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Quest for Glory III: Wages of War () (pc) [Any %] [Single Segment] [Character: Fighter]
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War () (pc) [Any %] [Single Segment] [Character: Wizard]

Decision: Accept

Congratulations to Paul 'The Reverend' Miller!
Thread title:  
Run Information

Quest for Glory III: Wages of War () (pc) [Any %] [Single Segment] [Character: Fighter]
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War () (pc) [Any %] [Single Segment] [Character: Wizard]

Verification Files

Please refer to the Verification Guidelines before posting.

Please post your opinions about the run and be certain to conclude your post with a verdict (Accept/Reject). This is not a contest where the majority wins - I will judge each verification on its content. Please keep your verification brief unless you have a good reason otherwise.
Accept both. Good runs.
Borderlands 2 Glitch Hunter/ router.
A/V: Good
Cheating: None
Game-play: Point and clicky style things happen in an order most befitting a playthrough of intense speed, quickliness and fastitude ...twice.

Accept x 2
Edit history:
Crow!: 2015-08-13 12:15:53 pm
Crow!: 2015-08-13 12:13:27 pm
What's that gemma?
A/V is good as always, and there's no cheating.  Game settings are properly documented and fine by my book.

Below I'll make note of all the time losses I see as I watch.

Fighter (26:24 from character control gained to character control lost)

Pre-Simbani savannah
Leaving the rock throwing to after the meerbat event, or simply being careful about how many rocks were thrown, could have saved one trip to the inventory menu.  I'm surprised he didn't just reset when visited by Arne (it's RNG whether that happens or not).

Simbani Area
There's some derping at the Uhura spear throwing challenge.  The Running Death Dinosaur was encountered immediately, which is exceptionally good RNG.  In all the fights of the game, he switches between slash and stab seemingly arbitrarily; unless the combat system is much deeper than I think it is, one or the other attack should always be better for a given fight.  I don't know which one that would be, however.

Dispel Potion
He clicked further to the right than necessary to reach the World Tree, which resulted in an extra encounter.  While returning to Tarna, he accidentally stopped on the ground.

The Drum of Magic
Exceptional RNG when hunting down Johari.  Some confusing top-menu accesses that I assume are mistakes.

The Lost City
The run notes indicate that the "monkey you freed" takes you to the Monkey Village, but IIRC in any%, only the thief actually frees that monkey.  One conversation mistake costs a few seconds getting into the village.

Definitely ACCEPT the fighter run.  The mistakes are all minor, and this run demonstrates comparable RNG and better routing/execution than the previous, already-accepted run.

Wizard (25:47 from character control gained to character control lost)

Tarna Area
There's a bit of fumbling at the Leatherworker's purchasing menu, and he gets visited by a Croc when trying to sleep.

Erana's Pool of Peace
"Think again."

The Heart of the World
"Think again."

Dispel Potion
On the way to Tarna, he picks a bad place/time to sleep.  If he had instead slept on the Simbani screen, he could have dodged the Arne visit (I'm pretty sure Arne only shows up on Tarna's screen, but I could be wrong), and he would have needed to do much less walking (since going to sleep earlier in the night means advancing more time via sleep which means not needing to advance as much time walking around).

Leopardmen Village
Some derping on the last conversation with Johari.

...and that's it.  Except for that one routing error, this run is really solid.  Definitely ACCEPT this one.
Edit history:
mrprmiller: 2015-08-22 05:58:28 am
mrprmiller: 2015-08-15 08:40:39 pm
Everyday is puppies and sunshine...
I was hoping you'd verify these, Crow!  Cheesy

I'm surprised he didn't just reset when visited by Arne

I'm not entirely convinced it's RNG, anymore.  I hit Arne so many times, back to back to back.  But it doesn't add a terrible amount of time, and I was concerned with the RNG with encounters and fights than a few extra seconds from the Earth Pig.

In all the fights of the game, he switches between slash and stab seemingly arbitrarily;

Yeah... it seems as though the combat as to which attack works is arbitrary, too.  Attacks that should connect just flat out don't.  I've found that sometimes switching which attack type kind of resets (for lack of a better work) the attacks connecting.  And other times, not so much... ...  :/  It's the least reliable of all the QFG games in combat.

The run notes indicate that the "monkey you freed"

Yeah, since there is so much overlap, I copy and paste from the first route I use rather than re-type most of the same events.

Except for that one routing error, this run is really solid.

Not as unforgiving with RNG as the QFG1 Magic-User, but not by much.  Glad to be done with this one.  Cheesy
Decision posted.
Everyday is puppies and sunshine...
Thanks again to all of the verifiers!  Looking forward to moving on to QFG5 sometime within the close of the year.