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The Dork Knight himself.
If you want to see him go through the game without rolling check out the Dead on Arrival run. The only reason for the rolling is to slow down the in-game clock (which is used for the time in New York Minute).
Edit history:
Artas1984: 2011-02-11 06:49:52 am
Artas1984: 2011-02-11 06:47:25 am
Well i have played lots of action shooter games and Max Payne was definitely one of the hardest. I could never imagine that this game could be played that way like in this New York minute speedrun - those shooting skills and jumping moves were insane! This run is uber sick! I get a clue how long it took to master all the tactics, shortcuts and timing, and in the end i think it was worth it. I did not understand the transition from episode's 3 chapter 5 to chapter 7 - chapter 6 looked like some glitch or what?
Yes, Inexistence is a word.
Well ridd3r is basically the master of Max Payne. Seems to have been running it years, he should be amazing at it. Damn, I want to rewatch the run now...
Dragon Power Supreme
The new NYM run had been a pleasure to watch, great work as always!
we have lift off
Quote from Artas1984:
Well i have played lots of action shooter games and Max Payne was definitely one of the hardest. I could never imagine that this game could be played that way like in this New York minute speedrun - those shooting skills and jumping moves were insane! This run is uber sick! I get a clue how long it took to master all the tactics, shortcuts and timing, and in the end i think it was worth it. I did not understand the transition from episode's 3 chapter 5 to chapter 7 - chapter 6 looked like some glitch or what?

Thanks for giving it a chance and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I think generally people enjoy the Dead on Arrival runs more because there isn't constant rolling and lots of slow mo but the fact is I spent significantly more time on this NYM run.

Seems like a good time to give an update for the new Dead on Arrival run. I'v been attempting and it looked promising at the start for the chapter 8 jump, but I'v had a shocking low success rate since, 3/14 so far... The good news is I can pretty much guarantee I can get to chapter 8 every day, but this jump is killing all the attempts. I'v thought about not including it as I could still get a 0:58 even without it, but the run would be twice as impressive with it in... I'm in no hurry to get it done, it doesn't take much time to have a few attempts a day, it's just a case of sticking with it.
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2011-06-05 10:46:05 am
ridd3r.: 2011-05-31 02:21:23 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-05-16 03:58:32 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-05-15 03:20:54 am
ridd3r.: 2011-05-14 04:54:16 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-05-06 03:12:46 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-05-06 03:00:39 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-05-02 02:14:19 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-04-30 04:43:38 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-04-30 04:42:45 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-04-26 04:00:24 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-04-25 03:37:45 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-04-21 04:58:49 pm
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Time for an update!

I took a bit of a break but I'm not giving up on this, I'm still attempting. I just need to try and attempt every day religiously in order to complete this. I still have no no-death runs completed, I'm hoping this time when I get it there will be no need to do it again!

Also p1c9 is a nightmare, trying to get that super jump within 3 attempts after the epic run killer in chapter 8...


Edit: p1c8 practise

Edit2: Son of a BITCH! Got past the chapter 8 jump and failed the p1c9 jump, just practised it to shit so I just have to hope it doesn't happen again...

Edit3: Just had an absolutely insane run going, of course I failed the chapter 8 jump, but I don't care because it was that good and I enjoyed it. This playing every day thing really works.

Edit4: Yeah... there are no signs this run will be done anytime soon.

Edit5: Got to p3c4 and got destroyed by an overzealous ingrammer, literally took all my health in about 2s. I'm not too disappointed as 1. this is the furthest I've now got and I was very close to finishing and 2. I was 45s or so behind the pace, so I wouldn't have submitted if I'd finished anyway.

Edit6: Fail, fail, fail, fail and more FAIL. Nearly 1000 attempts now and fucking nothing to show for it.

Edit7: I've got past the chapter 8 jump two times in a row now, only to fail later on in chapter 8!!! It's insane how such tiny things can lead to death, I mean in the mistake book they are non-entities!!! I've got to convert chapter 8 jump to part 3 attempt goddamit, this is taking forever.

Edit8: Got to p3c2 and got killed, very unfairly, but I was 1 minute behind the pace, super jumps just weren't happening...

Edit9: Can't even believe how much bs the game dishes out.

Edit10: Took a couple of weeks off, just had the worst luck ever on my attempts...

Edit11: Practised part 2 and 3, did both within the time I will need. When I had some attempts though, the game gave me some ludricrously bad luck so I didn't get far on part 1. Over 1000 attempts now, can't really see the end of this anytime soon :/
The Dork Knight himself.
Take as much time as you need and don't rush yourself, we'll still be here when the epicness is finished Smiley
Time for my first post on the forum!

Just wanted to express my admiration for ridd3r's amazing speedrun skills. I have watched your runs multiple times and I think I can speak for everyone who has played this game that your achievements and dedication are the essence of speedrunning brilliance. For me personally, I became intersted in speedrunning myself just by watching your videos!

I am looking forward to your future runs and of course your very entertaining audio commentary :-).

Keep up the amazing work!
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2011-08-04 05:45:01 pm
we have lift off
Time for an update.

I've been attempting this SS sub hour run for a while now and simply haven't managed it yet. I'm pretty much just forcing myself to do it, but I had the idea of doing a segmented DoA run the other day and that I actually have motivation for. I've tested a few things and discovered that the fall cancel is slower (YES!), so it won't be as painful as the NYM run was. Additionally movement will be 100x easier. Instead the challenge in this run will be in insane aiming skills, as I basically can't use bullet time if I'm going for fastest real time.

I'm going to post level by level progress (I'll reupload the whole run in 1 video when it's done) and since this is the only game I'm playing I should be able to make decent progress. I may be wrong, but on paper this will be easier than the NYM run; but probably more entertaining to watch as the NYM run can only really be appreciated if you've Speedrun the game yourself. Another benefit of this run is I will get intense practise on DoA levels and while the strats may be different, it can only be good for a SS run; I may even discover a couple of useful things.

Final time expected is probably low 50s and while it would be nice to get sub 50 minutes, I really have no idea if this is possible. I'm going to have baptism by fire for p1c2 since there's loads of killing from all angles, it should be about as hard as aiming gets!

EDIT: Improvement to pro1:

Part I, Prologue 1:

Sequential save glitching the first cutscene ends up saving about 1.5s.

As always, comments about the segments or the run in general are welcome Smiley
Good news you do a segmented DoA run! going for the fastest real time is what makes more sense to me in speedrunning
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ridd3r.: 2011-06-07 03:42:20 pm
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I was testing p1c1 and rediscovered a glitch I found ages ago when I first found the save glitch. I just tested it further and...

Cutscene length is exactly the same with or without the glitch. So, it comes down to which is faster? I'm almost certain it's going to be quicker with this glitch in. I use an extra save for the save glitch, but save 2 I would have used in p1c2 due to insane shooting required. Also with this glitch I won't need painkillers from the cabinet in p1c1 (probably 3+s saved), I can run directly and still shoot enemies in the way. The only bitch is going to be getting a bunch of super jumps (4?), but assuming nothing else difficult, it should be OK! Also, I just realised save glitches are going to have to be activated with 1 save, as spamming save causes lag which is slow in real time Sad

If only this lasted the whole game, how easy would a RTA SS run be!!! - See this is the fun I was missing when slogging away at the SS run.
we have lift off
OK I made a mistake in my previous post. If you don't use painkillers the state continues indefinitely!!! I got up to p1c4 and it was still going strong. The only question is does it continue past part 1?

Anyway I need opinions. This has to be a separate category as it renders the game incredibly simple, I guess people aren't interested in seeing a run in this category apart from sheer comedy value?
The Dork Knight himself.
What happens if you take fall damage while dead? This could let you seriously blow through certain areas, maybe even getting in front of the car in Part 3.
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2011-06-07 04:04:49 pm
we have lift off
OK the "state" ends at the start of part 2 as I was pretty sure it would. You don't have any health meter in prologue 2 and p2c1 you start with a set amount of damage, given the glitch requires full damage it doesn't work anymore. Still it works for the hardest parts of the game! Also note that if you take ANY damage whatsoever in the state you die. So fall damage or if an enemy throws a grenade at you, the tiny amount of damage that the grenade causes (obviously before it explodes) kills you.

I need to find out if this is a seperate category as I'm not so sure anymore. It lasts for 8.5 out of 25 levels and actually you aren't invincible at all, it just means the enemies don't shoot at you. Anyway I need conformation and I need to find out if there is anywhere else this state can be triggered - think cutscenes where you can die from a moving object.

Edit: I've requested a ruling, but since it doesn't actually let you skip any section of the game, I doubt it will be a separate category...
Edit history:
jera: 2011-06-07 06:47:27 pm
Nice find :-O

The only problem is I think entertainment value: Part 1 is fun to watch, has a lot of opportunities to show skill, when this will be allowed it will be fast... but boring :-(
Anyway, I don't have a clue how I would rule this (if the decision was mine)...

Secretly, I hope they don't; but maybe it'll make your SS-run easier to execute? :-)
we have lift off
Entertainment is 2nd to speed. A run which didn't use this when it's faster should be rejected. That being said this can't be used in a SS run as 1. You have to quick save to activate the save glitch and 2. you have to reload that save.

This would be used in the segmented run and a RTA SS run. I'm actually planning on doing a RTA SS now as well after the segmented run. It would be significantly easier than a SS run - I could pretty much guarantee getting to the p1c8 jump every attempt and after getting that jump part 1 is guaranteed. Then it's just a case of doing parts 2 and 3 which are definitely easier than part 1. So I should get a decent RTA very quickly (1-2 months max).
Quote from ridd3r.:
Edit: I've requested a ruling, but since it doesn't actually let you skip any section of the game, I doubt it will be a separate category...

Kirby's ufo glitch (kirby's adventure) also doesn't skip anything, but it's a separate category because it changes it's originally gameplay drastically.
I think it could be said for this as well, although this glitch can't be used as much as the UFO glitch.
I'd call it a different category, but I'm not entirely sure how much this actually changes from normal running. Haven't played max payne in a very long time.
this can't be used in a SS run as 1. You have to quick save to activate the save glitch and 2. you have to reload that save

of course, lost my wits there for a minute :-P . Possibly because of the late hour ;-)

I know speed > entertainment value and all that; but don't be so harsh to see this as an a priori principle. For example, there is a TES IV: Oblivion speedrun on youtube that uses a glitch with a total time of 11min or something. Still, Void did a very entertaining "no large skip-glitches" run that went slightly over the 55min. mark. 'Entertainment' sounds silly, maybe you could call it an environment where skill can be shown. If such an environment is (partially) rendered useless, maybe there is some ground for a different category. After all, SDA's motto is

Playing through games quickly, skillfully, and legitimately.

That being said, I'm still not sure what I would suggest about the ruling but I am relieved a SS DoA run would still include Part 1 fighting =)
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2011-06-08 10:02:04 am
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Playing through games quickly, skillfully, and legitimately.

That being said, I'm still not sure what I would suggest about the ruling but I am relieved a SS DoA run would still include Part 1 fighting =)

I know exactly what you're saying, I will enjoy the MST run of Zelda OoT more than the RBA run. Obviously I will go with the ruling, but it would be foolish to do something just because of entertainments sake. A run purely meant for entertainment would look quite different.

Clearly some glitches require separate categories, but I really don't believe that's the case here. This glitch can't be activated on every level, maybe even only this 1 level. Yes it will sacrifice some skillful gameplay, but it is also very novel and entertaining in its own right.

Don't forget that glitch finding in itself is a skill. Someone who is good at finding shortcuts will invariably beat someone who can just play the game well. My greatest contribution to Max Payne Speedrunning will always be the glitches and routes I've discovered. It's that stuff that takes the time. If in 10 years time someone else has beaten these records, it will be using probably all of the glitches I found (and maybe some others). There's no way I'm the most talented Max Payne player out there, there's always someone better - In other words, there will be someone who can provide a more entertaining part 1 from a skillful play point of view.
First, I think you are as close as anyone gets to the best Max Payne player in the world, who else has played this game for years on end getting better and better? Maybe there is some underground chinese scene of die hard Max Payne players, but I seriously doubt it ;-P

Jokes aside, I never wanted to give the impression that for me speed is of secondary importance, the point I was trying to make is that you need to find some sort of middleground between the two. And yes, speed is primary, but if it wasn't, would we be talking about this on this forum? With my previous post I just wanted to say that if the glitch would skip the whole game, everyone would probably agree to make it a different category. Hell, I might even try a run if it were the case, since I would not need your skills. The problem is that it skips a portion of the game that is not the majority of it, but still a large chunk. Maybe it is my own disappointment in not seeing part 1 that takes over, I don't know :-)

And of course ridder, I admire you for having skillfully found this awesome glitch ;-)
we have lift off
Quote from jera:
Maybe there is some underground chinese scene of die hard Max Payne players, but I seriously doubt it ;-P

I haven't found any evidence of anyone Speedrunning this game at all since Shido's run over 5 years ago. I was referring to natural talent though and there are undoubtedly people out there more talented - that doesn't mean they are better than me at the moment. The chances of them actually putting the effort in though is a separate matter and of course persistence should never be underestimated.

After further testing it only seems to be available in that one place. I've tried different things like nading myself, falling large distances etc. none of it even tries to register as damage when in the save glitch state. I've only looked at part 1, but given what I know now, it's looking much less likely it can be done anywhere else.

For the segmented run I will have to cancel the state at the end of p1c6 as there are some big time savers in p1c7 and a decent saver in p1c9 due to the save glitch and you can't save glitch while in this state... A RTA SS would definitely use it to the end of part 1 though (it may be easier with the glitch, but that p1c8 skip still makes it a total bitch). For the segmented run it's going to be difficult stringing together 4+ super jumps since I can't quick save for levels 2-6, but I think the novelty of the glitch will carry me through. It's my own personal fuck you the all the enemies who kill me with the most ridiculous shots while I'm trying to SS the game.

Also everyone gets the best of both worlds as it turns out. The SS run can't use it, the RTA SS and segmented will have the glitch Smiley
"Natural talent" to play Max Payne, love it :-)

I am kind of amazed that it does not work with 'lesser' damage. Is it the sheer amount of damage, or the wood-fall-cut-scene itself that triggers it?
The Dork Knight himself.
It probably has to do with being instant-killed by something in the world. In the cutscene he was crushed by the wood since the game didn't expect him to be there, and therefore had no choice but to "kill" Max. If you could find a way to have the game insta-kill you while in a cutscene then you might be able to trigger it in other places (like getting stuck on a ledge that, in normal play, would kill you instantly).
Edit history:
jera: 2011-06-08 03:09:12 pm
I don't think getting stuck in a ledge is controlable, that is, manageable to do when in a cut-scene. Plus, does not a grenade kill you 'instantly', if that is what you mean by 'instant-killed'...
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ridd3r.: 2011-06-08 03:30:25 pm
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Quote from honorableJay:
It probably has to do with being instant-killed by something in the world. In the cutscene he was crushed by the wood since the game didn't expect him to be there, and therefore had no choice but to "kill" Max. If you could find a way to have the game insta-kill you while in a cutscene then you might be able to trigger it in other places (like getting stuck on a ledge that, in normal play, would kill you instantly).

I'm pretty sure getting stuck on a ledge kills you due to fall damage, which has no effect as I've tested it. Also yes a grenade does over 100% damage. I even got one to explode as the cutscene was fading out and it did no damage. If you can think of a way or a place to get it to work then let me know, but I'm not aware of one at the moment.

Edit: Maybe it's not even the wooden barrier causing the damage, but a death line like in p3c4? If you look at the cutscene glitching video, I experiment with some other stuff there and get killed by a death line after the fade in. Looking at the video it would make more sense than the barrier causing the damage? If this is the case, I really doubt there is anywhere else this can be triggered. Death lines only exist in p3c4 and there aren't cutscenes anywhere near them.