip Locke mithril shield South Figaro buy 2 sprint shoes, equip on Terra Edgar, Locke back row Mt. Koltz run away until get atlas armlet, equip on Edgar get Edgar level 10, Locke level 9, Terra level 8 (have Terra and Locke run from 1 or 2 battles) *Terra gain 2 levels, Edgar and Locke gain 1 level save point: Terra cure others, sleeping bag Before Vargas Terra cure if needed Ipoohs: fire both, steal, autocrossbow *unequip Edgar's weapon during battle Vargas: autocrossbow, attack, fire Sabin joins at level 11 After Vargas Terra cure only if really needed get tent Lete River beginning: Banon, Sabin back row equip Sabin optimum relic Sabin sprint shoes remove Terra's sprint shoes get Edgar to level 11 (fight pterodons x2 - autocrossbow x2, everyone else run) run from all other battles Ultros Banon health then defend, aurabolt, autocrossbow, fire after 5th aurabolt Sabin's Scenario When control Cyan relic sprint shoes battle speed 1 Before fight templars relic Sabin black belt heal w/tonics Sabin front row Templars & Soldiers: Sabin defend, kill with counters Before next battle: heal Sabin, battle speed 6 3 battles: attack soldiers, aurabolt Cadet if needed After battles both back row Phantom Train run from all battles get earrings relic Sabin white cape, earrings Ghost Train: suplex, fenix down Baren Falls kill all piranhas except one, defend and wait ??? seconds, kill last piranha, aurabolt/dispatch Rizopas Veldt run from battles until get dried meat Serpent Trench run from all battles right, then left path Nikeah sell remedy, softs (if any), tent x2, sleeping bag, mithril blade, air lancet, black belt **NOT dirk BUY MAGUS HAT! (3rd down) buy 31 smoke bombs (or as many as can) (4th down) NEED 100 GP LEFT FOR CHOCOBO REMOVE CYAN'S SPRINT SHOES!!! Terra's Scenario relic Edgar empty->sprint shoes smoke bomb all battles Locke's scenario relic sprint shoes get earrings, hyper wrist, running shoes after get Celes (in door) relic Celes running shoes equip Celes optimum Celes back row Tunnel Armor: thunder rod Narshe parties Terra Cyan, Edgar, Sabin, Celes Gau relic Sabin white cape->earrings; Cyan hyper wrist Kefka: runic, aurabolt, dispatch, autocrossbow party: Edgar (lead), Sabin, Cyan, Celes get elixir from clock, all treasures in shack Figaro Castle sell peace ring, wall ring buy flash, drill buy 15 fenix downs, 27 revivifies After get hero ring: relic Edgar earrings, hero ring; Celes empty->sprint shoes; Cyan atlas armlet equip Celes optimum Zozo get fire knuckle Before Dadaluma: Celes cure all battle mode active Dadaluma (1350 damage to counter) aurabolt, drill, ice; wait for boss's 2nd turn; aurabolt, drill, dispatch, aurabolt, drill, ice if needed get running shoes get all magicite After Zozo battle mode wait esper Locke siren, Edgar stray relic Locke empty->sneak ring; Sabin genji glove, atlas armlet equip Locke optimum Sabin front row Jidoor buy kaiser buy 21 echo screens (would like 25 total)???? need 250 for chocobo Before Ultros 2 esper Locke Ramuh Ultros 2 (2550 HP) Sabin attack, Edgar drill, Locke summon Ramuh, Sabin attack Airship buy 2 warp stones heal at guy if Locke doesn't know sleep (fewer than 4 rat battles), esper Locke siren, Celes ramuh relic Celes running shoes, sprint shoes; Locke sprint shoes->running shoes; Sabin earrings x2 equip Celes optimum Sabin back row, in lead Magitek Factory if Locke doesn't know sleep, fight one battle (flash, Celes summon ramuh) get flame sabre, thunder blade, dragoon boots *equip Celes flame sabre, Edgar thunder blade during battle Before Ifrit & Shiva Celes cure everyone esper Locke ramuh if doesn't have it battle speed 1 Ifrit & Shiva attack 5 times, run away After Ifrit & Shiva battle speed 6 Celes cure if needed get break blade Before No. 024 heal only if low HP equip Edgar thunder blade, Celes flame saber (if didn't earlier) No. 024 Locke sleep, Sabin aurabolt, Edgar flash, Celes ice, Locke steal then summon Ramuh Before minecart (when follow Cid) esper Sabin phantom, Edgar carbuncle, Locke siren Sabin, Locke front row relic Edgar earrings->running shoes; Locke sneak ring->sprint shoes; Sabin atlas armlet, genji glove equip Locke flame sabre (do during battle instead?) Minecart equip Locke flame sabre during battle Sabin attack, Edgar drill single enemies, flash multiple Sabin summon Phantom in 3rd battle? (Edgar kill red mag roader first) Locke give tincture to Sabin after summon phantom No. 128 Locke attack, Edgar drill, Sabin attack, summon phantom if lose vanish? Cranes joker doom Before go to Narshe party Locke, Terra unequip those not in party esper Locke phantom, Terra maduin Locke back row equip Locke optimum, thiefknife; Terra optimum, flame sabre, magus hat relic Terra runningshoes, sprint shoes get elixir from clock in elder's house Cave to Sealed Gate Locke summon phantom fight zombones, ings; run from all others (first 3 rooms) use revivifies to kill, Terra gets last turn, Locke runs away fight until Terra level 20 (9? battles, learns life at level 18) get ether, elixir arrange items warp stone to leave After airship crash unequip phantom from Locke party Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Setzer buy 51 (or as many as can) smoke bombs, need 100 GP for chocobo Imperial Castle After timer starts: esper Setzer phantom, Edgar carbuncle equip all except Terra optimum relic Edgar hero ring, hyper wrist; Sabin earrings x2 mega armor: drill, aurabolt commandos: aurabolt, attack if needed After talk to all soldiers (before time runs out) relic Terra gale hairpin, back guard; Setzer sprint shoes remove fire knuckle from Sabin, break blade from Edgar Setzer, Sabin back row arrange items SP Forces: joker doom In Vector cafe relic Locke running shoes->charm bangle use warp stone Albrook SELL STUFF!!! 6 weapons, 3 relics sell rune edge, break blade, blizzard, thunder blade, tempest, fire knuckle, hyper wrist x2, dragoon boots, atlas armlet need 41,200 GP total buy white dress (2200) get warp stone in box at harbor (immediate right) Thamasa buy 5 ice rods, 8 thunder rods FlameEater Terra morph, 1 ice rod single-target Before Ultros equip Terra white dress relic Terra 2 earrings, Strago earrings & hero ring, Locke charm bangle->sneak ring Strago back row Ultros 3 4 thunder rods, try to steal white cape re-equip charm bangle afterward Before enter airship (after Thamasa) esper Terra ramuh unequip Relm, Locke, Strago remove Strago's relics, Locke's charm bangle party: Terra (4th), Edgar, Setzer after 1st IAF battle: esper Setzer bismark, Edgar carbuncle equip Setzer, Edgar optimum IAF 6 battles: Terra summon ramuh, Edgar/Setzer attack spit fire if needed heal if needed - give Terra tincture after cure 4 times esper Setzer phantom when learns fire (after 4th battle if doesn't die) Before Ultros remove Terra's weapon relic Terra running shoes, back guard; Edgar charm bangle, sprint shoes; Setzer running shoes, gale hairpin esper Setzer phantom (if haven't already) Ultros 4 Setzer summon phantom, wait for Setzer to get turn, Edgar muddle Setzer, Terra attack Setzer, Setzer 7-7-bar Air Force Terra morph, thunder rod single-target Beginning of Floating Continent Terra cure if needed *try to equip flame sabre on Terra during battle Ninjas: Terra 1 thunder rod OR joker doom (need 1 thunder rod left for Nerapa) Atma Weapon: joker doom, equip flame saber on Terra if haven't already Escaping Floating Continent relic Terra earrings x2; Celes hero ring, earrings; Setzer running shoes->back guard; remove Edgar's charm bangle equip Terra flame sabre (if didn't equip earlier), Celes optimum esper Celes stray Naughtys (12?): Terra bolt 2, Edgar/Setzer attack if needed *if Terra frozen, Setzer fire, or Celes use thunder rod if have extra give Terra elixir when needed esper Edgar shoat when learns warp esper Setzer siren, Celes phantom when learns vanish Nerapa: Celes or Terra use thunder rod; joker doom if don't have rods *GET CHEST - elixir Solitary Island esper Celes phantom equip optimum, remove flame sabre, equip magus hat relic sprint shoes, charm bangle lose time if take longer than 3:46 to save Cid Tzen buy sraphim pick up pearl rod (second chest, in middle chamber) - sells for 6000 equip Sabin optimum relic Sabin back guard, gale hairpin arrange items Nikeah CHECK GP!!!!! sell revivifies (keep 1), flame sabre, pearl rod, thunder rods, boomerang, czarina ring, sneak ring, 2 earrings (keep 1) *sell 1-GP items so that GP ends with 0, 6, or 9 dirk (5), thiefknife, genji glove, tintinabar, memento ring need 29,000 GP (33,000 if buying 3 white capes) buy 1 enhancer, 3 bard's hats, 2 white capes (3 if didn't steal from Ultros 3) *need 80 GP for chocobo CHECK GP!!!!! Figaro Castle try to equip enhancer on Celes during battle get gravity rod, CRYSTAL HELM Before Tentacles put Sabin in 4th spot Celes cure if needed equip Celes enhancer (if didn't already), Sabin optimum (bard's hat) relic both earrings/hero ring, running shoes Tentacles Edgar gravity rod bottom left, Celes fire rod; Sabin/Celes ice rods, Edgar drill (autocrossbow?) top two After Tentacles Celes cure if needed relic Edgar sprint shoes, gale hairpin; Celes earrings->charm bangle; Sabin hero ring->back guard Kohlingen esper Celes stray (if knows vanish), Sabin phantom; Edgar shoat, Setzer sraphim equip Setzer optimum Daryl's Tomb bottom left room, Edgar warp after hit switch get CRYSTAL MAIL Maranda Desert remove Celes's charm bangle if haven't already: esper Celes stray if knows vanish, Sabin phantom summon phantom (Celes or Sabin) fight 3 battles (or until not all level 15) After: relic Celes charm bangle, remove Sabin's relics unequip Sabin all, Edgar's crystal helm->bard's hat remove Sabin's esper (if any) Maranda sell crystal helm, crystal mail buy tao robe talk to Lola find Doom Gaze: joker doom/vanish doom Narshe heal at bucket get Mog, moogle charm Edgar warp out party Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Mog relic Mog moogle charm, sprint shoes Mog back row fly to Zozo get thunder shield, aegis shield, gold hairpin before Storm Dragon: equip Setzer optimum, thunder shield; Celes optimum?; Mog optimum? relic Setzer 2 white capes, Celes 2 white capes SAVE!!! Storm Dragon: joker doom or vanish/doom After get Cyan Setzer revive Celes, Edgar if dead (if knows life) unequip Edgar, remove relics Edgar warp out Figaro Castle after get Odin: esper Celes Odin equip Celes optimum (force armor) Blue Dragon: Celes (Setzer?) vanish, Odin *change party before flying to Doma party: Cyan (4th), Mog (3rd), Setzer, Celes esper Mog bismark, Celes stray left door first Curley, Larry, Moe: joker doom get ice shield BEFORE Wrexsoul (when change party leaders): esper Mog raiden Wrexsoul: vanish both soulsavers, raiden get Alexander party: Celes, Setzer, Mog (leader) equip Setzer ice shield relic Mog moogle charm->gold hairpin fly to Mobliz Phunbaba 1: Terra bolt 2 self Phunbaba 2: Setzer/Celes vanish, Mog raiden Phunbaba 3: vanish, raiden Phunbaba 4: vanish, raiden sleep in Mobliz (for Celes's MP in Jidoor) esper Mog fenrir unequip Terra Triangle Island (change party after flying there) change party to only Mog after Zone Eater, relic gold hairpin->moogle charm get genji armor? GET THUNDER SHIELD AFTER GETTING GOGO *check echo screens Gogo status slot, magic, item equip Gogo optimum Gogo back row warp stone out Phoenix Cave parties: Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Mog Gogo, Celes (NOT LEADER), Setzer Group 1 give magitek to both Edgar and Sabin Group 2 relic Gogo charm bangle, back guard; Celes sprint shoes, gale hairpin esper Setzer raiden, Celes siren if knows float Red Dragon: Celes/Gogo vanish, Setzer raiden unequip all party members party: Locke, Setzer, Mog equip Locke optimum, man eater, ice shield; Setzer optimum, aegis shield; Mog optimum, flame shield relic Locke gold hairpin, running shoes; Setzer 2 white capes; Mog BACK GUARD, sprint shoes esper Locke raiden, Mog fenrir Veldt after get Gau: relic Mog moogle charm; Setzer gale hairpin, running shoes equip Setzer ice shield Cave in the Veldt Sr. Behemoth: Setzer vanish, Locke raiden Colosseum LOCKE FRONT ROW bet striker, choose Locke Narshe 2 GET RAGNAROK Locke back row Ice Dragon: Setzer vanish, Locke raiden revive Mog if dies? (enough MP to learn x-zone?) Tritoch: same Umaro: echo screen/joker doom Mog warp out unequip all? party Celes, Setzer, Mog equip Celes enhancer, aegis shield, magus hat, white dress; Setzer and Mog optimum (NOT ice or flame shield) relic Celes earrings, hero ring; Setzer white cape, gale hairpin; Mog moogle charm, sprint shoes esper Mog fenrir; Setzer raiden; Celes siren, float all arrange items Solitary Island get palidor Opera House Setzer/Celes vanish, Mog x-zone Jidoor dahlings: Celes and Mog use ice shield still life: flame shield Chadarnook: Setzer/Celes vanish, Mog x-zone get golem and zoneseek Fanatics' Tower - after get Strago: equip Celes optimum, enhancer; Setzer force shield relic Celes 2 white capes esper Celes raiden give Celes elixir? Relm back row get genji shield (2nd chest) White Dragon: vanish, x-zone/raiden Doom Gaze (if haven't yet) be sure people aren't on level 20 joker doom or vanish/doom (NOT raiden or x-zone) ***buy more echo screens, fenix downs, smoke bombs? unequip all members? party: Cyan, Strago, Umaro, Terra give all magitek Kefka's Tower **switch Celes and Setzer? ****fire for Doom?****** Edgar, Setzer, Relm, Cyan Sabin, Strago, Mog,Celes (4th) Shadow (leader), Terra, Locke, Gogo equip Setzer optimum, thunder shield; Mog optimum, thunder shield relic Setzer running shoes, earrings?; Mog moogle charm, sprint shoes GIVE MOG ELIXIR Gold Dragon: Setzer vanish, Mog x-zone unequip Mog and Setzer afterward Shadow, Locke? back row equip Gog optimum, force shield Terra enhancer, aegis shield, bard's hat, force armor Locke optimum, force shield, force armor DON'T EQUIP SHADOW relic Gogo 2 white capes, Terra 2 white capes, others back guard, charm bangle, gale hairpin, sprint shoes KILL SHADOW in first battle (Terra bolt 2) Inferno: joker doom (use tonic/potion if atomic ray hits one person) revive Shadow afterward Skull Dragon: joker doom equip Cyan optimum, head band Edgar optimum, man eater, force shield Celes optimum Relm optimum, force shield, tao robe relic Celes 2 white capes, Relm 2 white capes, others back guard, etc. esper Relm raiden Guardian: joker doom Poltergeist: joker doom unequip all; equip Gogo thunder shield remove all relics; relic Gogo running shoes, hero ring give Celes, Relm elixirs if needed Doom: Celes vanish, Relm raiden unequip all except Celes; equip Celes force shield relic Celes true knight; Edgar crystal orb, gold hairpin arrange items (for thunder shield at top) use tent give Setzer, Mog elixirs if needed MAKE SURE MOG HAS ENOUGH MP (53) FOR GODDESS Goddess: Setzer vanish, Mog x-zone final party 5 7 10 12 Reverse Joker Doom: Celes vanish Edgar muddle Gogo remedy *********************************************************************************** max MBlock Celes: 139 Terra: 137 Edgar: 131 Relm: 129 Strago: 127 Gogo: 126 Locke: 122 Setzer: 121 Cyan: 111 Shadow: 99 Gau: 98 Mog: 92 Sabin: 84 Umaro: 35 CAN wear force armor Terra, Locke, Cyan, Edgar, Celes, Setzer CANNOT wear force armor Sabin, Shadow, Gau, Strago, Relm, Mog, Umaro, Gogo Celes: oath veil, force? shield, genji armor, czarina ring can survive blue dragon and storm dragon 2 turns FIRST ATTACKS OF BOSSES Red Dragon fire 2, fireball (messes up joker doom) Storm Dragon attack, wind slash, rage Blue Dragon cleansweep (water) SrBehemoth Battle, !Evil Claw (if a character has reflect), Ice 2, Ice 3, Pearl (Imp, Meteo) White Dragon pearl Chadarnook (none - always preemptive) attack, charm *no joker doom Ice Dragon Battle, Surge (when die?), N. Cross, Absolute0 Tritoch Ice 3, Rasp (messes up joker doom), Cold Dust (rare) Umaro Battle, !Tackle, blizzard (all very weak) *no vanish/doom Doom Gaze L.5 doom (safety bit/memento ring) SoulSavers bolt 3 (most often), fire 3, ice 3, battle Gold Dragon attack, bolt, bolt 2, giga volt Skull Dragon Battle, Specter, Elf Fire, Condemned MP 6-12 Vermin/Sewer Rats Edgar stray Locke siren, learns sleep 4 No. 024 Edgar learns muddle Locke ramuh (for summon) 10 Mag Roaders Edgar carbuncle Locke siren, learns fire Sabin phantom (for summon) 5 No. 128 4 Cranes 3 Imperial Castle Setzer phantom Edgar carbuncle 1/2 each Balloons 4 Flame Eater 10-12 IAF Setzer bismark, learn fire after 3 battles, 6 extra MP, esper phantom Edgar carbuncle 3 Air Force 5? each Ninjas 10 Atma Weapon ~36 Naughtys Edgar learns warp after 2 battles, esper shoat (30 MP for doom) Setzer learns vanish after 3 battles, 22 extra MP Celes phantom after Setzer's done (27 MP for vanish) 3 Nerapa 5 Tentacles Celes learn vanish 5 Dullahan Sabin bismark?, learns fire Celes stray? (for float) 15-30 Maranda Desert Edgar learn doom 10 Storm Dragon 10 Blue Dragon 6 Curley, Larry, Moe Mog bismark, learns fire 7 Wrexsoul 0 Phunbaba 5 each? Phases 10 Red Dragon Celes learns float 2 Dahlings Mog fenrir Celes/Setzer siren 2 Still Life 6 Chadarnook Mog learns warp 10 Dirt Dragon Mog learns x-zone Celes/Setzer learns mute 10 White Dragon Celes/Setzer starlet Celes/Setzer learns remedy 10 Ice Dragon 7 Tritoch 0 Umaro 5 Sr. Behemoth 0 Doom Gaze 10 Gold Dragon (group 2) 10 Skull Dragon (group 3) 8 Inferno 7 Guardian 10 Poltergeist 10 Doom 10 Goddess short 5 MP for Setzer learn float (if fights Goddess)