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My feelings on The Demon Rush
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Justin 'UCPro' Salamon's run with warps

Verifier Responses

Yes I'm preempting you on this.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Audio/Video - fine by me.

Gameplay -
I've already seen this run but I went back and watched it again for good measure.  The level of optimization is extremely high and all of the levels are performed at, iirc, the best known times.

The only way I see this run being beaten any time soon is if somebody can save a second by cutting out the quicksave and doing 8-1 through the end in one segment.  Good luck with that.

Easy accept.

Hey Mike, here's the verification for New Super Mario World 3 Missing Time Machine Sunshine Mansion 64 for the Wiistation 360:

No cheating found, visuals good and you mentioned the audio will be fixed.

Segment the first - Loses about a tenth of a second.  The runner needs to mash the menu button faster.

Segmento de dos - Um, perfect.

Segment Tre - 5-1 = Nice star manipulation.  Castle was done well too.

Quad Seg - If 5-4 doesn't knock your socks off, then they must be sewn to your skin.

I got Five on it - In addition to being awesome, the runner had great patience to get such an optimal pattern with the falling magma rocks of 8-1.

Segment sexy - 8-7, ride the coaster with your hands in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care.  At 425 on 8-ship, looks like we have an error.  Small wall jump to the left instead of up and to the right.  Completely removed me from the run on a mental level.

Lucky seven - 8-Castle: Great start.  REJECT, REJECT!!!  He went in the boss door using the leftmost side losing two tenths of a second.  Giant Bowser chase is one of the most epic fights in a game evar.  Too bad it's out shined by Kamek's performance in drag.  The actual fight is a flawless victory to say the least.

This run is borderline perfect.  I can't see this run being beaten by more than a few seconds at best.  Anyone daring to reject this run needs to be kicked right in the cubes, twice.

I give it a "High on Shrooms" Accept.

Audio/Video both look fine, and there seems to be no sign of cheating.

Segment 1: You sure spent a lot of time just standing around... if you would have just jumped on the Koopa Kids here you'd save a lot of time. Oh wait, that's a cutscene. My bad.

Segment 2: 1-1 looks amazing. A couple of missed triple jumps on slopes but that doesn't lose any time. The only thing I could see to improve 1-2 would be to take a smaller jump before ground pounding to get to where the star is, but that's less than half a second. And 1-3 is as good as it's going to get. However you forgot to save Toad! You're going to let him suffer? would I.

Segment 3: Nothing to say about 5-1 and the Pirahnas, both look great. 5-2 was also superb. 5-Minicastle had some imperfect spins and a really close call with a Dry Bones, but that's irrelevant because you have to wait at the end anyway. Great segment.

Segment 4: 5-4 had a couple of apparent slip-ups (having to wall jump up to the platform, landing before the POW block instead of on top of it) but this level strategy is so awesome and difficult that I don't even care. It was well executed. The ghost castle was good too, but going through the middle of the ending door would have saved a slight amount of time.

Segment 5: A great job of navigating the random rocks of 8-1, though I can't help but wonder if you could cut getting out of the spins down a little closer to the ground when avoiding the lava. It's possible to end the first room in 8-2 at 494, but unrealistic to expect after a great 8-1. The rest goes extremely well for one of the hardest levels in this run.

Segment 6: While 8-7 is a scrolling level, there are some non-scrolling parts and they were executed very well. The fact that the Airship was designed so you can't immediately get in the first pipe is stupid. A little mess-up at 425 I believe where he didn't quite make the jump up and had to walljump. The boss goes well.

Segment 7: Bowser's Castle begins well, though he should have gone in Bowser's door through the middle, not on the edge since this is timed in real time and not game time. While the Mario series isn't known for boss battles by any means, this game has an amazing boss fight even though it is cleared with such ease here.

So what is there to save here, 5 seconds? Maybe 10 seconds? Probably not even that much. I say an easy accept here, and looking forward to the single segment version and the 100%, whoever may be up to it (hopefully not me).

A/V: Just fine, just fine.

I'm not terribly experienced at verifying, but I know how to analyze in the context of a TAS, so I'll try put that to use.
Would seem like he could save some time by running along the wheels some more, but some of it is uphill, so it might not either, and I'm sure the runner had thought of it and tested it. 

Nothing much to say, maybe jump on the tilt bars a little earlier and try to run downhill a bit more, I saw a few small hills getting bypassed.

Stupid piranha plant! Doesn't he know we're trying to speedrun here?

Freakin amazing shortcut here, thats all I got to say.

5-Piranha plant:
I would think it'd be faster to do it the other way and steal the bubble right next to the piranha plant.  Less backtracking, and more moving with the platforms.

A lot of jumping over running down hills, I'm not sure if thats for timing or not, but I would expect it to be faster to run instead of jump down the hill.

A lot of not jumping before flying. I spose it may not matter cause it looks like you can't really get to the top fast enough before it would start going back to the right and force you to wait anyway.

Great shortcut!  Also nice triple jump at the beginning.  I'm guessing it'd be faster to try and land on the pow block before the next jump, but thats minor.

5-Haunted Mansion:
Where is this magical light coming from that follows Mario?  Also, great shortcut near the end and nice jumping between the Boos.

Uh...good job.

Bold move running in front of that spike ball ><  Good work.

Auto-scroller, weeeeeeee.  He missed a star coin!!!  Reject!

A few very minor improvements here and there on this level, but still looks solid.  The only thing is that wall jump near the end before the boss.  It looks like he wasn't going to make the jump, but if it's possible, that was a very unfortunate mistake.

Sexiest level in the speedrun.  Amazing work here.  Hit the Bowser door on the side instead of the middle though!

Overall really really good run, I would venture to guess that it's improvable by an insanely small amount of time.


Decision: Accept

Reason: Watch out Andrewg, you have some competition. Wink
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