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Michael 'MAS8705' Solseth's single-segment Fire Man run

Verifier Responses

Impressive run. Very interesting on how CWU-O1P was done. He seemed to miss-aim at Wily Machine 2 a bit. No audio/visual problems at all.

Total Level Time: 26'09"69


-Route doesn't make any difference because you get no weapons during the run
-the runner doesn't use jumping early off ladders, which costs quite the chunk of time during the course of the run
-similarly it can be used at the start of a stage to get rid of the acceleration phase

-Little mistakes
-Should use Hard because it makes the enemy positioning more favorable and doesn't cost time on the boss
-Didn't keep the boss blinking all the time; needs a more aggressive approach, more attack spamming
-time: 0:51.23

Oil Man
-Uses easy mode, which most likely is the right call. Loses some time due to the extended damage animation the boss has, but it's probably an acceptable trade-off considering how lucky you'd need to be to get Oil Man not to slide all the time on Hard.
-Tiny mistakes
-Doesn't burn oil, which would get rid of the oil's slipperiness at the start. Later does so, but with some time loss at places (shooting off ladders, etc.)
-Needs more aggressive spamming vs. enemies who need several hits to die
-Doesn't jump off ladders -> time loss on each ladder's top
-should jump on the platform at 3:24 to get rid of the other enemy faster. Doesn't do so and gets hit while trying to kill it with Fire Man's circling orb attack.
-loses time by dropping down after getting hit in the room at approx. 4:00
-time: 2:01.73

Elec Man:
-loses a few seconds by missing the first possible moment in the 5:20 room. Could be achieved fairly easily by jumping off ladders
-has some trouble in the third room, losing a few more seconds. It's possible to kill the met with the orb attack so it never fires, and failing that, it's also possible to jump out of the shot's way before it hits
-taking the left route would've been faster in this case (at ~5:32)
-wouldn't have to wait for the platforms in the next room, either
-jumping off the platform rather than waiting on the ladder would've been faster in 6:16
-taking damage from the lightning would've been faster in 6:35 room
-again taking damage in 7:02 would've been faster than waiting
-not sure if it's just the verification copy, but Elec Man partially disappears after each hit due to improper deinterlacing. Not a major problem, I'm sure
-as I see it, the boss could be hit a little earlier than the runner does. Might be just inaccurately deinterlaced video, though
-time: 1:57.63

Bomb Man:
-Has some little mistakes that have become a usual sight by now, but nothing especially bad
-takes a few hits on the boss, slowing the runner down slightly. Probably could be avoided by alternating distance or otherwise
-time: 1:31.31

Guts Man:
-takes an unnecessary hit at ~11:07
-could've jumped on the platform at 11:45, but it's a bit risky and the timeloss isn't much
-the boss fight is nice
-time: 1:51.21

Cut Man:
-doesn't use the platform to jump off of it at 14:00, which would most likely cut the time a bit
-gets hit at 14:53, loses time
-has some trouble hitting the boss, nothing major
-time: 1:41.75

Ice Man:
-waits for the blocks at ~16:55. This is unnecessary because you can use the helping easy platform to get up without waiting for the blocks to appear
-waits probably a bit too long for the platforms in the 17:45 room
-shooting point-blank would get rid of the need to dodge Ice Man's shots, because he'd never get to fire them. The runner does this towards the end, but loses time because they didn't do it in the first half
-time: 1:59.51

Fire Man:
-should've walked to the left earlier at ~19:55 room
-the Mega Man? [sic] fight goes smoothly
-time: 1:37.33

Time Man:
-doesn't use the platform to jump off it at ~22:58
-time: 2:11.35

Wily 1:
-this level was okay overall
-time: 1:29.45

Wily 2:
-takes some damage in the water section, slows down a bit
-the boss fight is pretty nice
-time: 1:25.73

Wily 3:
-could've jumped across the gap in 30:07, it's not particularly hard. Loses quite the bit of time by not doing that. Doesn't use the first available block on the left, either
-most of the boss fights go well, and none of them are particularly awful
-again, does not use the platform at 36:16 to jump off it
-time: 4:20.88

Wily 4:
-Wily didn't shoot oil, not once. I can't really blame the runner for the fact that the game was being a dick, but I hoped he'd had oil at least once, as Wily takes considerably more damage then than under other circumstances
-time: 3:08.58

Total time: 26:07.69 (unless I made a mistake in typing it)

Closing comments:

Little mistakes here and there, very conservative and risk-free strategies and overall the run isn't fully thought out. Those things may not be painfully apparent to your everyday Joe, but they keep chipping away the overall speed and the run as a whole left me unimpressed. Some might accept this, but I do not.

Surprisingly, most Wily levels were quite OK, but most of the 8 bosses were definitely sub-par. Leaving out some basic tricks turned out to be a costly affair, I think.

On the upside there were no particularly major blunders or long periods where it's obvious the runner forgot what they're doing, but that isn't enough to save the run in my book. The run isn't particularly lucky either, you can only get better luck by redoing the run if anything.

I'm fairly confident over a minute could be potentially saved fairly easily, thirty seconds at the very least. We're not talking about very hard tricks here; the success rate of each "trick" - if you can even call them such - should be around 98-99.6%.

For these reasons I propose a rejection.

As a side note, I do appreciate the runner's intention to revive the interest towards PSP as a running platform, it certainly is a console which gets too little notice around here. I also hope they will not be deterred by the rejection, but think it over and show us off, triumphing gloriously!

Time to serve up the fifth in my unique brand of verifier commentary not seen anywhere else, unless someone decides to be a copycat which isn't too farfetched a possiblity. My goal? To dish out the most unique verifier commentary ever seen.

WARNING: The following commentary is not suitable for all viewers. And I do mean all viewers.




Dear People,

Hi, I'm Yours Truly. You may remember me from such verifications like Zelda II: The Adventure of Big Gay Al (funny, I don't remember Mr. Slave being in it), Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (featuring missing the last orb), and Mondo Mud Monkies 3: Mudding Romance (possibly the greatest speed run ever in the history of speed running).

Today, our running man is...well, they never tell you. Possibly in case you're biased against people. Now, Yours Truly is a lot of things, but one thing he is not is biased. All I can gather is that it is not Satoryu, as he is the main driving point into the running man doing this. Unless he is Satoryu. Yeah, just like in that thing you're don't talk about, you know? Or like me! I'm someone's crazy alter ego too, ya know!

Also, he's apparantly submitted many runs in the past. All in failure. They needed improvement, but he's not one to give up hope! Hey, maybe he's Barack Obama! Don't give up hope man, you'll get that health care reform passed somehow! He's learned the secret now - he's stopped being fast, and started being slow. That's right, bitches. To be a running man, you can't run. You gotta walk. Take it slllloooowwww....counter-intuitive, right? It's fun seeing what goes on behind the scenes like this.

Whoever our running man is, he is running Mega Man Powered Up on the PSP. More PSP representing going on in the house! Fuck yeah, keep'em comin homies! Incidently, this makes three runs on the PSP I have verified now. Coincidence? You decide. On a side-note, I said way back when that they'd find a way to do custom firmware on PSP-3000, and they did. I totally called that one. But anyway, this isn't about me, this is about the running man! Instead of playing as Mega Man himself though, he has chosen to play as the #1 fiery upholder of justice in fiction. No, not the Human Torch, but FIREMAN!!!! But why him...? Well, as he claims, he had it down to two robot masters. It was either going to be Fireman or Elecman. And, he has yet to beat the game on Normal Mode with Elec Man.


What the fuck.


Elec Man is like, one of the easiest guys to play as! He's one of the only Yours Truly has completely beaten Hard Mode with! And I'm mediocre! I'm a run breaker, not a run maker! But it seems our running man today is not as skilled. I already have a bad feeling about this run. The good news is, it's a good ending run. That's good. Unless he plays primarily on easy, which is what the category is defined as (just gotta win the last fight on Normal). Easy mode is...well...easy! It's as easy as yo' momma, OH SNAP!!! Yeah, I'm typing this part up as it's downloading; whatcha gonna do? 22.8% downloaded now! 35 minutes remain!

But hey, like I said, I'm not biased, so let's get into it anyway! ....well, after these 35 minutes pass, but that's my problem, not yours. Your problem is, what you will think about these comments? Either you love'em or you hate'em! So what's it gonna be? Cast your opinion today!

But remember this: I always give fair warning to my readers/viewers/players/listeners (hey, deaf people using text to speech count too you know! I don't know why they'd be on this site, but I'm not one to question them). I'm not like Australia, where I just don't give'em a choice and make them conform to some governmental law. And I'm not like...uhh...some country that doesn't give warning and has hooker killing in a game...without warning. I'm not like that at all, no sirree!!! I don't just warn, I warn twice! And here comes warning number two: I again remind you, the readers/viewers/players/listeners, that this verification is so crazy, insane, awe-inspiring, and to some, stupid, that it is effectively not suitable for all viewers.





0 - Robocop Intro:

Not much to complain about here. A few minor hiccups, but hey, it's mostly limited to the big hopping eye of doom, and the damage there is as consistant as consistant can be! At least as much as my eyes tell me. This is done on Normal, by the way, which is sweet.


1 - Robocop VS. The Oil Companies:

...I guess I spoke too soon. This is done on easy. Easy like yo' momma, that's the one. I don't get why he doesn't start with the hard one first. You know, the one Fireman's weak too. The ice guy. The guy who's most likely to end runs. I don't know why fire is weak to ice. Usually, it's the other way around! Man, of all the stupid things Japan's put out, this has got to be one of the stupidest. Seriously.

But hey, at least they acknowledge fire burns oil. So there's a plus.

So how does our running man deal with it? By getting hit a few times in the first screen, of course! Oh, and by setting the oil on fire. That causes lag of epic proportions, if you're not familiar with this game. The bright side that makes this possibly, potentially worth it? He can just run across there instead of jumping around on the platforms or trying to run across and slipping like an imbecile.

The small hopping eye of doom at the end is damage skipped by. That's good.

Oil dude is utterly raped here, in a showing that would make Frezyman proud. Of course, there's no real point to spamming the button because he's, you know, invincible, but whatever. It's done, and it's done fast, and that's all that matters here!


2 - Robocop VS. The Electric Company:

What was so special about that show, anyway? I've heard about it, but what's the big deal?

Ugly minor to moderate mistake in the beginning. Involving...not being able to jump up a hole! Then succeeding, and being hit by a bullet. Then failing again before gettin-nah, just kidding. Fourth time was the charm. That's the terrible thing about this level.

So what's the good thing about this level, the redeeming factor that will hopefully allow it to be published and get more PSP representing up in the hizzle? Why, only the rest of the stage going off as smooth as a baby's bottom, of course! Not that I know anything about that. I'm not a pedophile, nor do I plan to have kids in the near future. But hey, what with broken condoms and other birth control failures, who can really say at this point?

Shocker dude is beaten as quickly as reasonably possible too, so that's also a plus!


3- Robocounterterrorist VS. TERRORISTS:


You know, this VS. always bothered me. The music is just too calm. I mean, think about it. Answer honestly now: there's a guy who likes blowing stuff up. What kind of theme music do you expect him to have? Heavy metal? Fast paced? Uhh...whatever the fuck this music is supposed to be...? No. This music does not fit the terrorist. It's too calm, too relaxing. When I'm dodging explosives, I want some fucking epic music playing. Not this calm "okay you're here" shit! Fuck that. Almost sounds like house music. Or...ELEVATOR MUSIC.

I mean, the prospect of bombs on an elevator is scary and all, but shit. This is not an elevator level! And even if it was, it doesn't fit! I loathe elevator levels in games, be they Castle Crush, the heli gunner in Final Fantasy 7, whatever the fuck Level 4 in Super C is called, and all of Elevator Action.

Oh, right. The run. Nothing much to write here, actually! This level goes as good as I could've asked for! Except for the terrorist. That's boring. But fast. That's what you get from Easy.


4 - Robocop VS. The Guy In The Level With Those Fucking Conveyer Belts. FUCK THOSE FUCKING CONVEYOR BELTS:

You know, I can't really rip on him for not doing Eskimo first. He's scrolling through the level menus in an efficient order after all, even if there was a minor messy-uppy before this one! What I can rip on him for, however, is not going clockwise instead of counterclockwise, to do the Inuit faster.

Hilarious cock-up with the C.O.N.S.T.R.U.C.T.O.S.H.I.E.L.D. guys. I can't explain it. Doesn't lose much time, and it's not as bad as going back for a potion you already collected, but it's still...well, not record shattering, but still good.


I'll admit. I went overboard last time. But there's a serious issue this time! When the guy with the big ass is fought, he pulls giant bricks out of the ground. Now, something like that can be explained away somehow. Like there being an underground temple below the construction site and like a bazillion helium balloons attached to it.

The problem is, when he's hit, he lets go of the block, but it stays floating in midair! That's right, the laws of gravity have been violated. ARREST THAT BLOCK! There is no cheating on the part of the running man but still SEVERE CHEATING nonetheless.


5 - Robocop VS. The Logging Industry:

Now here's something that does make sense. There's a robot that cuts things, so you put him in a forest! Basic, logical stuff, and it makes a hell of a lotta more sense than that weird castle Cutsman was in in the original.

A bunch of stuff that went okay that I wasn't really paying too too much attention to (dunno why). Then it's time.





















CU-wait, why am I even doing this? No one will get this fucking reference. Points if you do, though. That thing was so bad it was good. But this boss fight is done so good it's bad! Wait...that's not right. It was also so bad it was good. No? You're right, it was just plain bad. The running man plays too much chicken, and pays dearly for it! What happened to the guy who recklessly charged through stuff in the name of JUSTICE??? I guess he was temporarily in Tijuana for this boss fight, but at least he didn't die or anything.


6 - Robocop VS. The Native Canadians:

It's time for the level that the running man claimed was one of the problems with Fireman. Being done sixth. Hell, all the robot masters have a problem. But there are solutions. That we can finalize. Heh heh heh.

We're really (not) cookin' in this level as the running man has his fire STOLEN from him by some rogue water! I don't know why you can't just relight it automatically. Or what lights it in the first place. Or why he can use those circling fireballs underwater. But it's not me to question those kinds of things.

Okay, they are, but I won't this time. For your sake. Consider it a belated Christmas present. Wink Or whatever the hell you celebrate.

I don't get why the running man doesn't jump die-rectly to the medical aid box (because medical aid is for pussies, and only pussies play easy), on screen I-Wasn't-Keeping-Track-But-It's-One-With-The-Other-Asshole-Of-This-Game-And-All-Megaman-Games-The-Disappearing-Reappearing-Blocks. I'd ask him, but I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave. Maybe he'll give some 'splain' in the topic? By the way, it will always be "topic" to me. "Threads", as they're called in some places, sounds too much like ghetto-talk for clothes.

The flame is regained, and the running man jumps for joy! No, seriously. I'm not making it up. Watch the run if it gets accepted. Which I'm actually caught between yes and no and I don't know at this point.

So the moment of truth! Can he beat the Eskimo of Death, who I reiterate fucks up fire pretty good despite being MELTED BY IT in the real world? Well, duh, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this and the run would be deemed a failure before it even began.

NEW TERMINOLOGY, PEOPLE! LISTEN UP! The running man goes Frezy on the Eskimo of Death. To go Frezy is to push the buttons real fast and shoot real fast and kill real fast. If he was a full-blown Frezy, then theoretically, Ice Eskimo would never have gotten a shot off! But he's not. But it's okay, since Fireman's natural abilities make up for it. It takes him a while to actually get going, though. I guess that's one good thing about Easy! It's looking okay for this run now!


7 - Robocop VS. Nonsensical Imposters:

You know what's stupid? In this game, when you play as a robot master, "Mega Man" instead awaits you in the level he goes in. But this man is a poser! He's not the real Mega Man, as there are way too many differences! Notably though, he's fake because Mega Man only became Mega Man when there was no one else around to fight the other robots, and so it doesn't even make sense for him to exist in such an alternative storyline in the first place. But hey, I've always wanted to wipe that smirk off that corny cobs face since the NES days, so I'm not complaining too loudly. Even if it is a scowl in this case.

There are two places you just never try to fuck a guy over in. His home, and his girl. This is Fireman's home, so it's no surprise the level is easy for him and in turn the running man. So really, there's not much to say.

The running man goes Frezy on MegaPoser 5000.


8 - Robocop VS. Uncle Time:

Really, there's not much to write about anymore. Same old shit in this level. Of note is getting hit by the pendulums of electric doom and not wasting any time due to being knocked in the right direction.

Something else, you say? Hmm...okau. Why the hell do all the runs for this game do this level it on easy, anyway? I mean, all those timed explosives that get in the way waste time, ya know!Timemeister's super move (wait, does he even have one?) takes up no time at all with invincibility that's seen on easy anyway. So really, there's no excuse. It's slightly faster in an any% to use hard or even normal over easy.

Another hilarious mistake at the tail end of the level. Jumping into an enemy...WITHOUT USING FIRE! Boss fight goes okay, though he really should've gone Frezy on his ass.


9 - Robocop VS. The Other Other Asshole of Mega Man 1:

Lots of skipping smaller eyebots of doom equals lots of damage, but luck smiles on the running man and gives him a random super health. Isn't that nice of it?

He's not an asshole in Easy, but he sure is booooooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiiinnnng. Not as boring as watching people dodge his parts (seriously, I always skip fast those fights in all Mega Man runs I watch, fuck that shit)


10 - Robocop VS. Bizarre Eye Thing With A Serial Number:

The rushing water section Illegally well, I'd say. And yet, I can't prove it. He coughs towards the middle, but besides that, it's illegally well.

So, how can an intruder who relies on fire beat some bizarre eye thing underwater? Very easily, of course! Again, like Timemeister, I believe the battle could've been done a WEE BIT quicker on a higher difficulty (you can hit him more), but whatever.


11 - Robocop VS. Pain Staking Rebuilding To No End:

I believe the first part can be done faster with a well-timed jump, but I may be wrong. Me, wrong? Hey, it's happened more than once!

I really like what they did in this game, by the way. I mean how the Robot Masturbators look and act different in the rematches. They even all have Wily's symbol instead of Light's! It almost makes them like zombies. Zombie robots? You smell that? That's the smell of a C-Grade Hollywood film!

Bosses were actually better here than before. Especially Cutsman. CUT CUT CUT CUT. More going Frezy goodness. By the way, just to add to the running man's insanity, he fights Eskimo dude last here. No going Frezy on him this time, though. And certainly no stopping for health, either! Nah, this man plays ON THE EDGE.

Not that Evil Justice Burner is that hard. Or that there's any risk of dying. Seriously, who thought that a fight where both parties can only damage each other for one unit of health at a time was challenging?


12 - Robocop VS. Dr. Willy:

I mean that, by the way. This is not Dr. Wily in this game. Come on, answer again. What do you best know Dr. Wily for? The eyebrows taunt, right? Maybe the bowing down? Well, I was looking for the eyebrows taunt. That's always awesome in Megaman games. He just flies in, raises his eyebrows a couple times, then flies out. He's fucking awesome like that. But in MMPW? Ha! You'd be lucky to even reach to get part of it.

What's with the name of his castle in this, anyway? "Castle Wily"? It's so bland! "Skull Castle" demanded respect, especially in how IT WAS A FUCKING SKULL. Cossack Citadel (or was it Citadel Cossack?) was also similarly badass. Then there were the two other places that I don't know the names of, but certainly can't be worse than Castle Wily. I mean, shit. Where was the design team's creativity that day? At least they kept the Wily "please dont hurt me" bow.

We're back on Normal for one more level, bitches! Because, just doing the last level on Normal is enough to warrant different categorization. Really, it should've been any mode, normal or hard mode, and hard only for the categories here. Not easy only, any mode but with the good ending (which really isn't all that different), and hard only. Any mode at any turn makes sense - for reasons mentioned in how some difficulties are faster. But really, when you think about it, when easy is done almost all the time anyway, why make a category just for it? Easy is nice and all, but it lacks a certain flair to it. The kind of flair that impresses! I mean shit, at least postestablisheditely (or whatever) put in a normal only category. We have like 40+ potential ones already, and it's not like a maniac's going to do them all.

Level up is unspectacular but that's only because the level is indeed unspectacular. Dr. Willy, phaser 1 looks good. But it's not a run without some major cock-up at the end! He seems to struggle against phaser 2. Not very good!

At least he has an excuse though. That dick's flying pattern is annoying! Plus he does get his act together! But even if he didn't, it still wouldn't be as bad as something like...MISSING THE LAST ORB!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT WILL NEVER GET OLD. But yeah, once he gets his groove going, it's groovy.


Final Verdict:
Justice wins, despite having to go underwater. The world wins, because the evil villain has been stopped and promised to change, disregarding the 20 or so other times he'll try this in the future. This run wins, despite bad initial impressions (in both run and comment!). Seriously, how could you not be good at using Elecman, man? Elecman is one of the easiest to play as!

So accept it! We need more PSP in the house, anyway! If that happens, everyone wins! Except the biggest bigot Nintendrones, but they hardly count anyway. They'll just have to learn to accept it too. I eagerly await the next run on the PSP! You can bet I'll verify it! Unless it's a game I haven't played. But I've played most of what there is to play there. Maybe if I get really really bored, I'll pirate a game just to verify it. Because doing this is fun, yo!

By the way. To answer that. The running man said he may do Maverick Hunter X next. He better. I mean, I am currently holding a gun to his head he better. A Vile Run there is long overdue. I'd thought it'd be one of the first things done on that game, but noooo. It's all about the blue bomber to the peeps who did it before. So DO IT FAGGOT. >:E OR ELSE!!!!

Yours Truly,
Yours Truly

Quality is good. Way better than the current PSP runs.

Intro Stage: His timing's a bit off on the boss. His level time is about half a second longer than the Mega run, and I don't see a real disadvantage to Fireman that would cause this.

Oilman: He's a bit stop'n'go throughout the level. I think he's being a bit too cautious. Falling into that hole twice ain't cool. Sometimes he stops on a ladder to ignite oil. Can that not be avoided, cause it looks really slow. Oilman jumped away once, which is a bit of bad luck. But it could've been worse.

Elecman: Hiccuped a bit on the third screen. The first disappearing block room doesn't look right. It's as if he wanted to go to the left, but realized he wasn't going to make it a second after he had already committed to going left. At 6:33 he could've got hit by the electricity so he could start climbing faster. Same at 7:02. Would that have left him with too little health to reach Elecman?

Bombman: Not much to say. He could've jumped for the first hit on Bombman.

Gutsman: Some platforming trouble here and there. Otherwise, pretty good.

Cutman: Why doesn't he jump on ledges so he can cut down on the time spent climbing ladders? His Cutman fight is really icky, which isn't entirely his fault.

Iceman: He seemed a bit too cautious on the green moving platforms. I forget if the safe blocks are slippery in this stage. If so, then I kinda forgive him.

Mega Man?: He could be shooting things earlier. And when dropping into a new screen, he should be holding the direction he wants to go in prior. A few times in this stage he loses a bit for this.

Timeman: Again he just climbs a ladder without using the adjacent ledge. This stage is a pain in the ass, so his mistakes here are forgivable.

Yellow Devil: Well done. Awesome luck with the life refill. Not that he needs it. Yellow Devil's a pansy with Fire Storm.

CWU-01P: I understand he wants to conserve health for the boss fight, but I don't like him slowing down so much in the rushing water part.

Copy Robot: In the room at 30:05, can he jump directly to the left disappearing block? Two rooms after he waited too long on the ladder; I think he could've made the jump. The refights are good. He doesn't do the ladder thing again afterwards.

Wily: Man, that fight takes forever. No real mistakes to mention.

Total Time: 26:07.69

Given Fireman's disadvantages, I believe that's a pretty good time. I don't know if there's enough mistakes here that cost him sub26.

The run has some little issues, and the runner doesn't seem confident sometimes. But overall, the run is still done well and there are no huge glaring errors. I'll accept it.

Decision: Accept

Reason: It's a good run of a new category for the game.
Thread title:  
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
WOO HOO!!! *Jumps with joy*

After three failed attempts, I finally got an accepted run!  Thanks to everyone who helped verify the run (except for that last person who, because didn't submit his response as quickly as the others, forced me to wait another month to find out the results...)  I will make an attempt at crackdown and prototype again in the future soon, but for now, I'm happy with getting at least one run accepted for now...

Just to touch on a few things that a few of the verifiers said (especially Mr. "Unique" Verifier since he seemed to ask the most questions) since I do feel like I need to explain myself for a few points...

To Verifiers #1 & 4: The Boss fight for CWU-O1P would be my highlight of this run since that boss fight is a pure annoyance... I didn't know of a faster way to hit it other than to run away from it and get the hits in that way... As for getting to the fight, it would probably require very specific jumps/attacks to get through it without getting hit...

To Verifier #2: I do not hold anything against you for rejecting the run, I will admit that the run can probably be improved a bit here and there, but for the most part, this was the best I could pull off... As for this "trick" you are talking about, to be perfectly honest, I have no idea what you are talking about...  I normally do not play megaman, let alone know how to pull off the tricks seen in the other runs... The only think I had going for me was Satoryu's Runs and how he approached his runs with Megaman and Protoman... I also admit that at times I was being a bit cautious since in previous test runs when I just ran through it, it sometimes resulted in me falling into a pit...  For the fight with Wily, I agree with you that I was dealt a bad hand with the fight against him... Normally Wily would use all of the powers so that you could get one hit in, but for some reason, he didn't want to fight fire with oil, but of course you just have to work with what you have... Also as I said before, it is a bit disappointing to think that the PSP doesn't have much runs on SDA and that the only person to have done PSP runs was (again) Satoryu, but I hope this run will respark interest in PSP speed runs (but I am happy to be considered the 2nd person to have a PSP speed run on SDA... or 3rd... I think I submitted my run before the guy who submitted Prinny, but who knows... PSP is going to get some lovin in a future update, that's for sure...)

To Verifier #3: Where do I begin with you?  I suppose I can just simply skim through your whole review and just comment on a bit of everything...

1) This running man decided to not run so much since he realized that running through a game wasn't the best way to go (unless if you are playing sonic)
2) Why Fireman over Elec man? Simple... Fireman's attack is much more effective than Elecman since you have to wait for Elecman's attacks to recharge where as Fireman's attack can attack much quicker, and only in Iceman and Wily's castle 2 is when fireman is at a disadvantage... (that and it is easier to dodge electric sparks than lava)
3) I am fully aware that spamming the attack button doesn't do much when they are invincible... I guess I was doing it as a means to show off...
4) There is your fancy fast paced bomberman music... I hope you enjoy...
5) Space Ghost was a good show... Anyway, I admit that of the 8 robot masters, I hate cutman the most... I could never properly figure out his patterns and his damn cutter can reflect fire (and you thought a weakness to ice didn't make sense...)
6) I doublechecked that part at timeman, and you're right... What the hell was I thinking?  I can never past that part before that on normal for some reason, but that part of the guard in front of the door, just... wow... As for the timeman fight, when he does his "Time Slow" move, it can reflect shots off and thus would be a bit of a waste to try to attack him recklessly...
7) (this goes with other verifiered that saw the Wily 1 part) The part where I got the health powerup was completely unnecessary... During test runs, I noticed that as long as I was careful for the most part during the 2nd half of the stage, the three hits at the start didn't really matter... in fact, if I didn't get that random health drop, I would have been ok for the fight against yellow devil still...
8) I was surprised that the rematch fights went better than the first rounds, but with iceman, I didn't want to take that many chances against him since I had no intension to heal regardless of how much health I had left...
9) I probably should have this more to the start... The ideals behind difficulty is no different than Satoryu's choices... Normal is good at the start since the enemies move out of your way and normal at wily 4 to get the good ending, otherwise you have that ending where Wily escapes and nothing gets resolved (just like every other megaman game, but you don't get the begging Wily...)
10) *sees the gun pointed at his head* I agree with you that a vile speed run is long overdue and as soon as I can get a good route going for it (and when I can stop dieing at the start and end of the run) I'll be sure to get on top of that...

I hope that answered some of the questions and/or inquiries of the verifiers, but I'll be happy to answer anything else you would like to ask about...
Visually Appealing
You actually read that crap? And answered back? I don't know whether to respect or pity you.
Fucking Weeaboo
I pity the fool that tries to read, interpret, and respond to the crazy verifier.
Edit history:
65: 2010-04-11 04:34:46 pm
Thanks a lot for censoring part of my reply while approving #3 comments as they were, mikwyuma. I feel like a real hero now.

Quote from MAS8705:
To Verifier #2: I do not hold anything against you for rejecting the run, I will admit that the run can probably be improved a bit here and there, but for the most part, this was the best I could pull off... As for this "trick" you are talking about, to be perfectly honest, I have no idea what you are talking about...  I normally do not play megaman, let alone know how to pull off the tricks seen in the other runs...

The "tricks" mentioned include the jump in Wily 3, jumping off ladders early and cutting off the start-up in running and immediately reach full speed by jumping. Really easy stuff, hard to screw up and rack up saved time of considerable quantity. Not worth calling tricks, even.

Fire Man is the easiest character to run and there are a lot of small things to improve in your run. If it wasn't for the jump in Wily 4 I would be able to make a proper run of this game in a week and beat your run in a day. As things stand I could beat your run in a week and die in Wily 4, or do it properly and finish whenever.

It might sound harsh, but I'm merely trying to demonstrate how simple those tricks you didn't use are. And make no mistake, I will get this done eventually. Congrats on having your run accepted and enjoy while it lasts.
Visually Appealing
That was a bit harsh.

Also MAS, I was the last verifier. Sorry for making you wait, but I was busy at the time.
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
Quote from Satoryu:
You actually read that crap? And answered back? I don't know whether to respect or pity you.

It was late and I didn't have anything else going for me, so I claim insanity... Smiley  Also it is no problem if the response was delayed, at least it we can look forward to a "PSP only" update in the future... I just hope that you enjoyed the run...

Quote from 65:
Fire Man is the easiest character to run and there are a lot of small things to improve in your run. If it wasn't for the jump in Wily 4 I would be able to make a proper run of this game in a week and beat your run in a day. As things stand I could beat your run in a week and die in Wily 4, or do it properly and finish whenever.

It might sound harsh, but I'm merely trying to demonstrate how simple those tricks you didn't use are. And make no mistake, I will get this done eventually. Congrats on having your run accepted and enjoy while it lasts.

A wise man once said, "you can't satisfy all the people all the time" & "nothing lasts forever"...  I'm willing to accept this as a win for as long as it stays on and I'm fully aware that at any time, someone can easily submit a run that can make this run obsolete and when that happens, I will say Congrats and this will be one less run I will have under my name (or will just put me back at zero)...  The main reason why I submit speed runs is to spark interest in games and to open new ideas for new speed runs, so if there is someone who decides to improve any of the current runs by me or Satoryu or to beat the game with one of the other seven robot masters (or Roll) then I wish them the best of luck...

The last thing I need to figure out now is how to submit a commentary with the run... I know it can't be that hard, but just want to make sure it is done right...
Quote from 65:
The "tricks" mentioned include the jump in Wily 3, jumping off ladders early and cutting off the start-up in running and immediately reach full speed by jumping. Really easy stuff, hard to screw up and rack up saved time of considerable quantity. Not worth calling tricks, even.

Fire Man is the easiest character to run and there are a lot of small things to improve in your run. If it wasn't for the jump in Wily 4 I would be able to make a proper run of this game in a week and beat your run in a day. As things stand I could beat your run in a week and die in Wily 4, or do it properly and finish whenever.

While I've never played this game, from these two paragraphs this sounds like a very similar situation to the Hitman: Blood Money run by Siyko I verified a while back, with the main difference being that it sounds like the mistakes in this run are more basic and obvious. In my opinion, in relatively easy SS runs (i.e. runs of games where the chance of death is low and the level of skill or luck required to get a good time is not too high), anything more than a handful of seconds of planning errors, even non-obvious ones, warrants rejection since the runner can improve their time with minimal effort.

Perhaps one problem with the way you wrote your response is that when you were listing mistakes, you listed planning and execution mistakes together and you didn't indicate how much time each mistake cost. I don't know whether Mike has played this game or watched this run, but if not then you're maybe not giving him enough information to be confident rejection is warranted. Also the final verifier says this is 'way better than the current PSP runs' - I presume he means of the same game. Mike may have felt he had to accept because of this.

I guess one solution, which by the sounds of it wouldn't be too much work for you, would always be to quickly beat the run before it goes up on the site. Of course then you have the potential situation which I've faced of having beaten the run, but not having a run you're personally proud of and having to choose between submitting it and letting a worse run go onto the site. Perhaps the runner would be happy to agree that if you beat his time before his run is published, he'll cancel his submission out of respect for that and retry until he matches or beats your improved time before he submits again? I think having two runners in conflict instead of in collaboration is a bad thing, and that if anyone in the community can find a way to improve a run without too much effort, it should always get done.
Weegee Time
MAS, congrats on finally getting a run through verification.  Keep putting effort into it, and I hope we see some other runs from you in the future. Smiley
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
Quote from ExplodingCabbage:

While I've never played this game, from these two paragraphs this sounds like a very similar situation to the Hitman: Blood Money run by Siyko I verified a while back, with the main difference being that it sounds like the mistakes in this run are more basic and obvious. In my opinion, in relatively easy SS runs (i.e. runs of games where the chance of death is low and the level of skill or luck required to get a good time is not too high), anything more than a handful of seconds of planning errors, even non-obvious ones, warrants rejection since the runner can improve their time with minimal effort.

Perhaps one problem with the way you wrote your response is that when you were listing mistakes, you listed planning and execution mistakes together and you didn't indicate how much time each mistake cost. I don't know whether Mike has played this game or watched this run, but if not then you're maybe not giving him enough information to be confident rejection is warranted. Also the final verifier says this is 'way better than the current PSP runs' - I presume he means of the same game. Mike may have felt he had to accept because of this.

I guess one solution, which by the sounds of it wouldn't be too much work for you, would always be to quickly beat the run before it goes up on the site. Of course then you have the potential situation which I've faced of having beaten the run, but not having a run you're personally proud of and having to choose between submitting it and letting a worse run go onto the site. Perhaps the runner would be happy to agree that if you beat his time before his run is published, he'll cancel his submission out of respect for that and retry until he matches or beats your improved time before he submits again? I think having two runners in conflict instead of in collaboration is a bad thing, and that if anyone in the community can find a way to improve a run without too much effort, it should always get done.

I think the last verifier when the last verifier said "way better than the current psp runs" I think he meant the quality of the video... Anyway, if a better run for fireman is submitted before it gets published, then yes, I'll be happy to cancel the submittion to allow the better run to be added instead... I don't like to start conflicts, especially if it is something I know I can't win in the end...  I know that Mr. 65 has the ability to destroy my run if he wanted to... He had an incomplete speed run on youtube so I'm sure he knows exactly how megaman powered up works... As for if he will ever get around to doing it, that's the real question... Perhaps, this run may respark his interest in this game, but who knows?
Visually Appealing
Yeah, I did mean the video quality. My old Powered Up runs were done with the Mirror-in-a-Box.
spread the dirt to the populace
make crazy verifier mod for a month or something imo
Willing to teach you the impossible
Quote from Josh the Funkdoc:
make crazy verifier mod for a month or something imo

omg, your joking right?
that guy shouldn't be asked to verify anymore.
we have lift off
Quote from Arkarian:
that guy shouldn't be asked to verify anymore.

Why? He gives detailed comments at least, surely better than just the word "accept".
Willing to teach you the impossible
Quote from ridd3r.:
Quote from Arkarian:
that guy shouldn't be asked to verify anymore.

Why? He gives detailed comments at least, surely better than just the word "accept".

I agree with that. He is good for this stuffs... but have him become a mod.... iono about that
Quote from ridd3r.:
Quote from Arkarian:
that guy shouldn't be asked to verify anymore.

Why? He gives detailed comments at least, surely better than just the word "accept".

He gives detailed comments, but does anyone have the patience to read them? Does Mike?
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
Quote from ExplodingCabbage:
Quote from ridd3r.:
Quote from Arkarian:
that guy shouldn't be asked to verify anymore.

Why? He gives detailed comments at least, surely better than just the word "accept".

He gives detailed comments, but does anyone have the patience to read them? Does Mike?

As "the runner," I actually read the whole thing... I admit I couldn't hold myself from laughing while reading his comments on the run, though I found it quite flattering that he actually commented on what I said in my intro and conclusion...  Overall, as long as he says accept or reject at the end, I don't see any problems...
Willing to teach you the impossible
Quote from ExplodingCabbage:
Quote from ridd3r.:
Quote from Arkarian:
that guy shouldn't be asked to verify anymore.

Why? He gives detailed comments at least, surely better than just the word "accept".

He gives detailed comments, but does anyone have the patience to read them? Does Mike?

I'm a sponge, I read all of it too
We all scream for Eyes Cream
Quote from ExplodingCabbage:
Quote from ridd3r.:
Quote from Arkarian:
that guy shouldn't be asked to verify anymore.

Why? He gives detailed comments at least, surely better than just the word "accept".

He gives detailed comments, but does anyone have the patience to read them? Does Mike?

My guess is he/her does a public response(Which is the one Mike shows us) and a more "professional" type verification to Mike in private(Or includes it in the one message he sends, but Mike hides it at his/her request).
That verifier's style is just plain obnoxious. The severe cheating thing is puerile and the self-important tone makes me immediately scroll past every verification of theirs I've seen.

I'm not sure the person should be barred in any way from verifying, because they don't break any rules and do provide detailed comments, but they might consider all the negative feedback and make their verifications more palatable.
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from cyghfer:
That verifier's style is just plain obnoxious. The severe cheating thing is puerile and the self-important tone makes me immediately scroll past every verification of theirs I've seen.

I'm not sure the person should be barred in any way from verifying, because they don't break any rules and do provide detailed comments, but they might consider all the negative feedback and make their verifications more palatable.

I think he/she finds it comedic, and I'm sure a select few do as well.
Not a walrus
Is the ghosting during boss fights an artifact of the way the flashing works or is that chroma bleeding from a bad capture? Just curious since nobody seemed to mention it.