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mikwuyma: 2011-02-15 08:43:15 pm
mikwuyma: 2011-02-15 06:54:48 pm
mikwuyma: 2011-02-15 06:33:05 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Game Page: Doesn't exist yet

in-game time run

Verifier Responses

Video quality is kind of meh, low framerate. Audio is fine. No cheating detected.
Vote: Reject (new goal - 4:30). Work on the route a bit more.

At 0:16, waits for bot, but can go around, saves 1 second compared to waiting.
1:12, could have activated puppy battle armor, and saved 2 seconds.

2:30 get gun upgrade, will cost 5 seconds, but gives better boss fights

2:56 this should be the last check point touched before fighting Beta (saves 15 seconds)

3:09 activating flight allows you to fly up and thru the next room without problem.

Beta fight is sloppy, taking too many hits. (costs 10+ seconds) Bombs could have been used to take advantage of invulnerability.

4:55 alternate route, go right instead of fighting the boss for +1 solar, +1 battery (-1 flight, -1 bomb) (saves 5 seconds)

Alpha can be done in 1 cycle by taking advantage of bomb invulnerability.

Tom Stone's second cycle has a safe spot in the upper left that wasn't used. (depending on positioning it's either the top block or second from the top.)

In addition to the pick ups suggested already, I activated flight and picked up 2 power ups above Alpha. +1 fire rate and +1 bullet. (I'm not sure if those are even necessary.)

Doing the above, I completed a run in about 3 hours of attempts that turned out to be 14 seconds faster in the end while being 45 seconds behind when entering the mothership. I wish I had a better computer that could handle recording while doing other things so I could show the route, but I think it's explained well enough.

[11:19] Verifier: on another note, read the first verifier's verification response for robot wants ice cream
[11:19] Verifier: I think he missed the keyest point of all
[11:19] Verifier: the runner seems very confused as to whether he's playing for real time or game time
[11:20] <@jewyama> ohhh
[11:20] <@jewyama> is there a big difference?
[11:20] Verifier: yes
[11:20] Verifier: huge
[11:20] <@jewyama> ah okay
[11:20] <@jewyama> oh right
[11:20] <@jewyama> because you lose time
[11:20] Verifier: every time you get hit, 5 seconds get added to your time
[11:20] <@jewyama> if you get hit for in-game time?
[11:20] <@jewyama> ah
[11:21] Verifier: so he takes hits, which is bad for game time
[11:21] Verifier: and some of his savewarps seem bad for real time
[11:21] Verifier: and if he's playing for game time, he should've considered where he killed the end boss very carfully so he could get the most ice cream
[11:21] Verifier: -1 second per
[11:22] <@jewyama> so basically there should be separate categories for the two
[11:22] Verifier: definitely
[11:22] <@jewyama> and the runner doesn't really follow either one
[11:22] Verifier: not closely enough
[11:22] Verifier: I think he's playing for game time
[11:22] <@jewyama> but he gets hit 10 times
[11:22] Verifier: and if he is it can be better
[11:22] <@jewyama> according to the first verifier
[11:22] Verifier: yeah, the first verifier's critiques seem valid, I'd have to test some stuff myself to say for sure
[11:23] <@jewyama> so basically you reject too
[11:24] Verifier: basically
[11:24] Verifier: it's good, but needs polish
[11:24] Verifier: and most importantly, focus
[16:55] <@jewyama> okay runner says in-game for robot wants ice cream
[17:14] Verifier: ok, that makes the run better, but still room for improvement
[17:15] Verifier: he got hit too many times, plain and simple
[17:15] Verifier: should've used the dog and the bomb more aggresively
[17:15] <@jewyama> fair enough
[17:15] Verifier: and probably some more save/loads, as that would refill the cells each time
[17:15] <@jewyama> oh it's segmented?
[17:15] Verifier: for more bomby goodness
[17:15] Verifier: more rta style
[17:16] <@jewyama> eh whatever
[17:16] Verifier: at least I'm pretty sure it's rta, very good editing if it's segmented
[17:17] Verifier: but yeah, there's a bunch of save warping, if he's going to do that, save recharges should be in there too
[17:17] Verifier: because the bombs are awesome

Cheating: None detected
Video quality: Fine
Audio quality: Good
Gameplay: Good
Route planning: Solid
Battle strategy: Good, although some fights could be better

The runner knows the game and the execution was really good considering the controls of this flash game. Execution-wise, there were a couple stutters on jumps, a little hesitation and an unneeded warp at 3:40, which I think is down to the runner getting ahead of himself. The route seemed good, as plenty of bosses and power-ups were skipped and he gets up to the ship rather quickly. As far as the boss strategies, the runner opts not to use the Atomic Robo-Blast in either of the Security Cores, which causes an extra cycle on Beta and a slower finish on Alpha. With six batteries on Beta and a Computron right after the battle, I think that's the biggest mistake of the run. On Alpha the runner finally uses one Blast, but only on the cannons and he only needed to save two Batteries to get up to the next power-up after the battle before recharging at a Computron. I thought the other boss battles were really good, however. Other than that, I didn't see anything very serious. Although the runner could no doubt improve this time, it's a solid first entry.


Audio was fine.

Video looked good. Although it seemed choppy when the robot jumped. Might be that my computer is getting outdated, but just thought I'd mention it in case.

No cheating.

Ok, the route seemed pretty good. There are many different routes to choose from, but getting the bananarang as fast as possible and entering the ship to continue gathering Atomic energy packs and boost time increases seemed to be the fastest route.

So, no qualms there.

Can I just say, I'm a little confused why we are using the in-game timer? I mean, getting hit directly effects it, and at the end the time is changed by grabbing ice cream. To me, the timer is actually a score and not the actual amount of playing.

And this is my problem. If we are going by the in-game timer, then this run has some major issues.

First of all, as the runner points out, getting hit once increases your time by five seconds. Maybe I'm just nitpicking, but that seems pretty astronomical.

The runner gets hit ten times, at least the times that deducted time, for a loss of fifty seconds.

Fifty seconds, for such a short run.

Listen, I may sound like an asshole, but compare it to Super Mario Bros. Typically if you die while playing, it takes about five seconds to begin playing again. What I'm trying to say, is that getting hit in Robot Wants Ice Cream is the equivalent of dying once in Super Mario Bros.

And there is not a single verifier who would allow a time wasting death on a Super Mario Bros. run--much less ten.

In my opinion, it seems that it would save more time to avoid getting hit, then to get hit and take the five second penalty.

Ultimately it comes down to determining that if this run was posted tomorrow would someone be able to get a better time in a few weeks.

I'd say yes. The game is short, uses simple controls, and by simply avoiding getting hit a runner will save fifty seconds in an almost six minute run.

However, if we decided to time this run solely based on external time and not in-game time, then this is a really good run and deserves to be accepted.

Listen, I know the runner spent a lot of time finding the best route and probably attempted this run more that I can count, but the simple fact remains: it has to be done without getting hit.

Decision: Reject.

Decision: Reject

Reason: Despite being an in-game time run, the runner gets hit, which wastes five seconds. Also, one of the verifiers managed to beat the runner's time.

I do still have this run available for download, in case if anyone is interested in watching it. PM me for the link.
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