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nate: 2010-08-14 03:04:14 am
nate: 2010-08-14 03:04:05 am
nate: 2010-08-14 03:03:53 am
welcome to taiga forum.

feel free to reply here and let me know what you think.

here's how to embed streaming videos in your posts. if you embed a ustream in the first post of a thread then it will show whether you are currently streaming from that board's threads list. you can also embed your stream in the first post of a static thread to allow people to talk to you live in the thread while you stream. it's like the ustream chat but less crappy.

here are some keyboard shortcuts. for example, press ctrl-s in firefox for mac to send a new post. you can also probably press tab, enter to send a new post in almost any browser.

you can customize various settings if you click on appearance next to the sda logo at the top left. for example, you can change the forum style from there. thanks to arkarian's hard work there are several styles to pick from, so if you don't like the sda style (willow dark), be sure to check out the others.

you can also customize the links that appear at the top of the screen by clicking on the pencil icon. the links you put in there don't have to be sda forum links.

again, please let me know if you find any bugs or have any suggestions for new features.

enjoy the forum!
Thread title:  
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽

新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
<VorpalEdge> i don't have to log in as 'Maur' anymore
<nate> maur yeah
yeah, i forgot to mention that it uses your display name/screen name instead of your username. if anyone wants their username changed then let me know.
DOSBox <3
Awesomesauce, good job.
Don't have to log in with my old name anymore also :3
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Miles: 2010-08-14 03:30:01 am
Quote from nate:
yeah, i forgot to mention that it uses your display name/screen name instead of your username. if anyone wants their username changed then let me know.

Yeah, to "Miles".

>_> <_<

Seriously, why would you register and then never post or visit the site with that account ever again? Sad Thanks, miles.

...On a more serious note, the new forums look good. Embedding streams will be nice, and it'll be great to not have to constantly refresh for new verification topics now. Tongue

Edit: lol, awesome, I wasn't expecting you to actually do it. Thanks. Smiley
you got rid of the view recent forum posts section --> now you have to log in to view unread posts:( But otherwise the theme and links etc are pretty good
i see that the automatic post feature works
Highly Evolved
I guess I can get an avatar with the new forums.

Too bad signatures are gone.  Maybe a way to add the same one in every post.
Quote from d_arnold07:
you got rid of the view recent forum posts section --> now you have to log in to view unread posts:(

see fork, i told you dude. within 1 hour, bam, a feature in smf i never knew existed. wonder how many more there will be.
Highly Evolved
I know some of this is about me getting used to it, but I'm wondering if there's a way to shorten what I perceive to be clutter, or better put, cramped space.  For example, the quick reply bar is six rows large, and even with the short posts by me above and the two on either side of it, I only see Nate's, mine, and half of the post above mine.  The actual viewing space is incredibly small for me, and the quick reply bar is way too big for me.  Is there any way I can cut the quick reply bar in half?
just hit cancel at the lower left corner. to stop it from popping up again, decheck "automatically show the post box" under appearance.
Highly Evolved

Thanks, Nate.
Edit history:
d_arnold07: 2010-08-14 05:18:18 am
d_arnold07: 2010-08-14 04:04:59 am
Quote from nate:
a feature in smf i never knew existed. wonder how many more there will be.

the only other cool SMF feature was the whois feature (stalker feature) where you can see what forums pages other people are viewing. Edit: now you can see what all forum pages a person is viewing while looking at their profile

mmmm you have to log in to view attachments on posts. Did you do this on purpose? I could complain about some other minor aesthetics but I won't since the switch is excellent!!
yeah, that's to keep a little privacy on people's files. i'm thinking about blocking profiles for guests due to a lot of spam registrations recently but i may not need to do that.

glad you like it.
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JohnnyKevlar: 2010-08-14 03:49:32 am
JohnnyKevlar: 2010-08-14 03:49:31 am
JohnnyKevlar: 2010-08-14 03:49:30 am
Can we see posts as they are being written now? I believe I seen that in the video. EDIT: No, I didn't see that in the video, disregard that.
Highly Evolved
I also have to get used to clicking on the time posted rather than the topic title to get to the last post on a page.
you can also click on the little arrow page icon i believe.
Highly Evolved
Hmm...never used that before.  I like that better.

And now that the quick post thing can be reduced, everything looks a lot more open.  I really like that.
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kuja killer: 2010-08-14 03:56:05 am
can either of these bars at the top and bottom be turned off permenately ? i dont want them seriously, it really bugs me a ton. Sad
I dont ever need to be notified of "unread posts" cause i dont ever use that feature on any kind of forum site i ever go on it's a big waste of space to me, i already deleted all those possible links from the very top bar, but i wanna remove that bar period for good. Sad

and i dont ever use those websites that are appearing on the bottom bar about facebook, digg, reddit...i have purely zero intrest in those sites so it really annoys me being forced to have these links in front of me forever.
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nate: 2010-08-14 03:55:40 am
wow, interesting. we've never had anyone say that before. we'll have to see what arkarian says since he's in charge of the styles.

one thing you might do temporarily if you like bright styles is to change to the "iphone" style ... since those bars aren't fixed in place with that one i believe.
Highly Evolved
Quote from nate:
wow, interesting. we've never had anyone say that before. we'll have to see what arkarian says since he's in charge of the styles.

I'm not a huge fan of it, but it's something I can definitely get used to or just ignore.
arrrg had an issue trying to post. I was logged in, logged out, then logged back in to post to say that I love the automatic youtube embed feature but the site thought i was a guest even thou i was logged in
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nate: 2010-08-14 04:12:16 am
sounds like it may be a cookie issue ... curious, what browser are you using?

edit: if it keeps happening, try this ... close all forum tabs in the browser, then open a new forum tab, then log in if you have to. shouldn't do it after that if i'm right.
Willing to teach you the impossible
This looks so damn SWEET, I am all giddy right now playing with this now ^^
Quote from nate:
sounds like it may be a cookie issue ... curious, what browser are you using? .

sorry to say but the problem is not with my browser or my cookies....its a problem with taigi. Within my account settings, unticking the box next to 'disable IP-based sessions' fixes the problem I experienced. With the box ticked even if you log out the forum thinks you are still logged in which causes problems (for some duration) - exiting browser and returning to the forum, the forum still thought I was logged in.

I found out that the personal text character length is shorter than SMF. I tried to fix my quote - add the missing 3 words but couldnt, instead I deleted a character and can't get it back.
Also found that I can hide my online status - selecting this:)