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I've started working on a multi-segment speedrun using the same save points in twoton's run. The times below show what time it was in-game when the save screen pops up (twoton's times are in brackets).

Segment 1 - 17:58 (18:15)
Segment 2 - 13:20 (14:20)
Segment 3 - 9:28 (11:31)

The in-game time should be ok to use, right? If you used it as a timer, a single-segment speedrun would probably be a lot faster since you wouldn't lose 6 minutes per save. To figure out a total - when starting a new game, the first time you can see is 04:09, very briefly before it turns to 04:10. Days pass at 00:00. At the end of the game, you could check the time on the building before the last cut-scene/credits fade in, or check the time once you regain control after credits (but a lot of time passes during the credits), then check the "days passed in game" stat.

I'll post webcam videos soon and will submit my vhs tapes if I get a faster time at the end.

edit: for multi-segment runs, maybe you could subtract 6 minutes per save from the total time at the end of the game? That way, multi-segment runs would be faster than single-segment, as they should be.

edit2: I guess vhs tapes aren't accepted, but I'll still make crappy webcam videos.
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videos reposted below
Heavy Metal Powered
i guess you know that a run recorded with a cam will never be accepted here, no matter how fast it is

there are several guides on how you can connect a dvd recorder and record that way
Yes, that's ok. I don't know when I'll ever get a dvd recorder, so I figured I'd post these cam videos for proof at least. Is it ok for me to continue posting them as I try more segments? I re-uploaded Segment 1 with slightly better video quality (still a cam video, though) and Segment 2 is up as well. Sorry about all the parts. I've added comments at the bottom of the post.

Segment 1 in 13:49 (game time)
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -

Segment 2 in 13:22 (game time)
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -

Segment 1 - Part 1
- The clock starts at 04:09.
- This route to the save spot is about a second or so faster for me. Getting there and stopping in the blue circle at 4:46 is my goal.
- After leaving the save house, I miss the shortcut between the pole and the wall.
- On the way to Luigi's club, I ran someone over next to a police car so that it would hopefully follow me and I could steal it, but it didn't even notice. Just before Luigi's, I ran over another person to try to get the cops to notice me.
- Once LUIGI'S GIRLS starts, there aren't any cop cars around so I just take the Kuruma.
- I'm pretty sure the way I reverse out of the hospital is slower.
- Once again I try to run people over to get the cops noticing me on the way back to Luigi's, but there aren't any cop cars around so I get back in the Kuruma for DON'T SPANK MA BITCH UP.

Segment 1 - Part 2
- I run people over on the way to the harbor to get the cops on me.
- I think handling the Stallion is pretty weird.
- I ran over a cop and a couple other people after the pay'n'spray, getting two stars. Luckily a cop car followed me almost right into Luigi's garage, so I stole it after the mission was over.
- Bad driving on the way back to Luigi's - mainly driving head-on into an angry taxi driver, losing all my speed.
- I think summoning Misty with the police siren, and seeing/hearing it during the cutscene is kinda funny.

Segment 1 - Part 3
- I drive into a tree right after Misty gets in the car and hit a pole near the subway stairs.
- I was lucky I didn't have to repair Mike Lips' car.

Segment 1 - Part 4
- I kill Chunky Lee Chong with the shotgun I got from stealing the police car, then run back to the police car.
- After leaving Joey's during VAN HEIST, I drive into a van. Then, I have trouble jumping over the low barrier around the police station parking lot.

Segment 1 - Part 5
- On the way back to Joey's after passing VAN HEIST, I drive right into a police car.
- During CIPRIANI'S CHAUFFEUR, I'm paranoid about flipping the car, so I drive around the little green bush/hedge.
- On the way to Tony's, I drive right into two fish vans. Then, I have trouble getting into his driveway.

Segment 1 - Part 6
- On the way to the save spot I drive into a truck.
- The save screen pops up at 17:58.

Segment 2 - Part 1
- I start time at 23:58 (the ending time of Segment 1 plus 6 minutes).
- During TAKING OUT THE LAUNDRY, I steal a Banshee after grabbing the grenades, but I couldn't break through the glass on the first try.
- On the way to the last two fish vans, I almost spin out in the grass by the police station.
- The last two fish vans were kinda far away, but at least they could both be killed with one grenade.

Segment 2 - Part 2
- During THE PICK-UP, I drive into a fish van on the way to the briefcase.
- I drive the Banshee into the little allyway where the briefcase is and run over the Triads, then grenade the van and head back to Tony's, then I drive into a taxi.
- The police car in front of Luigi's club during SALVATORE'S CALLED A MEETING made it annoying to get in position to summon Luigi.

Segment 2 - Part 3
- I should've positioned the limo better so the Triad vans would push my up the hill.

Segment 2 - Part 4
- During CHAPERONE, while Maria's in the club, I have some fun with the bouncers by trying to drive close to them so they jump out of the way.
- After driving into Salvatore's garage, I accidentally get out of the limo out of habit from pressing brake+hand-brake+triangle to stop.

Segment 2 - Part 5
- During CUTTING THE GRASS, I over-turn with the hand-brake when entering the harbor.
- After CUTTING THE GRASS, I head back to the save spot but flip my taxi by the police station. Luckily I was able to continue driving after rolling. Then I drive into a pole and tree.
- The save screen pops up at 13:20.
Update: 3 segments left

When the save screen pops up:
SEG1 - 17:58 (18:15) -0:17
SEG2 - 13:20 (14:20) -1:00
SEG3 - 09:28 (11:31) -2:03
SEG4 - 00:37 (03:51) -3:14
SEG5 - 11:12 (15:02) -3:45
SEG6 - 22:41 (02:58) -4:17
SEG7 - 14:09 (19:45) -5:36

SEG1 - 04:09 - 17:58 (13:49)
SEG2 - 23:58 - 13:20 (13:22)
SEG3 - 19:20 - 09:28 (14:08)
SEG4 - 15:28 - 00:37 (09:09)
SEG5 - 06:37 - 11:12 (04:35)
SEG6 - 17:12 - 22:41 (05:29)
SEG7 - 04:41 - 14:09 (09:28)
Waiting hurts my soul...
Of course, feel free to keep posting vids of your progress if you like to share it.  If nothing else, someone may come along, find them, and make a run themselves using a better recording method.
Personally, I don't mind vids with this quality. I just hope my run won't be ignored because of the vid quality, and/or because it's not on SDA (speed > vid quality). I've been wanting to speedrun this game since Dec. 2005 after watching twoton's videos but I could never keep up.
Expert Donkey Fister
dont base your run on the current ps2 run, way too many segments..

you should be aiming for something like 1:15 - 1:20 in 3-4 segments and looking at your comments it seems you have tons of mistakes in there, you really shouldnt hit any tree or miss a shortcut
The sda run is the only ps2 run I could find online. And yes, driving perfectly and always getting lucky on certain missions is obviously really easy in this game (have you tried running it?).

I'll be happy enough with this run until someone beats it.
Expert Donkey Fister
i hold the record for the pc version at ~1:13:30, unofficial though as i couldnt be bothered to submit it (yet?).

my videos are down but you could look at SCM's vids, they give you a decent base.

and im not talking about randomness, trees are always in the same places
So you haven't tried running the ps2 version then.
Expert Donkey Fister
ive played it normally, why? its the same except of the controls
If my run will be that easy to beat then I might as well give up.

Some things: the police car is unlocked after Don't Spank Ma Bitch Up? Aiming is different in the ps2 version, so can you kill Chunky Lee Chong from far away? Can you shoot the boat from the dock in Paparazzi Purge? Banshee on 3rd floor of carpark during Waka-Gashira Wipeout?
Heavy Metal Powered
you will have to do a little more running but it is fairly easy to take out Chunky before he gets to the car, look at the PS2 run videos

in Paparazzi Purge it will be possible as both the M60 and sniper has manual aim

regarding Waka Gashira you can shoot Kenji through the roof/floor (whatever you wanna call it) using a bazooka, which you pick up after completing Arms Shortage
For Chunky, I run up to him and kill him with shotgun I got from stealing a driving police car.

Does sniper rifle cause enough damage before the boat speeds away? and the aim moves around when you shoot the m60.

I didn't shoot Kenji through the floor or kill the mafia guys behind Luigi's club during Sayanara Salvatore, so I'd have to start over anyway.
Expert Donkey Fister
Quote from Crispy:
If my run will be that easy to beat then I might as well give up.

Some things: the police car is unlocked after Don't Spank Ma Bitch Up? Aiming is different in the ps2 version, so can you kill Chunky Lee Chong from far away? Can you shoot the boat from the dock in Paparazzi Purge? Banshee on 3rd floor of carpark during Waka-Gashira Wipeout?

the police car has a percentge for how likely it is locked or not, something like 60% iirc, so its all about restarting until its unlocked.

i used an ak to kill chunky lee chong, no walking required, i can post my weapon strategy later.

the banshee in the carpark is random but killing kenji trough the floor should work on ps2 too.

not sure about paparazzi purge, never tested. you wont be able to deliver enough damage by only sniping and as you said, the recoil of the m16 in first person is almost uncontrollable so the only way i can see it happening is to deal as much damage as possible with m16 then switching to sniper to finish it off.

Thanks for the help. If you think you can do a ps2 run without mistakes in less segments then go for it.
Expert Donkey Fister
oh nono im done with speedrunning the game, dont wanna disencourage you, just work a little on it and youll shave off a good amount of time Smiley
Blowing up the boat with the M16 is perfectly possible on the PS2. In fact, on the PS2 it's even possible to do it from the edge right next to Asuka's doorstep where you accept her missions. I haven't managed this on the PC yet. It's a little harder though, cause the aim shakes so much on the PS2.