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andrewg: 2012-06-14 01:10:15 am
Hi! I'm andrewg!

Not that it's THAT amazing, but still I think it's awesome, but I'm biased. Wink
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Of course carrying stuff makes you faster, which is why olympic rules forbid carrying anything with you =D
Nice little glitch ^^
Haters gonna hate
haha, for some reason, I never noticed that carrying something makes you run faster... Exactly how much faster is it do you know?
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Svenne: 2012-06-18 02:31:27 pm
Svenne: 2012-06-18 09:26:31 am
Andrew, how about this jump in 1-1?

Sorry about the gameplay, we had to make this video fast to get some people to shut up on #sda! Also, I had to play on a 48 inch lcd-tv, so the input lag sucked...
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Sonikkustar: 2012-06-19 05:11:07 pm
The Great Farming Empire
...Did you just skip 1-1 Birdo, go straight into 1-3 & then skip Mouser?

I think my head just exploded.
Yes, ofc! I had time on my hands after getting banned on SRL, and playing on PAL was not one of them!

"So what I told you was true... from a certain point of view."
This game is making me mad.

I can't get that stupid birdhead to die immediately in the last stage >:|
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Svenne: 2012-06-19 11:45:06 pm
Svenne: 2012-06-19 11:10:43 pm
You will get there, no worries Andrew! Smiley

I was hoping to perhaps get 2 new categories on this game with help of my video, because my broken english, my message didint get through on #sda, and people started saying things like  "talk is cheap"... then I have to prove myself and hopefully I did! Smiley

Anyway, anyone who saw the ludendi stream knows I am going to try my best to beat the game on the esa marathon straight up and on NTSC! I just find it wierd that NTSC is so much faster, I play bad and still I beat my good PAL times.
Hmm. it doesnt feel consistant. When i do it, I drop down to the falling beginning again. After about 100 tries ofc. So i wont be doing this on the marathon. Smiley
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Svenne: 2012-06-20 11:25:13 am
Svenne: 2012-06-20 11:17:33 am
Svenne: 2012-06-20 07:52:19 am
Svenne: 2012-06-20 07:48:45 am
That's why Arva's name is first on the video, I did 99% of the groundwork but he figured out the most important thing, and made this trick go from being a random mess to garanteed result!^^ He wanted to show how but I had last say, ofc. I feel that some parts of the speedrunning community have not been good to me recently so this is what you get, I love SDA and it's not it I have a problem with.

I won't be doing this in my race against you, so no worries dxtr! I wanna lose to you, straight up! Also, it has not been accepted or denied as a category yet! Wink
Hi! I'm andrewg!
So far this looks like it will be a ton of work. I want to use all the best techniques I can without doing so many that I won't ever finish a run. I need to figure out what is reasonable for my warpless run.

I will post my times once I start getting good runs. Smiley
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Svenne: 2012-06-24 04:12:34 pm
Svenne: 2012-06-24 04:08:06 pm
Svenne: 2012-06-24 03:07:07 pm
You only have to die on the stage you wanna warp to in a continue, but it's in the execution of the trick that is the most important thing, you need to do it in the middle of the wine, if you do it to the left, you will end up inside the house at 1-1, and not go to 1-2 or 1-3 which is the way you want! (Pro-tip from Arva) This is what happens when you do the same exact thing and get different results, so you understand the next step!^^

Now I'm back from midsummer and hope I can get a deathless run asap! Tongue

Also, SRL should write some new rules for SMB2 in the future, but looks like no-one is even racing it anymore so why even bother.
Quote from Svenne:
You only have to die on the stage you wanna warp to in a continue, .

Then its kinda useless. But its a neat trick Smiley
Haha, it's the best thing for a race though!^^ If you were to fail like hell on 1-2 or 1-3 and get a game over, atleast now you can warp to the level you failed on and don't ahve to go through that mess again!^^ You should try it on SRL dxtr, if you wanna get some real race practice before we meet!^^ lol
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andrewg: 2012-06-26 10:35:39 pm
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Trying to come up with new strategies for so many levels. It's getting difficult to figure out mainly because in some cases I'm not sure which character makes the most sense to use.

There are also generally a few different methods to accomplish the same outcomes, and it's hard to tell which one is fastest without doing many experiments. And sometimes it's hard to know if changing a route really makes sense. If a technique saves 2 seconds, but adds 5 times as many attempts, I may opt not to use it.

Really, what I need to do is a bunch of test runs and lower my best speedrun time gradually. I always say one should finish crappy runs because at least it gives you a goal when you're doing runs. I'm going to improve my crappy stuff until it's actually something great. I think that's the best way to go about speedrunning.

Get initial speedrun time -> improve -> improve -> improve -> add tricks -> improve -> add questionably difficult trick -> improve -> Get awesome run.
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Quote from andrewg:
Get initial speedrun time -> improve -> improve -> improve -> add tricks -> improve -> add questionably difficult trick -> improve -> Get awesome run -> improve by a second -> improve by a second -> practise three months (years?) -> beat the TAS.

Fixed that for you Wink
Hi! I'm andrewg!
6-3 is bothering me almost as much as 7-2. I've got some decent strategies for 6-3, but I swear I can beat that stage 3-4 seconds quicker. That might be pushing it, but I'm really trying to find the very best techniques.

I want to perfect the difficult stages now. I'm still trying to figure out strategies for worlds 2 and 3. This run is going to be as hard as I make it. I think I'm going to have to cut out a few tricks just because there may be too many to do all in one run. We'll see though.

7-2 is an on-going struggle. Beating it perfect is very tough. :/
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Tri-Clyde comparison run:

Essentially there is no clear winner here. I prefer the 1st method though.
Looking good Andrew! Perfection is a virtue!

The video, the second one is my way of doing it. I really love that sometimes when you wanna pick up a block on the run to tri-clyde you fail because you pressed between two blocks so Luigi decides not to pick up a block so you have to re-set...
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andrewg: 2012-07-04 11:09:42 pm
andrewg: 2012-07-04 11:08:39 pm
Hi! I'm andrewg!
SOOOO frustrated! Nearly perfect all the way to the Wart battle and I died. Final time was 9:10. I think I lost about 20-25 the last stage.

I think I need to revise my method for the final boss. I may try something I dismissed for a long while. It's insanely difficult to beat the last level perfectly. I have not done it a single time yet. It seems unlikely to beat the last stage perfectly in a run. It is possible, but you've gotta have some ridiculous precision throughout the entire stage. I can definitely see doing it, but I know it's going to take some effort to accomplish that.

I need to just work my time down slowly and eventually I will work a perfect 7-2 into a run. Smiley
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andrewg: 2012-07-08 07:39:45 pm
andrewg: 2012-07-08 07:38:35 pm
andrewg: 2012-07-08 07:38:10 pm
Hi! I'm andrewg!
What's going on with me.

I want a good videogame stream. The real issue is my living situation. I may potentially get hired at a good company soon. I am planning on it, but it's certainly not a definite. However, if I get this job I expect a few things: Less time for gaming (obviously), possibly no AGDQ (maybe I could get time off since it IS for charity). However, on the bright said: Money (for a car, for streaming equipment, for other speedrun uses, to travel to events like AGDQ).

Speedrunning projects obviously come after real life priorities. I would really like to nail this job. I'm pretty nervous about how well I'd actually do at the company, at a "real" adult job. I wish I could speedrun or game professionally, but that can't support me long, even if I did manage to make any income. Gaming is not stable income.

Practice on this and other gaming will be stalled at this point. If I get the job, progress will continue. If I don't, progress will likely remain stalled. I've struggled financially for a long while. I'm worried about the future.

Wish me luck
Best of luck Andrew, I hope you land the job.

I haven't totally given up on SMB2 myself, but I have other runs I'm working on atm. After a nice break from the speedrunning scene, I feel like I can do this purely for fun and not worry so much about technical minutia.
Go and get it Andrew, you're a brilliant person from what I can see and read.

You'll nail it Wink
Posting here to say progress is slow. Lots of things happening... maybe I'll get a run someday.
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AdHoc: 2012-08-01 02:47:00 am
We'll be there to watch it.