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SS any% run

Verifier Responses

Control gained: 0:00:30
Control lost: 1:08:18
Total time: 1:07:48 (NOT TO BE USED AS OFFICIAL TIME as I still have no idea how to get Vdoub to open mp4's)

I reject this run on the basis that it is far better than I have ever thought a run for this game could be.

On a more serous note, this run is awesome. There are a few things that are huge eye sores that nearly all viewers can see (looking at the fumbling and hesitation on the deck management screen) but for a run this long and how the runner is more or less building decks on the fly is what makes this really impressive. Yes the runner had the issues, but they were not large at all. I know when I build decks for any TCC I can taking at least 1-3 hours and I know every card that I own. So I commend the runner for this feat. There are a few loses, one planned from what I can tell. BTW, the fighting club leader KICKED YOUR ASS!!!!!

I do feel like this run can be improved with better deck management and luck to get the cards needed so no guessing is required... Still I say this is an amazing start for this game.

I approve this run for SDA!

This run is so good that it is a little sad that there are a few eye sores like verifier 1 said. Other then that i think this is a good run over all and its an accept. BTW no cheating audio or video problems.

Timing: I think the in-game timer (which is remarkably accurate) starts right after you enter your name, and ends at the start of the credits. 
So the run starts at 0:12 and ends at 1:08:42. This makes for a nice round time of 1:08:30.

A/V: good quality overall, but an epilepsy warning at the start of the video is a must.
I'm not at all sensitive to this, yet I felt slightly sick after watching the whole thing.

No cheats were found.

To start off I'd like to say that this run does not look pretty. There are literally a million things that could've been better.
ALTHOUGH, getting a better SS run will be increadibly hard due to the rediculous amount of luck and randomness in this game.
The execution of the runner is increadible and only very minor mistakes can be found in the course of this rather lengthy game (The dewgong discard comes to mind).
The switching of decks on the fly takes some time, but is yet very well handled. The number of deckswitches is also kept at a bare minimum.
The execution within battles is nearly perfect with great precision on card choises and nearly perfect choice of attacks.

If anyone is crazy enough to try and improve this run, all it would boil down to is getting even greater luck at some of the battles.

Final verdict: Being an SS run, this is an absolute accept for me!

Excellent run. The core plan for when to make deck changes and what cards to use is very solid and means that the runner never has to stall for too long to get Pokemon cards or energy. Maybe an extra Full Heal and/or Switch might have been useful, in place of some of those Bill cards that didn't appear to do much. The menu work is lightning-fast for the most part, and the on-the-fly decisions generally prudent, aside from a few small flubs here and there; the largest execution error is probably the Mitch duel, where a minute or more was lost. All of the rest is up to luck, which is crazy good in some places (lots of nice battles that last <5 turns, especially early on), and hits rock bottom only briefly during the Rick duel, where over 2 1/2 minutes are lost as a result of a single bad coin flip. More than both unintentional losses combined! Sad Also has excellent video and sound quality for a Game Boy/Colour run.

I accept this speedrun of a children's card game!

Decision: Accept

Congratulations to 'aneeslol!'
Thread title:  
Congratulations, Can't wait to see this one again, I've seen it a few times and I don't even remember... then I watched it again and still forgot.
I am encyclopedia
Anees <3<3

I'm a chuckster!
I know the run could have been a lot cleaner, so I'm surprised it was so well-accepted. My wrists thank you guys nonetheless!
Ya i wanna see this too. Runs of this game will always be able to be improved becuz of luck.
forgot to verify this lol ugh

run got amazing luck but yeah it could've been cleaner. i would've accepted anyway. great job anees!! i would consider trying to improve the time if the gay tutorial didn't exist...
Feudal Family Lord
can't wait to see this
Always liked this game - looking forward to seeing what cards are your sweepers. Congrats on getting accepted!
Everybody DANCE!
Oh snap!  Looking forward to watching this one!
Now a hit show on the CW
Huh, didn't realize you had submitted this one. Must have completely missed it when it was in verification. At any rate, congratulations Anees! I know you'll get that no-loss run eventually. Until then, this will be a hard one to top.