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I am thinking of doing a speed run for this game,does anyone have tips or guide lines also does anyone know the current time to beat
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There is no victory without combat
Okay dude, first things first: You need a plan for recording this game, which is kinda hard, cause you need a camcorder or so, which can be adjusted right, and can record the 2 Screens of the DS. I highly recommend that you assure that you can record correctly, read the guidelines in the wiki, watch the Metroid Prime Hunters Run (although the runner record only the upper screen...) and I believe the best would be to post a Video and ask if the quality is good enough.

Back to the topic, I although thought about how to perform a Speedrun for this game, but I didn't even try, cause I have no camera and no time. And the game is hard... . right now no tricks climb in my mind, but I will revisit the game to help you a bit.

Good luck, have fun Grin
I would like very much to see a twewy run Smiley

You should check pretty much all of and probably the gamefaqs faqs. What kind of run are you planning to do? Since you can (and sometimes have to) switch difficulties anytime it would be problematic to specify that (could be something like hard or normal whenever possible). Easy is obviously fastest but would be less interesting to watch.

Something like 100% (maingame + all secret reports) might be best because of the "hard" boss fights (so it wouldn't be so bad that maingame is on easy) and route planning. Equipment-wise slapshot and LASS are probably the way to go. Money might be a problem though.
I want off the ride....
If your running twewy I would suggest you pick what pins you are going to use in combat and probably stick it to the "easy" difficulty. If you run into money problems I think in week 2? there is a spot with frogs when on easy drop 10k pins fairly early.

If you want to, I would probably set up an NG+ type run, where you start at Day 1 and just continue... though you could have all things you need to turn in except for the few times you are required to do chain reductions.

Honestly TWEWY might be a good speed run but I donno if it'd be enjoyable content?
Edit history:
dexter: 2009-01-14 08:28:10 pm
According to the 10,000 yen frogs don't appear until late W3 / another day.

NG+ wouldn't be very interesting to watch IMO since you can easily crush everything, even on ultimate. That's why I thought maingame NG + all secret reports would be great since you have to fight the blue noise on hard. It might be a good idea to not do all of maingame on easy to catch some EXP. The route would also be very interesting since you really want to get some of the more powerful items (puck power, high atk, sos atk boost) as early as possible. Backtracking (when you are too weak to defeat the bosses at the moment) should be avoided of course.

EDIT: just noticed that EXP ist fixed, duh... difficulty still affects battle pp although it might not make a big difference
There was a guide made for this game posted on Gamefaqs by  a guy who didn't have the equiptment to record well.

I'd assume it has some good ideas.
thank you everybody I think i'll just do the main game as a speed run and mabey just on easy.but a hard thing like you said is getting pins and those rare metal pins[i hate getting those] for reapers this may slow down my time but i proboly could do a decnt run
as for the guide left thank you  Wink but i'm sure i cand do better than 4:30
The act of trying to 100% the game will certainly take like... a ridiculously long time.
If you're gonna run TWEWY you're probably gonna want to just use easy mode except for any case where there's a strong pin you want where you could use normal or hard. Having 100%ed the game, I know there are a lot of "medium level" pins you'd never want to have at the end of the game, but are easy to get, or can be evolved from lower pins if you know which type to evolve with.

It'a also possible you could use shutdown points if that would be legal, I'd assume it would be. You could start each segment with upping your DS clock a week and get points for all your pins quickly. Plus that could refill your food limit... thing.
If an official SDA 100% definition is decided on I doubt it would include all pins since it would indeed add very little to the run (interesting stuff, not time ;))

evanders: do you already have a plan for pins, threads, food, etc.?
I want off the ride....
SDA would be what the game tracks as 100%; so probably all of the Reports would suffice as 100%....

I think thats what would be 100% anyway. which basically requires a second playthrough of the game.
There is a level and stat cap, but those things don't fall under the normal qualifications of 100%. Besides which it would require around... a long time. Like a few months...

I'd assume it would be all pins, reports, and extra things (empty leg, ultimate mode, fusions, etc.).

The only snag is in order to get those things is the game would have to have the most difficult pin in the game, Black Jupiter, as the "buyable Darklit Plane pin". Because that one would take many hours of extra training to get. But still, it would take like a hundred segments and like 50 hours to get all pins. So it might not be worth doing.

But it seems he's just going for a regular speedrun, the ending being beating Draco Cantus, I would think.
Excuse me for the necro. This is one of the first results for "World Ends With You" and "Speedrun" so I was compelled to reply.

I am the person who wrote the speedrun walkthrough on GameFAQs, completing the game in a time of 4:30. Note that this is the in-game timer, so I suspect that the real time is closer to 5 hours. First off, I'd like to respond to various comments:

i'm sure i can do better than 4:30
This game is split into 21 sections: Each section is a "day" and the game is 3 weeks. Since you haven't even posted any of your clear times for the first week, I suppose you haven't even given this a serious thought. Someone else played my speedrun to completion and got 4:48. He was faster than me in some areas, but slower in others.


Also, note that cutscenes cannot be skipped. They can only be sped up by tapping the screen. This accounts for a large portion of the speedrun time.

a guy who didn't have the equiptment to record well.
Actually, I have one of the best webcams on the market, a Logitech Quickcam Pro for Notebooks. A good portion of my YouTube videos were streamed live, so you see artifacts from low bitrate, but when I record at a high bitrate, one-screen recording is excellent. I have posted numerous multiplayer videos for the DS game Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. Here is a high-bitrate replay:

As for WEWY, recording is hampered by your rules at Let me quote from that site:

Make sure the screen(s) are in focus. Unfocused (blurry) video will not be accepted.

This is a limitation of the DS lite itself. Perfect focus will display LCD RGB pixel artifacts, so that's why focus is a notch softer on the above replay. This is apparent in your Metroid Prime Hunters speedrun as well. This problem is amplified when recording two screens. Because both screens are not completely level with each other, one screen will ultimately look sharper than the other.

If you want to see my WEWY recording, take a look here:

Note that this is also the best WEWY recording on YouTube. I tried to make both screens as level as possible, but you can still see LCD RGB pixel artifacts on the top screen. Focusing them out would make the bottom screen too blurry. If I had to do it again I'd raise the brightness, but if I was recording an entire speedrun, I'd make sure to set my brightness/contrast levels perfectly.

I think i'll just do the main game as a speed run and mabey just on easy.
The 4:30 time was achieved on normal. Of course you're going to beat it on easy, but that ruins all the fun. As a footnote, hard difficulty is brutal with base stats and should not be realistically considered because many of the boss battles take too long.

The act of trying to 100% the game will certainly take like... a ridiculously long time.
If you have a second DS with a 100% save file, it's actually relatively quick to obtain 100%. Almost every pin is purchasable through the mingle shop, which would then net most of the non-mingle quest items. I'm not sure if that's within SDA's guidelines, but it's worth noting. Mingling can also provide the player with the most powerful pins early in the game.

Equipment-wise slapshot and LASS are probably the way to go.
LASS is impossible to obtain in a speedrun because of BRV requirements. Please read my walkthrough for details. I coined that term, by the way.


So why didn't I record this myself? Aside from the focus issue, there was one other thing from the guidelines that turned me off:

Do not attempt to process the video yourself. Yank it off the camera and send it in, on CD-R or DVD-R if necessary. Videos altered in any way from how the camera made them will not be accepted. This includes attempting to integrate audio recorded separately: audio sync will be handled by SDA.
My webcam captures raw uncompressed video. That is approximately 26.4 MB per second, or 1.54 GB per minute. Therefore, an entire speedrun at 4:30 (270 minutes) would require me to send in a whole hard drive. All that work for nothing but "internet glory?" Puh-leeze. You'd have to pay me to submit a 500GB hard drive.

So there you have it. You'll have a hard time beating 4:30 because I wrote many technical articles on the WEWY wiki, such as Efficiency ( and the aforementioned LASS, so I know the entire game in and out. Of course, I can't stop you from trying. Good luck!

Thank you for your time.
Quote from GipFace:
So why didn't I record this myself? Aside from the focus issue, there was one other thing from the guidelines that turned me off:

Do not attempt to process the video yourself. Yank it off the camera and send it in, on CD-R or DVD-R if necessary. Videos altered in any way from how the camera made them will not be accepted. This includes attempting to integrate audio recorded separately: audio sync will be handled by SDA.
My webcam captures raw uncompressed video. That is approximately 26.4 MB per second, or 1.54 GB per minute. Therefore, an entire speedrun at 4:30 (270 minutes) would require me to send in a whole hard drive. All that work for nothing but "internet glory?" Puh-leeze. You'd have to pay me to submit a 500GB hard drive.

I don't think that rule's creator had your particular situation in mind. There'll likely be a way, discuss it with nate (the guy who does most of the video encoding). As you seem to be technically skilled he might let you crop and encode the video yourself.
Waiting hurts my soul...
If you have the entire video on a hard drive, there is software out there that'll let you share folders over the net, so you wouldn't have to ship or burn the data at all.
Sharing 500 GB over the net is not a good idea. Many people have uplinks of just 128 to 1024 KBit/s, thus it'll take a year or 1.5 months respectively for the upload to finish.
Edit history:
Kewl0210: 2009-03-08 02:43:33 pm
K, so I misquoted you a bit.
I remember now, I asked you about this on that GameFAQs topic. You'd said you could record it but it would take up too much space and such. So I abbreviated by saying "you didn't have the right equipment" as opposed to "the right equipment doesn't exist".
But you should PM or email SDA to see if you could work something out like allow you to modify the video so it's not that big or it's sharpened or whatever. I'm sure there's some way to do it, because as Kabuto said, the point of that rule is to avoid cheating, but if it prevents the run from being recorded at all they would probably make an exception or work out a compromise. I mean, only one run's been done on the DS for crying out loud...

That or else wait until someone makes some kind of homebrew recorder, or if Nintendo ever makes an official one. Maybe someone'll find a way to once the DSi comes out in the US, I dunno how possible that is...

Yeah, and doing something like getting game-breaking items from another game linked would almost definitely be considered against the rules. Or else it would have to go into a different category as "uses majors skips" or something. But I really doubt it would be allowed at all to use an outside device.
At this point in time, I wouldn't be motivated to record the speedrun unless there was a cash bounty. At 4:30, it would be one of the longest speedruns on SDA. It would be difficult, but not impossible to record it all in a single-segment run.