Game Page: http://speeddemosarchive.com/PokemonYellow.html
Pokémon Yellow (Any %) (Single Segment)
Verifier Responses
Decision: Accept
Congratulations to Mark 'werster' McKenzie!
Pokémon Yellow (Any %) (Single Segment)
Verifier Responses
Text speed: Fast
Animations: Off
Battle: Set
Audio/Video Quality: As good as it gets for a Game Boy game.
Name of character is I, Rival is U. Slower than naming everyone A but it adds entertainment.
Pikachu named A for speed
Having Pikachu die to Eevee is faster since it skips the "learned Tail Whip!" screen, but the runner got some bad luck with the Eevee using Tail Whip and ended up winning.
The runner needs to get a Nidoran Male on Route 2 for their main Pokemon. It's gotten on the third encounter and is level 6, which is pretty good. It's also named I for entertainment.
The rest of the game is using this Nidoran/Nidorino/Nidoking to sweep every trainer. Few Pokecenters are stopped at for healing, the runner depends more on items. Pikachu is deposited early on because he's useless and adds time due to cutscenes in some places. Nidorino is evolved with the first Moon Stone found since his late game moves are all taught via HM or TM.
There were some other points of bad luck in the run: Wrap lock against the Ekans in Mt Moon, bad luck on the trash cans in Surge's Gym, missing the door while getting into Viridian Gym, but nothing too horrible.
The runner picks up two other Pokemon: Pidgey for a Fly slave, and Charmander for a Strength and Cut slave. Nidoking is used for Surf.
Late game trainers are all taken care of via X Accuracy (boosts hit rate of attacks) and X Speed (raises Pokemon's speed) and then Horn Drill. In Generation 1 games, Horn Drill will only hit if you are faster than your opponent, which is why the X Speed is also used. Earthquake and Surf are used if they would OHKO or 2HKO the opponent instead in order to save PP on Horn Drill.
Overall it was a very solid run with a final time of 2 hours, 2 minutes. Accept.
Animations: Off
Battle: Set
Audio/Video Quality: As good as it gets for a Game Boy game.
Name of character is I, Rival is U. Slower than naming everyone A but it adds entertainment.
Pikachu named A for speed
Having Pikachu die to Eevee is faster since it skips the "learned Tail Whip!" screen, but the runner got some bad luck with the Eevee using Tail Whip and ended up winning.
The runner needs to get a Nidoran Male on Route 2 for their main Pokemon. It's gotten on the third encounter and is level 6, which is pretty good. It's also named I for entertainment.
The rest of the game is using this Nidoran/Nidorino/Nidoking to sweep every trainer. Few Pokecenters are stopped at for healing, the runner depends more on items. Pikachu is deposited early on because he's useless and adds time due to cutscenes in some places. Nidorino is evolved with the first Moon Stone found since his late game moves are all taught via HM or TM.
There were some other points of bad luck in the run: Wrap lock against the Ekans in Mt Moon, bad luck on the trash cans in Surge's Gym, missing the door while getting into Viridian Gym, but nothing too horrible.
The runner picks up two other Pokemon: Pidgey for a Fly slave, and Charmander for a Strength and Cut slave. Nidoking is used for Surf.
Late game trainers are all taken care of via X Accuracy (boosts hit rate of attacks) and X Speed (raises Pokemon's speed) and then Horn Drill. In Generation 1 games, Horn Drill will only hit if you are faster than your opponent, which is why the X Speed is also used. Earthquake and Surf are used if they would OHKO or 2HKO the opponent instead in order to save PP on Horn Drill.
Overall it was a very solid run with a final time of 2 hours, 2 minutes. Accept.
AV good, run good, cant say much else but accept
Another excellent wersterlobe run, featuring impeccable route/item planning, menu work and navigation, and typically horrible trash can luck
The movie quality is good and I've been assured that there's no funny business involved (had a small query regarding outspeeding the Alakazam in the very last fight), making this one more easy accept for the pile.
A/V Quality: No problems here
Cheating: none
Gameplay: Really great, there are a few bad spots of luck like the first verifier said (Mainly with the trash cans. *cringes*) but overall it's really great. I have to point out to those who notice something in the last fight, normally Alakazam outspeeds Nidoking but in Generation 1 whenever one stat gets lowered for some unknown reason another gets a boost, in this case when Alakazam uses Kinesis and lowers Nidoking's accuracy (Which btw doesn't do much to the chance of hitting 'cause X Accuracy boosts the accuracy like 150% or something.) it increases Nidoking's speed enough to outspeed Alakazam.
Overall it's a really great run with a final in-game time of 2:02.
Verdict: Accept it!
Cheating: none
Gameplay: Really great, there are a few bad spots of luck like the first verifier said (Mainly with the trash cans. *cringes*) but overall it's really great. I have to point out to those who notice something in the last fight, normally Alakazam outspeeds Nidoking but in Generation 1 whenever one stat gets lowered for some unknown reason another gets a boost, in this case when Alakazam uses Kinesis and lowers Nidoking's accuracy (Which btw doesn't do much to the chance of hitting 'cause X Accuracy boosts the accuracy like 150% or something.) it increases Nidoking's speed enough to outspeed Alakazam.
Overall it's a really great run with a final in-game time of 2:02.
Verdict: Accept it!
A/V: Fine and dandy.
Cheating: Depends if you count the power of rage as being tool assisted.
In general, an excellent run. Yellow has so much luck it's unbelievable, getting the Nidoran early, getting decent stats, then the worst bit is at the end, the last fight sucks beyond belief. But this time neither the Sandslash nor the Alakazam were that trolly and the Nidoran played nice. Obviously everything else went well too. Not much to say as I watched many many streams of this until this time was got and the planning behind this run, combined with the skill elements, really show through in this. It's an excellent time and truly deserving of being on the site.
Cheating: Depends if you count the power of rage as being tool assisted.
In general, an excellent run. Yellow has so much luck it's unbelievable, getting the Nidoran early, getting decent stats, then the worst bit is at the end, the last fight sucks beyond belief. But this time neither the Sandslash nor the Alakazam were that trolly and the Nidoran played nice. Obviously everything else went well too. Not much to say as I watched many many streams of this until this time was got and the planning behind this run, combined with the skill elements, really show through in this. It's an excellent time and truly deserving of being on the site.
Decision: Accept
Congratulations to Mark 'werster' McKenzie!
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