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SS any% run

Verifier Responses

After many years this run is finally getting verified...

Video: The camera has an autofocus turned on. Every blank screen is going to throw the camera's focus off. 5:41 to 5:51 is an example of how bad this camera's autofocus is.

Audio: audio seems fine, but i dont remember it being so treble heavy

Run:  well, i'm not happy with it.  The runner makes wrong turns, looks into empty rooms, tries to open wrong doors, kills enemies that he doesnt have to. This is only in the first 5 minutes. While it's hard to see, in the 8 minute area, it looked as though he walked down a hallway, just to turn back around (it's hard to see since 95% of the screen is black, plus I haven't played this since it was put on the verification list a few years ago). 

First boss fight. smart use of weapon, but he keeps running away from the boss.  it even got stuck on a corner and he kept backing away.  I believe that fight could have been faster. especially if you back up while firing.

Another spot of over 20 seconds of out of focus

Boss 2, very slow start, but the rest seemed okay.

approaching the 30 minute mark, more looking into empty rooms, but at least there is less killing of guys.

chapter 7 is pretty bad in terms of visual. I'm not exaggerating when I say more then 98% is black, there is nothing to see, other then the random door that pops up.  That buzz-saw noise is really annoying too...

the beginning of chapter 8 is funny. He kills a green worm, tries to kill the other, but its running under his feet, so he backs up to shoot it, but it's too late, so he changes his mind and starts running forward again, not killing the second worm.  couldnt have ignored both of them in the first place?

after the chapter 8 boss, he goes through a door holding the shotgun and comes out carrying the handgun. I dont think you can switch weapons while going through a door. a few doors later, he does switch weapons frequently and i can barely (because of it being out of focus) see the arm move to pull out the new weapon, so maybe it's just hard to see.

I'm 45 minutes in to the run now, but I need a break from watching it... i'll edit this more when I get back to this later, but for now, heres my final say:

Decision: reject
Reason: kills enemies that are unnecessary, looks into empty rooms, tries to open the wrong door several times, very dark visuals, and out of focus camera at times.

While I give props to the runner for being able to navigate the game without the flashlight in the time he did (you can see about a meter infront of you), there are too many mistakes. It turns out the health/ammo isnt random so I really dont get what all the looking into empty rooms is for. 1 or 2 wrong turns would be acceptable towards the end of the run but they are all over the place.

I really wanted to see this on the site but its not quite up to standard. REJECT

Audio Good, Video is so bad that I would consider rejecting based solely on that. It was very difficult to tell what was happening at some points, and I may have missed some additional areas where wrong turns were taken because of this. Everything listed below in detail is only what I was able to tell with 100% certainty. Turn auto focus off, read the KB on recording a DS game, and post a quality test in Tech Support.

Originally the runner planned this to be a low% run, but the handgun is optional. I beat the game with only shotgun (to kill Cleaver), and a melee weapon (electric buzz-saw) for when I ran run out of ammo. Honestly though, maybe it's possible to beat the game with the nightstick, but I haven't been able to kill Cleaver with it. So, for an any%, I'd suggest picking up the machine gun, sniper, and/or magnum since the extra ammo/range/damage could help with banshees and at least the wall boss.

The second Cleaver fight is optional, just run to the left, down the hall, and leave the room. You'll notice that there's is no boss HP bar and the room isn't sealed. Also, I second the unnecessary fights and losing his way as small mistakes that add up to a big loss.You can strafe around the final boss with your buzz-saw and minimize the chance to hurt you. The death at the final boss is very unfortunate, and should never be in a final run as it wasted in this case 5 minutes and 10 second on its own! You are allowed to restart the run at this point.

Detailed Mistakes (Total time lost: 18 minutes 58 seconds, these are listed in chronological order):
Chapter 1
Missed picking up the notepad the first time (1 - 2 seconds)
Unoptimzed movement (1 second)

Chapter 2
Missed picking up the gun the first time (2 seconds)
Spending extra time killing a zombie + getting ammo (8 seconds)
If the runner skips the gun, then the runner gains 38 seconds, which some of it would be spent waiting for the banshee heads before the chapter 4 to pass by. This could be worth it in an any%, and should definitely happen in a low%. (not included in the time)
Lost time killing the zombie on the roof that normally blocks the path (1 second, to run past him in a low%, you need to strafe to squeeze, sometimes it doesn't work, I'd say it's 50/50)
Lost some fractions of a second running to the health when the runner was full...

Chapter 3
Lost time killing the first zombie (3 seconds, note: this is still slower if the runner runs by and get hit since that only costs 2 seconds)
Lost time collecting unnecessary ammo (8 seconds)
Lost time looking for and killing the second zombie (5 seconds, seriously just run past and take hits if it happens, there's plenty of health just lying around at this point.)
Looking in a closet (2 seconds, the runner is not short on ammo, only down 3, and you're at full health, what're you looking for)
Lost time going the wrong way and then being hit by a zombie because of it (3 seconds)
Collecting health after 1 hit and checking an empty closet (2 seconds)
Fought 2 zombies and got disoriented because of it (13 seconds, stick to the path and run past zombie even if they hit you)
Went the wrong way after going through the door. You should have this route memorized (3 seconds)
Looking at health pickup and realizing you're at full health... twice back to back (4 seconds)
You shouldn't be fighting random enemies, so you shouldn't need to pick up ammo (5 seconds)
Messed up the melody at the piano first time (1 second)
Pause to kill the first crawler (1 second)
Going the right way, turn around to go the wrong way, then turn back to the right way (3 seconds)
Checking empty closet (1 second)
Now that is the point you should be filling up on ammo and health, but you can still be lucky and be full on both, so I'll meet you in the middle (4 seconds)
Losing your way again twice (2 seconds)
Stop to kill crawlers instead of running through them, and still getting hit (6 seconds)
Killing zombies, picking up health when only hurt once, looking in empty closets, going for health even though you're at full (6 seconds)
Killing the zombie before the banshee room instead of taking the hit and running past (1 second)
Stopping to wait for the banshees instead of running up to meet them (14 seconds)
Stopping once again to shoot at a banshee (4 seconds)
Overall estimated loss for unoptimized pathing (3 seconds)

Chapter 4
Collecting ammo to be full (4 seconds, I understand some since you were depleted, but you shouldn't need to shoot anything until the Cleaver)
Checking random closets, going to a locked door, fighting a zombie (4 seconds)
Get yourself cornered by zombies because you went after a health pickup (5 seconds)
Somehow lose your orientation and go the wrong way, also try to get ammo that is already full (7 seconds)
Checking random closets (2 seconds)
Running away and hiding too much from cleaver (4 seconds)
You also missed a weak point shot, but it didn't cost any time.
Missed elevator button first time (1 second)
Overall estimated loss for unoptimized pathing (3 seconds)
This chapter was one of the worst for losing camera focus.

Chapter 5
Short chapter no comments

Chapter 6
About to enter the buzzsaw room you veer to explore the other direction, which is a dead end (5 seconds)
Stuck on a wall, stuck getting the gold key (1 second)
Going the wrong way (1 second)
You waste a lot of time to collect ammo when all you should be worried about at that point is health maybe. There's a room with health and plenty of ammo right before the wheelchair guy. (35 seconds, actually 45, but allowing for 10 seconds to use the room before wheelchair guy to refill)
From the bronze key on it's hard to see, but I'm pretty sure you lost your way a bit (1 second)
Wheelchair overall was the strategy I would have suggested, run up and shoot him in the head with the shotgun; however, the execution was sadly lacking. 2 completely missed shots, a few non-weak point shots and not keeping up with him caused a potentially large time loss (20 seconds)
Poor movement finding the Silver key and getting health (2 seconds)
Going into a side room to pick up shotgun ammo (10 seconds)
You pass the bathroom entrance to get the buzzsaw, realize the mistake and turn around (20 seconds)
Trouble getting to the buzzsaw box (2 seconds)
Getting lost after the health pickup (3 seconds)
More random ammo pick ups that go on for far too long and require entering rooms (12 seconds), you have the buzzsaw now, you shouldn't need to worry about ammo at all
Killing zombies and looking in closets as you make your way back (4 seconds)
Losing your way more (3 seconds)
Overall unoptimized movement (3 seconds)

Chapter 7
Got lost after killing a zombie in the storage room (3 seconds)
Went the wrong way for a second in the next room (2 second)
Go completely the wrong way and have to back track (40 seconds, should of gone right, but went straight instead during 31:10 - 31:50 in the video)
Wasted time looking down side passages in the room with multiple crawlers (1 second, this point could be more; I can't remember if the other door out of the machine gun room works, but I think it does. If I'm right, that's about 5 seconds)
Lose your way to go to the wrong door, which is locked (6 seconds)
Getting extra health by having to go through a door (3 seconds)

Chapter 8
Missed a shot on a green crawler (2 seconds)
The next few rooms have so many mistakes that I had to time this myself.
Room 1 is the first green crawler room after the record player.
Room 2 is the room after that.
Room 3 is the room to the left of room 2 as you enter.
Room 4 is at the very end of room 2.
You should never enter room 4. Watch the video as you exit, you'll notice that you went in a long loop, but the quickest way is to go through and go back through room 2. The run in and out should be about 40 seconds. There are 2 closets in room 2, one with 3 bottles of health, and the other with shotgun ammo. You shoul use these pickups if you need them. Given 5 seconds for each pickup, 50 seconds is ideal. Use this route next time (60 seconds; watch 34:10 - 36:00)
Lost track of which boss mount you needed to kill off (10 seconds)
Turned around for after picking up health (5 seconds)
Went down the wrong corridor, needed to kill a zombie (10 seconds)
Tried to open a locked door (3 seconds)
Takes time to kill zombies blocking you (5 seconds, should have used the buzzsaw from the start)
What should be a quick run for the door ends up getting you lost while I supposed you're searching for health (20 seconds; I estimate the run across should take 12 seconds, watch 39:55 - 40:28)
Paused to kill a banshee and check a locked door (6 seconds)

Chapter 9
Checking empty beds and closets (3 seconds)
Might as well of made a ring around the room (7 seconds)
More empty rooms and hallways to check (2 seconds)
Check to see which ways not to go once again (5 seconds)
Went the wrong way to check a locked door and stopping to kill zombies (11 seconds)
Missed the electrical box the first time (1 second)
Checking the wrong way again (4 seconds)
Trying to pick up ammo you can't get (4 seconds)
Checking another locked door (6 seconds)

Chapter 10
Check a locked door (4 seconds)
After killing the banshee you pause for second (1 second)
Stop to try to kill some green crawlers (2 seconds)
Going around the table is longer than cutting to the left immediately (1 second)
Random closets (2 seconds)
Looking in random closets and not getting immediately into the elevator (9 seconds)

Chapter 11
Shortest chapter, nothing too bad

Chapter 12
Not sure if you knew this, but the second Cleaver battle here is not a boss battle. Note the lack of a Boss HP bar. This instance of the Cleaver can be skipped, you don't need to kill him to leave this room. Then you do a full lap around the room. ( 60 seconds; what should be 15 seconds to the exit turns into this: watch from 48:35 - 49:55)
Almost miss the health pickup (1 second)
The banshee rooms are done well, except for the second to last one where you take a hit and then stop (2 seconds)
The last room banshee room is the worst where you questionably wait for the head and don't charge at it to kill it (3 seconds)
Then you wait for the last one to charge you as you walk slowly backwards to the end of the hall, which is unfortunately the wrong way to go (25 seconds, in my experience, the banshee heads are always in the same location and go in a set direction upon entering a room)

Chapter 13
More closets and now counter areas for fun (7 seconds)
Going the wrong way for more (15 seconds)
Get stuck on a bed (1 second)
Take the long way around the table (1 second)
Go the wrong way (4 seconds)
Check empty closets (1 second)
Backtrack for health (25 seconds, there has got to be a more convenient pickup)
Going for the locked door (3 seconds)

Chapter 14
Collecting pickups was sporadic (6 seconds)
Another sloppy Wheelchair fight, see previous comments on him (25 seconds)
Look in random closets, stare at the correct door, check the locked door, go back to the open one. (7 seconds)
Make sure the closets are empty (1 second)
Check a closet with health at full health, and make sure a door is locked (6 seconds)
Take a second after killing the banshee to refer to notes (1 second)
Kill a zombie for good measure, and no reason (3 seconds)
Take the long way around the room and check a locked door (5 seconds)
Check an empty closet (1 second)
Kill another random out of the way zombie minding his own business and wonder where the door went, oh there it is... (12 seconds) Oh wait, that was the wrong door, let's go back now and kill that random zombie again... now where's the door? Oh, there it... wait I did that before let's try the correct door this time (30 seconds)
Dead stop to fight the banshees instead of pushing through them (8 seconds)
Check the locked door (4 seconds)

Chapter 15
Stand completely still and consider starting over, but press on (3 seconds)
Take a wrong turn (3 seconds)
Take a longer wrong turn (6 seconds)
Bang on the door with the buzzsaw (1 second)
Check empty closets (3 seconds)
Must feed compulsion to check empty closets... (3 seconds)
In the room with two zombies, you look a little lost and check empty closets (3 seconds)

Chapter 16
There's a death, so everything from 1:07:38 to 1:12:47 I considered one huge loss of time and won't mention individual time lost. (310 seconds)
I understand the hestitation at the 2 banshees, but the dead stop to wait for them isn't necessary if you practice to bounce the buzzsaw between the two (8 seconds, hug the right side and it should be easier)
If you choose to run through the other rooms you'd save about 10 seconds.
You can hug the inside wall in the room with the green crawlers without killing any (1 second)
I didn't have any times written down to compare your boss fight to, so I did a quick run through the final chapter and finished him off in 1:15 using the strategy of strafing around him and pointing the buzzsaw at his face. He actually caught a lucky shot by grabbing me once, which usually doesn't happen, so it could have been maybe 5 seconds faster. Compared to your strategy this seems overall safer and faster (35 seconds)

Final time: approx. 1:17:05 (note: the runner shows a file time of 1:07 which doesn't include the time spent in the final level and isn't second accurate.)
New Goal 1:03 (I'd like to see no more than 5 minutes of mistakes in a final run)
Decision: Reject

I hope you'll take all these comments to heart and try again, as I've spent a good amount of time digging into it to show you what to look out for in your future runs. I appreciate the time it must have taken you to get this far, but I know it can be done quite a bit better and you have not fully committed this game to memory.

Okay, I went in with the idea of watching it through entirely and making notes by each chapter, but I didn't really get far. I hate to say it, but it's really not good enough. I'd put it down as a reject for video quality alone, but the gameplay isn't even up to scratch either. So much time is wasted going into rooms and closets that don't have any necessary pickups (or even any at all), more time is wasted with mistakes on the puzzles, delays in picking up items, fighting (or trying to fight) out-of0the-way enemies, and taking the wrong turn down some corridors.

The best part for me was the fights against Wheelchair - a much better strategy than I ever used, but the runner seems to change his mind during the fights and choose to hide when he had the upper hand. That being said, the fights against Cleaver and the final boss aggravated me to no end. I don't see why the runner opted to run away rather than to strafe sideways/backwards and keep firing. And even though the runner knew to shoot the final boss's hands during the telekinetic attack, he doesn't do so at the start, and chooses a ineffective way to do it when he does.

I apologise for not watching the entire run, but it's genuinely difficult to watch. For more than one reason.


Decision: Reject

Reason: This run is just too sloppy

This run will be available for a month. PM me for a link.
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